Preprint. Discussion started: 27 April 2021 c Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License. Passive seismic experiment ‘AniMaLS’ in the Polish Sudetes (NE Variscides) Monika Bociarska1, Julia Rewers1, Dariusz Wójcik1, Weronika Materkowska1, Piotr Środa1 and AniMaLS Working Group* 5 1Department of Seismic Lithospheric Research, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, 01-452, Poland *A full list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper. Correspondence to: Monika Bociarska (
[email protected]) Abstract. The paper presents information about the seismic experiment AniMaLS which aims to provide a new insight into 10 the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Polish Sudetes (NE margin of the Variscan orogen). The seismic array composed of 23 temporary broadband stations was operating continuously for ~2 years (October 2017 and October 2019). The dataset was complemented by records from 8 permanent stations located in the study area and in the vicinity. The stations were deployed with inter-station spacing of approximately 25-30 km. As a result, good quality recordings of local, regional and teleseismic events were obtained. We describe the aims and motivation of the project, the stations deployment 15 procedure, as well as the characteristics of the temporary seismic array and of the permanent stations. Furthermore, this paper includes a description of important issues like: data transmission set-up, status monitoring systems, data quality control, near-surface geological structure beneath stations and related site effects etc. Special attention was paid to verification of correct orientation of the sensors.