e:oLe[3 3riq tr({l' V*r3" r\"e I tt t^,1 62 '"r*tf'$,ENd I ehffis AFFIDAVIT Td BE FILED BY THf, CANDIDATE ALoNGWITH NoMINATIoN PAPER BEFORI THE REIT'RNING OFFICER FOR EI,ECTION I TO LOK SABHA (PARLIAMENTARY CONS'I'I'IUENCY) (NA[TE OF THE IIOUSE) FROM KAKINADA PARLIAMI,NT CoNS.I.ITUENCY (NAME oF THtr CoNSTITUENCY) PARI"A l, VANGA GEETHA !'ISWANATHAM wife of KASI VISWANATIIAM, Aged 55 ycars, resident of Df{o.70-7-2l5, Priyrnka Residency, NFCL Road, Kakinada, E.G.District, A.p. (nlention full postal ad&css), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affinn and state on oath as und&: - >. ierrL .r,t:'lA ' , I t n.dEnr -,.asttrrcfi- flotrrv l]gfl {Pt zszo?83) , ltl ' ' Ganisth\raliSi,Suryaraop€ta I l(Axll:.'.i)\ - 5:13 001 ' Mrk . or-h. i.aaJi (l) I am a candidare setup b) YUYAJANA SIIAMIKA RAITIIU CONGRESS PARTY (,r) Myoanre isenrolled in PITHAPURANI ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY (A\s.mbly Constituenc)' comnris..d $iihin Kakinada Parliamental Constitu€nc.v), ANDHRA PRADESII al ScrialNo 749 in Pan No. l4.l (3) My contact telephone number(s) is/arc 9848018525, 9848367667 and my email id(il'an)') is vangageetha
[email protected] ald my social media account(s) (ifany) is /are (i) NIL (i, NrL (iio NrL 4) Details of Permancnl AccountNumber (PAN)* and slatus of Iiling of lncomc Tax return: SI. No. Names PAN The financial year Total income shown in In- for which the last come--l'ax return (in Rupees) for lncome-tax return the last five Financial Years has been filed completed (as on 31st March) I VAr\-CA GEETA ADTPV6TI4E 2018-19 (i) FY l8-19: Rs.l0,l0,0l0/.