Statement of Unclaimed Dividend-IEPF-2

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Statement of Unclaimed Dividend-IEPF-2 Note:Note: ThisThis sheetsheet isis applicableapplicable forfor uploadinguploading thethe particularsparticulars relatedrelated toto thethe unclaimedunclaimed andand unpaidunpaid amountamount pendingpending withwith companycompany. Make sure that the details are in accordance with the information already provided in e‐form IEPF‐2 CIN/BCIN L92490TN1983PLC009903 Prefill Company/Bank Name EIH ASSOCIATED HOTELS LIMITED Date of AGM 30‐JUL‐2019 FY‐1 FY‐2 FY‐3 FY‐4 FY‐5 FY‐6 FY‐7 Sum of unpaid and unclaimed dividend 282591.00 101999.00 288912.00 362481.00 513393.00 603958.50 379921.50 Number of underlying Shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sum of matured deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sum of matured debentures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SumSum ofof applicationapplication money duedue forfor refundrefund 22600.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 Sum of interest on matured deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sum of interest on matured debenturesdebentures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sum of interest on application money due for refund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Redemption amount of preference shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sales proceed for fractional shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sum of Other Investment Types 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Validate Clear Is the Is the shares Proposed Date of Investment transfer from Investor Middle Investor Last Father/Husband Father/Husband Father/Husband Last DP Id‐Client Id‐ Amount Joint Holder Investor First Name Address Country State District Pin Code Folio Number Investment Type transfer to IEPF PAN Date of Birth Aadhar Number Nominee Name Remarks (amount / unpaid suspense Financial Year Name Name First Name Middle Name Name Account Number transferred Name (DD‐MON‐YYYY) shares )under account any litigation. (Yes/No) AmountAmount for unclaimedunclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 MOHAMMEDUNOOSA NA NA ABDULGAFFOOR NA NA POST BOX 4163 DOHA QQATAR NA NA 000000 001125 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 GHULAMMOHAMEDYANA NA ABDULGHANY NA NA P.O. BOX NO. 23351 SHUNITED ARAB EMIRATENA NA 000000 000510 unpaid dividend 1233 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 NoNo NoNo FY‐1 VENUGOPALCG NA NA CGOVINDARAJ NA NA P O BOX 511 GIZAN SAUSAUDI ARABIA NA NA 000000 002436 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 AHAMMUKUVVAKKATANA NA ABDUV NA NA ARBIFT PO BOX 16003 AUNITED ARAB EMIRATENA NA 000000 000024 unpaid dividend 1200 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No NoFY ‐1 RAVINDRANATH NA NA RKSUNDARAM NA NA 07 ‐05 BLOCK 8 SELEGIESELEGIE SINGAPORE NA NA 000000 001560 unpaidid dividenddi id d 1200 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 ALPHONESDSOUZA NA NA SEBASTIANDSOUZA NA NA P O BOX 3082 SAFAT SAKUWAIT NA NA 000000 000040 unpaid dividend 900 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 KRISHNANGOVINDAN NA NA SKRISHNAN NA NA OPD/1F OPD/1F P D O P O BOX OMANNA NA 000000 000888 unpaidunpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 TARUNCHAKRAVORTY NA NA SACHINDRACHAKRA NA NA C/O UNON P O BOX 675KENYA NA NA 000000 002297 unpaid dividend 600 621221 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 CHANDRAMOULISIVAS NA NA ARSIVASAMBU NA NA 16 PUSPAK NAGAR SRI INDIA Tamil Nadu Tiruchirapalli 000304 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 NALLAKARUPPAN NA NA SVSUBBIAH NA NA BLOCK 681 #02‐299 RA SINGAPORE NA NA 000000 001225 unpaid dividend 1500 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 POPURINAGESWARAAVNA NA LATEPVSSASTRY NA NA 1J PINE GROUE #03‐37 SINGAPORE NA NA 000000 001399 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 GOPALKRISHNAS NA NA SOMASEKHARAPPAJNA NA MAIN GUARD ROOM N INDIA Assam Kamrup 781027 003575 unpaid dividend 15 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 JAYACHANDRA NA NA SAJAYAKRISHNAN NA NA S/O S A JAYAKRISHNANSINGAPORE NA NA 000000 000666 unpaid dividend 3000 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 NoNo NoNo FY‐1 SURESHBHOJRAJMALKANA NA MALKANIBHOJRAJT NA NA BEL HASA ANTHONY POUNITED ARAB EMIRATENA NA 000000 002175 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 MADHURBAINSINGH NA NA PRABHSHARANSING NA NA E 46,GREATER KAILASH INDIA DELHI DELHI 110001 005363 unpaid dividend 900 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 NABISHANSHAKERSAH NA NA SHAKERSAHEBN NA NA POST BOX NO 80407 ALQATAR NA NA 000000 001223 unpaidunpaid dividenddividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 PRAMODPENDSE NA NA GANESHBALKRISHNANA NA DR KELKAR CONSULTANUNITED ARAB EMIRATENA NA 000000 001421 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 SHARDASURESHMALKSHARDASURESHMALKAANANA SURESHBHOJRAJMA SURESHBHOJRAJMA NANA BEL HASA ANTHONY PPOOUNITED ARAB EMIRATEMIRATEENANA 000000 001982 unpaidunpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 VISHNUPRASADBACHA NA NA BBALAIAH NA NA C/O MR C V KRISHNAIAINDIA ANDHRA PRADESH NELLORE 524101 002498 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 ROHIRAMKARKHAL NA NA DULLARAM NA NA KOTHI NO 108, PHASE VINDIA PUNJAB MOHALI 142053 005503 unpaid dividend 300 Amount ffor unclaimedld andd 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 AWESAHMADNAZIR NA NA NIL NA NA PORTS AUTHORITY SAUSAUDI ARABIA NA NA 000000 000183 unpaid dividend 900 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 SAVITHRI NA NA ACHUTHANCHANDR NA NA D/O K SANKARA PILLAYSINGAPORE NA NA 000000 001840 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 VENKATAREDDYTIYYAGNA NA SAMBIREDDY NA NA S/O SAMBI REDDY NAMINDIA ANDHRA PRADESH GUNTUR 522003 002451 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 PRABHADEVISHASTRI NA NA MADHUSUDANJI NA NA 5/5,PT RAM NARAYANAINDIA MADHYA PRADESH INDORE 452001 001422 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 MOHAMMADYOUSUFJ NA NA KHAZIMOHAMMADJNA NA C/O ARABIAN CEMENT SAUDI ARABIA NA NA 000000 001122 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 MOHANDAS NA NA NARAYANANNAIR NA NA S A F AQUA CLUB (MODOMAN NA NA 000000 001126 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 ALEXANDERVARGHESE NA NA VARGHESEMATHEWNA NA P O BOX 3716 SCECO WSAUDI ARABIA NA NA 000000 000038 unpaidunpaid dividenddividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 NITUSINGH NA NA LATERAJARATTANAMNA NA C/O SH SURJIT SINGH 2 INDIA HARYANA YAMUNA NAGAR 135001 001310 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 MANUBHATIA NA NA BALKRISHANBHATIA NA NA RIVOLI CINEMA BUILDININDIA Delhi DELHI 110001 008050 unpaidp dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 DENNISKURIAKOSE NA NA KKGEORGE NA NA DLF CENTRE 6TH FLOORINDIA Delhi DELHI 110001 IN30064410299025 unpaid dividend 57 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 SURINDERKAURSAHI NA NA HARPALSINGHSAHI NA NA C/O D K SHARMA 32‐C INDIA Delhi DELHI 110001 008351 unpaid dividend 1500 AtAmount ffor unclaimedli d andd 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 MASTMANUV NA NA VISWANATHANGM NA NA C/O AVM GM VISWANAINDIA Delhi DELHI 110011 001078 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 SUBHASHCHANDERSETNA NA LATEWALAITIRAMSENA NA EA‐140, INDERPURI NEWINDIA Delhi DELHI 110012 007761 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 VINEETSAINI NA NA RSSAINI NA NA EA‐1/20 INDERPURI BEHINDIA Delhi DELHI 110012 007930 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 GURPALSINGHWADHWNA NA LATESSARANSINGH NA NA G‐13, NIZAMUDDIN WEINDIA Delhi DELHI 110013 007418 unpaid dividend 3000 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 VANDANASHASTRI NA NA NIL NA NA A‐60, HAUZ KHER NEW INDIA Delhi DELHI 110016 002397 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 DEVENDRAVIKRAMSINGNA NA LTCOLHARICHAND NA NA E‐2 HAUZKHAS NEW DEINDIA Delhi DELHI 110016 000409 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 SUBINJOSEPH NA NA JOSEPHGEORGEVELLNA NA D‐27, SAKET, I FLOOR NINDIA Delhi DELHI 110017 002140 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 PNNARANG NA NA NIL NA NA E‐953 CHITTARANJAN PINDIA Delhi DELHI 110019 005981 unpaid dividend 1200 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 RAKESHKHANNA NA NA JCKHANNA NA NA C‐42,, RAJOURI GARDENINDIA Delhi DELHI 110027 002988 unpaidp dividend 81 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 PUSHPENDARKUMARA NA NA LATEBRAGGARWAL NA NA E‐3,NARINA VIHAR NEWINDIA Delhi DELHI 110028 005584 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 ASHOKKUMARSONI NA NA OPSONI NA NA NIL‐18B, IIND FLOOR MINDIA Delhi DELHI 110029 IN30020610146622 unpaid dividend 300 AmountAt for unclilaime d and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 KAUSHIKJHINGAN NA NA SHRIRAMKUMARSHANA NA 18/59 GEETA COLONY INDIA Delhi DELHI 110031 IN30167010025418 unpaid dividend 180 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 VAIBHAVGOEL NA NA RPGOEL NA NA 37 SAHYOG APARTMENINDIA Delhi DELHI 110034 IN30011810132553 unpaid dividend 300 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 NNoN NoFY ‐1 ANILMADAN NA NA PREMNATHMADAN NA NA E27 MASJID MOTH NEWINDIA Delhi DELHI 110048 007037 unpaid dividend 1500 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 DHEERAJKISHOREAGGANA NA BKAGGARWAL NA NA C‐1 ASHOK VIHAR PHASINDIA Delhi DELHI 110052 000423 unpaid dividend 600 Amount for unclaimed and 11‐SEP‐2019 No No FY‐1 PUNITAJAIN NA NA SUSHILKUMARJAIN NA NA C‐32 SHAKTI NAGAR EXINDIA Delhi DELHI 110052 IN30011810485194 unpaid dividend 45 Amount
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