
What is ?

The traditional Enhanced by testing living practice of identifying people and comparing ancestors using how much DNA is shared Genetic Genealogy historical records… between them Investigations

Lori Napolitano Chief of Forensic Services ‐ Genetic Genealogy Florida Department of Law Enforcement August 2019

The Shared cM Project DNA Used in Genetic Genealogy

PEOPLE WE KNOW • Autosomal DNA – 22 pairs – STR Profile – Forensic/Crime Lab DNA profile – SNP Profile – Ancestral DNA profile GG MATCHES • Direct To Consumer (DTC) Testing / Genetic Genealogy Cases • Ancestry.com / 23andMe / FamilyTree DNA / GG Vendor Labs

• Sex Chromosomes – 1 pair – X and Y DNA – Y DNA –males only / directly from father – X DNA – males and females • Males only get X DNA from their mother • Females get X DNA from their mother and father

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Two Types of DNA Profiles Challenges for Local Agencies STR SNP A Genetic Genealogy case can be: DNA Profile DNA Profile Crime Lab GG Vendor ‐expensive ‐ time‐intensive CODIS CODIS ‐ resource‐intensive Hits to an individual Leads to relatives ‐ requires specialized knowledge

Ends with crime lab STR Ends with crime lab STR comparison of a suspect’s comparison of a suspect’s standard to the crime scene standard to the crime scene DNA profile! DNA profile!

FDLE GGI Program Familial Search Program

In the fall of 2018, FDLE began an initiative to help Florida DNA Added GG testing by law enforcement agencies solve cold cases using Offender/Arrestee private lab if negative genetic genealogy techniques by providing: Database Search Male or female suspects (SNP) • Funding to pay for genetic genealogy testing at Male suspect only (ySTR) Parabon Nanolabs for cases that meet the Close and long‐range relatives, existing FDLE Familial Search Program criteria Possible first‐degree relatives out to distant cousins such as father/son and possibly brother Limited to offenses allowed by • A Genetic Genealogy Investigations (GGI) team vendors (and resources) that can support the cases with the specialized Must be a violent crime skills needed to identify a suspect against a person or critical Unidentified crime victims may threat to public safety be considered later

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Program Requirements Case Approval Process

Requires a formal request in writing Familial Search Review Committee Approval – Joint request by Sheriff/Chief and State Attorney – Forensic Services Director – Commitment to investigate and prosecute – Crime Lab Chief – All leads must be exhausted – DNA Database Supervisor – Case narrative to indicate a probative sample source – State CODIS Administrator – Samples evaluated by Biologist and Vendor – Biology Technical Leader – General Counsel Attorney – Special Agent In Charge

FDLE Commissioner Approval

The Technical Specs The Results

Preferably a single source DNA profile Gender and Biogeographic Ancestry and possibly some Some two‐person mixtures possible phenotype predictions as to hair/eye/skin color and Must have elimination standard tone Preferably 20 ng of DNA Must have at least 1 ng Identification of top DNA matches to crime scene profile

Preferably crime lab extract sent to vendor May/May Not get: Original evidence can be sent – Recommendation as to possible suspect(s) – Prediction where suspect might be on a family tree Each case must be evaluated individually Crime Lab Biologist – Suggested further investigative activity Vendor representative – Recommendation to collect additional DNA – Recommendation for more GG Analysis

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The GG Investigations Team The Forensic DNA Lab

• STR testing to determine if someone is the: – Suspect – Parent of the suspect – Child of the suspect

• Y‐STR testing of arrestee/offender Genealogy Analytical Forensic Investigative Legal samples or collected DNA and comparison to suspect Y‐STR profile ‐ Works closely with local agency and vendor to eliminate people and narrow down ‐ FDLE authorizes and pays for all costs of GG testing the family tree ‐ Helps resolve cases after vendor initial GG analysis • This is critical to keep investigation focused ‐ Full and part‐time assignments for personnel on the right people on the right part of the family tree


Lori Napolitano FDLE‐Orlando (407) 509‐1034 [email protected]