Ship-money returns from , , 1640

Introduction ...... 1 cum Thorpe (VBR page 74, folio 3) ...... 2 or Blythford (VBR pages 85 & 86, folio 25: Blithford) ...... 2 + Bulcamp (VBR pages 75 & 76, folio 6: Blithburgh)...... 2 Bramfield (VBR pages 78 & 79, folio 11: Bramfielde) ...... 2 Bulcamp (VBR page 76, folio 6): see Blythburgh ...... 2 (VBR page 76, folio 7: Chedeston)...... 3 (VBR page 79, folios 12 & 13: Cratfeild) ...... 3 (VBR page 83, folio 20)...... 3 (VBR pages 81 & 82, folios 17 & 18: Halisworth) ...... 4 Henham [a hamlet in the parish of ] (VBR page 75, folio 5: Henha~) ...... 5 (VBR page 85, folio 24: Heaueingham)...... 5 Huntingfield (VBR page 78, folio 10: Huntingfeild) ...... 5 and Buxlow (VBR pages 73 & 74, folio 2: Knodishall and Buxlowe)...... 5 (VBR pages 79 & 80, folio 14: Lynsted magna) ...... 5 (VBR page 77, folio 9: Lenstead pva)...... 5 Mells Hamlet (VBR pages 74 & 75, folio 4: Meles Hamblet a member of ) ...... 6 Middleton cum Fordley (VBR pages 80 & 81, folios 16 & 16 verso: Middleton cu~ Fordleye) ...... 6 (VBR pages 86 & 87, folio 27) ...... 6 (VBR page 86, folio 26: Sipton) ...... 7 (VBR page 80, folio 15) ...... 7 (VBR pages 82 & 83, folio 19: Vbbeston)...... 7 Walpole (VBR page 73, folio 1)...... 7 Wenhaston (VBR pages 76 & 77, folio 8) ...... 8 (VBR pages 84 & 85, folios 22 verso & 23, which are joined together) ...... 8 (VBR pages 83 & 84, folios 21 & 21 verso) ...... 9 Index of selected surnames (excluding minor variants)...... 9 Introduction This document compares the British Library's images of the original returns from Blything Hundred (Harley manuscript 7541 folios 1 to 27) with transcripts made by Vincent Burrough Redstone (VBR) printed in The Ship-Money Returns for the County of Suffolk, 1639-40 (Harl. MSS. 7,540—7,542).

VBR claims in his preface (page xvi) that "no alteration has been made in the spelling of the names as recorded by illiterate scribes" apart from some grouping of surnames in the index. Nevertheless, there are many variations and a few omissions, perhaps owing not only to the haste of his work but also to the relatively limited facilities available to the Edwardian transcriber. Modern advantages include high-resolution images and the technology to enlarge these and study them at home, free from the pressure of time that must have weighed very heavily on an assistant master at Woodbridge Grammar School who produced a phenomenal quantity of transcripts, notably Blything Hundred's unpublished 1642 military grant assessments (now at the Suffolk Record Office).

Forenames are almost always abbreviated or standardized by VBR, e.g.: Gabriel for Gaberell; Jas. for Jeames; Jeremy for Jeremi; Nich. for Nycholas; and Simon for Simond (but Simond for Simont CUBIT at Wenhaston). He equates u with v and frequently misses or invents an e or a doubled consonant. E(c)clesiastical(l) and temporal(l) living(e)s of members of the clergy are routinely rendered as eccles. estate and temporal estate. Conventional spellings are also used for terms like clerk (instead of clarke or Clc~) and tailor (for taylor). Unless compounded with more significant differences, such small points are mostly disregarded in the following notes, except for surnames, which are capitalized (with expansions in parentheses) but otherwise spelled as originally written, in so far as I can judge.

The amounts due from each parish (stated in the returns' preambles) and from individual taxpayers have been examined and often found to be incorrect in VBR's book, especially at Linstead Parva and Wenhaston, where several consecutive amounts are displaced by one line. These errors are all noted below but only a few parishes' sum totals have been checked for any surplus or shortage.

David Gobbitt February 2019

Page 1 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

Aldringham cum Thorpe (VBR page 74, folio 3) March 1640 [the day is not specified] William MILLS [not Milles] Thomas SMITH and [blank] WINTER for the Walkes [see footnote1] William BLOMEFEILD [not Blomefield]

Blyford or Blythford (VBR pages 85 & 86, folio 25: Blithford) Thomas GREENE [not Green] William BARKER 7 3 [not 7 0] Humphry [not Humphrey] BOHUN gen~ 1 3 [not 1 0] Will(ia)m BURWARD 1 1 [not 1 0] Will(ia)m RICHARDSONNE [not Richardson] [Signed] Tho. GREENE [presumably the parish constable]

Blythburgh + Bulcamp (VBR pages 75 & 76, folio 6: Blithburgh) [The hamlet of Bulcamp (page 76) is not on folio 16 (which is from Middleton cum Fordley) but is named in the margin of this return from Blythburgh (folio 6), next to Sir John ROWSE.] S(i)r Rob(er)t BROOK knight more for Northfilds [not Northfields; see also Thorington for Northfeild] Richard & Will(ia)m WINCKVPS (not Winckups) Mr Daniell DEAUES [not Deave] for the Crowne marsh [not for Crowne marshe] Mathew BRIDGES [VBR omits the word for from the next line] more for p(ar)t of Swanes Anthony [not Antony] COOKE Rob(er)t STYLES more for Earnes & penny peytle & the hart fenn [not ..., and penny pightle and the Hart Fen] Ed(¯)e BELLEMAN [not Bellman, Ede] Mr EDWARDS [not Edwardes] for p(ar)t of Soackens [not Sockens] Rob(er)t LUDBROOKE [not Ludbroke] Will(ia)m BALDINGE for Bunnels A~by yards} [bracketed and rated together with the next line] Apletons & Bottries grounds} 11 6 [0 xj vj (not repeated) covers both this and the preceding line] more for the white harte middo [not meadow] Tho: CIRSP [not Crisp]

Bulcamp (VBR page 76) S(i)r John ROWSE kt~ [not Rous, Sir John, Knt.] Ed(¯)e HARGRAUE [not Hargrave, Ede] Rob(er)t HARGRAUE [not Hargrave] Tho: FARECHILD [not Fayrchild] Jo: CUTTINGE [not Cutting, Jn.] for Earnes

Bramfield (VBR pages 78 & 79, folio 11: Bramfielde) Edmund RABBITT [not Rabbett] Cleri: Radulph RABBITT [not Rabbett] gent~ Will: BROWNE [not Brown] Heney [sic] MYELLS [not Miles] John FELLA iu: [ju(nior); not min.] Chrystopher GIMINGHAM [not Ginningham, Christopher] Hamond [not Hamons] DOUGHTY2

1 Although the surname looks more like WIMTER, it probably belongs to Richard WINTER or WYNTER, who was assessed together with Thomas SMYTH at for the military grant in 1642. 2 DOUGHTY's forename looks like Hamonis but is evidently meant to be Hamond, the d being the same as those in the names of Japhery LORD, Edmund VEISY and Richard BERRY in this return. See also Hamond DOUGHTY of Thorington in 1642 (Ship-Money preface, page xiii). Page 2 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

Japhery LORD [not Lowis] 10 4 [not 10 0]3 Will(iam): FELLA iu: [ju(nior); not mi.] Suzan MOUSEIR vid. [not Mousier, Susan, wid.] CRISPE [not Cryspe] & KYBURNE [Blank] FELLTHAM vid: [not Felsham, [ ], wid.] John BROWNE [not Brown] gent~ Hustings WILLKERSON [not Wilkerson, Hastings; see also Walpole for Husting(e)s WILKINSON] [Deleted:] Robert POOLEY [omitted by VBR (between Hustings WILLKERSON and Henery GOODINGE); no tax recorded] [Blank] HARTE [not Haste] gent Nicholas BENEFEILD [not Benefield]

Bulcamp (VBR page 76, folio 6): see Blythburgh

Chediston (VBR page 76, folio 7: Chedeston) [The amount due is £23 11s 3d (not £3 11s. 3d.) but the sum total appears to be £23 9s 3d.] John PETTUS Esq~ 1 0 3½ [j 0 iij ob (obolus = halfpenny); not 1 3 0] Beniamin [not Benjamin] BULLER 13 9½ [not 13 9] Will(ia)m COLMAN 14 1½ [not 13 1½] Will(ia)m KNIGHT(E?)S [not Knights?] John SMYTH [not Smith] gen~ Henrie FYSKE [not Fiske] John FULLER 9 1½ [not 9 1] John FULLER for Mr SMYTH [not Smyths]

Cratfield (VBR page 79, folios 12 & 13: Cratfeild) Sir Thurstone SMYTH knight [not Smith, Sir Thurston, Knt.] Edmund BROADEBANCKE [not Broadbancke, Edw.] Robert KEEBELL [not Keeble] Jeremy COOKE [not Coke] John MYELS [not Myelles] Seno~ John SMYTH de Norwod [not Smith, Jn., of Norwood] Will(ia)m FISKE Seno~ 1 2 6 [not 2 6] Rob(er)t CARSIE [not Carhie] John SMYTH de Stubards [not Smith, Jn., of Stubards] John MYLES [not Myeles] John GOLDSMYTH [not Goldsmith]

Darsham (VBR page 83, folio 20) 8 May [not Mar.] 1640 [£19 2s 10d was due to be collected but the sum total appears to be 8s 5d short at £18 14s 5d.] Dorothy BEDDINGFEILDE [not Beddingfield] widdewe Will(ia)m HART [not Harte] gent~ Richarde WADE 1 7 6 [not 7 6]

3 Although this surname looks like LORIS, it is clearly meant to be LORD (see Hamond DOUGHTY, above). The r in LORD is unlike the one in Japhery but closely resembles the third character in Chrystopher GIMINGHAM's forename (above). Jeffery LORD was occupying land at Bramfield in 1642. Page 3 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

Will(ia)m HADENHAM [not Haddenham] Thomas TOAKLOUE? [or TOAKLOVE; but not Toakelove] Nicholas [not Rich.] BEDDINGFEILDE 2 1½? [possibly not as little as 2 1 if the faint mark at the edge of the page is a vestigial ob (obolus = halfpenny)] Rob(er)te REEUE? [possibly not Reeve] Rob(er)te BROOKE Knight [not gent.] Anne BEDDINGFEILDE [not Beddingfield]

Halesworth (VBR pages 81 & 82, folios 17 & 18: Halisworth) Jeames KEABLE gen~ [not Keeble, Jas., gent.] Richard PHILLIPPS [not Phillips] Richard SOANE [not Soone] Rob(er)tt KNIGHT(E)S [not Knights] Thomas FELTHAM 3 8 [not 3 4] Thomas SCARLETT [not Scarlet] Roger WOOD(E)S 4 4 [omitted by VBR, who rates de Browm' with 4 4; see next line] John KNIGHT(E)S [not Knight] de Browm~ 11 0 [see previous line]4 John CANAN Ais [= alias] IRISH [not Cawan, Jn., alias Irish]5 Richard FARRER 1 0 [not 10d] Edward FELLMINGHAM [not Ed. (not Edmund)] Willm~ DENNYE [not Denny] Edmund WATLING [not Watlinge] Rob(er)tt RUSHMAR [not Rushmur] Rob(er)tt MILLS [not Milles] Rob(er)tt FELTHAME [not Feltham] Ju~ Charles KNIGHT(E)S [not Knights] Wid~ AGNES [possibly her forename but not Aynes.] Willm~ PARTRYE [not Partrige] wheelwri~ Thomas BALEY [not Bayley] Thomas YONGES [not Yanges; YONGS in 1642 grant assessment] Anthony REAVE [not Reuve] Rob(er)tt PHILLIPP(E)S [not Phillips] Edwarde BARBOR [not Barker] Anthony ELGEE [not Elyee] Joseph BROWNE [not Brown] John PRIME [not Prince] Michaell BARFFOOTT [not Barfoote, Nich.] Nicholas MICHELL [not Michael, Nich.] John BROWNE [not Brown] Willi(am) STROWGER [not Stroweger] Ed: [not Edw.] WATLYN Constab(le) [presumably Edmund (see WATLING, above)]

4 Robert KNIGHTS senior of The Broome was buried at Halesworth in 1659 (Suffolk FHS Burial Index). 5 Both the C and the first n in Canan are unconventional but the Suffolk Archdeaconry probate index includes John CANNAN alias IRISH junior of Halesworth (1661). See Mells Hamlet for John ERISH alias CANNAM. Page 4 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

Henham [a hamlet in the parish of Wangford] (VBR page 75, folio 5: Henha~) George BAKER for SKETT(E)s [not Sketts] The same [sic; not Baker, Geo.] for MIDLETONs [not Middletons] Humfrey [not Humphrey] BOHON

Heveningham (VBR page 85, folio 24: Heaueingham) [Rob(er)te THURKETLE, the constable responsible for making the rate, is named in the preamble.] Thomas CROSBY Clarke [clerk] 4 0 [not 14 0] John WHYNCOPP [not Whincopp]

Huntingfield (VBR page 78, folio 10: Huntingfeild) Ed: [not Edw.] STUBS Doct:6 Edm~: BEDINGFEILD [not Bedingfield] Esay [not Easy] HARLING Tho: RACKH~M [RACKHAM; not Raikham] John SKOWLDING 0 [not 10d7] John ELLIS 1 0 [not 1 10] Tho: NEWSON 1 0 [not 1 10] Anthony PIGGOTT [not Pigott] Will(ia)m: BUCKNAM [not Buckman] 9d [not 1 9] Will(ia)m: EAUERED [not Evered] Esq~: & Je: [not Jn.] BOLLDERY [Jeremy BALDRY in 1642] He~: RICHARSON [not Richardson] ... for Sr~ Thurston SMITHEs [not Smith's] lands

Knodishall and Buxlow (VBR pages 73 & 74, folio 2: Knodishall and Buxlowe) George JERMYE Cler~ [not Jermy, Geo., clerk] for his temporall livinge [not temporal estate] William MANINGE 1 11 0 [not 1 12 0] Thomas FERIBIE 1 0 0 [not 2 0 0] Edmond BARNABY 1 0 [not 2 0] Richard LOPPHAM [not Hoppham; Richard LOPPHAM held lands at Blythburgh in 1642]

Linstead Magna (VBR pages 79 & 80, folio 14: Lynsted magna) [£19 3s was to be collected but the sum total is £17 3s.] Franncis EUERARD [not Everard, Francis] Esq~ Robert HODGSKINE [not Hodgskinne] William RENETTE [not Benette; REVETT in 1642 grant assessment] Brian DEWE 1 2 2 [£1 more than 2 2] John BRYANT [not Briant] Cippriam [not Cipprian] SAMSON

Linstead Parva (VBR page 77, folio 9: Lenstead pva) [Although the hundred (Blything) is not named, the preamble reads: A Rate made for the Collecting of (£)9-11s-6d~ Charged vppon the said towne, p(ar)te of (£)773-12s taxed in the said hundred toward(e)s the setting forth of a Shipp of warr. In VBR's book, the words "Taxed in said Hundred" take the place of the first individual, Sir Roberte COOKE, who was rated at

6 Possibly the rector, Edmund STUBBE DD, buried at Huntingfield in April 1659, or the "Dr Physic" STUBBS whose burial here was recorded in the parish register of Laxfield in 1660 (Suffolk FHS Burial Index). 7 A tax of nil would not normally be recorded but this makes the sum total of Huntingfield's ship money precisely the amount due, £21 1s 11d. Page 5 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

£0 7s 6d, and many of the following names are printed with displaced amounts of tax.] S(ir) Rob(er)te COOKE kn(igh)te 7 6 [not 5 0] Francis EUERARD [not Everard] Esq~ 5 0 [not 1 6] Henry MORE [not Moore] 1 6 [not 13 6] William SMITH 0 13 6 [not 1 7 6] [Francis VERDON's tax (1 7 6) is printed correctly.] Rob(er)te DAVIE 1 7 6 [not 18 6] Thomas PEARE [not Pease] 18 6 [not 15 6] Rob(er)te POLEY 15 6 [not 14 6] John ALLEXANDER [not Alexander] 14 6 [not 12 0] John ALDRED 12 0 [not 8 0] James TUTTELL 8 0 [not 6 9] Henry BRUNDISH 6 9 [not 8 0] Nicholas CURTIS 8 0 [not 5 0] Emme WELTON wid~ 5 0 [not 2 9] Lettice LUNNIS wid~ 2 9 [omitted by VBR] Rob(er)te WOOD(E)S [not Wood]

Mells Hamlet (VBR pages 74 & 75, folio 4: Meles Hamblet a member of Wenhaston) Robart FREMAN [not Fremen] John FULLWOOD 4 10 [not 4 0] William NYCOLES [not Nycolls] John BELWARD [not Beward if the blotted l is not deleted] Richard BROWNE 2 4 [not 2 6] Richard SOONE [not Soones] John SEMAN [not Seaman] John ERISH ales [alias] CANNAM [not Cannam, Jn. Erishales; see also Halesworth (IRISH)] Symon CUBIT et Edmund BELLYMY [not ... and Edm., Bellymy] for the tithe corne [not tythe corn]

Middleton cum Fordley (VBR pages 80 & 81, folios 16 & 16 verso: Middleton cu~ Fordleye) (9 May 1640) £19 2s 10d Thomas WATLING [not Watlinge] Edmond [not Edw.] WINCOP Frances HASSET or HASSEL(L)? [blotted but apparently not Hassett, Francis] Ann KNIGHT(E)S [not Knights] wid~ CARRs [not Peares] lands Rob(er)te SCOULDING [not Skoulding] Dowehowse [not Dowehouse] fen Rob(er)te KIDDALE [apparently not Kiddall] Mrs LAYERs [not Lawe's] lands Thomas BISHOP [not Dish] Rob(er)te DININGTON [not Dinnington]

Peasenhall (VBR pages 86 & 87, folio 27) Jo: BLOCK [not Blocke, Jn.] [R]aphe [there is a hole in the original document] ALDUS [not Aldous Raphe]

Page 6 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

Henrie LEGATT [not Leggatt] Erasmus KEMPE [not Kemp] Edmond CUTTYNG [not Cutting] ... [forename and much of surname torn or faint but apparently] BURLINGHAM8 [not Heveningham] Jeames HOLBACK [not Holbart, Jas.] Houell KNIGHT(E)S [not Knights, Howell] Tho: BURWAD [not Burward] John SCREVEN(ER) [not Scrivener] Esqr~

Sibton (VBR page 86, folio 26: Sipton) John TYLLINGTINGHAM apparently £1 7s 0d rather than 7s 0d [partly torn away] Simon HAYLLE [not Hayle] Edmond EWINE [not Ewen] Laurence MAYHEWE [not Mayhew] [Deleted:] Rob(er)tt HVNTE sen~ [omitted by VBR; no tax recorded; written on the line preceding Rob(er)tt HVNT (not Hunt) jun~] Edward HARROOD [not Harwood] Mr HVBBARD [not Hubbard] Esq~ Henry CHETTELLBORWE [apparently not Chettelbrowe] John DUNETT 1 0 [not 1 2]

Thorington (VBR page 80, folio 15) Henrye COKE [not Cooke] Esq~ Mrs. FELTHAM [not Felcham] Wid Northfeild [not Northfield (listed under Thorington's out-dwellers but not indexed by VBR; see also Blythburgh for Sir Robert BROOK's property, Northfilds)]

Ubbeston (VBR pages 82 & 83, folio 19: Vbbeston) [John ALDRED, the constable responsible for making the rate, is named in the preamble.] Francis ALDUS [not Aldous] John LUDBROOKE [not Ludbrook (under Outdwellers); nor Ludbroke (under Indwellers)] sen~ Margrett PEYRSON [not Peyeson] wid [PERSON in the 1642 grant assessment]

Walpole (VBR page 73, folio 1) John SPARHAKE [not Sparhauke] Husting(e)s [forename] WILKINSON [not Hustings, Wilkinson; see also Bramfield for Hustings WILLKERSON] Robte BARREWE 18 0 [not 18 6] Thomas SKOULDING [not Skouldinge] John SKOULDING [not Skouldinge] Thomas REVE [not Reeve] Willm WINSON [not Winsome] Thomas WATLEN [not Wablen] gent~ Thoccupyers of Rotten [not The occupyers of Retten] 2 4? [possibly amended from 2 6 or vice versa] Thoccupyers of Walpoole field(e)s [not ------of Walpole Field]

8 John BURLINGHAM was taxed at Peasenhall for the military grant in 1642. Page 7 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

[Deleted:] Willm~ CARIE for an hopyard [omitted by VBR; no tax recorded] Edward [not Ed.] BUXTON John WARDE 3 4? [possibly amended from 3 6 or vice versa] Joseph SKOULDING~ 1 4? [possibly amended from 1 8 or vice versa] [Deleted:] Simon HAYLE [omitted by VBR (between Thomas GRAY & George LANDE); no tax] [Deleted:] John WELLES [omitted by VBR (between Thomas GRAY & George LANDE); no tax] Thoccupyers of Robt COOK(E)s close [not The occupiers of Cooke's close] Robte COOKE [not Cook] for his estate George HASELL for his estate 4 6 [not 4 0]

Wenhaston (VBR pages 76 & 77, folio 8) [The amount due appears to be £14 7s 2d (not £8 10s. 11d.) but the sum total is five shillings more (£14 12s 2d).] Mr Reymond CLER~9 [not Rymond, Mr.] Rob(er)t LUDBROCKE [not Lubroke] sen~ Rob(er)t LUDBROCKE [not Lubroke] juni~ Edmund GOODELL [not Goodall] Rob(er)t BLITH [not Blithe] Thomas MANNINGE [omitted by VBR (between ... WALKER and Thomas MANNOCKE), displacing subsequent amounts] 6d Richard BROWNE for MICKLEBOYEs 6 11 [not 6d] Barniby HAYWARD for William GIRLINGs 6d [not 6 11] Zachery FELLA 1 4 [not 6d] Henry NORTH Esq~ 2 9 [not 1 4] Richard WINCKEOPE [not Winckcope] 12 1 [not 2 9] Lyonell EDWARDS 8 4 [not 12 1] Rob(er)t CHAPMAN 2 9 [not 8 4] Edmund WATLINGE 6 3 [not 2 9] William PATERIGE [not Parterige] John PEARE [not Pease]

Westleton (VBR pages 84 & 85, folios 22 verso & 23, which are joined together) [£25 11s 2d was to be collected but the sum total is no more than £22 6s 2d (if 7s 6d from BERRY and 6s 6d for Henry HADDENHAM's land) and possibly as low as £21 19s 8d.] Edward HAMOND [not Hamonde] Oliver [not Thos.] CHATBURNE Will(ia)m SHERINGTON [not Sherrington] [Blank] BERRY 7 6? [blotted or overwritten; possibly not 7 0] Hen: HADDENHAMs land 6? 6 [overwritten; possibly not 0 6] John DEN(N)Y [Deny with superscript bar mark] [Blank; not Henry] JORDAN Mrs. BEDINGEFEILD [not Bedingfield] Mr. FARRAR [not Farmer]

9 Reymond CLER~ may be related to Dame Elizabeth CLEERE (rated at 4d for Dod's fen in Wenhaston) or CLERE, a widow of Cotton, whose will (PCC 1645) mentions the Manor of Wenhaston. Page 8 (of 9) Ship-money returns from Blything Hundred, Suffolk, 1640

Yoxford (VBR pages 83 & 84, folios 21 & 21 verso) Mrs Winethryd [not Winethred] COOKE [Deleted:] Antho. SARLES [omitted by VBR (between Richard SARLES and Rich. GILDER); no tax recorded] Rob(er)te COWARD [not Cowarde] John VNDERWOODE? [possibly not Underwoode] Barnabie FEILD [not Field, Baraby] Rob(er)te [not Rebt.] DAWSON Laurence CLERKE [not Clarke] John HURRION glou~ [not glover] 13 6 [not 10 6] Rafe [not Rose] CANHAM [Ralph CANHAM was buried at Yoxford in 1660 (Suffolk FHS index)]

Index of selected surnames (excluding minor variants) AGNES [not Aynes; possibly a forename] at Halesworth BALDRY [in 1642] at Huntingfield BARBOR [not Barker] at Halesworth BELLYMY [not indexed] at Mells Hamlet BELWARD? [possibly not Beward] at Mells Hamlet BISHOP [not Dish] at Middleton cum Fordley BUCKNAM [not Buckman] at Huntingfield CANAN [not Cawan] alias IRISH at Halesworth CARIE [omitted as deleted] at Walpole CARRs [not Peares] lands at Middleton cum Fordley CARSIE [not Carhie] at Cratfield CLER(E) [not Rymond] at Wenhaston ELGEE [not Elyee] at Halesworth ERISH alias CANNAM [not Erishales Cannam] at Mells Hamlet FARRAR [not Farmer] at Westleton FELLTHAM [not Felsham] at Bramfield FELTHAM [not Felcham] at Thorington GIMINGHAM [not Ginningham] at Bramfield HARROOD [not Harwood] at Sibton HARTE [not Haste] at Bramfield HAYLE [omitted as deleted] at Walpole HOLBACK [not Holbart] at Peasenhall HUNTE (Hvnte) [omitted as deleted] at Sibton LAYERs [not Lawe's] lands at Middleton cum Fordley LOPPHAM [not Hoppham] at Knodishall and Buxlow LORD [not Lowis] at Bramfield LUNNIS [omitted] at Linstead Parva PEARE [not Pease] at Linstead Parva & Wenhaston PERSON [in 1642] at Ubbeston POOLEY [omitted as deleted] at Bramfield PRIME [not Prince] at Halesworth RENETTE [not Benette] at Linstead Magna REVETT [in 1642] at Linstead Magna ROWSE [not Rous] at Bulcamp SARLES [omitted as deleted] at Yoxford WATLEN [not Wablen] at Walpole WELLES [omitted as deleted] at Walpole WILKINSON [Husting(e)s is the forename, not the surname] at Walpole WOOD(E)S [omitted] at Halesworth YONGES [not Yanges] at Halesworth Page 9 (of 9)