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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

11-5-1937 Bulloch Herald

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1937). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4071.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE B'ULLOCH . HERALD FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 29, 1937 ...... Th I N0 S -----"'-�-""""�;;:'_"".,.";"",.:==��:""" 7���"'=====-;.. =-::-=-=-=-=-�;-;;;;;�;;�����===:_;_.....,,,,.....-- �- ubstitutc For "�e����:� .. . Ad_v_�rt_�!!,g .. " .' . Featur:e. At \ CARD OF THANKS B tho •. ,/\v�:·a ].by' Military IM�y O"-'1'.::i"n.o! the.r 00\'0' ' Carnival I M' 1°ddl tion ,·,:d love Register d ews We Ici-, him 1'0 ' N' wish to indicated our --- egroun expres deepest I eam Ives '. 'r - GO' \-t. -- tho istcr Vi, (. . appreciation to our friend" and rela- by the beautiul flolal . Tonight .Reg H"'lowo' n" oileriags. . --'-'. I, . I . i h'ome h ecause Carnrva I '1 I " 0 f th e d'ea th 0 f hiIS Uves for kindness, and 'a Bigger Hallowe'en will I th<:lr Mrs. A. J. Deal anti Her- DeVI'1S A FOI w� aqd, be observed u t lym-I children. t Babies ,�eature father, Mr. Adam Deal, on last Satur- pathy the recent Better show. This show during 'Illness and I. • will school bere THE Mlddlegl'ound C. B Fridn)' Deal, L. number nigh:,! day. Others here to attend the funer- death of our husband father and cDal, ana Miles of the most prom- Oct. the B!l..UE DEVILS prescnt." 29, urogram to begin at' III were Frank ED GIVEN Mis. Berrie Cannon 01 At. and we wish I Deal, Mrs. S. A. Mrs. J. AND of the brother, 'to thank them, Smth, ...... __ ...... STATESBORO BULLOCH I.�nt Register sehoul 7 :80 o'clock. Mi.s Eileen :Xfi�o;-_� ·_·..;.D COUNTY REAL .cltlzens Brannen Mi88 Willie Lee -- TEST IN THE will i.llanta, Laniel' of Sa. from the depth. of our hearts for B. Cannon and Melton D�",1. VOLUM.E 1 I�C-=A�T�E_·D;..__T_O:...... ::T...:.H�E__::.P...:.R.:....:O�G�_:R:..::.::E:.:S:.:S:--=.OF ...... They as THB HERALD .appear th';y general chairman of Miss BULLopr fRlQAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1.S7 ----'""l!'-���!'!!!'!!!lli!rM - - GAME WITH G. M. Q�.trlct.w ere arrangements_vannah. Evelyn Sample of Ma. --.--- - years ago. and has announced that . n.lOre 'Ih�n .thlrt� there will con, and Mrs. Elmer � musrc IS Mr. Bland of plenned in- be fortune the Hall of I" SI�eclal ?emg relllng, HoI" Daisy and of The 'Blue eluding accordton, the handsaw Grady McGlamery - BRING TO - Devils of the High SchoolC'I I ,·OW! and other forms 01 YOUR t,h� many enter- and other Instruments Jacksonville, Set Dr. Bascom plnyed an by tainment for old and evenly matched football �Iayed young. Ice _ 10 Anthony Spt\ak' n ml M1'8. . ,000 At Percy Averttt, I For Ne�'Record �t cream candv cak eleven from G. M. C. last al-' '. ), es, pres, h 0 t d cgs In the death of Mr. Adam Expected Friday Deal or I .Airport features acrobatic drinks will No YARD .' • AuctIOns To be sold...... BULLOCH-STOCK • . admission which LlVestpck Statesboro 1erneon 00 the Oth. occuaed I,\st field und Saturd...,. , thh 'College for an.d - Rotarian. nancmg by Ed na NIH.VI , wll I be ch . MI"/ awailan . d . orge section has lost Its best citizen. 1he Jlrat time till' season were scored The dance by Carol Jean Carter, tal' --- eternal me•••ge to "Do Unto Others" With VISITS COLLEGE in Auction . , own en, their I dunce Bill Dedication ' backyard. by 11 October Nov The game Holloway Ceremonies· 18251101sSoId Betty Sunday, 31, will be Every Tuesday Home- I"was made in �nd mani!e8t his daily work. in a a �ie, the final score being demonatt-aticn the at Union He will Prices of and OFfERS �ed an.� Of. c?mmg Day. Methodist, long be missed among hia Hogs Continue High Ac('or:ling TWO AUCTIONS AGAIN ESTAB· fOUR PO ITS �I'��nenB,g Apple by • group 01 All 6.fl. The (!lillie between the two I Reglstol' members and friends and relatives. - G�ureh, fO�lller to Quality LISH A FALL RECORD WITH A high school studenta. friends are invited to attend. This tela'm. turned out to be the best of At SLIGHT RISE IN HOG MARKET ON WHICH the open of the a is 10 . ing fe,tivities the oldest church COVERNOR'RIVERS BE BUD tile in the county, ,),ear, lind THIS WEEK King Qneen of the Carnival being orgu'nizerl in 17DO. Ire". Park TJ:ae game, 88 was was a Court will be expected, chosen und crowned. Smith is the present pastor. '�B,ULLOCH STOCK YARD PRINCIPAL SPEAKER A PLAN FOR _� Candidate" for this �a1 test for the Blue Devils, and high position nrc: o. L. McLEMORE, Proprietor Mary Kcnnedv and Jim Lanier SPOKE AT the came Watson, rep- Deal of Macon WDS TiACHBtfs COLLBGII .• .boys thl'ough the test with called Day Phones 324 and 482 Night Phone 32:1 ON DEDICATION DAY MONDA Y MORNIrrG ON '1'IIE Dover Road at Central of Ga. R. R, �:��;:�.� t��(1 Crossing HOPE OF THE' COUNTRY WAS :;ir;i::,IO��Ul:i�:� :���;fen�igd�len��� e����0;1;11�;a��"'ni��� PLANS BEING MAD TO TAKE grao e ; Jewell Anderson and Jerald Averitt And STATESBORO, GEORGIA IN ENLIGHTENED BRAINS AND 'ball and first ciass offensive di,splay. Gay CARE OF CROWD OF 10,000 Dekle, tenth grade; and Sara Reid OHARACTER ed to the large crowd that they relllly PEOPLE. AIR SHOW SCHEDUL· Bowen and Lelnnd Moc eleventh Tell of Meal hat! snme re, Huge thing.. Behind this line were .E;D DEATH grade. INCLUDING DEFY· speedy Robert and At Hodll'es Emerson Pontiac Meeting 1NG STUNTING who did some V(,,'Y geed .And�rson, M,·8. Hilton Bnrghard and Mrs. 'Funning every nun ute that they were In an Bulloch Statesboro and Hutaff of interview with Barney A- eoubty, In the Henry Lumberton, N. C., game. Anderson is a fnst . . veritt the boy the and J. Doy Gay of Averitt American Legion will join forces 'and he week end viaitors of M,'. really showed his heels to the SOUTHERN (," were. Brothers Auto Thursday, November Armis· and Mrs. Oscar Israel. return- Co., upon their return 11, . . They

The did � .team soine wonderlul block. and we WI°11 h'0 Imess together in the great army � .. .p ') , : ) � ,

a all over . 'ing. To say Iiltle mo,'e tho blook: n 9p: 'camps the countrY. · '1, was 50 I. �

---_.____._ POUNDS OF ___ , 1,000,000 L."':'_. ------�.-----

Be Pecans'. Itldividua/! "":' We 'Pa)) the Highest Cas'hPrim For Your It's easy �'''el\ you han� ,Your hair '. done al The Whiteway 'Bit!IAItJ' SlIIipl We'il ·giv�',. 'Y,o'u a waY«! Ihal suits Peeans "';1'11 you ;'Ji4 'your personality. Bring y�ur Pecans to Slatestc;r) Perma'nent WaVeS W. C. AKINS &. SON OUR \SPEC!A LTyi STATESBORO, GEORGIA I'HONE·1 eo ·Fon AI'POINTMENTS 'Whiteway Beauty Shop :"£IT TO COLLEGE P·HARMACY ST ATESBOF.O

- � .... ., ...... ,�,�###,,,,,,,#,..,�,.-� �.....,._�.-,..,.- ..... -� ...... " •• •••••" •• ".,.,,""'., "., , •• """" •• ##-#" ",.••,,� DUB-THfHM ) "REGULATED" OIL HEAT IS rOUR$ .••

n��l ,�u �1I' u�t�

IInU1IIIII �lIlllClllill,n

• Modern, "regulated" heat from ••• he,at up the heat to fit any kind of rushin" chimney, lend. more heat in. weather ••• .j is yours, with the to Duo. your home. Saves oil I Thenn oil.buming, cir- STORAGE :.': HEAT culating heater. The heater GUIDES-Circulate the BATTERIES that offers you' ALL the heat eve-.n1y. No cold most spots. 'VOLT modem features I FULL ROATING FUME _ Licks 13-PLATE PATENTEO DUAL.CHAMBER lazily against the aidea of the BURJtER-Greatest clean-fire heater, circulates more heat of into the houle. I range any burner. Silent Gives you 'LEAVE THE clean, odorless, at all stag� "more heat per galion". $2.79 SPOOKS -from pilot light to maxi. Duo- Therm heaters are mum Traded IN heat. SAFE ••• YOUR lilted .. ltandard Guaranteed KITCHEN AND Labo· 6 I HEA� REa�LATO._ Simple a. �:t�:"Underwritera' M�iithl all the • Let US 2 YEARS ������:�t����r;u show you the new DINE AT days, just enough Duo-Thermoil-burn_ GUARANTEE � ) , heat to take CireUI .. ,' the chill inl tins heat- off qn milder days. I er� There are daht ,,:; - � ' three ';11"; SPECIAl , m9d�I. fin- :::�E MWISTE. ' .. RENTAL -- q�: '. "�l.b!J •. ·i' 4l' I.Q) STllPl'U"-PrevODta la.�pe�•. IY.,. . $5.59 .1tf"ilJE"CCllIL'©!. -:- Exeh., �e INSP�CTlON ..

.' I " , !tj ... �.� I' • PhlCe Jo A. Addiao�, Plumi)ing, Heating·&.


Electrical,'.- .. • ,.. \ :'\.:: CCl)Phactor", 'J � ��i't11md StreiltPhone 58 Statesboro, Ga E. Main St:

',3' � •. .' . ' . ',. Jf' : \. �ta�esobor, Ga :••'.... .' .,} "�I • . �' " J. ,f. � ...... )0: r.:., !:tll,:;. .. .� THE BUUOCR BERA·LD FRIDAY. NOVEMBWliit 5, IIS7 Is No . = 'nlere Substitute For Newspaper Aivertfllina THE GRAND JURY RECOMMENDS THE :tHE BULLOCH HERALD' , ELLIS HEAI.TH "Your County Paper" L'AW In the Grand Jury Present.ments of the Oc­ onreka At Published Every Friday _ " Clip tober T .m, there Cuttings: Bulloch 1937) appears a paragraph B:r Yuur Statesboro. County. GeGrgla that Roaming Reporter should nlean a great deal to Bulloch county. It Churches LEODEL COLEMAN Editor reads: "We recommend the We have finally caught up with adop­ at tion of Lila. She has stopped the Castle's entrance. Two '- JlR8. IDRNEST BRANNEN Associate Editor Sections 88-303 to 88-312 of the been out for a couple _ men out. Georgia Code of of weeks. I spent all last week .catch­ got They were dressed in B'ulloch 1933 which will into FIRST put tight , BAPTIST CH'URCH ing up with her and we will now con­ green trousers, tu­ RATd OF SUBSCRlP';_'ION: operation in Bulloch. what knee-length C. M. Statesboro' county is Coalson, MiJlister generally tinue our ROAMING THROUGH nics, embroidered in heraldic Per Year $0.':';; Six Month. known as designs, The County, '1_60 the Ellis Health Law." and wore scriptural doctrina, of repenr­ ,EUROPE WITH LILA. floppy ·tam-o-shanters, They ence Is a marvelous Invariably In Advance With the "Has w�re the teaelling. I could installation of a health depart­ ever:ororle put on oomfcrtable royal archers, my. Canadian wish that every THE ment informer man-every all classes shoes 1" our conductor was told me, and their dress was person­ in the will be bene­ inquiring. . AM'ERICAN .coun1Jr in this wide world could see "Because of the same style that and un­ I fited-the the royal all it had been in I DEDICATE "This Best Media" I';'ooess;-on, LEGION, Section's Advertising rich. the poor, the old, the derstand .what young, medieval' times, when just, a blessing the the white and vehicles are prohibited this morning British mon­ . Rates Upon Application the colored. As roads privilege of repentance or public so we'll to archs had aways been is, ean be. and ha';.e walk if we are to accompanied by The public schools are available to all their' of pri�ilege of turning away tram people. see Edinburgh." Most of us had sac- guard archers. One of them Entered as second-class matter July 1937. at so that which is ruinous 16. health protection will be the was the is beyond evalu­ right of all riiiced beauty for comfort in the se­ president �f the Bank of under the Acl, of at-ion the mind of post office at Statesboro, Georgia, classes. �n m�n .._Suppose we lection of our so we had no and the other a relative of shoes, were March 1879. inseparably linked up with the.t 3, When the Grand fear about the walk that was ahead Queen Marl', bat they looked as if Jury recommended the which is its New deadly in they had out destructiveness. . of us, we of a , of Nevertheless, soon realized stepped story book. . adoption the' Ellis Health Law it No more dismal Armistice becawe supposition ,has ever that ,more than to When these men out of their Nov. shoes had be taken 11 A MAN TALI(S SENSE got Airport, GREAT COMMON obligatory on the county commissioners of entered any mi.z.�:., into limousine, the crowd seemed t sense Day consderation, and that Ameri- roads which is and revenues to the the fact. that the Anything wonderfully g' of the trance to the en-, foot guards. No George P. Band ALDRED �xplained that was a part of his pla'hfl for Then pas3ing p�l)bearers: Sim'lllOns" J. B. ALTMAN Concert BROTHERS ,it radio Ca.;tJe. ca�e there, the police told BIll Jones, Hoke comedians sound as if someone were dragoons, 111 umforms very Similar bhe throngs of Smith, Wallac� the (ollege to tl'y and give the students as who 11 to those of Ihe band the, people were to out Dent Simmons nnd :10-0fflcial Welcome of standing behind them with a barrel for trying get of, 3', H. AmeriCan Legion aad stave, . LESTER often as 11e could, men who could some­ excep;. t�e, the jam. Smith, Jr. STATSEBORO & Auxiliary NESMITH bring brass helmets that People began to thi," UP, BUGGY WAGON CO. them to heavy ghttered - forcing be 'at a.ll an at­ .. 11 funny costs, m! excuses to et • --:.. :15-Address Wil1ilim' A. on new and he ut b _ by_ Sirmon Behalf of thing fresh to and that bhe sun. h ere a out go, u. th e po I'Ice American Legion tjlel11 which (T b'sIxteen I w

.---.- .. e- ......

--­ ;,'::,- �'-=�==r::-"'�==-=-"""""""""----""''''''''.''pa'''''''JnJ�d-a''':)'''·''aq-O-J-Il�;I'-'I''''�lf-U-'-"'''O'''i ...... pua IIdI'lS uo �"""-"':,:r'a-�'''''''�'''c''a�rtt''''''a�r_''cn.''''· THE BULLOQI HERALD NOVEMBER 1117 -�""""""="""'="""--==""'="""'''-''''''--=I-����--- lfUIl'l:i!lD 10 "qel{ In IW FRIDA.Y. 5, '. Jacques Cartier landed at PfdftJ8 BJllo JunO:):)D uo BJOlltlS asan. ELVIE MAXWELL a apot now In the town or 0llS", -llJJOd .\T. rc- its of other to be soldl. c..1 purpose In lon.� :'l11e, fOI en Shuptrinc, • •• • producLs ·culI fOl 12 cents 1'C. .ud vegetables that I.nstanee the to t. folded illto George Prather that much pel' pound. 0\€, !"ttl1 e 01' the recl drapes at and liltle Statesboro, and Miss Corinne Lanier I C. Wa' 0, U�lng, ,. k.ins Sunday. no IS another t h e "mdow_'a ,', I dRug,hter, Deborah, of N, that il tl,kes nem·ly twice as long to water, applicatIOn of the wns mselted Concord, .. C" IS and Waldo Paford, of Rocky Ford, vis- Me::cIlY dlc·· o·" at. Ihe hO'me of ,thimble 1 expected the u sume 0\'€11' hn cleC'� I'IC latte!.' purt ot ellt COl·t! of wood tl'om G-inch tl'ee, principle, :mcl can be used fol' butt',ll-li silver next Mrs. Bland on week lnl' a visit to he)' ited Mr. and Lestel' Ml's. Joel Minich. Ml's. E. L. HOI"- / a mother: 12-inch it 1937 AAA considerable chain wound as fmm trees; and requires of . Mrs. vriety vegetables . around a a,c alld W. R. Woodcock Payments . alld other rela- Suoday. rison, S. H. Hill, Mrs. R. H. War· 1 . Company, I .was five times as 6.inch is I cst .• e If·III t v. tlvn, here many stick. n3 S�eaming the secolld best method h e pattel·n at the vase Be Made' At MOm'aXlmu I Rev. Mi,s Geraldine Rushing spent last Dock, Mrs. G. D. Whitc, and Mrs. J. ), from lhe -I eulIy u Philo Vance an;1 Mrs. J. E. C. Tillman and it does,:h ,ticks to make one of .. standpoint" presen'ing would have week in Srevannah. M. wel'e _, . I 1lrs. Julia Sumner , McEh·een hosts to the la- Owned and Operated F, C, food values: been III IllS clement, of Port Went. standaJ'd cord. • by Parker, Many vegetables cun be wOl'th John Jl'., diel ot the S�o. The Agricullural Arijllstment Ad- spent tJ:� week-end with MI', Gromley, Grady Parrish. Baptist Mi,sionnl'Y So- i steamed,' This is r' riirficllit He pointe,l Olll that 42 It·ees, with 1 age foJ' the mon- and .. C. Sumncr. and J'alDos Blitch, students at S. G. -with a Silver Tea a -millistration hits anllounced thut pup ,Mrs 1: cictl' and "Quilt taodi mce a 86 ch R tliametet· of 4 IIl'e Se .. . Boiling the most common 'm'-thod, lallly lazy )lerson-We do so to 1\J188 LOUise last inches, l'equired m"nts to fllrmer•. A�dl'ed and Vall;" T. C." visited here week·end. Bocial. pattlclpa t·Ing III tl'·Ie I.... ,. , �iss Making:" culls for ta House the to make a but thut it takes 48 E, Main St, special precautions tn I'kslac S Hnd I 0 I I u· spent .week-cnd In Macon, J. A. Miss COl'tI, 19:17 I1re.I\\",1I Mr. and Ml's. Minick, Thoir guest. WHe MI·s. J'. L AgJ'icultul'al C(;n�ervulion PJ'o- OUI. mel: Mrs. H. L. P. Beall, 22 14 1'0L Kennon a" six-inch seven·inch "STATESBORO I'ound .. had vent loss of food ,"alues, 'rIle most! wltholl I'cgH:,d fol' the her only trees, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• gr: 111 will lje made at 'the IIlUXimUIIl why gues'ls CI' Sunday, her NIrs: .1. to wheL'efoJ' of motheJ', I important points ob�el'\'e al'e these:' anything-but real- .J. in Savannch. 'rn'es tlO te- of \Voodbine speitt Mr.. HI F. W. B. according inforllllltion it PI·oc.tor, and hel' sis Saturday, Hendrinx. (1) oak vegetables Iy can't be c), 01' we'll he intel� tel', MISS IIlI·s. "",,cd by Counly Agent Byron Dyer. C. only lonK Gertrude Proctol' of Ath­ ·.Mr. anti Mrs. Forblon H()ward and Upchul'ch, Mrs. John Shuman, Ml's. enough to make them firm in pasce: Wo no longer Milis Howard have l'eturn- '_jlhe 1937 as bu)· Margaret N. H. Hill, Mrs. Richard Williams. progr:Hll originally te,ture./lectcully I on�i,.. and MI.s. Lannie (2) Cook them in as "'ate I' buy Simmons havo m�M���M�W.R,�M�CaF���.Mmm_t���!�S�,�I�o�e:�:h:t:�:o:e:h�t:r:e:e:.,�_!7�n�i:n:e;�:n:c:h������P�h�0�n�e�I�4�7���==;:�������������.���������������� littlc as from a week's visit relatives 1\n,louneed " tentative sehed· chlll:'-we eel with Mrs. Wa"d Hill, Mrs. Mrs. E, in.llld� wedgC\;'ood, from ;1 tri,; to Mich Futch, �o3Sible. Some, like in HaVIland or dOll t (.'Iint, uk of IJayment rates to a spinach, just Mrs. E. T. in Benufort, S. C. H. Usher, Mrs. Leen Mrs. subject spod�'ll'eturned Lanier, Hubert Durden, , the watcl' that announceLawestOIt-;-We.that we re to M�s. . 10 clings to the Icu\'es gOlhg and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mrs. E. W. pel' ccnt adjustment upward or me.rely AmdsOI:" .M:SR Corl'lOe LahlCl Parrl,h, Perkins, Jr., Mr•. John Wat. ufter bUllJd R house-We .. washing, Brussels sprouts and say that we're VISitors Augusta Parrish and Miss Rllth Parrish Mrs. A. L. do··mwan! depending IIpon the ex· . we�� Snturd;Il', Wayne ers, Cook. Mr.. H. T. . '.11, on 'going to erect a DIIlch II W. A. of ; cauhflowel, the other need, Golonial, ll)-er. Atbntu and were recent Mr. and Mrs. t.eJ of hand, Mrs� guests of Mrs. R. C. Mrs. W. O . fUl'mcl's, . Bl'unson, particiimtioll by ., .,. Mrs. Hall, . . E. T. water n eusl. I� Booth of Coro:lcrJo Delich. enough to (:over. Calle Cod, Spanish Ha- .. lu a larmer's d�\\ Wayne Parrish in Wrightsville. Denmal·k. Mrs. John Mrs. computing pa�'nents, California, al'rived for a brief Belcher, clcndu, 01' u Mount Vernon Friday ,.i" bi,!1 rata (3) Serve the cooking liQuid if bunga- \'i�it Mrs. T. E. Mrs. Ellla Bland. J. N. and Ml's. pro shure of the expen!:cs pos- to Mr. :md 1\-1 rs , Hilltml Dooth, Daves, Newton·, Joel Minick. low-and is what we of· sible, for it contains much of the min. understand 1\'11'S, Howen Sewell Mrs. J. Mrs. J. C. Proc- the :J :lIl�H';' rf nn ------is also lor to i·e. brand of atr • , good humo; p!n'1e-t'nd other fPue<:ts- were M.lS, L· D helping The to Boare· 0 Ilatter . , H Ids Its only Pats),' l,elly can deal out. With II uuce to some ID� i:lltno'lOtely bcgnn to r,,110\\ the: OGEECH Ef.! SCHOOL NI';WS Mrs. J. H. Wyatt, M rs. E . injury leaf-cutttng Stuart ErWin the master AI<\!!rman, .,J Cull.!iC of thc that I sects which attack these crop�. Der- (:o�,ch; plane clldn't seem 1\'0\. 10 . J I \Vcdnesday, will be C . W tkins Mrs D. Aldetman, R Iar alld ci:lmpus egu M . Thursday::-J OLD _�elh�g �V�dlle��a�, . to ha.\"o an)" work .a '., : ris mllEt be --- cpccial des.inntion. at the J. trentm.fnts Rogers 111 hIS best and da)' Ogeechee school. All lIIrs. Joel Mmlck, €. Proctor, reJ1eot�d �v- I heard one of M:,. .. ery 10 to 14 while mcottoe !��e���'�II�,'·-'.Vlll them patrc::d :::'� Ruth h t days, The Bulloch county libl'f'l'Y board say. ;fGee,: \:�'zcd �o �� j;:·,::!:;:;nt. Ml':" Miss Glenis Lee, Fl'idp.� and _ TH wntch Bill l\f�ss needs in 7 beld liS Satul'day F. that \ViIlie Mrs, ami P,!:lIS repeal iug days. Bowel1-dl'i\'e Zetterower, Charles Zet. . 1\1rs. Floyd regular af- WRONG - meeting . Frida), ROAD .. Richanl Cromwell Akl�s. . Mr. thing!" . Drer recO'mmended use of lCI'DOOn ut four terower, Mr. and Mrs. Lee was In sel vmg the o'clcck in the li- and Helen Mack. Buck Jones in LEFT George Hagin Mrs, I Ont' assls�ed thcse insecticides on drill- b t, HANDED LA thing certain' Jalle \\'on't be Fred Lee in and MISS Lee. only plr.:.nts rnry. M F 'V, \Y. . of Mrs. \" th·e AI a 'erial ZORO . are charge the plans by Wyatt Hodges, .. . s,. RI DES 'pllOt1l1g 01' for �,d' in one 01' two rows to each teed- dent,. pJ'eslded, prcsI-1 -AGAIN. any plane even I'Idmg Ill, th e day. 0 m:'t'ter bed. When thero 81'e two rows to ,one how may ail' POl'ts _ 'Vcdnesdny Mr. and Mrs. Lee The Library Board was night glatifiea I . ing studied book the is needed on_ b;tilC comm!ttee �I�")· iledicate-We'll be f01· �ms. RAMSEY'S MOTHEH entertained the f'acu Ity 0 f the seedbed, application 'Over the large nuynber of in thf�·f �ntIl'e books Illnd as roon SOIllO .. us new worth while bool" or that barbecue ILL lyon. the outer side of each row. circulation sinee the though. SINCE OCTOBER 20 Brooklet school. last meeting, IIl'e . scme are i , The best time to derris l�ublishcd, purchased foJ' • Mrs. T, H. (Anna Wat- In the contests pl'lzes were won b) uJ1ply K]ust, ...:Af.F. BfI�il .A' . . J Brannen) , Jru�esj the 1!!Jr:ll'i:ln, re- Lhis I flHl'C of the the agent IS or rX/ ' saId, early Iibl'ary, . W H h· Miss morntog ·ported that the I 'I ers, mother of Mus. B, H, Hamsey� M,· and Mrs, F ug es, I argest daily clreu· The LKI_a �'Q/ue·t/ f'ne ..•. lihrarian" recor" late when h 1 al·C . afternoen, ants .howed lhut ,as een I ... J . tell was I lb·III ·11 h ea Ith·slIlce 0coert b Sara Page "I d A Pafford. IJiI;ion 265 books and th!lt 1'760 6 I 5 ,·i,ito:s h"d been to the as�. moist with dew. On the other f 20. On es s were 1\lr . and hont!, libral·Y, October 23 was The other .. she moved . g ant bOOkS had b�en read the ,� . during olling the month. . mcotme I· . sul)lhate app led b etween from her home on S h J . H . Grl·ffthI , L I", month. Thi� numbe!' does not in- ANNOUNCEMENT College StrEet to Mrs Hamp mIt, I·· 'Vherl vistio:- nrc in 110 a. Ill. an 2 thp it " d p. m., after th e d ew city, will )III', of B. H. on Harold Mrs. I cluile lhe 998 books that arc and Mrs. Homer Sa\'an- S. cioal,mger, Hendrix, ill of �msey . cir· be worth Highsmith . ilhei,· time � . the lo . ja;nd IS 1··I·ol·t thl·s mhI • I na venue. A Robertson MISS Amelta 'las r�·1·1r'" culation ill the Bulloch Ol11lJson, G n., announce the theh,hAome J h tcmpe�.ture coullty ulrth or . school. educa�lonal asse, of on.. The or _ I us- Statesboro and Turner M1SS 0thU M'·IDle,k M·135 Bon- high. quantity iasecticide �on Holloway, lhe schoo service Bulloch "SOil. Sunday. October 31st: He wil! I' I coullty. ' " ed varies 10 to 26 be called RIC A)coc Miss Ora Franklin, Miss per ibrarlan, I'epcrrted that he had ctilTied I Gerald Douglas. Mrs. Carpet Old Art I fro� �ound8 High- ":eav!ng k,. acre, on the sIze of the 560 S' ! 1 11·tl WI·11 .' Carpet IS one of the old- Annie LaurIe M EI M· G1enis deppndtog suppiementary read�I'S anti 438 h e rememberell as l\'uss weaving 1, est aod the I I,evees al'ts It was I .... plants width of the rows. Required by Law Vera practiced in Goodrich Salu d a 1 book. ot Woods of Baby. C , Miss ucas, fiction to the ,flarious schools Statesboro. .... cLveeo'M'slss"artha.3�... , By 1812, when Ion In 1791 He n Louisiana was ad- 4,000 years ago. the first IN THE M'18S AIva)'ene An- suggesttlll usmg dust gun and of the cOlln'y..· i mitted Rdbertson, and to the Union, 340 niiles 01 Am·erican carpet mill was built at ....trt."BEST� the Mr. LONG RUN" applying dust to the under sidet '11he B'o�l"<1 observed the relltal levees had been end MlS. Gibson .Johnston aud The derson. ' raised Ihe Philadelphia. power; carpet ' alone of the since ' TI� leaves. it must rIver. Th e I an A··merlCan DDS Lee was assisted .Misses actually ',lid oom, ·Mrs. noticed that 43 rental pohcy begun lhe or· children, Gibs,on, Jr., and of tnven t. so b� Agent Sinc/oi, Relining Compon'l (Inc.). by Rita, �on, touch the to . aphids de. 00k·s I dmance of 1743 Sv'.,in S'bol.o s changed the art thal wool car. McElveen end Bee in ser"- accomplish i' . lI' d bcen rca d f;··tng th required properly"· ,pel.It the,wee k'-ell d With pile Minick, (".1 I owners to erect pets and sired desult.'l. Some cultural I were'made p.ractices nlo:Jth. TI:i levees in front 01 Johlleton's lit" rugs generally Ii lovely Gh?·:f .. iG c01ltll1ual Ie.Y be- ,MI·". pare Mr. and· Marsh ing 'heir fal·ms. available for the first time. The ChevrOlet which help to cootrol the the Mrs. Hinton Booth. Inc. s:llI.d .oo:r.o. aphjd, Uniled Shtr., is Co." the largest maker. said, are: row cI'opping, cuI­ L. Waller W. E. Lester aod T. R. Bryan, ,We Statesboro, Oa. tivatioD nod fertilization, aod plow. I have returned from a busine.. Jr., inl under of crop refuse after har- trip to Greeoville, N. G. vest. Statesboro, �a. T::JX; nn:'OCH HERALD I'RIDA Y, NOVEMBER 5, Ila, Thllre Is No Substitute _ For liewapaper AdvertiaiDa' �����������----�--�--�--���-�'---��I�------��-----r1--�·S-U-PERIOR COURT CALL MEETING OGEECHEE LQDGB MONDAY NIGHT leachers Defeats A call meeting of the Ogeechee Douglas Lodp will be h.ld for :;":::•. ": Monday night 2S-61;::=�air the of plane races. Death��.::::.,��::L:��;�:;.:.;;�:for purpose entered ap­ 1 defyin.1! the murder of the younlf eonferring Millen son prentice F. I Co Drubs Red Raiders Breaks ling by Santly Strachan of Savannah. of Tillman Younlfblood. The degree.-A. Morris. Seere­ Douglas .tunt-Iqultted Joah T. I Delayed from case involved an tar').; Nesmith, . parachute jump 10,- automobile accident Worshipful 000 feet near Kuter. In Statesboro H· h's Defense by Bob Robertson. Stunting here almost a year ago. Buster VOLUME J FI'rst Game Ig exhibition bv Owcn MacRobert. and Wa!!'ier, on for NI'ght colored, charge mur- *-== 'Jimmie "Little was SANDERS STUDIO I Culpepper. Willie" der, Oonvicted of voluntary man AWfoRDED . from with- CONTRACT FOR PHOTO WORK Bef'nreVI' P.T.A.· !jumps plane at,600 feet. given 16 20 years. J. L. Renfroe large Crowd Carnival 8Iaughte:. �nd t? OT COLLEGE 'To lout parachute John Wlggms, WIth "REFLECTOQ" Appointed -- H' BIue DeVIls charged murder. 2175 HOGS AND 410 Igh Are It GOVERNOR AT Blue has een RlYERS 'announced that more convicted of Drwas man- .. Before a of 2200 the Bo row . voluntary DevilsDefeatSayannab crowd people Ig Cd' !was The contract to do the Of than 3 600 of the county school slaughter and 3 to I,hctograph- South 1'eachers defeated given 5 years. Judgeshi.p Court' • . I ·City Georg", De ea ic work for the f ted B i childr.. will be "Reflector" the I year HEAD. OF cases CATTLE LENORA d : present. The criminal handled last SOLD AIRPORT South here y DEDICATION "8" Georgia State FrIday WHITESIDE IS. nsplre book �f the High Team boro schools Teachers was Of' '2will dismiss at 1 o'c I ock week : H0mer oliege 8y I Hodges• • Until • An ni ,hi the score CIWWNEU , forgery Scor� " by of 25-6. The 'MISS ''CARNIV''I QUEEN" St8te'-IOther to Sander. Studio. Election Is Held '. noon. The coliege band will pat-ti- twelVe month.; Willie bur- gi;ven me, the first, to be FEATUIIE OF' Millen Eleven 8 to Moore. ------THIS WEEK'S g: WAS 0 . SALE ON CARNJV;\L in the I Mr Sanders started work last week ARMISTICE DAY 13·2 In cipate event gary. three t0 tlvleey ara:s. Vernle . Gable- Ii· hts here III Statesboropl.ayed.underand It THE SrnT. "THE LITTI,E DISBURSING ArmiaticeDay liED and has about the indt- OFFICE1l FOR wn.s ! Finch. forgery, twelve S. F completed BY FAR THE LARGEST under the I SCHOOL HOUSE" the montha; -. STATE LIVE- CROWD OF SIX TO EIGHT pl.iyed newly lighted Sho�m� poores.t exhibitlon of VIdual pictures or the student TIne MILITARY DEPARTMENT THOU- offenSIVe football GAY AND BISHOP KNOW Blocker. feloRY. one body. Candidates For STOCK SALES EVER before the season, the yellr; Lewis HELD IN SAND HEAR GOVERNOR RlV. TO THE v)al Playground largest �h18 THEIR Harvin Mulke) Is lhe ec itoi of the PUBLIC . OLDSMORILES 12 BULLOCH Th ann Bluc Devils were Newsome. forgery. month s, reduc, COUNTY W1'I1I SOME BR8 CIJwd ever to witness II football T. A. e defeated REVIEW WS MUDl-1game h Id State.bol� and Paul Robertson is A.DIUNISTRA- To !let at _t _e the .. by the Millen cd to misdemennor yenrbook CA'ITLE HERE of aD7 OUtplay Sav." at tho Car�'val High Red Raiders last Court FROM BURKE TlON AND bl The touch of the Armory was City PLEA FOR PROGRAM rumon StaWsboro. very Tuesday night This business manager. Ben Jones is in Judgeship tbat I ...... tal\d are a- week one Friday afternoon on Last week O. and John murder case was COUNTY all' very the MIllen Doy Gay SUPPORT .,1 seemed to have every successful. both from a grtd, c h c f e I 1 wish to illy night II ied Duke arge th pnoIt. hie \\0-ork . rloat. Iftak. thl. .tate- mo�e- I iron by the score of 8-0. Bishop of the Averitt Brothers Auto McArthur. charged with oglap To In SactIII 0, e of the fans keyed to the tary standpoint and as an entertain- Are .nenO: TallJ highest j was Mentioned Millen Co. attended a salesman Bee murder, convicted for voluntary Being • eh of and ment feature. Its completely outplayed the Selhng By far the ever Jl' excItement everyone sponsors largest livestock In a a I La.t week r... Standing rain Cow.rt Blue Devils aftel the for all the and 10 to 16 drizzling crowd I Judge llfO- "" I tlrst quarter, Oldsmobile salesmen in this manslaughter given - two h un �'med� W be full of The band' approxtrnate y dred d 0 11 . conducted in ," n. And Thinl pep, clearedlal'll, 'JUDGE LEROY Bulloch was hell' esUmated between SIX Judge of the 'erillS and .. COWART county and thou- Court .. the MIllen yearn. Other ID which t ACCEPTS eight Cit)' 0' w boys all at- district • held � t the Daniel h ere was h ich wt II b stopped Ashley . -.' ng out In full blast and e suffictent to meet the c�s.e. •••••••••••••••• STA l'E here this week sand heard Governor E. Stateshoro. everythlllg. of a convicncn POSITION AND' lilA when 2175 D. Rivers Governor Rivers ! tempts the 1)1 Hotel III thI. k were: H a d en YOR hogs and give ap- uemanI d on Statesborotens try- Valdosta. W'.S just wonderful and the most irn- s thelr I budge.t �ee J. L. 410 an account of his polnled me to fill STATESBORO SCORIlS IN Ing to cross Mc Gorkl se duc RENFROE APPOINTED TO head of caltle were administration and hla unexpired SECOND y�ar the . tton tw 0 sold at auc- glory The The Statesboro re- • year.'• th A clever skit y" representatives e.. \ lerm. AND THIRD ent,t1ed ma�k. . J)I rtant mg was, that the Profes- The LIttle . SERVE AS tion, his plea to the CItizens to But the Act PERIODS: BLUI: , offensive James Wlllianl JUDGE OF CITY get behind creating tbe " playing of the Blue Devils turned With bOu.h thC prize, o.ffered •• mlEdemeanor. $60; II(rs ned School d . the DEVILS wOll the,l' fIrst VIctory of the much I COURT At the administration'll CiUy Court of Stateaboro COJlJPLETELY oUT. seemed to WatEon I program, . be at a r. r w S wn Bulloch I prol'lde8 H?use afford� .tandstlll M G a radio ann Mr. Martm, larceny, mont h 0 Stockyard. a�n- a) Bisho}) usement. M,ss Inez Wllhams WIth through- that an PLA Y THE yoa!. I out on. or 1� 676 were sold Tue.d�y. The Governor at the outset of Juo election be called the SAVANNAH TEAM the game trom the an r or. $160. ElnOle hogs WIth by I - "'on electnc •• Walkel. tops selhng i h"er mora I I" "as the da· begulIlIng up mlsdcmean-, Both teams scored In first . address of, the the pe until 12 I Statesboro's Mayor is from $8.05 to a congratulated the 0: Ordhlnry County for the elec about thlee - month.'• Hudson of the $8.25 hundred people persu.aeer mmutes of time Thc SeII'109 Btlee cons",,, of ques Stanford. Judge and The ier. Golden fOI the Teach- gogue. The pup,ls Mrs. Inman . Statesboro and tlon of • sllcce""'r Statesboro Blue scorlllg left City Court •. a Bulloch on se- to the In High DeYiI. quar-) w�re I ancl out of a clear blue th� rO�gel'y 12 months; and Floys form�r Judge Leroy Cow- $8.12 hundred. Buyers re- county Jwlge. .ky tions asked Mr. E. N Jr.• eraging. -era and scored for the visl- Foy. Mrs. Frank Olliff. Mrs. Bruce by Pough. Sim-i y 011 r a t is state an -=ase of defent«1 the Hanlsy curmg and death or Savannnh Blue DeVil. backs mons. � ••ault with intent to dislJllrslllg offIcer for the vresentmg foul' large house.aV-1 airport commended the 1 resignation. fe- High School on Mrs. I .eemed to have ZO'le of 0111. DI- packmg i Elich te·.m·s try for the extra Iff. Erne.t Mrs. H. Manager O1"r-,', were peop I e 0 f thoI. sec t'IOn On moval of the of "B" teBltll last Brannen. Georgia Natiom�l on th - th"elr Inter- Judge aald court. night the score of awakened from a 6 to 8 ) ears. Guard�, and now en.larket 0..L McLem by L. slumber. In th,ee t�e Moto� del'. I I 81'1 e< • Mrs. A. M. of lor est in ]Nl1D0':\ f I �hc two elevens battle Kennon. Blaswell. Mrs. the vi.ion JacksonvIlle and cons,sted who wlli be movements 1\Iy appointment I. effective 13 to 2. plays Blue D.vils allied about 40 Statesboro's next Mayor? Ole. m�nager of the market. stated progressive and until of the firSt , S Messrs Som and ! J. ood an election Is held. evenly fol' the remalIIder Murray Northcutt. yards seemed certaIn that of every which ramt' of lIayor L. Renfroe has that the sale was g govclllment. The Act d_ The Blue they descrlbmg Im,.t goes I"e Bahama. I 0m e accepted the most spll'lted Devils' touchdowns came H . .. WCle not '.1",11. W i.. Walle; Ernest' Brannen Leodel going strRlght the ., Ihe eatest an that The st.te any time .to goal only IIIto the of the new PlObably III claim to oppointment from Governor E. D. he has yet conducted '" the sevell Go\emor'at the of his specific within " .' to have making up i in the second and third Esten G. the flnnl whIstle blow before Olds-,\ fame ..hl�h thla periods of the In the .eCl'nd half Professors Coleman. Cromartie and Rob· the IS R,vers to call ill to the the" possessed by Bahamas I Plan to have your lent money 10- serve IlS Judge of the months that IllS murket has beell lIIent of the G. S. WIth certam other be made; and I > reached their destination. mobIle. Mr. answered a II a65 City op- game. Tn.! ert Do na Id son. Dur- Gay the fact that It was I ese IS an s the first score was the _ uI' and In the third hid Court of nations call haa not been made at Ohls ·opened early 109 the fIrst t i crease your III own Statesboro until an election erating. Feeder pig. sold froIII and stated thnt an occasion 01 . quarter he BIue Sh'trts which eqUIty your hom.e $8.50 questIons asked h 1m b y MPhr. gave Christopher Columbus time. suIt of n fol to Jeff Stewart wh 0 carned The most roug. . can be a this thirty yard pa88 from Skeet pass eXCIting event was the did some wonderful I called and succes.or to to $9.26 a hundr�d and buteher kind could not held m certain playmg. They hIS nrst of the New each to _ Judge pig. be glimpse World. month. leading the happ:! end It I. it the rest of the dIstance. Thi. Contest. M,.s held Millen at bay 'and Others attendmg the meehng were I C"" art selected. lUDGE LEROY COWART nations 01 my purpose to a. Kennon to Robert put Queen's Lenora White- did consider- It \"as" the Island of San Judge Renfroe sold from $8.25 to $8.7. The small the world. resign Hodges. The ... able SaJvadOl. ing that finds You in full pre- ; _ ground but III of the �"en Teache',,, out III front by a touch- SIde was crowned of the gami 10' earl) the Mr. anel Mrs. J. B. Averitt and Mrs. now known as posses.sion SHied over the November of feeder were "The AmerIcan Mayor City of St.t..born cond touchdown came Queen Curtl- secolld Watllngs Island. i ter.m City I pIgs sold to local farmers peovle differ from I lifter a ateady quarter Millen a break of debt-free home . gol as ownership. between now rown. Llltel' In the half t\\O more val. Th,'s t,'tle IS a coveted whch the great Court here who will those of other and Janu..'1 t. 1938. of honor cas h ed III on Inman Fay. navIgator Monday. Only pleas and carr). the hogs back to tile nations," the Governor 'tlrive 60 In the th _ IS break an d lIla(I e It first, 1 0" yards third quarter. sighted or. October 12, 1492. on IllS We are no.. B•• ttle threw a beautl· Gene L. was . . uncontested matters right at the c10ae of ""arter. long, Hodges selected as King. a of a were at farms to feed Ihem on cOrn. .aid. "in that our believe in J. A. Cone scored the III cheap people touchdown and voyage sealch of a new route Ii I J.JVERY !\IONTH YOUR the �eard th.. fiscal year of the and touchdowns wele chalked UP. one be_ Takmg part III the coronatIOn were ,:s�lt I UNPAllJ Novembe" term and no was I The Statesboro ahead of city Ihere. �dd punl a'hd �el� IndIa Jury Amlstlce Livestock Commis- putting hum�nity money. In_ Davis Barnes made the extra nED CItOSS HOLI. CALL ltmOTGAGE Program are a point. '"I' mude UII an end run Stewart F'rank crown f�; MI11'�na t��'�� a BALANCE called. sian Com .tead of good many mal tel'll tha. need by WIlliams. bearer. flower I�etby t6_t esco� I pan)' held the largest stock spendlllg mone)' on wars we The Savannah team At the of the .erond half NOVE�fBEn , DECREASES Former my aUention. and J 81ade their two :and the other came fro manother girls. Grace Waller "",I Carol Jean begmnmg Judge Cowart was sale ever are to reel that they pass the Rhodes Afrlea Wednesday held in States- spending money help our peo· Statesboro fans were 11.251 Map At .. result of to ,hopmg that I ed to the of Brooklet School should have it rather than aafety in the from Battl'e, who l,nsse,1 Carter. Attendants, Dot The office offleer boro. Over 1600 were pie. pua Remington. the bo) s would in and to map whIch Cecil Rhodes uted I dlsbur.ilfg hogs sold with dig go \\.ork of them on to 'fbls made the score 25-6 und It J'C- Alice to when he the National Guard to aomeone el.e. When I fPIOrJ.nttsqUartSe�h.e Catherine Smallwood and Mar_ overcome that SIx hIS Georgia apPOint-I tops from to a point lIIargm. planned omnp3Igl' to bringing $8.10 $8.25 The, Governor gave an account of I the succeed Phil' BY do resign the eity counell ,,111 elect The was lIIIIlined tlii. wily until the final tha Wilma Simmons. But in.tead. Millen shape destmy of Afnca is In Brewster who MRS. JOHN A. hundred game played In a Herald. Mat- evidently decided the became po.unds. The auction al80 sold his ndmimstration smce January the atetdy to increase their 01 pnESEN�EUROBER my successor. There will no whIstle. Bro"n. lead they car- public library KImberly South I head of the newly State I rSON 01' THE SOCIAL 350 head of first he gen- rain before a crowd of garet Buglers. Carmen Cow- ""d organized cnttle. far the and dIscussed lit I I abou. four bun- by large.t h flee rled the bali to the 1 yard line. The Africa eral election of the 7he Teachel'" the VISitors nrt Julianne Highway Patlol. Cowart SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF num�er eve I sold ."ngt ma'1or b'1 Ihe outplayed and Turner. the Major THE in a day. Of school old and so- dred. The game was Forming .. age the ._ hasl books. cnmax Blue Devils _ her� pensloM of, the .tiffened though. and beell in people. Thl. Is a of the 'from .tart to flllish l'hey mad e 111 ore aisle fe very sohcltor'of the Call. Omllu Peacef 1 Of 1 F. ally present. City McElveen; peo!>l.e Of To c. . So!"e in the list of the t.he ."'umanltanan outvote the sf}ua kers.' Commerce Be P-A-R-I<-E-R-A-N�D--SO-N hosts and hostesses Frances and .Juanita DaVIS. the and its Court for six )mportant bU"lIIess WIll be transacted organIzatIOn supports yea;s. Though he has Methods of Settling Disputes, Cather· ...TO OPE"RATE LIVESTOCK the names of ,Mr. I W. A. SlImons of Georgia,' Atlanta. o and Mrs. Hudson Misses Bertha Lee and not m.ade a a* this so please show your Florence work. defllllte announcement ine Alderman; Music. Mrs W. D. MARKET IN espeCl-1 Godbee and Methodl"st Church state of the Le- SVLVANIA.� meetm�. Mr. and Mrs. Brunson were; adlutant Amellcal\ Guest Of NeVils PTA Rush- viSIting in Nevils that he will nlll It I. by being presenb to have a Grady Allen It. • believed he wIll' World Peace Day. Ru)b Dean Lalllel; IIIg were Lanier this year Is chair- glon "n hi. add' ess attact commulIlsm. intel,,:,t incorrectly omitted. clay be a candidate. F. voice m thlB matter. sun-I man of Wolld Peace. Cnrol�n Wilson. C. Parker and Son of . the afterno?n. . Roll' Cali in Statesboro. PASTOR 01' STATESBORO fascislll. and nuzislll and stntedformeI'Ithat St8te8l!oro Mr. Charhe Proctor IS I spendmg sev- and Accordmg to the state laws the Or BANQUET ARRANGEMENl'S IN will operate tho new h'Yestock market asks that the citizens of " , States- CHURCH AGO I there was no fOI those isms in HALLOWE'EN eral I 1""ENTY' YEARS place PARTY day. this week in Savannah with of Bulloch must a CHAIRGE MISS MAUDE WHITE. In llALLOWE'EN PROGRAM boro dinary County �all A, Sylvanl,a as - beginning today respond they have in the .. WARNOCK WOMAN'S SUCCEEDS I'EV. G. N. OUI' He Mr. and Mrs. E. R. hi. brother LeonI and years OLUB, RAINEY country. also stated that (Frlda,Y). Warnock enter- other relatives. s�eclal election to fIll the ofLce lIf a PREPARA:TIONS BEING MADE The P81 k rs t e the 0 "The Interrupted COUrtshIP." a i Jlas;;. MEETING IS "'10. opera Sta'-"'s b r tallied POS1'PONED WHO GOES TO COLUMBUS. GA. eliea mu.t be "ed for the d IC- . t- very Mr. C. Lanier FOR I.ARGE ,veit _ delightfully last Friday Mooney of Savannah wunty offIcer \\ho has Just pres.e CROWD. L' ock CommlSS Ion C he.v. comedy In three acts. wa3 staged In re.,gned. of the ompany night with a Hallowe'en here and In when th,S tatorslllp cltlzonl'). Nevils Ifigh School auditorium party in hon- w� ,'Isltlng Statesboro election will be called IS not lt was announced in Sylvania Mon. or of their "MtuioD Flsb" The Warnock Rev. N. H. Williams. succeeds Rev. i)1rI110I'S decr3led that dl'd attractive thIS week end. known. The of Woman's Club meet· dav.'hat th e new b very ThISThurs-! daughter. Edith present telm offIce of he. Thursday nIght Novemb