

Equations (8), (9), (1 O), and. ( 12) are the desired design equations for digital spectrum analysis using the lo-sinh win- dow. To design a window for prescribed values of R and Af requires simply the computation of from (IO), the subse- quent computation of N using (9), and finally, the computa- Fig 1. System for decorrelating quantization errors in a uniform tion of w(n) using the subroutine [3] for lo [ 1. With these quantizer using pseudorandom . equations It is no more difficult to use this window fox spec- trum analysis than to use one of the multitude of other win- dows that are commonly used [ 61. The Io-sinh window, how- nique for seducing the effect of quantization noise in PCM ever, is much more flexible than almost all the other windows; speech coding. As described in Section 11, the procedure con- and, using (1 2) and the other equations given here, it is con- sists of using noise to ensure that the quantization er- venient to explore the tradeoffs between record length, spectral rors can be modeled as additive signal-independent noise, and then reducing this noise through the use of any of a variety resolution, and leakage in digital~ spectrum analysis. of systems. The procedure is illustrated in REFERENCES Section 111. D. Slepian, H. 0.Pollak, and H. J, Landau, “Prolate spheroidal 11, PROCEDURE FOR QUANTIZATION NOISE REDUCTION wave functions, Fourier analysis, and uncertainty-X,” Bell @st. Tech. J., vol. 40, pp. 43-63, Jan. 1961. For linear quantization, in which the step sizes are fixed and J* F. Kaiser, “Digital Filters,” System A nal’sis by Di@td Com- equal, if the input signal fluctuates sufficiently and if the puter, E‘. F, Kuo and J. F. Kaiser, Eds. New York: Wiley, 1966, quantization step size is small enough, the quantization error pp. 218-285. can be modeled.as additive uniformly- distributed - 3 ‘Wonrecursive digital filter design using the Io-sinh window that is statistically uncorrelated with the signal [ 31. ‘When the function,” in Proc. 1974 IEEE Inf. Symp. Circuits Syst., Apr. step size becomes sufficiently large, the quantization error be- 1974, pp. 20-23. comes signal dependent. For such cases, however, it is well A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Digital sigPzal Processing. known [ 4 1 -[ 61 that through the use of “dither” noise, as il- Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975, pp. 242-247, lustrated in Fig. l, the quantization error can be replaced by Hamming, Digital Filters. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice- R, W. NJ: white noise which is uniformly distributed and statistically Hall, 1977, pp. 149-159. in- F. J. Harris, “On the use of windows for harmonic andysis with dependent of the signal, In this system, z(n) is a pseudo- the discrete Fourier transform,” hoc, IEEE, vola 66, pp. 51-83, random uniformly-distributed white-noise sequence, with the Jan. 1978. probability density function I A A P,(,>(z) = for - -


Pig. 2. System for decorrelating quantization enors in a nonuniform fixed-level quantizer using pseudorandom noise.

Fig. 3. A system for the reduction of quantization noise in PCM speech coding with a nonuniform fixed-level qua-ntizer,




(a Fig. 4. (a) A segment of voiced speech. (b) Speech waveform of Fig, 4(a) coded by a PCM system with a 2-bit uniform quantizer. (c) Result of using pseudorandom noise for the speech waveform of Fig. 4(a) in a PCM system with a 2-bit uniform quantizer. (d) Result of the application of a noise seduction system to the waveform sf Fig. 4(c). as the response of an all-pole system excited by white Gaussian of quantization is quite visible in the staircase shape of the noise. With this model sf speech, the all pole parameters are waveform. In Fig. 4(c) is shown the result of adding and then estimated by maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation proce- subtracting dither noise in a PCM system with a 2-bit uniform cedure from the noisy speech. This involves solving sets of quantizer. In Fig. 4(d) is shown the result obtained by apply- linear equations in an iterative manner. The estimated all-pole ing the RLMAP speech enhancement system to the wavehrm parameters are then used to design a filter that filters the in Fig. 4(c). noisy speech to reduce additive noise. Further details on the Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the procedure as carried out on the RLMAP speech enhancement system- can be found in [SI, sentence “line up at the screen door” spoken by a male E 101 speaker. In Fig. 5(a) is S~QW~the spectrogram of the original In Fig 4(a) is shown a segment of noise-free voiced speech. sentence. Fig. 5(b), (c), and (dl correspond to spectrograms In Fig. 4(b) is S~QWIIthe speech waveform of Fig. 4(a) coded of the speech in Fig. 5(a) based on PCM coding, PCM coding by a PCM system with a 2-bit uniform quantizer. The effect with addition and subtraction of dither noise, and PCM coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND ., VOL. ASSP-28, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 1980 109

t f


t t


Fig. 6. (a) Spectrogram of speech in Fig. S(a) coded by a PCM system with a 4-bit uniform quantizer. (b) Spectrogram of speech in Pig. 5(a) obtained by using pseudorandom noise in a PCM system with a 4-bit uniform quantizer. (c) Spectrogram of speech obtained by applying a noise reduction system to speech in Fig. 6(b).

based on a specific noise reduction system support the basic % TIME hypothesis and are very encouraging. While the basis for the procedure is associated with fixed nonuniform quantization, (dl it is speculated that it can be generalized to other quantization Fig. 5. (a) Spectrogram of an English sentence “line up at the screen schemes. such as differential auantization. Furthermore. it is

with addition and subtraction of dither noise followed by the REFERENCES RLMAP speech enhancement system, respectively, The PCM [ 11 L. R, Rabiner and R. W, Schafer, Dlgital Processing of Speech coding system used in Fig. 5 is again a 2-bit uniform quantizer. . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978. Fig. 6(a), (b), and (c) is essentially the same as Fig. S(b), (c), [2] N, S. Payant, “Digital coding of speech waveforms: PCM, DPCM, and (d), with the difference that the PCM system used is a and DM quantizers,” Pvoc. IEEE, vol. 62, pp. 61 1-632, May 4-bit uniform quantizer. It is clear from the examples that the 1974. quantization noise is noticeably reduced. [ 31 8. M,Oliver, J. R. Pierce, and C. E. Shannon, “The philosophy of The perceptual benefits, such as improvement in speech in- PCM,”RWC. IRE, Vd36, pp. 1324-1331, NOV.1948. telligibility or the quality of our proposed approach to reduce 141 L, G, Roberts, “Picture coding using pseudorandom noise,” IRE the quantization noise in PCM speech coding, can only be de- Trans, Inform neory, vsl, IT-8, pp. 145-154, Feb. 1962, [ 53 L. Schuchman, “Dither signals and their effect on quantization termined by a detailed subjective test and such a study is noise,’’ IEEE Trans. Commun. Tech. , vol, COM-12, pp. 16 2-1 65, under consideration, Based on a very informal listening with a Dec, 1964. few processed sentences using the RLMAP system, however, it 161 L. R. Rabiner and J. A. Johnson, “Perceptual evaluation of the appears that the specific system we have implemented has the effects of dither on low bit rate PCM systems,” Bell Syst. Tech. potential to improve speech quality. J., VOL 51, pp. 1487-1494, Sept. 1972. [ 71 J. S. Lim and A. V. Oppenheim, ccEnhancement- and’band- width compression of noisy speech,” to be published in hoc. graded speech,” IEEE Trans. Acmst. Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-26, 197-210, June 1978, [lo] J. S. Lim, “Enhancement and bandwidth compression of noisy speech by estimation of speech and its model parameters,” Sc.D, dissertation, Dep. Elec, Eng. and Comp. Sci., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Lexington, Aug, 1978,

An Adaptive Lattice for Recursive Filters

D. PARIKH, N. AHMED, AND S. I). STEARNS Fig. I. Implementation of H(z) in (1) using the lattice structure.

where 1.11 and are convergence constants Abstract-The purpose of thiscorrespondence is to introduce an p2 adaptive algorithm €01 recursive filters, which are implemented via a’ aY (4 aY (n ) lattice structure. The motivation for doing so is thatstability can be Gib) =: and $i(n)= achieved during the adaptation process. For convenience, the corre- avi (4 ak,(n)‘ sponding algorithm is referred to as an “adaptive lattice algorithm” for compzdtationof#i(n) and $j(n) recursive fiiters, Results pertaining to using this algorithm in a system- identification experiment are also included. It is necessary to compute the gradient terms @i(n) and I)&) in (7) via a recursive relation [3] Now, from (3) and I. DERIVATION OF ALGORITHM (4), it follows that We consider a digital filter whose transfer function is given by &(n) = Bi(4


pressed as N

i- 0 where i=l,2,-*=

. Normalized Convergence Constant In order to. maintain the same adaptive time cunstant and If d(n) denotes the desired output at time n, then the cone- misadjustment .at each stage in the lattice, the convergence sponding instantaneous MSE is constant is normalized by the power level at each stage [4] + Thus. (6)is rewritten as

Use of the method of steepest descent to minimize (9, with Ui(H + 1) = q(n)-k ame (4 @(n) respect ui(n) and k&), leads to the following equations for

where p is the convergence constant and 0;(n) and $(n) are estimates of the power at the ith stage for q(n)and ki(rz), re- spectively, and computed as follows [ 41 : Manuscript received November 11,1878; revised March 26, 1979. D, Parikh and N. Ahmed are with the Department of Electrical Engi- o;(n)=p$(n- l)+(l -p)B?(n) neering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. (9) S. D. Stearns is with Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM $7185. $(n) =p&n - 1)+ (1 -p)[Bf-l(n- l)+F?(n)]

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