Miao, (South Central) July 25

Location: In 1985 Chinese linguist times of Wang Fushi listed a 1982 figure of persecution, 3,000 speakers of the South Central while those that Guiyang Miao language in . They remained have, are one of five Guiyang Miao over the languages spoken in China’s centuries, Province. The South Central Guiyang fragmented into Miao live in parts of Ziyun and small tribes and Zhenning counties. ethnic groups.

Identity: The classification of the Customs: Miao South Central Guiyang Miao was only families are made in 1995. Until that time renowned for scholars had not yet determined that being close-knit. it qualified as a distinct language. Family and After the 1982 census the language community was placed in a list of eight relationships unclassified Miao languages and was are prized named “Ziyun, Zhenning” after the above all counties where it was spoken. Finally among the it was agreed that South Central Miao, who often Guiyang Miao was unlike any of the frown upon other Miao languages and was set individualism apart by itself. This group is one and decisions small part of the massive Miao made without nationality, whose ten million the input of members are found throughout China others. The Dwayne Graybill and in the neighboring countries of Guiyang Miao women are also known to cover the numerous minority areas Southeast Asia. for their embroidery. In the past one in southwest China. Most people of the subgroups of Miao in Guizhou groups missed out on the gospel. Language: South Central Guiyang was even known as Mp’eo or De While people like Isobel Kuhn — who Miao is part of the Western Miao Mp’eo, which means “embroidery.” worked among the Lisu and once language group, more closely related said, “When I get to heaven they to the Hmong varieties in Yunnan than Religion: The South Central Guiyang aren’t going to see much of me to the Hmu and Ghao-Xong languages Miao are animists. Above all they except my heels, for I will be hanging in Guizhou and Hunan. revere the spirit of the dragon, and over the golden wall keeping an eye another spirit which they believe on the Lisu church!”1 — were faithful History: The areas now inhabited by blesses their crops. to their call, other areas were the Guiyang Miao are believed to have completely neglected. As a result, the once been home to many of today’s Christianity: While pre-1949 mission more than 3,000 hidden souls who Western and Farwestern Miao groups. labors resulted in several wonderful speak the South Central Guiyang Miao The majority of these peoples fled people movements to Christ, there language have never had any known Guizhou to Yunnan and beyond during were quite simply not enough laborers Christians in their midst.

Status: Overview of the Status of Evangelization SICHUAN South Central Officially included under Miao Language: Hmong-Mien, 97% GUIZHOU Guiyang Miao Hmongic, Western Hmongic, Countries: China Guiyang •Lupanshui •Guiyang • Pronunciation: Dialects: 0 •Huishui YUNNAN “Gway-yung-Meow” • Religion: Animism, Polytheism GUANGXI Other Names: Scale Christians: None 3% 0% 0 KM 160 Hmong: South Central Guiyang Scripture: None Population Source: 3,000 Population in China: Jesus film: None A B C (1985 Wang Fushi – 1982 figure); 3,000 (1982) Out of a total Miao population of Gospel Recordings: None A = Have never heard the gospel 4,560 (2000) 7,398,035 (1990 census) B = Were evangelized but did not 5,890 (2010) Christian Broadcasting: None become Christians Location: Guizhou Location: Guizhou: Ziyun and ROPAL code: None C = Are adherents to any form of Religion: Animism Zhenning counties Christianity Christians: None Known