UU TAILS at MEDIQA 2019: Learning Textual Entailment in the Medical Domain Noha S. Tawfik Marco R. Spruit Arab Academy for Science & Technology Utrecht University Alexandria 1029, Egypt 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands [email protected] [email protected] Utrecht University 3584CC Utrecht, The Netherlands [email protected]

Abstract large amounts of annotated datasets such as SNLI and MultiNLI (Bowman et al., 2015; ?). However, This article describes the participation of the most models fail to generalize across different NLI UU TAILS team in the 2019 MEDIQA chal- lenge intended to improve domain-specific benchmarks (Talman and Chatzikyriakidis, 2018). models in medical and clinical NLP. The chal- Additionally, they do not perform accurately on lenge consists of 3 tasks: medical language domain-specific datasets. This is specifically true inference (NLI), recognizing textual entail- in the medical and clinical domain. Compared to ment (RQE) and (QA). open domain data, the language used to describe Our team participated in tasks 1 and 2 and biomedical events is usually complex, rich in clin- our best runs achieved a performance accu- ical semantics and contains conceptual overlap. racy of 0.852 and 0.584 respectively for the And hence, it is difficult to adapt any of the for- test sets. The models proposed for task 1 relied on BERT embeddings and different ensemble mer models directly. techniques. For the RQE task, we trained a tra- The MEDIQA challenge (Ben Abacha et al., 2019) ditional multilayer perceptron network based addresses the above limitations through its three on embeddings generated by the universal sen- proposed tasks. The first task aims at identify- tence encoder. ing inference relations between clinical sentence pairs and introduces the medical natural language 1 Introduction inference benchmark dataset MedNLI (Romanov Detecting semantic relations between sentence and Shivade, 2018). Its creation process is sim- pairs is a long-standing challenge for computa- ilar to the creation of the gold-standard SNLI tional semantics. Given two snippets of text: dataset with adaptation to the clinical domain. Premise P and Hypothesis H, textual entailment Expert annotators were presented 4,638 premises recognition determines if the meaning of H can extracted from the MIMIC-III database (Johnson be inferred from that of P (Dagan et al., 2013). et al., 2016) and were asked to write three hy- The significance of modeling text inference is ev- potheses with a true, false and neutral descrip- ident since it evaluates the capability of Natu- tion of the premise. The final dataset comprises ral language Processing (NLP) to grasp meaning 14,049 sentence pairs divided into 11,232, 1,395 and interprets the linguistic variability of the lan- and 1,422 for training, development and testing re- guage. Natural language inference (NLI) tasks, spectively. An additional test batch was provided also known as Recognizing Textual Entailment by the challenge organizers with 405 unlabelled (RTE) require a deep understanding of the se- instances. to the biomedical domain. mantic similarity between the hypothesis and the Similarly, the second task, Recognizing Question premise. Moreover, they overlap with other lin- Entailment (RQE), tackles the problem of finding guistic problems such as question answering and duplicate questions by labeling questions based semantic text similarity. The recent years wit- on their similarity (Ben Abacha and Demner- nessed regular organization of shared tasks tar- Fushman, 2016). Extending the earlier NLI def- geting the RTE/NLI task, which consequently led inition, the authors define question entailment as to advances in the field. More complex mod- ”Question A entails Question B if every answer els were developed that rely on deep neural net- to B is also a correct answer to A exactly or par- works, this was feasible with the availability of tially”. The dataset is specifically designed to

493 Proceedings of the BioNLP 2019 workshop, pages 493–499 Florence, Italy, August 1, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics find the most similar frequently asked question tions and conflicting statements found in medi- (FAQ) to a given question. The training set was cal documents. Sarafraz et al. (2012), extracted constructed from the questions provided by fam- negated molecular events from biomedical litera- ily doctors on the National Library of Medicine ture using a hybrid of machine learning features (NLM) platform resulting in 8,588 question pairs and semantic rules. Similiarly, De Silve et al. where 54.2% are positive pairs. For validation, (2017), extracted inconsistencies found in miRNA two sources of questions were used: validated research articles. The system extracts relevant questions from the NLM collections and FAQs triples and scores them according to an apposite- retrieved from the National Institutes of Health ness metric suggested by the authors. Alamri (NIH) website. The validation set has 302 pairs et al. (2016), introduced a dataset of 259 con- of questions with 42.7% pairs positively labelled. tradictory claims that answer 10 medical ques- The test set for the challenge was balanced and tions related to cardiovascular diseases. Their pro- comprised of 230 question pairs. posed model relied on n-grams, negation, senti- The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec- ment and directionality features while in (Taw- tion 2 briefly discusses related work. We limit fik and Spruit, 2018), the authors exploited se- our summary to textual inference research in the mantic features and biomedical word embeddings biomedical domain only. In Section 3, we describe to detect contradictions using the same dataset. our proposed model and the implementation de- Zadrozny et al. (2018) suggested a conceptual tails for both tasks. In Section 4, we show the ex- framework based on the mathematical sheaf model periment results of our proposed models. Finally, to highlight conflicting and contradictory criteria we conclude our analysis of the challenge, as well in guidelines published by accredited medical in- as some additional discussions of the future direc- stitutes. It transforms natural language sentences tions in Section 5. to formulas with parameters, creates partial order based on common predicates and builds sheaves 2 Related Work on these partial orders.

In (Ben Abacha and Demner-Fushman, 2016), the 3 Exploratory Embedding Analysis authors introduce a baseline model for the RQE dataset. The feature-based model relies on nega- With the fast developmental pace of text embed- tion, medical concepts overlap and lexical similar- ding methods, there is a lack of unified method- ity measures to detect entailment among medical ology to assess these different techniques in the question pairs. Romanov and Shivade conducted biomedical domain. We attempted to conduct a multiple experiments on the MedNLI dataset to comprehensive evaluation of different text repre- evaluate the transferability of existing methods sentations for both tasks, prior to submission of in adapting to clinical RTE tasks (Romanov and round 2 of the challenge. We use the MedSentE- 1 Shivade, 2018). The best performing was the bidi- val toolkit, a python-based toolkit that supports rectional LSTM encoder of the inferSent. Their different embedding techniques including tradi- findings also showed that transfer learning over tional word embeddings like GloVe and FastText, the larger SNLI set did not improve the results. contextualized embeddings like Embeddings from In a previous work, we tried to model textual en- Language Models (ELMO) and Bidirectional En- tailment found in biomedical literature by restruc- coder Representations from Transformers (BERT) turing an existing YES/NO question-answering and dedicated sentence encoders such as inferSent dataset extracted from PubMed(2019). The newly and Universal Sentence Encoder (USE). To evalu- formed dataset aligned with standard NLI datasets ate the sentence representations fairly, we adopt format. Further on, we combined hand-crafted a straightforward method that extracts embed- features with the inferSent model to detect infer- dings from different techniques and feeds them ence. to a logistic regression classifier. Our analy- To the best of our knowledge, other than the work sis showed that for the NLI task, embeddings previously mentioned, there has been minimal re- from the inferSent model achieved the best per- search conducted directly on the textual entail- formance. This is not surprising, and aligns ment task in the biomedical domain. Below, we 1https://github.com/nstawfik/ summarize scattered attempts to extract contradic- MedSentEval

494 with the results reported by the benchmark cre- Deep Averaging Network (DAN) model on the ator (Romanov and Shivade, 2018). Moreover, we other hand is designed for speed and efficiency, notice that embeddings acquired from language and some accuracy is compromised. When in- models such as ELMO and BERT, were the sec- tegrated in any downstream task, USE should be ond best performing with minimal accuracy dif- able to represent sentences efficiently without the ference. For the RQE task, the transformer en- need for any domain specific knowledge. This is coder of the USE model outperformed all other a great advantage when limited training resources methods by a clear margin followed by inferSent are available for specific tasks. trained with GloVe embeddings. This might be contributed to the multi-type training data em- 4 Methods ployed by USE with questions and entailment sen- 4.1 Task 1: Natural Language Inference tence pairs among others. As observed in the Gen- (NLI) eral Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) Experimental Settings We take advantage of benchmark dataset, BERT-based models are cur- two newly released BERT models trained on dif- rently the state-of-the art models for the NLI task. ferent biomedical data. The following mod- Accordingly, we have tried to further investigate els were initialized from the original -base- the performance of BERT in the biomedical NLI uncased setting pre-trained with 12 transformer domain. We also employed USE and inferSent layers, hidden unit size of d=768, 12 attention sentence embeddings for task 2. heads and 110M parameters. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from • SciBERT2 trained on a random sample of Transformers BERT is a neural model devel- 1.14M scientific articles available in the se- oped by Google, that makes heavy use of lan- mantic scholar repository. The training data guage representation models designed to pre-train consists of full-text papers from the biomed- deep bidirectional representations (Devlin et al., ical and computer sciences domain with 2018). It is trained in an unsupervised manner a 2.5B and 0.6B word count, respectively over an enormous amount of publicly available (Beltagy et al., 2019). plain text data. Language Modeling (LM) serves 3 as an unsupervised pre-training stage that can gen- • ClinicalBERT trained on approximately 2M erate the next word in a sentence with knowledge clinical records. The training data consists of previous words in a sentence. BERT is differ- of intensive care notes distributed among ent from other LM-based models because it targets 15 types available in the MIMIC database a different training objective, it uses masked lan- (Alsentzer et al., 2019). guage modeling instead of traditional LM. It re- We combined both training and evaluation records places words in a sentence randomly and inserts a to form a new training set of 12627 sentence ”masked” token. The transformer generates pre- pairs. The original test set was used for evalu- dictions for the masked words by jointly condi- ation and development. We experimented with tioning on both left and right context in all layers. all models in pytorch, using the HuggingFace4 re-implementation of the original BERT python Universal Sentence Encoder USE is referred package. We convert the SciBERT models to to as ”universal” since, in theory, it is supposed make it compatible with PyTorch. We use the fine- to encode general properties of sentences given tuning script to train the model on the MEDNLI the large size of datasets it is trained on (Cer dataset in an end-to-end fashion. We trained a total et al., 2018). The multi-task learning encoder of 30 models with variations of the model config- uses several annotated and unannotated datasets uration. All models with accuracy less than 0.786 for training. Training data consisted of supervised 2 and unsupervised sources such as Wikipedia arti- The pre-trained weights for for the SciBERT model are available at https://github.com/allenai/ cles, news, discussion forums, dialogues and ques- scibert tion/answers pairs. It has two variants of the en- 3The pre-trained weights for the ClinicalBERT coding architectures; The transformer model is de- model are available at https://github.com/ EmilyAlsentzer/clinicalBERT signed for higher accuracy, but the encoding re- 4https://github.com/huggingface/ quires more memory and computational time. The pytorch-pretrained-BERT

495 Hyperparameter Value the combined predictions generated from the Learning rate 3e-5, 2e-5, 5e-5 Sequence length 64, 128 first level stacking stacking BERT phase. Number of Epochs 3 Batch Size 8, 16 4.2 Task 2: Recognizing Question Entailment (RQE) Table 1: Hyperparameters values for training BERT models Experimental Settings We use the transformer- based architecture of the USE encoder as it was proven to yield better results. USE was imple- on development data were discarded. The thresh- mented through its TF hub module 6. For all pairs, old value was set to the best accuracy achieved for each input question was embedded separately and the MedNLI dataset as reported in the paper. Ta- then their combined embedding vector is formed ble1 list the hyperparameters for this set of exper- as (u, v, | u − v |, u ∗ v), which is a concatenation iments, the values for other parameters were kept of the premise and hypothesis vectors and their re- the same as the original BERT model. spective absolute difference and hadamard prod- uct. We experiment with both logistic regression 4.1.1 BERT Ensemble Model and multilayer perceptron on top of the generated Rather than using only a single model for predic- input representations. The MLP consists of a sin- tions, ensemble techniques can be considered as a gle hidden layer of 50 neurons using the adam op- useful method to boost the overall performance. A timizer and a batch size of 64. key factor in ensembling is how to blend the re- sults. We experimented with different systems in 5 Results & Discussion terms of size and fusion technique in order to in- crease performance accuracy: 5.1 Task 1: Natural Language Inference(NLI) • Drop-out Averaging: All BERT models are The best performing single BERT model achieved added into the candidate ensemble set. Itera- 0.828 for the evaluation set. Table2 shows results tively, we randomly drop one model at a time. of each model ensemble used for the NLI task. For With each dropout, we test the ability of the the first run, we only averaged predictions gener- new ensemble set to improve the overall per- ated by the ClinicalBERT model. The drop-out formance by calculating the ensemble’s accu- ensembling resulted in 12 models in total. For the racy for the development set by averaging the second run, we used KNN classification over pre- output probabilities for each class. The pro- dictions from all trained BERT models. The re- cess has been repeated until no improvements maining 3 runs use a second level logistic regres- were observed and the best performing set is sion classifier while varying the first level classifi- chosen as the final ensemble set. cation model. We can observe consistent improve- ment from successive ensembling from one to two • STACKING BERT 1: A meta learner trained stacking levels. Our five runs showed substantial on the predictions generated from all base improvement in the performance over the original models and optimally combine them to form baseline with accuracy gain ranging from 10.6% the final decision. We train three classifiers, to 13.8%. By the end of the challenge, 42 teams by using five-fold cross validation, includ- submitted a total of 143 runs to the NLI task. our ing a K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), a linear top performing submission ranked the 12th over all Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive teams 7. Its corresponding model could be viewed Bayesian (NB). The classifiers were imple- as a three-stage architecture with 2 level stacking mented through the scikit-learn library 5and ensemble as illustrated in figure1. we also apply the grid search method for pa- All runs submitted relied solely on BERT text rep- rameter tuning (Pedregosa et al., 2011). 6The TF version of the USE model is available • STACKING BERT 2: We create a second at https://tfhub.dev/google/universal- sentence-encoder-large/3 level ensemble stacking. In this level, we 7 Leaderboard for the NLI task: https: train a logistic regression classifier on top of //www.aicrowd.com/challenges/mediqa- 2019-natural-language-inference- 5 https://scikit-learn.org/ nli/leaderboards (accessed 1st of June 2019)

496 Submission Model Accuracy Dev Test 1 Drop-out BERT AVG: 12 models with averaging ensemble 0.836 0.820 2 Stacking BERT 1: KNN 0.846 0.840 3 Stacking BERT 2: KNN followed by LR 0.847 0.847 4 Stacking BERT 2: (KNN/SVM/NB) followed by LR 0.849 0.852 5 Stacking BERT 2: Linear SVM followed by LR 0.846 0.823

Table 2: Results of our team runs on the MEDIQA challenge for the NLI task.

Submission Model Accuracy Dev Test 1 USE embeddings with LR Classifier 0.770 0.584 2 USE embeddings with MLP Classifier (1 hidden layer with 50) 0.778 0.580

Table 3: Results of our team runs on the MEDIQA challenge for the RQE task. resentations without any external features. Ini- MedNLI data using GloVe embeddings. We then tially, we assumed that training our models with used the trained model to generate embeddings for more than just embedding features should help the RQE data, and used the same MLP architecture classification and improve overall performance. to generate predictions. Despite the similarity of We used the predictions generated by the drop- both tasks and the potential benefit from transfer out averaging ensemble as extra features to fur- learning, the model achieved an accuracy of 0.623 ther fine-tune a second-level BERT model. The and 0.532 for dev and test set respectively. model hyperparameters settings were the same as the best performing single base model. We did not find this experiment to yield any gains in the evaluation phase, compared to ensemble models, with only 0.815 accuracy for the development set. This was also affirmed post submission, with the release of the gold-labels. The accuracy for the test set was only 0.812.

5.2 Task 2: Recognizing Question Entailment (RQE) Table3 shows our two submitted runs for task 2. Even though our approach for this task was much simpler than task 1, we still managed to achieve a considerably good accuracy outperform- ing the baseline by 4.3%. The final results show that our team ranked the 23rd among all 54 par- ticipants8. Due to time constraints we were un- able to fully investigate all models described in section3, nor conduct a suitably thorough hyper- parameter search for the MLP. However, we were able to conduct more evaluations post submission. We trained the inferSent Bi-LSTM encoder on the

8Leaderboard for the RQE task: https: Figure 1: Overview of the ensemble architecture of the //www.aicrowd.com/challenges/mediqa- best run for the NLI task. 2019-recognizing-question-entailment- rqe/leaderboards (accessed 1st of June 2019)

497 6 Conclusion Asma Ben Abacha, Chaitanya Shivade, and Dina Demner-Fushman. 2019. Overview of the MEDIQA In this paper, we presented our solution for tex- 2019 Shared Task on Textual Inference, Question tual entailment detection in the clinical domain. Entailment and Question Answering. In ACL- Our proposed approach for the NLI task relies BioNLP, Florence. on BERT contextual embeddings features and ma- Samuel R. Bowman, Gabor Angeli, Christopher Potts, chine learning algorithms such as KNN, SVM and and Christopher D. Manning. 2015. A large an- LR for ensembling. We use two different pre- notated corpus for learning natural language infer- ence. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on trained BERT weights to train the base models and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing generate corresponding probabilities for the test (EMNLP)., Lisbon. Association for Computational set. Then, we adopt a 5-fold stacking strategy to Linguistics. learn and combine predictions. In the third and Daniel Cer, Yinfei Yang, Sheng-yi Kong, Nan Hua, final level of the ensemble, we use a logistic re- Nicole Limtiaco, Rhomni St John, Noah Constant, gression over the outputs from level-1 stacking, to Mario Guajardo-Cespedes,´ Steve Yuan, Chris Tar, predict the final class labels. A future extension Yun-Hsuan Sung, Brian Strope, and Ray Kurzweil of our model is to use BERT in feature extraction Google Research Mountain View. 2018. Univer- sal Sentence Encoder. In Proceedings of the 2018 mode instead of fine-tuning the end-to-end model Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Lan- on the MedNLI dataset. This would allow the se- guage Processing: System Demonstrations, pages lection of layers from which to extract embeddings 169–174, Brussels. Association for Computational and/or the combination of multiple layers. In the Linguistics. former scenario, different neural networks could Ido Dagan, Dan Roth, Mark Sammons, and Fabio Mas- be used to generate the base model predictions be- simo Zanzotto. 2013. Recognizing Textual Entail- fore applying ensemble techniques. ment: Models and Applications. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, 6(4):1–220. For the RQE task, we train an MLP classifier on top of USE embeddings. The results obtained Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, were promising, given the simplicity of the model. Kristina Toutanova Google, and A I Language. 2018. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional More complex and deeper networks could be em- Transformers for Language Understanding. arXiv ployed with the combination of USE embeddings. e-prints. We also experimented with transfer learning by training the inferSent model on MedNLI before Alistair E.W. Johnson, Tom J. Pollard, Lu Shen, Li- wei H. Lehman, Mengling Feng, Mohammad Ghas- fine-tuning on the RQE corpus. While this ap- semi, Benjamin Moody, Peter Szolovits, Leo An- proach did not improve the results, we aim at fur- thony Celi, and Roger G. Mark. 2016. MIMIC-III, ther investigating other inferSent architectures and a freely accessible critical care database. Scientific training on clinical . Data, 3:160035. F Pedregosa, G Varoquaux, A Gramfort, V Michel, B Thirion, O Grisel, M Blondel, P Prettenhofer, References R Weiss, V Dubourg, J Vanderplas, A Passos, D Cournapeau, M Brucher, M Perrot, and E Duch- Abdulaziz Alamri. 2016. The Detection of Contradic- esnay. 2011. Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in tory Claims in Biomedical Abstracts. Ph.D. thesis, Python. Journal of Machine Learning Research, University of Sheffield. 12:2825–2830. Emily Alsentzer, John R. Murphy, Willie Boag, Wei- Alexey Romanov and Chaitanya Shivade. 2018. Hung Weng, Di Jin, Tristan Naumann, and Matthew Lessons from Natural Language Inference in the B. A. McDermott. 2019. Publicly Available Clin- Clinical Domain. Proceedings of the 2018 Con- ical BERT Embeddings. arXiv e-prints, page ference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language arXiv:1904.03323. Processing, pages 1586–1596. Iz Beltagy, Arman Cohan, and Kyle Lo. 2019. SCIB- Noha S. Tawfik and Marco R. Spruit. 2019. Towards ERT: Pretrained Contextualized Embeddings for Recognition of Textual Entailment in the Biomed- Scientific Text. Technical report. ical Domain. In International Conference on Ap- plications of Natural Language to Information Sys- Asma Ben Abacha and Dina Demner-Fushman. tems, Manchester. Springer. 2016. Recognizing Question Entailment for Med- ical Question Answering. AMIA ... Annual Sym- Farzaneh Sarafraz. 2012. Finding conflicting state- posium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2016:310– ments in the biomedical literature. Ph.D. thesis, 318. University of Manchester.

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