♦ WEEKLY ♦ NOVEMBER 21, 2009 ♦



FROM THE PUBLISHER EDITORIALS Publisher & Executive Editor et me be the first to congratulate Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D. and thank you for picking up this ISAH Medical Mission issue, which marks the 17th An- Publisher & Managing Editor to Strengthen Ties With Chona A. Montesines-Sonido niversary of the Hawaii-Filipino L Chronicle. It’s hard to believe how Ilocos Region Associate Editors fast time has flown. I can still 009 marks version three of the Ilocos Surian As- Dennis Galolo vividly recall when the original Edwin Quinabo sociation of Hawaii’s (ISAH) homecoming med- members of our editorial board first met to ical mission to the Ilocos region of the . Creative Designer begin work on our inaugural issue. As time marched on, the faces ISAH’s mission is unique from other medical mis- Junggoi Peralta changed and we moved offices from Kalihi to Waipahu. But one sions from the U.S. to the Philippines and the thing that has remained the same is our commitment to providing 2 world for that matter because of a unique twist that Design Consultant Randall Shiroma the Filipino community with timely and useful news. That com- incorporates holistic healing and extends into ed- mitment along with the faithful support of our readers have enabled ucation, culture and entertainment. Photographer A myriad of non-medical events have been planned, includ- Tim Llena the Hawaii-Filipino Chronicle to not only survive, but thrive as a small business in Hawaii’s unpredictable business climate. ing singing and talent contests as well as scholarship exams that Administrative Assistant As we enter the final weeks of 2009, many of you are no doubt are sure to uplift the spirits of many families in Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Shalimar Pagulayan Norte and neighboring areas and provide them with a very mem- looking forward to what is traditionally considered the best time of the orable Christmas. Columnists year—Thanksgiving and the start of the Yuletide Season! While it’s Carlota Ader ISAH’s mission is a spin-off from the Aloha Medical Mission Carlo Cadiz, M.D. a bit early to wish you a Mele Kalikimaka, we do however, extend our started in the mid-1980s by a group of Filipino doctors with the Sen. Will Espero best to you and your family for a very Happy Thanksgiving. Philippine Medical Association (PMAH). Over the years, PMAH Grace F. Fong, Ed.D The cover story for this special, 24-page anniversary issue is members have organized smaller missions of mercy to their re- Mayor Mufi Hannemann about the 2009 Ilocos Homecoming Medical Mission, scheduled spective hometowns in the Philippines. Such missions are exam- Governor Linda Lingle for December 15-23. Held every two years, this mission will meet Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, Ph.D. ples of medicine at its most fundamental core—healing the sick J.P. Orias the medical needs of needy patients in the Philippines and also fea- without thought of reward of payment. Perhaps this selfless act Pacita Saludes ture singing and academic contests meant to strengthen relation- can be best summed up in two words—noblesse oblige, French Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq. ships between the people of Hawaii and the Ilocos region. Please for “to whom much is given, much is expected.” Charlie Sonido, M.D. read more on this ambitious and extensive medical mission begin- With long, difficult hours and less-than-ideal conditions, a Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq. typical mission is by no means a vacation. But for first timers, a Felino S. Tubera ning on page 4. medical mission to a Third World Country will be something they Sylvia Yuen, Ph.D. Speaking of missions, the Aloha Medical Mission and Queen’s will remember for the rest of their lives. For seasoned medical Medical Center are teaming up for the annual benefit piano concert. mission volunteers, these missions provide a respite from the Contributing Writers This year’s concert is entitled “Four Doctors, a Patient & a Sweet- minutiae associated with their medical practices and an opportu- Belinda Aquino, Ph.D. heart” and is scheduled for December 10, 2009 at the Blaisdell Con- nity to feed their altruistic inclinations. Clement Bautista cert Hall beginning at 7 pm. We hope you will make arrangements Teresita Bernales, Ph.D ISAH’s mission and others like them are inspirational exam- Linda Dela Cruz to attend this very worthwhile event which is meant to raise funds for ples of the impact a small group of dedicated volunteers can have Fiedes Doctor AMM’s numerous programs and missions of mercy. on the world’s less fortunate. We commend ISAH members and Gregory Bren Garcia This issue also features the return of contributing writer Felino hope that their efforts will continue to inspire other Filipino or- Danny De Gracia, II, MA Tubera, who has been with the Chronicle from the very beginning ganizations in Hawaii to plan similar events for their respective Amelia Jacang, M.D. Caroline Julian We always look forward to his interesting perspectives on life. This hometowns and provinces. Rosemarie Mendoza time around, he has submitted an article on page 7 entitled “The Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D. Chronicle Is…” which is about the Chronicle’s role and impact on Happy 17th Anniversary! Glenn Wakai Hawaii’s Filipino community. eventeen years is a long time to be doing anything, Philippine Correspondent There are many more interesting articles of interest in this issue, Guil Franco much less publish an ethnic community newspaper. particularly our Commentary column (page 10) which was written To get an idea of the longevity of the Hawaii Filipino Big Island Distributor by associate editor Edwin Quinabo, Legal Notes (page 15) and Chronicle, 17 years ago won the U.S. Elmer Acasio Philippine Language (page 16). We hope these articles will inform Ditas Udani S presidency, while retired general Fidel Ramos and you and stimulate your thinking. movie star Joseph Estrada were elected president and Maui Distributor In closing, thank you again for your support these past 17 years. vice president of the Philippines, respectively. Locally, Cecile Piros It has been a pleasure to serve all of our readers. Until next time, Ben Cayetano was biding his time as lieutenant governor behind Molokai Distributor aloha and mabuhay! then-Gov. John Waihee. Maria Watanabe Over the years, the Chronicle has survived the ups-and-downs Advertising/Marketing Director of the economy, several governors and U.S. presidents, along with Chona A. Montesines-Sonido a Gulf War and a succeeding war on terrorism—which is no mere Account Executives small feat considering that dozens of ethnic newspapers across the Carlota Ader nation have folded during the same time span. Along the way, the J.P. Orias Chronicle has received numerous awards for excellence from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and from various com- munity organizations. The paper has also been fortunate to have an The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle is published outstanding list of columnists and contributing writers, as well as weekly by The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle Inc. exclusive columns from the Governor’s and Mayor’s offices…all of It is mailed directly to subscribers and dis- tributed at various outlets around Oahu and which have led to well-balanced and informative reporting. the neighbor islands. Editorial and advertis- Perhaps it was simply meant for the Chronicle to survive this ing deadlines are three weeks prior to pub- lication date. Subscriptions are available at long and to take its place among other ethnic media that play a vital $75 per year for Oahu and the neighbor is- role in the communities they serve. The Chronicle’s publishers and lands, continental U.S. $80, foreign country editorial board realize that an informed populace keeps government $90. Copyright 2006. The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle Inc. is located at 94-356 Waipahu accountable. Its timely reporting of news arms readers with knowl- Depot, Waipahu, HI 96797. Telephone edge of current events and issues so that they can become wise par- (808) 678-8930 Facsimile (808) 678-1829. ticipants in societal decision-making. E-mail [email protected]. Web- site: Opinions More importantly, the Chronicle gives a voice to Hawaii’s Fil- expressed by the columnists and contribu- ipino community, strengthens cohesion among the numerous Fil- tors do not necessarily reflect those of the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle management. Re- ipino community groups in existence and corrects harmful production of the contents in whole or in part misperceptions promulgated by mainstream media. We hope that is prohibited without written permission from the Chronicle, with an ability to tap into the Filipino community, the management. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. will continue to offer unique context, history and perspectives found nowhere else—for the next 17 years and beyond. 4 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 COVER STORY Ilocos Homecoming Medical Mission 2009 By J.P. Orias

fter the first Ilocos Homecoming Medical Mission in 2005, Apo Carlito Soria, then Ilocos Surian Association of Hawaii (ISAH) vice president and one of the group’s respected kupuna, pro- A posed that the medical mission be held every two years.

The 2005 mission served ap- friendly contests were an excel- coordination with the local gov- proximately 15,000 patients and lent way of giving back to their ernment in Ilocos.” had a strong memory recall in hometowns and providing cash This year, organizers began Ilocos. The homecoming pack- prizes and fond memories for the publicizing the mission during age combined the medical mis- youth and people of Ilocos Sur. the first week of November by sion with academic and cultural The competitions also served as conducting preliminary singing competitions, which became the vehicle to help fulfill ISAH’s competitions for “Ilocos Sur template for the 2007 homecom- goal “to build communities here Idol” on radio station DWRS in ing mission surpassing expecta- and in our homeland.” Vigan City and online at tions in terms of attendance and Current ISAH president impact on the people of Ilocos. Danny Villaruz is certain that the The top 12 qualifiers of the pre- Dr. Elizabeth Abinsay is shown here treating a young child in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte during the 2007 homecoming medical mission Organizers of the first two 2009 Ilocos Homecoming Med- liminaries will compete on De- homecoming missions say their ical Mission, scheduled for De- cember 19, 2009. tated the Metropolis. Mrs. ISAH 2008-2010 Davelyn success largely depended on the cember 15-23, will be as As in the past, the medical The mission towns are de- Anchetal Quijano and her royal awareness created through non- successful as the previous mis- mission will cover Vigan City, termined upon request by local court will be recognized at a medical activities such as a sions. Cabugao, Sinait, Santa and San- affiliates who, through the unit mayoral reception in her home- Spelling Bee competition, “I’m confident that we will tiago in Ilocos Sur and Pasuquin, organization in Hawaii, raised town of Sinait. Bukanegan and Math and Sci- achieve our goals for this home- Ilocos Norte. The mission will funds for medication, vitamins The Mrs. ISAH 2008-2010 ence Olympiads which involved coming mission in an economi- also reach Parañaque City in and other expenses directly at- royal court consists of Analiza the participation of the population cal manner by applying what we , as requested by tributable to the medical mis- Braceros Mateo, first princess at large. These extremely popular have learned from the past mis- the city government of sion. Medical mission from Cabugao; Loida Alim- contests were a “Pied Piper” of sions,” he says. “We are also Parañaque City through friends volunteers shoulder their re- boyoguen Yamamoto, second sorts that drew throngs of people lucky that former State represen- and affiliations of ISAH. Doing spective transportation, food princess from Vigan; and Ruth to the medical missions. tative Felipe “Jun” Abinsay, who so will help victims of Ondoy, and accommodation expenses. Eden Manzano third princess For ISAH members, these is from Vigan, is doing a lot of the recent typhoon that devas- ISAH pays for group meals dur- from Santa. Members of the ing mission days. royal court will also perform specific functions during the ISAH Fundraisers medical mission. To achieve its community- building goals, ISAH members Medical Mission conduct several fundraisers such With help from over a as cultural pageants and other dozen medical professionals charitable endeavors. This year, from Hawaii and the Mainland NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 5 COVER STORY and with the support of local In addition to P1,000 quali- Dr. Rey Etrata, Jr., Bernadette physicians in each town, the fying prizes, cash and trophy Fajardo, Cesar Benedict Dario medical mission is expecting to prizes will be given to winning Fajardo, Cesar Fajardo, Emme serve 13,000 - 15,000 medical individuals and school teams. Guillermo, Liza Mateo, Melinda and dental patients in seven Special prizes and recognition Montgomery, Jose-Pedro B. towns across three provinces, in- will be given to winning Orias, Mario Palma, Norma cluding those affected by recent schools. The estimated budget Palma, Brigida Parayno, Ilalo natural calamities. for cash prizes and trophies for Parayno, Rommell Pascua, Dr. The primary care physicians the Ilocos Sur Idol and Math, Diana Place, Davelyn Quijano, headed by Dr. Charlie Sonido in- Science and General Informa- Servillano Ricardo, Feliciana Ri- clude Drs. Elizabeth Abinsay, tion Bowl is $25,000. cardo, Dr. Dante Rafanan, Josie co-chair; Ed Alquero, family Local volunteers administer blood pressure check-up while a long line of Rojas, Aelin Syquio Que, Dr. practice; Remedios Sonson, OB- people wait for their turn during the 2007 homecoming medical mission. Itinerary Charlie Sonido, Erlinda Sonido, GYN; Erlinda Cachola, internal done such as cyst excisions and three finalists who will then The ISAH Homecoming Nelson Sonido, Dr. Remedios medicine; Dean Aguiling, inter- circumcisions. compete at 7 pm at Padre Burgos Medical Mission 2009 starts on Sonson, Dr. Eric Singson, Dr. nal medicine; Rey Etrata, Jr., This will be rendered to pre- Plaza, Vigan City. In addition to the morning of December 15, at Rudy Singson, Dr. Arnold Villa- anesthesiologist; Diana Place, qualified patients by surgeons the P1,000 qualifying prize, the Baranggay Sun Valley, fuerte, Teodora Villafuerte, anesthesiologist; Ferdie Cerce- from Manila and anesthesiolo- top three winners will receive Parañaque City. A gift-giving Danny Villaruz, Darrel Villaruz, nia, general surgeon; Dante gists from California through the P20,000, P15,000 and P10,000 visit to Gawad Kalinga Village Emmie Villaruz, Josie Villaruz, Rafanan, pediatrics; Eric sponsorship of the Renato and cash and trophies respectively. at Baranggay Agudo, Madaluy- Stephanie Villaruz, Nancy Walsh Singson and Arnold Villafuerte, Maria Etrata Foundation. Dental ong, precedes an eight-hour bus and Loida Yamamoto. Other public health. examination and surgeries will Math, Science and General ride to Vigan City. physicians and health profes- “If one considers that about also be conducted. Info Bowl The Aloha Night Block sionals from the Philippines will $160,000 worth of medications Among the other academic Party will close Salcedo Street join this volunteer group. will be distributed by 50 health Ilocos Sur Idol competitions that were staged in on December 16. The first med- Town and Event Coordinators professionals, this mission is This solo singing contest, the past two Ilocos Homecom- ical mission will be in Cabugao big,” says Dr. Sonido. “Medical which is open to amateurs age 15 ing Missions, the Math and Sci- on December 17, followed by Officers and Town coordina- care covers more than the usual to 30, recognized the otherwise ence Bowl for elementary and Sinait on December 18 at the tors for 2009 are: Nelson Sonido, acute diseases. There will be hy- dormant talents of Edward Allen high school students gained the Sinait District Hospital. A may- Erlinda Sonido, Erwin Mateo and pertension, Chronic Obstructive Miranda of Santiago, Monalyn widest acceptance, since it also oral ball recognizing Queen Liza Braceros-Mateo (Cabugao); Pulmonary Disease and diabetic Galicha of Sta. Cruz and Lorna honored teachers for their hard Davelyn and her royal court will Gus Concepcion and Davelyn screening and long-term mainte- Palapala of Bantay during its work and dedication. be held in the evening at the Quijano (Sinait); Jun Abinsay and nance treatment will be provided first season in 2005. Lorna Pala- This year, general informa- Sinait Municipal Auditorium. Loida Alimboyoguen Yamamoto for many patients. During previ- pala came back as a more robust tion is being added to the aca- The medical mission in (Vigan); Emy Etrata (Santiago); ous missions, we saw an in- performer in 2007 and topped demic joust scheduled for Vigan City will be held at the Danny and Emmie Villaruz creasing incidence of chronic the batch of some 25 contestants December 19, 2009 starting Civic Center on December 19. (Santa); Arnold and Dory Villa- diseases not previously diag- of that year, followed by Lovely with a qualifying written test Simultaneously, the qualifying fuerte (Pasuquin); Melinda Mont- nosed or treated. We will help Castañeda of Santiago and Jo- and verbal competition. written exams on Math, Science gomery (Parañaque); Jun Abinsay these patients too.” lethe Bueno of Vigan City. With the help of the Philip- and General Information for and J.P. Orias (Ilocos Sur Idol); Since then, Ilocos Sur Idol pine Department of Education, both elementary and high school Dory Villafuerte, Ilalo Parayno, Services Provided has been on the demand. The this competition has attained levels will be held at East Cen- Darrel Villaruz and J.P. Orias Other services provided by contest has expanded in terms of prestige among the youth and tral School from 8 am – 12 (academic contests); Amado Yoro the medical mission include dia- exposure and coverage. Prelimi- the academic field. It highlights noon, with verbal semi-finals and J.P. Orias (media). and finals scheduled for the af- betes and blood pressure screen- nary rounds held in 32 towns the academic talents of the Major Sponsors ing, free medical consultation, from Ilocos Sur are currently youth of Ilocos Sur in math, ternoon. The Ilocos Sur Idol fi- nals will be at 8 pm at Vigan In addition to banner spon- free medications including acute being held by DWRS radio. Or- chemistry, biology, physics, sor ISAH, the list of major spon- and chronic diseases, free multi- ganizers hope to narrow the general science, reading com- City’s Plaza Burgos. The medical mission will sors include: Titans USA vitamins and analgesics. In addi- competition to 12 semi-finalists. prehension, language, vocabu- Foundation, the Renato and tion, minor surgeries will be The 12 will then be trimmed to lary and general information. reach Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte on December 21 at Baranggay 2— Maria Etrata Foundation, CHRONICLE PULSE the hub of the Villafuertes, spon- Bayanihan Clinic Without Walls, sors of the Pasuquin mission. FMS Hawaii, Dr. Ray Romero, Why have you decided to join the Going back to Ilocos Sur, the Waikiki Family Practice (Dr. medical mission will reach Richard Ricardo) Medical Assis- Santa on December 22 at the tance Program (medication 2009 Ilocos Homecoming Medical Mission? donor), Veronica Esteban and “To find joy in giving and sharing with people town’s Sports Complex. The last Galiher De Robertis Ono Law who really need help and making them happy and feel stop for the medical mission is important for even a little while.” Santiago, Ilocos Sur on Decem- Firm. - RENATO AND MARIA ETRATA & FAMILY ber 23, 2009 at the municipal The major sponsoring town hall and sports complex. organizations include the follow- “We believe that we need to provide service to ing: Cabugao Sons and Daugh- the communities in the Philippines, especially those Volunteers ters Association of Hawaii, who were affected by the recent typhoons. We are also Mahalo nui loa, Dios ti Annak ti Sinait iti Hawaii/Sinait visiting our relatives in City, Ilocos and Pan- To help our less fortunate kababayan have angina to the more than 50 vol- National High School Alumni gasinan.” healthier conditions. unteers with roots and hearts in Association of Hawaii, Vigan - ILALO & BRIGIDA PARAYNO - FELICIANO (FELY) RICARDO, RETIRED Ilocos: Dr. Elizabeth Abinsay Association of Hawaii, Santeni- ,Felipe Abinsay, Enriqueta ans Association of Hawaii-USA “Joining the mission will be very interesting be- “It’s a good feeling to help people in need, es- cause we will have hands-on experience in providing pecially those who cannot afford to pay for their med- Adaoag, Dr. Dean Aguiling , Dr. and Santiagenians of Hawaii. much needed medical and dental services to our con- ical expenses.” Ed Alquero, Dr. Albert Bercasio, Tax-deductible donations to stituents in the Philippines, especially those affected - EMMIE VILLARUZ Alejandro Braceros, Council- the Ilocos Homecoming Medical by the recent calamities.” man Romy Cachola, Dr. Erlinda Mission may be sent to Titans - GUS CONCEPCION, REALTOR “Giving back to the community and sharing Cachola, Rudy Cachola, Cora USA Foundation, Inc. c/o FMS one’s blessings by joining medical missions is always Castillo, Pronia Castillo, Gus Hawaii, 1149 N. King Street, “To see the town where I grew up, connect with an event I look forward to. It definitely is hard work Concepcion, Dr. Ferdie Cerce- Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. For my relatives and friends and offer help for a health- yet very gratifying whenever you see a smile on the nia, Veronica Esteban, Emy details, please call ISAH presi- ier environment.” patients’ faces.” Etrata, Jayna Etrata, Maria dent Danny Villaruz at 778-0233 - DR. ARNOLD VILLAFUERTE - SERVILLANO (RICKY) RICARDO, RETIRED Etrata, Rey Etrata, Rudy Etrata, or Dory Villafuerte at 382-5564. 6 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 MAYOR’S COLUMN

So many people we met Mayor Hannemann Wows Âem during our travels were friendly, and members of our delegation generous, good-natured and to say they recognized us from pleasant, and I’m looking for- on Wowowee the show. We also received text ward to future trade missions to variety show. messages from Filipinos around explore new opportunities and I presented host Willie Re- the world, and when we re- further enhance our sister-city villame with a nice aloha shirt, turned home, many folks in relationships with , By Mayor Mufi Hannemann and he gave me a Wowowee t- Honolulu said they saw us on Cebu, Laoag, Manila and ongratulations to shirt in exchange. It was a little Wowowee. Vigan. Mabuhay! the Filipino too small for me—he wasn’t Chronicle on expecting someone so tall—but PICTORIAL NEWS your 17th an- it was a great gift nonetheless, C niversary! Your and I doubt any other elected publication is an Willie Revillame (host of official in Hawaii has one. excellent commu- Wowowee) with Edgar Mortiz (Di- We had a great time when rector of Wowowee, partly hid- an elderly woman who partici- nity resource that many readers den) during their stint in Hawaii. rely upon for important infor- pated in one of the show’s con- mation. Thank you for provid- cent Trade Mission to the tests led me out to dance with ing this great public service. Philippines was a special guest her, and I ended up waltzing Working hard for the com- appearance I and Filipino mem- with her and spinning her munity can also be lots of fun, bers of my Cabinet made on the around a few times. But the best and one of the most enjoyable hugely popular “Wowowee” part was when Revillame do- elements of our re- nated some money to a woman whose child suffers from sev- eral health problems. I dug deep MONEYGRAM DONATES The Trade Mission in my wallet to match his dona- MoneyGram International’s Daniel O’Malley (far left) and Nick Cunnew included a presenta- tion, and I sincerely wish this (far right) present a check worth 1 million pesos (US$ 21,000) to GMA tion in Cebu City. Kapuso Foundation’s Mel Tiangco (second from left) and Manuel dela From left to right are humble family all the best. Fuente for on-going disaster relief operations following the series of Hawaii Representa- It’s amazing how popular typhoons that ravaged Luzon. MoneyGram International is a leading tives Kyle Yamashiro and Ryan Yamane, Wowowee has become in the global provider of money transfer services. The company made an Honolulu Mayor Mufi Philippines and throughout the earlier donation of US$20,000 to the American Red Cross for similar Hannemann, Cebu world, thanks to modern televi- purposes. To help families rebuild their damaged homes, the monies City Mayor Tomas will be used to provide home repair kits which will be distributed Osmena, and Hon- sion broadcasting abilities. through Habitat for Humanity. The donations are part of MoneyGram’s olulu City Council- Throughout our trip, many Global Giving Program which issues financial support to organizations man Nestor Garcia. friendly people approached me around the globe, including those that respond in times of disaster. NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 7

ALL IDEAS CONSIDERED The Chronicle is... skipping a beat. This represents that the warranties on the soft energy that is well-spent, or bed of luxury we seemed to power saved or stored. Ful- have been used to, have long filled efficiency. Sculptured expired. yet we don't seem to beauty. The Chronicle all mind living in an age when un- through these 17 years, has necessary things are our only By Felino S. Tubera dedicated, used, consumed, necessities. Our relationships stored and saved such kind of don't seem to matter much in omething energy, power, efficiency and some ways. Some level or de- greater than beauty in pursuing its mission gree of our relationships, per- the sum of its and achieving its goals. Num- sonal, business, social or what parts – and bers might mean differently to have you, is misinterpreted, ...S then some. It people, but at 17, the Chronicle misconstrued or misunder- is the only is growing and counting! stood. The Chronicle is in the Filipino news ...the Chronicle is more service of simplifying, stabiliz- from an old block of rock or away. On this note, I dare say weekly publication in Hawaii in than news events, editorials, ing, enhancing and promoting piece of driftwood. The that I'll still be reading the English that also has Pilipino features and commentaries: it's our traditional, if not cultural Chronicle's weekly frequency Chronicle. By then, it will be and Ilocano sections. Now cele- a forum of issues meeting relationships (Filipino-Ameri- with its improved news layout- just 39 years young! I feel that brating its 17th anniversary, it head-on, or problems and ques- can flavor) through its balanced format, refreshes, rejuvenates I'll outlive people who are much has remained steadfast and true tions criss-crossing in the traf- and objective culture of jour- old standards of reading pleas- younger...and the Chronicle ( in in fulfilling its mission of serv- fic of ideas and events and nalism. Some people do not rec- ure. While some aspirations one form or another) will out- ice to the community. Congrat- realities of daily life. A stew- ognize this facet of the service can only remain as dream-bub- live doubters along the way. ulations! ard-facilitator in the formation it provides. It can be said: The bles, the Chronicle has trans- (Make room and allowance for For people who have a fas- of public opinion and debate. It Chronicle stands on its record formed some of its pipe technology and change) cination in giving meaning and is public service that thrives on of balanced news reporting, dreams into innovative con- ‘Well, the Chronicle is significance to numbers, 17 is relationships. In any kind of fairness and objectivity. tent-delights that readers also about pride and identity. a significant milestone, First, "ships" you can think of: fel- “There is nothing new would not want to miss. Again, Filipino pride. Never mind the add the 1 and the 7 and you get lowship, friendship, courtship, under the sun." - Ecclesiastes this does not only draw atten- undefined identity of the Fil- the solid number 8. This is an citizenship, readership, spon- 1:9 This biblical quote does not tion and attraction, it navigates ipino and his community. It is auspicious symbol. You make sorship...the Chronicle is there necessarily negate the possibil- well into the seas and ships of nonetheless a part of that vi- just one stroke to write it from as a living presence. Even in ity of bringing novelty into our old and newrelations. Wel- brant diversity that cannot be top down with a loop and back the bed of hardship that we re- lives. Innovation is the child of come, innovation! isolated from that identity. to top without breaking or main sleepless on. It's ironic inspiration which may come ...the Chronicle at 17 still What, if, anything else, can has the qualities of a robust, undo the reasons why the HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS idealistic teenager with the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle, is vigor of an un-matriculated col- greater than the sum of its lege imagination and noble in- parts? Nothing. You avid read- AMM to Hold Benefit Concert tentions. Be that as it may, it is ers, wise advertisers, creative poised to grow in wisdom and promoters, loyal supporters, ravaged Samoa. maturity with the courage of a who give the publishers, man- at Blaisdell Center Over the past 25 years, midget facing a goliath...the un- agement and staff the push and n three short weeks, the AMM has conducted 116 mis- certain future. ( I dare myself to inspiration ... WE, US ALL... Philippine typhoon relief sions to 15 countries and live to 100 years; I'm now 78 are the parts of the greater sum. Ifund drive netted over treated almost 250,000 people. and by the year 2030, I'll be a A pat on the back is not $130,000, according to officials All volunteers pay their own centenarian, like my mother necessary, but from the Fil-Com Center. travel expenses. AMM has a was in 1996 when she passed let's celebrate. Mabuhay! The Aloha Medical Mis- well-deserved reputation as sion (AMM) and The Queen’s Hawaii’s Ambassadors of Medical Center will present a Health and Goodwill and over piano benefit concert, “Four the years has provided over Doctors, A Patient & A Sweet- $86 million in free health care. heart!” on Thursday, Decem- The benefit concert is ber 10, at 7 p.m. at the Neal AMM’s major fundraising ef- Blaisdell Concert Hall. Organ- fort. Proceeds will help fund izers expect the concert to be the organization’s vital pro- sold out this year with the ad- grams. Tickets are $40, $60, dition of Hawaii’s own “sweet- $75, $100 and $250 and are heart,” Grammy nominated available from Ticketmaster recording artist, Raiatea Helm. This year marks the 26th (1-800-745-3000 or ticketmas- Although they normally anniversary of the AMM, and the Blaisdell box use their hands to heal, local which provides free medical office (591-2211). physicians Jorge Camara, and dental services to the most If you wish to help the Aileen Denny, Timothy Lee, needy in Hawaii at their clinic AMM continue its missions of and Elizabeth Ignacio—all located at Palama Settlement. mercy, please send your dona- outstanding classical pi- AMM also mobilizes volun- tions to: anists—will use their hands to teers to provide free medical create an evening of beautiful and surgical services to those ALOHA MEDICAL MISSION music. The “patient” is Chris in the Asia-Pacific region who 810 NORTH VINEYARD BLVD. Cerna, a gifted blind pianist lack access to basic health HONOLULU, HI 96817 who was helped by AMM. care. AMM volunteers recently Local media personality provided medical relief for the More information on the Emme Tomimbang will emcee victims of Typhoon Ketsana in AMM is available online at: this memorable evening. the Philippines and to tsunami- 8 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 NEWS FEATURE

Tourism—with helping Uy for- Philippine Trade Mission a Big Success and mulate a tourism strategy for Cebu that has been very success- ful. That year also saw DBEDT’s Wonderful Experience first partnership with the Filipino onolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann and several staff Chamber of Commerce of Hannemann, key mem- members helped to distribute hu- Hawaii on economic develop- H bers of his staff and manitarian relief supplies to vic- ment efforts with the Philippines. leaders of the Filipino Chamber tims of recent flooding in Pasig. Honolulu City Councilmem- of Commerce of Hawaii recently Hundreds of families received ber Nestor Garcia and state Rep- returned from a trade mission to food, coffee, sugar, soap and resentatives Joey Manahan, Ryan the Philippines, which brought other basic necessities. Former Yamane and Kyle Yamashiro also together hundreds of investors, Pasig Mayor Soledad Eusebio fa- participated in the Trade Mission business people and public offi- cilitated this special assistance to while in Cebu. Hannemann said one of the cials. the needy. The former mayor said Mayor Hannemann, his staff and local volunteers helped distribute “We made many new friends the flooding was the worst humanitarian relief supplies to residents of Pasig who were displaced by most poignant segments of the in Manila, Cebu and other cities calamity to ever strike Pasig and recent flooding. trip was a Veterans Day visit to as we explored business opportu- required the emergency evacua- ship. The group visited with Ilo- with Mayor Nicomedes Dela the Manila American Cemetery nities and introduced investors tion of 1,400 families. cos Sur Governor DV Savellano Cruz. Hannemann was adopted and Memorial, where 16,636 and key officials to each other to A special side-trip to the Ilo- at Port Salomague, where the as son of Pasuquin and as an hon- Americans and 570 Filipinos facilitate communications and cos region was exceptionally en- sakadas left for Hawaii’s planta- orary citizen of San Nicolas. who served with U.S. forces partnerships,” Hannemann says. joyable and the hospitality tions in 1946. Cabugao Mayor The grand opening of the during World War II are in- The mayor met with former extended to the Honolulu delega- Dioceasar Suero joined in a spe- San Nicolas people’s market was terred. Another 36,285 Ameri- President Fidel V. Ramos and tion was truly heartfelt, he says. cial tribute to the sakadas. held in conjunction with the cans who remain several top business and govern- “I’m very thankful to Ilocos During lunch at a local beach Honolulu delegation’s visit. missing-in-action, or who were ment leaders. He made two eco- Norte Governor Michael Marcos resort in honor of the Honolulu Thousands of local residents buried at sea, are also honored nomic development presentations Keon for naming me an adopted delegation, Hannemann found were treated to a special presen- at the memorial, which was es- to business groups in Metro son of that wonderful province, that he and Governor Savellano tation and performances. tablished shortly after World Manila on the advantages of the ancestral home of so many have much in common. In Cebu, Mayor Tomas Os- War II on the grounds of the doing business in Hawaii and in Hawaii-based Filipinos and Fil- “I discovered that he likes to mena and Vice-Mayor Michael former Fort William McKinley the Philippines and even man- ipino-Americans,” Hannemann sing as much as I do,” Hanne- Rama held a special ceremony to U.S. military reservation. aged to visit his cousin, LDS says. mann says. reaffirm Cebu’s sister-city rela- Overall, Hannemann says Mission President Beaver Ho The Honolulu delegation Also very memorable were tionship with Honolulu. Hanne- the trade mission was a wonder- Ching, who’s been living in the also met with sister-city Mayor similar meetings in Badoc with mann made a presentation at the ful success. Philippines with his wife Judy for Michael Fariñas in Laoag to bol- Mayor Thomas Torralba; in Trade Mission conference and “We strengthened our ties the past three years. ster the cities’ special relation- Batac with Mayor Jeffrey Jubal business seminar that was very with great people and commu- Nalupta; in well-received. nities that share strong family, San Nicolas Joel Uy, managing director cultural and business ties with with Mayor of the Cebu Investment Promo- Honolulu,” he says. “I’m very Alfredo tion Center, credited meetings grateful to the Filipino Chamber Valdez; in Pa- with Hannemann and his staff in and all those from Hawaii and suquin with 1992—when Hannemann served the Philippines who worked Mayor Oscar as director of the Hawaii State hard to make the trade mission Aguinaldo; Department of Business, Eco- and all other aspects of our visit and in Bacarra nomic Development and so meaningful and successful.” Flores Speaks on Multi- Cultural Upbringing onolulu busi- and came to Hawaii as a nessman Eddie 16 year old immigrant. H Flores, Jr. was His parents’ influ- the keynote speaker at ences, values and tradi- the Hawaii Heritage tions have guided Center Annual Meeting Flores to become an ex- and Program on No- ceptionally successful vember 21, 2009 from business leader. He is 10 am - 1 pm at Hee CEO and President of Hing Restaurant on L&L Drive-Inn/L&L Kapahulu Avenue. Hawaiian Barbecue, Flores shared his Chairman Emeritus of story of “Growing Up the Filipino Community Half Chinese and Half Center and a director on Filipino in Hong Kong Eddie Flores, Jr. several boards includ- and Hawaii” as well as ing the Chinese Cham- the cultural influences and prejudices ber of Commerce and Goodwill he experienced as a child up to the Industries of Hawaii. present. The Hawaii Heritage Center is a Flores is a first generation Ameri- nonprofit educational organization can who realized the “American founded in 1980 to preserve and per- Dream” through hard work, creative petuate knowledge of the history and and gutsy entrepreneurship and smart heritage of Hawaii’s unique diverse marketing. He was born in Hong Kong multicultural community. to a Chinese mother and Filipino father NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 9 10 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 COMMENTARY

ditions for long periods of time, as they are now struggling to pay Middle America, Take Back Your Economy for costly healthcare and other By Edwin Quinabo cluded) failed to forecast this fi- even cheaper labor and favorable safety net model working along- basic needs, whom can these nancial bust in the first place. tax laws. side the Global World Economy. Capitalists depend on for profits ow do you fix Communities that were built All throughout the EU, Japan, before they themselves are hard something that Systemic Fallacies up are now left abandoned. Gov- and Canada, hybrid economies hit financially? The savings to cannot be under- What are we fixing any- ernment helped to build infra- have become the standard. Gone families with health care reform stood fully? way? At its core is a conceptual structure and extended large are the days of purism. Just as will at the very least spur spend- N This is the problem, an economic model corporation tax breaks for multi- attempts at pure socialism failed ing. challenge Presi- weak in addressing sustainabil- ple years to get foreign investors during the fall of the old Soviet dent Barrack ity and jobs. The Global World to do business in their communi- Union and eastern European Strengthening Small Obama faces even after the pas- Economic model must find opti- ties. But as soon as some other economies in 1989, so too is and Medium Size Businesses sage of a $787 billion economic mal means to support billions of location deems itself to be more pure capitalism unfit to meet Another key component to recovery package, the largest workers and consumers at mini- profitable, investors leave, along today’s challenges. a healthier economy is shaping stimulus program in our nation’s mal expense. with their jobs. The harmful consequence a prosperous environment for history. The shadow of doubt This challenge is not being of holding on to this archaic small to middle size businesses. over fixing the deepest U.S. re- met across the board internation- Hybrid Economies practice is evidently apparent in Some steps to take may include cession since the 1920s has less ally as the distribution of wealth Politically, what can be the banking deregulation fiasco lowering interest rates on small to do with President Obama’s widens from unimaginable done? The U.S. must develop that left tens of thousands of business loans (should be gov- abilities, but is more telling of a riches by a few on one spectrum policies that protect its people homeowners in the U.S. fore- ernment-mandated in exchange global world economy steeped to an empty-fisted majority from the adverse effects of glob- closed. for federally insured guaran- with complexities. reaching for scant crumbs on the alism. Sounds easy? Not so. This tees), increasing tax credits to Simplified economics other end. hands-on, regulated approach to Strengthening companies employing small pushed forth by the mainstream The Global World Eco- governing our national economy the Middle Class numbers of workers, lowering media has most Americans con- nomic model cannot succeed for attacks the nucleus of capitalism. Essential to a successful hy- taxes on imported goods vinced that sub-prime loans, un- one major reason. While the Its ideologues, mostly com- brid economy is investing in through fair trade, and devising scrupulous banking, naive world’s economies continue to prised of GOP party-members, communities and building the a new comprehensive tax homebuyers and the GOP’s merge into blocks (EU, ASEAN, defend fervently a hands-off phi- country’s middle class. Two out scheme for small- to medium- deregulation policies (especially NAFTA, etc.) or become infil- losophy toward free market of every three middle class fam- sized business. during George W. Bush’s second trated by way of neocolonialism practices, until of course asked ilies in the U.S. are at risk of The current economic sys- term) were responsible for tank- (foreign-owned economies), by corporate giants to intervene. completely falling out of the tem is devised to benefit large ing the economy. sovereign nations maintain their During President Obama’s inau- middle class, according to a new corporations. Interestingly, pe- But if conditions were as own independent political states. gural year, these same free-reign study from Demos and the Insti- riods of stagnation (or reces- simple as 1+2=3, with sub- This political plurality makes a supporters of the market silenced tute for Assets and Social Policy sions) are first caused when primes now gone, banks held to one-world economy inefficient their political hands-off dema- at Brandeis University. huge corporations scale-down greater regulation, faulty loans in for countries to respond to im- goguery in the government The study states that 13 per- employment due to smaller foreclosure and Bush de- portant policy features in trade bailout of major corporations cent of middle class families profit margins; but in the end throned, the U.S. economy and the after-effects of job out- such as GM, AIG and numerous have enough assets to cover when the economy rebounds, would have already shown sourcing. giant Wall Street banks. most living expenses for nine these same monolith corpora- marked signs of a rebound. But Multinational corporations This hypocritical, desperate months if they lose their regular tions benefit most as their Wall Street knows that systemic have no loyalties where profit act actually highlights two income, while 79 percent don’t smaller market competitors deficiencies remain and eco- margins are concerned and do things: first the gravity of this have enough to cover even three (small to medium sized busi- nomic indicators will only not succumb to nationalism or to current recession that business months of living expenses. nesses) either go out of business straighten when greater clarity any one or set of countries’ cannot carry on as usual; and More than one out of five mid- or scale down to an even prevails. needs. A typical example plays second, that it’s time to give way dle class families (21 percent) smaller, non-competitive size The reality is no one really out this way: a company origi- to a new era of hybrid, mixed have less than $100 a week left during stagnation. knows what it will take to speed nates in a U.S. city and prospers economies. after covering their essential ex- So a top heavy system is up recovery, just as the Feds and for years. Then executives de- Hybrid economies (a fusion penses. perpetuated with the elimination greatest economic minds (Alan cide to move to Mexico to cut of free market capitalism and Cutting expenses is where of real competition whenever the Greenspan, former chairman of costs and move yet another time government socio-economic in- social intervention can help both economy goes soft. What does the U.S. Federal Reserve, in- to the Philippines or China for tervention) has become the new individuals and the overall econ- this translate to?—a greater re- omy. One major expense Amer- liance on large corporations and icans grapple with is the high an undiversified economy sus- cost of health care, which is re- ceptible to even more recessions sponsible for more than 60 per- (occurring much more fre- cent of personal bankruptcies. quently). After many cycles of While GOP purists of capi- this same process, it’s by no ac- talism continue their anti-social cident that the typical, local intervention scare tactics, it’s be- “mom-and-pop” store is fast dis- come more apparent that major appearing. health care reform must be adopted before millions of oth- Power to the People, ers continue to lose health insur- Purge Your Mind of Myths ance due to out-of-reach, The question is why does exorbitant high premiums. If middle America allow itself to moral justice and compassion fall further behind? The great are not enough reasons for re- American myth of mobility is forming health care, GOP capi- true enough to enable people to talists must face the undeniable get ahead, even with statistics truth that capitalism depends showing the opposite for the heavily on the middle and work- vast majority of people. Ameri- ing classes to generate profits. cans are taught there’s room for When the middle and work- people to rise to a higher in- ing classes are in depressed con- come bracket through educa- NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 11

HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS Bakke, Marianela Jacob, PMAH Holds Medical Mission in Isabela Stephanie Namuo, Paul Ross, Kathy Sassy and Leovi Viz- he Philippine Medical carra. Support personnel in- Association of Hawaii cluded Van Diesel, Greg T (PMAH) held a medical McIntosh and Imelda Joaquin. mission in Santiago City, Is- Unused medical supplies abela, Philippines from Sep- were donated to the mayor of tember 7-11, 2009. Santiago City for distribution A small team of volunteer to local community health cen- doctors, nurses and laypersons ters. treated approximately 2,888 pa- Local physicians and city tients during a five-day period. officials held a farewell party The PMAH Ohana also donated at Santiago City Museum on about 60 boxes of much-needed (psychiatry/IM), Chao Chen Douglas Johnson (internal Celia Ona (psychiatry/neurol- the final day of the medical medical supplies. (OB-GYN), Tak Ming Chen medicine/dermatology), ogy) and Remedios Sonson mission. PMAH volunteers re- Participating physicians (anesthesiologist), Amelia Ja- Thomas Namiki (OB-GYN). ceived much-deserved awards included Elenita Alvarez (OB- cang (pediatrics), Nick (pathologist/IM), Fernando They were assisted by the of appreciation for their hard GYN), Glorifin Belmonte Joaquin (internal medicine), Ona (IM/gastroenterology), following nurses: Lesley work and generosity. COMMENTARY (CONT.) tion. So Americans tend to vote Global World Economy and fu- will no longer tolerate business from financial news agency necticut is home to some of the as if they were guaranteed to be sion economies. Where the as usual is to pass a historic Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, largest health insurers and phar- the next nouveau riche. economy can flourish, is where healthcare reform bill. for example, has set aside $6.8 maceutical companies. The sen- But the reality is numbers social interventions are in place News update: While the na- billion for bonuses, and Morgan ator, as well as many Republican don’t lie and the few excep- to provide balance to capital- tion’s economy continues to Stanley, $6.4 billion. members and blue dog Democ- tional individuals who do make ism’s brutal, Darwinian nature. crawl, many Wall Street giants rats, continue to receive sub- it should think twice before Middle America cannot con- that received billions in govern- In healthcare news, the stantial campaign donations by dressing into that “emperor’s- tinue to carry on in ignorance. ment bailout money (taxpayers U.S. House passed a healthcare powerful health insurers and new-clothes” political suit that They must defend social inter- money) announced that it will reform bill but the Senate is still pharmaceutical companies. only helps to keep middle vention policies and support hand out billions in bonuses to short of a 60 majority to push for a “public option.” Sen. Joe America down. small to medium size busi- their top executives (an end of About the writer: EDWIN QUINABO Recessions and market in- nesses as shrewd consumers. year practice that do not include Lieberman of Connecticut is a political scientist and small busi- stability are actually permanent The first message to send to their base salary and other threatened to filibuster a bill ness owner. features of today’s capitalist naysayers that Middle America perks). According to a report containing a public option. Con- 12 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 13 14 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS Hawaii to Host 2011 APEC Meeting onolulu has been selected to host the 2011 Asia Pacific Eco- H nomic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial and Leaders Meeting—the first APEC summit in the U.S. since 1993. “As the host site of the 2011 APEC Summit, Hawaii will be able to show- case its heritage, natural beauty and strategic location to a global audience,” The 2009 APEC Summit in Singapore says U.S. Rep. . He Obama and Hawaii’s economic ties and other members of Hawaii’s congres- to the Asia-Pacific, according to Rep. sional delegation signed joint letters urg- Abercrombie, will be beneficial to the ing the Obama administration to support U.S. Hawaii’s bid to host the 2011 APEC “President Obama views APEC as summit. an essential forum that will play a major The APEC meeting is the premier role in nurturing economic and govern- forum for facilitating economic growth, mental relationships between the U.S. cooperation, trade and investment in the and the Asia-Pacific region,” he says. Asia-Pacific region. APEC’s 21 mem- “The president will be able to speak in bers account for approximately 41 per- personal terms about America’s com- cent of the world’s population, mitment to the region because of his ties approximately 54 percent of world Gross to Hawaii, our people and our diversity Domestic Product (GDP) and about 44 that is rooted in the history and culture percent of world trade. of Asia and the Pacific.” The 2009 APEC meeting was held APEC’s 21 Member Economies are earlier this month in Singapore. Presi- Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, dent Barack Obama, who was among the Chile, People’s Republic of China, Hong participants, is looking forward to wel- Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of coming fellow APEC leaders to Hawaii Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New in 2011. He pledged that under his ad- Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Re- ministration, the U.S. will be an active public of the Philippines, The Russian and engaged partner in APEC and the re- Federation, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, gion. Thailand, the U.S. and Vietnam. NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 15 LEGAL NOTES Four Immigration-Related Programs ployment-based 4th preference able an international medical and 3,000 visa numbers are re- Extended category to those who work in a graduate to change to H-1B or served annually for the investors. 2012. These programs relate to professional capacity in a reli- adjust his/her status to perma- The E-verify is an electronic the non-minister religious work- gious vocation or occupation, or nent resident. The program, ac- verification system used by em- ers, the Conrad 30, the EB5 in- work in a religious vocation or cording to American Hospital ployers to check the immigra- By Reuben S. Seguritan vestor visa and the E verify. occupation for an organization Association, has been the “only tion status of newly-hired resident Obama Surviving spouses will be or its nonprofit affiliate. source of healthcare” for more employees by accessing the files signed into law last able to self-petition for their The applicant should have than 20 million Americans who of the Social Security Adminis- October 28 the green card even though the mar- been for the past two years a live in underserved areas. tration and the Department of 2010 Department riage to the deceased U.S. citi- member of a religious denomina- The EB-5 immigrant in- Homeland Security. of Homeland Secu- zen lasted for less than two tion which has a bonafide non- vestor program refers to in- This controversial program P rity Appropriations years. profit religious organization in the vestors in regional centers has been criticized by immigrant Act which elimi- It will also allow surviving U.S. and who has been carrying designated by the United States advocates. Senator Robert nates the so-called widow family members to continue the on the vocation, professional Citizenship and Immigration Menendez opposed it in the past penalty and allows surviving processing of their adjustment of work or other work continuously Services (USCIS). These cen- because of its tendency “to family members to process their status applications provided they for the past two years. ters are entities that focus on misidentify U.S. citizens and permanent residence applica- were residing in the U.S. at the The Conrad 30 program specific geographic areas and legal permanent residents and it tions to completion notwith- time of the death of the peti- grants each state the authority to seek to promote economic can create a financial burden on standing the death of their tioner and that they continue to issue waiver recommendation of growth. small businesses.” petitioner. reside in the U.S. the two year foreign residence This fast way to obtain a The new law also extends The non-religious worker requirement for 30 international green card requires a capital in- REUBEN S. SEGURITAN has been four immigration-related pro- program provides for special im- medical graduates who serve in vestment of $500,000 or higher practicing law for over 30 years. For further information, you may call him grams through September 30, migrant status under the em- medically underserved areas. in any of these regional centers. at (212) 695 5281 or log on to his web- Such waiver is needed to en- There are currently 45 centers site at HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS

In addition, the event will Pasko sa Fil-Com! feature re-enactments of the ant to experience a Com will feature entertainment Christmas story, traditional Fil- traditional Filipino by the Royal Hawaiian Band, ipino foods served during W Christmas celebra- Kanikapila Singers, Mahalohalo Christmas, various children’s tion? If so, make plans for the Kolintang, Himig at Indak, the games and activities, prizes and annual Pasko sa Fil-Com, Silangan Singers and others. For other activities. scheduled for Sunday, Decem- the artistically-inclined, there For more details on this ber 13, 2009 from 2 pm – 7 pm. will be contests for the best event, please contact the Fil- This year’s theme is parol, tabletop Christmas tree, Com Center at 680-0451 or “Tayo’y magbigayan!” (let’s Christmas tree ornament and Raymund Liongson at 381- give and share). Pasko sa Fil- daigong (Christmas caroling). 4315. 16 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 PHILIPPINE LANGUAGE Kuwentong Bagyo Kalupitan ng Kalikasan at Kabayanihan kalsada. Gayunman, habang tu- Pinasok ng tubig ang bahay niya roon ang kanilang papag at matanghali, palakas nang sa San Jose Del Monte. Stress sinakyan upang makaligtas sa palakas ang ulan. Nang bumaba siya. Nababahala. Iniutos sa baha. Ngunit inalon-alon ang ako ng gusali, nagsimula nang mga kasambahay na iaakyat ang balsa nila at parang basong in- BAHAGHARI bunaha sa loob ng La Salle. mga kasangkapan sa itaas ng iligwak ang lamang tubig. By Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, Ph.D. Noon ko lang nakitang inabot ng bahay. Sa internet, nabalitaan Nagkahiwa-hiwalay ang mag- tubig ang loob ng kampus. namin na sa Marikina, sa Provi- anak. Iyong ina na lamang ang aroon ako. Tuwang-tuwa ang mga es- dent Village, hanggang leeg na natira, hanggang ngayon, hina- Naranasan ko. tudyante, nireretratuhan ang ang tubig. May isang nagsabi sa hanap pa niya ang pamilya niya. Nasaksihan ko. baha. Na-excite sila. Hindi nila Facebook na iyong nanay niya Si Gilda Cordero Fernando Tatlong kalupitan akalaing papasukin ng tubig ang kailangang sagipin sa may Que- ay nagkuwento ng tungkol sa ng kalikasang bu- “mighty La Salle”. zon City dahil wala raw kasama. isang patay sa isang bahagi ng N mugbog at Dumaan kami sa gilid ng Sino nga ba itong sina Quezon City ang pinaglala- sumalanta sa mga gusaling mataaas, Ondoy, Ramil at Santi? Sumipot mayan at dahil binaha, lumu- maraming bahagi ng Luzon. nakatawid kami sa ibang bilding nang buong giting at lakas— tang-lutang ang ataul. Nawala Tatlong kalupitan ng kalikasang para mananghali. Habang ku- ulan at hangin--iwinasiwas ang sa ataul ang patay at naibilang bumawi ng libu-libong buhay at makain, narinig naming ki- bumalik. Walang masakyan. lahat! Daming kalye ang binaha siya bilang isa sa mga biktima milyun-milyong kabuhayan. nansela na ang mga klase. Panay May ilang gaya ko na nag- sa NCR (National Capital Re- ng baha. May isang bahay na- Una si Ondoy. Pangalawa si ang text ng mga bata sa celfone, pasyang maiwan na lamang gion), daming tulay ang mang may third floor at pinu- Ramil. Pangatlo si Santi. nagrereklamo na sila. Nag- doon. Bumalik kami sa aming nawasak sa rumaragasang tubig takti ng tao dahil mataas. Biyernes nagsimula ang pumilit umuwi ang ilang es- upisinang nasa fourth floor. na pinawalan sa La Mesa Dam, Siksikan daw ang mga tao kaya ulan. Sabi ng matatanda, tudyanteng may kotse pero Nagsimulang alamin ang mga Angat Dam at Ipo Dam. Tu- nakatayo na lang ang lahat. masama kapag nagsimula ng hanggang bewang na ang taas ng balita sa internet. Manaka- maas nang tumaas ang baha at Nang mauhaw sila, ipinasa ang Biyernes ang ulan, magsisiyam. tubig sa Taft Avenue. nakang sumisilip sa bintana at imposible nang lakarin. Nang isang bottled water pero sinabi- Ibig sabihin, parang nobena, Nang makababa kami mula nakikitang lalong lumalaki ang dumating naman si Ramil, gin- han ang lahat na basain lamang siyam na araw magtatagal ang sa kantinang nasa ikalawang tubig. Resign na kami. Nang ulpi nang husto ang Pangasinan, ang mga labi nila para hindi bagyo. Hindi naman inabot ng palapag, mataas na mataas na mag-aalas sais na ng gabi, gutom Ilokos, Cagayan, Aurora at iba maubos agad ang tubig. Sang- ganoong katagal si Ondoy, ngu- ang tubig sa loob ng La Salle. na kaming limang naroon. Na- pa. Maraming dam din ang nag- ayon pa rin kay Gilda, isang hy- nit sa dalawa pang kasunod, tila Parang kaybilis ng paglaki ng balitaan namin nagpapakain ang pawala ng tubig. Si Santi, hindi drocephalic na babae (lumalaki nagsiyam nga ang ulan. tubig. Walang tigil din at parang mga La Sallian Brothers sa may rin nagpatawad, kinulata ang ang ulo) ang sakay ng isang Inabot ako ng bagyong nagpapaligsahan ang malalaking kapilya, pero ayaw naming bum- mga bahay at mamamayang ni wheelchair pero hanggang bay- Ondoy at na-stranded sa De La patak ng ulan. aba. Nagtatawag iyong isang hindi pa malay makabangon wang ang tubig. Nawalan ng Salle University. Sabado ng Ilang guro ang nagtangkang kasamahan namin sa mga mula sa trahedya ni Ondoy. bait ang babae at nagsisigaw. umaga nang tumungo ako roon umuwi. May nakabagtas na karinderya sa condominum nila, Nakakasindak na ang mga Tumaob ang wheelchair at bago para magklase. Alas otso ang lalaki, iniwan ang kotse sa may nagpaunlak namang tanawing inilalarawan ng nasaklolohan ng mga kaanak klase hanggang alas onse. Mag- garahe dahil isa siyang ama at sa maghatid. telebisyon. Mga pamilyang niya, namatay sa pagkalunod. damag nang umulan noon pero Malabon pa uuwi, isang bahaing Iyong isang kasama namin nasa bubong ng bahay nila, Kinailangang ilagay ang pwede pang tumawid sa mga lugar. May isang taga- na nasa telepono, palakad-lakad. naghihintay ng saklolo. May bangkay sa isang batya na itinu- mag-anak na naging malakas tulak ng pamilya habang ang loob na suungin ang hang- lumalakad sa malalim ng baha. gang-leeg-na-tubig, kapit-kapit Sang-ayon naman sa TV, nang ang tabiki ng bahay nila’y may isang 18 anyos na man- ibagsak ng tubig. Umakyat sila lalangoy ang nagligtas sa 30 sa bahay na matataas; may katao. Dahil sa sobrang pagod, naglagay ng mga bata at sanggol hindi niya nalabanan ang sa malalaking plangganang plas- malakas na agos, bumalandra tik at itinutulak iyon sa baha; siya sa pader at namatay. May may sumakay sa ibabaw ng isa pang nagkuwento na may airbed at ginawa iyong sal- isang grupong nagpe-prayer babida. May mabubuting loob meeting sa isang kapilya ang na nagtangkang magligtas ng nasalakab ng baha. Para malig- mga kapitbahay. Isang lalaki tas, lumambitin silang lahat sa ang lumangoy sa baha at isa- aranya ng simbahan. Kinuha isang pinuntahan ang mga kapit- sila ng rescue team sa pagbutas bahay niya at dinala niya sa ng bubong ng kapilya at evacuation center. May anim- paghugot sa kanila nang isa-isa. napu ang nailigtas niya, pero May nakita naman kami sa nung huli, hindi na siya bumalik, telebisyon na maraming taong, tinangay siya ng tubig at di na nagsiakyat sa puno. Labimpi- nakita. tong oras sila doon (17 hours) Pagkaraan ng Ondoy, isang kaya inaakyat na raw sila ng kaibigan ko ang nag-iiyak dahil mga ahas. (Siguro nagtataka lahat ng kanyang mga pinakai- ang mga ahas kung bakit inaa- ingatang retrato ng kanyang gawan sila ng bahay ng mga kasal, binyag at gradwasyon ng tao.) mga anak ay nilamon ng tubig. Hindi lang tao ang mga Hindi na pwedeng i-restore. nadisgrasya. Mga materyal na May isang pamilyang binubuo gamit din. Sa Quezon City, may ng anim na katao ang nasiraan isang konstruksyong marahil ay ng bahay at upang iligtas ang tatayuan ng condominium. sarili, pinutol ang tatlong puno Mahigit dalawampung talam- ng saging sa harap nila. Itinali (continued on page 22) NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 17 18 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 SOCIETY PAGE

L-R: Ofelia Lagat, Elvira Gabriel, Tommy Mc Norton & L to R: Drs. Oliver Arquero, Mark Joven, Nestro Herana Mambo Vinzons during a party in Kaneohe and Dean Aguiling at a Kaneohe restaurant during a farewell party OTHER EVENTS L-R: Charles Sonido, Justin Chun, Father Ericson Josue & Dr. Arnold Villafuerte during a graduation party in Kaneohe

L-R: Frank Catalan, Rose & Al Sabangan, Pete & Nilda Quindara at a L-R: Dr. Joseph, Dr. Gloria Madamba, Dr. Ramon Sy, Drs. Ely and Antonio Tan and Greta Pecson graduation party in Kaneohe having an enjoyable time at a Windward dinner party


Dr. Elenita Alvarez with Emme Alcain Jaime & Kathy Adaoag at a dinner function at Dr. Glorifin Belmonte with mom during during the PMAH Awards night last month Prince Hotel PMAH awards night last month

Drs. Fernando and Celia Ona, Mylene and Dr. Fred Pacpaco

L-R Standing: Charlie Aguinaldo, Dr. Dan Ablan, Dr. Ray Romero & Dr. Richard Dr. Arnold Villafuerte and Dr. S.Y. Tan ( guest Kua; L-R Seating: Dr. Charlie Sonido (Physician of the Year awardee) and lecturer for the event) Dr. Edward Alquero Dr. Mercedes Kua and Dr. Amelia Jacang (Meritorious Service awardee) NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 19 20 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 PHILIPPINE NEWS

loading the books and school A brief moment of triumph Pinoy Named CNN 'Hero of the Year' supplies in large plastic bags. Peñaflorida said his inclu- By Paolo Romero / was included in the top 10 CNN Peñaflorida now earns a liv- sion in CNN’s Top 10 “gave Monday, Nov. 23, 2009 Heroes. ing as a public school teacher in Filipinos a breath of fresh air, a “Our planet is filled with he- Cavite but still continues his brief moment to cheer and cel- ANILA, Philippines roes, young and old, rich and pushcart classrooms on week- ebrate,” since the Philippines – A Filipino has re- poor, man, woman of different ends where volunteers have was still reeling from the week- M ceived international colors, shapes and sizes. We are started teaching the street long floods and devastation recognition for his innovative ef- one great tapestry,” Peñaflorida urchins of Manila. wrought by storms “Ondoy” fort in educating poor children. said in his acceptance speech be- Peñaflorida recalled that he and “Pepeng.” Efren Peñaflorida, who fore an audience of about 3,000. and other volunteers had to en- During gala night, the top started the “Kariton Klassroom” Peñaflorida urged the crowd dure discrimination and even 10 CNN Heroes, chosen by a to bring education to poor chil- to “be the hero to the next one in being branded as “trash collec- blue-ribbon panel from an ini- dren, has been named CNN need.” He also called on them to Efren Peñaflorida tors” with their pushcarts when- tial pool of more than 9,000 Hero of the Year, the cable news “serve well, serve others above embrace and love you back and ever they carry out their noble viewer nominations, were each network announced yesterday. yourself and be happy to serve.” enable you to change your mission. honored with a documentary According to the CNN web- “As I always tell to my co- world,” Peñaflorida said. The public, however, took tribute and introduced by a site, Peñaflorida was selected volunteers... you are the change Peñaflorida’s group was first notice of Peñaflorida’s ingenious celebrity presenter, according to after getting the highest number that you dream as I am the recognized after it won the way of bring education to poor the Web site. Each of the top 10 of online votes, which reached change that I dream and collec- Bayaning Pilipino award for its children by nominating him to Heroes received $25,000. 2.75 million in seven weeks. tively we are the change that this heroic work in bringing educa- the CNN’s list of heroes for this The finalists were selected The 28-year-old teacher world needs to be,” Peñaflorida tion to poor children in Cavite. year. by a panel that included former from Cavite City bested nine said. Since 1997, more than Peñaflorida was a member US secretary of state Colin other contenders from different As a child, Penaflorida 10,000 volunteers are now help- of Club 8586, a youth group in Powell, Whoopi Goldberg and countries. chose education over gang life in ing in educating more than 1,500 Cavite that financed his elemen- Ted Turner. The winner was Peñaflorida received the Cavite City and vowed to create kids in depressed areas in Cavite. tary and high school education. chosen online by the public, award from actress Eva Mendes a way for other children to make The group later launched the When CNN early this year with nearly 3 million votes cast. at the conclusion of “CNN He- the same choice. “Kariton Klassroom,” an inno- announced its annual search for Grammy Award-winning roes: An All-Star Tribute” held at Peñaflorida created a pro- vative way of bringing the class- Heroes, Club 8586 nominated artist Carrie Underwood, R&B the Kodak Theater in Hollywood gram that brought books to chil- room to the children in the Peñaflorida. crooner Maxwell and British on Saturday night in the US. dren in slums and on the streets, depressed areas. CNN’s Blue Ribbon Panel pop sensation Leona Lewis He received $100,000 cash and the 10,000 members of his The pushcart classroom is sifted through 9,000 nominees performed during the gala to continue his work with his Dynamic Teen Company have now complete with teaching from over 100 countries, and event. group, Dynamic Teen Company, brought reading, writing and hy- aids, blackboards and even fold- soon narrowed down its choices CNN anchor Anderson according to CNN. giene to 1,500 youngsters. ing tables and chairs to allow to 28. On Oct. 1 (Oct. 2 in Cooper hosted the event that The cash prize is on top of “My message to children of children to sit and read materials Manila), CNN announced its top would be shown on Nov. 26, at the $25,000 bonus that all races, please, to embrace provided in a mini-library – a far 10 finalists for its Hero of the 9 p.m. EST on CNN. Peñaflorida received after he learning and love it for it will cry from the humble effort of Year. Peñaflorida made it. ( NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 21 Aloha and Mabuhay on Your 17th Year Anniversary! We salute you for your excellent reporting and commitment to the Filipino Community! Keep Up the Good Work!

MARIA & RENATO ETRATA JUN AND VIOLET MAURICE CAVACO & Administrators, Preferred Home & SADURAL DOLORES JUAN Community Services, Inc. Owners, Uncle Marv Pawnshop

TINA SALVADOR VICTOR SIMEON RN, BSN Owner, Floral Details VANGIE ANDRES Owners, Precious Moments Carehome

THELMA ZALES MILA WONG Owner, Zales Manuela Flowers by Mila & Cafe Adult Foster Home

BAYBEE HUFANA-ABLAN Advisor , Honolulu Emergency Services Department

MERLE CABRADILLA REP. HENRY AQUINO DELMAR MAGNO Owner, Mark's Non-Emergency Rep. District 35 Retired AFP Nurse Transportation

CORA POSAS JEORGE VERZOSA JEMA GUILLERMO UPAA Hotel Industry Employee Mrs. Filipina 2009 22 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009 PHILIPPINE NEWS PHILIPPINE LANGUAGE (Cont.) US Court: FM Victims Entitled to $35-Million (Kalupitan... from page 16) pakan ang lalim ng hinukay ng sued two years ago, which up- Philippine government, which Loretta Rosales, a former mga trabahador. Nang bumaha, held the Philippine govern- has a competing claim on the de- party-list lawmaker and member Deposits bumigay ang bakal na tarangka- ment’s sovereign immunity and posits. of the 10,000 human rights vic- By Rainier Allan Ronda / han ng konstruksyon. Isa-isang right to claim all confiscated ill- In his order, Ramos set a tims, hailed the New York State tinangay ng tubig sa pagragasa Monday, Nov. 23, 2009 gotten wealth of the Marcoses, pre-trial conference for a hearing Supreme Court’s ruling. sa hukay na yaon ang mga kotse, ANILA, Philippines – was merely “informative” and on Dec. 15. “This is good news for us. van at iba pang sasakyan. Sa A New York State does not bind the New York The Philippine government This means we can now make Novaliches naman, may isang Supreme Court jus- State Supreme Court. and its Presidential Commission our case before the New York M katatayong bungalow ang inilib- tice has ruled that the 10,000 “The Supreme Court’s in- on Good Government have re- State Supreme Court and move ing ng landslide. Mayroon na- human rights victims during the terpretation of federal proce- fused to come into the court as a that the $35-million Arelma de- mang isang pamilyang 20-year rule of the late President dure, while informative, is not party, invoking sovereign immu- posit is forfeited in our favor to nakatulog nang mahimbig at can lay claim binding on New York courts,” nity upheld by the US Supreme settle part of the $2-billion com- nang magising, nawala ang hag- to the $35-million Arelma de- Ramos said in his ruling dated Court in a landmark ruling two pensation awarded to us,” Ros- dan ng bahay nila. Lulutang-lu- posits to partially satisfy the $2- Nov. 9. years ago. ales told The STAR. tang sa baha ang kanilang mga billion indemnity awarded to Ramos explained that Mar- Ramos, however, said that The late deposed president kama, computer, telebisyon, at them by a jury in 1995. cos human rights victims could the court could proceed with Marcos, with the assistance of mga muwebles. Piano lang daw Failed New York securities forge ahead with their claim hearing the case despite the crony Filipino-Chinese busi- ang hindi napalutang ng tubig. firm Merrill Lynch held the pending before his court and Philippine government’s refusal nessman Jose Yao Campos and Marami pang samutsaring funds for Arelma. seek the turnover to them of the to participate, explaining that Swiss banker Jean Luis Sunier, kuwento... kulang sa espasyo New York State Supreme funds being held by Merrill New York’s joinder statutes had set up the Merrill Lynch ac- ang buong libro. Pero sa lahat Court Justice Charles Ramos Lynch, even though they have permitted the case to go without count in September 1972. ng ito, nakapangingibabaw ang said a US high court ruling is- failed to join the action by the them. ( bayanihan ng mga tao. Totoo, maraming nakapagtanto kung bakit naging malupit ang ka- likasan. Alam nilang hindi nila ito minahal. Nagkalat ang ba- sura, walang mainam na sistema ng sewerage, pagtotroso, kawalan ng kahandaan kahit alam nilang bagyuhin ang bansa. Ngunit sa huli, sa harap ng kalamidad, sa harap ng ka- matayan, pantay ang mahirap at mayaman. Maaaring may mari- wasang ang gustong iligtas sa aparador ay ang koleksyon ng mga bag na Gucci o Coach; mayroon namang nag-aalala sa kanyang sasakyan, ngunit sumuko silang lahat sa pwersa ng kalikasan. Nakita ng mundo na kahit mahirap, dumukot sa bulsa at nag-abot ng ambag sa mga dukha. Maraming nagbigay ng delata, damit, pagkain, mga kumot mga gamot. Lahat ng es- tasyon ng telebisyon, himpilan ng radyo, mga diyaryo, simba- han, malalaking unibersidad, Non-Government Organiza- tions, militar, iba’t ibang kumpa- nya at pribadong mamamayan ang bukas-palad na nagtulung- tulong para magbigay ng tirahan sa mga ‘bakwit”, magpakain, magdonasyon, magboluntaryo, mangilak, at kung anu-ano pa. Makinig lamang sa ABS- CBN at GMA, malalamang mi- lyun-milyon ang nakolekta – pera at iba pa. Minsan, pa, napatunayan ng mga Pilipino, walang nag-iisa; lagi, may isang magbabayani, magpapabayani, magiging bayani. Ito ang kaluluwa ng bayanihan. Sa kabila ng mga inggitan, iringan, away at galit ng mga mamamayan, lulutang at lulutang ang pagtutulungan. Ito ang lakas ng ating lahi, ng ating bansa. NOVEMBER 21, 2009 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE 23

CLASSIFIED ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER MOBILE DJ, BAND, PHOTOGRAPHER AND for toddler in my Ewa Beach home VIDEO KARAOKE, HULA, SOUNDS M-Th. Call 554-7444. AVAILABLE call 808-382-9495 FREE UNLIMITED INTERNATIONAL I NEED HELP CALLING Elder care/domestic, in exchange for room in my Send money globally using cell phone. Ewa home.Must be reliable /female. Please contact Lynn at 271-0885 WANTED YARDMAN This Space Looking for a yardman to work at my Nuuanu home. Exchange for a free room including utili- Dr. Edith Burgos Produces Result ties. Call 531-7377 Call 678-8930 or Email CONTRIBUTING WRITERS WANTED [email protected] Experience preferred, Please submit writing samples or published works and resume to for more details. [email protected] COMMUNITY CALENDAR PASKO SA FILCOM / SUNDAY December 13, 2009 ● 9 am - 8 pm ● For details call Tess Quemado at 680-0451

ILOCOS SURIAN MEDICAL MISSION December 15 - 23, 2009 ● Manila and Ilocos ● 8 am - 5 pm ● For more information, please contact JP Orias @ 387-8297

2010 FILIPINO FIESTAÊS „LAKBAY KULTURA‰ / SATURDAY May 8, 2010 ● Kapiolani Park ● 8 am - 5 pm ● For more information and reservations (parade, booth and food vendors), please call the FilCom Center at 680-0451 HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS Filipino Catholic Clubs Hold 59th Councils on Hawaii, Kauai and Catholic Social Ministry and Convention Maui deliberated in workshops Charlene Cuaresma graced the he Diocesan Congress of on “Faith Journey through Life’s luncheon and evening break. Filipino Catholic Clubs Challenges” and “Vocation to Lt. Gov. James R. “Duke” T held its 59th Convention Priesthood, Deaconate & Reli- Aiona, Jr. spoke on the topic from November 20-22, 2009 at gious Life.” Discussion on the “The Challenges of a Catholic the Pagoda Hotel. The theme for table will be “What is our FCC Public Leader” during the the three-day conference was Mission?” evening banquet on November “Here I Am Lord.” Reports from the Standing 21. Later that evening, Fr. Ernest This year’s host was the FCC Committees on accom- Claes awardees from each Coun- Oahu Council of Filipino plishments and recommenda- cil were recognized and the FCC RENTAL Catholic Clubs (OCFCC), tions on improving the FCC’s Individual of the Year was pre- headed by DCFCC Spiritual Di- role were processed and sented with the Osmundo Calip rector, Rev. Peter Dumag and recorded. There was also enter- Founder’s Plaque. Rev. Calip President Prudencio Ferido from tainment from various participat- founded and organized the Fil- Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa. ing units. Distinguished speakers ipino Catholic Clubs in Hawaii in Delegates from the Island Iwie Tamashiro from the 1948. Consul General Visits Maui hilippine Consul tions and 10 notarial General Leoncio services. Some 26 Fil- P Cardenas and the ipinos reacquired their consulate staff recently Philippine citizenship traveled to Maui to meet under the Retention and with government offi- Reacquisition Act of cials and to conduct 2003 during a formal “Alay sa Kababayan,” or oath taking ceremony. its Consular Outreach Herman Andaya, Presi- Program. Consul General Cardenas and Maui Mayor Tavares dent of the Maui Fil- Consul General Car- (both seated) with the Maui County Economic ipino Community denas paid a courtesy Development Team. Council, thanked con- visit to Mayor Tavares on No- with members of the Maui Eco- sulate officials for bringing the vember 13, 2009. Among the nomic Development Team and team to Maui and saving resi- topics of discussion was a Sister the Maui County Council. dents the cost of traveling to City agreement currently in the During their three-day stay Honolulu for the filing of appli- works between Badoc, Ilocos on the island, consulate staff cation of their passports and Norte and Maui. He also met processed 250 passport applica- other consular needs. 24 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 21, 2009