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Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 41, February 15, 1996

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 41, February 15, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1335. Golden Knights baseball team dominates Olit1e Garden Classic -p.16 Future Vol. 28 • No. 4 1 Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968 Feb. 15, 1996 Knight Cycle seeks support by MELISSA SHELTON • Behind the bookstore. Safe at Home Contributing writer • Next to the Wild Pizza. • Behind Seminole Hall. The next time you walk • Behind the Physical Plant. around campus and see someone But this is not enough. dive into a dumpster, don't be "We've got a lot of good . alarmed. Dumpster diving could be ideas," Metzger said, "but we're the next craze. needing a lot of help and a lot of Richard Metzger, UCF's re­ assistance from the campus." cycling coordinator, said dumpster The goal of the Physical Plant diving is the term used for recover­ and SG is to place the containers ing recyclables that have been where they will be convenient for thrown into the dumpsters around students and faculty to recycle. campus. Metzger has been working "If you make it convenient, closely with Kathrine Ducbock, the people wi11 do it," Duchock said. Student Government Environmen­ The Knight Cycle program tal Advocate, to promote Knight - Aluminum recycling Cycle, the UCF recycling program. Efforts are being made to get . "Caring for the environment exterior containers for aluminum is no longer a fad or a concern, but a cans. Although this sounds simple necessity," Duchock said. Since the enough, it is not. The containers beginning of the fall term, Duchock must adhere to the Standards has been trying to get awareness of Committee's rules. There are about Knight Cycle out to the public. She 25 to 30 of these standardized trash discovered it is not as easy as just containers on campus right now. putting out some containers with They are metal cans made of a recycling emblems. webbed material with a rubberized Currently, UCF has six com­ coating. These cans are expensive mingle recycling bins on campus. but durable. Efforts are being made photo/HUNT The white, unmarked bins are lo­ for the containers to have a yellow A UCF player slides into home plate during the top of the fourth inning to start the cated at the following locations: top, which will coordinate with rally that led the Golden Knights to a come-from-behind victory against the Georgia •Behind the Engineering Building. Tech Yellow Jackets. The Knig_hts are now 6-0 and looking to continue the streak. •Next to the Administration Build­ see SUPPORT, page 6 ing. . Campus eateries UCF Student Government spending questioned co~b~ heavily over, producing the reports and the their position as chair. Sen. Debbie Hoyer points out that · D More than $10,000 bills, and that's exactly what we've Senate President Pro theshirtsaremorethanjustclothing. to 'Freshman 15' in laptops were done," Organizations Appropria­ TemporeJohn Turner said the chairs They will help senators vote more in tion~ and Finance Committee Chair­ use laptops for legislative reports, tune with the students' needs. by SAMANTHA KA TES purchased by SG man David Siegel said. for typing everything said in com­ "Many students aren't Staff writer from ASF funds. "We had 16 bills come mittee meetings and for writing bills. awar~ of SG. Part of the Services through my committee last week; Additionally, senators believe the and Public Relations Committee's "Sure, I have seen a few new and I may not type them out per­ laptops are more useful than desk­ job is to get SG' ~ name out and let pounds here and there, but mostly I by JOE CHABUS fectly, but it's a lot of work that will tops because the laptops are used at the students know what's happen­ feel more sluggish and tired than I Staff writer not have to be done by the Senate · every committee meeting. A desk­ ing and how the students are af- . did in high school," Seminole Hall Secretary. A lot of clubs would not top would only be kept in the Senate fected by the senate's actions. resident Michael Wasserman said. Five IBM laptop computers be getting funding if we had to give workroom. "If we do purchase the "I find myself eating more junk than were purchased by Student Govern­ all of the workload to the Senate "Because committees do not shirts, it will be easier for student:S I did at home." ment for the senate's ~ommittee Secretary," Siegel said. . have, set meeting rooms, we're able to see who their senators are. This Many of the students who chairs. The funds came from the In fact, because of com­ to go from gives the students more accessi­ live at UCF steadily complain that Activity and Service Fee (ASF). puter problems, last year's bud­ room to bility _to senators, which is good their eating . habits have changed The senate's recent spending get was not typed up and given room and because senators will get more dramatically since they began col­ spree has spurred students to ques­ to Vice President of Student function ef­ input on the issues that we are lege. tion why $2, 100 to $2,60) was spent Affairs ficiently. I voting on, and this is our goal," TI-.e bulk of the problem could for each laptop. Le Vester use it for Hoyer said. be. attributed to the limitations that The computer issue started Tubbs in a anything If the senate overrides living on campus pose. Nicole when Interim President Mike Hess, timely fashion thathastodo Tubbs' veto, senators will be re­ -Niemeyer, who lived on campus during the summer, approved the - just one of with a uni­ . quired to wear the shirts.on certain last year, said, "I didn't have a car purchase of one laptop computer for the many rea­ versity func- days of the week '!fld on SG days. last year, so ifl wanted to eat, I had the Senate President Pro Tempore sons the budget tion. It is used Some senators point out that to go to campus restaurants or snack position using ASF funds. was delayed. to do work, not the shirt issue should not be made on whatever we had in the dorm Since then, all of the comput­ According to just to carry around;' into a big deal, because senators room." ers in the Senate workroom have Seigel, when the desktops in Turner said. are not paid to represent the stu­ Campus restaurants, such as broken beyond repair. The Senate the Senate office were working, The laptops are not the only dents, as opposed to members of Wild Pizza or Great Escapes, do not had the option of purchasing five documents were mysteriously expenditures being questioned. A the executive and judicial offer much assistance in a weight desktop or laptop computers. erased, destroyed and altered when Senate bill allocating ASP. funds to branches. maintenance program. Based on "Under the interim adminis­ no one was around. Since the com­ purchase t-shirts for senators has Moreover, Campus Activi­ nutritional analysis, most of the items tration this summer, none of the bills mitteechairs carry their laptops with been vetoed by Tubbs, but the Sen­ ties Board directors and Orienta­ offered at these restaurants are hig~ ever got typed, with all the traffic them, this is a no longer a problem, ate may override his veto. tion Team members are paid for in fat, grease and oil. This makes it going through, and nothing ever got he said. While it appears the Senate is their services and both groups re­ bard to m.iintain weight, much less to the administration. We made an Senators are allowed to keep using ASF funds to buy a luxury ceive free t-shirts as a gift from the lose it. agreement that the chairs would take their laptops until they relinquish that will only benefit the senators, student body president. see FRESHMAN, page 3

News 1-5 Opinion 6-7 Classifieds 8 • Features 9-14 Filmboy takes a whack at Al Pacino's City Hall. Sports 15-16 N •

• university of central UCF Student Government • Florida Presidential Elections •

• \0 : ·· ·iiaie ·· ·: • 0\ . -0\ Main Campus Feb. 27 & 28 : Change!~ Tuesday & \V cdncsda)' • ...... 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Voting Places: Health & . Physics, Education, Business & Engineering

Constitutional Amendment #1 (A Separation of Executive and Legislative Branches of Student Government) • Article II Section 2 Subsection B A Senate Ptesident "M'.10 Shan :Be the Student Bod] Vice .Presidtnt . Article II Section 4 Subsection B • 'f11e ,lice P1eside11t sha11 pteside ove1 die Senare as its Ptesident and slnrll be abl~ to bteak a tie vote of die Senate. Insert Article II Section 2 Subsection B A Senate President elected from the Senate Add Article Il Section 6: Duties of the Senate President The Senate President shall preside over the Sen~te and shall be able to break a tie vote of the Senate. Add Article II Section 7: Order of Succession In the event that the Senate President resigns or is unable to perform the powers and duties of office, the Senate President Pro Tempore • shall become the Senate President. Article III Section 5 Subsection B In the event that the Vice President is unable to fulfill the duties of office, the Senate President Senare t'tesident fro 'fernpme shall become • Vice President.

Constitutional Amendment #2 (Publication of Amendment(s)) Article V Section B • The proposed amendment shall be .published in "ttre" A major student publication and otherwise made available to the Student Body for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the vote by the Student Body. The vote on the proposed Constitutional Amendment(s) shall be held during the next regular Student Government elections. Brevard Campus[ .. 'iiaiii ... ]Feb. 26, 27 & 28 · . . . . Change! :·· · Monday through »1ednesday • . ~· ·· ·~· -···· ·· ···· · 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Voting Place: near the Student Government lounge

Constitutional Amendment #3 (Removal of Student Affairs Oversight) Article III Section 3 Subsection D Sign or veto all measures passed by the Senate within ten (10) school days of passage from the Senate. No action by the Student Body President in ten (10) school days shall constiri.Ite approval of the measure by the Student Body President. The dtief Stadem Affahs officer University President or His/Her Designee shall have three (3) weeks to veto or sign the measures in question. No action in three weeks shall constitute approval of the m~sure by the dtief Student Affairs officer University President or. His/Her Designee. • Constitutional Amendment #4 (Removal of Student Affairs Oversight)" Article II Section 5 Subsection K Override a veto by the chief Student Affairs officer University President's Designee by two-thirds (2/3) vote and refer the legislation to the President of the University for ultimate review. ·

Constitutional Amendment #5 (Removal of Student Affairs Oversight) Article V Section 2 Subsection B The signature of the chief Studerrt Affahs officer University .President.

Referendum #1 (Health Fee) • Please choose one of the following: . I. I want the current $47.30 Health Fee repealed. I understand that this would mean that there would not be a Health Center on Campus. 2. I want the Health Fee charged on a per credit hour basis. 3. I like the way the current Health Fee is administered. · 4. Other ___~------.. Daytona & · Cam useS .. 'iiiiii .. -~Feb. 26, 27 & 28 • South Orlando p : Change! : Monday through Wednesday -i • • • • • • • • • • • • 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Voting Place: near the Student Government lounge

All currently registered and enrolled UCF Students are eligible to participate in the UCF Student Government Presidential elections. If you have any questions of eligibility, please see the Registrar. All five Constitutional Amendments and the Referendum will be on each ballot at each campus. Words that are "struck out" with a line through them would be removed and bolded words would be added should a measure be passed. A referendum is not legally binding but communicates the opinion of the UCF Student Body. If you have any other questions, please call your local Student Government office or the Main Campus office at .(407) 823-2191. Please note the date change!

This is one in a series of four advertisements that was produced by the UCF Student Government Senate at a total cost of $1,760, as required by the Student Government Constitution, to inform UCF Students of the upcoming Spring Presidential elections, Constitutional Amendments up for ratification, and a Referendum to be put before the UCF Student Body. Feb. 15, 1996 •The Central·Florida Future • 3 Students to choose course.of SGA by JEFF DETIIUIN president's duties when the president surespassedbytheSenateandsigned Staff writer is absent due to business. by the student body president The Con: The executive branch and chief student affairs officer will be UCF students will be making someofthelegislativebranchfeelthis removed, and instead the university several important choices about their amendment would cut the communi­ president or his/her designee will • school' s future in the upcoming elec- cation between the executive and leg­ have three weeks to sign or veto the tions. Besides voting on candidates, islative branch. Some also feel this measure. students will also be voting on five amendment would strip most of the 'Noactionin three weeks shall amendments and one referendum. importantpowersandfunctionsof the constib.lteapprovalbytheuniversity • A constitutional amendment vice president instead of the chief student affairs is a piece of legislation that passes Comtirutional Amendment officer. Constitutional Amendment • throughtheStudentSenateandthenis #2: Publication of Amendments #4 in conjunction with Amendment sent to the students for final approval. Overview:. Tiris amendment #3 allows an override of a veto by the • A referendum is a measure says that the proposed amendment university president or his/herdesig­ that can be initiated in two ways: by a s~ be published in a major publfca­ nee instead of the chief of student · petition signed by 10 percent of the tion instead of the major publication. affairs officer by two-thirds vote and student body or by the Student Body Pro: This would allow the Stu- refer the legislation to the president President dent Government to go to any of the ofthe university forultimatereview. Constitutional Amendment competing student papers on campus Constitutional Amendment #5 al­ #1: A Separation of Executive and to advertise a proposed amendment lows the signature ofthe university Legislative Branches of Srudent Con: The purpose of the origi- president instead of the chief student Govemment nal amendment was to make sure any affairs officer on any constitutional Overview: Tiris amendment amendment reached the greatestnwn­ amendment removes the student body vice presi- ber of students. With the new amend­ Pro: This allows a bill to go dent as the head of the Student Senate , ment, Student Govenunent would straight to the university president or and replaces him with a president of have the option to advertise in other his/her designee and for the presi­ theSenatethatwillbeelectedfromthe publications that might not reach a dent or designee to say he wants the Senate. The senate president would majority of the students. job or to pass along the job to who­ preside.over the Senate and would be everelsehefeels isqualified, suchas · able to break a tie vote. Italso provides the provost or chief of student af­ that the senate pro tempore would fairs. become senate president if the senate Con: This amendment takes president resigns or is unable to fulfill out the extra added check ofStudent his duties of office. If the vice presi­ Affairs in the matters of Student dent is unable to fulfill his duties or · · Government spending and p0licy. resigns, thenthesenatepresidentwould Referendum#l: HealthFee become the vice president. The - Overview: This referendwn, Amendment would not go into effect which was initiated by StudentBody until 1997. Constitutional Amendment PresidentMiguel Torregrosa, would Pro: Many senators feel that .#3, 4 and 5: Removal of Srudent allow UCF students to pick what because the UCF Senate system is Affairs Oversight plan they want. The amendment proportional to the student popula­ Overview: Constitutional gives students four choices: tion, senators should be able to pick · Amendment #3, 4 and 5 are based on • The $47.30 Bealth Fee . theirpresidentfrom amongtheirranks. the Removal of Student Affairs Over- would be repealed ~q the Health · . Some senators also feel the amend­ sight These three amendments will Center would become privatized. ment would free up the student body strip the Student Affairs officer's posi- • The H~,alth Fee would be vice president to watch over the tion of most ofits power. Amendmenl charged to students on a per credit President's Cabinet and handle the #3 deals with signing or vetoing mea- basis. Knight's Pantry offetS foods for staying lit

from FRESHMAN, page 1 Three trips up to the buffet for more Weight Watchers lasagna is 'not ex­ Marriott food services tries actly low in fat. to listen to students' comments and One thing the Crossroads caf­ accommodate them in the best way eteria does offer is a binder full of possible. At most of the campus the nutrient analysis of all the foods eating establishments, students can they prepare. The calorie and fat find fresh fruit, salads, yogurt and count, the amount of grams of pro­ some fat-free items. · tein, carbohydrates, saturated fat The Knight's Pantry, for­ and ch<;>lesterol are listed for each merly a junk food haven, has turned serving of food. over a new leaf. The Pantry re­ Lauren Philmore, Brevard sembles more ofa convenience store Hall resident, said she has not . then a restaurant. Tina Leonard,· gained much weight, since she supervisor ofthe Pantry, said, "we tries to keep healthy food in her will accommodate student sugges­ dorm and attend aerobatics classes tions most of the time. We have three times a week. baked potatoes every so often, and a lot of fat free items." The Pantry was the only place Join tlE that provided such items as Healthy Choice frozen dinners, a whole line of Snackwell products, skim milk Team! and bottled water. The Crossroads cafeteria ranks among the worst in health °V'lrite for conscious choices. The all-you-can­ eat buffet offers ground beef for tacos, regular sour cream and but­ The *Patients in shock *Protect against infection ter, no fat-free dressings and a very *Bleeding Disorders *Accident victims small fresh fruit selection. *Provide intravenous *Provide clotting factors. However, Richard Lane, Cffltral fluid for bums, for Hemophiliacs . ' . Marriott's director of production, surgery, or *New research on life said, "they (Marriott) are going to treatment of illness threatening diseases be introducing a whole line of Flad$ Weight Watchers food. What stu­ dents need. to know is that, Weight 'We will compensate }OU for your time when giving the gift of liB" Watchers is only low in fat and Future YOU CAN EARN OVER $120 PER MONTH calories, if you portion it the way $25 UPON COMPLETION OF FIRST DONATION Weight Watchers wants you to." Call for information and/or appointment . 1122 W. Church St. (407) 841-2151 Orlando, FL 4 • The Central Florida Future •Feb. 15, 1996 THE GREEl{-OOLUMN .Greeks stress academic excellence Campus Calendar by LESLIE ADAMS Standards set by the university re­ FEB.15 Greek columnist quire all organizations to maintain an av­ •Black History Forum, 8 p.m., Brevard Commons erage GP A of 2.0 or above. If this average •"Quotes" club meeting, 4 p.m., VAB 213. Greeks are proud of their record for is not maintained, the organizations which •Solar Bears UCF Knight, call 428-6638. excellence in academics. This year, how­ fa11 below this requirement are placed on ever, their achievements have dropped Academic Probation. Phi Delta Theta falls FEB.16 and their efforts have fallen short of their into this category. •AFC Hip-Hop Gospel Jam, 8 p.m. - midnight, expectations. Phi Delta Theta is working closely Wild Pizza As the report on scholastic achieve­ with Evans to help raise their average. ments was issued, IFC Scholarship Chair­ New strategies have been instituted to in­ FEB.18 man Carnot Evans, was disappointed to crease scholastic awareness. These strate­ •Movie: The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, learn that the All Greek Average fell gies include mandatory study hours and 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., SAC short of the university average for the test schedule listings. first time in three years. The university The test schedule list is a list of test EEB.19 average is 2. 702, while the All Greek dates for all of the brothers of Phi Delta •Brown Bag Lunch series: Diversity at UCF­ Average is currently 2.639. Theta. At the beginning of the semester, Positive Changes? Noon - 2 p.m., President's When the average is separated into. the brothers hand in a syllabus for each Board Room, 3rd· floor, Admin. Bldg. groups by fraternities and sororities, how­ class "in which a brother is enrolled. The ever, the achievements are quite differ­ fraternity scholarship chairman then com­ FEB.20 ent. National Panhellenic Conference and piles a schedule of test dates for each •TKL Comedy: Royale Watkins, 8 p.m., SAC National Pan-Hellenic Conference aver­ brother. These dates are posted in the house, •Election Rally, 5:30 p.m .• 7 p.m., Lake Claire ages are still above the university aver­ making brothers aware of recommended Activities Center. age. The All Sorority average, including study time for a paFticular meinber. NPHC, is 2.826. The All Fraternity Aver­ Other suggestions offered by Evans . FEB.21 age is 2.449, falling below the university include chapter recognition of brothers •Cultural Arts: Concert Band Concert, 4 p.m., average. who earn an A in a class, study habit VAB "The focus has not been on aca­ encouragement through educational and demics as of late. Some fraternity mem­ verbal efforts and monitored study hours FEB.22 bers don't go to UCF They fail out, go to by the fraternities' scholarship chairmen •GLBSU's movie night: Paris Is Burning, 8 p.m., Valencia, and come back. Punishment and older brothers. Wild Pizza for under scholastic achievement is not as severe as it used to be," Evans said. FEB.23 It is corrµnon knowledge that some Results of the Queen of Hearts: •Deadline for President's Leadership Council · fraternities allow brothers who fail out of 1st place: Alpha Delta Pi (team 1) applications. UCF to remain active while enrolled at 2nd place: Kappa Delta Valencia. This practice hinders scholas­ 3rd place: Alpha Delta Pi (team 2) FEB.24 tic achievement even more, because it Queen of Hearts: Katherine Fitzpatrick •Big Brothers and Big Sisters Day, noon decreases the incentive to make good •Habit for Humanity, call 823-3318 grades by giving undeserving members the privilege of being active.


February 2/st •. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. • UCF Student Center Green

Calling all students. Come see Jeff Gordon's 1995 NASCAR Championship #24 Du Pont Chevrolet on the UCF Student Center Green, February 21st from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. If that's not enough, come for . the free food. This event is sponsored by the UCF Alumni Association, Student Government, and the Orlando Collision Center. While you're there gcetting adfrehe. hoUtCFdopg fancf dsocft drink, ypou can flearn more · ~boutd the Of rlando Cdollisioffn [O~ ~ LJ ~ F JUIJL enter an t e1r re erre ustomer rogram or a11 a1 umni, stu ents, acu 1ty an sta . ~ And who knows, maybe Jeff Gordon will show up- himself. After all, there is free food. C6UJIL Ce.delt, 9Ke. ALUM N I Feb. 15, 1996 • The Central Florida Future • 5

Student and faculty support not wasted for Knight Cycle 1s future

from SUPPORT, page 1 for UCF. Last year a pilot pro- pro2fams gram took place at Lake Claire At the present time, there the school's colors. Then, the re­ Apartments. It proved so success- are 14 dumpsters for Lake Claire. Tllb. UCf ROBINbON cycling container will not be con­ ful that the Physical Plant and SG One of these dumpsters will be fused with a normal trash can. have developed a program that removed and replaced with six OBbb.RVATORY • Paper recyclini will help make recycling easier - recycling containers. Tearable products, which in­ for the students residing there. There will be one for all the cludes paper, kitchen PLA.Nb To OPb.N Tll b. notebooks, recyclables and newspapers one for fl RbT Of tv1ARCLI. and maga­ tearables. Each • zines, will be kitchen will picked up by have a small PPS (Pollution container where Prevention students can Call 823-6505 for details. Services) . p I a c e Containers recyclables. provided by The Recy­ PPS will soon cling Center be assigned to T h e different build­ Physical Plant Internet Access Special • ings, starting bought. a bailer for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and their families with the Visual and built a cover Arts, Adminis­ to use as a recy­ $12.00 for 50 hours/mo. $14.95 for I 00 hours/mo. tration and cling center. Computer I and Metzger ...... _~~~~~~~~_____.;; 28.8Kbps V.34 dial-up to the World Wide Web II Buildings. estimates that • FREE Software • FREE Hot List • FREE first time on-line access assistance Duchock said Eleven bails of cardboard are recycled monthly. 85 percent of all the partnership materials dis­ Call GDI Today at 841-3690 or 1-800-9292-GDI between PPS and the Physical Waste Management and the Physi­ carded at UCF could be recycled. Plant will benefit them both with­ cal Plant negotiated terms so that Duchock and SG hope to out costing anything extra. Waste Management will pick up make students aware of the Recycling efforts to date the recyclable materials and take Knight's Cycle program. ENVIRONMENTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT Past pro2rams . them to the multi-refuse facility. "It feels like we are moving FELLOWSIDPS Recycling is nothing new The Lake Claire Apartments now,".Duchock said.

Florida Altalntic ~niversity is offering prestigious fellow­ Important dates in Black history r ships, through the FAU/FIU Joint Center for Environment News Flash ... National organizations and the dates they were founded: and Urban Problems, for students interested in Environ­ -.CC National Association for the Advancement of Colored mental Growth Management (EGM). EGM fellows study William F. Merck II, People (NAACP) 1909. for the master degree in public administration or urban and vice president for . ad­ regional planning in preparation for this posistions in , -.CC National Urban League (NUL) 1910. ministration and fi­ public, private, and non-profit sectors. Fellows who pursue -.CC Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) 1930. nance at the College of -.CCCongress of Racial Equality (CORE) 1942. William and Mary, the full-time four semester Master of Publlc Administra­ tion (MPA).program, receive $14,000. The NASPAA­ -.CC Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Williamsburg, Va., has been appointed to a com­ accredited MPA program offers a special curriculum in the 1957. parable post at UCF, ef­ administrative, political, economic, and legal aspects of -.CC National Black Political Convention 1969. fective March 1. Growth Management. Fellows who pursue the full-time Source: The New Book of Knowledge, 1978 Merck, 51, succeeds five semester Master of Urban and Regional Planning John Bolte. Merck's re­ African-Americans surfing the lnt:emet can find many sites especially sponsibilities include fi­ (MURP) program receive $17,500. The PAB- accredited esigried for Black students and professionals. A few examples: nancial and accounting MURP curriculum is focused on the values associated with Afro American Newspaper http://www.henet/-awelmakheru.htm operations, facilities growth management within a democratic society and the Afro American is a 103-year-old newspaper which allows browsers to planning, business ser­ growing importance of high technology. The MPA and h African-American history. vices, physical plant, · MURP prograins are offered thr~mgh the College of Urban MOLIS http://web.fie.comJweblmol · health and safety, police, and Public Affairs. The College is located at the heart of Minority On Line Infonnation Service (MOUS) includes information on personnel and purchas­ any historically Black institutions, such as scholarships available. ing. the South Florida region. This dynamic·region is on the urce: US Black Engineer. Winter~ 1995 leading edge of growth management practice and research. The FAU/FIU Joint Center for Environmental.and Urban Problems is a national leader in the development and STUDENT SPECIAL implementaion of growth management systems. For further informationand application materials call or write:

Office of Academic Support, College of Urban and ~~YJnJ~r:~~ Public Affairs, Florida Atlantic University, University Tower, 220 S.E• . 2nd Avenue LONDON Sl 79 I0 visits for $25.00 w/1.D. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Phone Number (954) 760-5659 PRHIS $199 across from UCF 2-73-54.19 Application deadline is February 29,1996. RMSTERDRM $259 FRRNHFURT $239 .. RECEIVE 10% DISCOUNT WITH VALID UCF I.D. ROME $279 G R I L L ~G R I L L rues ire ~om Hl1ml . each maq based an aRT purcbase. Ftres da not ladude federal taxes 1nd passenger facilities AMERICA'S VARIETY MENU OPEN LATE cbarees. IDllo en total betmeea S15.9S and $31.95. depend· ilO ea Ille destination. aar do Ille~ lnclUde departure dwges r-- paid iecllq ta la foreign omrnmellls. mhich CID total be­ & tmeea me and sma.11111SIUdent18 maq be required. Fares r - - FREEnRiNK FruEs I FREEnRiNK& FruEs I 11e select le change. lestricllons applq. I - FRBE20ozDRINKANDSMALLFR!ES I FREE 20oz DRINK AND SMALL FRIES G R I L L WITH PURCHASE OF OUR NEW 1~ WITH PURCHASE OF GYRO · I (ielllltijil Travel ~ ClflCKEN PHILLY SANDWICH OR CHICKEN PITA. CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange I AVAil..ABLEf MIAMI SUBS GRILL OF UCFI I AVAILABLE AT MlAMl SUBS GRILL OF UCF I la 1H Wet Mtp:/ /mm.dee.111/cts/clsllldal MIAMI SUBS GRILL MIAMl SUBS GRILL I 12201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. I .1 12201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. I l-B00-2-COUNCIL EXPIRF.S 3-lS-96 EXPIRES 3-15-96 NOT VAUD WITH ANY OlllER OFFER. UMIT ONE COUPON PER VISIT. ..I NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER VlSIT. ..I [l-800-226-8624] L ------L ------The Central Florida Future February 15, 1996 The importance of fasting Arif M. Hussein Guest writer

We are into the third a person who can discipline his/ week of Ramadan during which her passionate desires and place every Muslim around the world him/herself above physical temp­ which constitutes about a third of tations. world's population must fast. It provides one with clear Fasting for a Muslim as it is liter­ mind to think with and light body ally defined means toabstain com­ to move and act with. It shows pletely from foods, drinks, inti-: man ·a new way of wise savings mate intercourse, and smoking be­ and sound budgeting because fore the break of dawn till sunset. when he eats less quantities or However, if we restrict the less meals he spends less money meaning of the Islamic Fasting to and effort; a spiritual semester of this literal sense, we would be home economics and budgeting. sadly mistaken. It is a Godly prescription Beyond the physical sense for self-reassurance and self-con­ of the fasting there is a trol for maintenance of human dig­ · metaphysicalor spiritual sense nity and freedom and for victory which helps to give even deeper and peace. Fasting enables man meaning to the physical one. Here to master the. art of mature adapt­ is an explanation of the spiritual ability when it makes him change meaning of the Islamic Fasting. the entire course of his daily life; It teaches man the principle therefore, adapting to a new sys­ of since!'e love because when he is tem and rules. fasting he does it out of deep love A person who values con­ for God. It cultivates a vigilant structive adaptability and cour­ Dear Mr. Maxwell, and sound conscience in a man for age will readily appreciate the ef­ I beg to differ with you, sir, on there is no mundane authority to fects of Fasting in this respect. severalaccounts.Itisaapparentand check or compel him to fast; so he Fasting, backed by scientific re­ obvious that you are indeed "Chris­ keeps it to please God and satisfy search, grounds one in a healthy tian" and that you hold the Bible in Golden Rule student handbook, this his own conscience by being faith­ survival. One who relieves his high respect. It is also obvious that mentally lazy as you are, and that area "shall be deemed a free speech ful. digestive system he is iodeed in­ your opinion i~ a biased one and that those of us with inquisitive minds area for the conduct of political ac­ It instills in m'an Patience suring his body, not to mention you feel strongly that it is correct. make the effort still to explore and tivity and other exercises of free and Unselfishness because when the soul, against all harm that re­ You say that the human mind explain the universe and its laws speech"- See Rule 6C7-4.0293 he fasts he feels thepain of depri­ sults form stomach overcharge. cannot deal with the infinite. Is that that govern us. If we were all like from the 6C Florida Administrative vation but endures patiently as do Final but not least, Fasting to imply that we cannot compre­ you, we would never know what the code. the less fortunate around the world originates in man the real spirit of hend what is beyond our own real­ atom is, how photosynthesis oc­ A closer examination of the who do not have anything to eat social belonging, of brotherhood, ity? What about life on other' plan­ curs, how the human body works, or Administrative code makes it more for weeks and months, days and and of equality before God as well ets? What about the belief in black probably even what gravity is and clear: nights. as before the law. This spirit is a holes that has ·only recently ~n . how it works. Why bother to figure 4.0293-1- "University It is an effective lesson in natural product .of the fact that proven? What about the process of it all out? We are incapable! Just buildings and grounds may be sched­ applied moderation and willpower .when one fasts he/she is joining evolution? What about the fact that leave it to God, fill up the collection uled for political activity and other because the person who observes the whole Muslim society in this scientists hundreds of years ago plate and move on! exercises of free speech and assem­ his/her fasting properly is certainly obligation to one God. knew that "invisible creatures" Inquisitively, bly in areas specifically designated caused illness before microscopes JM . for th~t puropse by the president or Web Address: were available to identify them as ------· · designee, such use must be on a E-mail: [email protected] bacteria?' What about Pasteur fi­ non-interference basis with the con- Opinion E-mail: [email protected] nally disproving spontaneous gen­ Dear Pat, duct of classes or other normal ac­ eration? The human mind is capable . In the January 30th issue of tivities of the University. Determi­ of much more than you realize. the Central Florida Future, there nation of what constitutes Ceilf.fal Florida Future You also claim that we are was a front page article detailing the inferference shall be made by the © 1995 Campbell Communications, Inc. incapable of determining the mean­ arrest of preacher for violating the University President or on his order Offices: 11875 High Tech Ave., Suite 250, Orlando, FL 32817 ing in our lives. In other words, we Univ.ersity's free speech area rules. in the best interest of the University. Newsroom: (407) 823-8192; FAX 823-9495 can't explain any of this, so let's just I would be interested in see­ 2- "In the absence of speciffo Editor ...... •.....•••...... •....•...... •....•.••.•.•.••....•...... • Sean Perry put a lable on it, call it "God," and ing an article which details the exact designation made pursuant to one Managing Editor •...... •.....•...•..••..•.•..•...•.••.•...... • Mike White quit trying to figure it all out. If we free speech area rules. In particular, above, and subject to other regula­ News Editor ••..••....•..•....•....•..••••.•.•...... •...•.•....•.•...•.. Jeff Hunt had that kind of mentality from the the ~story and constitutionality of tions ofthe University regarding the Sports Editor ...... Jason Swancey start, then we would still think the designating free speech areas. Also, assembly oflarge numbers ofpeople Features Editor ...... ·. l)erek Krause Earth is fl~t, and half of us wo~.l.d · is the University and/or government the use of sound amplification equip­ Opinion Edi.tor ...... ~ ....•.•••.... ~; •••••.. Pat ·Fox have died from Small Pox by now:' required to post signs designating ment and maintenance of free ac­ Photo Editor ...... Jeff Hunt · According to you, it is only which areas are and are not free cess to all University facilities ... "etc. Copy Editor ...... •.....• ~ ...••..•.. Mike Melnick, David Swartz, Jr. after a person fails to verify the speech areas a_nd what technically In other words, the one area is Production Manager .•..•.•...... •...... n~ ••••••••••••• Pete Matchett meaning of their own life that they doe8 free speech entail under the always considered a free assembly turn to religion. Of course, it's only Staff Writers: Doris Bloodsworth, Laura Bundy, Joe Chabus, Darren University's guidelines? area, provided it doesn't interrput when we're down and out, with Crovitz, Justin Delias, Jeff Dethuin, Dan Griffin, An article addressing these the normal class operations, and nowhere else to turn, that we go to Jeff Hogan, Ken Jackson, Pat Karsnick, Samantha Kates, Michelle topics would be greatly appreciated other areas may be used, provided "God;" well, isn't that convenient? Martinez, Peter Maxwell, Tony Mejia, Joseph Nadeau, Tim Springer and highly informative. permission is sought. Or at least, You also state, "The imagi­ Thank You. this is my understanding. Business Office: (407) 823-8054; FAX 823-9495 nary boundaries that we set for our­ Philip T Mccreanor As for the constitutionality of Publisher •.•.•.....•...•.•..•••....••.•.•....•...... •...... ••.... Stephen Norris selves never lead to a true meaning it, while I am no constitutional ex­ President ....•...... •..•.••...... •...... •..•...•.•....•... Richard Agster to life unless that meaning agrees pert, the fact that cities provide per­ Business Manager ....•..•...•...... •...••....•.•...... •.... Ben Thomas with "God's." What is imaginary Dear Mr. Mccreanor, mits for assemblies, parades, and so Advertising Manager ...... •...... •...... •...••.• Donald Bates, Jr. here? "God" and only "God" gives I made some phone calls, and on, indicates to be that it probably is Distribution Manager .....•..•••.••.•••••.•••.••..•••... Jonathan Evans our lives meaning? Biased much?! this is what I discovered about the constitutional. Oassified Manager .••••.••••...... •...•..••.....•.... Kristen Stuart 'God is right, you are wrong, so "Free Speech Area": As for needing to post these .Opinions expressed in The Central Florida Future are those of the newspaper or its agree with us, or else.' I feel sorry Tue area, actually called the areas, the fact that it is quoted in the individual columnists and not necessarily those of the University administration or for you, giving up so soon on ex­ ''Free assembly areas" is defined as student handbook, and that every Board of Regents. Letters to the editor must be typed and include the author's signature, ploring the wonder of life and just "the open grass area between the student gets a student handbook tnajor, and phone number. Letters are subject to the editing of grammar and for space, going the easy route and leaving all and become the property of the newspaper, subject to their publication. The Cer~ral kiosk and building 12 (Health and should logically classify as due no­ Florida Future is a free, campus newspaper published twice weekly through the tall the thinking and understanding to Physics Building) as circumscribed tice to all. and spring semesters, and once weekly through the summer semesters. O.:npbell "God." by Apollo Circle and the sidewalks I thank you for writing, and Communications is not associated with the University of Central Florida. Single copies We sure are fortunate, as a are free; additional copies may be pure~ at the Future office fo · ~.50 each. leading to the South-West entrance hope this was helpful. species, that not all of us are as to building12." According to The -Pat Fox, Opinion F.ditor. Feb. 15, 1996 • The Central Florida Future • 7 Publix- where working is a pleasure. •. despite the controversy

OThegender even heard of it until I read what this any adavantage because I was a discrimination lawyer had to say in the paper. Ac­ man. From the time I was first put up cording to one of my fellow associ­ for promotion until the day I got allegations against ates, this term was used a decade or promoted, there were many others I Publix are more ago, but saying that it is used was competing with. I saw just as completely without routinely is another outright lie. I many men as women get promoted the outside sources which have ad- supposethep1aintiffslawyersmust before me, but they didn't get their grounds. dressed Publix' s hiring and promo- be pretty desperate if they have to promotion because of their gender. mercial Workers Union (UFCW). tion policies: dig up archaic terminology and pre- They got it throught their own hard Ever since Publix first expanded 1. Consumer Reports -rated tend it's some.thing that's still in use work and commitment. Assomeofyoumaybeaware, into Georgia, the UFCW has been Publix as the numberone supermar- 3. ·The deli manager ( typi­ In fact, of those people who Publix Supermarkets has been un­ hot on Publix' s tail. The union tried ket in the nation in four out of seven cally a woman) is subordinate to the were promoted in that time period, der fire recently for ~Hedged dis­ toorganizePublixassociatesin years categories. meat manager (typically a man.) two of them have since been pro­ crimination against women. In July past, but has never had any success. 2. Publix was listed in the top Again, another sad case of dredging moted again (to Assistant Manager). of 1995, six former and two current In Georgia, Publix now has over 10 in the book ''The 100 Best Com- up the past and trying to pass it off as One is a man, the other a woman. If Publix associates filed suit against 14 % of the market share right now, panies to Work for in something le- there's discrimination at Publix, I Publix. They have since been joined when original projections were call­ America." gitimate. Back sure haven't seen it. And I resent by four other associates and the ing for a measly 5% of the market! 3. The Florida There was no in the days anyone who implies that I got my EEOC. Publix has been accused of This has the UFCW running scared, Commission on the concern expressed when the deli job because of my gender. putting women in lower paying, dead because more union-free Publix jobs Status of Women has was a small The facts in this case, in my end jobs and actively pursuing an means less union jobs and less union recognized Publix as for the Publix partofthemeat opinion, clearly show that anyone agenda of discrimination against dues coming in to pay for the perks a leader in imple- associates they department, who thinks Publix discriminates women. A judge in Tampa is now of union executives. And Publix menting pr9grams claim are yes, it was the against women is not dealing fo deciding whether or not to grant jobs offer competitve wages AND that supp<>rt women. responsibility reality (a tip of the hat to publix class rv;tion status in this case. As a better benefits than those of UFCW 4. The Florida mistreated. The of the meat spokesperson Jennifer Bush for Publix associate myself,!' djustlike supermarket jobs. Family Council UFCW is using the manager. But tI:iat). My own experience, as well as to say that anyone who thinks Publix In the UFCW Action Maga­ named Publix as one as the depart- those of thousands of Publix associ­ discriminates against women most zine, union executives were quoted ofthe state's topcom- women in this suit. ment evolved, ates who voluntarily submitted definitely has a few screws loose. as saying their main goal in launch­ panies for working------sodidtheman­ sworn statements echoing my state­ (What? You didn't think I write this ing this 'corporatecampaign' against families. agement of it, to what it is today. ments, clearly shows that. And column for a living, did you?!?) Publix was 'to stop Publix'. There So far, all the lawyers for the The deli manager has equal status to we've got many outside sources to ..... Now, ifd be really easy for was no concern expressed for the plaintiffs have been able to offer are any other department manager (in­ back us up, too. All the UFCW has someoner~ding this to dismiss what union workers the UFCW repre­ lies and half-truths to convince the cluding the meat manager) and an­ for this lawsuit are lies and half­ I've got to say simply because I sents. There was no concern ex­ judge of their claims, such as: swers, like the others to the Store truths. When did this union become work at Publix. However, regular pressed for the Publix associates 1. Deli clerks are routinely Manager. that which it was orginally designed readers of this column over the past they claim are mistreated. The referred to as ''lunchmeatand cheese It was these particular state­ to fight against? !kw sad. few semesters know that I'm not UFCW is using the women in this girls.'' This is an outright lie. There ments that set me off, and prompted But you don't have to take my shy when it comes to expressing my lawsuit to achieve their own ends. In is a postion called lunchmeat and metowritethiscolumn. The UFCW word for how Publix operates. Come opinion. IfPublix was indeed guilty fact, the judge in the case recently cheese clerk (who stocks the would have you believe that I've into one of our stores and see for of the alledged. charges~ I wouldn't ruled in Publix' s favor with regards lunchmeat and the cheese), but this gotten where I am today at Publix at youself. In fact, you could come hesitate to speak out about it But to documentation being withheid person works out of the meat de­ the expense of female associates into my store (the one next to UCF) don't take my word for it, let's take by the union. It clearly shows how partment, not the deli. and that I had an easy time getting and talk with my Store Manager at look at the background. the union solicited the women in 2. Second As~istant manag­ there. Well, let me set the record (you know, THE boss) about the First off, the real plaintiffs in this case, paid some of their ex­ ers are routinely referred to as "the straight. -Opportunities for women at Publix. this case are not the women in this penses, and offered some of them third man." Huh? This happens to I had to work long and hard to I'm sure SHE'd be glad to talk with case, but the United Food and Com- jobs. Interesting. be the position I hold and I've never get into management. I didn't have ·you. Student takeover of Columbia College Complain about UCF and win prizes! Dean's at Columbia University But remember, I'm look­ ing for USDA Prime Beef. It can be any as~t of the school, classes, your roomate, or any O Asian American, aspect of college life. Entries Latino, and Black will be judged purely by taste! Are you a master Entries should be be­ students demand complainer? Or one tween 50-150 words, clearly ethnic studies! of those smarty marked "USDA PRIME Jeff asks for your pants that has some BEEF' and sent to the email Fax: (212) 855-5401 . support. snide comment addresses below before Leap Please fax, email, or call in email: dhcl4@columbiaedu Day. All ertries are subject to the following administrators imme­ Address: 208 Low Library about everything? pubJi.cation. diately to express your support for Here's your chance. As of 12:15 this afternoon the students involved. Please "cc" Austin Quigley (Feb 6), students of color are sittjng all email to this email address Dean of the Faculty of Co­ in the office of Columbia College ([email protected]). ThankYou. lumbia College Dean Austin Quigley in Hamilton George Rupp Associate Vice President for Hall, vowing not to leave until their President of the University: Undergraduate Education: demands for changes in Columbia's Phone: (212) 854-2825 Phone:(212)854-2441 O Melissa talks about the Jewish point curriculum are met. Fax: (212) 854-6466 Fax: (212) 854-7984 of vi,ew- At this moment, Columbia Email: [email protected] email.: aeq [email protected] Security is not letting anyone enter Address: 202 Low Library Address: 208 Hamilton the Dean's Office. D Peter Maxwell talks about individuality In solidarity, a candlelight Jonathan R. Cole, PhD Kathryn B. Yatrakis vigil will be held at the Sundial at Provost of the University: Associate Dean of Columbia and what it means to the sense of 7:00pm this evening. Phone:(212)854-2403 College: community Students are demanding Fax:(212)932-0418 Phone:(212)854-2441 -Latino Studies and Asian email: [email protected] Fax: (212) 854-7984 American Studies Address: 205 Low Library email: [email protected] O Pat Fox talks about opening things -fundamental changes in Address: 208 Hamilton Columbia'sracistEurocentric "Core David H. Cohen The Central Florida Future welcomes your letters and Curriculum." Vice President of Arts & Sci­ Columbia College Dean's articles. Submissions may be brought to our offices on disk, Faxed Students have been demand­ ences & Dean of Faculty Arts & Office: to823-9495,[email protected], ing Asian American and Latino Sciences: (212) 854-2446 if you prefer, [email protected]. Studies since 1969. Phone: (212) 854-8296 202 Hamilton The Central Florida Future Classified February 15, 1996

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,,University of UCF Student Government Central -Florida Presidential Candidates

•lnterfraternity Council President Frank Amoros •President of the Greek Council •Student Body Vice President •Executive Administrator •Senate President •Student Government Senator •SG Elections Commissioner •Student Government MacLab •Student Senator Assistant •Vice Chairman Clubs & Organizations •Vice President Pi Kappa Alpha Committee •Finance Committee •Vice Pres. . Lambda Chi Alpha-Fraternity •Judicial.Board •UCF Telecounselor •Student Alumni Association • EOP/Soar Program- Student Tutor •Chairman IFC Police Relations· •HASA, ISA, UCF Surf Club •Dean's List •Activity. & Service Fee Committee •Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in English • Parking and Traffic Advisory Committee •Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration _John Stanord

Voting Place: near the Student Government lounge

•Chair of Student Union Board of Directors Rico Brown •Association of College Unions International •Campus Activities Board Speaker's Dir. Representative •Consultants for Effective Leadership •AmeriCorp Member •African American Student Union •Student Government Election Commissioner •Provost Advisory Committee •President of Residence Hall Association •Stude.nt Government Chief Justice •Chief Justice of Residence Hall Standards •Student Government Justice Board •UCF Tour Guide •President Hitt's On-Campus Ad-hoc •Differential Tuition Committee Committee .. •Who's Who in America's Colleges •Surf Club Historian •Parking Appeals Committee •Vision '94 Representative •National Conference for Students' •World Summit Representative Services Representative •National Association for Campus Activities Representative Graciela "oriega

,, .

Voting Place: near the Student Government lounge

•Member of the 27th and (current) 28th Student Senates •Member of the 26th, 27th, and (current) •Vice Chair of the Clubs & 28th Student Senates Organizations Committee •Interim Student Body President •Operations Review Committee •President Pro Tempore •Vice Chair of the Election & •President and Vice President of the Appointments Committee Student Accounting Society •Vice Chair of the Environmental Ad­ •Member of Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting hoc Committee Honors) •Pursuing a Bachelor's in Pre-Law ··Golden Key (Honors) •UCF GPA ·• •Dean's List •Numerous Student Government and University Committees •Pursuing a Bachelor's in Accounting

This is one in a series of two advertisements that was produced by the UCF Student Government Senate at a total cost of $880 to inform UCF Students of the upcoming Spring Presidential candidates. All currently registered and enrolled UCF Students are eligible to participate in the UCF Student Government Presidential elections. If you have· any questions of eligibility, please see the Registrar. If you have any other questions, please call your local Student Government office or the Main Campus office at (407) 823-2191. Candidates were asked to provide a picture of themselves and a fifty (50) word (maximum) profile on their past activities. Tickets are listed in Presidential Candidate alphabetical order. All three tickets will be on the ballot at all UCF Campuses. February 15, 1996 F-3 COUNTRY GIRL GoEs ORLAN•o OPERA by RICHARD AGSTER Thiele's philosophy of singing. ''The La Boheme tells the story of a group Future arts critic simplicity makes it difficult," she adds. of starving artist types, centering around Theaudience, Thielecontinues, "should the relationship between Rodolfo the poet How does a farm girl get into singing be able to close their eyes and hear and his love, Mimi, who is dying of tuber­ professional opera? Ask Beverly Thiele, what's going on and tell what the per­ culosis. One of Rodolfo's compatriots, Musetta in the Orlando Opera Company's son is feeling." Marcello the painter, still loves Musetta, upcoming production of Puccini's La And feel she does as the charac­ who cannot stay bound to one man for Boheme. ter Musetta, whose"emotionsrunhigh." long. "I worked at the Des Moines Thiele elaborates, "[Musetta] is a big ''It's fun to have as much control Opera ... and fell in love with opera,'" ex­ flirt who lets men buy her things, loves over aman as Musetta has over Marcello," plains Thiele. A lover of country music to have fun and sings in bars." jokes Thiele, yet quick! y turns to a serious originally intending to pur­ note. "This is not the first sueMusic Education, young time Musetta has had to Thiele's Des Moines Opera deal with death," says experience changed her di­ Thiele, referring to the rection. She finished her un­ death of Mimi. Here, dergraduate education as a Thiele can bring life ex~ Performance major, became perience to the character: an apprentice of the Des "I have had to deal with Moines Opera, and a few too many deaths of my years later made her profes­ friends." sional opera debut with the However, opera is same company. not all love and death. "I Thiele soon found her­ love the travel, but I hate self with a Master's ofMusic t'1e packing and flying," degree from Northwestern Thiele comments laugh­ and another apprenticeship, ingly. She also dislikes the this time with Chicago's city, preferring the out­ Lyric Opera. As part of the doors; "I want to bike program, Thiele understud­ acrosslreland formy hon­ ied and worked with some of eymoon." the great names in contem­ For what else porary opera, such as con­ could our up-and-com­ ductor Leonard Slatkin and ing opera diva wish be­ singer Rene Fleming. "But fore she makes her Lyric [Placido] Domingo · is the Opera of Chicago main complete artist. He sings hon­ series debut? "Just one estly from the sou] and the time, I would like to go heart ... no messing around," courtesy/ORLANDO OPERA back and do a whole muses Thiele. Beverly Thiele plays Musetta in the Orlando Opera night back with the Thus, in a nutsheJl, is Company's production of La Boheme. [country] band."

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• February 15, 1996 F-5


"J oumey with me into the mind of a film:aniac. A film boy.

-8:38 a.m. The Oscar nominations arrived early Tuesday. I awoke with light yawns arid heavier expectations. The Red electricity that ran through my blood last year swelled once again. This time, the swig of adrenaline went to the crew behind Leaving Las Vegas. · We went 4 for 4 (~rector-Figgis, actor.:Cage, actress-Shue, • screenplay) until the travesty of Hollywood erupted. Bravehearl was a good movie. Everyone agrees it was a good movie. But T-H-A-T is IT. Ten nominations and best picture? My belly was so stricken with anger .at the feel-good nominees, I forgot that every other category was almost an ace. If anything, I'll give Arthur Hiller and his buddies some credit for having an all-around bias - omitting not only Vegas but also Casino, Dead Man Walking and Nixon. Poor Nicole Kidman. The only explanation I could think was that her name didn't end with an "S." The S-Force: Sarandon/Shue/Stone/ Streep/fhompson. John Travolta's fate, however, might've been sealed by another bug. Academy members must've caught a sneak peak atBrokenArrow. Both the screenplay and supporting categories were almost perfect. Oliver Stone got a healthy nod along with The Usual Suspects. I won't toot any horns over Toy Story, but will say I was quite suiprised Happy Gilmore opens nationwide on February 16 to see Mare Winningham show up all the way from Georgia. · Smiley faces for all, especially Antonia's Line, a moving period saga, well-worthy of its nomination. I hope it wins. And if anything could be worse than theBraveheart scam that's been going on. It would be that it re-re-opens again tI¥s week. And the winner is ... please Mel, stay home.

** City Hall (R) Someone once said, "variety is the spice oqife." Well, :fyfayor Al Pacino needs a dash or two. Pacino played his blind-man sermon with perfection in Scent ofa Woman. Say it ain't so Al, but everything you've done since your stint with boy-wonder, has been a tad similar. First, it was your loud-mouth jarring in Heat, and now, as a New York politic man in City Hall, it's your confusingly out-of-place eulogizing of a dead kid you don't even know. For an actor whose made a living off yelling his lines instead of reading them, Paci no shouldn't be blamed for his vocal highj~nks. Although he actually shows up in a supporting role (it's John Cusack' s movie), Pacino's appeal is still lame. His only wealth is that he acts as a focal point to this roughly concocted script.

Large Selection of lnline Skates Becker's script is typical ofmost spring charades oozing out from Hollywood. There's never anything in them. It might seem that City Rollerblades•Roces•Rollerderby Hall has something going early on, but nothing ever develops. City Hall is lost in its own intelligence. A high stakes controversy Koho•Tour•K2 that's too silly and ignorant to follow takes over any acting Pacino or Cusack, who plays the mayor's right hand, try to pull off. RENTAL: We rent skates by the day for just $10. Any attempt at taking this seriously quickly went to· the city's .... sewer system, after an all-to-unnecessary TV cameo by ex-NYC mayor *The $10 can be a discount on the purchase of a-pair of new skates! Ed Koch and back-to-back VISA plugs in a pointless coffee shop scene. Disturbing also, is the job title of John Cusack's character. He is supposed to be taking care of Pacino's festive and astoundingly important speeches, but all you see him doing is being a private dick. It was evident, through Cusack's meandering through Elliot Ness' black book, that Becker was desperately in search of a finish. After this, it is clear he's in need of another job. & 16Feb.-Bravehearl, City Hall, Mr. Wrong, Muppet Treasure We Buy, Trade, Sell, Consign Used New Sporting Goods Island, Richard Ill, Things to do in Denver When Your Dead 7628 University Blvd • Goodings Plaza •Winter Park, Fl. 32792 Happy Birthday Filmboy. 407 677-5007 ~1

You just kissed a guy. A guy who is not your boyfriend. You feel guilty. And confused. You call your sister for advice. She says four ·simple words: "No French, no foul." You suddenly feel better.



f Feb. 6, 1996 • The Central Florida Future • 15 of these teams have the firepower Both Adam Johnson and Brad King gamer - f to overcome the Bulls. Then again, that's why they play the games on all-toumament honotS after strong series the court, and not on paper. drivinganoutsidefastballtowardsthe RESPECT, from page 16 Utah has played very well right-field wall, giving the Yellow in the regular season, but as al­ from getting comfortable in the dug­ Jacket right fielder an opportunity to ways, folds in the playoffs. I think out as he hand-fed North Carolina show his pirouetting skills. The hit it's called 'Seattle Syndrome' or three innings of doughnuts in the run waslaterscoredanerror, butitwasjust something. The Mailman and column. the beginning of an offensive out­ Stockton might not deliver the "We feel like anybody on our burst. Johnson then batted in Moser prize to Utah, but I think they'll [pitching] staff can get the job done," with an opposite:..field double off the take home the Midwest crown. said Carey Weeden confi­ lefi-fi~ld wall. King then stepped up Speaking of crowns, Hakeem is dently. "Last year we had some hard and sent a shot deep to the center field wearing the one that says King of throwers on the mound. This year our wall, sending Johnson home. Thepep­ , the NBA. The Rockets have turned are more crafty. We'redoing }:iering of the wall was complete, but _The NBA is back from its ance of has-beens and role play­ to Eldridge Recasner as their point more pitching rather than just throw- the rally wasn't. Outfielder Todd mid-season classi~. which the East ers. It's not working. Last and guard, which is strange. At the ing." Bellhornthensteppedintotheboxand won handily 128~119. Michael most certainly least are the Phila­ same time however, I've learned Third-baseman Andy Moser, drove a hard line-drive to left field, Jordan was named MVP despite delphia 76ers who have played ·not to question Rudy shortstop Adrian Cardenas, and King allowing_King to score the final run of the fact that Shaq and Penny out dismally, despite having more tal­ Tomjanovich. David. Robinson anchored the UCF offensive attack as the inning, which cut the Georgia performed him. Regardless, the ent than most teams in the Eastern will have his Spurs playing late the trio combined for seven hits and Tech lead to one. award doesn't mean that much, Conference. Look for 'them to into the season, butl think they'll fuurruns. 'The Yellow Jackets managed and will probably be used to fuel change coaches and finish this start to slip due to their lack of UCF8UNC3 tocapitalizeonafewfieldµtgblunders the big guy in the second half of season on a winning note. depth, and won't be a factor in this Taking on the fifth-ranked by thC OcF defense, but the Golden the season. The Central is beginning to year's playoffs. Dallas and Den­ Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, in the Knights put their hearts on display and The first half of the season look like last year's AL Central ver are the upstarts in this divi­ "off-the-wall-party," was the game failed to give up. With the score tied at - brought a few surprises, most no­ division in baseball, where the sion, but neither team has played UCF had been waiting for. A good six in the top of the ninth, Pacitti sent • tably Magic Johnson making him­ ran away from particularly well this year. They'll showing against a highly.-respected a Shane McGill pitch out of the yard to self reappear. It was highlighted everybody. The Bulls are doing both be fighting for one of the Georgia Tech club would give the give the Golden KnightS a two run by the Bulls pursuit of 70, which the same, despite the media circus final playoff slots. Minnesota and Golden Knights the attention they lead. The two run blast proved to be has probably been mentioned more that follows them everywhere. In Vancouver are both shooting and dCserve. the game winner. by the media than Phil Jackson or a distant second are Reggie Miller playing cold. I guess they think The Golden Knights' third and any of the Bulls brass. and the Indiana Pacers, who are their play has to represent their final game ofthe weekend was all that . UCF 8 Georgia Tech 7 Orlando and New York ap­ on a quest to be there at the end. climate. could be expected, as the two teams pear to be headed down to the Perhaps the biggest surprise of the In the West, Showtini.e has combined for 21 hits. TheUCFbaseball team went to wire in the Atlantic, as the Magic season has been the play of Cleve­ reincarnated itself in the Lake ''We knew they were a good TheOliveGardenOassicfeelingthey try to Iive up to the expectations of land and Atlanta, who seem to Show; and pumped up west coast team with power," Weeden said. ''We were· lacking respect They played their fans. It would be nice if they have rallied around their great basketball. Magic Johnso·n, de­ felt if we .'could beat· this team we ·their style of garneconfiqently, which could win on the road? ... Patrick coaches and great point guards to spite his age, has re-energized the would prove our doubters wrong." may be referred to as a game of selec­ Ewing may get another shot to hit become solid, scary teams. Char­ squad, and made it the most dan­ . UCF starting pitcher Steve tive amnesia, forgetting about minor a game winning lay up after all as lotte has not recovered from the gerous team in the Pacific divi­ Golden felt the sting of the Yellow miscues and remembering what head coach Don Nelson has the shocking pre-season trade that sent sion. Seattle may just hold them Jackets as he gave up fourruns in three they've done well. Knicks thriving despite the loss of Zo away. Kenny Anderson could off for supremacy in the di vision innings. But his teammates weren't 'viQemindsetofthisteamiswe Pat Riley. Speaking of the devil, give them the shot in the arm they as Shawn Kemp and Gary Payton letting Georgia Tech off the hook so feellikewecan'tbebeat,"Mosersaid. his move to Miami has cos_t him need to realize their potential. If have the Sonics rolling. Phoenix easily. ''When it comes down to the wire, we the top NBA career winning per­ they continue to struggle, coach has gotten its act together and Trailing 4-0 in the top of the . feel like we'll be the team that will centage mark he held prior to his Allan Bristow will get the axe. could contend. Charles Barkley fourth, Moser led-off the inning by come out on top." t days in South Florida. It will cost Detroit looks like they are going looks like he's found the fountain him his streak of consecutive 50 to ride .their young talent to the of youth, and more importantly win seasons. Heck the Heat might playoffs, where they may put a believes the Bulls can be beaten. UCF AD Steve Sl~n P.laces not win 40, and - dare I say it­ scare into someone. Milwaukee Where there's a will, there's a might cost him his string of con­ looks to be going nowhere fast, way. Sacramento looks like a lock secutive playoff appearances. despite having two of the bright­ for a playoff spot if they don't fall 6th in Celebrity Golf Classic Alonzo Mourning has been tough·, est players in the game in Vin apart, which I don't think Mitch by TIM SPRINGE:lt to name a few. but, because of injuries and a lack Baker and the Big Dog. Toronto is Richmond, or the "little general" ~istant sports editor The format allowed the six of chemistry, the squad has living up to their expansion bill­ Tyus Edney, will allow to happen. top-scoring celebrities, which in­ struggled. Despite losing point ing by struggling in their inaugu­ Golden State and Portland are two Monday, the stars were in cluded NFL great Donny Ander­ guards Mark Price and Robert ral campaign? but Damon teams going in qpposite directions, full view at the UCF Celebrity son, Blake and Denny Doyle of Pack at the same time, and having Stoudamire' splay has been strong who are crossing paths this year. · Golf Classic at the Alaqua Coun­ Doyle Baseball Camps, Orlando to deal with the absence of top enough to make him the front run­ Joe Smith may just be dominant try Club. Sentinel columnist Larry Guest, player Chris Webber for the re- - ner for rookie of the year. enough to contend for rookie of The event was held to ben­ former big-league -pitcher Rick mainder of the season, the Bullets EAST PICKS: 1. Chicago the. year, and have the Warriors .efit the UCF Athletic Scholarship Rhoden and UCF AD Steve Sloan, have ridden all-star Ju wan Howard 2. New York 3. Orlando 4. Indi­ contending for a playoff berth. Fund. Celebrities in attendance to compete for $10,000 payin_g the and Big Gheorghe Muresan to ana 5, Atlanta 6. Miami 7. included Chipper Jones of the At­ top four finishers. prosperity. The Celtics are trying Charlotte 8. Detroit WEST. PICKS: 1. Seattle lanta Braves, Davey Johnson, to compete by hanging on tO the The West, despite having 2. Utah 3. L.A. Lakers 4. Houston Winter Park native and current Rhoden held off the pack to • shread of shamrock tradition they won the last two championships, 5. San Antonio 6. Phoenix 7 . manager of the ,. secure the win, showing why he is have left, while New Jersey hopes looks like the inferior conference Sacramento 8. Portland and former Orlando Magic play- the leading money winner on the to compete with their delicate b~l- this year. It doesn't look like any ers Otis Smith and Greg Kite, just Celebrity Golf Tour. IJ~F llL~ !SenTi~eM l111ra11111ral 51tnrtt1 • kl1etl11le 1995-96Basketball Tournament

,. • •• "'" - .-- I

~~~~~~H~~~~e ~~s~·norts February 15, 1996 Golden Knights eam their respect by going 3-0 in Olive Garden Classic by TIM SPRINGER year. Staff writer Offensively, the Golden Knights were led by left-fielder Adam Johnson. Johnson's three It's often said that heart wins games. If hits, which included a double and a triple, were that's true, the UCF baseball club has enough instrumental in the victory as he continuously set heart to pull the plug on life support systems. the table for his teammates. UCF designated A six-game winning streak, which in­ hitter Gregg Pacitti provided an offensive spark cludes three last-at-bat wins, is · · of his own as he fmished with a how the Golden Knights have double, an RBI, a walk and a run kicked off the new year, and it scored. But the big hit came from looksasifthe''winparty"won'tbe catcher Brad King. King's only hit ending any time soon. ' · ~of..++'~' of the game broke a 4-4 tie in the top After completing a three­ oftheninth-inningtogivetheGolden game sweep of Western Carolina Knights the lead for good. at the UCF baseball complex, the "Our team is very consis­ Golden Knights accepted an invi­ tent," said UCF head coach Jay tation to The Olive Garden Clas­ Bergman. ''Everybody has a role to sic, hoping to find out just how well it rates play and everybody has accepted that:'' against some of the top baseball programs in the UCF 5 Wake Forest 4 country. Game two was a UCF "V.l.P. party" The first team to be victimized by the (that's Vicious, Intimidating Pitching). under-rated Golden Knights was the Demon George Schmidt gave the Tarlleels of Deacons of Wake Forest (NC). North Carolina plenty to miss as he hurled an UCF starting pitcher tossed impressive six innings, giving up two runs and pllotll/HUNT seven strong innings and allowed just four runs striking out five. Brian Gomes relieved Schmidt on nine hits. Cozart was followed by reliever in the seventh arid continued to keep the Tarheels Three strikes and you're out. That's what this Georgia Tech hitter found out Tim Riegert, who held-off the Demon Deacons after UCF reliever Carey Weeden bounced back from giving up a home run for two innings and picked up his first win of the see RESPECT, page 15 to the previous hitter to win his second game of the season in relief. Desperately seeking bulletin board material for 6-0 baseball team yearout Shealsotoldmeit's notright entire backpages to the streak with the Orlando coverage. that we never give credit to the base-. number in 300-point type to go along 'The write-up in The Central ball~· especially since the football with all the pictures of the players in Florida Future about the party thing and basketball teams at UCF, in her their respective positions. This at a - we didn't take too kindly to that," exact words, "suck." Now ifthat's the time when few other local papers were said Golden Knights' third baseman It has been brought to my atten­ which was intended to drum up some attitude some of the fans have then I even 'mentioning the s~. Andy Moser with a chuckle. ''We tion thatin the Sentinel sports interest in the Classic and play up the feel sony for them. But, as for the This is the same editor who sat used it sort of a rallying point" section on Saturday there was a quote level of the competition so that more baseball team I apologize because the in Froggers just as excited as the team WeJl, if that's all it takes for from Golden Knights' shortstop UCF fans would make the trek to he&ding was never meant to signal a awaiting the draw for regionals last UCF to play the way they did in the Adrian Cardenas about how even their Osceola county. lack offaithina team that nearly set the year. I then drove to Tallahassee to Classic, then order two more barrels of school paper didn't think that the team In the middle of the Georgia national record last season for con­ watch the Golden Knights strong ink and get me another blank page would do well in the Olive Garden Techgame(averyimpressivewin,by secutive wins. showing in those same regionals (by ~ause the Golden Knights are going .~ 1 Oassic. the way) I went for a walk and was Thissportseditorwho has given the way, there weren 'ttoo many other to Omaha this season for the College First of all, there is a clear aJld }:Onfronted by two young ladies who no credit to the team is the same one loyal fans there). World Series. distinct difference between ''The end were quite upset with the feature pic­ whowroteTuesday'sheadline, ''UCF This is the same sports editor Oh by ·the way, did you know of the party?" and ''The end of the ture. One of the ladies went on to tell Baseball team comes out of the gate whocoveredthebaseballteamforThe that while UCF is off to a torrid start, party!" Apparently members of the me that we (emphasis on me) have with blazin' bats." Oviedo Voice just so the team could 6-0, they have yet to win a night game. baseball team misconstrued a title of· never supported the UCF baseball This is the same editor who get coverage in Oviedo too. Then I They haven' tplayed any yet, but don't doubtasoneof certainty. It was merely tearr. despite the fact that they are the covered the now infamous streak last featured the team two straight months party too soon because the true test for a feature picture in the news section only team that does well year in and season by dedicating three separate in Axis MaKazine to get them more UCF will come under the lights.

/ Bl•zzer-beating losses hurting UCF at home Fore! by TONY MEJIA pass. He darted just past half court, hitting 4-of-5, he now has drilled 71 Staff writer and with Howard Porter, Eric Riggs treys this year, two more than Butts' and Harry Kennedy in his face, threw old mark of 69. Howard Porter It was a typical ending at the up a desperation shot with one-tenth posted a double-double with 12 UCF Arena in last Saturday night's of a second· left on the clock. Mi- points and a dozen rebounds. UCF · tussle against Campbell. The raculously, the ball caromed off the played well, and no one in the crowd Knights men's basketball team lost, back board and hit nothing but net, could believe the Knights could have as they've done almost all season in and the Fighting Camels picked up fallen after playing such a gutsy front of their home crowd, was their hero and stormed off the court, game. Head coach Kirk Speraw was the way they lost that left the loyal avenging the loss they suffered JUSt exasperated, but took the loss with a crowd of 1,057 Knight supporters one week earlier when UCF embar- grain of salt. in shocked disbelief. rassed them on their own floor. ''We learn all the lessons. Now With the game tied at 67 and "Coach Lee had told me with we're getting to the point where 10 seconds remaining on the clock, about a minute left that if this game we're playing close ball games. We UCF called time out to diagram a came down to one shot, I was going hadn't been playing them earlier in game-winning play. After three con- tobetheonetotakeit," an exuberant the season, and we'restilllearning," ?. secutive time outs, UCF guard Fitzpatrick said. "With ten seconds Speraw said, trying to figure out Stacey Castle streaked down the left and down two, the idea is go for what went wrong. "The resiliency court and delivered a perfect dish to the tie at home, go for the win on the of this team has been unbelievable. center Chris West, who layed itin to road. We were fortunate to win this It's probably the main thing you've give the Golden Knights a seem- one." got to give this team credit for." ingly secure 69-67 advantage with "We wanted to get UCF back The resilient Knights hope to only 4.4 seconds remaining. for what they did to us at home. I bounce back from this one next Sat- Campbell called its final time thought that no matter what hap- urday in the final home game of the out, and inserted freshman guard pened, we were going to win this regular season against Stetson. The Jim Fitzpatrick into the game. game," junior center Andre King Knights will probably find them- Fitzpatrick, a solid point guard pros- said. "I believe that if you believe selves in the TAAC tournament. pect who filled in admirably when with all your heart that something is Any combination of a UCF win or senior leader Dan Pogue went down, going to happen, it will." Georgia State loss in any of the had played just one minute in the Lost in the blur of the game- remaining games would wrap up plloto/SPRINGER first half and had not been a factor in ending drama was l:Iarry Kennedy's the Knights' inv.ite to the tourney. , former UCF outfielder and current member the game. However, with over team high22 points. Kennedy broke After hosting Stetson, UCFwillhead of the , took part in a celebrity golf four ticks left on the clock, Patrick Butts' season mark for three south to close the season at Florida ~ournament Monday afternoon at the Alaqua Country Club. Fitzpatrick received the inbounds pointers made in a single season. By International and Florida Atlantic.