University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-15-1996 Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 41, February 15, 1996 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 41, February 15, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1335. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1335 Golden Knights baseball team dominates Olit1e Garden Classic -p.16 Future Vol. 28 • No. 4 1 Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968 Feb. 15, 1996 Knight Cycle seeks support by MELISSA SHELTON • Behind the bookstore. Safe at Home Contributing writer • Next to the Wild Pizza. • Behind Seminole Hall. The next time you walk • Behind the Physical Plant. around campus and see someone But this is not enough. dive into a dumpster, don't be "We've got a lot of good . alarmed. Dumpster diving could be ideas," Metzger said, "but we're the next craze. needing a lot of help and a lot of Richard Metzger, UCF's re­ assistance from the campus." cycling coordinator, said dumpster The goal of the Physical Plant diving is the term used for recover­ and SG is to place the containers ing recyclables that have been where they will be convenient for thrown into the dumpsters around students and faculty to recycle. campus. Metzger has been working "If you make it convenient, closely with Kathrine Ducbock, the people wi11 do it," Duchock said. Student Government Environmen­ The Knight Cycle program tal Advocate, to promote Knight - Aluminum recycling Cycle, the UCF recycling program. Efforts are being made to get . "Caring for the environment exterior containers for aluminum is no longer a fad or a concern, but a cans. Although this sounds simple necessity," Duchock said. Since the enough, it is not. The containers beginning of the fall term, Duchock must adhere to the Standards has been trying to get awareness of Committee's rules. There are about Knight Cycle out to the public. She 25 to 30 of these standardized trash discovered it is not as easy as just containers on campus right now. putting out some containers with They are metal cans made of a recycling emblems. webbed material with a rubberized Currently, UCF has six com­ coating. These cans are expensive mingle recycling bins on campus. but durable. Efforts are being made photo/HUNT The white, unmarked bins are lo­ for the containers to have a yellow A UCF player slides into home plate during the top of the fourth inning to start the cated at the following locations: top, which will coordinate with rally that led the Golden Knights to a come-from-behind victory against the Georgia •Behind the Engineering Building. Tech Yellow Jackets. The Knig_hts are now 6-0 and looking to continue the streak. •Next to the Administration Build­ see SUPPORT, page 6 ing. Campus eateries UCF Student Government spending questioned co~b~ heavily over, producing the reports and the their position as chair. Sen. Debbie Hoyer points out that · D More than $10,000 bills, and that's exactly what we've Senate President Pro theshirtsaremorethanjustclothing. to 'Freshman 15' in laptops were done," Organizations Appropria­ TemporeJohn Turner said the chairs They will help senators vote more in tion~ and Finance Committee Chair­ use laptops for legislative reports, tune with the students' needs. by SAMANTHA KA TES purchased by SG man David Siegel said. for typing everything said in com­ "Many students aren't Staff writer from ASF funds. "We had 16 bills come mittee meetings and for writing bills. awar~ of SG. Part of the Services through my committee last week; Additionally, senators believe the and Public Relations Committee's "Sure, I have seen a few new and I may not type them out per­ laptops are more useful than desk­ job is to get SG' ~ name out and let pounds here and there, but mostly I by JOE CHABUS fectly, but it's a lot of work that will tops because the laptops are used at the students know what's happen­ feel more sluggish and tired than I Staff writer not have to be done by the Senate · every committee meeting. A desk­ ing and how the students are af- . did in high school," Seminole Hall Secretary. A lot of clubs would not top would only be kept in the Senate fected by the senate's actions. resident Michael Wasserman said. Five IBM laptop computers be getting funding if we had to give workroom. "If we do purchase the "I find myself eating more junk than were purchased by Student Govern­ all of the workload to the Senate "Because committees do not shirts, it will be easier for student:S I did at home." ment for the senate's ~ommittee Secretary," Siegel said. have, set meeting rooms, we're able to see who their senators are. This Many of the students who chairs. The funds came from the In fact, because of com­ to go from gives the students more accessi­ live at UCF steadily complain that Activity and Service Fee (ASF). puter problems, last year's bud­ room to bility _to senators, which is good their eating . habits have changed The senate's recent spending get was not typed up and given room and because senators will get more dramatically since they began col­ spree has spurred students to ques­ to Vice President of Student function ef­ input on the issues that we are lege. tion why $2, 100 to $2,60) was spent Affairs ficiently. I voting on, and this is our goal," TI-.e bulk of the problem could for each laptop. Le Vester use it for Hoyer said. be. attributed to the limitations that The computer issue started Tubbs in a anything If the senate overrides living on campus pose. Nicole when Interim President Mike Hess, timely fashion thathastodo Tubbs' veto, senators will be re­ -Niemeyer, who lived on campus during the summer, approved the - just one of with a uni­ . quired to wear the shirts.on certain last year, said, "I didn't have a car purchase of one laptop computer for the many rea­ versity func- days of the week '!fld on SG days. last year, so ifl wanted to eat, I had the Senate President Pro Tempore sons the budget tion. It is used Some senators point out that to go to campus restaurants or snack position using ASF funds. was delayed. to do work, not the shirt issue should not be made on whatever we had in the dorm Since then, all of the comput­ According to just to carry around;' into a big deal, because senators room." ers in the Senate workroom have Seigel, when the desktops in Turner said. are not paid to represent the stu­ Campus restaurants, such as broken beyond repair. The Senate the Senate office were working, The laptops are not the only dents, as opposed to members of Wild Pizza or Great Escapes, do not had the option of purchasing five documents were mysteriously expenditures being questioned. A the executive and judicial offer much assistance in a weight desktop or laptop computers. erased, destroyed and altered when Senate bill allocating ASP. funds to branches. maintenance program. Based on "Under the interim adminis­ no one was around. Since the com­ purchase t-shirts for senators has Moreover, Campus Activi­ nutritional analysis, most of the items tration this summer, none of the bills mitteechairs carry their laptops with been vetoed by Tubbs, but the Sen­ ties Board directors and Orienta­ offered at these restaurants are hig~ ever got typed, with all the traffic them, this is a no longer a problem, ate may override his veto. tion Team members are paid for in fat, grease and oil. This makes it going through, and nothing ever got he said. While it appears the Senate is their services and both groups re­ bard to m.iintain weight, much less to the administration. We made an Senators are allowed to keep using ASF funds to buy a luxury ceive free t-shirts as a gift from the lose it. agreement that the chairs would take their laptops until they relinquish that will only benefit the senators, student body president. see FRESHMAN, page 3 News 1-5 Opinion 6-7 Classifieds 8 • Features 9-14 Filmboy takes a whack at Al Pacino's City Hall. Sports 15-16 N • • university of central UCF Student Government • Florida Presidential Elections • • \0 : ·· ·iiaie ·· ·: • 0\ . -0\ Main Campus Feb. 27 & 28 : Change!~ Tuesday & \V cdncsda)' • ... 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Voting Places: Health & . Physics, Education, Business & Engineering Constitutional Amendment #1 (A Separation of Executive and Legislative Branches of Student Government) • Article II Section 2 Subsection B A Senate Ptesident "M'.10 Shan :Be the Student Bod] Vice .Presidtnt . Article II Section 4 Subsection B • 'f11e ,lice P1eside11t sha11 pteside ove1 die Senare as its Ptesident and slnrll be abl~ to bteak a tie vote of die Senate. Insert Article II Section 2 Subsection B A Senate President elected from the Senate Add Article Il Section 6: Duties of the Senate President The Senate President shall preside over the Sen~te and shall be able to break a tie vote of the Senate.
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