! Contemporary Art Society Annual Report 1962-63

V] Contemporary On cover: M. Mlllares: Blanco, Rojo y Negro Art Society Annual Report 1962-63



7 Chairman's Report 1963 was able to join us on this occasion. Over 1,000 Contemporary Art Society My Report deals with the Society's activities for people attended and it was the most successful Gallery the year 1962 and also with 1963 up to the evening party that we have ever given. We were Millbank present date. It has been a period of great honoured at the by an London SW1 activity. informal visit by Her Royal Highness Princess Our two buyers for 1962 were Lord Croft and Margaret and the Earl of Snowdon. Patron: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Alan Bowness. They bought over 40 works, and We are extremely indebted to John Sainsbury, Queen Mother from our funds we were able to allot them £2000 Alan Bowness, Lord Croft and Bryan Robertson Executive Committee: each. I am sure that members would be interested for acting as a sub-committee and for choosing Whitney Straight CBE MC DFC (Chairman) to know that as soon as the pictures that we have those painters who, it was felt, should be asked Anthony Lousada (Vice Chairman) bought reach our offices, they are in many cases to contribute. A total of 18,000 people visited Peter Meyer (Honorary Treasurer) almost immediately sent out on loan to colleges, the exhibition at the Tate and over 20,000 at the G. L. Conran (Honorary Secretary) exhibitions and other places, pending their Whitechapel. We sold over 9,000 of what we Sir Colin Anderson eventual allocation in the normal way. We have hope you will agree was an extremely attractive Raymond Mortimer, CBE been very much impressed this last year by the catalogue. Eardley Knollys growing interest and demand for these works. A selection from the exhibition is now in Man­ Eric Newton In many cases we receive a contribution from chester and will later go to Glasgow and Hull. Sir , CBE those to whom we loan these pictures, and this After this, due to the kindness of the British Mrs Oliver Parker helps our funds. Petroleum Company, it will visit Zurich during Dr Alistair Hunter On March 17th, 1962, members visited Lady the British Trade Fortnight. This is the first time Derek Hill Aberconway's magnificent collection in North that a CAS exhibition has been taken abroad. We Bryan Robertson, OBE Audley Street and we are most grateful to her are extremely grateful to British Petroleum for The Hon Michael Astor for allowing so many of us the privilege. On 7th their imaginative and generous sponsorship Lord Croft July, members spent a very enjoyable day in the which made this possible. Alan Bowness country. In the late morning. Lord Faringdon We have purchased £3,000 worth of pictures James Melvin very kindly took us around his house, Buscot from the Exhibition and are providing grants to Mrs Elizabeth Heygate Park, in Berkshire. Afterwards some were a total of £1,000 to assist member Galleries. John Sainsbury invited to visit Mr Peter Stucley at the Old Quite recently we held a successful evening party Pauline Vogelpoel, MBE (Organising Secretary) Parsonage nearby, and others saw William to view the Ivon Hitchens Retrospective Exhibi­ Morris's house at Kelmscot. In the afternoon The tion. Over 650 people attended. Hon Mr and Mrs Michael Astor entertained Dr Widdup, who died recently, but was for many large numbers of guests to a delicious tea at years a member of the CAS, left us his entire Bruern Abbey and here again members were able collection of over 300 pictures, also his private to see a fine collection of pictures and the house house - subject to certain conditions. This and gardens. collection, which is a most impressive one, Another most interesting collection seen on includes fine examples of the works of many of November 7th was that of our Treasurer, Mr the most important British painters. Peter Meyer, and his wife in Alexander Square. In March we held the first of our architectural Here again members very much enjoyed seeing visits when we saw the Yorke, Rosenberg and these pictures, the house, and meeting their hosts. Mardall's new building in Fetter Lane. Mr To all these hosts for their generosity many, Rosenberg kindly arranged for his own pictures many thanks. to be on view. We are grateful to the partners of this firm for having devoted a Saturday morning We held two successful evening parties during to show us around their new building. After 1962. One for the Francis Bacon exhibition and lunch at the Forum Restaurant, which was the other for the Arts Council's Kokoschka opened especially for us, we saw the Golden exhibition. Well over 700 people attended each Lane housing estate, and are grateful to Messrs party. We are delighted that members supported Chamberlin, Powell and Bon for having arranged these occasions so loyally because in doing so, with the Corporation of London for us to visit not only do they enjoy themselves, but they help this interesting development. to swell our picture-buying coffers. I am glad to say that despite the increase in fees, In October, the Organising Secretary took thirty the membership of the Society has steadily fortunate members on a memorable three-week increased - but not at anything like the rate I trip to Mexico. Whilst there, the group were would have hoped. I do ask you, therefore, to well looked after by officials of the Bellas Artes assist us in any way you can to obtain even Museum as well as by the Director General of greater support for cur work. Tourism and the British Council's representatives. We are most grateful to the Trustees of the Tate This trip proved as successful as the American Gallery and to Sir John Rothenstein for their trip and though more ambitious and expensive kind and continual hospitality, also, of course, we are happy to say that it was not run at a loss. to the Trustees of the Whitechapel Gallery and 1963 has so far been extremely active. Our buyers to Mr Bryan Robertson for providing our this year are Mrs Heygate and Mr James Melvin. exhibition with such a splendid setting. Once again we have been able to allocate them I close in paying the warmest tribute to Miss £2,000 each. Pauline Vogelpoel and her assistant, Miss By far the most important event in our recent Ballantyne, for their work during the course of history has been the organisation of a simul­ the year. Miss Vogelpoel has worked tirelessly taneous exhibition 'British Painting in the 60Y to promote the interests of the Society, and I at the Tate and Whitechapel Galleries. We held trust that you will agree with me that her efforts an evening preview party at the Tate Gallery, have met with a very considerable measure of and were most honoured that our Patron, Her success. Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, Honorary Treasurer's Report for 1963 Annual List of purchases for the year 1962 General Meeting I should start by reminding members that in Buyer: Lord Croft Eileen Agar Partners 1962 we had two Meetings and presented two Karel Appel Tetes over de Landscape (gouache) sets of Annual Accounts, so that now, for the Gillian Ayres Tachiste (print) first time, I have caught up with the Chairman Gillian Ayres Circles on Dark Blue Ground and can present accounts covering the year which Two monotypes he deals with in his Report. Corneille 'El Puerto 1961' Last year we increased our subscriptions, but William Crozier Fallen Man 1962 this was only done half way through the year Lawrence Dawes Conjunction of Planets and even so the results did not materialise as (gouache) quickly as we had anticipated, largely due to Derek Hirst 'Shangri-la 3' members' habitual reluctance to reply promptly Peter Lanyon Dark Beach (gouache) to the notices we send them, coupled with the Bengt Lindstrom Personage fulminant (gouache) inevitable difficulties involved in changing Bank­ M. Millares Blanco, Rojo y Negro 1961 (gouache) ers Orders, etc. The result is that subscriptions John Piper White Church, Suffolk (lithograph) only rose from £4,478 to £5,164 and the full John Plumb Derwent effect of the change will not be seen until the Alan Reynolds Moth Barn (lithograph) year we are now in. Ceri Richards Le Poisson d'or (lithograph) With regard to the remainder of our income, Keith Vaughan Standing figure there was a slight increase in bequests and dona­ John Wells Rock Forms, 1961 tions and also in the interest earned by our Brett Whiteley Untitled painting 1962 reserves, but this was more than offset by the Allen Jones The Third Big Bus Kalinowski Enclume des Caracteres (collage) reduced proceeds of parties. I think members Buyer: Alan Bowness Bernard Cohen Shepherds 1961 will all agree that our parties were no less success­ Leon Kosso.ff Building site near St Pauls (drawing) ful in 1962 than in the previous year, but then Lucebert Mad People the proceeds were swollen by the unusual and Kenneth Martin Linear Construction (Brass and unexpected profit made on the New York trip. wood) All in all therefore, our income was only about Edward Middleditch Near Monte Jaque (drawing) £600 higher than in 1961. Otto Piene Red Smoke Drawing William Scott Still life 1956 (gouache) Our expenses as usual have risen but on this Ian Stephenson Burnt Penumbra occasion only by £128 and even this figure is not Austin Wright 'Scoop' (sculpture) a strictly accurate one, in that £69 of it is attri­ butable to an under estimate in the cost of the Annual Report, coupled with an increased Purchased jointly by both buyers figure to allow for a possible slight deficiency in the current year's estimate. However, the most striking feature of the Revenue Account is the fact that we allocated to our buyers a total of £4,000. This is far and away the biggest figure that we have ever spent on normal purchases and is a happy augury of what I hope we can expect when our new rate of subscriptions is fully operative. When we allocated this sum at the beginning of 1962, it was in the hope that our subscription income would be considerably higher. By November we realised that the result Harold Cohen Alcide 1962 would be a deficit, but we nevertheless decided Patrick Hay man Cornish Coast 1959 (water- that it was right to budget for this, in view of the colour) profit of over £700 which had been made in each of the previous two years. In the event, we Josef Herman Three miners (charcoal drawing) overspent by £310, but I am sure that members John Hoy land Number 22 will agree that this was the proper thing to do under the circumstances. Roger Hifton March 1961 The only item in the Balance Sheet to which 1 should call your attention is one which I anti­ Gifts to the Contemporary Art Society cipated in my last Report, namely, the transfer * Prunella Clough Set of 4 Monotypes presented by of our undated War Stock into medium-dated Lord Croft Stock. The resulting loss had already been fully provided for and now for the first time for very many years, the market value of our investments stands at a higher figure than the cost. Subscriptions have figured largely in this Report, and I would ask members to pay them as prompt­ ly as possible. Sending out constant reminders, costs us a great deal of time and, more important, money, which we could better spend in buying pictures. And, though it may surprise our party- goers, this, after all, is the main purpose of our existence. Loans made by the Society to exhibitions 1962 List of members: subscribing galleries

Whitechapel Art Gallery 'Keith Vaughan Ex­ The following is a list of members of the Con­ Kimberley, South Africa : Humphreys Art Toronto: Art Gallery (£33.0.0) hibition' temporary Art Society on 31 December 1962. Gallery (£10.10.0) Vancouver Art Gallery (£33.0.0) Victoria and Albert Museum (£15.15.0) Arts Council Touring Exhibition 'Keith Vaughan' Note: Names of members joining after December Kings Lynn : Friends of the Museum (£3.3.0) Wakefield: City Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Gregory Fellows Exhibition, Leeds City Art 31 1962 will appear on the list of members for Lake District Art Gallery Trust (£5.5.0) Wakefield: Permanent Art Fund (£5.5.0) Gallery. 'Trevor Bell and Austin Wright' 1963. Leamington Spa: Museum and Art Gallery Warrington: Museum and Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Aberdeen: Art Gallery and Industrial Museum (£5.5.0) Worksop: Art Gallery and Museum (£10.10.0) Loans to hospitals, colleges, and further education (£15.15.0) Leeds: Temple Newsam House (£15.15.0) Wolverhampton: Art Gallery and Museum groups Leeds: Art Collections Fund (£3.3.0) Adelaide: National Gallery of South Australia (£5.5.0) London University Senate House (£26.5.0) Leicester: Museum and Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Lincoln: Usher Art Gallery (£10.10.0) London University Queen Mary College Auckland: City Art Gallery (£10.10.0) York: City Art Gallery (£10.10.0) London University Royal Free Hospital Medical Ballarat: Fine Art Public Gallery Association Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery (£15.15.0) School (£10.10.0) London, Ontario: Public Library and Museum (£31.10.0) Individual members: International Nickel Company Barnsley: Cannon Hall (£10.10.0) Architectural Association Bath: Victoria Art Gallery (£7.7.0) Maidstone: Museum and Art Gallery (£2.2.0) *Denotes members who have signed a Deed of Camberwell Chest Clinic, St Giles Hospital Batley: Bagshaw Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Manchester: Corporation Art Gallery (£26.5.0) Covenant National Hospital for Nervous Diseases Belfast: Ulster Museum (£10.10.0) Manchester: Rutherston Loan Collection Aarons, Leo Esq* Bilston: Public Library and Museum (£5.5.0) (£10.10.0) Aarons, Mrs Leo* Birkenhead: Williamson Art Gallery (£26.5.0) Manchester: Whitworth Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Abbey, Major J R Birmingham: City Art Gallery (£15.15.0) Mansfield: Museum and Art Gallery (£6.6.0) Abraham, Major G H F Blackburn: Art Gallery (£3.3.0) Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria Abrahams, A J Esq Blackpool: Grundy Art Gallery (£5.5.0) (£25.0.0) Abrahams, Mrs Henry Bootle: Public Library and Museum (£15.15.0) Merthyr Tydfil: Art Gallery and Museum Abrahams, Maurice Esq Bournemouth: Russell Cotes Museum and Art (£3.3.0) Abrahams-Curiel, Mrs * Gallery (£15.15.0) Middlesbrough: Art Gallery and Museum Absalom, F R Esq Bradford: Corporation Art Gallery (£15.15.0) (£21.0.0) Absalom, Mrs F R Brighouse: Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Montreal: Museum of Fine Arts (£15.0.0) Abson, W W Esq Brighton: Museum and Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Nelson, New Zealand: Bishop Suter Art Acheson, Miss S* Brisbane: National Gallery of Queensland Gallery (£10.10.0) Acton, Mrs H B (£10.10.0) Newark: Gilstrap Art Gallery (£15.15.0) Acworth, A W Esq Bristol: Art Gallery and Museum (£5.5.0) Newcastle upon Tyne: Laing Art Gallery Adam, Peter Esq* Bristol: Art Gallery, Association of the Friends (£10.10.0) Adams, J T K Esq of (£5.5.0) Newport: Museum and Art Gallery (£3.3.0) Adams, Mrs P* British Museum: Department of Prints and Northampton: Public Library and Art Gallery Adeane, Sir Robert, OBE* Drawings (£10.10.0) (£10.10.0) Adler, O Esq Bury: Corporation Art Gallery and Museum Norwich: Castle Museum and Art Gallery Agar, Miss Eileen (£5.5.0) (£10.10.0) Agnew, Geoffrey ,Esq Camberwcll: South London Art Gallery Nottingham: Museum and Art Gallery Ainley, Mrs J (£31.10.0) (£25.0.0) Aldridge, Miss E* Cape Town: South African National Gallery Oldham: The Municipal Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Alexander, Eric Esq (£21.0.0) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada (£31.10.0) Alford, P E Esq Cardiff: Department of Art, National Museum Oxford: Ashmolean Museum (£10.10.0) Algar, Mrs Mary of Wales (£10.10.0) Perth: Art Gallery of Western Australia Allen, C E Esq Carlisle: Public Library, Museum and Art (£15.15.0) Allen, Leonard Esq Gallery (£2.2.0) Plymouth: City Museum and Art Gallery Allen, R S S Esq Cheltenham: Art Gallery and Museum (£10.10.0) Allen, Robert Esq (£10.10.0) Preston: Harris Museum and Art Gallery Allen, Mrs Robert Christchurch Art Gallery, N.Z. (£10.10.0) (£10.10.0) Alley, Ronald Esq Coventry: Herbert Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Rochdale: Art Gallery and Museum (£5.5.0) Alport, E A Esq* Darlington: The Public Museum (£5.5.0) Rotherham: Museum and Art Gallery Altman, Dr M Derby: Museum and Art Gallery (£10.10.0) (£10.10.0) Alvensleben, Baron Werner von Doncaster: Museum and Art Gallery (£15.15.0) Rugby: Art Gallery and Museum (£5.5.0) Amies, Hardy Esq Dudley: Art Gallery (£15.15.0) Salford : Royal Museum and Art Galleries Anderson, Sir Colin* Dumfries: Gracefield Art Centre (£10.10.0) (£10.10.0) Anderson, Miss D E Dundee: Museum and Fine Art Galleries Saint Pancras: Libraries and Art Committee Anderson, Sir Donald (£10.10.0) (£5.5.0) Anderson, Miss H C Anderson, Mrs Jean Dunedin: Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Scarborough: Art Gallery and Public Library Anderson, Miss J L* Durham: Bowes Museum (£3.3.0) (£10.10.0) Anderson, Lady M C* Durham University: Hatton Gallery (£15.15.0) Sheffbld: Graves Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Anderson, Lady M I* Eastbourne: Towner Art Gallery (£21.0.0) Southampton: The Art Gallery (£15.15.0) Andreae, Mrs C C Glasgow: Art Galleries and Museum (£21.0.0) Southend on Sea : Beecroft Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Angus, Miss M M Glasgow: University Art Collections (£5.5.0) Stalybridge: Astley Cheetham Art Gallery Angwin, Miss Sally Hamilton, Ontario: Art Gallery (£15.15.0) (£5.5.0) Anker, Miss E Harrogate: Corporation Art Gallery (£10.10.0) Stoke-on-Trent: Museum and Art Gallery An rep, Miss Helen Hereford: Museum and Art Gallery (£5.5.0) (£15.15.0) Anstey, Richard Esq Huddersfield: Public Library and Art Gallery Swansea: Glyn Vivian Art Gallery (£21.0.0) Anstruther, Ian Esq (£21.0.0) Swindon: Museum and Art Gallery (£5.5.0) Sydney: National Gallery of New South Wales Appelbe, Ambrose Esq Hull: Ferens Art Gallery (£26.5.0) Appelbe, Mrs Ambrose Kettering: Art Gallery (£5.5.0) (£26.5.0) Brewer, John H Esq Campbell, The Hon James Cloake, Miss J D* Appelby, W E F Esq Barrett, A S D Esq Birch, Miss J Campbell Orde, Lady Clore, Charles Esq Arbuthnot, Miss Helen* Barrett, Mrs Birley, Mrs A M Bridges, Mrs H Bridges, Mrs M* Campbell-Salmon, E Esq Cobham, Miss Z Archdale, J Esq Barrett, H E Esq Birt, Mrs Doris Brinton, Mrs M K Campion, Miss M G, OBE Cochrane, John P Esq Archer, Mrs D M Barrington Cooper, Dr Bishop, E Esq Brinsley Ford, R Esq Campion, Oliver G Esq Cockayne, Jeremy Esq* Archer, Miss Peggy Barrow, John Esq Black, Brinsley Esq Britcher, Rex Esq Cantelo, P G Esq Cockburn, Dr H D Arden, Mrs Dorothy* Bartleet, A P Esq Black, Mrs Mary* Broadbent, Mrs Mary Capell, Miss P Cockle, Mrs Aileen Armitage, Mrs Kenneth Barton, Lady Joyce Black, Professor Misha, OBE, RDI* Broadbridge, The Hon Marjorie Cardus, Mrs Neville Codling, Lady Arnold, Mrs M Barwell, D Esq Blackham, H J Esq Singleton Carlebach, A Esq Codrington, Mrs M B Ash, Mrs Ruth Bassett Wilson, F G Esq Blackman, Mrs Barbara Coen, J Verney Esq Brockes, F T Esq* Carless, H M Esq Aschan, Mrs M Bastable, Miss L Black man, Charles Esq Cohen, Mrs Beverly Brockhurst, Mrs P W Carlill, S D Esq Asher, Miss Florence Basu, Mrs M Blackman, Mrs G E* Cohen, Dennis M Esq Brocklebank, Lady Grace Carlisle, Mrs Anne Ashton, Lady* Bates, H E Esq Blairman, S I Esq Cohen, Henry M Esq* Brod, Alfred Esq* Carlisle, C A Esq Aspinwall, Mrs D W Batham, C E H Esq Blake, John F P Esq Cohen, Sir Herbert, BT, OBE Carmichael, Miss Jane Assheton, Mrs J R* Battersby, Martin Esq Blake, Mrs Pamela Brodie, Mrs C A Cohen, Lady Bromley Davenport. Mrs Linette Carmichael, K M Esq Astor, The Hon M L Baxter, Mrs Marjorie Blaker, Mrs Peter Carpenter, Mrs Phyllis Ella* Cohen, Commander B, KCB, CMG, RN Astor, The Hon Mrs Michael Baxter, W T Esq* Bland, C M Esq Brommelle, N S Esq Carr, Mrs Marjorie Cohen, Mrs K Astor, The Viscountess Bayliss, R Esq Bland, Mrs Deidrc Brook, Mrs Helen Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander* Cohen: The Leonard Cohen Fund Atkin, Mrs Anita Bearpark, Dr D M Blau, Dr J N Brown, Miss A F Brown, J A Esq Carter, Donald, Esq Cohen, Myer Esq Atkins, Dr W G* Beazley, H T Esq Blaxland Levick, Mrs S Carter, John Esq, CBE Cohen, M S Esq Atkinson, G H Esq Beazley, Mrs Susan Bliss, J Howard Esq Brown, Mrs J A Brown, O G F Esq Carter, P B Esq Colbeck, Miss Josephine Atkinson, Mrs S W Becher, Miss A V Bliss, Mrs Mary* Brownlow, Miss N Carter, Miss Peggy* Cole, D N Esq Attenborough, John Esq Beckett, Sir Martyn Blom, Harold Esq Carthy, J D Esq* Colinvaux, R P Esq* Auerbach, Dr Erna Beddington, Lt Col F Blom, Mrs Jane Browse, Miss Lilian Caseley, Miss Rosamond Colinvaux, Mrs R P Aukin, Charles Esq Beit, Sir Alfred, BT Blond, Mrs E Bruce, Miss Castaing, Miss A Collier, Dr J Austin, Henry Esq* Bell, Miss A Bloomfield, V K Esq* Bruckmann, P Esq* Catleugh, J D H Esq Collins, Mrs A Bell, Clive Esq Blunden, Henry Esq* Bruckmann, Mrs P* Bryant, Mrs Joan Cecil, The Lady David Collins, Cecil Esq Baddeley, Mrs J Bell, A Warburton Esq* Blunden, Mrs H* Bryant, Mrs Thelma Cemlyn-Jones, Sir Wynne* Collins, Miss Patricia* Baer, J M Esq Bell-Macdonald, Mrs F M* Blunt, Professor Sir A F, KCVO, FI Bryson, Dr Charles Chamberlin, Miss L Collins, Mrs P A Bagratini, Dr Leon* Bellord, George Esq Blunt, Miss Priscilla Bryson, Mrs Charles Chamot, Miss Mary* Collins, Peter Esq Bagrit, Leon Esq Bellow, Miss C Boag, Miss Susan Champion, C L Esq * Collins, Mrs Georgette Bagrit, Mrs L Bendon, M G Esq Body, Miss C Bryson, J N Esq Buckingham, Victor Esq Chance, 1 O Esq Collyns, Mrs R C* Bailey, Miss Mary Benedict, M P Esq Boissevain, Mrs D Buckingham, Mrs V Chance, M Esq Colville, Mrs Muriel Baillieu, Mrs Diana Benjamin, W Esq Boissevain, D Esq Buckman, Bernard Esq Chancellor, R D Esq Colvin, Mrs Hugh Baker, Mrs J H* Benner, Mrs M P Boland, Miss Judy Buckman, Mrs Bernard Chandos, The Rt Hon Viscount, Common, Mrs Enid* Baker, Mrs Pearl Bennett, Miss M F Bolton, J G V Esq Buckwell, Mrs DSO, MC Comninos, Mrs Michael Baker, R W H Esq Bennett, Mrs G R Bomford, H T P Esq* Bulkeley-Johnson, Captain V Chaplin, Miss B A Compton-Smith, Miss C* Balint, Mrs Michael Bennett, John Esq Bond, John Stuart, Esq Bulkeley-Johnson, Mrs V Chapman, Max Esq Conlay, Miss Iris* Balfour, Miss Nancy Bennett, Mrs Leo Bonham-Carter, Lady Charlotte Bull, G V Esq Chapman, R G Esq Conn, Victor W A Esq Ball, Miss Julia Bennett, R C Esq Borchard, Dr Ruth Bull, Mrs K M Charles, Mrs E H Conran, G L Esq* Ball, Mrs T M Bennett, M W Esq Borges, T W Esq* Bullock, John Esq* Charoux, Siegfried Esq Conran, Mrs H L* Ball, T M Esq Bennett, Mrs R O Boswell, James Esq* Bullock, Mrs John* Charteris, The Hon Guy Conybeare, Sir J J Ballantyne, Miss Anne Bennitt, M W Esq* Bottard, Mrs Joan Burdon, G M Esq Chase, Michael Esq Cook, Mrs Merryl Benson, Mrs Agnes* Botterell, Mrs John Ballantine, Miss Sheila Burkart, Mrs B P Cheesebrough, John Esq Cooke, Mrs E Bentley, Nicolas Esq Bottoms, J C Esq Bang, Per Esq Burland, C A Esq Cheesebrough, Mrs J Cooksey, Mrs M C Bentley, P H Esq Bourne, Stafford Esq* Banks, Miss R G Burn, Michael Esq Cheetham, Lady Cooper, Ivor Esq* Bouskell-Wade C E Esq Banks, R L Esq* Berbank, Albert E Esq Burn, Francis Esq* Chester, P J Esq Cooper, Mrs Ivor* Banszky, Dr L Berbank, Mrs A E Bowen, Donald ,Esq Burton, A J Esq Chester, Mrs P J Cooper, Terence Esq* Banwell, Dr J G Berens, Richard Esq Bowett, Mrs D* Burton, Mrs A J* Chilton, Miss F Cooper, Mrs Winifred Barber, R 0 Esq* Bergel, H C Esq Bowett, John Esq* Burton, Raymond Esq Cholmondeley, The Lady George Coopman, Mrs Mira Bergel, Mrs P Bowman, Mrs Winifred Barclay, Sir Colville Burton, Mrs Raymond Choremi, Andre Esq Corcoran, Gerald Esq Berger, A E Esq Bowness, Alan Esq* Bardsley, Mrs Bridget Buss, J H L Esq Christie-Mi Her, W J Esq Corrie, Mrs Janet Bowness, Mrs Alan* Bareau, Mrs Paul Berger, Mrs A E Butcher, G L Esq Christie-Miller, Mrs W J Corvin, Miss Vera Bowyer, Mrs Irene Baring, E B Esq Bergin, Mrs P M Butcher, Mrs G L Christopherson, John Esq Cosh, Miss Mary* Baring, Hon R A Esq Bergman, Mrs S Boyd, D W Esq* Butler, Mrs E Christopherson, Mrs Anne E Cosh, Miss M S Barker, R G Esq Berman, T M Esq Boy dell, Peter Esq* Butler, The Hon Mrs Guy* Clark, Sir Kenneth, KCB, FBA* Costello, Mrs Doreen Boyland, Professor E Barker, Mrs Naomi Bergman, Mrs T M Butler, M F Esq Clark, Lady Courts, David Esq Barker, Mrs Palgrave Bernal, Mrs M G* Braby, Miss Caroline Butler, Miss Patricia M* Clarke, A S Esq Coutts-Milne, Mrs M Barker-Mill, Mrs E Bernstein, Sidney Esq* Bradbury, Ian Esq, MSIA Butlin, Martin Esq* Clarke, Mrs A S Covell, Mrs Helen Barker-Mill, P Esq Berridge, A L Esq Bradfield, Stanley Esq Buxton, Mrs M V Clarke, Gerald Esq Cowan, John Esq Bradley, Mrs John Barki, Miss Rosita Best, Henry N Esq Byfield, I R D Esq Clarke, Louis C G Esq Cowen, Mrs R S Braham, Major du Pare Barkley, Mrs Hilda Besterman, Dr E M M * Byng, Robert Esq* Clarke, Mrs M E* Cox, Mrs M N Bramley, Dr Roland Barkley, Miss H Besterman, Mrs E M M Byron, A C Esq Clarke, R D Esq* Cozens, Miss J Branch, Mrs F M Barlow, Sir J Alan, BT, GCB, KBE Bettenson, Miss A S* Clarke-Fort, Mrs Francoise Crabtree, J A Esq* Barlow, Lady Bevan, R A Esq* Branch, Mrs J A Clarkson, Mrs Georgina Caccia, Lady* Crabtree, Thomas Esq Barlow, Dr E D* Bevan, Mrs R A* Branchini, Charles J Esq Clay, Trevor Esq Caddey, Miss Dacia* Craig, Mrs David Bamett, O B Esq Bierer, I Esq Brangham, Mrs K J Clegg, Miss Helen Cadogan, Gerald Esq Craig, Mrs Yvonne Barnfield, R Esq Bigby, Miss MAM Brausen, Miss Erica Clements, Dr E M B Cahn, Heinz Esq Craps, Mrs E* Barns-Graham, Miss W Biggs, Miss M* Bredin, Hugh Esq Clements, Mrs E M B Calvert, R Esq Crawford and Balcarres, The Rt Hon Baron, Mrs Julia Bijur, George Esq Brenner, Miss B Clissold, Miss A J Calvert, Mrs R The Earl of, KT, GBE* Barr, Mrs Tonde Binny, J A F Esq Brett, Hon Lionel* Crawford, Sydney Esq De Beer, Miss M L Dutton, Ralph Esq Farson, Mrs Negley Frenkel, Mrs R Goddard, G K Esq Crawford, Mrs Sydney Deeds, L Esq* Duveen, Mrs P Featherstonehaugh, Mrs Meade Freud, Ernst Esq Goddard, Mrs Peggy Craxton, Mrs L De Gabarain, Miss A M Dyett, D E Esq Feder. Miss Beatrice Freud, Mrs Ernst Godfrey, Mrs P Cregan, Mrs J M* De Goguel, Mrs Anna Dyson. Miss J L Fein, Mrs A M Friedeberger, Klaus Esq Godin, Mrs W D Crichton-Stuart, Lady Colum Dehn, Roy A Esq* Dyson, Mrs P M Fein, L G Esq Friedman, Mrs Charles Godin, W D Esq Critchley, Mrs Margaret* Deighton. Mrs Elizabeth Fein, J G S Esq Friedman, Dr Charles Godwin, Keith Esq CrittaJl Mrs AM* De Keyser, David Esq Ealand, Dr CT F* Feisenberger, Mrs Joan Froy, W A Esq Goetz, Mrs Berthe Eardley. Mrs Enid M Crocker, Mrs John De Keyser. I Esq, OBE* Fenn, Mrs C H Fry, E M Esq Goff, Martin Esq* Easterfield, Thomas E Esq* Croft, The Lord Dekk, Mrs Dorrit Fenwick Miss C* Fry, Dr L S Goffin, Peter Esq Croft-Murray, Edward Esq Dellal, Mrs Z Easterfield, Mrs T E* Ferguson-Davie, Mrs Fry, Maurice E Esq Gold, J B Esq Fastwick-Field, John Esq Croll, Mrs Graham De La Warr, The Rt Hon The Earl, Ferguson, David K Esq Fry, R H Esq Gold, Mrs J B Eastwood, C G Esq Crombie, Miss M P* PC, CBE* Ferree, C J Esq Fry, Mrs Rosina Goldberg, P Esq Eberstadt, G Esq Crooke, Miss Dorothy De La Warr, The Countess Fickling, L A Esq Fry, Mrs Stella, Goldberg, Mrs P Eccles. Rt Hon Lord, PC, KCVO* Crookshank, Miss Anne De Maistre, Roy Esq, CBE Field Reid, E Esq* Fuller, David J Esq Goldie. Miss M Eckersley, Mrs Nancy Crosby, T C Esq Denchfield, C P S Esq Field Reid, Mrs* Fuller, E H Esq Golding, Miss S Edelman, Maurice Esq, MP Crosfield, M C Esq Denison, Mrs A Finer, Miss Carole Fuller Lewis, Eric Esq Goldman, Alfred Esq Edgerley, John T Esq Crosse-Brown, Miss J A Denney, J A Esq* Finer, Dr J Fullerton, David Esq* Goldman, Miss Rosalind Edmonds, Michael Esq Crossley, Mrs V Denny, Mrs B M A Firth, Raymond Esq* Funnell, Miss Lilian* Goldrei, Mrs Irene Edwards, John Esq Croucher, Richard Esq Denny, Mrs E E Fischer, H R Esq Furlong, Dr George* Goldring, D Esq Culme-Seymour, Sir Michael, BT* Denny, James Esq Edwards, K L Esq Fischman, Mrs Olga Furse, Hubert E Esq Goldsworth, J G Esq Edwards, Miss Maureen Cunliffe, The Hon Mrs Geoffrey Denny, Peter Esq Fisher, Mrs H A P Furstner, Mrs U Gollan, Miss Julie Edwards, Michael Esq Curwin, Alfred Esq De Pinna, Miss J Fisher, Harold W Esq Gomer Williams, Mrs Cusack, A Esq De Vere Hunt, Mrs J Edwards, R A Esq Fisher, Mrs Jeanne M Gabor, Mrs P Gomme, E D Esq Edwards, Ralph Esq Cusack, R V Esq, QC De Quetteville, H L Esq Flatau, Mrs H Gabriel, Miss C Gocden, Wyndham Esq Custerson, Conrad Esq* Edwards, Mrs Ralph Deutsch, Andre Esq* Flavell, G Esq* Gadsby, J Esq Goodman, L Esq Cuthbert, A D Esq Egerton, Robert Esq* Deverell, G A Esq Flavell, Mrs G* Gadsby, Mrs Constance A Gooddy, Dr William Cuthbert, William M Esq Egerton, Mrs R Dew Mrs Oonagh Fleischman, Miss Asphodel Gainsborough, Dr Goldberger, Dr Edmund Egerton, S Esq* Diamond, A E J Esq Fleming, Commander lan Gallagher, N Esq Goldberger, Mrs E Egon, Nicholas Esq Dakeyne, Mrs P L Dimsdale, Miss Priscilla* Fleming, Mrs Ian Galway, James Esq Goldfinger, Erno Esq Elek, Paul Esq Dale, R A Esq Dixon, F C Esq Flemming, Mrs C W Gant, Dr J G Goldman, Maurice Esq Elek, Mrs Paul Dallas-Smith, Peter Esq* Dixon, Guy H Esq Fletcher, Mrs J F G Gantz, Mrs Margaret Gordon, F R Esq Dixon, W M Esq Eley, Geoffrey Esq Dallas-Smith, Mrs* Flett, Alexander E C Esq Gardener, James Esq Gordon, Mrs D W Dobson, Miss M Eley, Mrs G Dalley, Dr V M Fone, Michael Esq* Gardiner, Julian Esq Gordon, Miss Helen J Dodge, Mrs A El lice, Mrs James Damiano, C Esq* Foord, Mrs A* Gardiner, Mrs Mary Gordon, Mrs Tamara Doherty, T Esq Ellis, Miss G N* Daniels, Miss B Foord, Anthony Esq* Gardner, Miss Helen Gordon-Clark, N Esq* Do!bey. Miss E M Ellis, R A Esq Darge, Ian Hamilton Esq* Foot, Mrs A G Gardner, Dr S Gordon-Clark, Mrs E* Donaldson, Mrs A H Ells, D G Esq* Darlington, Mrs Hazel Forestier-Walker, R J G Esq Garland, Mrs E W Gore, Mrs Simon Donaldson, Miss Lesley Elsy, Miss Mary Darracott, R M Esq* Forge, J A Esq Garner, Miss G Goslett, Miss D Dorey, Miss Catherine Emslie, Miss Rosalie D"Armour. Miss Louisa Forge, Mrs C M Gaskell, Mrs M* Gosling, N S Esq Dorf, Miss B Enns, Mrs F Darrell, H F Esq Forrest, Denys M Esq Gaunt, David Esq* Gosling, Mrs V E* Dormer, John Esq Ensing, Miss E C* Darwin, Professor Robin, CBE Forrest, Dr J Gavin, A D Esq Goudge, Mrs Elizabeth* Douglas, Basil Esq Ensor, Miss Catherine* Datnow, A D Esq Forrester, Mrs J Geffen, I Esq* Gould, Mrs Delia Dowdeswell, Arthur Grant Esq Epril, C J Esq* Davenport, Nicholas Esq Forsythe, Thomas Esq Gestetner, Jonathan Esq Gow, Miss Lucienne Dowdeswell, Mrs A. G Erskine, Hon Robert Davenport, Mrs Nicholas Forte, Mrs L Gibb, Mrs E M Gowing, Professor L, CBE* Dow, J C R Esq Estorick, E Esq Davey, G H W Esq Foss, A A Esq Gibb, H S Esq Grabowski, M Esq Drage, S M Esq Etherington-Smith, Gordon Esq* Davidson, Robert E Esq Forster, A S Esq* Gibb, T Esq Grace, Henry Esq* Drage, Mrs S M Eustace, Mrs Roland Davidson-Houston, Major A C Foster, Alfred W Esq Gibb, W B Esq Grace, Mrs Henry Drew, Miss Jane B Eustace, Miss V Davies, Miss Margaret Foster, John, QC, MP Gibbs, Mrs Arthur Graham, Mrs Drew, Miss Joanna* Evans, Lady Davies, Mrs Meredyth Found. James A Esq Gibbs, David Esq Graham, Miss M Dreyfuss, Sylvain Esq Evans, Courtenay Esq Davies, R W Esq Fouracre, E Esq Gibbs, Mrs David Grand, Miss M Drogheda, The Rt Hon the Earl of, OBE Evans, L A Esq Davies, T O Esq Fowler, Maurice Esq Gibson, David Esq Grant, A G Esq Drogheda, Kathleen Countess of, CBE Evans, Miss Lilian Davies, Mrs T M Fox, Mrs F D Gilbert, A D F Esq Grant, Miss J V* Druce, Miss E N C Evans, M O Esq Davis, Dr Albert Fox-Edwards, Mrs Pat Gilbert, Curtis Esq Grant-Goran, Miss E M Drummond, Mrs H Evans, Miss Ning Davis, Mrs Albert Duckett, Mrs Marjorie Foyle, Dr Gilby, Miss M D Grant, Mrs L W* Evans, Roger Esq* Davis, Edward T Esq* Duckett, Mrs Foyle, Mrs Gillard, Maurice Esq Granville, Philip Esq Evans, Mrs Roger* Davis, Mrs E T* Duckworth, A Esq Foyle, Miss Christina Gillenden, H Esq Grasett, Lady Evill, W A Esq Davis, Frank Esq Duckworth, Mrs A Fraenkel, Mrs Elsa Gilliatt, Mrs R W Graucob, Find Esq Ewen, A J S Esq Davis, Mrs Frank Dudley Short, Miss P Francois, Mrs M M L Gillie, Mrs Ann Graucob, Mrs Find Davis, Miss Joan L Dugdale, Mrs Eric* Fabian, E Esq Frankel, Cyril Esq Gillie, D R Esq Gravenstede, C G Esq Davis, Robin Esq Duke, Mrs Maxine* Fader, R H Esq Frankl, Harold F Esq* Gillon, J W Esq Grazebrook, Mrs V G Davys, Dr Michael Dun, Miss Elizabeth Fairbairn, Richard F Esq Frankl, Mrs* Gilroy, H Elliot Esq Greatbatch, A R Esq Dawe, E G J Esq Dunbar, Alexander Esq Fairhurst, Harry M Esq* Franklin, Dr Katherine Gimpel Fils Green, Mrs Denis Da we, Mrs E G J Duncan, J N V Esq Fairfax-Jones, Mrs T M Franklin, Mrs Cecil Gimson, H M Esq Green, Peter M A Esq* Dawes, Mrs Irene Dundas, Miss Iva* Falber, Paul Esq Fredyna, Miss K Giordani, Dr A Green, Mrs P M A* Deane, Miss Marjorie* Dunn, Mrs Stella* Faringdon, The Rt Hon Lord* Freebairn, Glen Esq Giordani, Dr Christine Greenaway, Frank Esq Dearbergh, G F Esq Dunning, Miss H Farley, J C Esq Freed man. Mrs Jessica* Glaisyer, Miss E B Greenaway, Mrs Frank Dearbergh, Mrs G F Dupre, John Esq Farley, Mrs Madalyn Freeman, Miss Joy Glass Miss MM* Greenburgh, R B Esq Dearmer, G Esq Durrant, Miss G Farquharson, M G Esq Freeman, Mrs L M D Glasser, Moray Esq, JP Greenburgh, Mrs V M Dearmer, Mrs G Dutton, Mrs Alice Farr, Dennis Esq* Freeth, H A Esq Gledhill, Mrs Anne Green, Anthony Esq Dean, C M Esq Farrell, E A Esq* Frenkel, Joe Esq Glenconner, Lady Greenhalgh, Miss N F* Greenhalgh, N C M Esq Harrison, Miss Dorothy Heyworth, Miss Anne Hummel, Mrs S A* Jolliffe, Miss M* Koppel, Mrs Suse Greenhill, Miss E Harrison, K P Esq Hickling, Mrs A N Hunt, Mrs B Jonas, Mrs Kathleen Korany, S Esq Green lees, Mrs K Harrower, Mrs Sylvia Hignett, R A Esq Hunt, Mrs Harman Jones, Dr. Francis Avery* Kray, Dr Alfred Gregory-Hood, Col A M H Harston, Lady Ruth Hignett, Mrs R A Hunter, Alastair Esq Jones, Mrs Geoffrey* Krismann, Miss Esther Gresswell, P D Esq* Hart, Albert Esq Hill, A D Esq* Hunter, Miss E Jones, Mrs Humphrey Krohn, Prof P L Grey, Mrs Dorinda Hart, Rev G H V* Hill, Mrs Charles Huntington, Mrs L W Jones, Miss K N C Krol, Stan Esq, DA, MSIA Grey, John W Esq Hart, Jeremy Esq Hill, J A Esq Hussey, Mrs M Jones, Sir Lawrence Kromwell, O Esq Grey-Edwards, H B R Esq Hart, Louis Albert Esq Hillgarth, Capt Alan, RN Hutchens, J K Esq* Jones, Philip Esq* Grey-Edwards, Mrs Hartford, David Esq Hillman, Mrs L S Hutchens, Mrs J K* Jones, Miss Sylvia* Labia, Count Grier, Miss L, CBE Hartley, Mrs A W Hills, Miss Margaret Hutchinson, William D Esq Jones, W A Esq Lammin, James Esq Grierson, Ronald Esq Hartley, B P Esq Hillyard, Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs L F S Jonzen, Mrs K Lammin, Mrs James Griffin, Mrs Hestor Hartzell, H E Esq Him, George Esq Hutton, Clarke Esq Joseph, L Esq Lancaster, Dr K J Griffith, Mrs A M Hartzell, Mrs H E Hindle, Mrs Hutton, Mrs Clarke Joseph, Mrs S C* Landau, Mrs P Grimshaw, Miss M E Harvey, G R Esq Hitchens, Won Esq Hutton, Mrs G J Josephs, M S Esq Landells, Richard P W Esq Gibbons-Grinling, Anthony Esq Harvey, Peter Esq Hoare, Sir Frederick Hyde, Mrs Robert Josephs, Mrs Brenda Landells, Mrs Patricia Gross, Anthony Esq Harvey Gervis, Mrs W Hoare, G Esq* Hylton, Lady Juda, Mrs A Landry, J Oliver Esq Gross, F M Esq Harwood, Miss Lucy* Hobart, Peter Esq Hyslop, A C Esq Juda, H P Esq Lane, Miss B K Grover, Mrs Regina Hassell, Mrs Julia Hobson, Miss Valerie Julius, Mrs Muriel Langdon Down, A T Esq* Hodds, B W G Esq Guggenheim, Mrs Peter Haswell, Maj A J D, ALS* Ignatieff, Mrs G* Las Gourgues, Mrs M Hodes, Mrs Joan Guiton, Miss Shirley Haswell, Mrs A J D * - Illingworth, Dr R* Kalman, A Esq Lasdun, Denys Esq, MBE, FRIBA Hodgeson, Mrs Mary Gunary, Mrs Donald Haut, F J G Esq Ince, Mrs M Kaplan, E & G Ltd* Laski, Mrs Norman Hodgkin, Eliot Esq* Gunary, George Esq Haut, F J G Mrs Inchbald, M Esq Kapp, Miss Helen Laski, Philip M Esq Hodgkin, Mrs E Guppy, Nicholas Esq Hauxwell, M Esq Inchbald, Mrs Jacqueline Karmel, Mrs David* Laski, Mrs Sara Hodin, Dr J P* Guttmann, Werner Esq* Hawcroft, Francis W Esq Inchbald School of Design Kasket, Mrs E Last, Mrs Marie Hoff, Mrs Ruth Guttmann, Mrs Natasha Hawkins, Mrs Inchcape, The Rt Hon Earl of Kasmin Ltd Lavrin, Mrs Beba Hogben, C Esq* Gwynne-Jones, A Esq Inglefield, G S Esq Kauffmann, Mrs E Lawrence, E C Esq Hawnt, J S Esq, OBE, MSC, PHD Hogg, Mrs Nigel Ingram Mrs E T J Kay, Major E O Lawrence, J Esq Hay, lan Esq Holdsworth, Mrs G* Ingram, T L Esq Kearney, Miss Doreen Lawrence-Smith, Miss J Hackett Jones, Miss R H Hayden, Mrs J D Holland, Mrs Theodore* Inskip, J M Esq Keating, Geoffrey Esq Laws, Mrs F Hadfield, John Esq Hayes, J H Esq Holmes, Mrs Max lnwood, Norman Esq Keay, Miss Anne Laws, Frederick Esq Hagestadt. Mrs Louise Hayter, Sir William G* Holt, Eric Esq Irving, Mrs A V Kebbell, Mrs T R D Haigh, Mrs Anthony Hayter, Lady* Holt, G P Esq Layton, Hon Mrs D Irwin, D G Esq. Cazalet-Keir, Mrs C B E Hailes, The Lord, PC Hayward, Miss C M Hollweg, Mrs B Lazzolo, V Esq Ivens, Edgar Esq. Kell, D F Esq Hale, A N Esq Hayward, John Esq, CBE Hooberman, Ben Esq* Leach, Mrs Margaret Ivens, Mrs Edgar Kemp, R J Esq Hale, Mrs E* Headlam-Morley, K Esq Hooper, Miss D M Le Bas, Edward Esq, ARA Ivey, Mrs Jessie Margaret Kemp, Mrs R J Hall, Miss Annie Heath, Adrian Esq Hooton, Miss Esmee Lebus, Lady Heathcote, Miss Margaret Kempton, Mrs M E Lederman, Dr* Hall, Dr E T Hope, Mrs F H* Kendall, F P Esq Heather, Miss M Jackson, Mrs D A Ledger Hill, Miss Cicely Hall, Mrs E T Kennedy, Mrs John Heaton, Mrs Joan Hope, The Rt Hon Lord John, MP Jackson, Dr E F Lee, Mrs Joy Hall, Mrs Robert Kennedy, W J Esq Hebden, Miss Rosemary Hope Wallace, Miss J, CBE* Jacob, A M Esq Lee, Mrs Mollie Hallam, Mrs R Kennett, Mrs E A Hecht, Alfred Esq Hopman, Miss L* Jacob, Mrs John Lee, Mrs Stanley Hallett, Miss Phyllis Kennet, F L Esq Heckman, Mrs Horitz, John Esq Jacobi, Mrs B Lee, Mrs W Hamblen, D I A Esq Kerridge, Dr A R Helliwell, Tony Esq Hornby, Sir Anthony* Jacobs, Mrs Phyllis A* Leeds, Her Grace The Duchess Hamilton, Rev H A Kerman, Mrs B Hendeison, Miss Anne Hornby Steer, W R Esq Jacobs, Mrs Sophie Lehmann, John F Esq Hamilton-Smith, N L Esq* Kessell, Miss Mary Henderson, Brian Esq Home, Alistair Esq Jacomb-Hood, Miss Gillian* Leigh, Mrs William Hamilton, Lady Rostrevor Kilbane, Mrs Prunella Henderson, Mrs Brian Home, Mrs Alistair Jacques, Mrs R M Le Neve Foster, Peter Esq Hamilton, The Lady Ursula Killery, Mrs M I Hendeison, W Esq Horner, Miss Jocelyn Jago, Thomas Esq* Le Neve Foster, Mrs P Hammersley, Mrs V* Kilmartin, T Esq Henderson, W R G Esq Horovitz, Mrs L Jago, Mrs T* Leon, His Honour Judge H C* Hampden, Viscountess* King-Farlow, Denys Esq, MBE Hendy, Sir Philip Horrocks, Lady Nancy James, Evan Esq* Leon, Mrs Barbara J* Hancock, Mrs P G M King, Graham Esq Heneage, Mrs J W Horwell, A R Esq* James, Mrs Evan Hanley, Miss E King, Mrs Graham Leon, Walter Esq Henrion, F H K Esq Hosp, Miss Karen-Marie James, Louis Esq Hanna, Maurice E Esq King, Mrs V Leonard, Mrs Claire Henry, D Esq Howard, Miss Gillian James, Mrs Tronchin Harding, Charles Esq Kingsmill, Mrs D I Le Roy, Mrs W M Hepworth, Mrs J B Howard, Michael Eliot Esq Jamieson, Lady Harding, Herbert Esq Kinley, P Esq Leslie, Miss J Hepworth, J B Esq Howard, Robin J S Esq* Janes, Miss B Harding, Mrs H Kinross, The Lord Leverett, Mrs E M Herapath, S D Esq Howard, Stanley John Esq 1 Janson, Wilfred Esq Hare, Miss Barbara Kinsman, A H I Esq Levine, Mrs Beryl Herbert, Lady Howarth, Mrs Constance Jaray, Mrs L Harewood, The Rt Hon Earl of* Kirkpatrick, Miss B J Levinson, F E H Esq* Herbert, Gerald A J Esq Howison, Mrs O E N* Jarner, Mrs E Kitson, Mrs P A Levy, Miss Alix Harewood, The Countess of Herbert, John S Esq Howkins, Mrs Shirley Jayne, F O Esq Klein, Miss Sylvia Levy, B W Esq Hargreaves, Mrs Herbert, Lionel Francis Esq* Hubbard, Mrs J Jenks, Mrs Patricia Kleinwort, Mrs C Levy, Mrs George Hargreaves, Miss Joan Hereford, W R Esq Hudson Davies, A Esq, OBE* Jensen, Niels Esq Klemantaski, Mrs Levy, Mrs P R Harlech, The Rt Hon Lord, KG, PC Hermes, Miss G Hudson, Mrs Mary Jesse 1, The Lord Knapp, Mrs Yvonne Lewando, J A Esq Harler, Mrs M C Herron, Mrs G D Hughes, Graham Esq* Jessop, Miss K H Kneale, Bryan Esq Lewando, Mrs J A Hading, Robert Esq* Hett, S A Esq Hughes, Mrs Graham* John, Mrs Augustus Knecbone, Peter Esq Lewenhaupt, Count Harling, Mrs Robert* Hewer, Professor T Hughes, Mrs Peter Johnson, Miss Grace Knight, Esmond Esq Lewin, Mrs Alma Harlow, Miss F F Hewer, Mrs T Hughes, William Esq Johnson, M M Esq Knowland, Mrs N H Lewin, B Esq Harper, Kenneth Esq Hewett, Mrs Diana Huizinga, Mrs* Johnston, Miss Elizabeth Knowland, V H I Esq Lewin, L Esq* Harper, Thomas Esq Hewett, K J Esq Hulse, Lady Johnston, Miss Eva G* Knowland, Mrs V H 1 Haiper, Mrs W Hewitt, Keith M Esq Hulton, Sir Edward Johnston, N Esq Lewis Dr D J Knollys, Eardley Esq Harris, B L Esq Hewlett, Mrs D M B Huiton, J W Esq Johnston, Mrs N Lewis, Mrs D J Knox, D B Esq Harris, Mrs David Hewlett, Roy Esq Hulton, P H Esq Johnstone, Mrs M Lewis, Dr E R C* Kolsky, Mrs Harris, Miss P V Heygate, Mrs Hummel, S A Esq* Johnstone, William Esq, OBE Lewis, John & Co Ltd Harris, Mrs Leslie Lewis, Miss Marjorie* Le Witt, Jan Esq Mardall, Mrs Cyril Mintz, M Esq MacQuitty, William Esq Ogden, R David Esq* Peters, A Esq* Lewsen, Dr Charles* Margulies, A Esq Mitchell, G A Esq McCallin, Miss Joan Ogden, Mrs R D Peters, Mrs Eric Lidderdale, Miss J H, OBE* Margulies, Mrs Miriam Mitchell, W S Esq McClaughry, Mrs A Ogle, R J Esq Peters, H G W Esq Lilly, Miss Marjorie Margulies, William Esq Mitton, P D Esq McCoy, Mrs Caroline* O'Hana, J Esq Petrovitch, Dr Milorad Linell, Mrs Margaret Mariani, Miss R Mitton, Mrs R E R McCrirrick, Miss Sheila Oldfield, The Lady Elisabeth Phelan, A J Esq Lion, N G Esq Marks, Mrs A C Moffat, Mrs Curtis McCulloch, M C Esq O'Leary, Patrick Esq Philipps, Mrs Hugo Lipscomb, Mrs J Marks, Miss F Molesworth, Mrs McCulloch, Mrs Laurita O'Neill, Anthony Esq Philipps, Hon Hanning Lipscomb, Dr J M * Marks, Herbert H Esq Mollo, E Esq McDermott, Mrs M Oppe, Miss Armide* Philipps, Mrs Percy Listowel, Freda Countess of Marks, Mrs Jessie* Mollo, Mrs E C McDonald, Miss G M Oppenheim, Sir Duncan* Phillips, Henry J W Esq Listowel, The Rt Hon The Earl of Marsh, Dr Kenneth* Molony, Will Esq McDouall, Robin Esq Oppenheim, Lady* Phillips, lan Esq* Little, Miss Joyce Marsh, Mrs Kenneth* Moncur, Miss B* McKenzie, Mrs N Oppenheimer, P F Esq Phillips, P L Esq* Littman, Mrs A* Marshall, E W Esq Montagu, The Lady Elizabeth McLaren, Miss S Oppenheimer, Mrs P F Phillips, Mrs Phyllis Littman, A Esq* Marsham, Mrs Morris Moody, Ronald C Esq McLeod, Miss M Oram, Mrs Phillips, Mrs R D Littman, Mark Esq, QC* Martin, Sir Alec, KBE Moore, Dickin Esq McLeod, Susan Lady Orde, Cuthbert Esq Phillips Rodney G Esq* Lockyer, Miss Mildred* Martin, Mrs O S* Moore, Henry Esq, CH McNeill Moss, G Esq* Orde, Mrs Cuthbert Phillips, Mrs T A Lloyd, A H Esq Martin, W A Esq Moore Crosthwaite, Sir P* McNeill Moss, Mrs G* Ormerod, R E Esq Phipps, Mrs Dorothy M Callender Lloyd, Mrs Angus Marx, Mrs M Moore, Mrs P McNeill Reid, A J Esq Ormond, Mrs E C Pick, Sydney J Esq* Lloyd, Angus Esq Marx, S S Esq Moore, R H Esq MacTavish, BEP Esq Ormsby, Miss Elizabeth Pierce, Miss Ehtel * Lloyd, Gilbert Esq Mason, Bateson Esq Moorehead, David Esq McWhirter, Mrs Ishbcl Osborne, John L Esq Piercy, W E K Esq Lloyd, Mrs K B Mason, Mrs Mary Moor head, Mrs M H McWilliam, F E Esq Osbourne, Mrs June Piercy, Mrs W E K Lloyd Lowles, Lt Col* Massada, Mrs lone Morand, S Esq Osman, Louis Esq* Pilbeam, Miss Nova* Lloyd-Williams, Dr K G Massingberd-Mundy, Miss A Moray, The Countess of Naar, Mrs S E Osman, W A Esq* Pilkington, Miss Margaret Lomas, Mrs M E Massingham, Mrs J E Mordaunt, Mrs Charles Nadin, Mrs M* Owen, Mrs F* Pilkington, R G Esq* London Typographical Designers Ltd Masson, Lady Jean Moresby, Mrs Beatrice Naftalin, Dr J E Pilkington, Mrs R G Longworth, Miss Marian Carlton Matchett, Mrs John* Morison, P H Esq Nan Kivell, Rex de C Esq Padova, Mrs Pinkney, Mrs N M* Loraine, P P Esq Mathew, Robert Esq Morland, Mrs Dorothy* Nathan, Jerrold S Esq Page, Mrs Tom Pitman, Mrs Claire Lotinga G M Ltd Mathias, J M Esq Morley, Mrs J R Nawiasky, Mrs Thirlby Paget Cooke, Mrs Pitman, Mrs H Lousada, Anthony Esq* Matthews, Peter Esq* Morny, C Esq Naydler, Mrs Elizabeth Pain, Mrs Nesta Piatt, H E A Esq Lousada, Mrs Anthony Matthews, T S Esq Morres, E M Esq Naydler, Merton Esq Pain, Richard H Esq Platts, Mrs B Loverock, Mrs J M Matthews, Lady Vera Morris, Mrs A G Naylor, Mrs E J R Paine, Miss Ula Plymouth, The Rt Hon Earl of Low, Mrs D Maude, Mrs E W Morris, Clive Esq Naylor, E J R Esq Pakes, J M Esq Podolsky, Mrs C Low, R V Esq Maude, E W Esq Morris, Dr David Neal, Mrs L Palmer, Hon A N Poland, Lt Commander R B* Lowe, 1 H Esq Maurice, Miss J Morris, Dennis Esq Nelke, Mrs Palmer, J W Esq Poland, Mrs Lowenstein, E Esq Mautner, J Esq Morris, The Lord Nettleton, Gordon Esq Palmer, Michael T B Esq* Poliakoff, Arthur Esq Lowman, Miss Patricia Mayall, Miss S A Morris, Miss * Nessler, Walter H Esq Panting, Mrs Anthony Pollak, F Esq Loxton-Peacock. G H Esq May lor, T C Esq Morrison, Mrs H* Neven du Mont, M Esq, FRSA Pappworth, Mrs Jean Pollak, Mrs G Loxton-Peacock, Mrs G H Mayor, F H Esq Morrison, H Esq* Neville, Mrs Pauline Parker, C G Esq Pollak, Mrs Stefa Lucas, The Hon Mrs* Meade, Mrs C J G Morrison, Simon Esq Newbury, G C Esq Parker, Mrs Charles Pollard, R S W Esq Lucas, Miss A Medlicott, E S D Esq* Mortimer, Arnold V Esq Newby, E Esq Parker, Mrs Oliver* Pollard, Mrs Lucas, NBC Esq Melchett, The Lady Mortimer, Raymond Esq CBE Newby, Miss M Parker, Miss V M Pollock, P S Esq Lucas, Mrs N B C Melchett, Gwen, Lady Mortimer, Mrs M C Newmark, Mrs J Parkin, B T Esq Pollock, Mrs Venetia Lucy, Lt Cdr C P M Melland, Brian Esq Mctser, Charles Esq Newnam, L Caselton Esq Parmiter, G de C Esq* Ponsonby, G J Esq Lucy, The Hon Mrs C P M Mellior-Smith, Mrs M M Mott, Tom Esq Newton, Eric Esq* Parmiter, Mrs G de C* Pool, Miss E M Luddington, Mrs E Melly, George Esq Motte, Mrs Edward de la* Newton, Mrs Erica* Parry, Mrs B B Pope, D F D Esq* Lush, Christopher Esq Melvin, James Esq* Mountford, Mrs D S Newton, John M Esq* Paton, E G Esq* Posey, E J Esq Lusty, R Esq Melvin, John Esq Moyne, Rt Hon Lord Newton, Mrs Pamela F* Patterson, Charles Esq, DSO, DFC Potter, Mrs Mary* Lydall, E F Esq Menut, Mile Noella Moyse, Arthur E Esq Nicholls, Colin Esq Pattrick, Mrs M Poupart, Mrs B* Lyons, Miss Effie* Mervyn, R Graham Esq Muecke, Mrs Jean Nicholson, J L Esq Pawle, John Esq Powell, Lieut Commander Metaxa, A Esq Muende, Miss Toni Nickalls, G O Esq Pawluk, Mrs V* Powell, Mrs Maggs, Miss Janet St J Metaxa, Mrs A* Muller, Mrs M N Nicoll, J S Esq Payne, Mrs L Powell, Col G S Magnus, Mrs N Meyer, Mrs Fleur Cowles* Mullins, Mrs E G Nigam, Mrs G Peacock, Miss M* Power, E J Esq * Magyary, Miss J Meyer, Mrs G Murdoch, Miss Elizabeth Nightingale, H W Esq* Pearce, J A C Esq* Prager, Mrs P E Maier, A J Esq Meyer, Dr H H Murphy, Miss KM Nisson, G M Esq Pearce, J Ricardo, Esq Prendergast, Mrs Simone Maile, Miss Beryl Meyer, Peter Esq* Murray, Mrs Margaret Nisson, Mrs G M Pearce, 0 D Esq Preskell, Mrs Lilian Maile, Mrs Edna Meyer, Mrs Peter* Muszynski, L T Esq, RBA Noel Buxton Trust Pearce, Miss Stella Mary Preston, Barnard Patrick Hughes Esq* Makowska, Mrs P Meyerhoff, Richard Esq Murrie, Sir William Stuart, KBE, CB* Noordhof, Mr G Pears, Peter Esq Preston, Kerrison Esq Malburn, Miss May Meynell, Miss Rosemary Musgrave, Victor Esq Norris, Christopher Esq Pearson, Mrs E Preston, Mrs Malcolm Smith, Mrs Hilda A Meyrick, Miss J McAlister, Mrs Ronald Norris, K R Esq Pease, Mrs FDD Preston, Mrs M P* Malet, Guy Esq Michael, Lt Col Louis, OBE MacAlpine, Mrs Norris, Mrs K R Pemberton Piggott, D Esq Price, Mrs C Mallinson, D Esq Middleton, Mrs MacDonald, Miss Anne Norton, Lady* Pemberton Piggott, Mrs D Price, D L H Esq Manessei, Countess Mier, Miss Emily MacFarlane, J E Craig Esq* Norton, Mrs E Lucy* Pemberton, Reece Esq Priestman, James Esq Mann, D J Esq Millard, Lionel Esq MacFarlane, Miss R H Notman, John Robertson Esq Penney, Mrs M E Primrose, Miss Naomi Mann, Mrs D J Miller-Jones, K Esq MacGregor, Mrs C P Nowell-Smith, Simon Esq Penny, A J R Esq Pritchard, J C Esq Mann, T O Esq* Millward, Alfred Esq Mackechnie, R G S Esq Nowik, Henry Esq Penny, Miss E Pritchard, Lt Col Richard C* Manners, G S Esq Milner-White, Rev E Mackenzie, G L W Esq Nunnerley, Mrs Penrose, Miss F E Proctor, Sir Denis KCB* Manners, The Lady Milnes Lewis, Mrs Elizabeth Mackenzie, Mrs Katherine Nunnerley, Miss Lesley Penrose, Roland Esq Proctor, Lady* Manson, Miss E D Mines, Miss Mackintosh, Mrs Hugh Pentland, Miss Prynne, J H Esq Marcus, Dr M Mines, K Esq* Mackintosh, James Esq Oatham, M C Esq Pepperell, J C Esq Pugh, Miss M A Maresco Pearce, C Esq* Mines, Mrs K* MacLaren, A A Esq Offord. Mrs D E Perelman, J Esq Purves, A M Esq Mardall, Cyril Esq Minto Wilson, H Esq MacLeod, Mrs Douglas Ogden, Mrs E M Permewan, Mrs S Putnam, Eric Esq Quinn, Miss D P Robinson, Mrs Stanley Sabatini, Miss Diana anaw, j t esq boutnaii, trie v tsq buaciarcis, Roger w fcsq"" Roboz, Miss Z Sacher, Mrs H Shaw, Mrs Marcelli Spalding. Miss Anne* Summerfield, Miss D J Rabinovitch, Mrs C Robson, Dame Flora M K, CBE Sackville, Rt Hon Lord Shaw, Miss M A Speelman, E Esq* Summers, S M Esq Radcliffe, Rt Hon Viscount, GBE, QC Rock, David Esq* Sadler, W R Esq* Shaw. Miss M F* Speelman, Mrs E* Summerscale. Lady Radcliffe, Mrs R A C Roddam, Mrs J* Sager, Peter Esq Shaw-Taylor, Desmond Esq Speke, Mrs R L Susskind, Mrs Willi Radin, Mrs M Roddon, Guy Esq Sainsbury, Alan Esq Shawzin, Mrs Spence, Miss Susan Sutherland, Miss H Radin, Murray Esq Rogers, Mrs Elsie Sainsbury, Mrs Alan Shearn, M Esq Spencer, Charles S Esq Sutherland, R M G Esq Radin, Mrs Murray Rogers, Miss Helen Sainsbury, Mrs Doreen Davan Sheffield, Miss Mary Spicer, Mrs P Sutherland, T W Esq* Raikes, Mrs G Roland Browse and Delbanco Sainsbury, J D Esq* Shelton, Stanhope Esq Spira, Mrs J J Sutton, Denys Esq* Raikes, J C Esq Roland, Mrs Will Sainsbury, R J Esq* Shelton, Mrs Stanhope Spiro, Robin Esq Sutton, Mrs I Raimes, Mrs Helen Roll, Eric Esq Sainsbury, Mrs R J Shepherd, Miss H M Spivack, H Esq Sutton, Ivan Esq Rake, Dr John S* Roll, Mrs W Salaman, Mrs G Sherratt, Mrs D A Spooner, Mrs J A Sutton, James Esq Rakocki, Basil I Esq Rollo, Mrs Andrew Salmon, Julian Esq, CBE* Sherwood, Dr Paul Sprigge, Miss Elizabeth Sutton, Mrs James Ramsay, M D Esq Rolt, David Esq Salmon, Mrs Julian Shire, Dr Hugh* Spry, Mrs B Sutton, J R Esq Ramsay, The Lady Patricia* Romain, Michael Esq Salmon, Mrs T D Shirley, Mrs Phyllis Sputz, Mrs F Sutton, Dr R N P Ramsden, Mrs Mary Romilly, The Rt Hon Lord* Salpeter, M Esq Shone, Sir Robert, CBE Stables, Miss S Sutton, Mrs S M Randall. Mrs G Ronald, Miss Catherine Salter, Mrs C Shrive, Miss Margaret* Stafford, Capt J* Swann, Mrs H B Rankin, Mrs S Ronksley, L A Esq Sample, Miss M A Shulman, Milton, Esq* Stainforth, Miss S* Swithinbank, Dr John Raphael, Mrs Nancy* Rooke, Mrs Noel Sampson, Mrs Phyllis Sidgwick. Miss Ann Stainthorpe, Miss A Sykes, Brigadier A C, CBE, DSO Sykes, Lady N Rea, Peter Esq Roper, Lanning Esq Samson, Mrs Julia Sieff, I M Esq Stamler, David Esq Sylvester, David Esq Rea, Mrs Peter Roper, Mrs P Samson, Dr O W Sieff, Mrs J E Standfield, Miss Rose Symes, Miss Mary C Redman, Mrs Marjorie Rose, Mrs E* Samuel, Hon P M, MC Sieff, J E Esq Stanley, Miss Jane Symons, Dr Cecil Redwood-White, O J Esq Rose, Geoffrey Esq Samuels, Mrs R Sieff, Michael D Esq Starritt, Miss M J Symons, Mrs Cecil Redwood-White, Mrs M Rose, H H Esq* Samuels, S Esq Sieff, Mrs M D St Aubyn, The Hon J* Reed, Miss E Rose, H W Esq* Sander, Ernest Esq Silsby, Peter Esq St Aubyn Moore, Mrs Reed, Vernon T Esq Rose, Mrs J E Sander, Mrs Siltzer, Mrs M S St Aubyn Moore, M Esq Tabor, Miss L Rees, Mrs June Edna Rose, Miss T* Sang, Dr Janet Silver, C J Esq Stead, Keith Esq* Talbot-Rice, D Esq Regendanz, Mrs Elsa Rosen, Mrs D N Sankey, J V Esq Silver, Henry Esq Stead, Mrs K C Talbot-Rice, D M Esq* Reid, Graham Esq Rosen, J Esq* Sassoon, Mrs Meyer Simon, R M Esq* Stead, Peter Esq Tandy, John Esq* Reid, Mrs Graham Rosenberg, Eugene Esq Saunders, J P Esq* Simon, Mrs R M* Steel, Richard Esq* Tarran, Major J Reid, Norman Esq* Rosenfield, Mrs H M G Saunders, Mrs L M Simond, Mrs M A Steen, S N Esq Tate, Mrs Patricia Reilly, Mrs Paul Rosenkranz, Dr Alfred Saunders, Miss O E Simons, Miss H Steen, Mrs S N* Tattersall, W D Esq * Reiss, Francis E Esq* Rosins, Mrs Leanora Savage, Robert Esq Simpson, Mrs Anne Steiner. K H L Esq* Taylor, Mrs Elizabeth Reiss, J Esq Roskill, Mrs Ashton Savitt, Edwin Esq Simpson, Dr S L Steiner. Mrs K H L* Taylor, Gordon Esq Taylor, G L Esq Remak, Miss Fanny Roskill, A W Esq Sea ra manga, G J Esq Sinclair, Miss Catherine Stemann, Mrs P E Taylor, R H R Esq* Rennie, H M Esq Roskill, Oliver W Esq Scarisbrick, Ian N Esq Sitwell, Francis Esq Stenson, Mrs J Teece, A H Esq Rennie, Mrs V M Roskill, Mrs S Scarlett, Frank Esq Siva, S Esq Stephen, Douglas & Partners Tennant, Trevor Esq Renton, Mrs R K D Rosner, D Esq Schick, Mrs Alice Skinner, F Esq Stern, Mrs Ellen D Thieman, H R Esq Revai, Dr A Rosner, M H Esq Schiff, Mrs EH* Skinner, F S Esq Stern, Mrs Lilly T Thomas, Mrs I Reynish, Mrs M P Ross, A E Esq Schleyer-Saunders, E Esq Skottowe, P F Esq Stern, Miss E S Thompson, Arthur Esq* Reynolds, Alan Esq Ross, Mrs A E Schloessingk Paul, Mrs E Skrine, I B Esq Stewart-Murri?, Sir William Thompson, Mrs F M* Reynolds, Mrs Alan Ross, Alan Esq Slesinger, Mrs Lilian Still, Charles A Esq Schneider, David Esq Thompson, Mrs Harry Reynolds, Graham Esq Slotover, Dr M Stirling, Mrs D A Ross-Wills, Miss E Schorr, Miss Claire Thompson, Miss Joyce* Sluzewski, Dr C Stockdale, Miss A L Rhodes, Mrs E Rothenstein, Sir John CBE Schreiber, Mrs Gaby Thompson, Mrs S M Sluzewski, Mrs C Stockham, Peter Esq Rhodes, Miss Patricia Rothenstein, Michael Esq Schweppe, Miss S Thomson, Peter Esq Smale, Miss C Stoddard, G Esq Richards, J M Esq Rotherham, Mrs Scott, Lady Thomson, Miss Sophie Smallpiece, Dr Victoria* Stoller, Ivan Esq Richards, John Esq Rothman, Mrs Scott, Capt Sir David, KC, MG, Thomson, Mrs S* Smith, Miss Abel Stoltenhoff, Mrs R Richards, Mrs M A Rothman, L J Esq Scott-Kilvert, Mrs I S* Thomson, Stuart Esq* Smith, A J Hugh Esq, MC, FSA Stone, Jonathan Esq Richardson, Miss K R, OBE, RA Rothman, Mrs L J Scott, Miss M Thorne, Barrie Esq Smith, Basil W Esq Richardson, Mrs S Rowel 1, Miss Elizabeth Scott, Mrs Mary Stone, Peter Esq Thornton-Firkin, Mrs J Smith, Miss Cicely Ridgeway, T E Esq* Rowntree, Mrs Peter Scott, Mrs Olga Stopford, Mrs V Thrupp, Colonel C G D* Smith, Hon James, OBE Ripszam, H Esq Rubinstein, A B J S Esq Scott, Sir Oliver C A Storey, M H W Esq Thrupp, Mrs C G D Ripszam, Mrs * Rubinstein, Mrs Ann L Scott, P F Esq Smith, Mrs O Hugh Stowell, R E Esq Thurso, The Rt Hon Viscount Ritter, L Esq Rubinstein, M B Esq* Scudamore, Miss C Smith, Mrs Phyllis Straight, Whitney Esq, CBE, MC, Thurston, CCD Esq Riviere, A O B Esq Rubinstein, Mrs Michael* Seaton-Reid, Mrs Vera Smith, R D Esq Strathcona, Diana Lady Thwaites, Mrs Mollie Riviere, Mrs A O B Rudd, Mrs E M Sebba, S Esq Smith, Mrs W F Stratford, Miss G A Tillac, Mrs Marion J Rivlin, Dr S* Rueff, Miss C Seilern, Count Antoine Snipper, Mrs L Strauss, Mrs G R Tillman, Mrs Malka Roberts, A S Esq* Rueff, F M Esq* Seligman, Mrs B Z* Snow, Mrs C M Strauss, Julius Esq Tilney Bassett, H G Esq Robertson, Mrs Alice Rueff, Mrs F M Seligman, Mrs Hugh Snow, Mrs Julian Strauss, K Esq Tinsley, M H Esq Robertson, Bryan Esq, OBE Ruhemann, T T Esq Selzer, Leon Esq Snowball, Miss Maureen Strauss, K S Esq Tisdall, Hans Esq Robertson, E M L Esq Runnette, J E Esq Selzer, Mrs A Snowman, Kenneth Esq Street, Mrs W G Tite, A G Esq Robertson, Mrs E M L Rushworth-Lund, Mrs V Sempill, Lady Sober, P Esq Strudwick, Philip Esq Todd, Miss Frances A* Robertson, Mrs E S Russell, Mrs G Seth Smith, D K Esq Solomon, Mrs Ethel Stucley, Peter Esq Tooth, Anthony, Esq Robertson, Mrs Marion Edna Russell, Martin Esq Severne, Mrs C M Somervell, R Esq* Sturge, Mrs Anne W Tooth, Arthur and Sons* Robertson, Mrs Stuart* Russell, Mrs Ronald Seward, Miss Marjorie Somervell, Mrs R* Sturges, Lady Tooth, Mrs D* Robin, Angus Esq Russell, Sheridan Esq* Shankland, G Esq Somerville, Mrs Lilian Sturgis, Miss E B* Tooth, Guy Esq Robi ison, Miss E M Russell, Mrs Sheridan* Shanks, Miss Jean Sonneborn, R P J Esq Sturt, A N Esq* Tollenaar, Miss Norah Robinson, Miss Helen Russell-Cobb, T Esq* Sharpe, Mrs Nigel Sonnis, Mrs I Sturton, Herbert J C Esq* Tomalin, H R Esq Robinson Prof K E* Russell-Cobb, Mrs T* Shaw, D R Esq Sorsbie, M Esq Suckling, W Esq* Tomalin, Mrs H R Robinson, Mrs K E Ryder, Hugh Esq Shaw, Mrs E Sybil Sortons, Miss Evelyn Suckling, Mrs W* Toseland, Peter Esq Walter, Miss A Williams, Mrs Charles* Youngman, Mrs L The advantages of signing a Banker's Order Towers, G L Esq Walthall, Miss Daphne Williams, Mrs D Young, N Esq Townsend, Miss Janet Walton, Major G N Williams, D R H Esq Yudkin, Mrs Cicely* For you: You do not have to send your subscription each Townsend, William Esq Warburg, Mrs Elinor B Williams, E R Esq Yudkin, Mrs J year - your bank does it for you. You do not Towsey, Mrs Warburg, George Esq Williams, Mrs Jolan risk failing to get invitations to parlies because Travers-Smith, Miss Dorothea Warburg, Mrs L Williams, Dr T R Zammattio, Dr V your subscription is overdue. Travis, Miss Paddy Ward, Alan Esq* Williamson, Miss Elizabeth Ziegler, Archibald Esq For us: We get your subscription promptly which may Trenchard Cox, Sir George ,CBE Ward, Mrs E Willis, Mrs Ramsay Zwemmer, D A Esq* avoid our paying overdraft charges. We save the Trcvelyan, J Esq Ward-Jackson, N R Esq Willison, Denis Esq Zwingli, Mrs L time, trouble and expense of sending you a Trevelyan, Mrs J Ward-Jackson, P W Esq* Willison, Mrs Sheila reminder. Troy, Miss J D Ware, W E Esq* Wilmot of Selmeston, The Rt Hon What is a Deed of Covenant? Tucker, Geoffrey Esq* Warner, Miss Daphne Lord, PC, JP It is only a formal promise to pay your sub­ Tucker, Mrs Isabella Warner, Oliver Esq Wilson, Dr A G scription for the next seven years. But it means Tugendhat, A Esq Warwick, R D Esq* Wilson, Miss Audrey L* we can get back almost as much again in tax Tugendhat, Mrs A Wates, Miss Susan Wilson, Charles Esq from the Government. Tully, Mrs C R Watney, Mrs John Wilson, Frank A Esq Please complete both if you have not already Tunnard, P H Esq Watney, Dr B M, BA Wilson, J W Esq done so Turnell, Martin Esq* Watt, Miss Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs Paula Turnell, Mrs Martin Watt, M J Esq Wilson, T M Esq Turner, Miss A Watt, Mrs Maurice Wilson, Mrs T M Deed of Covenant I Turner, AFC Esq Wayne, Dr Norman Douglas Wilshere, Miss Anne of Turney, Mrs Olive Weaire, R F Esq Wimbush, Mrs V M hereby covenant with the Honorary Treasurer Turquet, Mrs C Weaver, Mrs Alia Winand, Francis M S Esq* of the Contemporary Art Society, that I will Twentyman, A R Esq Webb, A L Esq Winand, Mrs F M* during the term of seven years from Twenty, J A Esq* Webster, Mrs D Winch, Brian Esq Twist, Anthony Esq Webster, Mrs J Windsor, Alan Esq* or during my life (whichever period shall be Twiston Davies, J H Esq* Webster, T B L Esq Wingate, Mrs B shorter) pay to the said Society each year such Tyrell Lewis, Miss D* Weddup, Mrs V M Wingfield Digby, G F Esq a sum as will after deduction of Income Tax at the current rate amount to the sum of Tyrwhitt, Mrs Ursula* Wedell, E G Esq Wingfield Digby, Mrs G F Weidenfeld, George Esq Winkler, Dr John* Ury, Mrs H Weil, Miss Hanna Winn, Godfrey Esq from my general fund of taxed income so that I Welby Fisher, Mrs Gloria Winner, George J Esq shall receive no personal or private benefit from Van den Bergh, R Esq Wellesley, Richard Esq Winstedt, Lady the said annual payments. Van den Bergh, Mrs R Welsford, Miss R M* Wisdom, Mrs I In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand Van den Bergh, S Esq Wells, Alfred W Esq Withers, Mrs Noel and seal this Van den Bergh, Mrs S Wentworth, John M Esq* Witt, John Esq* ..„.., , „— day of „ ., Vaughan, Keith Esq* Wertheim, Mrs* Wittmann, Mrs Ernest one thousand nine hundred and sixty Vaughan-Morgan, Sir John, MP West, Mrs Kathrine Wix, Miss Ethel Rose Vaughan-Morgan, Lady West, Lady Wolfe, Edward Esq Signed, sealed and delivered by the above-named Veal, Miss H R Weston, Mrs Joan Wolff, Eric Esq* in the presence of Venus, Miss V Wheelen, Miss M Wolff, Mrs Friedel* Name Vernon, Brian Esq Whineray, B B Esq Wolff, Dr Walther* Adress Vernon, Edmund J Esq Whitaker, B Esq Wood, Kenneth Esq Vernon, Mrs Elizabeth* White, Miss Helen Wood, Mrs K Occupation Verschoyle, Mrs Moyra White, J Trevor, Esq, MSIA, FRSA Wood, Roger Esq* Signature Vickers, J Esq White, Lt Colonel Peter* Woodall, Dr Mary* Name Villet, Henry Esq White, Mrs Peter* Woodcock, Tyson Esq* Address Vincent, Mrs P White, S D Esq* Woodock, Mrs Tyson* Occupation Von Hofmannsthal, R Esq Whiteaway, Michael Esq Woodhead, Dr Barbara* Signature Vogelpoel, Mrs Y Whiteaway, Mrs Rose Woods, W L Esq Vousden, Miss M E Whitehead, Miss Mavis Woolf, Miss S Order to Bankers Contemporary Art Society Whitehead, Sir Rowland, BT Worsley, L E F Esq Date ...... Waddington Galleries* Whiteley, Mrs E R Worboys, Sir Walter J* Bankers Waddoup, Mrs Whiting, Mrs B Worsthorne, Mrs P G Branch Wade, Mrs B Whitley, Lady* Wrigglesworth, Ian W Esq Please place to the credit of The Contemporary Wade, S W Esq Whyte, L L Esq Wright, Mrs Adela Art Society at Coutts and Co. 440 Strand, Wagstaff, Mrs A M Whyte, Mrs Eve Wright, Basil Esq WC2 on receipt of this order and on the same Wakefield, Peter L H Esq* Wickham, G Esq Wyllie, Mrs Diana date in each year the sum of Wakefield, Mrs P L H* Widdicombe, D Esq* Wyllie, T R Esq (£ : : ) Wakeman Long, Francis Esq* Widdicombe, Mrs* Wyner, Mrs A 2d Stamp Wakeman Long, Mrs E M* Wilberforce, Richard Esq Wynn, Dr Marianne Signature Walber, R D Esq Wilby, J A Esq Name „ Walford, R G Esq* Wilby, W S Esq Yardley, Miss Margaret Clearly written in capitals and stating whether Walker, R J B Esq Wilby, Mrs Yablon, Ralph C Esq* Mr, Mrs or Miss Walker, Miss Heather Wild, Hans Esq* Yates, Miss Joan* Address Walter, Mrs Susan Wilkins, M H F Esq Yeoman, Mrs Antonia Wallace, Mrs H Wilkinson, Mrs M D Yeoman, J R H Esq Wallis, Jack Esq Wilkinson, Dr V A Young, Miss M G Wallis, Mrs P M Williams, Mrs A F Younger, C Esq This order should be sent to the Organising Walsh. P B Esq Williams. Charles Esq* Younger. Hon Mrs K Secretary, CAS, The Tate Gallery. London SW1 Revenue Account for the year ended 31 December 1962

The Contemporary Art Society Revenue Account for the year ended 31 December 1962 1961 £ £ 1961 2500 Amount allocated for Purchases during 1962 4000 Expenses: Salaries, Allowances and National Insurance 1229 Contributions 1266 3 313 Printing, Stationery, Postage and Telephone 303 12 Subscriptions (including estimated Refund of Income Tax 350 Estimated Cost of Annual Report 419 0 44 78 on Deeds of Covenant) 5163 19 3 277 Miscellaneous 308 4 100 Bequests and Donations 150 0 0 2297 0 2 325 Interest on Investments and Deposit Accounts (Gross) 367 16 3 6 Deficit on Exhibitions 510 Sale of Tickets for Parties and Visits, less Expenses 304 18 10 738 Surplus for year Deficit for year 310 5 10 £5413 £6297 0 2 £6297 0 2

The Contemporary Art Society Balance Sheet 31 December 1962 1961 1961 £ s d £ s d Accumulated Fund Current Assets 7273 Balance at 1 January 1962 7936 15 5 Investments at cost 739 Less: Deficit per Revenue (Surplus) Account 310 5 10 1994 £2000 0 0 Hertfordshire County Council 5J"„ Slock 1965 1994 3 0 986 £1200 0 0 Swansea 3i % Redeemable Stock 1960 70 985 14 0 8012 7626 9 7 £1600 0 0 New Zealand 60„ Stock 1972 1543 8 0 75 Less: Transfer to Investment Provision Account 2882 £2884 I 6 31% War Stock 7937 7626 9 7 5862 4523 5 0 Creditors and Accrued Expenses (including Unspent Less Investment Provision Account 1375 0 0 898 Allocation for purchase of Pictures £228 0 0) 1375 Less Loss on sale of 31 % War Slock 1375 0 0 Note: No value has been included in the Balance Sheet for Pictures, etc., purchased by or presented to the Society and temporarily retained pending presentation to Art 4487 (Market Value £4682 - 1961 £4410) 4523 5 0 Galleries, etc. Deposit at Interest 500 Bowmakers Ltd. 2500 0 0 Cash at Bank 386 On Current Account 1032 8 10 2750 On Deposit Account 500 0 0 Peter Mayer and Anthony Lousada, Members of Committee 1532 8 10 Cash in Hand 6 19 10 Debtors Outstanding Subscriptions and esiimated Income Tax 634 recoverable on subscriptions 479 19 6 77 Sundry 416 15 3 896 14 9 £8853 £9459 8 5 £9459 8 5

Report of the Auditors to the memhers of the Contemporary Art Society We have examined the foregoing Balance Sheet and Revenue Account and have obtained all the information and explanations which we considered necessary. In our opinion proper books of account have been kept by the Society and the Balance Sheet and Revenue Account, which are in agreement therewith, comply with theCompanies Act, 1948, and respectively give a true and fair view of the state of the Society's affairs at 31 December, 1962, and of the surplus for the year ended on that date. Chesterfield House, Gerard van de Linde & Son 26/28, Fenchurch Street, London, EC3 Chartered Accountants 16th May 1963