University Microfilms. Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan PROTECTIONISM and DEVELOPMENT
This (iieBBriafimi lia« li m m microfilmed exactly as seesawed 66-6248 E N G E R , Thomas Peter, 1938- PROTECTIONISM AMD DEVELOPMENT. The Ohio State lloiversity, Ph.D., 1965 Economics, theory University Microfilms. Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan PROTECTIONISM AND DEVELOPMENT DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Thomas Peter Enger, B.A., M.A. The Ohio State University 1965 Approved by iser Depaxvt&ent of Economics ACKNOWLEDGMENT I extend my deepest appreciation to my adviser, Professor Clifford L. James for his counsel.and patient reading of the dissertation. 1 also thank Professor Mikhail Condoide and Professor Alvin E. Coons for their helpful suggestions. Lastly, 1 wish to acknowledge the aid of my wife, Jacqueline, who spent many hours reading copy for spelling and grammatical errors. ii ¥ i m April 21, 1938 Bo3*32 — leer Lodge, Montana I 9 6 0 ......... B.A.o fisstaca State University, Missoml©, Montana 1961-1962...... Gradtmate Assistant, Department of Economies, Montana State University, Missoola, Montana 1962.......... M„A. 9 Montana State University Missonala„ Montana 1962-196 5..... Assistant instructor, The Ohio State Iniwersity ColEiim&as „ Ohio FlSaUiH® ©F STUDY Major Field: Economics Studies in Economic Slkeor y. Professors Clifford L. James, Diram BosBemhorn * and Robert Patton Studies in International Economics and Finance. Professor CliifforcS L. James Studies in Public Finance. Professor Francis Woodard Studies in Economic Planning. Professor Meno Lovenstein Studies in Sociological Theory. Professors Roscoe Hinkle and Alined Clarke TABLE OF CONTENTS Page IJ.TTSTT* Gff TABLES .....................................................
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