Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1967-08-05

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1967-08-05 Nashville Minister Denies Hate School Is Subsidized ~~'8tiC chi!). See Rolated Story Page 3 However, Davis swore that Broou has an lnquiry Into the use of government 74, Nil­ WASHINGTON til - The Re\. J . Pa· no_ received one cent of ~etropolitan Ac· subsidies should be broadened. lNicklaUs cball Davis told enators Friday that the tion or OEO fund . Eastland is chairman of tbe Senate Ju· ~ es for. anti-')()verty program i an effective wea­ Davi is a fonner lawyer wbo turned diciary Committee, which ha been ques· pon against racial hatred and violence. to t~e Episcopal ministry and wbo Catb· tionint! police of11cials from violence· torn Davis, chairman of .he • ashville, Tenn .• er "'3 chairman of the Red Cross in cities on a proposed law that would make Metropolitan Action Commis ion, declared World War II. He testified that no money it a federal offense to cro slale line to thai no federal poverty funds have been ha - bEen given to the Liberation School as start a riol. or will be given to a summer school there yet. I" ir It i teaching egro children to hate And he added that none will be until Two other committee members, Sens.' wbite people. it is established that the scbool is being am J. Ervin Jr. IO·N.C,) and Hugh "I'm very concerned Iha: the poverty condUcted in accordance wilh the terms Scott (R·Pa.) said the inquiry should pro<rrllm go on when it is well admini I· or the conlract for the anli·poverty pro­ eek to de.ermine whether anti·poverty ered because this can be the solution to ject. funds are being used, as Ervin put it, [ the problem of riots." he id . Sen. Philip A. Hart (J).Mich.1 said "to promote policie that have a tendency Davis flew up from. a h"i1le to appear there are mistakes in the poverty pro­ to produce riots." before the Senate Judiciary Committee I!'ram. but the riot inquiry should not be after police Capt. John A. Sorace testi· used as "a means of taking a whack" at ned Ihat the Office of Economic Oppor. it l s, ~r. tunity i subsidizing the summer Libera· The senator heard two more pollce Food Criticisms ob Per. tion chool and that it is being used for chief • Robert Writ!ht of Waterloo. Iowa, the Io wa anti·white teaching . and Anthony . Bosh of Toledo. advocate ling and Davis said a $7.700 contrac' ha been paSS31'e of the anti·riot bill now before on. The en ered into with the S An elm Student the committee Somewhat Valid, its. Center for variol! anti·pover y projects Bosh said he would like the anti·riot Ihegame but that "any teach in!! of hatred would bill mended to cover incitements that six inn. be in violation of the conracl" do not involve cros ing state lines. KoJtner Admits 55. The C.n't D~y Tos imony Toledo wa hit by racial disturbances eighth He said he could not d ny Sorace's July 25-27. By SHEILA CRAWFORD eastl.nd Ask. InqUiry AT THE ANTIRIOT BILL HEARINGS before the SeMte JudlcI· .."oral Individuals u bel", Involved In the recent N_ark riot,. testimony that Fred H, Brooks, Na. h· There is some validity to the current MY CommlttM, Detective William Millard of the N_ark, N.J., Under questionl"" Millard said that povorty _rkOri contributed viii Black Power advocate, may have Arter hearing police account of riots criticism of the quality, quantity and price Pollco DofNrtmont displayed Friday a photo a. he Jdtntlfled to the f1ve-day riot. - AP Wirephoto been driving a talion wagon leased by in Newark. N.J.. as well as Nashville, of the food In the New River Room. ac· the local anti·poverty agency. Sen. James O. Eastland m-Mis J said cording to Loren V. Kottner, director of , the Union. Kottner said Fridar be recognlzed that some of the complaints were legitimate Revolutionaries and said he planned to improve the situa· lion. However, the argument thal the dining services in the dormitories are cheaper r-- Hope For Arrival than the New River Room may not be ail Iowan true much longer. Servine the Univer itll of Iowa and the People of Iowa City "Every food·servlng unIt wblch is Of Guerrilla Chief complying with the Dew minlmum wage II r- EttabUabed in 1868 10 eentl a COl»" AJ50clated Preu Leued Wire and WirePhoto Iowa City, Iowa S2240-Saturday. August 5, 1967 ralsine Its prices," Kottner said. " J think HAVANA (.fI - Revolutionaries from 'rI they will be raising the prices in the dorml· ~- LaUn·American countries continued thelr tory coffee shops this fall." &'11 debate behind closed doors Friday on tbeir Ted 101 Rehder, director of dormitories most effective path to power amid persis· OUlI Or and dining services, decllned to comment unfur· tent speculalion that Cuban guerrilla chief on thi Friday. 10ClUon. Ernesto "Cbe" Guevara will show up to 9'1I~ R The situation In the New River Room give the conference a dramatic fin ish. u.S. Pilots Bomb has been attributed to many tblngs, but a Guevara disappeared from the Cuban primary cause is the "unimaginative" way t.<I.~\\1!. In 196&, and his wbereabouts has supervIsors operated It lhll past year, Kott· never been disclosed. But there have been ncr said. frequent reports that he is working with There was a lack of high standards and Cl>mm\ll)}si gucnilla movemenis in & num· North Vietnam, a lack of eood supervision that caused the ber of South American countries. subsequent complaI nts, according to Kott· Guevara's wife, Aleida March, is uttend· ner_ ing the conference of the Organization of "With a new director, Kenneth Robe, and LaUn American Solidarity - fOLAS ) - a. new supervisors, we hope to serve good is Argelia Bravo, wife of Ven~zu ":an guer· food at good prices," Kottner said. rilla chief Douglas Bravo. In Record Attack "We have the same goals 8S the .tu· Allhough Mrs. Guevara frequently at· SAIGON (.fI - U.S pllots blanketed lied operations were call doff. d nt ," commented Kottner. "The lost tends important Commu nist gatherings, North Vietnam with a record 197 multi­ These were: thing we want to do is raise the food ber presence at the OLAS conference and plane missions Thursday. • Coronado lI, the bIggest Mekong del­ prices. " that of Mrs. Bravo has kept alive rumo rs Forly·nine U.S Navy I ts launched the ta sweep of the war, which involved about The food service, operated by the Inter· , that one of the two guerrilla fil!hters may orren~ive 2'2 years ago at Dong HOI, 40 10,000 U.S. and South Vietnamese service· state United Corporation, implements la­ appear at the conference windup. miles north of the border. men. A communique said 285 of the enemy bor'saving devices, scheduling, conveni· w Carmichael Dominatos Navy, Air Force and Marine squadrons, were killed In eight days oC campaigning ence food, and any other possible means to U.S. Black Power advocate Stokely Car· evidently totaling nearly 600 plancs, bomb· southwest oC Saigon, althougb only 19 wea' prevent the raise In prices, he said. The ed and strafed bridges. boats and othcr pons were reported captured. Of tbe U.S. michael has been the dominating figure 10 Union itself does not aim to make a profit. tar:rets from the border to the heartland forces. eight men were killed and S3 far at the nine·day conference. which open· area north of Hanoi in the record opera· wounded Casualties among the govern· Yet this last year, the prices had to be ed lJsl Mcmday. m 'nl troop were omcially described a raibed. The cost of food and the rise of the The secret meetings now under way are tions announced by th) U.S. Command Friday. light. minimum wage from $1.10 to $1.40 allowed aImed at {ramin~ a common slrategy to no alternative, Kottner said . oPPose the United States and the Orga niza­ Good weather and the immediate avaH· • Operation Pike, a three·day drive by tion of American States and achieving ability of an unusually Im'ge number of everal battallons of U.S. Marines that Kottner said that at the old food prices, success with so·called national liberation aircraft from bases in South Vietnam and centerC<i 22 miles southeast of Da Nang. a $1 food sale cost the food service about movements. Thailand and from carriers at sea contrib­ The Marines aid 100 Communist troops 50 cents Cor the food, 50 cents for the la· uted to surpas ing the previou high of were killed, many by air strikes and ar· bor and 15 cents overbead, AI thou~h differences existed among some delellations on the best approach, it 175 missions, flown Oct 14. 1966. tillery Marine losses were eight men The boost in prices Is intended to help was expected that, when open sessions reo A U.S. Air Force F105 Thunderchief killed and 60 wounded. recoup the 15 cent loss, he said. sume Monday, the orl(anizalion would put was shot down and th pilol is missing. its stamp of approval on Pri me Minister Spokesmen announced that this. and four other losses no previously disclosed. in· nt. Fidel Castro's tbesis tbat arm ed revolt is tbe answer. crea ed to 635 the number of combat Plans To Raise Tecumseh Outlined Several delegations, mostly from the Car· plane3 destroyed over the orth. ibbean and the West Indies but including American aircraft los from all causes WASHINGTON I.t! - Navy and Smith· that it is excellently preserved.
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