Archive of SID


93 3 37 ( )

Lixus incanescens (Col.: Curculionidae) 3 3 2 * 1

: *1 ([email protected] ) 2 3

93 6/2/ : 92 10/ 21/ :

Lixus incanescens Boh. . . 1392 1391 . punctatus A. Bracon intercessor Nees . Chrysoperla carnea Steph. Orius niger Wolf. Costa B. intercessor . . 1 1 /0 973 73 73 5/ 62 2/ ) . . ( B. . . L. incanescens intercessor


(. 1382 ) 1390 89 Beta vulgaris L. 110 34 7/ 21 . Archive of SID


... :

5/6 13 8/ 21 6/3 8/3 .( 1390 ) ) Lixus incanescens Boh . .( 1390 . ( 1385 ) 2 1953 1 1370 1343 ) . ( 2003 3 1990 . . . (1997 5) . .( 1993 6 ) . . Bracon intercessor Nees . Lixus Anthonomus . . ( 1995 9 1975 8 1968 7 ) 1343 ) B. intercessor . (1994 4 Scrobipalpa ocellatella ( 1994 ) Boyd. 75 ( 1391 ) Portulaca . Chenopodium album L. oleracea L. . .( 1370 )

5 Price 6 Barbosa and SegarraCarmona 1 Aleeva 7 Papp 2 Manole 8 Shenefelt 3 Rashidov and Khasanov 9 Tobias 4 Ocete et al. Archive of SID


93 3 37 ( )

. . . . . . ( 1997 ) 4) .( .( 1999 . .( 1382 ) (. 1986 1 ) . () . (. 2000 2 1997 ) () ( ) . ) B. intercessor .( 1974 3 . ) ) ( 1997 ) (

1 van Emden 2 Southwood & Henderson 4 Disney 3Van emden & Williams Archive of SID


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) . ( ( ) . 1100 ) . 42 36 ( ) 25 57 1392 1391 ( 228 4/ . . 2 2 N = .1( 96 / D ) * ( S / x ) S N . . ) x . D . ( 2001 1 25/0 ) 800 . (2000 2 ) ( . 50 . (1382 ) 15 4 . ) . ( 40 X . . . . . .

1 Hsu et al. 2 Southwood & Henderson . Archive of SID


93 3 37 ( )

. . . ( ) 50 ±5 25 ±1 1967 2 ) 8 14 ( 1978 3 . 1392 1391 . . . 1) ( H) (. 1995 1964 ( E) ( CMH ) . . . ) . ( (: (: 2004 4) . H = ∑p iln p i pi H . ( ni/N ) i . . . . 2 BeiBienko et al. 3 Kelton 4 Magurran 1 Baltazar Archive of SID


... :

. Excel . EstimateS Win 8.20 . . ( 2006 1) ) :( 2004 Log(X+2) E = H/ln S H E Arcsine . S . . 1392 1391 . . :( :( 2004 ) .( .( SAS, 1999 ) CMH = 2 ∑ ( aibi)/( da+db)*( Na*Nb)

Nb A Na i a B i d = ∑ B i b A a i d = ∑b 2/N 2 a 2/N 2 . b i b i a . df= 5 ,15 F= 327 12/ P= /0 0001 ) df= 5 ,15 F= 276 74/ P= /0 0001 1391 .( 1 ) ( 1392 . 4/4 8/3 ) ( . 1 Colwell Archive of SID


93 3 37 ( )

. O. niger N. punctatus . C. carnea 1.( 1.( ) P= /0 0001 df= 5 ,15 F= 241 65/ P= /0 0001 ) . 2 1391 df= 5 ,15 F= 265 11/ 1391 .( 1392 5/2 ) . ( . df= 5 ,15 F= 41/5 P= /0 0121 ) . df= 5 ,15 F= 73/7 P= /0 0091 1391 1392 2.( ) ( 1392 .( 2 ) , F= P= 15 56/1 /0 6472 ) ,15 F= 67/1 P= /0 6785 1391 df= 5 2.( ) ( 1392 df= 5 1392 3 1391 . 1 . 4 B. intercessor /0 1 1 /0 973 1391 Orius niger Nabis punctatus A.Costa 3 4.( 4.( 3 ) 1 /0 996 1392 Chrysoperla carnea Steph. Wolf. B. intercessor . Archive of SID


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Lixus incanescens 2 Lixus incanescens 1 ) ) 5 .( 5 .(

Lixus incanescens 1 1392 1391

1392 1391 1392 1391 1392 1391 1392 1391 1392 1391 1392 1391

53 /18 54 /58 52 /89 53 /03 52 /81 51 /72 50 /44 44 /25 52 /08 52 /43 54 /10 54 /87 Bracon intercessor Nees (Hym.: Braconidae) 24 /68 22 /06 25 /24 23 /48 25 /55 27 /68 28 /14 31 /45 26 /56 27 /18 24 /10 23 /36 Nabis punctatus A. Costa (Hem.: ) 17 /20 18 /50 16 /87 18 /37 16 /87 16 /16 16 /81 19 /31 17 /01 16 /50 16 /89 17 /35 Orius niger Wolf. (Hem.: Anthocoridae) 4/94 4/86 5/14 5/11 4/77 4/44 4/60 4/99 4/34 3/88 4/92 4/42 Chrysoperla carnea Steph. (Neur.: Chrysopidae)

Lixus incanescens ( ±SE ) 2 1392 1391

1392 1391 1392 1391 /0 /0 810 ± /0 018 a /0 801 ± /0 012 a /1 123 ± /0 006 b /1 111 ± /0 010 c /0 /0 814 ± /0 017 a /0 805 ± /0 011 a /1 129 ± /0 005 b /1 116 ± /0 018 c /0 /0 824 ± /0 020 a /0 829 ± /0 013 a /1 143 ± /0 011 a /1 191 ± /0 024 a 0/815 ± 0/016 a 0/814 ± 0/020 a 1/131 ± 0/011 ab 1/129 ± 0/022 bc /0 /0 819 ± /0 019 a /0 822 ± /0 017 a /1 136 ± /0 008 ab /1 140 ± /0 015 b /0 /0 816 ± /0 018 a /0 810 ± /0 015 a /1 132 ± /0 011 ab /1 123 ± /0 017 bc . P<0.05 Archive of SID


93 3 37 ( )

. 5 Bracon intercessor B. intercessor 5.( ) 1391 df= 5 ,15 F= 23 34/ P= /0 0001 ) df= 5 ,15 F= 17 95/ P= /0 0001 1391 5.( ) ( 1392 P= /0 0001 ) .( 5 ) ( df= 5 ,15 F= 26 94/ Bracn intercessor 1392 43 )1/ ( 73 )5/ . . ( 46 )5/ ( 1391 ) .( 5 ) ( df= 5 ,15 F= 45 81/ P= /0 0001 ) .( 1995 1975 1968 Bracon sp. ( 1366 ) 4 3 1392 1391 . B. intercessor . . ( 1995 ) . N. 30 0/ 9/6 1391 O. niger punctatus ) 100 0/ 60 0/ C. carnea ( . 1392 .( 3) 33 3/ 9/7 ) 100 0/ 65 0/ Nabis sp. ( .( 4) . . ( 1386 ) Archive of SID


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3 1391

/0 997 /0 987 /0 975 /0 989 /1 000 /0 996 /0 997 /0 980 /0 997 /0 999 /0999 /0 994 /0 973 /0 995 /1 000

4 1392 /0 999 /0 999 /0 996 /0 998 /1 000 /0 999 /1 000 /0 998 /1 000 /1 000 /1000 /1 000 /0 997 /0 999 /1 000

Bracon intercessor ( ±SE ) 5 1392 1391 ( ) 1392 1391 1392 1391 53 53 3/ ± 8/1 c 50 3/ ± 1/2 d 43 1/ ± 1/4 e 38 8/ ± 6/3 d 54 54 0/ ± 3/1 c 56 3/ ± 3/2 c 46 5/ ± 5/4 de 40 6/ ± 7/3 d 77 77 0/ ± 8/3 a 74 3/ ± 0/4 a 73 5/ ± 3/6 a 62 2/ ± 1/5 a 65 65 8/ ± 1/2 b 62 7/ ± 9/2 b 52 4/ ± 7/4 cd 48 8/ ± 4/4 c 74 74 3/ ± 1/3 a 70 0/ ± 5/3 a 63 4/ ± 3/5 b 57 6/ ± 7/4 ab 70 70 0/ ± 0/3 ab 66 5/ ± 8/3 ab 54 8/ ± 8/4 c 51 4/ ± 6/4 bc . . P<0.05 Archive of SID


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Lixus 4 Lixus 3 Bracon intercessor incanescens Bracon intercessor incanescens . 1392 . 1391

. . . . . 1 /0 973 1391 . 1 /0 996 1392 ( 1997 ) . ( . . ( 2004 ) . B. intercessor . . 62 62 2/ ) .( 2004 1999 1 ) ) ( 73 5/ 40 40 6/ ) ( 43 1/ 38 8/ 1 Disney Archive of SID


... :

. ( 46 5/ . (. 1973 1 ) .( 1370 ) . B. intercessor .( ) . . . . B. . intercessor ) ( . ) . . ( ( 1995 ) 3 . . 2 1997 ) ( 2008 ) . ( 2008 1978 ) . (2008 2005 4

3 Setamou & Schulthess 1 Hassell and May 4 Fellowes et al . 2 Sarfraz et al . Archive of SID


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B. intercessor . . Ahmet Beyarslan . .

.117 . . . 1390 . 1.

Lixus incanescens Boh. . 1366 . . 2. 88. 81 : 55 .

. . . 1370 . 3. 84. 77 .

. . 1343 . 4. 43. 37 . .

. Hypera postica . 1386 . 5. 13. :1 3

. . . 1385 . 6. 30. 26 .

Microchelonus . 1391 . . . . 7. . Bracon intercessor (Hym.: Braconidae) subcontractus 89. 92 : 32 Archive of SID


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. 200 . . . 1382 . . 8.

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