TRINITY COLLEGE MCMXXXIX-MCMXLV PRO MURO ERANT NOBIS TAM IN NOCTE QUAM IN DIE They were a wall unto us both by night and day. (1 Samuel 25: 16) Any further details of those commemorated would be gratefully received: please contact
[email protected]. Details of those who did not lose their lives in the Second World War, e.g. Simon Birch, are given in italics. Abel-Smith, Robert Eustace Anderson, Ian Francis Armitage, George Edward Born March 24, 1909 at Cadogan Square, Born Feb. 25, 1917, in Wokingham, Berks. Born Nov. 20, 1919, in Lincoln. Son of London SW1, son of Eustace Abel Smith, JP. Son of Lt-Col. Francis Anderson, DSO, MC. George William Armitage. City School, School, Eton. Admitted as Pensioner at School, Eton. Admitted as Pensioner at Lincoln. Admitted as State Scholar at Trinity, Trinity, Oct. 1, 1927. BA 1930. Captain, 3rd Trinity, Oct. 1, 1935. BA 1938. Pilot Officer, Oct. 1, 1938. BA 1941. Lieutenant, Royal Grenadier Guards. Died May 21, 1940. RAF, 53 Squadron. Died April 9, 1941. Armoured Corps, 17th/21st Lancers. Died Buried in Esquelmes War Cemetery, Buried in Wokingham (All Saints) June 10, 1944. Buried in Rome War Hainaut, Belgium. (FWR, CWGC ) Churchyard. (FWR, CWGC ) Cemetery, Italy. (FWR, CWGC ) Ades, Edmund Henry [Edmond] Anderson, John Thomson McKellar Armitage, Stanley Rhodes Born July 24, 1918 in Alexandria, Egypt. ‘Jock’ Anderson was born Jan. 12, 1918, in Born Dec. 16, 1902, in London. Son of Fred- Son of Elie Ades and the Hon. Mrs Rose Hampstead, London; son of John McNicol erick Rhodes Armitage.