(Washington, DC). 1937-01-12

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(Washington, DC). 1937-01-12 HOUSES FURNISHED. Secret 48. Norman Marsh OFFICES FOR RENT. DAN DUNN Operative By DOCTOR’8 OFFICE IN LARGE. NEW. HOME, BPRINO VALLEY—ATTRACTIVE downtown apartment building. Contain! room and 3 bed rooms. 2 baths: matd's waiting room, large room. bath. heat; operating bath; 2-car garage; automatic $200 'EACH TAKE ONE— IS WORKING I I ©TILL PROM Excellent location. See Mr. Hlsle. N 1119 rrtMflABH.. ^EANtImeT'wOlF UNCONSCIOUS THE per month. W. C. 4c A. MILLER. and K. CAFRITZ. Dlst. 9080. _14th _ I7th at. n.w. District HURRY. MAKE SURE THEV OESPERATELV UPON THE ROPES POISONOUS SMOKE, DAN LIES 4464._ fOniWOM PRIVATE ROOM IN LAW OFFICE; SHARE OP UN- kav CHEVY CHASE. D. C —HOME PISTOLS/ WE nU5T are loaded and which hold helpless/ upon the ploor. onlv a few reception room; suitable lawyer, broker, usual charm; large living room (fireplace*. etc. Low •• I WORK--WE FEET rent. 1.310 F st. n.w. MR. 3 bed rooms, screened porch: Persian ruga, HAVE PISTOLS WILL DISTANT--• AND BANKOW KINO. National 1548. 14* linen, silver, automatic heat: adults (ref- WILL »ETURN TO HURRV. WOLF •• I'M AND ereflces*■ .'1933 Livingston st. 14* J7f WILL KILL THE DOG WlS VILLAINOUS CREW ONE BLOCK NORTH OF CHEVY CHASE manT.// THE SECRET SURE THAT THtV'LL RUSH TO THE ATTACK * FOR AND THAI .. SALE. Club 63(15 ave Ch. Ch.. Md.—Six _LOTS Maple BE BACK WERE |N- CHOICE HOME rooms, bath, electricity, refrigeration: nice- SITES. S300 to S500 PER * lot; sewer, water, ly furnished: $100 per month. C. w. A FEW MINUTES elec., good streets; bullt- 1024 Vermont ave. Metro- min. to downtown. Phone 6IMPSON CO.. OWNER. Dlst. 2572. politani_5700.___ N W 1857 NEWTON ST.—6 -SEMI-DETACHED, NEAR OOVERN- MT. PLEASANT. ment park; Jl.iHio rooms, bath, comfortable beds; new elec, each. Will take back part as second trust range with clock. Frigldaire. gas heat. DALLAS GRADY & SON garage; $90. Call Potomac 2109._ ,, 1104 Vermont 9179. 3717 KANSAS AVE. N.W. Ave,_District turn.. CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. DC Convenient location: attractively Handsome oil burner. garage: nistoff building lot. fronting on the A rooms attic, Circle and 3 5th and Spring rd Call MR. FISCHER. Western ave. An opportunity to secure this Met. 0045 or Col. 2704-J.__ valuable site at an attrac- TWO tive price. CH. CH.. MD.—FOUR BED ROOMS. w- H six WALKER. baths, brick house; two-car garage: _734 15th 8t. 1680. Wisconsin N.W._National months or longer. .IMP._ HOME SITES IN BUCKNELL FURNISHED. SIX COURTS! NINE ROOMS! FULLY bordering Mt Vernon Boulevard, overlook- if desired. Phone after months or longer ing Potomac from S500 Can arrange lor 6 p.m.. Emerson 1504.___ finances to build home. Address Box 22-S GOOD N.W. SECTION. 422 HAMILTON— Star office._ Well-furn. modern home; auto, heat: RANDLE owner retaining sleeping room. Georgia _ HIGHLANDS—$1.250. Restricted white community, detached 4120.___ bus — and school; on grade. 207 1st ST. N.E. SEMI DETACHED 48x1005E,ea,;«„near See with view Mr. Stebblns, evening phone. brick, lacing Senate Office Bldg Lincoln 8042 -J of the close to Supreme Court and Capitol, ADELBERT W. LEE. Library; t> rooms. 2 baths. _ Congressional 1343 H St. 4600. glassed sleepinp porch, solarium: h.-w.h.: N.W._District Frigldaire; attractively furnished: will BROOKLAND. D. C FRONTING 123 FEET lease for 1 year or longer. Inspection In- on l^rge public park and adjoining Monas- vited. L T ORAVATTE. 729 loth St. tery grounds. This lot is one of the most n w National (*753._ at the Breakfast Table. BUD FISHER attractive home sites in this section, having MUTT AND JEFF. Levity -By beautiful natural landscaping and entirely exclusive. Priced very low for quick sale. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. W. H. WALKER. 16 th STREET HEIGHTS—OVERLOOKING _734 15th St. N.W, National 1680. detached brick 4 large bed rooms. .1 park: MOST baths, lavatory, sun deck, porch, recrea- DESIRABLE SITE tion room. 2-car garage, oil heat. Only IN BEST PART Si 40. THE FEDERAL-AMERICAN CO. OF EDGEMOOR 1421* Eye st. n.w. National 8032._ 88 feet front with trees; all improve- FOR'RENT—TWO 8-ROOM HOUSES. ONE ments. PRICK 82.050 In Petworth. one in Chevy Chase. For ./ F ELIOT MIDDLETON, lull Information call West 2044._ _205\Investment Bldg Met. 2827. EXCLUSIVE VA SUBURB. CLOSE TO ^BUILDERS ATTENTION. Washington: modern: 2 baths, fireplace: -CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. SSI* unfurn- $90 partly turn. Walnut 7964. No, 1—Md Woodland 8ection of Greenwich Forest. COMPLETE HOME, MODERN 10-ROOM Number of choice lots at with grounds. D. C. Inquire of OWNER. ¥1.000 each. These are a 6925 Blair Georgia 1855. 12* outstanding values number rd:_Phone of these lots are sold for less than 10c VACANT FEB 1. 1937. 3223 WARDER ST. per sq. ft. n.w. Colonial home of 6 rms. and b ami., No. 2—Md. 70x150 Ft. garage $60. FLOYD E DAVIS CO.. 733 English Village lots facing Wilson lane 12th st. nw.. National 0352._ and Malden lane Just off Rodner rd. 4013 29th ST N E — SM ALL FIVE-ROOM Paved street, water and sewer, average frame house- bath: gas. electricity, water: price. 81.250 each. Electrolux refrigerator on lot 50x150; 50x77 Ft. No 3—N W. ¥1.000 Ea. 53750_Columbia 9135._ On Burlington st. between 44th and BUNGALOW NEAR TORT MYER. 40ih sts.. Chesapeake and Brandywine. 5 r. and b. h.-w.h.. elec, refrigeration, ftOx95 Ft. torches and garage, large yard. No 1—NE ?l,ooo Ea. BRODIE A COLBERT. INC.. Joins 2208 Douglas st.. and 2601 22nd National 8875. 1707 Eye St. N.W, st includes paved sidewalk, street, water, 4400 P ST. N.W.—NEW HOME. ALL MOD- sewer and alley ern: exclusive neighborhood; 2 baths, rec- 4-Family reation room Adams 1321. No. 5—43 E _ Building Sites. MT. PLEASANT. 1702 LAMONT—ELEVEN Vicinity 16th and Q sts. overlooking Anacostla rooms, two baths; third floor has two High School and Government rooms, bath, kitchen; equipped for apt.; park. oil burner. Cleveland 75x120 Ft. 3078._* No 6—Md ¥2.500. BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED HOME. On west tide of Wisconsin ave,. Just Never occupied. 8 rms. *4 large bed rms.). over D. c. line; all improvements In 3 baths, library, rec. room; oil heat: 2-ear Will co-operate with responsible builder garage, house 00 feet wide. National 8951. by taking part of purchase price as 2nd IN WOODRIDGE—« ROOMS. SEMI-DE- trust behind construction loans Call Mr. tached: $57.50. For Inspection call Po- HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCHANGE. ; INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. Towbea. tomac 1404 K St. N.W CAFRITZ._Dist. 9080. 4810.__ _(Continued.)_ I $5,750—KENYON ST. N.W., NEAR GEOR- 3-RM. HOUSE NR. HOLLYWOOD. CALIF : __(Continued.)__ 39 CIRCLE N W.—0 RMS., ROOMING HOUSE. WOODRIDGE. most beautiful location: $1,000. or will : INVESTORS—SPECIAL—ATTENTION. SHERMAN $4.000—NEAR NAVY YARD; BEST ALL- gia ave. Modern, semi-detached. H-room LARGE LOT IN VICINITY OF hath 2 rear porches: 2-car garage; $70 $1,000 cash down, balance monthly, detached home lot trade on something nearer Washington. 3 modern 6-rm. and bath brick house*:, white section: Army officer transferred, brick; 2-car sarase Inst. hot water $5 050—Attractive, mo. Call fine 6 bed just off Md. ave. n e ; h.-w.h.. elec., re- 14th & sts. n.w. Suitable National 2**30._ must sacrifice 5-room 'with additioni brick $5.500—Detached brick, near 16th and buys corner. rooms. 2 baths, j 45x107; 7 rooms (4 bed rooms’, bath, Address Box 750-A. 8tar office._ Irving adjacent to Wilson conditioned throughout, rented to excellent CLOSE-IN RESTRICTED SECTION—NEW. home a.ml. gar., full cellar, no agents. Oak sts n.w.; 6 rooms, bath, h.-w.h. High School, facing j h.-w.h oil burner elec., garage. Near 7-ROOM DETACHED HOUSE LOT. 7 for stores or house. Government park Perfect condition. Va- tenants at $50 Der mo. each. First trust apartment 6 rooms. 2 haths. detached garage: $78.50 MR HUTSON. District Small cash. ! bus. stores and schools extra building lots near Bolling View. D. 5979.__ cant. See 40no fi'r 3 yrs on each. Price. $4.oor Cleveland M. MET. Chesapeake st n.w. (near or to one willing to $3,000. monthly. _ BERNSTEIN. 5400._ C For sale exchange 2385._ 1241 OWEN PL. N.E.—EXCEPTIONALLY _LEO Wls ave.i. Open daily 1 to 7 p.m. L. T. GRAVATTE, each. This return shows better thar — 13 remodel home in Md. Cleveland 6091 2nd Commercial ground, vi- CHEVY CHASE MD. 6 ROOMS well-built house in perfect condition: for IF YOU HAVE $300 CASH AND WANT TO 075.1. 35r; net. To inspect, call EARLE W for 770 15th St. N.W. REALTOR._Natl. 5 P.m. I roomy bed rooms'. 1 bath: extremely forge sale at a greatly reduced price. Very buy a detached, o-room, brick house jafter _ 1427 st. r. w of West Ave. and CHEVY CHASE, MD. # MANSON. District 9373. Eye ; cinity Virginia lot with trees: close to school and stores: easy terms, less than rent. See this over $5 750 and pay $55 per month, see MR. 70 CONCRETE GARAGES. Your w _1 New York Ave. N.E. Less than rental. $77 50. Call J. WESLEY BU- the week end. Open for Inspection daily.
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