8/23/2020 Informatica Integration Cloud | | Cloud

Informatica Integration Cloud for Apigee

Secure, manage, and monetize APIs that connect any data and applications across multi-cloud and hybrid environments.

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Oer seamless experience

Connect any data, any application, for any integration pattern, across any environment, with secure managed APIs.

Reduce development complexity

Expedite development with managed APIs and zero-code integrations that connect and manage enterprise assets.

Accelerate business growth

Publish managed APIs to amplify reach, foster market collaboration, and unlock monetization opportunities.

Why iPaaS and API management?

Discover how the product-level integration between Apigee Edge and Informatica’s Integration Cloud can accelerate business growth in the digital economy.

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Read the (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/07/introducing-new-apigee- blog capabilities-to-deliver-business-impact-with-apis.html)


Without a truly cloud-native integration and API management offering, enterprises are forced to solve for their business needs with non-purpose-built API platforms, legacy ESB-based solutions, or API gateways. The lack of an integrated iPaaS/API management solution makes it dicult to:

Enable data-driven decision-making and innovation with coexisting applications and data services

Securely deliver, manage, and analyze APIs, data, and applications

Deliver seamless, connected experiences across partners, employees, and customers


Combining Apigee’s end-to-end API lifecycle management with Informatica’s robust integration capabilities enables enterprises to accelerate their journey to becoming a modern, connected digital business. And with a best-of-breed, comprehensive, integrated platform, developers and integration architects can:

Discover and invoke Informatica business integration processes using callout policies from Apigee Edge

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Access and connect to Google Cloud services, soware-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, and legacy services from Apigee Edge

Publish business integration processes as managed APIs to Apigee Edge from Informatica Integration Cloud

Enterprises require both integration plaorms and API management “ to create an advanced, comprehensive integration plaorm, and our panership with Google Cloud oers the broadest connectivity and integration in the market. ” Ronen Schwartz, SVP and GM for Big Data, Cloud and Data Integration, Informatica

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APIs Are Dierent than Ganer Magic Quadrant for Full Integration Life Cycle API Management 2018

(/apigee/resources/external-rep (/apigee/resources/ebook/apis- get quadrant-register/? get the  int_source=website&int_medium= int_source=website&int_medium the report ebook are-different-than-integration-eb 2018GartnerMQ)

Overview of Informatica Integration Cloud for Apigee

watch (//www..com/watch? video v=1vwuCBimVnY&autoplay=1)

Get staed

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Advance your digital strategy. Let’s start a new API project together.

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Informatica Integration Cloud for Apigee is a service that is operated by another company,s Informatica (https://www.informatica.com/about-us/news/news-releases/2018/07/2018712-informatica-and- google-cloud-partner-to-provide-ai-driven-integration-with-full-lifecycle-api- management.html#fbid=g0cFB2upcz_) .

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