Environmental Impact Assessment (DRAFT FINAL)

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Environmental Impact Assessment (DRAFT FINAL) Environmental Impact Assessment (DRAFT FINAL) March 2015 IND: South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Road Connectivity Investment Program – Tranche 1 (Non-sample subproject) Imphal-Kangchup-Tamenglong Road Prepared by the Manipur Public Works Department, Government of India for the Asian Development Bank. This is an updated version of the draft originally posted in December 2014 available on http://www.adb.org/projects/documents/ind-sasec-road-connectivity-investment- program-tranche1-imphal-kangchup-tamenglong-road-dec-2014-eia CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 28 February 2015) Currency unit – Indian rupee (INR) INR1.00 = $ 0.01597 $1.00 = INR 62.6345 ABBREVIATION AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic AAQ Ambient air quality AAQM Ambient air quality monitoring ADB Asian Development Bank AH Asian Highway ASI Archaeological Survey of India BDL Below detectable limit BGL Below ground level BOD Biochemical oxygen demand BOQ Bill of quantity CCE Chief Controller of Explosives CGWA Central Ground Water Authority CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CO Carbon monoxide COD Chemical oxygen demand CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CSC Construction Supervision Consultant DFO Divisional Forest Officer DG Diesel generating set DO Dissolved oxygen DPR Detailed project report E&S Environment and social EA Executing agency EAC Expert Appraisal Committee EFP Environmental Focal Person EHS Environment Health and Safety EIA Environmental impact assessment EMOP Environmental monitoring plan EMP Environmental management plan ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific GHG Greenhouse gas GIS Geographical information system GOI Government of India GRC Grievance redress committee GRM Grievance redress mechanism HFL Highest flood level IA Implementing Agency IMD Indian Meteorological Department IRC Indian Road Congress IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IVI Important value index LHS Left hand side LPG Liquefied petroleum gas Max Maximum Min Minimum MJB Major bridge MNB Minor bridge MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forests MORSTH/ Ministry of Road Surface Transport and Highways MORTH MPRSD Master Plan Road Sector Development N, S, E, W, Wind Directions (North, South, East, West or combination of NE, SW, Two directions like South West, North West) NW NGO Non-governmental organization NH National Highway NOC No Objection Certificate NOx Oxides of nitrogen NPL National Physical Laboratory, U.K. NWBI National Wildlife Board of India PAH Project Affected Household PAP Project Affected Persons PAS Protected Areas PCC Portland Cement Concrete PCR Public Community Resources PCU Passenger Car Units PD Project Director PM Particulate Matter PIU Project Implementation Unit PPE Personal protective equipment PPT Parts per trillion PPTA Project Preparedness Technical Assistance PUC Pollution Under Control PWD Public Works Department R & R Rehabilitation and Resettlement RCC Reinforced cement concrete RHS Right hand side ROB Road Over Bridge ROW Right of way RSPM Respiratory suspended particulate matter SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SC Scheduled Cast – Name of a community in India SEIAA State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority SEMU Social and Environmental Management Unit SH State highway SIA Social Impact Assessment SO2 Sulphur Dioxide SOI Survey of India SPCB State Pollution Control Board SPL Sound Pressure Level SPM Suspended Particulate Matter SPS ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 ST Scheduled Tribes – Name of a community in India TA Technical assistance TDS Total dissolved solids TSS Total Suspended Solids UA Urban Agglomeration UIDSSMT Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UT Union Territories WHC Water holding capacity WWF World Wildlife Fund ZSI Zoological survey of India WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dB(A) – A-weighted decibel ha – hectare km – kilometre km2 – square kilometre KWA – kilowatt ampere Leq – equivalent continuous noise level µg – microgram m – meter MW (megawatt) – megawatt PM 2.5 or 10 – Particulate Matter of 2.5 micron or 10 micron size NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Project Background and Rationale 1 B. Project Road 2 C. Objective and Scope of the Study 5 D. Methodology Adopted for EIA Study 5 E. Structure of the Report 7 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORKS 8 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 19 A. Type of Project 19 B. Need for the Project 19 C. Location and Features of the Project Road 20 D. Engineering Surveys and Investigations 26 E. Traffic Surveys 27 F. The Design 32 G. Design Standards 32 H. Geometric Design Standards 33 I. Widening Options 36 J. Typical Cross-sections 36 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 50 A. Introduction 50 B. Physical Environment 50 C. Biological Environment 74 D. Socio-economic Environment 111 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 117 A. Introduction 117 B. Positive Environmental Impacts due to improvement of subproject road sections 118 C. Adverse Environmental Impacts due to improvement of subproject road sections 118 D. Impacts Related to Project Location, Preliminary Planning and Design 118 E. Environmental Impacts - Construction Stage 122 F. Environmental Impacts - Operation Phase 156 G. Cumulative and Induced Environmental Impacts 157 H. Potential Environmental Enhancement/ Protection Measures 160 VI. CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS AND RISKS 161 A. Climate Change Mitigation 161 B. Climate Risks and Adaptation Needs 162 VII. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 166 A. Introduction 166 B. ‘With Project’ and ‘Without Project’ Scenario 166 C. Location and Alignment Alternatives 170 D. Alignment Modifications due to Environmental Considerations 173 E. Engineering / Technological Alternatives 173 VIII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 174 A. Objectives of Consultations 174 B. Methodology used for Consultations 174 C. Identification of Stakeholders 174 D. Results of Consultations 180 E. Interaction with Local/National and International NGOs 181 F. Public Disclosure 181 IX. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN AND GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM182 A. Introduction 182 B. Objectives of Environmental Management Plan 182 C. Impacts and Mitigation Measures 182 D. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Program 185 E. Environmental Reporting System 187 F. Institutional Requirements 199 G. Environmental Management Budget 203 H. Grievance Redress Mechanism 206 X. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 208 ANNEXURES ANNEX 1: RAPID ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (REA) CHECKLIST 210 ANNEX 2. INDIAN STANDARD DRINKING WATER SPECIFICATION: IS 10500:1991 214 ANNEX 3: NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS (MOEF, 2009) 215 ANNEX 4. NATIONAL AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL STANDARDS 216 ANNEX 5: AIR QUALITY IMPACT PREDICTION 217 ANNEX 6: PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS 233 ANNEX 7: GUIDELINES FOR PLANT MANAGEMENT 238 ANNEX 8: GUIDELINES FOR CAMP SITE MANAGEMENT 240 ANNEX 9: GUIDELINES FOR DEBRIS DISPOSAL MANAGEMENT 249 ANNEX 10: GUIDELINES FOR BORROW AREA MANAGEMENT 251 ANNEX 11: GUIDELINES FOR QUARRY AREA MANAGEMENT 257 ANNEX 12: DETAILS OF THE PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS AND ISSUED DISCUSSED 264 ANNEX 13: DETAILS OF TRAINING PROGRAM 281 ANNEX 14: REPORT ON VEGETATION ASSESSMENT STUDY 282 ANNEX 15: REPORT ON WILDLIFE ASSESSMENT STUDY 307 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Information of the Project Road ...................................................................................... i Table 2: Details of Forest Locations along the Project Road section .......................................... vi Table 3: List of Subprojects included in the Project .................................................................... 2 Table 4: Description of Imphal-Kanchup-Tamenglong Road Section .......................................... 4 Table 5: Applicable Environmental National and State Requirements ........................................ 9 Table 6: Key Steps in Forest Clearance Process ......................................................................17 Table 7: Key Steps in Tree Cutting Permission Process: ..........................................................18 Table 8: Details of the Project Road ..........................................................................................19 Table 9: Details of Traffic Surveys and Schedule ......................................................................27 Table 10: Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)-Normal Traffic .................................................28 Table 11: Homogeneous Sections of the Project Road .............................................................29 Table 12: Summary of Recommended Growth Rates for Project Road .....................................29 Table 13: Traffic for the Project Road in the Year of Opening ...................................................30 Table 14: Year
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