the specialist magazine for self development, skills and enterprise for north east england

March - April 2008

TOMORROW'S PEOPLE New prospects are on the horizon and with the right skills you could be on route to a successful career.

SCIENCE MATTERS How the North East is seeing an increase in opportunities in the scientific fields.


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Editor Miles Crofton 0191 5866 010 [email protected] 18 Executive editor Juliet Chennery-Robson [email protected] Managing Director Mike Storey [email protected] PA to executive team Lindsey Wood C O V E R S T O R Y [email protected] 7 SKILLS EVOLUTION - As we get to grips with a 21st century region there’s Staff writers an abundance of vibrant new opportunities for the taking. Science and Katie Crofton, Sarah Lee, Mark Innovation form a platform for a more successful regional economy - we Burton, Helen Miles, Paul Seales, find out how the right skills and expertise can help you join an expanding workforce with the potential for a very prosperous and rewarding career. Advertising & accounts Martin Jameson F E A T U R E S 0191 5866 040 [email protected] 13 MOVING ON UP - When you haven’t yet climbed the first rung of your career ladder and you’re faced with important life choices, it’s good to Design & production know there’s an excellent regional support network that can help you make Dave Gregg & Eric Lee more ‘informed’ decisions and find the right path for you. [email protected] Senior researcher 18 DIGITAL INSPIRATION - The North East is a hive of creative and digital activity and home to some of the sectors main players including Leighton Michelle Ho Group and Sage. We focus on the new breed of rising stars coming [email protected] through and take advice from an ambitious digital entrepreneur. Inserts & subscriptions Heather Hardy S P E C I A L [email protected] 51 TO THE END OF THE GALAXY - You may not be running the Galactic Empire but when managing your own business you still should be aware of the perils of the dark side. Take your eye of the ball and you risk losing everything that you’ve worked hard to achieve, as informnorth reports. Informnorth magazine is published bi-monthly by mike storey and informnorth creative services which is a community interest company. All content is © informnorth. While the publisher has taken all reasonable care to ensure that all material is accurate at the time of going to press, they can not accept responsibility Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay for errors or omissions and no liability is accepted for omission or failure from any cause. attention to their words nor limitations again. The publisher welcomes contributions but opinions expressed are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of informnorth. Additional professional advice should James R. Cook be sought before making any commitment to business transactions detailed within informnorth magazine. All advertisements are accepted only on the grounds that they comply with the terms of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and all other relevant legislation. Inclusion of an advertisement cannot be construed as an endorsement of an advertiser or a product by the publisher, their employees or their agents. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any transactions between readers and advertisers. No material in this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher. Printed by Potts Printers Ltd. JUST REMEMBER THAT CERTIFICATES DON’T BITE No matter what it is you’re thinking of learning it’s great to be rewarded with the little bit of paper or the recognition that you have actually got up, got out and actually done something.

CAN’T COOK OR DON’T GIVE JUST WON’T UP AND COOK NEVER When you stop to think SURRENDER about it, many of the skills At every level - from a beginners’ course to more we already have had to be advanced level - you can learn at the pace that suits learned in the first place. you and your lifestyle. So you needn’t think that There’s lots of help and you’ll just start a course but never go on to finish it. support available when it comes to learning something new, gain new skills or get better qualifications - so DON’T be a turkey.


And DON’T be afraid to find out a little bit more about whatever it is that YOU want to do - at home or at work Informnorth magazine: monologue Can You Support the Nations Agenda for Skills Change and improve the State of the Region? Minister of State (Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher mproving the skills of the nation has for raising the participation age, require a Education), Department for never been more important to us all, truly coherent approach to planning local Innovation, Universities and Skills Ias they are key to building a more provision across the 14-19 phase and a cohesive society and enabling the UK single, clear point of accountability for to compete in an increasingly competitive improving outcomes for all young people global economy. aged 0-19 years. The LSC is responsible for managing the The outcome of this consultation will lead Government’s investment in learning and to changes to the LSC and the wider skills in England and has a huge job to delivery system too, and are likely to be performance and to transform the do, investing £11.6bn of public money in implemented from Autumn 2010. We ambitions and life chances of millions 2008-09 rising to £12.6bn in 2010-11 look to the LSC to continue to work with of people. I hope that you will take this for the benefit of young people, adults and new and existing partners into the next opportunity to play your own part and employers. important phase and to deliver the new apply to join one of the LSC Regional Councils, helping to lead the LSC into the The nine new Regional Councils, which ands challenging PSA targets which we next phase, for the benefit of many are at present being set up under the have set. The nine new Regional Councils thousands of individuals, our society and Further Education and Training Act 2007, will have a vital role to play in ensuring our country as a whole. will have a key role in providing direction that in all regions we have the skills and leadership to the LSC and its partners needed to strengthen our economic Bill Rammell MP at regional level. Over the past few years, the LSC has Helping to conquer the nation’s skills challenge overseen a huge rise in the number of In one of the most important Imagine looking back in years to come, young people and adults gaining the skills announcements to have been made knowing that you were integral to and qualifications they need to get on recently, it has been confirmed that the improving the lives of hundreds of young in work and in life. But the global Learning and Skills Council is to form nine people - thus helping to ensure a UK economy is rapidly changing, and we are Regional Councils across the country, each workforce of world-class standard. increasingly competing in markets for of which will be crucial to delivering the Becoming one of the Regional Council higher added value products and services. skills the country needs to secure Members or Regional Chairs means you’ll We need to match this with a workforce economic and social success. Right now be able to do just that and be able to that is truly world class and to do this it is the LSC is asking individuals to consider breathe new life in to an organisation when becoming Regional Council Members or vital that we continue to raise dramatically it needs it most. Regional Chair. It’s a good opportunity to the nation’s skill and qualification levels As a Regional Council Member or Regional breath new life in to what is one of the Chair, you’ll be able to use your business across the board - from basic literacy and most important strategic bodies. numeracy, through to higher level skills. expertise and experience to provide The nine new regions replace over 45 The recent Machinery of Government direction and leadership to our work at a previous areas: grass-roots level. It’s a chance to make a changes are a clear demonstration of the • North West real andpositive difference to the lives of Government’s continuing commitment to • North East thousands of young people and adults, to further education and skills. As part of • Yorkshire and Humber influence the success of businesses in these changes, we are reviewing and • West Midlands our own region, and ultimately, to consulting on the arrangements needed • East Midlands better ensure the nation’s c to deliver our future skills ambitions and • East of England competitiveness. have also put in place a significant new • London agenda for those aged 14-19. The • South East Diplomas programme, and our proposals • South West

Informnorth Mission Statement: Informnorth is unique - not just to North East England but to any region in the United Kingdom.We exist as a partnership of private and public sector organisations working together with the third sector, including voluntary, charitable and community organisations as a community interest company. Informnorth bridges the gap between business and community and helps to raise aspirations, empowering individuals to greater levels of self-development, enterprise and entrepreneurship, publishing a freely available regional magazine in order to promote and help achieve our collective goals and objectives. informnorth March 2008 5 about

INFORMNORTH is unique to the North East of England. We OUR REGION-WIDE DISTRIBUTION IS UNIQUE: help to inform and inspire our readers, many of whom are not 15,000 COPIES of each issue are distributed region-wide reached by traditional media or other publications and would not to Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, County Durham and Tees normally pick them up or read them anyway. Valley, giving an unrivalled reach and penetration for INFORMNORTH is printed and distributed 6 times each promotional messages to over 60,000 average issue readers. year which means all promotional messages are seen for 1,000 COPIES are subscription copies, mailed first class to longer and read by far more people. It also means we don’t key decision makers, influencers and senior managers. have to rely on ‘filling space’ with old press releases and redundant, or poor information. ONE THIRD of all copies are distributed to key education and training providers, to schools with specialist designation INFORMNORTH is a social enterprise. We’re not a charity or status, training companies and sign posting and guidance the ‘mouthpiece’ of any organisation - nor would we want to be providers such as Connexions, all Centres of Vocational - but we continually support the key objectives of many. Excellence (CoVES) and every single college and university. INFORMNORTH is passionate about raising aspirations and ONE THIRD are distributed in to the North East business encouraging readers to action. We offer unrivalled sign posting community. We target micro businesses as well as SMEs and and quality guidance throughout the entire magazine and arm the regions top 200 companies through the major business readers with everything they need to know in order to take their support networks, business centres and incubator units, next important steps in life - whatever they may be. individual Business Clubs and through key support INFORMNORTH champions self development and the benefits organisations such as Government Office North East, of acquiring new skills or updating old ones. We flag up the Inland Revenue and The Department for Business, widest possible range of opportunities that are available and just Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR). as importantly, highlight where our readers can turn in order to ONE THIRD of all copies of informnorth magazine are take advantage of the help and support that exists. also distributed at a ‘grass roots level to local and regional INFORMNORTH is celebrating over five years of partnership community and voluntary sector organisations. This includes work across all business, education and community sectors, time McDonalds and ASDA, community groups and Youth that has been spent helping to bridge the gaps that exist between Clubs, even hospital waiting rooms, Doctors’ Surgeries business and community, promoting enterprise, entrepreneurship, and places where people simply have more time and business start up and change. opportunities to pick up and actually read the magazine. More to sing, dance and shout about

What’s coming along in the next issue... Tomorrow's People: We look at the demand for people of all ages who possess the right skills and qualifications for the very best jobs and career prospects in the region and the single, most important factor when it comes to success or failure - you! Excellence through inspiration: We take an in depth look at the North East’s five Centre’s of Excellence.

*Informnorth targets readers aged 14+ through to retirement age and beyond and is the only magazine proof-read for a reading age of 14. To find out more about informnorth and link to our partners or download back issues from our archive, visit PEOPLEPEOPLE


informnorth March 2008 7 sn’t it strange how over the centuries, the language we speak has changed dramatically? From Shakespeare’s Ilanguage to today’s email and text speak. Fashion changes too. Long gone are the days where women wore huge skirts and corsets. Over the decades we’ve had mini skirts, boho chic, punk and many more styles. Most things in everyday life change, whether it’s music, food, language or fashion. As a society we adapt, adopting the changes and using the new style, words or listening to the new type of music. Although we have to remember that like fashion, music and food, skills change too but as a society we seem reluctant to adapt to these changes as we are to popular culture. However, skills would be deemed more important to learn and adopt rather than wearing a long skirt (ala Sienna Miller style) and using ‘yeah One in five young people man’ after every sentence. “ The north east is big on starting up businesses and developing

every year think they skills, and with five centres for excellence in the area we as a

region know only too well the importance of developing, are being led down the “ retraining and learning new skills. wrong educational path The region is a wash with opportunities for young people and adults who have the right skills and qualifications, but opportunities are also here for those who wish to embark on a new career and develop their skills to fit in with the business world’s ever-changing skills bank. Are you pushing your kids The North East has a reputation for developing motivated, hard in the wrong direction? working and innovative people. Local people’s commitment to learning and developing has made the North East a better place to live, work and visit (with tourism at an all time high) in recent years. This means the region will only continue to grow and provide the best opportunities for people wishing to develop their 8 March 2008 informnorth Network For Gary Accelerates The North East A unique Business Development concept is looking for ethical, quality businesses and organisations to join its successful Forward community. Created only 22 months ago, DCM has opened franchises in three areas of the or most people particle "Spending a year working in such a North East, with a fourth due to open accelerators, biofuels and prestigious, high tech area has increased soon, with the ethos on quality service Fexperiments conducted in my employability and proves that and an emphasis on giving. DCM hold femtoseconds (one billionth of one students can compete with meetings every three weeks in each of millionth of a second) are the stuff of any other students." the areas, Tyne & Wear, Tees Valley and Durham for businesses who want to science fiction - but for young Sunderland Senior lecturer in Engineering Dr Alan Fell student Gary Reed it's a part of his every experience not just a networking group, says: "The competition was tough with but much more. day working life, and has led to him strong student representation from winning a major regional engineering Sunderland, Durham, Newcastle, Any businesses wishing to reap the award. Northumbria and Teesside universities. rewards of DCM’s ever-growing Gary from Hebburn has won an Institute of Gary's work with Assystem on the Fourth community should contact Paul Lawton Mechanical Engineering (IMech) Award for Generation Light Source will ultimately on: 0191 2374350 or log on to their website: his placement work with Sunderland-based influence research both nationally and Assystem UK. The University of Sunderland internationally. We're absolutely delighted Job Seekers BEng Mechanical Engineering student has about the result and very proud of what not only beaten off competition from all of Gary has achieved." Told To Scrub Up Temporary job candidates are spending the region's other universities, he is also Assystem UK is a subsidiary of Assystem, conducting research that will literally time on their CVs, but not their a global engineering and innovation appearances, according to new research. change the face of science in the 21st consultancy firm with its headquarters Century - and he is only 21 years old. Almost half of recruiters said applicants’ in France, and with over 1,300 engineers major pitfall was giving employers a bad Gary's project involves computer analysis of based in the UK. Assystem carry out first impression by failing the ‘scratch and a particle accelerator for the Fourth projects in the energy, nuclear, aerospace, sniff’ test. In fact, poor personal Generation Light Source (4GLS) project. naval, defense, automotive, appearance was the average employers’ The 4GLS project will be a world leading pharmaceutical and communications most common complaint about job photon facility when it is built near industries. Assystem UK's Sunderland office candidates, so says the feedback from Daresbury in Liverpool between 2008 and carries out engineering consultancy work in 200 recruitment agencies. 2013. When the facility is complete it will several areas including; oil and gas, civil According to the research, turning up be the world centre for research into nuclear, structural steelwork and stress too casual was the biggest mistake. This photons, which will in turn lead to analysis of nuclear power plant slip-up was typically made by younger improvements in the efficiency of burning components for the Royal Navy. applicants, with most employers hydrocarbons to produce cheap, clean complaining of trainers, too much bio-fuels. Other developments could jewellery or revealing clothing. include nano-scale solar cells and an increase of our understanding of cancers, Tom Hadley, a director at the pandemic viruses and protein diseases Recruitment and Employment such as CJD. Confederation, which commissioned the research, said: “The feedback from many Gary said: "I was delighted to win recruiters suggests that many job hunters the competition, and the £300 are being a little too blasé when it comes cash in the process! I spent the to preparing for interviews. “Candidates majority of my year with Assystem are very much in the driving seat when it analyzing nuclear power plant comes to choosing their next role but components using analysis software. it’s vital they don’t become complacent Over the year I've workedin some and miss out on that all important very advanced areas including job offer simply because of their non-linear materials analysis, seismic appearance.By taking the time to assessments and brittle prepare, job hunters are much more fracture prediction in likely to be comfortable and confident welds. during interviews.” Candidate clangers in the research included one woman who was too vain to wear her glasses to interview that she mistook a cupboard for the door on the way out. One candidate, when asked to identify their biggest weakness, replied “my dishonesty,” while another responded to a question about their IT skills by saying he was an expert on Sony’s PlayStation. informnorth March 2008 9 skills and personal development. The change and shift in the business world means that there is going to be a new set of jobs coming to the forefront of business in the next decade and with it a new set of skills needed to improve chances and job prospects for those wanting to work within the changing tide. There are three areas in which the region wish to develop skills in young learners, adults and employers. YOUNG LEARNERS For those people who are leaving school, college or university this year and have yet to make their decision on jobs or education for the future. There is a whole host of agencies and organisations to which you can turn for more advice and support in deciding your future. Apprentices, although apprentices died a death during the 1990s, employers and the Government have seen the benefits of having them and they have come full circle and now are a viable option to those who wish to get paid while they learn. will give you more information about this form of learning. Education Maintenance Allowance, this is for young people who are studying at higher education level (school or college) and want to stay in learning but can’t afford to. You could receive £30 a week to help you purchase books, equipment or cover travel costs. Visit for more information about this option. e2e, Entry to employment is a learning programme for young people who aren’t THE CHANGE AND SHIFT IN THE BUSINESS yet ready to join an apprenticeship, go to WORLD MEANS THAT THERE IS GOING TO BE college or get a job. This unique problem offers the opportunity to develop your A NEW SET OF JOBS COMING TO THE FORE- personal and social skills, try our different jobs of interest and gain qualifications up FRONT IN THE NEXT DECADE - AND WITH IT A to NVQ Level 1. NEW SET OF SKILLS NEEDED TO IMPROVE THE will signpost you in the right direction for LIFE CHANCES AND JOB PROSPECTS FOR this programme. Study further or get a job - questions, THOSE WANTING CAPITALISE UPON THE questions which no doubt brings CHANGING TIDE uncertainty will help you get some of the answers. ADULT LEARNERS Priorities for adult learners are reaching an all time high especially in our region where improving adult’s basic skills and increasing Level Two achievements rates. Support is also available for adult learners 10 March 2008 informnorth Rising Levels

With skill levels increasing and unemployment falling, there is some through various organisations and advice language and maths. Get On is a evidence that the North East is beginning to ‘narrow the gap’ with services. campaign to help adults improve in the rest of the UK on a number of Nextstep, is an information and advice these areas for more information visit fronts, including employment growth, service that can help adult learners for signposting productivity, and average earnings. improve their career prospects by learning to find out more. Statistics taken from new skills, retraining or gaining new Learn Direct, is probably one of most qualifications. Free information on recognised adult learning advice • A 5.8 per cent increase in the learning is available for anyone aged over proportion of pupils achieving 5 organisations, they also offer access to 20 and free face-to-face advice is also or more A*-C grades at GCSE, hundreds of courses and impartial careers available for those who have less than five compared with 3.4 per cent in advice. Visit to GCSEs. Of if you’re 19 or over and want England, between 2001 and 2004 to study for your NVQ Level Two you could find out how they can help. • An increase in the number of young get your tuition fees paid. EMPLOYERS people who move on to further education and training at 16, with Visit for It is ultimately employers that need to over 13,000 currently studying for more information. encourage employees into learning new apprenticeships Adult Learning Grant, can pay up to skills so there is a host of places they can • Over 80,000 adults have increased £30 a week to people aged 19 or over go to find out more. Train to Gain aims to their Basic Skills over the last 3 years who are studying full-time or at least 12 help businesses to facilitate the training • The proportion of the workforce hours a week. This can be used toward they need to stay ahead in a competitive with high level skills (Level 4 and equipment, books or travel expenses. business environment by improving the above) has increased from 20 per Visit to get signpost skills of their workforce. For more cent in 2000 to 24 per cent in 2003 in the right direction. information visit • Since April 2002, over 150,000 Get On, everyone has seen those or to contact unemployed people have benefited from New Deal, including 50,000 gremlins on the TV mocking those adults a Skills Broker to discuss your business lone parents and 14,000 people needs on 0800 015 5545. who aren’t excellent at reading, writing, with disabilities.

RICS Chartered Surveying - The benefits of becoming a placement student!

Name: Phillip Michael Job Title: Placement student Company: Lambert Smith Hampton How did you become interested in surveying? I’ve always been quite a creative person but lacked any specific artistic ability. I had a friend who was training to be a quantity surveyor, which got me thinking about property and the kind of careers available in the industry. I like the idea of starting a project and seeing it through to the finished product - one that I could say I played a hand in creating. That, and writing reports for clients, and compiling the pay was good too! evidence for a potential management Which university did you attend, pitch. and what course did you study? Have you worked on any I am about to begin my final year at international projects or obtained Kingston University studying Real Estate any overseas travel experience? Management. Not yet, but it’s something that excites There are other ways of becoming a Chartered What do you enjoy most about me. In the future I hope to work abroad - Surveyor, visit RICS Recruit - - working in surveying? and with a property degree and my APC, the official recruitment website of RICS which The people I work with. I have a great it should be entirely feasible. features work placements, graduate and careers team, and they’ve created a dynamic What are your career ambitions? tool sections. environment where I’m constantly To be a Director within a successful learning. I also enjoy the assignments, property company. informnorth March 2008 11 The North East has a reputation for being BIG on starting up businesses and developing skills, and with the Centres of “ Excellence here in the region we know only too well the importance of developing, retraining and learning new skills.

WHAT WILL UNEMPLOYMENT BE LIKE IN TEN YEARS?” hrough the decades we have Government of the period was prepared seen a shift in the sorts of people to break this pledge. The economic Tunemployed from the 60s hippy orthodoxies of the boom years generation to the miners of the 80s. collapsed in the 1970s, with rising The causes of unemployment vary inflation and rising unemployment. and economists distinguish a number Unemployment topped one million of types of unemployment. Cyclical for the first time in January 1972. unemployment is brought about by However, during the early 1980s, the uncertainties of the business cycle, unemployment rose further still - it structural unemployment is brought topped three million in 1982. The about by changes in the economy January 1982 figure of 3,070,621 or the labour market, when the jobs represented 12.5 per cent of the available do not fit the workforce’s working population, and in some skills; frictional unemployment is parts of the country it was even higher: the phenomenon of people being in Northern Ireland, unemployment “between jobs”; and seasonal stood at 20 per cent. unemployment is linked to certain Unemployment did fall through most types of seasonal jobs, such as of the 1990s and fell below one million The North East has well farm work and construction. for the first time since 1975 in March 2001. earned reputation for The history of unemployment in the UK is central to both the economic This year the Office for National developing motivated, and social history of the country. Statistics (ONS) said the number of hard working and The 1950s and 1960s saw a very low people claiming jobseeker’s allowance rate of unemployment (around three in December 2007 fell by 6,400 to innovative people. Local per cent on average) as a result of the 807,700. This was the lowest number people’s commitment to postwar boom. Servicemen during the since 1975 and the 15th consecutive learning and developing Second World War monthly fall in the number of had been claimants. has made the North East promised full Hopefully this question section has gone a better place to live, employment someway to answers your concerns and after victory, questions about employment and skills work and visit in recent and no in the next ten years. years

12 March 2008 informnorth When you’re just starting out in life it’s not always what you know that matters... What matters is being able to make more ‘informed’ choices – knowing what you need to do and need to know to be able to make more of the right choices

veryone has a picture in mind of what they want their Do you know what lifestyle you want? lives to be like in 5 or 10 years time. Most people are It pays to know more about the world of work, what is like today Einterested in where they will be - and be with - how they and what skills and knowledge you need to earn a living right will look, what they will be good at and how all of that actually now or gain a rewarding career. compares with where they are at the present moment. You need to know what opportunities exist today that will still be This picture develops over time starting from when we were around in the future too and what skills and personal qualities younger and imagined ourselves as being a famous pop star, that employers are looking for. actor, footballer, scientist, engineer or even as an astronaut. You need to know what the hours of working are going to be and Of course, all of our ideas will change as we grow as individuals, the environment that you could be working in. as we develop and learn new skills and become more aware of You need to know what you will be paid and what you can earn, our own talents and as we gain more of an understanding of the as well as what training is available and the courses you can world of work and the kind of things we like to do or want to do. study. Connexions can help with all of this too. Ready to make those important lifestyle choices? Will you choose to be a tinker, tailor, soldier or sailor? Whether you think you want to stay on in school, go to college or university, or leave home and live independently them it pays Choosing a worthwhile job or lasting career path generally to know more about your options. means knowing more about your options and actually choosing a lifestyle, so it is important to know how this works. If you want to get a job, have children or buy a house, then all of the decisions that you face just now will affect every aspect of When you see the description about what a job or career is the way you actually live now and the lifestyle you will have in the about, make sure you read and understand all of the details as future. this may affect your life style. It’s important that you know that Connexions is here to help you. Connexions can help you to gain a better understanding of the We have the expertise to guide you in order to reach the world of work and help you make those lifestyle choices, so why decisions that are right for you and your circumstances. not connect with Connexions.

informnorth March 2008 13 MOVING ON UP From Nissan at Washington to Aston Martin in Crewe then on to working for top motoring marque Bentley Motors, we speak to one north east graduate who has the driving ambition to work with the best, as informnorth magazine exclusively reports...

rom leaving school it has been a steady progression Andrew currently works on the prestigious Bentley Continental of hard work, enthusiasm and determination that has led range, which is a 6-litre, 12 cylinder, twin turbo supercar, adding FAndrew Gregg to a successful career in the automotive this series of distinguished cars to his expanding portfolio. industry, with the added advantage of gaining hands on Having gained the skills and qualifications that are in demand, experience working with some of the most exciting and Andrew’s career has already offered him many opportunities that prestigious cars in the whole world. he may otherwise have never experienced and provided fantastic Bishop Auckland-born Andrew started out his career studying foundations from which to build upon. He has also travelled a Degree programme in Automotive Design and Manufacture around Europe, America and Japan on several occasions visiting at the University of Sunderland, followed by a year working as suppliers and partner companies and the selection of cars he has a research graduate. From here, he went on to gain employment worked on includes the Aston DB7 GT, DB9, DB9 Volante, at Calsonic Kansei, a tier 1automotive supplier to Nissan, which Vantage, Vantage Roadster and Vanquish. Whilst employed at gave him three years of invaluable experience. Calsonic he was involved with work on the Nissan Micra, In 2001 an opportunity arose to be the Exhaust System Project Frontera, Almera, and Clio. Engineer for british manufacturer Aston Martin, one of the world’s Andrew believes he’ll be employed by most famous sports car makers, on the all-new DB9 model, in a Bentley Motors for the foreseeable brand new facility. It was something Andrew just couldn’t resist future, but he is ambitious to and during the following 7 years he worked on many projects, develop his career further and starting with the exhaust system and later progressing as climb another rung or two on the Programme Coordinator on the Aston Martin Vantage. career ladder. With further hard Once the Vantage Roadster was in production Andrew’s career work, self development and quickly moved up yet another gear to Acting Programme determination it’s a dream Manager for all model updates on the Aston DB9 and Vantage that’s well within his programmes. He was also in the privileged position of being able grasp. to use the Aston Martin series for test drives when visiting friends in the North East and his family who live in Spennymoor. 2007 was another real milestone in Andrew’s career when he was offered a position he simply couldn’t refuse in the role of Engineering Manager for none other than Bentley Motors, the pinacle of car manufacturing with the reputation for producing the worlds most luxurious vehicles renowned for quality, engineering design and performance. From working as a student at Sunderland University and studying Automotive Design & Manufacture, to travelling around the world for prestigious car manufacturers, Andrew Gregg has gone from driving home Aston Martins to working for Bentley Motors. INFORMNORTH DISCOVERS MORE...

Name: Andrew Gregg Aged: 35 Born: Bishop Aukland Company History: Calsonic Kansei Washington: Aston Martin, Warwick: Bentley Motors, Crewe in Cheshire.

14 March 2008 informnorth North East Manufacturing and Automotive Skills The National Skills Academy What About Automotive Skills? Academy for Manufacturing is a central part of the Automotive Skills Limited is the Sector Skills Council for the government’s skills strategy. The Academy will focus on retail motor industry, charged by government and employers meeting the skills needs of both large and small employers with leading the drive to boost competitiveness through skills from the manufacturing sector, including Aerospace, development. Automotive, Electronics and Marine. Automotive Skills works in collaboration with trade associations The Academy is designed to provide skills training for and other organisations in the retail motor industry and most everyone who will benefit from it including: importantly, it is employer led and has received the full • Employers backing of major employers across the retail motor industry • School and college leavers from motor manufacturers and their dealers, to the repair and aftermarket sector, including specialist organisations such as • Graduates Thatcham and the roadside rescue operators. • Adults The job of Automative Skills is to: • Existing employees • Identify and reduce skills shortages raising employers • New entrants to the workforce ambition in the demand for skills • People who are changing career. • Develop innovative ways to both attract new recruits into the The Academy is expected to form close links with schools industry and develop the skills of the existing workforce significantly influence the whole pattern of education for • Influence Government and its agencies to respond positively school leavers. For example, specialised diplomas are being to the needs of the retail motor industry developed which will provide clear progression routes for young people. • Make learning providers more responsive to the needs of the Employers sector, supporting and developing learning provision which The major benefits of the National Skills Academy will impacts on business performance undoubtedly be for employers across all sizes and types Automotive Skills is part of the Skills for Business network of organisation. It provides a long-term solution to skills which bring together 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils shortages and gaps which would otherwise threaten their (SSCs) to focus on raising employer ambition and investment continued productivity and economic success. in skills, ensuring the supply of skills and qualifications is Department of Trade and Industry studies consistently show that driven by employers, and articulating the future skills needs employer-led learning in countries such as Germany, France of their sectors. and Scandinavia is the most successful approach to solving skills problems. The Alliance of Sector Skills Councils take over co-ordination of the Skills for Business network from 1 April 2008. The Academy has been developed by employers with the For further details about The Alliance of Sector Skills Councils backing of the Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering please e-mail: [email protected] and Manufacturing Technologies Alliance (SEMTA) and other manufacturing organisations including Engineering Employers Here in North East England, informnorth magazine seeks to Federation (EEF), British Marine Federation (BMF), Metskill, better help, support and underpin the network and promote Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), Society more effective working between the sectors, employers and of British Aerospace Companies (SBAC) and Intellect. employees, partner organisations and our readers.

informnorth March 2008 15 further education and training

CITY LEARNING CENTRES: COLLEGES - NORTHUMBERLAND: Hartlepool College of F.E. Gateshead City Learning Centre Ashington Community High School Tel: 01429 295 000 Tel: 0191 460 2900 Sports College - Tel: 01670 812 166 CoVE Healthcare Hartlepool City Learning Centre CoVE Technical and Design Engineering and Tel: 01429 266 377 Blyth Community College CoVE Construction Building Services Tel: 01670 798 100 Macmillan Academy, Middlesbrough Heworth Grange City Learning Centre Tel: 01642 800 800 Tel: 0191 422 5882 King Edward VI School, Morpeth Tel: 01670 515 415 Middlesbrough College Longbenton City Learning Centre Tel: 01642 333 333 Tel: 0191 200 7533 Northumberland College, Ashington Tel: 01670 841 200 CoVE Catering and Hospitality Marden City Learning Centre CoVE Services for Inbound and Domestic Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough Tel: 0191 200 5132 Tourism - Tel: 01670 841 294 Tel: 01287 280 800 Middlesbrough City Learning Centre Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College Tel: 01642 277 203 CoVE Construction Crafts Darlington - Tel: 01325 461 315 Newcastle City Learning Centre COLLEGES - TYNE & WEAR: Redcar and Cleveland College Tel: 0191 298 3142 City of Sunderland College Tel: 01642 473 132 Tel: 0191 511 6060 Redcar & Cleveland City Learning Centre CoVE Specialised Engineering for the CoVE Building Services Tel: 0191 511 6717 Tel: 01642 467 138 Process & Manufacturing Industries CoVE ICT Networking Tel: 0191 511 6873 Sedgefield Community College Openzone City Learning Centre CoVE N.E. Contact Centre Tel: 0191 511 6800 Tel; 0191 427 2120 Tel: 01740 621 097 Gateshead College Sheila Bruce Community Arts, Hartlepool Southmoor City Learning Centre Tel: 0191 490 0300 Tel: 01429 264 976 Tel: 0191 553 5687/2490 CoVE Automotive Technology Stockton Riverside College St Robert of Newminster City Learning Centre Tel: 0191 490 2430 CoVE logistics excellence Tel: 0191 373 4847 Tel: 01642 865 400 Tel: 0191 219 3490 CoVE Childcare Stockton City Learning Centre Newcastle College CoVE Performing Arts Tel: 01642 371 841 Tel: 0191 200 4000 CoVE Adult Social Care CoVE Culinary Excellence, CoVE Aerospace Teesside City Learning Centre and Allied Engineering Technologies Stockton Sixth Form College Tel: 01642 660 570 CoVE Construction and Built Environment Tel: 01642 612 611 COLLEGES - COUNTY DURHAM: South Tyneside College, South Shields St Mary's RC Sixth Form College Bishop Auckland College Tel: 0191 427 3500 Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 814 680 Tel: 0800 092 6506 CoVE Marine Engineering and CoVE Childcare and CoVE Adultcare Nautical Science TRAINING ORGANISATIONS: Derwentside College, Consett Oakfield College, Newcastle Access Training, Team Valley Tel: 01207 585 900 Tel: 0191 273 5558 Tel: 0191 487 4454 CoVE Business and Management Durham Logistics College Tyne Metropolitan College, Tyne and Wear Action 4 Employment (A4E) Tel: 0191 373 4847 Tel: 0191 229 5000 CoVE Childcare Tel: 0191 229 5167 CoVE Logistics & transport CoVE Mechatronics Tel: 0191 229 5351 Arena Learning Limited, Washington Tel: 0191 417 1000 East Durham & Houghall COLLEGES - TEES VALLEY: Community College Askham Bryan College, Guisborough Bells Training Peterlee - Tel: 0191 518 2000 Tel: 01287 633 870 Tel: 01642 756 510 Durham - Tel: 0191 375 4700 Bede College - Tees Valley Beyond Learning, Peterlee Tel: 0191 586 3355 King James I Community College Tel: 01642 808 285 Bishop Auckland - Tel: 01388 603 388 Cleveland College of Art and Design BL Hairdressing Training, Newcastle Tel: 0191 261 9636 New College Durham Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 288 000 Tel: 0191 375 4000 Bridges to Learning, Newcastle Darlington College Tel: 0191 245 2240 CoVE Travel & Tourism Services Tel: 01325 503 050 Bridge Enterprise Centre Ltd, Stanley CoVE Construction Services and CoVE Media-Digital Production and Design Tel: 01207 283 474 Profession Studies Hartlepool Sixth Form College CoVE Multi Skilled Systems Maintenance Tel: 01429 294 444 B.T.C.V Ltd, Tyne & Wear Engineering CoVE Childcare Tel: 0191 469 8431

W C to Yoouu need to know this... p Connexions is a quality service that young people th can access for FREE and provides advice, guidance, • support and personal development services. Open to all 13 to 19 year olds, the service is also extended to 25 years of age for those with a learning • difficulty or disability. Connexions brings together all the services that can help young people, giving them quick and easy access • to a personal adviser who can help and relate to them, who is somebody they can trust. 16 March 2008 informnorth Carillion Construction Training ITEC North East Ltd - Press Association Training Sunderland - Tel: 0191 565 4940 Newton Aycliffe Tel: 01325 320 052 Tel: 0191 201 6043 Tyneside - Tel: 0191 296 1788 Gateshead Tel: 0191 491 3316 Protocol Skills - Tel: 01642 240 687 Gateshead - Tel: 0191 469 9857 Middlesbrough Tel: 01642 232 550 Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 245 982 JHP Training, Hartlepool Rainbow Training Centre, Middlesbrough Tel: 01429 860 211 Tel: 01642 224 450 Carter & Carter Group Plc, Sunderland JTL Training Tel: 0191 417 7030 Tel: 0800 085 2308 Reivers Development, Northumberland Kaplan, Gateshead - Tel: 0191 495 9590 Tel: 01434 240 245 Centaur Training, Durham - Tel: 0191 375 Keith Bassendine ITC, Middlesbrough Saks Academies, Darlington 3750 Tel: 01325 341 621 Tel: 01642 458 230 CIA Training, Sunderland Seafood Training Centre Tel: 0191 549 5002 Learn East, Peterlee - Tel: 0191 586 2402 Tel: 0191 296 1925 Construction Skills Lomax Training Services Ltd, Sunderland SEMTA, Billingham Tel: 0844 844 0046 Tel: 0191 516 6398 Tel: 01740 627 000 Cleveland Accredited Training Centre MCQ Limited, Newcastle Shildon and Darlington Training Ltd (CATC), Middlesbrough Tel: 0191 265 3003 Tel: 01388 777 648 Tel: 01642 313 211 Michael Heppell Ltd Shotton IT Resource Centre Cleveland Fire Brigade, Middlesbrough Tel: 01434 688 555 Tel: 0191 520 8110 Skills for Life Literacy, Numeracy and Tel: 01642 456 511 Minster Safety Training Services Ltd Language, Newcastle - Tel: 0191 278 2824 Derwentside Training, Consett Tel: 0191 489 0212 Tel: 01207 218 409 Springboard Tel: 0191 515 5300 NACRO, Head office Tel: 020 7582 6500 Skills for Life On-Line - Tel: 0191 370 8807 Disc Ltd, Spennymoor Neta, Stockton - Tel: 01642 616 936 Tel: 01388 424 450 S W Durham Training Ltd, Newton Aycliffe Tel: 01325 313 194 Durham Business Club, Chester-le-Street CoVE Engineering Construction Tel: 0191 388 4488 Northern Care Training Ltd Tel: 0191 519 CoVE Advanced to General Engineering 7246 TDR Training Ltd, Gateshead Equality North East, Gateshead Northern Learning Trust, Newcastle Tel: 0191 491 1505 Tel: 0191 495 6262 Tel: 0191 212 5800 Teamwearside - Tel: 0191 514 2799 Expedient Training Services Ltd, Jarrow Tel: 0191 489 0212 Newton Aycliffe Community Learning TrainUDirect First Step-multi cultural learning and Centre - Tel: 01325 316 558 Tel: 0845 009 3038 support for Women, Newcastle Northern Counties Safety Group Ltd The Wise Group, Middlesbrough Tel: 0191 226 1213 Chester-le-Street Fit Training, Gateshead Tel: 0191 387 4488 The TTE Technical Training Group, Tel: 0191 478 8384 Middlesbrough North East Chamber of Commerce Training Tel: 01642 462 266 Fundraising Skills Ltd Tel: 0191 386 1133 CoVE Process and Manufacturing Industry Tel: 0191 275 5042 North East Employment Training Tyneside Training Services Ltd, Newcastle Future Strategies, Wallsend Agency Ltd - Tel: 0191 490 0092 Tel: 0191 286 2919 Tel: 0191 262 8029 North East New Technology Institute, General Physics (UK) Ltd, Newcastle Tyne & Wear and Northumberland Van Hee Training, Gateshead Tel: 0191 491 4419 Tel: 0191 227 3902 Tel: 0191 438 2512 GM Training & Development Tees Valley and Durham - Tel: 01642 384 619 VT Training Tel: 01434 606 300 Tel: 0191 256 7722 Helm Care Services Ltd, Newcastle Northern Safety Ltd - Tel: 01642 244 800 Workers’ Educational Association Tel: 0191 268 7111 Tel: 0191 212 6100 Hotel and Catering Training Company Northumberland Training Agency Year in industry Tel: 0191 256 7722 Tel: 01670 534 530 Tel: 0191 416 5656 Imass Ltd, Newcastle North East CoVE for Health Zodiac Training North East Tel: 0191 213 5555 Tel: 0191 333 2154 Tel: 0845 330 8184

What Does Connexions Offer? • Information and advice on health, lifestyles, Shop during opening hours: Mon and Wed Connexions provides a range of free services housing, employment, benefits, careers, 1.00pm - 5.00pm Tues and Thurs 9:30am - to help you make more informed choices, drugs awareness, relationships, personal 5.00pm, Fri 1:00pm - 4:30pm. prepare for your future and tackle many of development, stress and much more After hours, why not visit our website: the issues you may encounter. • Career planning sessions, job and or find out about the service in your area at • We provide an inclusive service for all vacancy service and specialised assistance e, young people regardless of where you live, where needed, for young people with your background, gender, religion, race, learning difficulties and/or disabilities. ability or sexuality. • If you require further assistance we can .. • Connexions have friendly, well trained staff help you make contact with others that can that are available in an atmosphere that is support you. safe and comfortable, providing advice to How Can You Help Us? Tell us if you change address or telephone 6-9 Houndgate, Darlington, help you achieve educational and life goals number, in case we need to contact you. County Durham DL1 5RL • Access to personal development opportunities Accessing the Service: Tel: 01325 480 055 to broaden your horizons and develop your Information, advice and guidance is Fax: 01325 484 519 talents, as well as publications and software available from qualified staff in our One Stop informnorth March 2008 17 NE DIGITAL SUCCESS Codeworks is a centre for digital innovation based in North East England. They work with technologists, digital companies, entrepreneurs, university researchers, venture capitalists, economic developers, rationalists and visionaries in the development and creation of digital companies. Codeworks is a centre for digital innovation based in North East England, working to create and develop new and existing digital media companies based in North East England.

Northern stars North East England is a great place to begin your career in one of the world’s most exciting industries, according to Codeworks, the region’s centre for digital innovation. Since being set up in the organisation has helped the North East’s digital sector grow into one of the most important and influential in the region’s economy. In fact, the North East is home to one of the nation’s fastest growing digital sectors outside London. And, says Carri Cunliffe, the organisation’s head of sector development, the number of fourth in a list of the fastest growing UK technology companies. opportunities open to people hoping to work in digital will only At the other end, are more traditional IT consultancies, as well as grow in the future. accountancy software giant Sage, the UK’s most successful “There are hundreds of employers in the region’s digital sector, and technology company. thousands of good jobs. Its growth shows little sign of slowing, despite talk of a slow down or even recession in the wider economy. Carri adds: “Anyone interested in working in the digital sector can find out what sort of qualifications they will need for certain job “The only real limitation is likely to that there simply aren’t enough qualified people to fill all the vacancies. Good news for jobseekers as types by asking local careers advisors. And people seeking they should not be short of opportunities.” vacancies in the sector can find them advertised on our website “What’s more,” says Carri, “there’s a huge variety of different roles at” within these companies - from developing software, videogames and For more information about Codeworks visit websites, to technical careers for IT consultancies, creative careers in design, content and advertising, as well as traditional roles such as business development and marketing.” The TECH FIRM Indeed, one only has to look at some of the region’s top performing digital companies to get a taste for the diversity of positions on offer. investing in talent At one end of the spectrum are creative companies including videogames firm Eutechnyx - which Based in city centre locations in Newcastle upon Tyne & specialises in chart-topping driving Edinburgh, Scott Logic is a fast-growing technology firm that games such as Pimp My Ride and provides cutting-edge financial software and consultancy to some The Fast and the Furious - of the world’s leading financial institutions in London, New York and TH_NK, a digital and Tokyo. marketing agency that recently The firm’s works with the investment banking, stockbroking, asset came management and hedge fund communities, and it main clients are blue chip investment banks and asset management firms. Scott Logic has extensive experience of working in many technical areas, from highly complex front office derivatives trading applications to large scalable operations systems. It employs world class programming talent which enables it to deliver pioneering solutions with a real technological edge. The company was founded by native North Easterner, Gary Scott. Originally from Northumberland, Gary spent 17 years working in IT, during which he gained

18 March 2008 informnorth “We’re going to be BIGGER than Sage. And we have a COOLER name.”

ptitude is more important than experience when you’re working at the cutting edge of technology, according to Sarat Pediredla, one of Atwo young entrepreneurs behind software start-up Hedgehog Lab. What does Hedgehog Lab do? Hedgehog Lab provides Enterprise 2.0 products and consultancy and was established in May 2007 based in South Shields. What are you working on at the moment? Our primary focus nowadays is on two very different projects. Fixx is an issue tracking system for IT teams as well as a top-secret R&D product that will revolutionise the financial services sector and their IT systems. What sorts of jobs are available at a growing digital business? Nearly all of our jobs are graduate opportunities. We believe in hiring for attitude and aptitude rather than experience. All our employees are soft- ware developers and no matter what your role is, you will be expected to do some sort of development work. What sorts of jobs are available in the North East’s digital I am not saying that there is no risk involved and that everything will be sector? smooth sailing but the positives will greatly outweigh the negatives and The North East as a whole has a growing digital sector where the demand failure is the best university you can go to. for the right skills is growing constantly. It is not rare for each developer to have up to three job offers at a time and the competition is very high for What do you think the company will be doing in five years’ time? good people in the sector. In five years time, Hedgehog Lab will be a major software house in the North East with global brand recognition, producing exceptional enterprise What advice would you give to a college student who would like products that become common names in every company. Our ambition in to work in the digital sector? the longer term is to be as successful as Sage themselves, who are an icon A good solid foundation with either a Bsc in Computing or Software of the North East. And we have a cooler name! Engineering is always a good start for a developer while Arts or Multimedia systems are good courses for designers to start with. Look out for the courses that have a healthy dose of web development thrown in as that is where the future lies. Jobs in the Digital Sector Irrespective of education, what you need is true passion for the work you do to succeed in this sector. Graphic Designer - Do you have any hints or tips to give to budding entrepreneurs? Newcastle upon Tyne - £25,000 The biggest tip I can give anyone who is thinking of being an entrepreneur is to “just do it!” Starting a business and creating a company from nothing is a PHP Developer - Middlesbrough - up to £24K huge undertaking and can be pretty daunting. Combine this with the stigma Web Designer - Sunderland - up to £30,000 associated with failure and it is not surprising that most people fear the life of an entrepreneur.

extensive experience of working in the Gary says: “Scott Logic is looking for opportunity to work at the cutting edge of heart of finance. exceptionally talented graduates and financial technology in roles seldom found Before leaving the City to return to the postgraduates to join this exciting outside the City of London. North East, Gary was the head of Fixed company. “We are committed to helping retain top Income Analytics for one of the world’s Our Graduate Programme will begin talent in the North East and Scotland, and top investment banks, Lehman Brothers, in Summer/Autumn 2008 and includes in addition to our graduate programme for whom he had worked for 11 years. excellent training, combining formal we are always looking to hire experienced programming courses and hands-on software engineers due to continued Now, he is hoping to persuade other IT project work. growth. workers to abandon the rat race and To qualify for Scott Logic’s recruitment come home to enjoy the North-East and “Graduates on the scheme will learn from programme, graduates will need a good Scotland’s quality of life. the bottom-up during their journey to computing, mathematical, engineering or becoming a first class scientific degree, as well as strong A software engineer. Level/Higher grades of at least BBB or They will also receive equivalent. early responsibility for They also require some computer development projects programming experience and, more and find excellent importantly, need to enjoy problem opportunities to rise solving. Masters and PhD students are quickly up the career also encouraged to apply. ladder.” For more information on Scott Logic, He adds: “Scott Logic both careers and services, see offers a rare

informnorth March 2008 19 ndy Walker now works for R Andy and his team not only hit all targets Blackett Charlton, previously he for cost, time and quality performance, Awas a Project Manager with Aker they also received an award for Health Kvaerner on contract with Hydro Polymers and Safety procedures and documentation at Newton Aycliffe. His position there and for a 100% accident free record at stemmed directly from his NASEC training the same time. after he started his career as a Welder, "I So what does he think about his training in completed my apprenticeship at 20, and general and the opportunities that it has joined Redpath Engineering Services which offered him? "It's been excellent. Every would eventually become part of Aker apprentice on-site comes through the Kvaerner." said Andy. ECITB - that's around 60 skilled and Aker Kvaerner has been performing enthusiastic people - and my own story capital project related fabrication and proves that everyone can go a long way." construction tasks on the Hydro Polymers PVC Resin Plant since 1985 and Andy joined the team a year later. "I worked as Engineering an on-site Welder for six years and Sam Patterson 18, Gavin Wilson 17, Terry reached the level of Foreman with 15 Watson (Works Manager), Jonny Whitworth 18 men reporting to me on a major an exciting shutdown. I found that my practical and College Lecturer, Gavin Henderson. experience helped me move to the next Career stage, doing takeoff from drawings as well as doing estimating and documenta- Building tion packs." "I applied then for a Planning Manager bricks for role, and not only was I given it, our client then requested me for a major new project too which was a new Slurry the future Stripping Facility. It's a £3million project, involving fabrication and erection." young fulltime construction students at Bishop Auckland College 3braved wintry conditions to experience what it is really like to work From Trainee to top Trainer in the brick laying trade. Accompanied by their Bricklaying Lecturer tockton-based NETA is a training N/SVQ programmes. We felt that someone Gavin Henderson the students set to and organisation providing NASEC younger than most of our trainers would be built decorative panels of brick 1m high x Straining. It recently took on one of its easier for school children - some of whom 2m long to display the various types, old apprentices as a trainer. can be as young as eight - to relate to. colours and shades of new bricks being 24-year old Alison Percival originally Alison was awarded the GMB trophy as made by Wienerberger at their Eldon trained as a Plater, and picked up an an endorsement of her own hard work, works near Bishop Auckland. award for her hard work from the GMB being female was not a key criteria for her Wienerberger is the world’s largest Union on the way. Now, after completing position, but it does provide a positive role producer of bricks and Number 2 in her apprenticeship with Aker Kvaerner she model that could help bring girls into the the roofing market in Europe. is back with NETA. industry. Terry Watson, Wienerberger Works Says Alison, "I kept in touch with the NETA Manager said, “We are building up a team, and I realised that it was the ideal working partnership with the College to opportunity for me. It gives me the chance help give students real on the job to pass on my knowledge to other people, experience. As well as offering work and it allows me to further extend my own experience we have donated 10,000 skills. I would like to work in project bricks to the College’s construction management in a few years time - but department for use in practical lessons in right now I can follow an open learning the workshops. As a company we are course. I'm currently doing an HNC in happy to support our local college and plating and welding so I'm extending my give the students the opportunity to own skills and helping to build the skills practice their skills. of others." Lecturer Gavin Henderson said “These Martin Foster, Operational Manager at lads set themselves high standards and NETA explains why Alison is an important they want to do well and certainly working asset for their training team. "Along with outside in the cold didn’t put them off. We our apprentice training, we have would like to thank Terry and developed a training service to support Wienerberger for all their help.” schools with Engineering GCSEs and 20 March 2008 informnorth So, what will be the highest earning employment sectors in ten years time?

Whenever change happens in society Informnorth is only too familiar with This means that there are many questions that need to the questions that our readers are asking the industry is able be answered and with new skills and about skills development, shortages and to lower the wages, the ever changing business world the development of new careers, so we as people are not many questions are raised about the have devised a frequently asked question deterred by the low pay as long as they future of jobs and industries. this is section to this feature that will help you can get a ‘foot in especially itrue if people are training understand all about the changes and the door’. One of the lowest paid jobs for an industry that might not be there the amount of people graduating with a (and the least glamorous) is being a in ten years time because you should degree for the industry. There are many runner. Basically this covers everything be asking yourself, “Is it worth training people ‘qualified’ to work in the industry from getting coffees for executives to for this particular job?” but not enough jobs to cover them all. running errands for guest or hosts. Questions, Questions, Questions... Food and drink - This industry is the largest manufacturing Banking and Finance - As with accountancy this job has sector in the UK, employing 500,000 people with an annual become one of the more preferred jobs especially as the UK’s turnover of £56b a year. And this looks set to continue over the economic marketing growing and expanding more and more next ten years, as the demand for food and rink aren’t about to each year. disappear. A survey carried out by Manpower showed that 21 Construction - This industry is a major source of employment per cent of employers in this industry are planning to increase in the UK and generates a revenue of more that £1b a year, their workforce. encompassing jobs from architecture, surveying and town Engineering - Mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, planning. aeronautical or any type of engineering is where the big bucks WHICH SECTORS HAVE THE MOST JOBS? will be in the next decade. And don’t just think about Kylie Health and social care - This is one of the biggest employment playing Charlene in Neighbours as a car engineer there is a sectors in the UK. With roles including doctors and nurses, plethora of engineer jobs. However, competition is fierce and ambulance staff and support staff within the NHS, to working in you're going to need more than a degree and a smidgen of social care in a hospital, an educational setting or a residential technical know-how to nail the job you want. home. As more Government initiatives begin surrounding the According to the Engineering and Technology Board, six of the obesity epidemic and the push to become a healthier nation, top 12 graduate starting salaries are paid to engineers, with more and more jobs will be created to encourage people to take chemical engineers at third place earning an average starting up the ideal, healthy lifestyle. salary of just over £20,000. Media - According to Paul Farrer, chief executive of the Graduate Accountancy - Accountants are no longer assigned to those Recruitment Company (GRC) now is a good time to try and enter wearing thick rimmed, brown corduroy trousers, talking of the media industry. In the past 13 weeks, GRC has seen a rise of projections and losses, dealing with the taxman and the auditor. 17 per cent in the number of media jobs it is taking on. Jobs in The modern-day accountant deals with heady stuff like corporate the media vary dramatically and are becoming more and more recovery, consulting and forensic accounting. needed such as web designers, copy writers, PR and producers. Currently, around 8 per cent of all graduate jobs are in WHAT SKILLS ARE GOING TO BE REQUIRED? accountancy, with the profession attracting more graduates every The skills you learn today will be very different from the skills year, this industry will be on top in ten years, after all everyone needed by your parents and grandparents during their working needs a good accountant!. life; after all they didn’t have electronic tills, computers or informnorth March 2008 21 a thriving economy. WHICH EDUCATION PROVIDERS ARE Although the basic skills PROVIDING THESE SKILLS? such as communications, There are many education providers who The world economy is organisational and management are proving basic skills from the Literacy skills will always remain essential part Trust to the Basic Skills Agency. Here in undergoing the most of working life, as well as life skills such the North East there are an abundance “ significant restructuring as language, numeracy and literacy. of agencies and education providers who can help you to gain the basic skills as since the early 20th Improving skills in the workforce and well as learn new ones. making the UK more competitive is century and this is being Please visit to find currently a major focus and set to become reflected in the changing even bigger. A recent Government debate out what skills and where you can learn has been that children must remain in them. employment prospects compulsory education until they are 18 as WHO ARE THE FASTEST GROWING forecast for the UK within part of the Education and Skills Bill. REGIONAL BUSINESSES? This is the Government’s reaction to The The Engineering Business Limited was the the next ten years. Leitch Review of Skills which highlighted fastest growing company in the North-East the need for the UK to raise it’s game and last year, according to The Journal’s 50 increase skills of the workforce if it’s to fastest growing companies. The awards remain a major contender in the global intend to highlight and celebrate the economy. region’s business achievements. ” The Engineer Business Limited, based at This year, committed employers are being Riding Mill near Hexham with operation encouraged to take responsibility by sites in Stocksfield and Wallsend, is an off- pledging to develop every member of staff to a minimum skills level and beyond. It’s shore, marine and renewable industry the Government’s initiative to make sure engineering specialist, and walked off with employers are supporting their workers to the title at the Ward Hadaway Fastest work towards relevant qualifications to at growing company. least level two. The business carries out large-scale

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To find out more about how we can support you and help train your staff please contact: CSV Training & Enterprise North East MEA House, Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8XS T: 0191 232 6616 F: 0191 230 0180

CSV creates opportunities for people to take an active part in the life of their community make a difference

22 March 2008 informnorth Jobs in the media vary dramatically with web designers, copy writers, PR and producers becoming needed more and more engineering projects ranging from offshore with an emphasis on bespoke design has Sedgefield, Digital City in Middlesbrough pipe-laying to working on NATO's new reaped rich rewards. Allied to the region's and the Petec plastic electronics centre on submarine rescue system. long-standing pride in the quality of Teesside. Dr Tony Trapp, managing director of The workmanship and willingness to put in the WHAT SECTORS WILL BE IN DECLINE? Engineering Business, said: “I'm very pleased hours, it makes a potent combination Declining occupational employment stems to win - our plans at The Engineering which has secured customers from across from declining industry employment, Business are really coming to fruition at the world in sectors ranging from civil technological advances, changes in the moment and even surprising me. engineering to the marine and offshore business practices, and other factors. “We have a £45m order book, we have industry. Have you noticed that supermarkets now have self-service tills? This will add to a increased our workforce by a third in the Science is set to play an increasingly first nine months of this year and we are decline of 118,000 cashiers between important part in the future of the region, still recruiting heavily. We are looking at 2006-2016. with Newcastle already been given Science £20m turnover this year and probably The largest numerical decreases are either more than £30m next year. City status, while Sunderland's willingness to embrace information technology in all production or office and administrative sectors, which are affected by increasing Newcastle-based Shepherd Offshore its forms has seen it named as one of the Services won the title for fastest growing plant and factory automation and the world's most intelligent cities. small business while temperature and implementation of office technology that pressure sensor specialist Control There has been tremendous interest from reduces the need for these workers. Measure Regulation (UK) Ltd of North across the world in the pioneering work Sectors including cashiers, factory packers, Tyneside was named fastest growing being carried out at the Centre for Life in office and administration workers, medium-sized business. Newcastle. Whilst giving immediate machine operators, tele-sales workers and Engineering and manufacturing has positive knock-on effects in terms of the farmers are all at risk of decline over the been a staple of the region's economy region's reputation as a centre for cutting next decade. for decades. Despite the rapid pace of edge science, there is even greater The difference between the office and globalisation and the seemingly commercial potential from the results of administrative occupations that are unstoppable rise of China, the North-East's that research. expected to experience the largest declines manufacturing and engineering companies Science has also acted as a catalyst for and those that are expected to see the have not only survived, but thrived. major public/private sector partnership largest increases is the extent to which job Focusing on high value, high-skilled areas projects in the region, such as NetPark in functions can be easily automated or

We have increased our “workforce by a third in the first nine months of this year and we are still recruiting heavily. We are looking at £20m turnover this year and probably more than £30m next year ”

informnorth March 2008 23 performed by other workers. For instance, the duties of executive economic and social history of the entire secretaries and administrative assistants involve a great deal of country. The 1950s and 1960s saw a personal interaction that cannot be automated, while the duties very low rate of unemployment of around of filing assistants -adding, locating, and removing business three per cent on average, as a direct records-can be automated or performed by other workers. result of the postwar boom. Servicemen Mike Campbell, Director of Strategy and Research at the out during the Second World War had been going Sector Skills Development Agency who were previously promised full employment after victory, charged with increasing the UK's productivity through the network and no Government of the period was of Sector Skills Councils, and which commissioned the report: prepared to break this pledge. "The world economy is undergoing probably the most significant restructuring since the early 20th century and this is being The economic orthodoxies of the boom reflected in the changing employment prospects forecast for years collapsed in the 1970s, with rising the UK within the next ten years.” inflation and rising unemployment which many remember. Unemployment topped WHAT SECTORS WILL ONLY PAYING MINIMUM WAGE? one million for the first time in January The TV industry or the media industry could be oversubscribed in 1972 and during the early 1980s, unem- ten years time because of the competitive nature of the work and ployment rose further still - it topped the amount of people graduating with a degree for the industry. three million in 1982. There are many people ‘qualified’ to work in the industry but not The January 1982 figure of 3,070,621 enough jobs to cover them all. represented 12.5 per cent of the working This means that the industry is able to lower the wages, as people population, and in some parts of the are not deterred by the low pay as long as they can get a ‘foot in country it was even higher: in Northern the door’. One of the lowest paid jobs (and the least glamorous) Ireland, unemployment stood at a is being a runner. Basically this covers everything from getting massive 20 per cent. coffees for executives to running errands for guest or hosts. Unemployment rates did fall through WHAT WILL UNEMPLOYMENT BE LIKE IN TEN YEARS? most of the 1990s and below one million Through the decades we have seen a shift in the sorts of people for the first time since 1975 in March unemployed from the 60s hippy generation to the miners of the 2001. This year the Office for National 80s. The causes of unemployment vary and economists distinguish Statistics say the number of people a number of types of unemployment. Cyclical unemployment is claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in brought about by the uncertainties of the business cycle, structural December 2007 fell by 6,400 to unemployment is brought about by changes in the economy or 807,700. This was the lowest number the labour market, when the jobs available do not fit the work- since 1975 and the 15th consecutive force's skills; frictional unemployment is the phenomenon of monthly fall in the number of claimants. people being "between jobs"; and seasonal unemployment is Hopefully this question section has gone linked to certain types of seasonal jobs, such as farm work and some way to answer your concerns and construction. questions about employment and skills in The history of unemployment in the UK is central to both the the next ten years.

informnorth March 2008 25 CSV creates opportunities for people to take an active part in the life of their community

Want to know how you can meet your training needs without upsetting your bank manager? Informnorth talks to one organisation who know the answers...

force to age people find it hard to believe you enable us can get something for nothing but the to compete Government has committed over £1 billion effectively to this programme to help drive up with the new workforce skills and we’re pleased to be NEW YEAR FOR emerging part of it. Employer’s I’m currently working countries. The with are reaping the rewards. competition Q. Can you give any examples? Opportunities we are facing A. Liz: Last week we were contacted by from these Peter Miller CEO of Abca Systems a countries is security industry company who are e’ve all seen the TV adverts strong and all committed to providing the very best for for Train to Gain or been stuck political parties recognise this. Research their customers. ABCA have in the past behind a bus and gazed at the has shown that 1.3 million people currently installed PA systems in St James park and W employed in this country do not have the poster, but what is it actually about? CCTV in Doncaster Rovers new ground. skills they require to do their job effectively. They are also working closely with Sky and We asked Ian Young, Employment & Q. So what’s being done to help? are expanding their premises to meet the Training Manager and Liz Nelson A. Ian: Organisations such as the demand for their services. Train to Gain Manger of CSV if they Learning and Skills council and CSV can could tell us more. Peter Miller told me that they are very help businesses access the best possible determined to maintain their reputation for Q. So Ian, can you tell us simply, training for their staff. Since 1973 CSV excellent customer service as the business what it’s about? have been helping businesses across the grows and wanted CSV to look at the A. Ian: Yes, it’s a government initiative to North East with their recruitment and organisations training needs. We have up skill our existing workforce. To quote training of staff. We can provide a range recognised where Train to Gain can help the LSC’s own website: The Train to Gain of training options from basic health & and training in customer service is being service provides impartial, independent Safety courses through to Management provided free to members of the workforce. advice on training to businesses across qualifications. The Train to Gain Peter had also employed a worker from England. It can help businesses improve programme is an excellent routeway Poland who was having problems with her their productivity and competitiveness by through to upskilling the workforce. strong accent. “She is absolutely top class ensuring that employees have the right At CSV we have a Train to Gain team in every element of her work” Peter told skills to do the best job. This has become headed by Liz Nelson who can work with me, but she was having some problems a very important issue for businesses in employers and advise on what’s available. communicating. We looked at a literacy Britain and of course the North East. We asked Liz what’s so different about and English course for her and we even Train to Gain Q. So why is this more important now? found her some elocution lessons which A. Ian: Reports such as the Leitch review A. Liz: Train to Gain provides an employer she’s enjoying very much. of Skills has made people, both in business with the opportunity to develop their and in Government, aware of the need to workforce at no cost providing of course For further information call Ian Young raise the skills of our work the employee is eligible. In this day and or liz Nelson on 0191 230 3833 Providing Quality Training and Employment Services for Local People The refurbishment of the Newlyn storage.We’ve now expanded the number our services is guaranteed.We didn’t need Centre began in November and CSV’s of training rooms, which now include three a refreshment area before as all courses management team have worked hard to IT suites. One of which is deliberately were half day or less sessions. Now some design a centre which would meet the needs equipped with laptops and wireless clients will be attending all day they will have of a wide range of clients and would broadband because of the increasing number somewhere to have lunch” In fact CSV incorporate the latest technology. Paul of people using them.The attention to detail have plans to expand this area into the Shipley, General Manager of CSV Training is evident in every aspect of the work, as it’s development of an outdoor recreational and Enterprise North East explains,“We an old building it’s impractical to install lifts area later in the year.” were only using around 20% of the Newlyn so we are providing all types of facilities on Centre for training, the rest were mainly the ground floor so disabled access to all of

For further information about CSV Training and Enterprise North East, please contact: 0191 284 8371 or visit:

CSV creates opportunities for people to take an active part in the life of their community make a difference

26 CMarSVch 2008creates opportunities for people to take an informnorth active part in the life of their community provide workplace evidence. Some of the areas chosen have been classroom assistant, property and letting developments, kitchen assistants in local hotels, retail and warehousing and general construction and labouring disciplines. One of the participants has a criminal record and has been incarcerated in prison. They suggested they would like Connecting to to train as an admin assistant so we approached an initiative being facilitated by the Local Authority, The Safer Hartlepool Partnership. This project is Work in Hartlepool tasked with the remit of dealing with anti social activity, crime and reducing the number of drug users incorporating hile Hartlepool has made The project starts with a short two support for those wanting to leave this excellent progress in reducing week workshop style induction to the kind of life behind. We thought it would Wunemployment levels over many programme, where activity and be an interesting arrangement if they years, there are still some areas in need of qualifications prior to the project are supported us with a placement for this more intensive work. One such section is identified, generic short course qualifica- individual, and they have been working youth unemployment which has remained tions are achieved such as first aid and with serving and ex police people for nine stubbornly above both national and health and safety, (these skills are months now. They are gaining valuable regional averages. With this in mind, transferable to any industry) and the experience of admin and Local Authority Hartlepool Working Solutions in essential skills of each individual are procedures and are actively looking for alternative employment with the council collaboration with partnering agencies, assessed with support and arrangements has a bespoke project called Connect To while in situ. in place for those requiring it to attain Work which targets youths between the a higher level of competency. This Another young person had only limited ages of 16-19 years and who are deemed induction has been crucial in building work experience within a call centre but as in danger of becoming, or are already the confidence of many of the participants. again wanted to do a more administrative classed as NEET (not in employment, role. We matched them up with a newly After this, a team of experienced and education or training). The project targets located property development and letting dedicated officers maintain contact with young people from all walks of life with an agency in the town, and has made the young people in an attempt to “move allocated number for leaving care youths. remarkable progress, impressed the them on” and for those who display Referrals are received via Connexions, the company and secured a permanent post motivation and spark there is an option leaving care team, youth projects and when her contract with Connect To Work to be interviewed for an employment training agencies working with and ends. The project has also helped fund option offering a six-month contract of supporting young people. a vital training course which was a key employment, with the Local Authority Various interventions and support mecha- requirement for the placement provider acting as the employer. The Local nisms have been developed including and made it difficult for them to let the Authority pay their wages and for any training tailored to individual aspirations, individual go. training/upskilling, then we contact local help to get back into college to finish employers for placement provision. incomplete NVQ’s, information, advice and guidance in relation to careers and All referred youngsters are given the general support to break down perceived opportunity to prepare for interview barriers into employment. and lists of preferred placement and For further information about employment opportunities are discussed The project is also adopting the principle the Connect To Work to identify activity that mirrors aspirations. of and showcasing family case loading as programme, please contact a tool to work not just with the young Many sectors and local employers have Caron Auckland on people, but to identify where there may be been supporting the project with hands on multiple support measures required for experience, and this has made it possible Tel: 01429 284087 example for siblings or parents of the for some to progress qualifications or youngsters. NVQ’s using the placement as a tool to informnorth March 2008 27 Partnerships make for healthy careers

The North East’s healthcare economy employs over 140,000 people in biotechnology, healthcare, life science, NHS and associated organisations and the region provides a home to high quality excellence that offers significant opportunities for individuals with the right skills and best qualifications. The North East is a brilliant place to establish a rewarding career in the life sciences sector, so if you’ve a passion for biology and the right genetic make-up, read on to discover just what’s what…

s part of a local initiative to up skill parts of the NHS provision across the region, up-skilling the NHS workforce to give workforce Dietetics Assistants in the region are now well on them the skills they need to flourish and deliver excellent patient Atheir way to be amongst the first in the country to gain the care. brand new Level 3 NVQ Allied Health Profession A key component of the CoVE is the idea of partnership working Support Dietetics qualification and no where has this concept been more embraced than in and it is all thanks to a true delivery of the new NVQ Level 3 Dietetics qualification. Dietetics partnership approach. Assistants do a fantastic job across the region assisting dietitians If you haven’t heard of the to assess the food and health needs of local residents and enable North East Centre of people to eat a healthier diet to prevent disease. They also offer Vocational Excellence in guidance in relation to food selection and preparation and liaise Health (CoVE) it’s a regional with dietitians regarding patient progress as well as a while host of collaboration between the things the rest of us would take for granted from the Dietetics North East Strategic Health service. Unfortunately however, their skills have never been for- Authority and Newcastle mally recognised or accredited, until that is the Health CoVE and Hartlepool Colleges. Its aim stepped in and instigated a regional initiative to qualify the troop is to transform to Level 3 standard. Level 3 health Partnership has been key to the success of the initiative. Within each NHS organisation there were only a handful of Dietetics Assistants which meant that there wasn’t the demand for the quali- fication either in-house or at a college. By coming together through the CoVE as a regional group there was safety in num- bers and a qualification was back on the cards. The Dietetics Managers themselves delivered the more specific modules of the NVQ with the colleges delivering the general units. This meant there was direct input from the service experts but that the dietetics assistants had benefit and know-how of the colleges partners and the security of the college based experience. The Assistants are almost though their qualification now and have felt the full benefit of partnership this unique. Now they just need to get the rest of us to stop eating those cakes and the initiative will have been an outright success! For more information on the North East Centre of Vocational Excellence in Health please contact [email protected] or visit

28 March 2008 informnorth Injection of talent

company in Northumberland could be about to totally revolutionise the way nurses train – and it’s thanks in no small Apart to an injection of local North East talent. In the small, beautiful town of Rothbury, innovative technology firm UK Haptics has developed a remarkable virtual reality training system for nurses. Until now, nurses would normally practise venopuncture - the process of safely inserting a needle into a patient’s hand - by using a relatively crude manikin with replaceable pads which had vein-like structures built in. Cramlington firm But using UK Haptics’ technology, nurses can learn these skills on a far more realistic virtual reality hand, which looks - and feels - just like the real thing. eyes Uni expertise Gary Todd, who founded the company in 2004 with wife Sue, explains: “Virtual Veins is a virtual reality training simulator designed to allow ocal design talent is playing a part in bringing to market a healthcare students to acquire, develop and maintain the skills new device to help experts diagnose glaucoma and other necessary to perform Venepuncture. Leye diseases. Northumbria University’s Centre for Design & “With Virtual Veins, what you see is what you touch. Trainees can ‘feel’ Research has collaborated in the creation of a prototype for an eye their interaction with the needles, catheters, and the other equipment tracking and pupil-measuring device called the Pupilmetrix PLR60. required, find the vein within a realistic model of an arm or hand, practise techniques and receive feedback on their performance.” The advanced technological product has been under development by medical device company Applied Neurodiagnostics Ltd (AN) Developing an immersive training environment like Virtual Veins requires the skills and expertise of a range of people, including: based in Cramlington. The company plans to launch it to independent optometrists and high street stores such as Boots • Entrepreneurs like Gary and Sue with the vision to explore uses for new technology and determination to persevere and Vision Express later this year. • Management team with complementary skills The Pupilmetrix will improve the ability and speed of optometrists in determining the presence or absence of damage to the retina as • Software Developers with exceptional programming skills part of a patient’s routine eye test. • A project manager to deliver on schedule and on budget Funding for the design work came from One NorthEast and the • A testing team checking usability and quality European Regional Development Fund and managed by Cels as • A technical writer to writer user documentation including help part of its InSTeP programme. The funding has enabled the Centre systems and user guides for Design & Research to take an early stage concept through to a • A sales team to market the final product to the NHS, universities functional prototype using AN’s proprietary core eye tracking and other training establishments to achieve our target sales. pupil measurement technology as its basis. Thanks to the efforts of its talented workforce, UK Haptics has made Bruce Watson at the Centre for Design & Research said: “We its first significant sale of Virtual Veins to Sheffield Hallam University and has been approached by potential customers from universities understand the requirements of designing prototypes that meet the and other training establishments throughout the UK, US, Hong Kong needs of industry while offering added value solutions. “This was and Saudi Arabia. important in developing the Pupilmetrix prototype. We have Gary adds: “At UK Haptics we have a relatively small team providing created a successful design that AN can take on to the next stage these skills and we’re very proud of the software we’re producing of commercial production and marketing.” with Virtual Veins ready for sale now and several other virtual reality training applications in the pipeline.” Dr Keith Morris, general manager of AN, said: “We are committed to using local expertise and suppliers in building the business. We were To find out more visit website Demonstrations impressed by the quality of the Centre for Design Research’s expertise can be arranged by emailing [email protected] or calling 01669 621 905. in the medical field. Its capacity to apply intellect and technical expertise to a tough brief has created a great prototype that we can use for product demonstrations and marketing purposes.”

Jobs in Healthcare

• Laboratory Technician - Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Medical Sciences, Newcastle - £18,165 per annum • Research Assistant - Institute for Ageing & Health, Medical Sciences, Newcastle - £23,002 per annum • Clinical Microbiologist, Pharmaceutical Industry, North East - £20,000 per annum

informnorth March 2008 29 NEETS To Work For Their Money Coalition Makes It has been announced that out-of-work 18-year-olds will have to undertake at least four weeks of full time work or face losing their Real Difference – benefits. From April, every young person who has not been in employment, education or training But Can You Help? (NEET) for at least 26 weeks by their 18th birthday will be fast tracked to the intensive, he Coalition Against Crime is an Jobcentreplus led, support and sanctions regime independent registered charity, which where they will have to prove that they are seeks to reduce crime and fear of actively looking for work and engaging in work T related activity - and if they don't then their crime. benefits will be stopped. The organisation improves the quality retailers, police and other partners, and If they fail to find work during the next six of life for those living and working in the for all those involved to share information months period, they will be referred to a North East of England through a working on the whereabouts and activities of specialist provider from the voluntary or partnership between community, public, known offenders in the region in order to private sector who will ensure that they undertake a minimum of four weeks full time private and voluntary sectors. reduce retail crime. work-related activity relevant to the individual. Our work is divided into two main areas; At present our fundraising abilities There is no choice for the young person, who a youth programme and business crime are severely restricted, however, we are will have to seek work or face losing their programme. determined to sustain the work and two benefit. This work related activity will be tailored to The youth programme works towards valuable programmes we have undertaken. the customer's individual needs to help prepare long-term sustainable changes of attitudes A number of opportunities exist for individuals them to enter the workplace and may include and behaviour, with the aim being to help with expertise and experience who may be work on a project of benefit to the local steer young people away from crime by able to support the Coalition - any help community, work experience or a work providing one to one mentoring and from North East businesses would be placement. gratefully received. This is an important new initiative to connect support combined with mediation for young people to the world of work and ensure individuals as well as families. Elaine Carey that they learn basic skills such as team working The Coalition also works in schools to and work related disciplines including Chair, Northumbria Coalition Against Crime explore the consequences of behaviour timekeeping. and educate young people about unacceptable behaviour. For more information or to discuss The Business Crime Reduction Centre how you can help or support the aims to improve the economic prosperity Coalition, please contact: of the region by reducing crime, helping Nick Hughes, Business Crime businesses of all sizes to flourish through Reduction Centre guidance, support and advice; and Telephone: 01661 868449 the North East Retail Crime Dawn Cairns, NERCP Partnership (NERCP) whose aim Telephone: 01661 868419 is to create a safe retail Heather Armstrong,Youth Programmes environment by working with Telephone: 01661 868424

Free Taster Courses edcar and Cleveland College is Taster to Joinery; Introductory Taster to offering free adult part time courses Painting & Decorating; Introductory Taster Rin Construction trades and Holistic to Plumbing; Body Massage and Indian Therapy. Head Massage. The 5 week taster courses are for people who maybe thinking of changing career into a new trade or are looking to develop skills through part time learning. Courses on offer are Introductory Taster to Brickwork; Introductory

Classes run week day evenings, registration fees apply to some courses, for more information contact Student Services on 01642 473 132. 30 March 2008 informnorth Onyx Receives Independent Recognition The Onyx Group’s DataBanx facility, which provides businesses with a range of managed To find out just what the demand for people with the right skills in the region hosting and co-location services that guarantees actually is, we turned to and searched a number of vocational the security of their mission-critical data and information, has had its ISO/IEC 27001 areas in the North East, this is what we found: accreditation extended for a further three years. ENGINEERING - would like and find out about This is the only auditable international The job search for an Engineer returned qualifications accordingly. standard which defines the requirements for 250 options with jobs available from MEDIA - an Information Security Management System Billingham to Northumberland (ISMS) and DataBanx was remains one of the The job search returned 20 jobs few UK companies to attain this accreditation Wages available from Durham to Cramlington. Further information can be obtained by visiting A full time Engineer based in the North Wages or by calling Onyx Group East will earn from £28,000 - £33,000 A full time media sales executive in on 08457 715 715. per year. the North East will earn from £12,000- A full time Engineer Manager based in £14,000 per year the North East will earn £40,000 - A full time media Business Development £44,000 Manager in Newcastle will earn from Qualifications £20,000 - £25,000 per year There are three grades of professional A full time PR Officer in Durham will qualification in engineering: earn £21,000 - £22,000 per year (plus Engineering Technician (EngTech), bonuses) Incorporated Engineering (IEng) and Qualifications Chartered Engineer (CEng). Again because this industry is so broad ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN from PR Officers to Marketing Assistants (ENGTECH): from Advertising Executives to Media • BTECH/SCOTVEC National Managers, qualifications are so broad. Certificate in Engineering You can complete A Levels and Degrees • Training at the workplace in Media Studies or diploma in PR and • A 'pass' from a professional review or marketing. Decide which area you want Deli-cious Dining examination set by a professional body. to work in and then go after the specific A tasty new food bar has opened its doors for business in Hartlepool’s well-known Enterprise AN INCORPORATED ENGINEERING qualifications needed for that area. Centre on Brougham Terrace, complementing (IENG): BANKING AND the first-rate conference facilities already on • An accredited BSc degree in offer. Engineering; FINANCE - • Training at the workplace; The job search returned 66 jobs in the Operating under new management, the food • A 'pass' from a professional review or North East. bar is run by 29-year old Lisa Wells from Hartlepool, who has ten years’ experience examination set by a professional body. Wages A full time Finance Manager in the working in the catering industry. She manages A CHARTERED ENGINEERING all aspects of the business including food North East will earn £30,000 - (CENG): preparation, orders and customer service. Lisa £48,000 per year. • An accredited honours degree in says: “I am certainly accustomed to working in a Engineering; An Accounts Assistant in Sunderland can busy food environment, however this is a great • A 'pass' from a professional review or earn £7 - £9 an hour opportunity to start afresh and create some examination set by a professional body. An Accounts manager in Sunderland new and exciting menus. We’ve had a lot of LEISURE - can earn £16,000 - £18,000 per year interest so far and I’m looking forward to the challenge ahead.” The job search for leisure jobs returned Qualifications The Centre’s facilities also include exceptional The qualifications needed for banking 19 jobs available from Hartlepool to provision for conferences and events, with and finance, depend very much on the Ambleside. meeting and conference rooms of different level you wish to progress at. You can Wages sizes available to hire by the hour or on a gain diplomas in Finance and Banking, A full time leisure Manager (bar) in half/full day basis. degrees in accountancy and masters in Newcastle upon Tyne will earn from The main conference room offers accommodation £25,000 per year (plus bonuses) finance, some jobs even allow you to for up to 15 people seated around the table, A full time Travel Manager in the North train while you work. Look at what area or 30 people seated theatre style. Room hire East will earn from £30,000 - £45,000 of finance and banking you wish to includes air conditioning, access to plasma per year work and gain the television, DVD player, laptop computer and flip relevant qualifications. Qualifications chart, with other equipment such as overhead Because the leisure industry covers such projectors available to hire at a small additional cost. a broad spectrum of jobs, qualifications To find out more about Deli-cious, its menus are varied from degrees in business and outdoor catering, simply drop in to studies to manage a bar from a diplo- Hartlepool Enterprise Centre on Brougham ma for fitness instructing. Decide Terrace or call Lisa on 01429 222200. For all which job in the leisure industry you conference queries and bookings, please call Janet Day on 01429 867677. informnorth March 2008 31 higher education, careers & employment

NORTH EAST UNIVERSITIES: Connexions County Durham LEARNDIRECT CENTRES: Open University, Newcastle Tel: 0800 783 3578 Tel: 0191 284 1611 Connexions Northumberland Access IT, Hartlepool Tel: 01429 283 279 Queens Campus, University of Durham Tel: 01670 798 180 A4E, Newcastle Stockton - Tel: 0191 334 2000 Tel: 0191 296 2090 Connexions: Business Advice Direct Ltd, Darlington University of Durham Darlington - Tel: 01325 480 055 Tel: 01472 898 211 Tel: 0191 334 2000 Hartlepool - Tel: 01429 275 501 University of Newcastle upon Tyne Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 240 081 CEP Associates, Ashington - Tel: 01670 521 805 Tel: 0191 222 6000 Redcar - Tel: 01642 490 870 Chinese ICT Centre, Newcastle Stockton - Tel: 01642 677 600 University of Northumbria at Newcastle Tel: 0191 230 3158 Tel: 0191 232 6002 Connexions Tyne & Wear Communicators Training Associates Ltd University of Sunderland Tel: 0191 490 1717 Newton Aycliffe - Tel: 01325 308 840 Tel: 0191 515 2000 Edge University of Teesside Durham Logistics College, (CoVE) Tel: 01642 218 121 nextstep, County Durham - Tel: 01388 776 911 Tel: 0191 373 4847 GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES: Business Bridge Programme nextstep, Northumberland - Tel: 0800 073 0708 East Durham & Houghall Community Tel: 0191 515 3798 College, Peterlee - Tel: 0191 518 8242 Tees Valley - Tel: 01642 358 099 Gap Year - nextstep, GLEAM - Tel: 0191 334 5730 nextstep, Tyne & Wear - Tel: 0800 073 0708 ETEC (Sunderland) Ltd Graduates for business - Tel: 0191 244 4000 Tel: 0191 514 6150 Teesside University, Careers Service Exchange Group, Newcastle Graduates for growth Tel: 0191 264 5716 Tel: 01642 342260 Graduates North East University and College Admissions Service FBU TUC, Northumberland Tel: 01670 534 685 Finchale Training College, Durham Prospects - University of Durham Careers Tel: 0191 386 2634 Q Graduate solutions - Tel: 0800 977 8566 Advisory Service - Tel: 0191 334 1430 Kaplan, Gateshead - Tel: 0191 495 9590 Shell Technology Enterprise University of Newcastle, Careers Service Learning Concepts Ltd, Sunderland Programme(STEP) Tel: 0191 222 7748 Tel: 0191 566 0978 Tel: 0870 036 5450 Learning Links TEDCO - Tel: 0191 428 3300 University of Northumbria, Careers Service Tel: 0191 227 4204 Chester-le-Street - Tel: 0191 389 4015 The Graduate - Newcastle Central - Tel: 0191 245 2252 The Hatchery - Tel: 0191 5853341 University of Sunderland, Careers Service Newcastle West - Tel: 0191 273 4281 Tel: 0191 5152920 Stockton - Tel: 01642 353 449 YOUTH SUPPORT: ARMY CAREERS: Fairbridge, Newcastle - Tel: 0191 245 5422 Armed Forces Careers Information Offices - Lynemouth Resource Centre, Northumberland Middlesbrough - 01642 327 583 Ashington - Tel: 01670 813 246 Tel: 01670 863 000 Bishop Auckland - Tel: 01388 604 110 Middlesbrough Adult Education Service Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, North Shields Darlington - Tel: 01325 464 530 Tel: 01642 304 217 Tel: 0191 270 3000 Durham - Tel: 0191 384 7682 NETA Training Group, Stockton-on-Tees Weston Spirit, Newcastle - Tel: 0191 274 0027 Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 243 413 Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Tel: 0191 232 2306 Tel:01642 379 440 Youth Organisation Council, Gateshead South Shields - Tel: 0191 455 5043 Newcastle TUC Centre Tel: 0191 490 1900 Sunderland - Tel: 0191 565 8817 CAREERS ADVICE: Owton Rossmere Resource Centre Aim Higher - Tel: 0191 516 4405 LEARNDIRECT CAREERS ADVICE: Hartlepool - Tel: 01429 288 123 Tel: 0800 100 900

informnorth spotlight on: GRADUATES FOR G

Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland and • Promoting the recruitment of graduates Teesside. This network has grown over the from the region’s universities in to local years to include a wide range of stakeholders businesses across the North East including informnorth magazine and each has • Securing the retention of graduates in the an interest in the business of graduate local economy either by recruitment into careers, retention and entrepreneurship, local companies or by helping them set up working collaboratively and individually to in business themselves address the policy challenges and practical One of the key objectives of the partnership aspects of: is to improve the local economy through the raduates for Growth Forum was set • Ensuring the region’s university students development of graduate opportunities, and up 17 years ago as an informal are adequately equipped with skills that the retention of their skills within the region. Gpartnership between the five make them employable in the North East universities in the North East - Durham, and a global economy The member organisations aim to encourage 32 March 2008 informnorth Pertemps Training Limited Public Sector Employment Opportunities Solutions Recruitment, Newcastle Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 755 518 Tel: 0191 221 0402 Central Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 204 401 Sector Skills Council for Building Services Team Services, Middlesbrough West Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 426 011 Engineering - Tel: 01642 300 002 Redcar - Tel: 01642 426 330 Social Work - Tel: 0845 604 6404 Tracie Oliver Recruitment & Teacher Sunderland Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough Supply Ltd, Tel: 01287 280 8000 Teaching - Tel: 0845 6000 991 Tel: 0191 514 0233 Shotton IT Resource Centre EDUCATION & BUSINESS Tourism - Tel: 0191 520 8110 PARTNERSHIPS: EMPLOYMENT & RECRUITMENT: Blue Venture South Tyneside Middlesbrough The Hope Foundation, Adecco UK Ltd Tel: 0191 482573 Tel: 01642 232 220 Tel: 0208 307 6481 Durham Education Business Partnership, The Learning Resource Centre, Darlington At Work Recruitment, Middlesbrough Ferryhill - Tel: 01740 652 681 Tel: 01325 503 249 Tel: 0800 019 4343 TLH Durham Blue Square Recruitment, Sunderland Bishop Auckland - Tel: 0208 435 5388 Gateshead Education and Business Tel: 0191 511 6242 Partnership, Gateshead Tel: 0191 433 8655 Ashington - Tel: 01670 521805 Learn2work, Stockton Training Solutions (NE) Ltd, Alnwick Central Empoyment Agency, Newcastle Tel: 01642 662 600 Tel: 01665 606429 Tel: 0191 232 4816 Tynemet@Swans, Wallsend Newcastle Education Business Tel: 0191 240 2574 Corepeople Recruitment Ltd, Durham Partnership, Newcastle Tel: 0191 277 4444 Van Hee, Felling Tel: 0191 386 3300 Tel: 0191 438 2512 First Choice Recruitment North Tyneside Education Business Wallsend - Tel: 0191 200 1551 Zodiac Training Ltd, Team Valley Sunderland - Tel: 0191 565 0322 Partnership, Tel: 0845 330 8184 Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 213322 INDUSTRY ADVICE: Northumberland Education Business Jobcentre Plus: British Association for Counselling and Partnership, Blyth - Tel: 01670 541 534 To make a claim for benefit Tel: 0800 055 6688 Psycotherapy Counselling - Jobseeker Direct: 0845 6060 234 Charity Employment - www. Sunderland Education Business Partnership - Tel: 0191 443 2938 Child Care - Manpower SUPPORT AGENCIES: Complementary Therapies Newcastle - Tel: 0191 221 2345 Darlington - Tel: 01325 468 621 Basic Skills Development Agency Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 245 951 Construction Skills Sunderland - Tel: 0191 567 6959 Department for Children, Schools and Tel: 0844 844 0046 Families County Durham and Darlington Fire and North East Recruitment Ltd, Stockton Rescue Service, Fire and Safety Training Tel: 01642 702 700 Education Business Connections, Sunderland Tel: 0191 332 4335 Tel: 0191 516 NRG (Northern Recruitment Group) H.Q. General Social Care Council Newcastle - Tel: 0191 232 122 Learning Skills Network - Tel: 020 7297 9000 Pertemps Leisure Industry - Newcastle - Tel: 0191 255 7900 Learning Skills Council North East Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 233 500 Tel: 0845 019 4181 National Childminding Association Tel: 0845 880 0044 Ranstad UK, Middlesbrough Nursing and Health - National Institute of Adult and Tel: 01642 254 633 Continuing Education, Police - Reed Employment, Sunderland NIACE for North East Region Prison Service - Tel: 0191 567 4098 Tel: 0116 204 7058


graduate employment in small, medium and would like to know more about the large companies that will ultimately benefit Graduates for Growth forum or any of its from the high level skills that graduates can member organisations, or if you would like to bring, and in the establishment of graduate disseminate any information including advising new business start-ups. In each case essential us of forthcoming events, please visit Contact: support is given to both graduate and the or contact Lynda Anderson employer. Lynda Anderson. Graduates for Growth Forum Through regular quarterly meetings held Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning across the region, the forum members share Durham University experience and best practice, maintaining the Tel: 0191 3345441 regional focus on graduate and employer e-mail: [email protected] support and growth. New members are always welcome, if you informnorth March 2008 33 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCILS IN THE NORTH EAST SECTOR SKILLS COUNCILS IN THE NORTH EAST SECTOR SKILLS COUNCILS IN THE NORTH EAST

Sector: Property, Sector: Sector: Social Care, Housing, Cleaning Services Central Government Children, Young People & Adults and Facilities Management Contact: Deborah Barker, Contact: Bob Little Contact: Lisa Lister, Regional Manager North of England Manager Tel: 01642 345 681 Tel: 01429 868 973 Tel: 0113 341 2613 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or visit or visit or visit

Sector: Sector: Food and Drink Sector:The UK Health Sector Retail Motor Industry Manufacturing and Processing Contact:Andrew Harvey, Contact: Michelle Barrett, Contact: David Hickman Regional Director Tel: 01992 511 521 Operational Manager - North of England Tel: 07789 653 173 [email protected] Tel: 0845 644 0448 [email protected] or visit [email protected] or visit or visit

Sector: Chemical, Nuclear, Oil Sector: Environmental and and Gas, Petroleum and Land-based Industries Sector: Polymer Industries Custodial Care, Community Justice, Court and Contact: Kevin Patrick Prosecution Services, Policing and Law Enforcement Contact: Mark Chapman, Skills Director Partnership Manger (North East) Contact: Helen Brinton,Workforce Tel: 01287 637 203 Tel: 01665 574 973 or [email protected] Development Advisor - North [email protected] or visit Tel: 07973 513 734 [email protected] or visit or visit

Sector: Construction Sector: Employers delivering or Sector: Freight logistics industry Contact: Ken Parker Support Lifelong Learning Contact:Alan Smith North East Manager Contact: Mark Wright Regional Manager - North East Tel: 0844 844 0046 Regional Manager North East Tel: 07766 408 968 [email protected] Tel: 07894 405 687 [email protected] or visit or visit [email protected] or visit

Sector:Advertising, Crafts, Cultural Sector: Hospitality, Leisure, Sector:Active Leisure Heritage, Design, Music, Performing, Travel and Tourism and Learning Literary and Visual Arts Contact: Karen Couzens Contact: Paul Pearson Contact:Victoria Pirie, Executive Director Tel: 07920 087 594 Regional Development Manager (NE) Partnerships & Strategy [email protected] Tel: 07841 150 953 Tel: 07725 134 093 or [email protected] or visit [email protected] or visit

Sector: Electricity, Gas, Waste Sector: Process and Sector:Audio visual Management and Waste Industries Manufacturing Industries industries Contact: Ronnie Stephenson Contact: Ray Snowdon Contact: Ruth Palmer Skills Director - NE and Y&H Tel: 07795 011 983 Tel: 0113 236 8242 or [email protected] Tel: 0773 945 6137 [email protected] or visit [email protected] or visit

Sector: Information Technology Sector: Science, Engineering Sector: Retail and Telecommunications and the and Manufacturing Technologies Contact: Lynn Perkins lead body for Contact Centres Contact: Lindsay Middleton National Manager - England Contact:Anthony Sherlock Tel: 01740 627 014 or [email protected] Tel: 07795 962 453 North East Development Manager [email protected] Tel: 07793 469 685 or [email protected]

Sector: Financial Sector:Apparel, Footwear Sector: Building Services Industry and Textiles and Related Services Engineering Contact: Heather Radley Businesses Industry Contact: Owen Callaghan, Operations Manager Business Development Manager, North of England Contact: Fred Kirkland Tel: 0191 483 2958 Tel: 07841 235 227 or [email protected] Tel: 0113 239 9600 [email protected] [email protected] or visit or visit

Sector: Passenger Transport The Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Contact: Debbie Cropper Councils (SSCs) has a new remit. This will focus on raising employer North East Business Adviser ambition and investment in skills, ensuring the supply of skills and Tel: 0121 635 5520 or [email protected] qualifications is driven by employers, and articulating the future skills needs of their sectors. The Alliance of Sector Skills Councils take over co-ordination of the Skills for Business network from 1 April 2008. For further details about The Alliance of Sector Skills Councils please e-mail: [email protected]

34 March 2008 informnorth ST Are you an Employer?

ell Us About Your Experience of Employer-led Skills the education and training system. This is a huge opportunity The skills action plan is a framework that is has been for businesses to influence and work in partnership with Tput in place to ensure that businesses have access to education to create a better skilled workforce. the staff they need over the next 10 years. Just now, we The Sector Skills Agreements are the first serious attempt to would like to find out if you believe your business would address underlying weaknesses in the provision of skills that benefit from clustering with other organisations or working have dogged the businesses and the plan recognises that closer with a particular Sector Skills Council if you’re not employers will increasingly demand staff and professionals already doing so. with good business, interpersonal and project management There are twenty five individual Sector Skills Councils Sector skills, in addition to technical skills, as more basic roles are representing nearly ninety percent of all workforce areas, outsourced or transferred offshore. each now has a Skills Agreement in place, which aims to If your an employer and not sure which sector your business make skills a central part of training and education for the fits in with or for further information you can visit the new employers they represent in the UK. section on our website, just visit By working in collaboration with government, universities, colleges and training companies, employers have an As an employer or a body that represents employers here in unprecedented opportunity to influence the training agenda the north east, if you have a success story to tell, are firmly within the UK. behind the skills agenda or think things still have some way For quite some time, employers have complained that the to go, then we want to hear about your experiences, good skills they need in their workforce are not being provided by or bad. Please email [email protected].

informnorth March 2008 35 Work Starts on New £6.8m Derwentside Development

Chris Blackburn, Olga Milburn, Martin Donnachie,

Neil Dukes, Alex Watson, Chris Mains

ork has started on Derwentside young entrepreneurs to pursue We will be employing local people to Council’s most ambitious self-employment. successfully deliver this project over the Wdevelopment project to date, Councillor Olga Milburn, Chairman of next year. “ at Tanfield Lea, near Stanley in County Derwentside District Council said, “Tanfield Tanfield Lea Business Centre is also aiming Durham. Lea Business Centre is an extraordinary to achieve a high BREEAM rating (British The £6.8million Tanfield Lea Business development which will build upon the Building Research Environmental Centre has been made possible with existing portfolio of modern office space in Assessment) which is the highest funding from the District Council, One the District. We will see the creation of up environmental rating that such a North East and the European Regional to 200 new jobs which will be a huge development can be awarded. Phase 1 Development Fund (ERDF). boost to the economy of Derwentside and of the project is due for completion by To mark the occasion, The Chairman of represents a solution in satisfying the ever September 2008, with the opening of the Derwentside District Council, Councillor growing demand for modern business Business Centre planned for March 2009. Olga Milburn, performed the turf cutting floor-space. ceremony on site together with It is envisaged that this major development representatives from the appointed will have a significant impact on the constructors, ROK, architects and lead economy of Derwentside and ensure that designers of the centre Browne Smith public sector developments continue to For further information contact: Baker and project managers Entec UK. lead the way in encouraging economic Andrea McGuigan, Marketing and Communications Officer, This iconic development will provide growth and sustainability in semi-rural modern office accommodation for locations. Development Team, Derwentside businesses in a revolutionary three-storey ROK Area Leader Neil Jukes said “This is District Council on building which is targeted at both new and a flagship scheme for ROK and we believe 01207 693902 or e-mail: existing businesses and will include a new that this is a key project to continue the [email protected] approach to lettings in order to encourage growth and redevelopment of the area.

36 March 2008 informnorth This is a flagship scheme for ROK and we believe that this is a key project to continue the growth and redevelopment of the area. We will be employing local people to successfully deliver “this project over the next year. ”

For more information please contact us on, Tel: 01207 693 902 E-Mail: development@ Web:

informnorth March 2008 37 Don’t just be a Human ‘Being’ be a Human ‘Doing’

By Nick Harrison A message from the future - from the year 2030 - for the ‘Tommorws People’ generation on the economy and employment prospects of the future, from Jim, aged 70.

’ll start by telling you a little about different employers - so he can theoretically speed and convenience of automatic my life. My name’s Jim and I was change employer from one hour to the systems and robots. Not like back in ‘my’ Iborn in the North East of England in next. Through work like this, UK-based day, so I’m lucky to have one of the few 1960. It’s now 2030 and I’m seventy workers like my son have also contributed jobs where you can still get out and meet years of age, but I certainly don’t feel to the economic advancement of India and people. it! China. Manufacturing is predominantly My older lad is a skilled robot technician, I started my career in the NHS in the carried out in developing nations, with the and was snapped up long-term by an 1980s, and I’m still working in healthcare supporting knowledge-based work spread energy company. He started off in today after all this time. In fact, the throughout the world, to whoever can do renewable power and has seen a large changes that I’ve witnessed in the industry it most effectively. Of course, the UK does part of its growth - advances in solar, wind and in the world need to have been seen, still have a manufacturing industry, but it’s and tidal power generation have meant to be believed. generally in making luxury, highly specialised that employment increased substantially In the early days I worked exhausting shifts consumer goods and equipment or things in these areas. My son moved on though, as a staff nurse, where I was on my feet for that aren’t economical to manufacture ten hours or more. I never imagined I’d still abroad and transport here. and now works on desalination plants - the facilities that make sea water drinkable. be looking after the elderly when I was old My wife wasn’t averse to the new world Fresh water is so scarce that several areas myself, but drastic changes have allowed of work either - I lost count of how many have suffered humanitarian crises in recent me to return after some years away. call centres she worked for from our back years. Australia is still recovering after its Demographic change means that more room! The training was usually just through water crisis; parts of Africa have been people have been leaving the workforce basic electronic tutorials, and the intelligent devastated; and now my son is in the than entering it. Peoples’ pensions com- systems they downloaded to your PC pletely collapsed some time ago, and helped you answer any query that was United States, making their water plants there’s plenty of jobs to fill, so companies thrown at you. Voice recognition and net- more cost-efficient before it’s too late for are really keen to keep people like me in based systems eventually took over in the them too. work. end - and the few remaining call centre There’s a whole lot of other things The NHS as people used to know it has jobs are now highly skilled and specialised happening too, as my granddaughter will largely disappeared, and the private sector positions. tell you. She’s studying advanced genetics is now really changing healthcare with The concept of the office as people used at the Uk’s new Science Region facility ‘remote care’ being the biggest change. to know it is definitely on the way out too - here in the North East and I’m sure she’ll This began in the nineties of course and the fuel costs of getting there are too be part of a whole new era of medical continued in to the twenty first century and expensive, for a start and car ownership treatment. They say we’ll be living to 140 a large number of patients are now moni- has reduced dramatically. Most people are before long - if the rate of change in my tored in their own homes, using quite sim- working from home or from the ‘being lifetime is anything to go by, if I live to that ple equipment and ultra-broadband tech- spaces’, where anyone can go and work, age I’ll see a very interesting world indeed! nology. The patients prefer it, and it allows meet people or just chill out. They’re situated doctors to organise their time more effi- You might be wondering what’s happened in residential areas and are really popular ciently. My job is to check up on patients at to many of the more traditional trades by home, make sure the equipment is work- with the younger generation. A recently 2030. Well, many manual jobs have of ing, deliver any necessary medication, and new development is the ‘living centres’, course been automated for years, and provide a human interface between the where people are starting to live in massive retail employment has almost disappeared doctors and patients. Flexibility and per- sectors where everything is largely self contained altogether but everyone still needs food, sonal skills are vital factors in a job like this in to a particular area, so people don’t water, somewhere to live, electricity, a hair - indeed these types of skills have grown in have to travel too far from the spaces cut, their computer fixing - and the roads importance throughout the economy. where they live, to where they work. still need to be maintained. I hardly even see anyone at the shops My sons are both in their 40s now but they It seems that the tools might be changing these days - you just put your card in the were the first generation that grew up with over the years but that jobs, careers and trolley, pick up whatever you need and distinctly new ways of being educated and employment opportunities are here to stay of working. My youngest for example has walk out. Radio tags on all the items and are always in demand - along with built up a diverse range of skills working ensure you’re charged for everything you all those individuals who have took for dozens of organisations over the years. take. Shopping is similar to the call centres advantage of their life chances and have His specialities are research and data - if you’re looking for something really analysis, which is fairly typical. Systems expensive or personalised, you’ll meet a the right education, training and skills. now exist which enable people to work skilled salesperson who’ll address your Looking back, it seems that some things, more easily on different projects for every need. Otherwise, you’ve got the well they just never really change at all.

38 March 2008 informnorth

POWER to the PUPILS Renewable Energy in the Classrooms

Teachers and pupils across the North East are being given the opportunity to truly get to grips with renewable energy through an nnovative new project funded by One NorthEast, as informnorth magazine discovers...

xplore Renewables is designed to help with career options, vital given the growing need for specific areas of the Key Stage Three these skills within the region’s own thriving Ecurriculum where interaction can specifically economy. The project will allow children to witness enhance understanding of the impact of first hand how renewable technology can be renewable energies, economic factors in energy applied in their schools - and by decision-making, balanced decision-making on inference in their own homes. energy sources, sustainability and reliability in Other interactive science learning energy supply. centres in the region will Available to all publicly-funded middle and be offered their own secondary schools in the North East of England, version of the Explore Renewables will give children a hands-on mobile unit way of understanding renewable energy and assist for use in practical learning in maths, science, engineering exhibits and learning and geography. By summer 2008 participating activities. schools will have their own specially designed James Battensby Energy and Environment mobile renewable energy unit, which works using Specialist Advisor, One NorthEast said, “The solar thermal technology - using the sun to heat North East has set its sights on significantly water. reducing its carbon footprint - in order to achieve A newly launched website is now giving schools in this we are working with communities and the region the opportunity to sign up for the businesses across the board to enable us to scheme ahead of the official launch at the Centre become more energy conscious. We must engage for Life on 29th April. with young people now, if we are to make the Visit for more major changes in lifestyle and behaviour that will information. be needed to meet our carbon reduction targets. Explore Renewables is an excellent way of The project is being delivered through the North introducing young people to new forms of East’s Centre for Excellence for New and renewable energy and show them how to Renewable Energy, NaREC, in partnership with conserve energy and protect their environment.” eaga Renewables and the Centre for Design Research at Northumbria University. Steve Caseley, Managing Director of eaga It is a well known fact that fewer school children - Renewables, added: “The concept of offering within the North East and the rest of the UK, are renewable energy demonstrator kits for schools opting to study subjects which could lead to a was really designed to give school children some career within a Science or Engineering discipline. basic knowledge of zero or low carbon energy Explore Renewables will help to encourage our production and hopefully to get them excited in children to reconsider science and engineering as the potential for renewables.”

Top Three NE Jobs • Hydrolic Systems Engineer - Newcastle upon Tyne - £35,000 - £50,000 pa • Geotechnical Engineer - Stockton on Tees - £30,000 - £40,000 • Sustainability and Low Carbon Technical Specialist - Durham - £40,000 p.a. plus benefits

40 March 2008 informnorth OPPORTUNITIES to travel the world. Must enjoy fresh air and heights.” That’s the job spec for “Britain’s first training course for wind farmers. Northumberland County Council has helped develop the first Harnessing the training course in the UK to equip local people with the skills to work in the wind farm industry. Power of Mother The number of people working in the wind industry is set to take off in the next decade, with technicians able to command salaries of up to £35k - set to take off in the next decade. Nature Places are up for grabs on the Vocationally Related Qualification (VRQ) at Northumberland College - the first course of its kind in The Renewable Generation the UK and with only a handful of others run Europe wide. Non-renewable technologies, such as fossil fuel A two-week “taster” course will give candidates an ideal based generation through burning oil, gas and coal, foundation from which to move into the industry. The “taster” and nuclear generation, all produce waste harmful to course has been designed to give candidates an insight into the the environment. Nature provides us with an array of wind industry generally but will also give them a series of relevant opportunities to generate renewable electricity, using qualifications which will allow them access to most industrial sites the power of the wind, flowing water, the sun and the and in the erection and maintenance of small domestic wind sea. turbines. As well as the classroom activities an opportunity to meet major Turning the potential of these abundant sources of developers, manufacturers, visits to local test facilities and wind energy into practical, viable generation projects are a farm projects has also been included in the programme. growing number of individuals, businesses and organisations. Such groups are continually pushing The two programmes both take a modular approach and boundaries and creating ever more efficient and would generally take one year to get to NVQ level 2 and effective ways of harnessing nature in order to gener- depending on attendance patterns take between one ate renewable electricity. BREATHINGand two years to reach NVQ Level Three, giving students the necessary qualifications to work The rate at which opportunities for individuals with the as a wind engineer earning up to £35k a right skills is growing at an exponential rate within the year. following key industry areas: Alan Wann, Head of • Wind power Regeneration for • Hydro-electric power Northumberland FRESH County Council, • Solar power said: “The • Wave energy wind farm • Tidal energy industry is in its infancy at the moment but is set AIR • Plant power to grow significantly over the next five Wind power years. The term wind power describes the process by which “That means we will need the right people with the right skills the energy from the wind is used to generate who will be able to maintain wind turbines.” electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy European turbine manufacturers estimate that in the next five of the blowing wind into mechanical power, which in years they will require up to 5,000 engineers to service all the turn is converted to electricity. installed turbines in Europe. The natural weather patterns of the UK and its Ian Fisher, Construction Lecturer for Northumberland College, positioning off the north west coast of mainland said: “The skills of qualified wind turbine technicians will be in Europe give the UK access to 30% of the EU’s total great demand in the 21st century. Their work has the potential wind capacity making it ideal for the generation of to take them all over the world. power from the wind. “We’re expecting that candidates will have reasonable For information on wind energy, from wind statistics mechanical or electrical knowledge, though not necessarily to wind myths, visit the British Wind Energy any formal qualifications in these fields. Association at “A good head for heights is also necessary because technicians can find themselves working at 120metre heights on a wind Small-scale hydro-electric power turbine in the middle of the North Sea! Small-scale hydro-electric generation is the “This is a practical course with lots of hands on experience. It conversion of the kinetic energy in running water to provides local people with the skills that the industry requires, electricity via the use of water turbines or a water and we also welcome people who want a change of career.” wheel. Schemes in the UK vary from old mill sites to harnessing the power of fast flowing water in steep “Students following similar programmes in France and Germany gorges. have been employed prior to completing the programme by major Turbine Manufacturers” For information on small-scale hydro-electricity and to For further information contact Ian Fisher at Northumberland find out about sites in the UK, visit the British College on 01670 841200 or email Hydropower Association at

[email protected] con’d over >>

informnorth March 2008 41 Solar power generating opportunities. Tidal Solar electricity can be generated from photovoltaic (PV) panel energy exploits the natural rise arrays, which capture daylight and turn it into electrical power. and fall of coastal tidal waters PV can deliver clean, silent electricity at point of use, and has caused principally by the the potential to meet a significant proportion of our electricity interaction of the gravitational needs now and in the future. fields of the earth-moon-sun system. There is a real world market for this technology with PV integrated into, or attached to, houses and other buildings. As tides ebb and flow, currents are often generated in coastal waters; in For information visit the British Photovoltaics Association at many places the shape of the seabed forces water to flow through or go to the Energy Saving Trust at narrow channels, or around headlands. Technologies being developed aim to extract the mechanical energy in the current Wave energy and convert it into electricity. Ocean waves are created by the interaction of winds with the There are a number of projects under active development and surface of the ocean. The energy stored in these waves travels for a good example of a current project is that of 'Seaflow', a thousands of kilometres with little loss. It offers a huge opportunity 300kW marine current turbine developed by IT Power, for the production of Renewable Energy. Because of the direction off the coast of the prevailing winds and the size of the Atlantic Ocean, the UK of Lynmouth in Devon. has wave power levels that are among the highest in the world. Wave power is the technical process of extracting the energy from Plant power waves and converting it to electricity. Currently wave power is not Plants absorb carbon dioxide to photosynthesise organic economically viable compared to other renewable technologies. compounds using solar energy. This energy can either be released A large number of development projects are underway to over- come the technical challenges that hinder this competitiveness. by natural decay or it can be released through combustion. An example of offshore wave power generation in the UK is Although carbon dioxide is released when the wood is burnt, it 'Pelamis', developed by Ocean Power Delivery. Following is equivalent to the carbon dioxide amount taken up by the successful North Sea trials, Pelamis delivered its first electricity plant during growth, therefore there is no contribution towards generation into the national grid in August 2004. For more greenhouse gas emissions. Net release of carbon dioxide only information visit occurs where the growing, processing or transporting of the wood involves the use of fossil fuel. Tidal power Energy production from the combustion of plants offers important Tidal power is another technology that offers the UK huge opportunities for UK agriculture and the countryside. Increasing biomass technologies are being developed to utilise this energy and convert it to Renewable Electricity. It is important that the wood for electricity production is grown in a sustainable manner. Work is underway in the UK to establish an accreditation system for plant power in place.

The Renewable Energy Association was established in 2001 to represent British renewable energy producers and promote the use of sustainable energy in the UK. A list of current vacancies exists on their website covering careers within the industry which is kept updated. To find out more visit If you are interested in doing your bit to conserve power and help the environment visit For more information please visit NaREC at

Solar power has the potential to meet a significant proportion of our electricity “ needs now and in the future 42 March 2008 ”informnorth BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS ccording to the latest research, • 80% of disabled people had no public knowledge of the Disability difficulties when shopping ADiscrimination Act (DDA) has • Less than 1% said they had been refused increased significantly between 1996 and the sale or rental of a property because 2006 and improved the lives of disabled they were disabled people across the board - from their access to public transport to shopping at • Awareness of the Act was higher among their local grocer. the wider population than among disabled people The research uses data from the Disability Module of the Office for National Statistics • Those over 65 years old were less likely (ONS) Omnibus Survey between 1996 to know about the Act. and 2006 which looked at awareness of Minister for Disabled People, Anne the Act, access to goods and services, McGuire, said: access to transport (2005, 2006) and discrimination. Public bodies also now renting or buying a home. “It is reassuring that awareness of the Act has increased considerably as it plays an have to actively promote the equal rights It shows that over 70% of people are now important part in protecting disabled of disabled people. aware of the Act by name, compared to people from discrimination in all areas It is reassuring that only 40% in 1996, a year after DDA was of their lives. I’m particularly pleased to first introduced. see the Act making a real difference to the awareness of the Act has Other key findings of the research are: everyday lives of disabled people - increased considerably • 77% of disabled people reported that whether it’s getting on a bus or going as it plays animportant they did not have any problems using to the corner shop. public transport “The Government significantly improved part in protecting • 79% of disabled people in paid work the original Act in 2005 which means that disabled people from said they had no trouble accessing those with long term illnesses such as discrimination in all goods and services compared to 59% of cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV areas of their lives those not in paid work infection, are now protected from OOppppoorrttuunniittyy KKnnoocckkss...... For Youth Workers and Activity Co-ordinators

Informnorth is the regions’ leading social So what’s the catch? If you are interested and hold any of the enterprise publication. In conjunction Quite simply, there isn’t one. There are following qualifications, then please get in with our partners we are compiling a absolutely no costs involved to you or your touch straight away: comprehensive database of suitably organisation in being included in the Youth Worker Opportunities qualified and experienced youth and database. But to register, you must be Level 2 and Level 3 Youth and Community activity workers, who may have expertise suitably qualified and available either on local and national recognised qualifications. and be available for part time or full time an ad-hoc basis or longer term. opportunities within the North East. Activity Workers Opportunities To begin with, we are looking for youth B.C.U Level 1-3 Coach Awards; M.L.T.E We are looking for individuals who can workers and outdoor activity workers with Mountain Leadership Awards and S.P.A offer high quality interactive interventions key skills and expertise who have the Rock Climbing Award; U.K.C.C. and; that will help young people, individually capacity to work flexibly or as required, Basic Expedition Leadership Award. or in groups, to learn and develop in the either on a paid for or voluntary basis. course of their everyday lives. If you have other key skills, expertise If you are well organised, enthusiastic and and qualifications then we still want to It is anticipated that the database of a dynamic leader, who is capable of hear from you. Please also state if you candidates will be freely available to all working flexible hours (that could include have a full driving licence and other regional providers of youth support, with weekends and evenings in a range of key qualifications including first aid the remit of allowing such organisations an settings, such as detached, centre-based certificates etc. easily accessible, up to date resource and residential working) then this could be detailing potential employees in their area, a rewarding way to be more involved with that meet their specific role requirements. many new and existing organisations.

*All workers will be required to pass an Enhanced CRB check. To discuss further or to register your details, please email: [email protected] with a recent CV. north east england’s only magazine for self development, skills and enterprise informnorth March 2008 43 ‘SATNAV’ for Higher Skills

want2b is the North East’s on-line career management itool for higher skills. It’s already proving a huge success and is being used by many people to help them to make the most of higher education opportunities in our region. WHAT DOES iwant2b DO? iwant2b is a personalised, impartial information service that gives people access to the most up-to-date information that will help you to: • Get ideas about jobs and careers that fit your skills and qualifications • Find out about the skills and qualifications you need to get the career or job that you really want • Find the right college or university in the North East to enable you to get the skills and qualifications that you need • Find out how you can progress to higher skills and qualifications at colleges and universities in the North East. iwant2b is a revolutionary new on-line career management tool. Just log onto and then all you need to do is input your current qualifications, experience and career aspirations and iwant2b will show you how you could get the job and career that you really want. WHO IS iwant2b FOR? iwant2b is for anyone who wants to find out how better skills and qualifications can help them to get the job they want or to get on in their careers. iwant2b is aimed at everyone. Whether you’re at school, at college or at university, whether you’re already working or whether you’re looking to return to work or switch careers, iwant2b has plenty to offer you! Just log onto and get started! WHAT DOES iwant2b COVER? At the moment, iwant2b covers all the qualifications that are available at colleges and universities in the North East for health and social care, engineering (manufacturing) and leadership and management. There are fantastic career opportunities in the North East in these key employment sectors for well qualified and highly skilled people. WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT iwant2b? If you’re an organisation that delivers help and advice to people about skills and career options, we can put together a free training package that’s specially tailored to your needs to help you to get the best from iwant2b

If you think that your organisation can make ground-breaking initiative that brings together use of iwant2b then please contact us for all 28 colleges and universities in the North further details. Please get in touch with East. The Network’s goal is to enable the North Sue Stockwell ([email protected] or East’s vocational learners and employers to 01642 342 592). We are happy to come have access to the most relevant, accessible, and visit you. innovative and fully articulated higher level iwant2b has been developed by the North East learning opportunities in the country. Higher Skills Network. The Network is a

44 March 2008 informnorth Getting - through Going GREEN!

wo electric Smart cars will soon be Learning Centre North East and exciting time for the North East, as all eyes zipping around the North East thanks Durham University, the Environment are truly on the region. We have the Tto the Environment Agency. One Agency and Northumbria Regional Flood opportunity to lead the way in terms of of these will be powered using wind Defence Committee, SustaiNE, the North empowering young people to grow up turbinegenerated electricity at Science East Strategic Partnership for confidently confronting the challenges Learning Centre North East (part of Sustainable Schools and One World of climate change. The support and Durham University). The cars, 2 of only Network North East, will use the collaboration between so many individuals 100 in existence worldwide, are helping wind charged electric Smart Car to visit and organisations is overwhelming - the to support new technologies that will lead schools around the region. The Project achievements that everyone will be bring to a more sustainable future. aims to use an exciting and novel to the Project means that our schools and The Climate Change Schools Project, a approach in bringing climate change to young people have a lot to look forward regional pilot project initiated in autumn the heart of the national curriculum. With to.’Krista’s car will sport the special logo 2007 through the collaboration of Science the help of volunteer teacher teams and designed for the project in a competition DEFRA, ANEC (the Association for North for 7-14 year-old school children and won East Councils), STEMNET (Science, in December 2007 by Sally Gray, age Technology Engineering and Mathematics 13, from Dr Thomlinson Church of Network), Newcastle Science City, One England Middle School in Rothbury. World Network North East, Northumberland It will be seen by thousands across the County Council and the Northumberland North East over the next few years. Strategic Partnership, a network of regional pilot ‘Climate Change Lead Schools’ will be established during the 2008 - 2009 For further school year. These schools will become the information or foundation for a new regional centre of queries, please excellence in teaching, learning and acting contact Dr. Krista on climate change. Other regions are set McKinzey, Climate to follow after culmination of the pilot Change Schools Project Officer Project in the North East. on Tel: 0191 370 6205 Dr. Krista McKinzey, Climate Change or Email: Schools Project Officer, said ‘This is a very [email protected]

Do you need cost effective website expertise to suit your business needs? Informnorth are also marketing specialists, we Can your business, company or provide complete, bespoke marketing & website packages to suit businesses and organisations. organisation be easily found The team here at informnorth will: • Help select and register your domain on the World Wide Web? name design, then construct and build your web or e-commerce site • Update content as required and maintain If anyone wanted to search for your business your site on the internet with a search engine such as • Host your web or e-commerce site Google just to learn something about your Informnorth can also offer a complete email company, what would they find? Could facility and provide individual email addresses for each business department and all of your they even find your contact details? And if employees, so what ever you and your business so, would the results really do you justice? require get in touch with us without delay.

Ensure your internet presence is a valued asset - one that provides detailed and up to date information about your organisation or business Call us today on: 0191 586 6010 or visit: informnorth March 2008 45 THUMBS UP for the BEST

There's really no one right answer as to what the best paid jobs and careers actually are and it depends on what you're actually looking for. You also need to think about those that are not only high paying just now, but will still be hot over the next few years, as informnorth magazine discovers... What career’s paying what and where? id you know what you wanted to do earnings leap according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). when you first left school? I was Its Annual Survey Of Hours And Earnings covers average pay for Dconvinced I’d be seeing the world as full-time workers in more than 300 trades and professions. Full time a soldier, living and working abroad within ‘health professionals’ enjoy average pay of full-time employees 18 months. One thing I do remember of £1,038 a week, followed by ‘Corporate managers’ (£688) and quite clearly is that I was not motivated ‘Science and technology professionals’ (£662). The lowest paid of by money. all full-time employees were ‘Sales occupations’, at £259 a week. But what about the ‘youth of today’? Top drawer civil servants enjoy higher remuneration than most on the No one can blame graduates who list, with salaries that increased by almost £8,000 to £71,800 in were keen to repay the 2006 figures and financial brokers had even bigger increases debts quickly to make of around £16,000 on average, taking their pre-tax earnings to as much as possible. £80,233. Perhaps there are still What about the public sector? pushy parents who put a premium Public sector jobs seem to offer inconsistent salaries. If you become a on financial police officer then you can expect to earn around £36,000 below the success but rank of sergeant. Teachers earn more than £30,000 on average. But what firefighters come in under £30,000 and ambulance crews are closer careers still to £24,000. Don’t even mention nurses - I’m married to one and attract the can’t understand why they aren’t rewarded according to their big pay cheque? And is commitment and expertise. yours one of them? Despite once being a great industrial empire, Britain has seen Medical practitioners manufacturing dwindle in recent decades. Lawyers, marketing have seen their professionals, communications managers, public sector bosses and

Tanfield Group leads the world from the North East

lectric vehicle and aerial work platform manufacturer The Tanfield Group Plc quickly achieved productivity Eincreases of nearly 1000% at its core manufacturing plant, following expert guidance from the National Skills Academy for Manufacturing. The Tanfield Group, based in Tyne & Wear, produces zero emission commercial electric vehicles and aerial work platforms. In 2006, Tanfield acquired UpRight Powered Access. Geoff Allison, Plant Manager at Tanfield was asked to move UpRight’s manufacturing operations from Dublin to the North East of England. This required the transfer of the necessary manufacturing skills from the existing staff to a new workforce in Tyne & Wear.

46 March 2008 informnorth ST Paid CAREERS

insurance underwriters all earn much more than those employed in Which graduates will earn general manufacturing. the most? Production and works managers come as far down as 29th in the league For graduates, the table below shows the starting table and well below advertisers, IT strategy professionals and senior salaries for 2006 by types of work, as reported by the police officers. In 2005, just 10,000 staff worked in shipbuilding, Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR). compared with 250,000 in office management. We have become a Investment banking £36,000 - Legal work £31,000 - Consulting nation with 209,000 software professionals, but just 9,000 building £28,500 - Actuarial work £25,750 - Accountancy £23,000 - and civil engineering technicians. Financial management £25,000 - IT £28,000 Mechanical Engineering £21,800 - Marketing £22,000 - Manufacturing Are the trades really so well paid? Engineering £22,000 - Human Resources £20,000 - Civil It seems the perception that builders, plumbers, roofers and plasterers Engineering £20,000 - Science £23,000 - Research and are wiping the floor with City boys is not true. In fact, contrary to popular Development £21,486 - Electrical/electronic engineering £22,500 mythology, the ONS figures show plasterers, scaffolders and plumbers Retail management £20,500 - Purchasing £25,000 - Logistics are on average worse off than most state workers. For example, the £20,500 - General management £16,500 - Sales £16,000 average pay for plumbers is around £25,000. Of course location can All types of jobs £22,953 make a big difference. A friend of mine has a brother who quit the Source: The AGR Graduate Recruitment Survey 2007 Winter Review London to learn plumbing. But because he works in the countryside A short while ago I helped out at a careers day for a event where sixth rather than a major city, he earns much less than he expected. formers get a chance to meet people already in the professions they wanted to pursue. When I started to doing this there were always plenty Office jobs are still on the up with relatively well-paying managerial, of teenagers keen to be social workers or journalists (there’s no telling professional and semi-professional jobs growing faster than any other some people) along with strong interest in teaching, nursing or becoming sort of work in the UK over the last decade, according to a report by a lawyer. the Work Foundation. Since then, some interesting changes have occurred. Law and medicine “The idea that the decline of manufacturing has meant the end of are still there but they are now joined by more interest in the military, decent jobs paying decent wages for vast numbers of people is clearly accountancy, construction, banking and music. unfounded,” says the report’s co-author Ian Brinkley. “Economic change New this year were forensic science and archaeology, no doubt inspired is never painless. However, a more knowledge-intensive world of work, by television shows like CSI and Time Team. Far from being swept up in where people work with their heads more than their hands, appears the glamour, the experts helping them - from the Durham Constabulary from these findings to be a relatively benign development for workers. and a local museum - said they were all very aware of the academic Although there has been some polarisation among men, with the requirements and had a good grip on the reality of these careers. The growth of shelf-stacking, van-driving type jobs alongside the lawyers, students I spoke to were not interested in the salary so much as the accountants, and management consultants, overall the knowledge variety of work and the challenges available. “Obviously I don’t want a economy does not seem to be creating a new class divide. And among job that pays badly,” one told me. “But it’s more important to me to do women in particular, there seems to have been a fairly smooth something I believe in. I can’t imagine getting up every morning and transition into higher skilled, higher paying work”. hating the idea of going to work.”

Geoff worked with the National Skills Academy for he can demonstrate a dramatic increase in the productivity of Manufacturing’s North East regional manager, Eddie Leng to the workforce. assess. Eddie recommended that Tanfield implement the NVQ “In September 2006 we were building 70 machines a month,” for Business Improvement Techniques Level 2 across its new says Geoff. “In October 2007 we built in the region of 700. A UpRight workforce. This work-based training arms candidates lot of that is down to the growing workforce, but we would not with an understanding of the techniques required to deliver a have achieved this so quickly or so faultlessly without the lean, efficient manufacturing environment. guidance of the National Skills Academy for Manufacturing. Eddie also advised Geoff what training companies should Its support has accelerated our huge productivity gains.” deliver the course, ensuring Tanfield selected a quality supplier validated against the Skills Academy’s high standards of competency. Eddie even attended sales meetings with the selected company to help Tanfield get the best deal and attend monthly management meetings with QGS Synergy, the appointed training provider, to ensure the ongoing quality of the programme delivery. The results have been excellent. Since June 2007 around 200 members of the new workforce have qualified or are now studying for the NVQ, with more to follow. Most importantly,


en years ago in 1998, I was in my years, then look at the fastest growing seven, according to the ECSRC (European eighteenth year of life, preparing for jobs in the UK. Economic & Social Research Council). Tmy A Level exams and willing the Between 2008 and 2012, the biggest So simple question - will your job still be summer to come so it could all be over. winners will be in health, IT and marketing here in ten years time? Or is your job I was yet to own my own mobile phone, I - a far cry from the employment scene of within the capabilities of a robot, had not yet ventured onto the internet, a 20 years ago when one in four people manufacturing line or technology? play station in the UK were employed in the See what jobs are going to be manufacturing industry - today that popular and indeed essential over figure had dropped to one in the next decade.

communications and they will play an SARAH’S TOP FIVE increasingly pivotal role in the economic JOBS FOR THE NEXT and social infrastructure or businesses 4. Advertising Agency Account DYNAMIC DECADE Executive The media sector is constantly evolving 1. Software Engineer and becoming more specialised and or email and iPods Computer software engineers design, complex with specialist online, offline and were something that runner research and develop systems that are broadcast media available to advertisers, beans came in. key to an organisations success and from digital TV or social networking sites Now before you all think that I must’ve future growth, including intranet sites, to the traditional methods such as been well behind the times, I’m not payroll systems, customer relations newspapers and radio. Indeed, the UK embarrassed to admit I probably was. But management and communications online advertising market alone was if you think back ten years iPods weren’t in addition to corporate security systems. worth over £2 billion and newspaper invented (they weren’t launched until Their ability to understand an advertising was worth £1.9 billion in 2001) and playstations, although released organisation’s needs and translate them 2006, according to the Interactive in 1994, certainly hadn’t made into technical requirements to increase Advertising Bureau. Consequently, it to a South Lincolnshire village! efficiency will be in greater demand. the increased demand for targeted And, with the rapid development of advertising campaigns will All of these contraptions, gadgets continue to provide an increased and modern technology have all been mobile technology, demand for software engineers can only increase. number of opportunities for advertising developed over the last ten years which executives. means along with the production, design 2. Engineer/Construction and distribution of these - thousands of The building industry is expanding by 17 5. Day Care Providers jobs have been created which would not per cent a year and is the biggest industry Day care providers have always remained have existed prior to the ‘console in the UK by far. The Government will the lesser important workers, with low generation’. be spending over £76bn on new homes, wages, loving hours and high stress levels. But with longer working hours But enough of the past…where will the schools and hospitals in addition to the coming into fruition and the explosive future take us? Imagine in ten years time - new transport links and projects already demand for quality child care, many 2018, what new technology and gadgets earmarked for the London Olympics in 2012. And, across the board, an parents are now willing to pay a price lie in wait? Robot butlers? A washing estimated 87,600 trades people - machine designed to wash clothes and to facilities with excellent reputations plumbers, plasterers, painters, decorators dishes? A computerised oven that detects and strong learning programs. Working and others - are needed, every year for what’s in it and cooks accordingly? Ok parents have to deal with long working the foreseeable future, according to the maybe not, but the next ten years WILL hours, the guilt of leaving their child Construction Skills Council. develop at a fast pace similar to the last and the feeling that’s someone else ten years and as a result, jobs will be 3. Data Communications Analyst is bringing up their children. With these created in areas that may not even exist The rapid growth of social networking combined feelings they are now spending now. sites such as Facebook and MySpace, more money on better quality childcare. has illustrated the preferred method of And if none of these take your fancy, The UK job market is at its highest and communication between one another on what about becoming an inventor as I’m most optimistic since records began in a personal level. And, it is the same in sure in ten years time there’ll be another 1971. Over the next ten years the levels business, too. Data Communications wave of technological items that become of employment will continue to increase. Analysts are responsible for overseeing ‘essential’ in our everyday lives - I mean If you are planning on changing career and maintaining an organisation’s where would I be without my mobile and or expect to graduate within the next ten internal and external network of iPod today? 48 March 2008 informnorth INFORMNORTH’S ESSENTIAL GUIDE: MATCHING ALL OF YOUR SKILLS TO THE JOB ritons work the longest hours in the those people who are knowledgeable in opportunity to combine your skills developed world, and with such a your chosen field, attend networking into a uniquely marketable package. Bsignificant proportion of our lives events which will help you get your ‘face’ 5. It’s never too late spent at work, it’s important to find a job out there and contact professional bodies Embarking on a new career isn’t just for that you’re not only happy in but that you that may have a regional office which can recent graduates and who’s to say that are good at. help you build up your contacts and you may want to change careers half way So whether you’re embarking on your first attend events beneficial to your work. through your working life? There are great job or making a career change, finding Visit and opportunities for adults to retrain or study the right match for your skills is always for more for new career opportunities. A new important. information. site dedicated to career changers, 1. Seek careers advice 3. Get some work experience is A skilled but objective outsider can help Work experience won’t make you rich but filled with advice and us evaluate our skills and help make it will give you an invaluable insight into a support on what decisions and determine what you want working environment. It also gives you an you need to from your working life. If you have idea of what to expect before you commit do, as well as graduated within the last five years, your to full-time employment. Plus having work professionals university or college careers service is an experience on your CV prior to taking a answering invaluable source of reference material position in your chosen industry shows a your and information on graduate opportunities level of determination and allows you to questions. as well as job vacancies. Alternatively call develop employability skills. the free government funded Learn Direct 4. Be your own boss Helpline on 0800 100 900 or visit Think about the kind of working style and environment that will suit you. If the office 2. Start networking nine-to-fiver doesn’t tick your boxes it may Networking in one of the most important be that self-employment or freelance work aspects of working life. Seek advice from offers you the flexibility you crave and the


InBiz help individuals of all ages and backgrounds to work for themselves and have over 20 years experience in providing the training and support needed to get your business ideas off the ground. InBiz are experts in self employment, enterprise creation and neighbourhood regeneration with business start-ups, micro-businesses and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). InBiz also undertake commercial projects, putting our expertise to work helping individuals, business leaders and groups to develop their own enterprise skills and set up, run and develop their own businesses.

Telephone: 01642 610 610 Fax: 01642 610 611 Enterprise House, 8 Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees. TS18 3NA business support and skills development informnorth March 2008 49 CASH IN HAND: SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE...


peculate to accumulate? Think In some sectors, such as the media and If you answered YES - you may need to before you build up? Spend before performing arts, self-employment is a look at what support and help is available Syou make? Whatever your own standard way of working. Self employment for self-starters as you will primarily be personal interpretation of this proverb, covers these three areas, setting up a working alone, you will not always have it’s one that is persistently mentioned business, working as a freelancer or other people interacting with you. within the business world. contractor or buying into a franchise. I know my business idea will work? One of the many times this is used is when And whatever choice you take, there are If you answered NO - why not? Although someone has decided to go it alone and many pros and many cons to becoming starting your own business is a risk, you start they’re own business or enter the self employed. need to have faith in your idea, because if unknown of self employment. On the pros you could earn more money - you don’t who will? When the housewife starts her jewellery self employed people generate their own If you answered YES - great - you have making business she would have to buy income and profits, but a con would be confidence in your idea which is the first much of the material up front (speculate) you can’t guarantee a large income or step, just be prepared for a few failures to begin making the jewels before selling one at all! and disappointments as they will occur them and making money (accumulate). Although self employment means you are and you need to be able to cope with this The man starting his dog walking business your own boss, it also means that you’re when it does. would have to buy dog walking equipment working on your own and are responsible I have good organisational skills? (speculate) before taking his first dog out for the day-to-day business which means If you answered NO - then watch doing tasks you may not like. and gaining his first paid cheque out…organisation is key to running your (accumulate). As a self employed worker you can own business. Without organisation skills, work from home (the thought of doing how do you expect to organise a ‘business’ in your pajamas really appeals) business? but it also means that you will rarely leave your house (which has also become your If you answered YES - great, all you need work premises) and you may not speak to to match this skill with is time management anyone on a face-to-face basis and it and you’re half way there! could become lonely. I am practical and not idealistic But as a self employed person you are If you answered NO - you have to realistic doing work you enjoy and you are in and not idealistic, ideals never got Richard charge but on the negative side this means Branson his empire; he was realistic with the buck stops with you and an unwise his money, time and ideas decision could dent your business and the If you answered YES - working toward pressure on you is immense. realistic goals and achievements mean you So as you can see there are many pros have something practical to follow and are and cons and each one is weighed equally more likely to achieve them with the other so it really is a case of sitting and working through all of them I can challenge my own personal before finally making your life-changing weaknesses? decision. If you answered NO - if you can’t Three and a half million people in the UK, challenge your own failing how will you of all ages and from every walk of life, are challenge and handle any business self employed (taken from failing? so there is the If you answered YES - you will be able to proof that self employment can and does move with your business and avoid work but determination, motivation and an becoming stagnated. Recognising your original idea must be at the forefront of own failing will help rectify them in the any decision to go it alone. same way you would with a business idea. KATIE’S FIVE QUESTIONS TO ASK It’s not hard to see why more and more YOURSELF BEOFRE ‘GOING IT ALONE’ Although in this day and age there is people are becoming self employed and ample encouragement from the Do you thrive on others for interaction it’s even easier to see how many new busi- and ideas? ness ventures fail within the first year. Government to become self-employed, If you answered NO to this that’s great - Speculating to accumulate is just one of and as attractive as it sounds being your as you will need to rely on yourself for the many ways we can make a success of own boss there are also several motivation and self-discipline. Being able self employment and going it alone really disadvantages like arranging your to work alone is an asset as a can work - all you need is the idea, the own sick pay and pension. self-employed person. ability and the knowledge to succeed. 50 March 2008 informnorth Facing up to the challenge of the

By David Johnson -

aybe it’s because I’m weird that I have spent my life studying and practising psychology, or maybe it’s Mbecause I know human psychology exerts one of the most powerful influences upon whether or not a business becomes successful. Human psychology influences the performance of the business owner and key people, it also exerts an influence upon buying behaviour, supplier relationships, family behaviour etc. The list is endless. Ignore human psychology at point, your peril! ask yourself So, why the Dark Side, what is this all about? the following Let me begin with a few questions: question - What am I ignoring that could become a serious issue and Q: Are you sometimes (often) amazed, at the inexplicable damage my business? behaviour of colleagues? If you can’t find one answer to this question, ask a trusted Q: Do you spend time agreeing visions and mission statements colleague, but be prepared to hear the answer. and then do nothing substantial to realise them? Maybe the Dark Side influence is to be found within your Q: Do you look back in hindsight at some of the decisions you personality preferences? made and wonder why did I do that? The world is a fascinating place because people are different. Q: Have you lost a contract that was almost in the bag, and However, it is these personality differences that exert what can you just don’t know why? often be an inappropriate influence upon our business decisions and behaviour. Let’s take just a couple of examples. Those of us Maybe you haven’t understood the Dark Side? It may be who are highly creative can be an absolute nightmare to work your Dark Side or the Dark Side of potential clients? with. Yes, we come up with great ideas and new product The Dark Side is all that hidden, unknown, undiscussable stuff opportunities, but we can also leave a trail of havoc behind us. that finds its way, just like the Red Weed in the War of The By their very nature creative people often lack organisation skills. Worlds, into all aspects of our lives, our relationships with On the other hand when a desire to be organised tips beyond colleagues, family, suppliers, customers etc. Sometimes we have a appropriate levels it becomes stifling control. If you are at the gut feel that things are happening for a reason but we just can’t helm of a business seeking to grow and develop by involving stop it. At other times we are oblivious to what is causing people colleagues at all levels, a desire to control can undermine every (including you) to behave the way you do. effort you make. You may think you are delegating and releasing Let me tell you a story. Many years ago I worked with a business responsibility when in reality you are just keeping hold in a slightly owner who went beyond the Dark Side into the Dark Side. At the different way. Frustration, anger and disappointment are the helm of a successful business, power and success became too emotional outcomes, but business failure can be a bottom line much. Instead of using the revenue generated by success to business outcome. continue to develop the business he allowed status to inflate his So what can you do? sense of self-importance. He took his eye off the business and Entrepreneur Know Thyself. Get to grips with who you are and closed his mind to the demands of a rapidly changing market, what your personality preferences are. There is a downside to and became seduced by fast cars, smart clothes and wealthy every personality profile and the more you know what that is the friends. Very soon a rapid and aggressive competitor took his more you can intervene to overcome it. Psychology isn’t a business! mysterious art, but it does take a little time to get to grips with The Dark Side doesn’t need to have such severe consequences, how it exerts an influence upon the success or failure of our but if you ignore the signals which include dissatisfied employees, businesses. the loss of clients, conflict, cash flow difficulties, lack of growth, Remember that Darth Vader, just like Darth Sith, chose the Dark you may pay a more significant price at a later date. As a starting Side, and where did they end up? informnorth March 2008 51 business, enterprise support

BUSINESS START UP AND SUPPORT: GLEAM, Durham Teesside University, Graduate Business Unit, A4E Business Support Tel: 0191 334 5730 Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 384 425 Tel: 0845 345 666 Inbiz - Tel: 08000 321 001 London Bizfizz, Informnorth - the regions leading magazine for Tees Valley Business Club, Northallerton Tel: 020 7820 6300 Tel: 01609 881 533 enterprise and change. Building Up Business, North Shields Tel: 0191 586 6010 The Bridge Club, Newcastle Tel: 0191 200 6094 Tel: 0191 230 5742 Knowledge House (Higher Education Support Business Link - Tel: 0845 6009 006 for Industry in the North) Sunderland The Prince's Trust, Gateshead Tel: 0191 516 4408 Tel: 0191 497 3210 Chester-le-Street Enterprise Agency Make Your Mark Tel: 01642 451 840 Tyne and Wear Development Company Chester-le-Street - Tel: 0191 389 2648 Sunderland Durham - Tel: 0191 384 5407 Tel: 0191 516 9099 Newcastle and Gateshead Business Club Cobweb Information Ltd Tel: 0191 410 3355 University of Sunderland Hatchery Tel: 0191 461 8000 Tel: 0191 515 2329 North East Business and Innovation Centre Community Enterprise Direct (Northern) (BIC) - Tel: 0191 516 6200 Consett - Tel: 01207 500 053 Washington Business Forum North East Chamber of Commerce Tel: 0191 416 3040 County Durham Development Company (NECC), Durham Tel: 0191 386 1133 Wear Valley Development Agency (CDDC), Aykley Heads, Durham Bishop Auckland - Tel: 01388 776 688 Tel: 0191 383 2000 Northumberland Business Service Limited, Women into the Network (WIN), Durham Ashington Darlington and District Business Club Tel: 0191 334 5502 Tel: 01670 813 322 Tel: 0191 387 1924 People into Enterprise, Newcastle Walker Hall Associates, Durham Tel: 0845 245 0212 Darlington Business Venture Tel: 0191 384 3500 Tel: 01325 351 455 Young Enterprise North East, Felling Productivity North East, Durham Derwentside Business Network Tel: 0191 495 9500 Tel: 0191 387 1924 Tel: 0191 334 4662 BUSINESS FUNDING: Coalfield Enterprise Fund Enterprise DIDA Derwentside Industrial Prime Ventures Ltd, Preston - Tel: 01772 270 570 Development Agency, Consett Tel: 0800 783 1904 Tel: 01207 580 011 Project North East, Newcastle DU Services - Tel: 0845 450 1251 Tel: 0191 230 6400 Community Loan Fund for the North East RTC North Ltd, Sunderland Tel: 0191 487 7799 Durham Business Club, Chester-le-Street Tel: 0191 516 4400 Crafts Council, London - Tel: 0207 278 7700 Tel: 0191 388 4488 SASDA, The Development Agency of Sedgefield Borough, Newton Aycliffe Cultural Business Venture, Arts Council East Durham Business Service, Peterlee Tel: 01325 328 833 Tel: 0191 586 3366 Newcastle - Tel: 0845 300 6200 Shell LiveWIRE, Evolve Finance Limited, Gateshead Enterprise Academy, Middlesbrough Tel: 0191 423 6229 Football Club Tel: 0845 111 1851 Tel: 01642 757 674 South Tyneside Business Network Falchion Fund, Darlington South Shields Tel: 0845130 5159 Entrepreneurs Forum, Newcastle Tel: 01325 388 682 Tel: 0870 850 2233 Sunderland Business Network Five Lamps - Tel: 0800 458 0120 Tel: 0191 565 1028 Entrust, Newcastle Tel: 0191 244 4000 TEDCO, Boldon NEL Fund Managers Fin Ltd Enterprise Support Centre Tel: 0191 428 3300 Tel: 0845 111 1850 Newcastle - Tel: 0191 272 5794 Teesdale Enterprise Agency, Barnard Castle Project North East Tel: 01833 696 600 Tel: 0191 245 3698

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT If you want to work for yourself and need  Take advantage of free one-to-one S some advice to turn your ideas into business advice clinics where you can t reality, then Start Your Business is for you. discuss your business ideas with a Independent advice and information is team of experts N available in a number of ways, all in one  Learn about support organisations by M day and under one roof. visiting the exhibition area C  Benefit from free business workshops  Network with other business start-ups M outlining every detail of starting your and meet potential new clients and own business, e.g. marketing, web F business partners. design and PR. w

52 March 2008 informnorth Royal British Legion - Tel: 0191 273 3619 GMB Northern Region, Newcastle The Northern Energy lnitiative (TNEI), Tel: 0191233 3930 Newcastle - Tel: 0191 233 9300 Street NE - Tel: 0191 230 20 80 Government Office for the North East TUC, Newcastle Tel: 0191 201 3300 Tel: 0191 227 5550 Small Firms Loan Guarantee Section, Health a Safety Executive UK Trade & Investment, Newcastle Department for Business, Enterprise and Tel: 0191 202 6200 Tel: 020 7215 2471 Regulatory Reform HM Revenue & Customs Unison - Tel: 0191 245 0800 UK Steel Enterprise Ltd Institute of Business Consulting Tel: 01642 777 888 Tel: 020 7566 5220 BUSINESS PREMISES/ INCUBATOR UNITS: BUSINESS CONTACTS: Institute of Directors ACAS - Tel: 08457 474 747 Tel: 020 7766 8866 County Durham Development Company Tel: 0191 383 2000 AMICUS, Newcastle Institute of Management Designworks - Tel: 0191 423 6200 Tel: 0191 260 3777 Tel: 01536 204 222 Institute of Personnel & Development Business Debtline - free advice Innovation Centre, Hartlepool Tel: 020 8971 9000 Tel: 0800 197 6026 Tel: 01429 239 500 Business in the Community, Gateshead Institute of Financial Accountants Innovation Centre, Redcar Tel: 0191 487 7799 Tel: 01732 458 080 Tel: 01642 777 777 British Franchise Association (BFA) IR35 Helpline - Tel: 0845 303 3535 Netpark Tel: 01740 625 250 Oxon - Tel: 01491 578 050 Just 4 Business - Northumbria Centre for Enterprise National Insurance Tel: 01670 528 400 British Safety Council, London Registrations Helpline: Tel: 0845 915 57006 Project North East Workspace Tel: 0208 741 1231 Self Employed Helpline: Tel: 0845 915 4655 Tel: 0191 230 6407 British Telecommunications plc Employed/Worker Helpline:Tel: 0845 302 1479 Shildon Business Centre Tel: 01388 777 597 Tel: 0800 800 800 Storeys:SSP Business Names Registration plc Nat. Minimum Wage Tel: 0191 232 6291 Birmingham - Tel: 0121 678 9000 Tel: 0845 6000 678 Tedco, Jarrow and South Shields and New Employers' Helpline Quadrus Centre -Tel: 0191 428 3300 Tel: 0845 60 70 143 Chartered Institute of Patent Agents London - Tel: 020 7405 9450 Newly Self Employed Helpline Tel: 08459 154 515 Tyne and Wear Development Company Common Purpose (North East) North East Euro Info Centre, Gateshead Sunderland Tyneside.Tel: 0191 227 0390 Tel: 0191 490 9200 Tel: 0191 516 9099 Wearside Tel: 0191 515 3480 BANKS: Tees Valley Tel: 01642 438 439 Northumbrian Water Tel: 0845 717 1100 Abbey National Tel: 0845 6070 666 Office of Fair Trading - Communications Workers Union Alliance and Leicester - Tel: 0800 056 5522 North East, Newcastle - Tel: 0191 222 2336 One NorthEast Newcastle - Tel: 0191 229 6200 Tees Valley - Tel: 01642 853 600 Bank of Scotland - Tel: 0845 606 0286 Companies House - Tel: 0870 333 3636 Patent Advice Centre, Newcastle Barclays Department for Business Enterprise & 0191 260 3250 Tel: 0800 028 4002 Regulatory Reform Self Assessment HSBC - Tel: 0800 731 8904 Department for Work and Pensions Tel: 0845 9000 444 Lloyds TSB - Tel: 0800 056 0056 Tel: 020 7712 2171 Service Network (NE) Ltd,Tyne & Wear Disability Rights Commission Tel: 0191 519 7373 Nat West - Tel: 0800 200 400 Tel: 08457 622 644 Stakeholder Pensions Helpline Equality North East, Gateshead Tel: 0845 601 2923 Royal Bank Scotland Business Start up Tel: 0191 495 6262 Tel: 0800 783 977

UT STARTING YOUR BUSINESS Start Your Business events are BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE: taking place at: Phone: Karen 0191 281 5777 Newcastle 29 March Morpeth 5 April Email: [email protected] Chester-le-Street 19 April Middlesbrough 26 April If you would like to exhibit at this event to promote your organisation to people For further details go to wanting to start a company, please contact Lyndsey on 0191 281 5777

informnorth March 2008 53 Imagine living without your mobile phone, cosmetics or even food! f you live in a modern day society, as we do in the UK, then the process industry - the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and speciality chemical companies especially here in the North East, contribute every day, every hour, every second. This vital industry sector is essential to almost everything we do and yet most people do not recognise this, as informnorth magazine discovers.

ithout these industries and the products they develop we Careers opportunities in the sector would quite literally starve; freeze or bore ourselves to Wdeath. Whether at work, college, home or play, products Analytical chemist Organic chemist created by the chemical industry are there to help make your life Analyst Patent specialist more enjoyable, easier and safer. Whatever you buy DVDs, Biochemist Pharmacologist deodorant or a mobile phone it has been made by using Chemist Planning engineer chemicals. Look around you. Without chemicals and the chemical Chemical engineer Polymer scientist industry, virtually every man-made object could not have been Clinical research scientist Process engineer made. Data manager Process development chemist At home we relax in our living rooms decorated in acrylic paints Development technologist Production engineer and vinyl wallpaper, lit by long life light bulbs and watching our Drug safety associate Project manager televisions, which along with our DVD and CD players, are Ecologist Quality assurance officer housed in a strong and durable plastic frame. The process Environmental scientist Quantity surveyor industry protects us when we eat by providing safe food and water Environmental engineer Regulatory affairs specialist through antioxidants, biocides and flavourings, while fertilizers and Epidemiologist Research scientist crop protection chemicals help us to make sure that we produce Fermentation scientist Safety engineer enough for our needs. Our food and drinks stay fresher longer Formulation technologist Scale up chemist thanks to special packaging and containers. Geologist Scientific writer Instrument engineer Software engineer We keep ourselves and our clothes clean with shampoos, Information technologist Statistician soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, washing powders, detergents and Inorganic chemist Statistical programmer disinfectants, which are all produced using chemicals. Our bodies Life scientist Systems engineer are kept well and protected thanks to the chemicals used in many Laboratory manager Technical engineer antibiotics and other drugs. Disease can be prevented or treated Materials scientist Training engineer easily and painlessly thanks to these drugs, which in turn have Mechanical engineer Toxicologist expanded the human lifespan - perhaps our most significant Metallurgist Virologist contribution to society. Microbiologist Web designer In terms products the list is quite literally endless - cars, bikes, Molecular biologist ……and many others. phones, mp3 players, game consoles, plasma televisions, laptops, inks and dyes, clothes, new medicines, makes-ups and creams. So by now I assume you’re beginning to understand just how important this industry is and you’ll probably be even more astounded to know that all of these products and technologies are produced in North East England. We have over 500 companies based in our region, employing an astonishing 40,000 people and selling £70 billion worth of products each year. And because of how quickly these companies are growing we need 16,000 new employees over the next ten years – that’s 8,000 vocational and 8,000 graduates. Fancy it? The average salary for a graduate is £25,000 growing to more than £80,000 over the length of your career. Fancy it now? The routes to join this industry are varied and there is a study Process Chemical Industries path that will suit all types of young people. From apprenticeships, A-levels and company sponsored Foundation Offer Rewarding Career degrees, to acquiring a university degree and entering at graduate level, your options are endless and as for the jobs Choices in the North East and careers, they are endless too. (see list opposite). The process industry in the Northeast England is supported by Name: Kirsty Winter, 30 NEPIC, the North East Process Industry Cluster. We are here to Position Held: Technical & Development Manager - Lucite International UK Limited, Billingham THE CHEMICAL REACTION Studied: Chemical Engineering at Loughborough University According to Cogent, the Sector Skills Council, the chemical industry nationally will require the following additional staff people over the next 10 years:- irsty’s interest in Chemical Engineering came during 24,000 managers, 6,000 science and engineering her A Levels when she undertook a short ‘Women into professionals, 24,000 process technicians & operators KChemical Engineering’ Course. She attended Loughborough University and graduated in 1999 with Given the intensity of the Process Industry in our region 1st Class B.Eng (Hons) in Chemical Engineering. Since and the significant ongoing investment, a large graduating, Kirsty under took various Process Engineering proportion of these jobs will be in the North East. roles throughout the region to gain vital work experience. Kirsty worked on projects varying from designing new pharmaceutical plants, uprating of existing chemical plants, help the industry grow and sustain its future. We have lots of general design and technical support, and undertaking risk interesting information on our website about careers and and environmental studies. In 2003, Kirsty joined the Lucite training routes, which includes media-videos created by young International Technical Team, developing and delivering adults. Why not take a look at our website or if you prefer, technical improvements through project and modification we can pop a copy in the post - just give us a call. work at Lucite's facility in Billingham, as well as aiding We have all seen how quickly the products and gadgets around the company in manufacturing its products in the most are changing and the amazing new things that are on offer environmental and safe manner. The role is varied to also to us that make our lives easier, more enjoyable and most include troubleshooting and writing operating instructions importantly longer. Why not be part of these changes and through to technical support for planning and execution of technologies of the future? Why not join us and start shutdowns, commissioning, and production loss accounting. One of Kirsty's more recent roles included management of a career in the process a Manufacturing Improvement Team. The technical industries? improvements delivered by Kirsty and this team have saved the company hundreds of thousands of pounds in production costs, maintenance and resource efficiency, as well as improving customer supply chain confidence. In 2008, Kirsty was offered promotion within Lucite to increase her level of Technical Management. This role will broaden her technical expertise and involves high hazard accountabilities and line management responsibilities. Kirsty won the NEPIC 2008 Young Achiever of the Year Award for the Base Chemical Sector. A Question

New Recruits To TH_NK of Sport North East based, TH_NK, has appointed a new Client Services Director, Louise Holland and Account Manager, Karen Ashtiani, to boost its ranks. “Okay, who was the world's first ever black profes- Holland head up its Account Management team, bringing with her a wealth of in-house sional footballer player, who did he play for and experience encompassing the delivery of large scale web projects across a diverse range when? was the question posed by Shaun Campbell, of sectors. 46, owner of Drum Art Furniture, in Grange Road, Karen Ashtiani joins the company as Account Manager after relocating to the North East Darlington, who is campaigning for a life-size stat- from London, bringing with her a track record in media planning for a number of high profile ue to be erected here in the region as brands To find out more about these opportunities contact [email protected] informnorth magazine discovers...

Skills Action Shortage o you both of Arthur's paternal grandfather's A campaign aimed at helping companies in the think were Scottish traders. One of his great construction sector to overcome a skills you grandmothers was an African-Grenadian shortage is underway. D know about In the North East, around 20% of construction slave. Arthur's uncle on his mothers' side companies are already working with Investors sport? Are was a successful businessman and owner in People. Assessment North East, the region’s you keen on of the Gold Coast Times. accredited IIP Centre, is now targeting around football? Well In 1884, aged 19, Arthur moved to the 250 key organisations to look at IIP as a way of here's one for the Arthur Wharton North East to train as a Methodist increasing their employees’ skills levels and pub on a Friday improving performance. night, in fact I tried it recently and out preacher at Cleveland College, Darlington Further information is available from and whilst at College that he began his Assessment North East on 0191 516 6464 and of a group of eight of us, when asked at "which team did the first black professional amazing sporting careers, competing at footballer play for?" nobody got it right. this stage as a 'gentleman amateur'. He Ban Tax On Death Nobody was even close, and as I'd only excelled at everything he tried (even setting Inheritance Tax has been voted the nation’s discovered the fact myself the previous a record time for cycling between Preston most hated tax according to a poll from week, I wasn't surprised. They never even and Blackburn in 1887). Co-operative Financial Services (CFS). got the right century, never mind the year. In 1886 Arthur became the fastest man Nearly a third (31 per cent) of those questioned said they would like to see the so I'd love to have found out what the panel in Britain winning the Amateur Athletics called ‘death tax’ killed off, the research reveals. on Century Radio's 'Football Phone In' Association national 100 yards champion Stamp Duty is the country’s second least would have made of the question because at Stamford Bridge, London - the first time favourite and should be felled according to Arthur Wharton was the world's first Black the trophy was won by a Northerner. almost a quarter (23 per cent) would be professional footballer - the forerunner of His sporting prowess was spotted by climbers on the property ladder. While one in all black footballers - and he played for Darlington Football Club, where he was five (21 per cent) want the Chancellor to home in the abolition of Council Tax at his budget Darlington in, believe it or not, 1885. selected to play as goalkeeper and he next month. But despite his sporting prowess, he was became the first black professional A further one in seven (15 per cent) fed up never fully accepted and died a forgotten footballer in Britain. motorists voted fuel and road duty into fourth man. In fact, to the majority of people he There was no league championship then place and believe they would be miles better off won't be recognised at all, especially by and the FA Cup was the main competition, if HMRC put the brakes on such duties. the north east town that had the honour of Despite Income Tax being the biggest deduction having had Arthur, who was born on 28 along with district and county matches and for most of the nation’s taxpayers, just one in October 1865 in Accra, formerly the Gold whilst at Darlington he was describes as 10 (9 per cent) would call for the Chancellor Coast, now capital of Ghana, West Africa 'magnificent', 'invincible' and 'superb'. to wage war on PAYE. playing for their team. In 1885/86 season, whilst still a player for The country’s five most unpopular taxes Arthur's father, Henry Wharton was a Darlington, Arthur was selected for the according to the poll of more 3,000 people are: 1 Inheritance Tax 31 per cent famous Methodist Minister and Missionary prestigious Newcastle and District team. At 2 Stamp Duty 23 per cent from Grenada in the West Indies was half- that time it was the best in the city and far 3 Council Tax 21 per cent Grenadian and half-Scottish. His mother, superior to the West End and East End 4 Fuel and road duty 15 per cent Annie Florence Egyriba was a half-Scottish sides, which later combined to form what 5 Income tax 9 per cent member of the Fante Royal Family and we know as Newcastle United. 56 March 2008 informnorth ball. His performance for Darlington came buried in an unmarked grave in Edlington to the attention of the then mighty Preston Cemetery. North End, who signed him. He played in Shaun Campbell, 46, owner of Drum Art their FA Cup team of 1886/7, while Furniture, in Grange Road, Darlington, is continuing to turn out for Darlington. campaigning for a life-size statue of In 1888 he left the region to become a Wharton to be erected outside the Balfour professional runner in Sheffield but after Webnet Darlington Arena. His plan has a year he returned to football, signing for been supported by Kick It Out, football's Rotherham, where he remained for six anti-racism campaign. Mr Campbell has year before moving to Sheffield Utd for spoken to the club, and written to a season. A year at Stalybridge followed Darlington Borough Council, seeking until he fell out of favour and joined rivals more support and funding. Ashton-under-Lyme, in 1897 until they Mr Campbell believes the statue would be went bankrupt in 1899. After another spell visited by football fans from around the with Stalybridge he returned to the world but warns that if Darlington does not Football League in 1901 with Stockport erect the statue, one of Wharton's other County at the age of 36 and he retired in clubs will. 1902. "Darlington has a number of firsts that I In 1914 Arthur was also offered a job know of, " he said ”The first railway, the coaching cricket in County Durham, which first great children's book - Lewis Carroll's he turned down due to lack of work to Alice in Wonderland and, in Arthur supplement his wages. Wharton, the world's very first black In 1915 he went to live in Edlington, professional footballer. We can either Doncaster - possibly looking for work. He record that fact, or celebrate it and I think became a haulage hand at Yorkshire Main we should celebrate it." Colliery and joined the Home Guard of Mr Campbell, whose father is from first world war sometime between 1915 Barbados, and mother from England, Like many other great goalkeepers before and 1918. believes the statue would be visited by and after him, he gained a reputation for Arthur continued with his cricket and his football fans from around the world - being eccentric! Apparently he would wait running. Even in his 50's, an eyewitness especially if England wins the chance to in a crouching position at the side of the reported that 'he could catch pigeons'. In host the 2018 World Cup. To find out goal (not what we’d consider a really 1930, Arthur died penniless in the more or offer support to the campaign good idea?) before rushing out to save the Springwell Sanitarium in Balby and was please call Shaun on 01325 362 363.

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Corporate Gifts, Promotional ...AND GET EIGHTY WORDS Clothing & Incentives FOR FREE IN THE NEXT ISSUE If you’re searching for a reliable source of outstanding corporate and business products, Widely acknowledged the clear leader in its field and combined with excellent service at competitive constantly punching well above our weight, informnorth prices, call Beaver Business Gifts first. is the only specialist publication of its kind. Eighty Words For Free is a brand new feature that will help you or your organisation raise awareness to an event • Bags & Caps • Polo shirts & Fleeces that’s coming up, a recent business appointment, a success • Coasters & Key Rings • Glassware story or something that you are celebrating. If you have a reason to shout and would like to share it • Conference Folders • Post-it Notes with our readers then keep it to eighty words or less • Golf Products • Mugs and send it in to us - we’ll try our best to include it and there’s no charge - so you have nothing to lose! • Pens, Pencils & Rulers • Umbrellas etc To qualify, then your ‘snippets’ of information need to be less than eighty words in length including a short headline, Beaver business Gifts - working to promote your business message content and contact number or web address. If Call for a FREE colour brochure, samples and quotations: you’re over then you’re out - how easy can it be? Send your editorial snippets and information direct 0800 328 0317 to [email protected] Promotion House Telford Road Middlesbrough TS3 8BL informnorth March 2008 57 TOP MARKS FOR excellent service ducation in the During 2006/07 the Youth Community came in Service in County Durham Eto being in 2001 and continued to build on the is located within Durham improvements and success County Council’s Children of previous years, and Young People’s Services. improvement that was The department provides confirmed by the Enhanced the County Council’s Adult Youth Work Inspection and Family Learning and carried out by OfSTED Skills for Life Services, as who reported: ‘The Youth well as the Youth Service in Service is good and County Durham. provides good value The Senior Management for money’. Team are supported by a OfSTED also noted that key team with nine areas of young people involved with strategic responsibility that the service also achieved includes post 16 education, well with youth workers skills for life, family delivering consistently high learning, management, standards in a wide range of business, administration, provision, in conjunction youth, quality, or a with partners and leadership geographical operational and management are good. area. The Duke of Edinburgh The semi-rural environment Award programme is used and industrial background by the Youth Service to of the County makes it accredit the progression of unique in terms of service young people. provision. Education in the The number of young community is part of part of people achieving a full Children and Young Peoples Services safe communities, build a strong economy, award has risen from 76 to 169, within within a 4-Star Excellent County Council. look after the environment and develop Youth Service Setting The Scene lifelong learning. provision. Support for other organisations Education in the Community is a large, The Service’s highly skilled and experienced across the county has assisted a further universally integrated service with over Skills for Life and Family Learning teams 71 young people to achieve full awards. 900 staff and volunteers deployed across have been very successful in developing OfTSED reported that the Award scheme 86 sites for the delivery of Youth Work and innovative and enjoyable programmes for was managed well and commented on 90 organisations for Personal and young people, adults and families in the impressive number of young people Community Development Learning. The schools, in a wide range of community achieving awards each year. Service also has four Skills for Life centres settings and with various employers. Importantly, satisfaction levels amongst delivering on-site and outreach basic skills young people using the service are provision. Family Learning activity is also Youth Service Provision exceptionally high and far exceed the 70% wide-ranging which when combined with The aim of the Youth Service in County national target. Skills for Life work, covers 108 schools Durham is to provide an excellent and across the County. continually improving Youth Service that Dave Emmerson, Education in the educates and enables young people in Community Manager said ”It has been Both formal and informal learning is County Durham to enjoy, achieve and particularly pleasing for the staff and the offered by the service from accredited realise their potential. Department as a whole to be recognised courses in crèche work and classroom as providing an excellent service across assistance to Duke of Edinburgh’s and the board.” Youth Achievement Awards. If you would like to know more about Education in the Community or Youth Service The young people involved assessed Their mission is to “enable and support provision in County Durham contact: twelve satisfaction indicators such as range individuals, groups and communities to of activities offered, opportunities to learn, access Lifelong Learning, so that people Education in the Community atmosphere/appearance of club, facilities, will feel valued, reach their full potential Manager - David Emmerson information and guidance provided and and become active citizens” which it does Tel: 0191 383 3259 treatment by the youth workers. The collaboratively with a number of partners. e-mail: overall satisfaction rating for each area By achieving this mission, Education in the [email protected] was above 90%. The results further Community contributes to the realisation Youth Service Manager, confirm the good relationship that exists of the County Council’s corporate aims, Paul Hebron between workers and young people and which work to promote strong, healthy and Tel: 0191 383 4402 the excellent levels of service offered. e-mail: [email protected]

58 March 2008 informnorth Don’t you love it when things just simply work?

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We’ve seen over 20,000 new faces in the last month at - isn’t it time to show yours?

Informnorth is the only specialist self development and very exceptional and although we feel flattered when we skills magazine that serves all parts of the North East. are imitated, we constantly lead in offering our readers essential guidance and unrivalled inspiration that’s not We believe that everybody should be given the very best available elsewhere. guidance, support and information available to turn their dreams and aspirations into reality. Informnorth is designed to be very easy to access, read and digest and it is also freely available online as well as from That’s because we think that if you have the motivation a unique range of organisations and key distribution to succeed in life, there’s never been a better time to make outlets. the most of the expertise that exists and the opportunities that lie ahead. We’re the undisputed market leader and like no other publication or organisation. We work in partnership with Perhaps you didn’t do so well as school or left without many of the best sources of help and support in the North formal qualifications and now want to make up for lost East to match peoples’ ambitions with great success stories time? and real-life case studies and we highlight where you Maybe you just want to get off benefits, get a job and should turn for ideas and help no matter what your have a regular income or take the jump into self circumstances. employment, fulfiling ambitions of working for yourself? In short, if you have the ambition to succeed then we’ll Even if you’re just bored with your job or present career show you how to take it much further. path and just need a little bit of help looking for another, Make sure you ask for a copy wherever you’re seeking then informnorth is the magazine that fills the gap. help - to find out more visit today. We provide excellent support in helping YOU to find real For inspiration, impartial advice and inspiration, the best path and the ‘right’ way forward. quality signposting for YOUR ambitions Informnorth is just like our readers - totally unique and there’s only one place you need turn...

*Average site visits in the three months from Oct 01 until Dec 31 was 62,367 inclusive

*Site visitors as indicated represent unique visitors - actual page impressions were 48,659 All figures exclude downloads from informnorth The magazine for skills and change archive Telephone: 0191 5866 010 or 5866 040 or visit local authority, volunteering & social sector

GOVERNMENT/LOCAL AUTHORITIES: Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT FOR Government Office North East Tel: 01642 393 939 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Tel: 0191 201 3300 Business Development Team A4E Job Broker Service Tel: 01642 528 384 Tel: 0800 345 666 North East Assembly, Newcastle Broker North East - Tel: 0800 389 7036 Tel: 0845 673 343 Northumberland Alnwick District Council Employment Opportunities Newcastle Tel: 01665 510 505 Tel: 0191 2321994 Durham Chester le Street District Council Berwick-upon-Tweed Borough Council Finchale Training College - Tel: 0191 386 Tel: 0191 387 1919 Tel: 01289 330 800 2634 Regeneration Services - Tel: 01289 301 760 Economic Development Department Focus on Learning, County Durham Tel: 0191 387 2197 Tel: 0191 373 3146 Blyth Valley Borough Council Derwentside District Council LEAP Adult Education Centre Tel: 01670 542 542 Tel: 01207 218 000 (specialised training for people with dyslexia) Economic Intelligence Team - Tel: 01670 542 308 Project Development Tel: 01833 690 281 Tel: 01207 218 239 Learn East, Peterlee - Tel: 0191 586 2402 Castle Morpeth Borough Council Durham City Council - Tel: 0191 386 6111 Mencap, Gateshead Tel: 01670 535 000 City Info Tel: 0191 301 8499 Tel: 0191 487 0444 www. Northumberland County Council, Morpeth New Deal for Disabled People Tel: 01670 533 000 Durham County Council - Tel: 0191 383 3000 Tel: 0845 606 2626 Economic Development Tynedale Council, Hexham - Tel: 01434 652 Northern Pine Tree Trust, Birtley Tel: 0191 383 3015 200 Tel: 0191 492 8215 Regeneration and Communities District of Easington - Tel: 0191 527 0501 Tel: 01434 652 121 Economic Intelligence Pioneering Care Centre Tel: 0191 527 4721 Wansbeck District Council, Ashington Tel: 01325 321 234 Tel: 01670 532 200 Sedgefield Borough Council, Spennymoor RBLI, Gateshead Regeneration Team Tel: 01388 816 166 Tel: 0191 440 3922 Tel: 01670 843 499 Teesdale District Council, Barnard Castle Remploy Tyne and Wear Tel: 01833 690 000 Tel: 0800 138 7656 City of Sunderland Wear Valley District Council, Crook Tel. (0191) 520 5555 Return to Learn Centre, Stanley Tel: 01388 765 555 Invest in Sunderland - Tel: 0191 553 1171 Tel: 01207 230521 Tees Valley Shaw Trust Tel: 0800 085 1001 Darlington Borough Council Gateshead Council, Gateshead Tel: 01325 380 651 Tel: 0191 433 3000 WorkAble Economic Regeneration Economic Development Department Sunderland - Tel: 0191 566 0926 Tel: 01325 388 660 Tel: 0191 433 2078 Newcastle & Gateshead - Tel: 0191 274 8585 Hartlepool Borough Council Newcastle City Council Tel: 01429 266 522 Tel: 0191 232 8520 VOLUNTARY and COMMUNITY Economic Development/Business Suppport Preparing for Change - Tel: 0191 277 7851 SECTOR ORGANISATIONS: Department - Tel: 01429 523 511 BTCV - Tel: 01302 388 888 North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Citizens Advice Bureau - Tel: 08451 264 264 Middlesbrough Council - Tel: 01642 245 432 Council Wallsend -Tel: 0191 200 5000 Economic Development Regeneration Department - Tel: 0191 219 2842 Groundwork North East - Tel: 0191 384 2233 Tel: 01642 729 007 Redcar and Cleveland Council, South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Help Yourselves Award Scheme Tel: 0845 612 6126 Council, South Shields - Tel: 0191 427 1717 South Bank Industrial Development economic development department National Database of Volunteering Tel: 01642 444 225 Tel: 0191 424 7579

informnorth spotlight on: TalentStar

alentStar give people opportunities producing a talent show for a local charity From these conversations Adam had the idea to have their creativity and talents and contacted Stuart’s family to see if the to set up an Internet only resource for music Tshowcased to audiences outside their singer would be interested in performing. performers and musicians and specialised in social networks. The team dedicate their time Stuart’s brother, Andrew, and Adam decided this in the third year of his degree. At this and work to stop the notion that people’s to promote Stuart and within no time a point TalentStar was born. projects are always disposable. TalentStar group was formed when other budding provides a positive output for people to gain singers joined Stuart. X-poze launched at the From here the team went on to produce recognition in having their work published. charity event and went onto to do several shows to give the talent an opportunity to support performances for the likes of A1, get up on stage and perform in front of Where the idea came from? Liberty X and Geri Halliwell. audiences, including schools based tours. Media student Adam Chetter had been watching Popstars and had seen the local When working on the project many young Over the forth-coming year TalentStar singer Stuart Pawley reach the final 60 of the people highlighted the severe lack of suffered a major setback when the company series in 2001. At the time, Adam was performance opportunities in the region. lost £4000 due to Newcastle Opera House 60 March 2008 informnorth NSPCC - Sunderland Volunteer Bureau Maturity Works Reach - Tel: 01670 840 794 Tel: 0191 567 8902 Volunteer Centre Newcastle Prime Tel: 0191 232 6616 Tel: 0800 783 1904 The National Trust - Tel: 01904 771 963 Third Age Employment Network County Durham Tel: 020 7843 1590 Timebank - Tel: 0845 456 1668 - Tel: 0191 389 1960 University of the Third Age Chester-le-Street CVS Tel: 020 8466 6139 Victim Support - Tel: 020 7735 9166 CSV Action Durham Millennium EDUCATION IN THE COMMUNITY: Volunteers - Tel: 0191 389 2947 County Office, Durham - Tel: 0191 383 4400 Vinspired - Dales Area, Bishop Auckland Voluntary Organisations’ Network Derwentside Volunteer Bureau, Stanley Tel: 01388 662 577 North East (VONNE) Tel: 01207 218 855 Durham Area - Tel: 0191 383 9176 Tel: 0191 233 2000 Durham City District Council for East Durham Area, Peterlee Voluntary Service - Tel: 0191 384 4801 Tel: 0191 587 1098 Tel: 0191 261 6009 Durham City District Volunteer Bureau North Durham Area, Stanley Volunteering England - Tel: 0845 305 6979 Tel: 0191 383 1944 Tel: 01207 232 565 Durham Rural Community Council Sedgefield Area, Rushyford Northumberland Lanchester - Tel: 01207 529 621 Tel: 01388 720 911 Blyth Valley CVS Tel: 01670 353 623 DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATIONS: East Durham Trust - Tel: 0191 569 3511 Acumen Community Enterprise Community Action Northumberland Development Trust - Tel: 0191 518 8810 Morpeth - Tel: 01670 517 178 Sedgefield Development Partnership Tel: 01740 629 445 Amble Development Trust - 01665 712 929 Castle Morpeth & Wansbeck Volunteer Bureau, Ashington - Tel: 01670 858 688 Sedgefield Borough Volunteer Bureau Berwick Community Development Trust Tel: 01388 811 115 Tel: 01289 303 366 North Northumberland Voluntary Action Tees Valley Alnwick - Tel: 01665 605 772 Community Regeneration Trust North East Darlington Volunteer Bureau Tel: 0191 424 5462 Tynedale Volunteering, Hexham Tel: 01325 266 888 Tel: 01434 601 201 Community Ventures Ltd, Middlesbrough Hartlepool Volunteer Bureau Tel: 01642 230 314 Tyne & Wear Tel: 01429 262 641 Greater Morpeth Development Trust CSV Action Sunderland & Durham Middlesbrough Volunteer Centre Tel: 0845 094 2493 Tel: 0191 551 8241 Tel: 01642 803 613 Headland Development Trust Gateshead Volunteering Redcar & Cleveland Voluntary Tel: 01429 420 302 Tel: 0191 478 4103 Development Agency North Tyneside Voluntary Organisation Tel: 01642 440 571 Development Agency, Shiremoor Stockton Voluntary Development Agency Informnorth - the regions leading magazine Tel: 0191 200 8555 Tel: 01642 355 292 for enterprise and change. Tel: 0191 586 6010 South Tyneside Resource for Initiating Teesdale & Wear Valley 2D, Crook Development of the Economy, South Shields Tel: 01388 762 220 Project North East 0191 455 6680 Tees Valley Rural Community Council Tel: 0191 261 6009 South Tyneside Youth Action Volunteers Middlesbrough - Tel: 01642 213 852 Sedgefield Development Trust Tel: 0191 454 8704 Tel: 01740 629 011 South Tyneside CVS, South Shields OLDER AGE GROUP CONTACTS: St Aidans Community Trust Tel: 0191 456 9551 Age Positive - Tel: 01388 517 215

going into administration. Sacrifices had to run as a not for profit organisation with the be made and the team ended up running ability to offer more opportunities than ever TalentStar from home for a year to make it before. In August 2005, TalentStar TalentStar are now embarking on sustainable once again. Soon after the third became the UK’s first ever CIC. As a a new chapter to give opportunities tour followed and TalentStar setup a record result TalentStar was able to expand its to more people and do so in a label and released a Band Aid style song activities by adding a stream of media positive light. projects covering DVD production and with the finalists. Contact Information: photography. In 2006 TalentStar moved into In 2005 Adam was joined by Keith Stoker The Venue in Annfield Plain and by 2007 a Talentstar - 0800 043 6990 and they were introduced to a new form of new interactive TalentStar website was [email protected] social enterprise called the Community launched. Interest Company (CIC), a concept that suited Talentstar as it would enable it to be informnorth March 2008 61 Book Worm

Succeed At Psychometric Testing Are you applying to or considering joining a police force in England and Wales? If so, you will have to sit the national police selection process. This book will help you to build the confidence and gain the skills needed to perform to the best of your ability under test conditions. The material in this book will help you to succeed in your applications to all police forces in England and Wales. It will also be useful if you are applying to other services which include testing as part of their selection process.

informnorth rating In association with:

Essential A-Z Refer Series ence series

Indian Head Massage A-Z handboook of Business Studies The Essentials of Human Rights Indian Head Massage covers the fundam The Complete A-Z Handbook for Business The Essentials of Human Rights covers the entals of the subject. Full of step-by-step Studies is invaluable for students of all AS and history of human rights, the arguments over photographs, FAQs and definitions, and A2 Level courses and is also a useful resource their justification and uses examples of including a free CD-ROM with interactive for University students. It explains all the key specific rights and freedoms to assess the revision activities, this is an essential text terms in Advanced Level Business Studies. current situation, including international for all students of Indian head massage. legal systems and organisations like the UN, and prospects for the future. informnorth rating informnorth rating informnorth rating

This T Get a each Morning y Life ourself s series series eries

Skint to Mint Get Out of Debt Teach Yourself Photography Offering a step-by-step action plan, Skint Let Denise Robertson, This Morning's Teach Yourself Photography is packed from to Mint starts with the most basic and much-loved agony aunt, and money expert cover to cover with invaluable hints and tips non-confrontational tasks before moving Sarah Modlock, be your companions as they on all aspects of photography. The large on to an easy to follow guide to overhauling guide you step-by-step through both the full-colour format makes it accessible and incomings and outgoings, confronting debt, practical and complicated issues surrounding easy to use and refer to. making money go further and, finally, saving debt management. for the future. informnorth rating informnorth rating informnorth rating

62 March 2008 informnorth In association with:


Holy island (Lindsfarne)

Coldstream Farne Islands Belford Cornhill-upon-Tweed Bamburgh Seahouses Wooler Distribution area and guide to the North East Beadnell The North East: No or % Degree level/higher: 15 Alnwick Population: 2,509,504 No qualifications: 34.7 Craster Males: 1,218,579 Employed socio-economic Dunstanburgh Northumberland Females: 1,296,863 groups (%) Almouth Employed: 1,059,995 Higher managerial Warkworth Unemployed: 48,924 or professional: 5.6 Rothbury Amble Aged 0 - 15: 497,321 Lower managerial Otterburn Cragside Aged 16 - 74: 1,831,354 or professional: 15.5 Kielder Aged 75+: 186,767 Intermediate or Ashington Area: 859,200ha small employers: 13.6 Bellingham Cambo Morpeth Households: 1,070,424 Lower supervisory or Blyth With residents: 1,066,292 technical workers: 7.9 Ponteland Qualifications all 16-74 % Routine occupation: 24

Newcastle Whitley Bay Hexham Tynemouth Income & Work Related South Shields Haltwhistle Gateshead Employed: 998,351 Corbridge Tyne Washington Travel to work by car: 64% Sunderland Allendale & Wear Travel to work by public transport: 14% Alston Unemployed: 82987 Chester-le-Street Blanchland % Long-term: 29,321 Wolsingham Durham City Student economically County Durham active: 41,584 Stanhope Retired: 274,985 Hamsterley Hartlepool Sedgefield Bishop Auckland Student economically Redcar inactive: 86,736 Romaldkirk Raby Castle Tees Valley Saltburn-by-the-Sea Looking after home/family: Stockton-on-Tees Middleton-in-Teesdale Middlesbrough 120,428 Darlington Permanently sick or Barnard Castle Guisborough disabled: 164,313 *Information taken from Yarm last census ©informnorth Other inactive: 61,970

Tyne & Wear Northumberland Population: 1,070,000 Population: 307,190 Households: 462,824 Households: 130,000 Area: 54,014 hectares Area: 502,600 hectares Socio-economic group of those employed (%) Socio-economic group of those employed (%) Higher managerial/professional: 5.63 Higher managerial/professional: 6.68 Lower managerial/professional: 14.73 Lower managerial/professional: 17.12 Intermediate/small employers: 13.71 Intermediate/small employers: 16.12 Lower supervisory/technical workers: 7.35 Lower supervisory/technical workers: 7.97 Routine occupations: 23.44 Routine occupations: 22.7 People in employment: 419,930 People in employment: 132,645 Unemployment: 23,016 Unemployment: 4,424

Durham Tees Valley Population: 493,470 Population: 638,844 Households: 200,000 Households: 277,700 Area: 223,000 hectares Area: 79,420 hectares Socio-economic group of those employed (%) Socio-economic group of those employed (%) Higher managerial/professional: 5.29 Higher managerial/professional: 5.21 Lower managerial/professional: 14.69 Lower managerial/professional: 15.22 Intermediate/small employers: 13.22 Intermediate/small employers: 12.67 Lower supervisory/technical workers: 8.15 Lower supervisory/technical workers: 8.61 Routine occupations: 24.91 Routine occupations: 24.46 People in employment: 256,120 People in employment: 251,300 Unemployment: 6,759 Unemployment: 14,725

informnorth March 2008 63 From the Archive A lot has changed over the last five year but some things remain the same. One thing you can always rely on is for informnorth to provide up to date advice, guidance and signposting for individuals who are looking to improve their career and prospects through self development and enterprise. The fashions may have changed but the key messages remain the same. To get the most from your life you should strive to reach your full potential. No time for regrets or forgotten ambitions. So why don’t you take a look at our past issues by visiting and selecting the archive section. You never know, Steve Racing Ahead it may be a life changing experience. Steve Maybury, 29, who has run the 400 metres at international level, is the newest member to join the team at marketing agency Adessi. ONE YEAR AGO Originally from Rugby, Steve has joined the company as an account manager and will In this issue we investigated the wealth manage accounts for major companies including of rewarding career and business law firm, Irwin Mitchell and printing firm, opportunities in the North East within Statexcolourprint. the fields of Science and Technology. Steve commented: “I’m delighted to be working Working with many key regional partners for an multi award-winning company with we highlighted the support available to challenging clients and a very creative atmosphere.” anyone considering science or technology as their pathway to progression. North East This issue also contained a special feature looking at the recent changes and improvements in the East Engineering Success Durham area. Working with the Local Strategic Partnership and its The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority members we explored the brilliant work being carried out to improve the area (UKAEA) were seeking the help of North East and the support available for the communities within. firms at an event next month. UKAEA are seek- ing companies to help engineer the new ITER International Fusion Reactor, and Dan Mistry, ITER's Fusion and Industry Manager, will speak THREE YEARS AGO at the Partners4Engineering event being held at the Wynyard Rooms on Teesside on 12 March. Enterprise in Education formed a unique ITER is a joint international research and devel- section of this special issue. In partnership opment project that aims to demonstrate the with Tedco, informnorth included a useful scientific and technical feasibility of fusion supplement and classroom resource, power. ITER will be constructed in Europe, at highlighting key aspects of promoting Cadarache in the South of France. More infor- mation about ITER and its potential can be enterprise and creativity to Key Stage 3 found at and 4 pupils, helping young people to raise Stan Higgins, CEO of the North East Process their aspirations. Industry Cluster, who are supporting the event, Well before Martin Lewis appeared on the said: "The ITER project is a truly exiting oppor- scene, Informnorth was already trying to help save its readers tunity for local engineering businesses. The con- a penny or two, with our very own ‘Fifty one ways to make a mint struction costs of ITER are estimated at five bil- before your fifty’. This issue included an array of money making /saving tips for lion Euro over 10 years, and another five billion our financially savvy readers. Euros are foreseen for the 20-year operation period. The contributions of the ITER Parties will for the largest part consist of components for the machine, so-called ‘in kind' FIVE YEARS AGO contributions." Phil Eadon, Project Director of Why it’s important to have fun when Partners4Engineering 2008, said: "I am delighted starting a business…This issue encouraged to welcome UKAEA and Mr Mistry's involve- our more mature readers to consider ment in the event. The opportunity for him to building their own empire by putting to use present information on the new international their hard earned life skills and reaping the fusion reactor is a fantastic addition to the rewards of being a third age entrepreneur. event programme. I hope that local engineering firms will take advantage of this opportunity to We also highlighted how important it is for find out about this project and register their young people from the region to gain the interest in getting their business involved." To right qualifications and skills at the start of find out more about the event contact Phil their career, to put them on the right pathway to earning Eadon at [email protected] or visit some real dosh. Whilst promoting careers in the construction industry and encouraging readers to check out opportunities to learn a professional trade. 64 March 2008 informnorth Informnorth market research: March/April 2008 Tell us more about yourself and YOU could WIN... When it comes to excellent case studies and great success stories careers we know nothing else comes close to informnorth because combined with helpful advice for where our readers can turn next, there’s nothing else like it - anywhere else. we definately have it covered. Fill in our questionnaire and you could WIN A SELEC- When it comes to being the only specialist publication of its kind, TON OF BOOKS from page 62, in association with bridging the gaps that exist between northern businesses and local Hodder Education - community, we know we meet the brief. Through this type of market research and the regular focus groups Because informnorth is actually designed to be picked up and used that we conduct, we aim to continually improve the magazine. by readers of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, we know what We want to ensure we are covering key issues as informatively as types of advice and information actually help most. possible and use the information gathered to make our publication When it comes to the benefit of updating older skills and gaining even more relevant to you the reader, as well as key advertisers, new qualifications that are needed for skills gaps, emerging jobs and patrons and sponsors.

Where did you get your copy of How much of the content do you We aim to be as informative as Please provide further information informnorth? read in each issue? possible for our readers. Does the you feel would improve the magazine contain: magazine: Around 25% Not enough information/text Between 25 - 50% Between 50 - 75% Too much information/text Have you seen it/read it before? More then 75% Just right Yes No Do you think informnorth could Would you recommend informnorth Is there anywhere else you would like inspire you to do any of the following? to see informnorth available? to your friends/relatives? Help you to find employment Yes No Please complete all details Help you do better in your for your chance to WIN a current job The magazine is designed to be read selection of books from by a wide age range. We try to cover Hodder Education: Changing career a feature in each issue that is broadly Name: On average how long did you spend Starting a new course aimed at those aged, 14-24, 25-45 and 46+. Do you think this is a good reading informnorth? Help inspire you to self employment Contact No: format? Email: About 10 minutes Consider volunteering Yes No Age range: Between 15 and 25 minutes Other: please specify 14 - 19 20 - 35 Around 25 minutes Where do you think you would turn to FIRST for information and guidance? 36 - 45 46+ Over 35 minutes Many of our readers tell us they are (please tick ONE) Tell us about yourself, are you? inspired by real-life success stories More then 45 minutes Printed media such as informnorth Please circle: and case studies, would you agree? magazine, newspapers, leaflets, At school / College / University Informnorth is published bi-monthly brochures (every other month), is this often Yes No Training / Apprenticeship Other media such as internet, TV, enough for you? Have you found any of the information radio, teletext In employment / Self Employed / Yes No in informnorth especially useful? Unemployed Please give details: Parents/relatives/peers How long do you think you will keep Other: please state your copy of informnorth? Other, please state:

For a few days Want more details? Please tick as About a week or so What other magazines do you read? appropriate and we will contact and help you: About 1 month Are there any other subjects you would Advertising like to see covered in informnorth? More then 2 months Subscribing Please give details: What newspapers do you read? Will not keep it Engaging with other partners and organisations in my area/North East Once you have read it do you refer What radio stations do you listen to? back to your copy of informnorth? Other: please state Yes No

For your chance to win a selection of books from page 62, complete this questionnaire and fax it to us on 0191 58656 040 or post it to us before 9 May 2008 to informnorth, 3 Windsor Corner, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 4HR.Terms and conditions apply, see page 62 for details.

informnorth March 2008 65 Dear Lindsey, I visited the informnorth website for the first omplete the special questionnaire on page 65 and you time at the weekend after picking up a copy of the magazine at my local leisure centre. could win your very own copy of EVERY BOOK from the I’m currently looking at a career change, CBook Worm feature on page 62. after ten years in the catering and hospitality industry, and thought the magazine looked like a good place to find useful information. Hodder Education publish a huge range of I feel that I’ve travelled as far as I can in my materials for students, teachers, self learners, current role and I’m frustrated at the lack of lecturers, and professionals. From revision guides to opportunities to progress any further in my self development tools there really is something for current place of work. everyone. The information in the magazine gave me a great insight into the many different options The fantastic teach your self series covers a very open to me and the current areas of demand diverse range of subject areas ranging from business in the region. It made me realise that a lot of and careers guides to philosophy and religion plus the skills I’ve developed in my current role much more in between. would easily be transferable to other sectors and made me consider a lot of new avenues The very first teach yourself book was published in I’d never thought possible in the past. I also 1938 when the series contained just four titles. found the lists of contacts for each area vital. During the Second World War most titles were aimed I noticed the feature on your website and at helping the British nation survive with title including thought it would probably be worth a visit pig and poultry keeping as well as improving and I wasn’t disappointed. I found past issues of the magazine, full of useful information knowledge in the subjects that would improve the war and contacts, as well as links to many effort such as flying, air navigation, trigonometry etc. relevant organisations within the North East In 2003 the teach yourself range took on a brand region. new look and every title was updated with over one Thanks for helping me at this crossroads in million people now buying these very helpful books. my life. The information provided both in the magazine and on the net has proved invaluable to me. Keep up the good work. For more information visit Eddie Alvey, Cramlington

Dear Lindsey, Turn to page 65 and complete our questionnaire After contemplating over the last year setting for you chance to win this great prize. up a service offering administration support to small businesses, I’ve finally taken the At informnorth we value the opinions of our readers plunge into the world of self-employment. and would like to say a special thanks to the hundreds I’d like to thank informnorth for providing much needed advice, support and of people who took the time the fill out and return the signposting to agencies who have been questionnaire from the last issue. The lucky winner(s) able to help me to make it happen. will be contacted individually and announced in a following issue. Although I had a good business idea and could see a definite niche in the market, I was totally unfamiliar with the practical The Winner from the October issue competition was elements of setting up. I didn’t have a clue Kevin Hall from Jarrow, he received a four night break for how to write a business plan, or know whom 4 people in a contemporary self-catering property courtesy I could turn to for financial support and of Northumberland Coastal Retreats. guidance. Luckily, when taking my young son to Sure Start, I came across a copy of informnorth. I found the listings of enterprise agencies, business funding and start up support very helpful and an excellent point of reference. 66 March 2008 informnorth L I V E S

with informnorth’s very own Lindsey Wood

Six months down the line and I have just completed my first week trading alone. I’ve # learnt a great deal in the past six months INFORMNORTH STAR LETTER and discovered that setting up a business almost demands a qualification of its own. Dear Lindsey, brick academies don’t rate them as a route to higher education and I’m more It’s so easy to make mistakes in business I was interested to read the educational than concerned that if my daughter and when you do it’s not always easy to charity, Edge, are to carry out mystery decides to follow this advice it could know where to turn. It’s important that you shopping tests on the quality of careers hinder her progress in the future. The treat each hurdle as a lesson and learn from advice that young people are receiving advisor asked my daughter if she liked your mistakes. in the UK. For a long time I worried exams or would prefer to be assessed about the shortage of inspiring, One thing I now know is that worthwhile over the course of the year. Which motivating information available to my advice can be few and far between, but person on the verge of sitting over 10 14 year old daughter, until I discovered informnorth really does provide an excellent exams would reply that they liked them? point of reference and is very inspirational. informnorth magazine. At school my daughter has received a What we need are careers advisors with Although I have now begun trading I’m a solid knowledge of the sectors that under no illusions and aware that I still need ten minute ‘meeting’ with an advisor who seemed to be promoting the require new recruits and the skills a lot more help, support and advice. I will required to gain employment within continue to read your magazine, looking out Governments most recent initiatives. them. There should be a lot more school for useful hits and signposting advice. If it Probably one of the main problems and employer engagement, with wasn’t for picking up the magazine I would with the advice service is the fact that is companies taking time to visit schools to have probably still been pondering over tied to the Government and therefore discuss the opportunities available to the starting a business without ever biting the not entirely impartial. bullet. My daughter, although targeted to right candidates with the right skills and achieve above average results in all qualifications. That way when my Rachael Gregg, South Hetton subjects, was sold the idea of pursuing daughter and others like her make a her career through vocational choice about their future they know they qualifications. Not that I’m knocking are aiming for a goal and not just these qualifications but like everything chasing rainbows. else they have their place. Many red Tracey Biddock, Shildon

The best email wins a brand new iPod Shuffle INFORMNORTH # STAR LETTER Send your letters via email to: [email protected] ach month our Star Letter chain of writing and the letter we print wins you a is awarded a Berkley pen in instrument stores brand-new iPod shuffle. Econjunction with The Pen with 26 outlets across the UK, Shop. The Berkley is part of the including Newcastle’s Eldon Kingsley range, retails at £24.95 Garden. It stocks a range of luxury and comes in a range of finishes, and prestige pen brands as well as including black lacquer with a desk accessories, gifts, organisers chrome trim or stainless steel in and leather goods. a chrome or gold trim. Visit The Pen Shop is Europe’s largest to see a selection of products.

Contact Us: Thank you for your letters and emails, no matter what your views or comments we want to hear from you, please email me direct at [email protected] or send your letters to: Lindsey’s Letters, 3 Windsor Corner, Cotsford Lane, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 4HR. You can call me direct on 0191 5866 040 and you can download back issues from the informnorth archive at informnorth March 2008 67 Training & Development Networking and Events Management t. +44 (0)191 230 5742 Employer Direct BridgeClub f. +44 (0)191 230 5743 Simply contact Employer Direct by phone on 0845 601 2001 to see how we can help your business. Or if you prefer, Does your organisation work with you can fax your latest residents of the District of Easington? vacancies to us on: Why not Join the Aim High Network?

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Contact: Tony Spence [email protected] Tel: 01388 810535 Mobile: 07717 518529 informnorth March 2008 69 So, just what is aCarbon Footprint? A Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

Carbon Footprint is made up Tips to Reduce Your Planting an apple tree will not only of the sum of two parts, the Secondary Footprint provide you with lots of fruit, with zero Adirect / primary footprint and When you buy goods - consider where carbon footprint, but the tree itself will the indirect / secondary footprint. they have been made and the materials breathe in carbon dioxide from the and processes used to make them. atmosphere - making these fruit The primary footprint is a measure of 1. Items that have high emissions in the effectively carbon negative! our direct emissions of CO2 from the manufacture or delivery should be 3. Meat eating burning of fossil fuels including avoided when ever possible. Things Reduce your consumption of meat, domestic energy consumption and such as:- transportation (e.g. car and plane). especially red meat. 1. Bottled water 2. The secondary footprint is a measure Tap water is safe to drink in most 4. Clothes from far off lands of the indirect CO2 emissions from European and North American Check the clothes labels before you the whole lifecycle of products we countries, yet people still insist on buy. If they come from more than use - those associated with their buying bottled water. If the bottle is 1000 miles away, keep looking! manufacture and eventual break labelled as being from volcanic springs - 5. High packaged items down. you can bet that it has probably been Avoid goods and services that have imported from some distance. Imagine unnecessary packaging! Need we say the carbon footprint of the flight / more? It doesn’t cost the Earth to Tips to Reduce Your shipping of the water! And that’s before save the planet. Primary Footprint adding in the emissions due to making the bottle and / or recycling it. 1. Holidays - Don’t go by air 2. Food and drink from far 2. Electricity - Sign up to renewable distances energy When you go to the supermarket, look at the label to identify which country the Gas - Try using solar water heating 3. food is from. There is no need to buy - this can reduce your gas bill by New Zealand apples in the UK in the up to 70% over a year. autumn - but people do! 4. Travelling around - Use public Think twice about buying a bottle of transport as much as possible. Find wine from the other side of the world - out about your local bus services you may be able to find much more and then use it. local wine, which will have travelled The pie chart above shows the main far fewer miles. 5. Car Share - Sign up to a car share elements which make up the total of an scheme to reduce your travel foot Better still try growing your own fruit and average person’s carbon footprint print. vegetables in your own garden.

Climate Change Facts: BBC Climate Information Solutions DEFRA (Department for Environment, Goddard Institute Common Sense Recycle Now Food and Rural Affairs) Climate Index Energy Saving Trust Met Office Hadley Centre US Dept of Commerce National Environment Agency - Waste Climatic Data Center Tyndall Centre for Climate Pressure Groups Change Research Intergovernmental Panel on Friends of the Earth World Resources Institute: Climate Climate Change Campaign against Climate Change Energy & Transport

70 March 2008 informnorth What is the future for your business in 2020?




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