Notes on the Unique Methods of Nidification of the Australian Mallee

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Notes on the Unique Methods of Nidification of the Australian Mallee 169 REFERENCES Ashby, E.(1929) Notes on the unique methods of nidification of the Australian mallee-fowl. Auk 47:294-305. Beadle, N.C.W.(1948) The Vegetation and Pastures of Western New South Wales. Government Printer, Sydney. Bellchambers, T.P. Notes on the Mallee Fowl Leipoa (1916) ocellata rosinae. SA Ornithol. 2:134-140. Bennett, K.H.(1883) On the habits of the mallee hen. Proc. Linn. Soc. 8:193-197. Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. and Reilly, P.(1984) The Atlas of Australian Birds, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. Bolton, B.L. and Latz, P.K.(1978) The western hare-wallaby, Lagorchestes hirsutus Gould (Macropodiidae) in the Tanami desert. Aust. Wildl. Res. 5:285-293. Booth, D.T.(1985) Ecophysiology of Malleefowl. PhD Thesis, University of Adelaide. Booth, D.T.(1986) Crop and gizzard contents of two Malleefowl. Emu 86:51-53. Booth, D.T.(1987) Home range and hatching success of Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata Gould (Megapodiidae) in Murray mallee near Renmark, SA. Aust. Wildl. Res. 14:95-104. Booth, D.T. and Seymour, R.S.(1984) Effect of adding water to Malleefowl mounds during a drought. Emu 84:116-118. Brickhill, J.G. Malleefowl. In Haig, C (ed) Parks (1980) and Wildlife: Endangered Animals in N.S.W. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney. Campbell, A.J.(1884) Mallee hens and their egg mounds. Vic. Nat. 1:124-129. Caughley, G.(1977) Analysis of Vertebrate Populations. 170 Wiley. London. Chandler, L.G.(1913) Bird-life of Kow plains (Victoria). Emu 13:33-35. Chandler, L.G.(1934) Notes on the Mallee-fowl. Vic. Nat. 50:199-201. Cleland, J.B.(1952) The dispersal of plants by birds. SA Ornithol. 20:72-77. Cullenward, G.B. Fire Management Plan. Mallee (1987) Bushf ire Prevention Scheme. Cobar. Frith, H.J.(1956) Temperature regulation in the nesting mounds of the Mallee Fowl (Leipoa ocellata) Gould. CSIRO Wildl. Res. 1:79-95. Frith, H.J.(1957) Experiments on the control of temperature in the mound of the Mallee Fowl (Megapodiidae) CSIRO Wildl. Res. 2:101-110. Frith, H.J.(1959) Breeding of the Mallee Fowl Leipoa ocellata Gould (Megapodiidae) CSIRO Wildl. Res. 4:31-60. Frith, H.J.(1962a) Conservation of the Mallee-Fowl. CSIRO Wildl. Res. 7:33-49. Frith, H.J.(1962b) The Mallee Fowl. Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Frith, H.J.(1982) Pidgeons and doves of Australia. Rigby, Adelaide. Griffiths, F.J. Survey of the Lowan or Malleefowl (1954) in New South Wales. Emu 54:186-189. Hayden, E. (1971) Vegetation groupings in map Natural Resources of NSW, Vegetation. Department of Decentralisation and Development, N.S.W. Sydney. Hodgkinson, K.C., Management of Vegetation with fire Harrington, G.N., in Harrington, G.N. et. al. (eds) Griffin, G.F., Management of Australias Rangelands. Noble, J.C. and CSIRO, Melbourne. Young, M.D.(1984). 171 Jones, J.(1963) The Mallee Fowl mound count. Bird Observer 374:3-4, 375:5-7. Lea, A.M. and Gray, J.T.(1935) The food of Australian birds. An analysis of the stomach contents. Emu 34:275-292. Magnusson, W.E., Caughley, G.J. and Grigg, G.C.(1978) A double-survey estimate of population size from incomplete counts. J. Wildl. Manage. 42(1):174-176. Noble, J.C.(1984) Mallee in Harrington, G.N. et. al. (eds) Management of Australias Rangelands. CSIRO, Melbourne. Olsen, S.L.(1980) The significance of the distribution of the Megapodiidae. Emu 80:21-24. Pizzey, G.(1980) A field guide to the birds of Australia. Collins, Sydney. Ross, J.A.(1919) Six months record of a pair of mallee-fowls. Emu 18:285-288. Seymour, R.S. and Ackerman, R.A.(1980) Adaptations to underground nesting in birds and reptiles. Amer. Zool. 20:437-447. Slatyer, R.0.(1974) Ecological reserves:size, structure and management. In Fenner, F.(ed) A national system of ecological reserves in Australia. Proceedings of a symposium in Canberra, 1974. Australian Academy of Science Report No. 19, Canberra. 172 APPENDIX 3.1 Current records of Malleefowl (1975 - 1986) by grid cell (10 latitude x 10 longtitude) with locality, observer or source and date of observation. (See below for abbreviations) Cell centre Locality/Property Observer Date 30 35 149 05 Pilliga SF John Ecroyd 1975 59 Wellington St Baradine 30 45 149 15 Pilliga SF FOC record 8.06.75 (Burmah Rd) 30 45 149 45 Pilliga NR FOC record 30.12.77 30 55 149 25 Pilliga NR FOC (AK Morris) 10.01.77 (No. 1 Firebreak) RAOU (AK Morris) 30 55 149 55 Keringle RAOU (AK Morris) 2.78 31 05 146 15 Windera M Williams, NPWS 1981 31 15 146 05 Kergunyah BC Keane 1981 Kergunyah, Cobar 31 15 148 55 Warrumbungles NP AK Morris, NPWS 1982 31 35 146 15 Restdown JF Polack 1975-81 Restdown, Cambelego 31 45 148 55 Boorandah Trig. RAOU 1978-81 (ND Anderson) 31 55 146 05 Linera WP Snelson 7.10.82 Linera, Cobar 31 55 146 15 Rosevale Neil Elder 1 981 -82 31 55 148 55 15km E Old RAOU 7.81 Harbour Lagoon (AW Bischoft) 31 55 148 55 Goonoo SF Terry Korn, Dubbo 1981-86 31 55 149 05 Goonoo SF HJ Frith 11.01.82 Skyline Rd, Goonellabah FOC records (4) 1976-80 32 05 144 55 Kulwin EC King 1975-80 Kulwin, Ivanhoe 173 32 05 146 05 Yarroma WJ Dillon 1975-80 Milford St, Nymagee 32 05 146 15 Cobar-Shuttleton Victor Pertzel 1978 Road Hill Plain, Nymagee 32 05 148 45 Goonoo SF FOC records 9.77 No 2 Bore Goonoo SF Terry Korn 1981-86 32 05 148 55 Goonoo SF David M Johnston 25.01.82 Lachlan St, Baradine WG Sweeting 1983 Merryvale, Bugaldie AK Morris 1980 32 15 150 05 Goulburn River NP Frank Povah, John 8.86 Knight. Wollar 32 25 144 45 Berangabah Trevor Turner 1975-82 Berangabah, Ivanhoe 32 25 145 15 West of Karwarn RAOU (NW Schrader) 9.81 32 25 147 25 Kaludah AV Jarvis 1975-80 Kaludah, Albert 32 25 147 55 Warramunga Andrew Rathbone 1975-80 Warramunga, Peak Hill 32 35 145 25 Wynwood Cliff Wright 1975 Wynwood,Mt Hope 32 35 145 25 Yathong NR John Warren, NPWS 11.83 32 35 145 35 Yathong NR RAOU (R Moffatt) 1.81 32 35 146 25 Black Range/ Mrs G. Berry 1975-80 The Pinnacle Wilkerboon, Mt Hope 32 35 147 15 Wilmatha SF T Korn, Dubbo 11.84 32 35 147 25 Emuralley Cyril Ryan 1975-80 Emuralley, Tullamore Werona/Currawong MH Colville 1975-82 Werona, Tullamore 32 35 147 25 roadsides Mrs PR Bolam 1975-81 Nevada, Tullamore 174 RJ Edwards 1975-80 Lagonda, Tullamore 32 45 141 05 Kimberley HC Bright 1975-80 Kimberley, Broken Hill 32 45 141 35 South Ita RJ Withers 1975-77 South Ita, Broken Hill 32 45 145 15 Coombie RAOU (J Houghton) 8.81 32 45 145 25 Yathong NR Andrew Slee, CSIRO 1.09.82 Plant Industry 32 45 145 55 Bundure D Buchanan 1982 Bundure, Mt Hope 32 45 146 15 Illawong LH Rudolf 1975-80 Norholm, Euabalong 32 45 146 45 Tollingo J Brickhill, NPWS 1978 32 45 148 15 Hervey ranges SL Gallagher 1975-80 Little Acres, Trewilga 32 55 141 15 Nagaella Geoff Rodda 1975-81 Nagaella, Wentworth 32 55 141 35 Woolcunda RA Seekamp 1975-81 Woolcunda, Broken Hill 32 55 145 55 Yara G Pendlebury 1981 Yara, Mt Hope 33 05 141 05 Lochlily MD French 1975-81 Lochlily, Burra, SA 33 05 145 55 Gunagie Joe Brettschneider 1975-80 Roto 33 05 146 15 Round Hill NR FOC (R Moffatt) 1975-76 FOC (N Schrader) 24.09.77 RAOU (N Hermes) 1978-79 J Brickhill, NPWS 1980-84 33 05 146 35 Alawa NK Mills 1975-80 Alawa Condobolin Moulmain GR Norris 1975-80 Fairview, Burgooney 33 05 146 45 Advene IH Fair 1975-80 Advene, Tullibigeal 175 33 15 141 05 Ennisvale RC Bornholm 1975-81 Ennisvale, Wentworth 33 15 141 35 Springwood RAOU (M Withers) 1977 33 15 145 45 Lysmoyle DN Costello 1975 Lysmoyle, Hillston 33 15 145 55 Merri Merrigal John Costello 1976 Stobhall, Hillston 33 15 146 35 Currebah Kevin Skipworth 1975-81 Currebah, Lake Cargelligo Ooyenwai WJ Gleeson 1975-81 RMB 17 Burgooney roadsides AW Tyack, Tullibigeal 1983 33 25 141 05 Tarawi. John Martin 1975-81 Tarawi, Wentworth 33 25 143 25 Mandleman RAOU (P Maher) 11.01.80 33 25 146 25 Bellview Brian Brooks 1975-80 Box 26 Lake Cargelligo roadside Colin Bell 11.84 Police Stn, Tullibigeal 33 25 146 35 Burgooney RAOU (J Watt) 4.77 33 35 141 55 Garston TE Cullinan 1975-81 Waukeroo, Wentworth 33 35 143 55 Til Til Mrs RM Connell 1974-75 Til Til, Balranald 33 35 145 45 Mallee Downs FJ Parker 1 981 -82 Mallee Downs, Hillston Dun Doon FS Burgess 1975-80 Dundoon, Hillston Loughnan NR Paul Pickford, 3.82 Hillston Inverness K McMaster 1975-80 Inverness, Hillston 33 35 145 55 Onedin Ian Erskine 1975-81 Onedin, Merriwagga 33 35 146 25 Anderloose HL Wilson 5.82 Anderloose, Naradhan 33 35 146 35 Gubbata P Lord 1975-81 Kilbrogan, Gubbata 33 45 141 45 Watara SJ Watts 1 981 Watara 176 Quambi RAOU (H Holland) 1977-78 33 45 141 55 1975-80 McKinley, Merriwagga 33 45 145 45 Stackpoole SF GW Pfitzner 3.1982 Caromar, Goolgowi 33 45 146 15 Jimberoo SF Bob Chalmers 10.82 Forestry Commission Taronga SW Trembath 1975-82 Taronga, Naradhan 33 45 146 45 Mulyan Cyril Kalms 1975-84 Mulyan, Weethalle roadside HG Loydon 1 981 -82 Roseneath, Weethalle 33 55 142 25 Wamberra E Byrnes 1975-80 Wamberra, Mildura Wamberra W Dornbusch, NPWS 31.03.86 33 55 142 45 Petro JM Doyle 1975-80 Petro, Mildura 33 55 145 55 Stackpoole SF J Rose 9.81 Carlisle, Hillston Darryl Thacker 6.84 Middleton Ave, Griffith 33 55 146 05 Acres Douglas Heath 1981 Acres, Yenda Pulletop NR RAOU (Many observers) 1977-80 FOC records 1979 NPWS 1975-86 Woronora Maurice Pfitzner 1975 Woronora, Rankin Springs 33 55 146 25 Mining Reserve Bill Schmetzer 1975-80 (Taleeban) Wattle Vale, Erigolia 33 55 146 45 Woodlands SR Wood 1975-80 Woodlands, Yalgogrin J Brickhill, NPWS 1982-86 33 55 147 05 Blue Malle SF RAOU (RJ Turner) 8.12.77 roadsides 10km GE Deel 1975-80 W of West Wyalong Glendale, Tallimba AV Koop 1981 Winnora, Girral Richard Kitto 1975-81 East Yalgogrin, Tallimba Tallimbalong Geoff Davis 1975-81 Tallimbalong, West Wyalong 177
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