Autumn term 2018 (9) School Values 16h November Forgiveness, Trust, Compassion, Perseverance, Respect & Truth.

Celtic Cross Education, Ladock School, Ladock, , , TR2 4PL Tel/Fax: 01726 882622 Email: [email protected] Website:

Students of the week St Cuby Lincoln St Keyne Issey W St Ladoca Grace St Blaise Olivia J

Children in Need Day Friday 16th November 2018 Sponsored Country Ramble during the afternoon. DON’T FORGET YOUR WELLIES & COAT!! Normal school uniform please.

Weekly Attendance for week ending 9th November 2018 - 96.46% St Cuby 98.46% St Keyne 94.83% St Ladoca 94.64% St Blaise 97.92% The Government advises that attendance should not fall below 96.1% St Cuby: Eleanor & Tolly St Keyne: Evie Palmer, Boe Blue Dibsdall & Joel Trevenna St Ladoca: Tegan & Dougal St Blaise: Lily H, Tomasz & Elliot

Super six badge: Beatrix & Aeisha

Dates for your Diary Mondays (Weds if Bank Holidays)—Piano, Tuesdays—ukulele tuition

Fri 16th Nov Children in Need Country Ramble—don’t forget your wellies!! Fri 16th Nov 3pm PTFA Mega Hot Chocolate Friday

Weds 21st Nov Bench Ball festival - Years 4, 5 & 6—1-3pm Weds 21st Nov Swimming (4) - Years 3 & 4 Fri 23rd Nov PTFA Non-School uniform day—in exchange for a bottle for the adult tombola. Weds 28th Nov Swimming (5) - Years 3 & 4 Thur 29th Nov PTFA Non-school uniform day—in exchange for a children's tombola gift Fri 30th Nov Inset Day Mon 3rd Dec Inset Day Thurs 6th Dec 3-5.30pm PTFA Christmas Fair in the Village Hall Fri 14th Dec Roseland Ultimate Christmas Dodgeball (non-elite) - Years 4, 5 & 6—1-3pm Fri 14th Dec KS1 Christmas performance in the village hall, 2pm matinee, 6pm evening Mon 17th Dec School Christmas Cinema trip to White River to see Peter Rabbit Tues 18th Dec PM Class parties—own clothes for the day. Weds 19th Dec School Christmas lunch—Please place your order on Parentpay by 3rd Dec Thurs 20th Dec 9am Eucharist Service in Church Thurs 20th Dec Last day of the Autumn term—No after school club provision today

Mon 7th Jan 1st day of Spring term 2019 2018-2019 Inset days - 30th Nov, 3rd Dec, 7th June & 25th July No stay & play in the village hall 16th January 2019, 3 & 17th June and 24th & 25th July 2019. PTFA Mega Hot Chocolate Friday!

Enjoy a delicious Hot chocolate, with all the trimmings plus biscuit. Friday Nov 16th - Serving from 3pm in the playground.

ONLY £1 with all profits going to- wards the School Christmas Cinema trip.

Ladock School Harvest For supporting TRURO foodbank with 101.8kg. Your donations make a BIG difference To local people in crisis Truro foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust’s UK wide foodbank network. Registered Charity Number: 1176281 Registered in Bishop Bronescome Football Tournament—Weds 14th Nov Well done to our football team—Aeisha, Kara, Elliot, Tommy, Seb, Dawid, Tomasz & Brandon- for representing Ladock school so well yester- day. Reports coming back from the tourna- ment were that ALL of the pupils were polite, well mannered and supportive of one another and decisions made throughout the whole tournament, this makes us very proud! 1st - BB1 2nd - St P's 2 = 3rd BB2 & St P's 1 4th - Ladock 5th - 6th - GWC After Christmas there are plans to run a Girls only Football afternoon.

Starting School—September 2019 The deadline for applications is 15th January 2019 Applications may be made via website and application form: Email: [email protected] Post: School Admissions Team, County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY Telephone: 0300 1234 101 If you need help with your application you can contact the Family Information Service on 0800 587 8191.

Caterlink—our school meal providers, have asked that Christmas lunches are booked on Parentpay by 3rd December. This will enable Anncherie, our school cook, to order her ingredients in time, main and desert please. Jackets potatoes will still be served on this day. Please note that because we have added this special menu to Parentpay, any previously booked lunches you may have made for the 19th December will no longer be showing.

You are invited to celebrate American– style Thanksgiving Messy Church at School on Friday November 23rd from 5.15pm No charge—donations welcome!!

All children must be accompanied by an adult PTFA News & Dates HELP needed please!!! – Any parents, grandparents, friends that can help at the PTFA School Christmas Fayre on 6th Dec, 1- 5.30pm, please contact Jenny Tillyer 07766 785000. Events for the winter term include: Fri 16th Nov Mega Hot Chocolate & biscuit Friday! For only a £1 donation. Fri 23rd Nov Non School uniform day – in exchange for an ‘adult’ bottle of drink for tombola prizes. Thur 29th Nov Non School uniform day – in exchange for a NEW child tombola prize. Thurs 29th Nov After school movie event 3.15-5.15pm – more information to come soon! Tues 4th Dec Wreath making evening £15 per person at 7.30pm in the Victorian Room – sign up with Jane in the office. Thurs 6th Dec School Fair – Village Hall 3.15 – 5.30pm. Wed 13th Feb Ladock’s Got Talent - Village Hall times TBC. Having a clear out before Christmas? The PTFA are now collecting any donations of toys, games, books, unwanted gifts and general bric-a-brac for the Christmas Fair. Please bring items into school where they are being collected.

PTFA Christmas cards Could you please ensure that you return any orders (with payments) you may wish to make for your child’s Christmas card before Monday 19th November , to the school office please.

Orders will be submitted by Jenny Tillyer, at which point it takes up to around 2 weeks to print and pack the cards for their return.

Ladock school has a dedicated web URL, so parents do not need to enter any usernames/ passwords to view drawings. The drawings can be viewed at : No names have been attributed to the designs, you may just want to view your child’s card and those of their classmates. 30 hours Nursery funding for Spring Term 2019

This is a reminder that parents who wish to begin claiming 30 hours funding from January 2019 must receive their code by 31st December 2018 at the very latest. HMRC recommend parents begin their application by the end of November to allow time for the claim to be processed.

In order for extended hours funding to continue in the Spring Term 2019, it is very important that you need to log in to your childcare account with HMRC and re-confirm your details as soon as pos- sible.

Codes that have a grace period end date of 31st December 2018 must be re-validated by that date, at the very latest, for extended hours to be paid in the spring term. HMRC recommend that par- ents do this by the end of November to ensure the process is completed on time.

After re-confirming your details and if found to still be eligible the end date will be extended.

Christmas Primestock show Can we please remind Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 children to bring their Primestock craft entries back to school by 1st December. Thankyou.

School Uniform reminder  Dark grey tailored shorts or trousers for boys and girls  Or dark grey skirts or pinafores for girls  White polo shirts with or without the school logo  Red sweatshirts WITH the school logo (no fleeces or hoodies)  Or red cardigans WITH the school logo for girls  Tights for girls must be red or grey  Grey or white socks must be worn with shorts/skirts/dresses  Girls may wear red and white checked summer dresses  Closed toe, black shoes must be worn (NO TRAINERS)  Round neck red t-shirt for PE WITH school logo. Uniform Ordering from Tesco 1. Go to 2. Select your school uniform from the list and you’ll see all the customised items you can buy. 3. Choose the quantity and sizes you’d like, then add them to your basket. 4. Pay easily with a debit or credit at the checkout. 5. Your embroidered items will be delivered within 14 days.