10 Augusf'1999

Dear Mrs. Arbour, & ' I wish to inform you that I have submitted the name of Ms7 Carla Del Ponte to the Security Council as my nominee to replace you as the Prosecutor of the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. I expect to receive the Council's approval. I attach a copy of Ms. Del Ponte's curriculum vitae for your information.

If, as I hope, the Security Council endorses my nomination, I will ask Ms. Del Ponte to be in touch with you to work out the modalities for the transition.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan

Mrs. Prosecutor International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda The Hague THE SECRETARY-GENERAL


Dear J^dge Pillay, V I wish to inform you that I have submitted the name of Ms. Carla Del Ponte to the Security Council as my nominee to replace Mrs. Arbour as the Prosecutor of the International Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia. I expect to receive the Council's approval.

I attach a copy of Ms. Del Ponte's curriculum vitae for your information. I have every confidence in her ability to fulfil this important assignment with energy and commitment.

Yours sincerely,

Judge Navanethem Pillay President International Tribunal for Rwanda Arusha THE SECRETARY-GENERAL


Dear Judge Schwebel, '»* I wish to inform you that I have submitted the name of Ms. Carla Del Ponte to the Security Council as my nominee to replace Mrs. Arbour as the Prosecutor of the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. I expect to receive the Council's approval.

I attach a copy of Ms. Del Ponte's curriculum vitae for your information. I have every confidence in her abilityto fulfil this important assignment with energy and commitment.

Yours sincerely,


Kofi A. Annan

Judge Stephen M. Schwebel President International Court of Justice The Hague THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

10 August! 999

Dear Judge Kirk McDonald,

I wish to inform you that I have submitted the name of Ms. Carla Del Ponte to the Security Council as my nominee to replace Mrs. Arbour as the Prosecutor of the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. I expect to receive the Council's approval.

I attach a copy of Ms. Del Ponte's curriculum vitae for your information. I have every confidence in her ability to fulfil this important assignment with energy and commitment.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan

Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald President International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia The Hague Curriculum vitae

Carlo Del Ponte

1947 bom in on February 9, 1947

Law studies in Great Britain, and

LL.M. in 1972

1972 v. entering a private law firm in Lugano

1975 practicing law, setting up her own law and notary's office in Lugano

September 1981 Ms. Del Ponte was appointed investigating magistrate and later became public prosecutor, working with the office of the Lugano district attorney.

April 1, 1994 Ms. Del Ponte was nominated Attorney General of .

Major fields of activities on a national and international level since 1981 include organized crime, financial and other economic crimes, , drug trafficking, money laundering, illegal trafficking in arms, as well as international legal assistance. (Major cases see annex)

Participation in numerous seminars and congresses in Swit/crland and abroad. (Select bibliography is annexed).

<\ SENT BY:UN EOSG ,\Y ; / 7-islo - . ^•lii OOO UtOU i rr- I-1/ X

[ Major cases and investigations | - F/zza Connection Drug-trafficking scheme by the . Laundering of drug money later to be transfer to the U.S.A. (Joint investigations with Italian anti-Mafia magistrate and U.S. authorities, in particular FBI Director Louis Freeh.) - Indictment against board members of Swiss banks Numerous charges of misappropriation of funds. Extensive inquiries in Switzerland and Italy, investigating links to South American states such as Peru and Brazil. * Money laundering in general Various cases involving drug trafficking abroad; seizure and forfeiture of Illegal proceeds transferred to Swiss bank accounts; joint investigations with Italian. Spanish, and Brazilian prosecuting authorities. - International legal assistance Close cooperation with Milanese prosecuting authorities in the anticorruption inquiry labeled manipuliti, or Operation Clean Hands.

[ Further activities in connection with (he mission of the Attorney General's office: | - -

Espionage Investigation resulting in the conviction and sentencing by the Swiss Supreme Court of two persons involved in Switzerland with the banned Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), an Algerian resistance movement. - Arms Numerous investigations into the illegal trafficking of war material from Switzerland to foreign countries; chiefly in support of terrorist activities and organized crime (Italy, Algeria, etc.); seizure and forfeiture of ill-gotten proceeds. Terrorism Investigations into charges of aiding and abetting international terrorist Carlos. — Cooperation with Germany, France, Bulgaria, Romania, and other states. — Joint investigations with U.S. prosecuting authorities In the multinational fight against terrorism. - Narcotics Money laundering related investigations. Asset tracing and forfeiture of substantial Funds deposited in Swiss banks; asset sharing with involved countries; cooperation with foreign countries (e.g.: U.S.A., Mexico, and Brazil). International legal assistance Granting of legal assistance to requesting slates - -e.g. Russian Federation, Italy, and (inquiries in the cfesapareddos matter; chiefly in connection with offenses involving corruption and other crimes.

Particular emphasis on cooperation with Eastern European countries; ratification of a Memorandum by the Prosecutor General's office of the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, and the Attorney General's office of Switzerland, for the purpose of facilitating the legal assistance procedure and the exchange of information regarding the fight of organized crime.

[~S~elect bibljography: )

Bilancl e prospettive delta lotta al rlciclaggio. Parliamentary investigation committee on the Mafia phenomenon and similar criminal organizations. Lecture given in , July 9-10, T998.

- Drugs. Money and Laundering. Practical and legal obstacles to international judicial cooperation in financial investigations. Lecture given in New York, N.Y., June 10,1998. - finarizwert im Kampf gegen die GeldwSschersi: Wie wetter? . -99 ' 12 = 37 ; EOSG 212-363-3511- 212 363 6430:* 4/ 4 SENT BY:UN EOSG NY • 7-17 155 33 ,- ^ *<

L>orgenisatlor> crim/n/efle.