H. C. KAUFMAN DIES. THE PRESIE>ENT TELLS A GOC)D STORY. Clothing Merchant Was Interested FORCEHELD (GERMANSOUTSTRIP MlMENSIT ASMSSUSPICION f i >tiiD' .if MORAL in Two Firms in D. C. Harold C. Kaufman, local clothing merchant, interested in the Young fc» Men's Shop of 1.119 F street and in NEED U. SCHWAB 7th GREATWOO S. L BYFIRING SQUAD Charles Kaufman & Sons, 429 BARSWORLDCOURT street, died srt the Emergency wwj \(fc, SA^ I today after a short illness. Hospital Mr. Kaufman was taken to the J Leads Allies in Race Iota! of Eleven Executions in last Monday for special hospitalJ. B. Scott Points Out Vice President Coolidge, on ilso from his apartment at 2526treatment17th Toward < street. He was thirty-seven years Founders' Holds Normalcy, Ireland as Result of War old. a native of Washington and had to Society of Obstacles Day, Up the of his life Declares spent greater portion International Pornonio Cvimnla in the clothing business. v/ui uuyiv/ UAaiiifJiu* Steel Man. on Crown Forces. Mr. Kaufman was educated in the Law. and took y th«* Aisoriatfd I'rees. ^ fcr the Aoenctateii Press. public schools of this city Suspicion by nations ot each other's Jty tJK> A^-iocinfH Prpss. active part in the clothing business X1* W YORK. April . < lermany. 2S..Four men convict- ; Tnotiyps in international: ^^Bl PITTSBI *K< »H. I'a . April 2*.The CORK. April of his father after leaving considering ' shortly of a stricken world lies hrou*rh the * M'-iny ami s.iertfi- *» ted of making' war against British school. He leaves a wife. Mrs. Leoma questions is the main obstacle in the iw. crown forces were executed by a Stern Kaufman, anil three brothers. way of the establishment of a perma- in -.he "sturdy, hardworking hom« working: Edgar. and Kaufman. 1 i» real and it- .»u:Mnpp;r.^ at the military barracks Sidney Joseph nent court of law. James American." Vice Presidentloving production firing squad Funeral arrangements have not been international he United States asd aihed n,e.,. rick O'Sullivan. Maurice Moore. Pat- of international law of the Carnegie address at the Founders' day cel. I1 Mulcahv. Endowment for International Peace. hration at Carnegie Institute. He 1. ijchwab fiivlarci here- today. 111 an rick Ronavne and Thomas eulogized the late Andrew < "arnegie, ddress befor** the r'hambtr «»f Moore and O'Sullivan were convicted 'told the dele grates at the twelfth who established the institute, review- of levying war and attacking British [meeting" of the. American Society of I^^^^VmIPHM' ^^flB^SBr KH ed his accomplishments, and spoke of 1 of the £tate of New York.O.untiene crown forces at flormult. County I International Uw at the Shoreham him as a "man who Mr. Schwab was I'm guest of thr [ > BB^pmb represented Cork. February £p. Mulcahv and Ml Hotel today, at its first convention American ideals." hamber at a recaption giv« tt in FIGHTAElsT J * ]c xvt.'iia> itc r i t- t \mi t iv irn litical and cause of civilization. Under it thejs Knglar.d pr.- executed here during the last feu* diplomatic field and trans- conditions of life have grown heap»r than Lngiand - ;in make it. men in ferred to the was steadily months. The execution of six judicial forum j ^^ftu^jgy||Rfl^B^n^HB better, there has been a wider and fie said, 'and is selling pneumat; February had a swift sequel in the urged by Air. Scott. Nations, he said, of a;t ooK m fietroit. wh'-if formerly ue soldiers J WAGEJUIOPENED are about to wider distribution property, shoot ing and killing1 of rive chary agreeing problems higher and higher standard of edu- lupped su' h ma- :;i:iery to tl-rinanj the wound- for the consideration of an interna- cone, stationed at Cork, and in Hp >^^^^^B>x\wi/;H|^Hffi^HmPtiQlH^I cation, a deeper and deeper apprecia- atnd sold :t cheaper than she of several others, one of whom Union Head tional court, because they considered ^ 5&T w> > nake it f ir.g Says Living that such P: «H|fl tion of the obligation of seif-sacri- ji later died. j steps would be a leap in Bj ficing "The differ.nee is sM«ly ;t matter th«» example." dark. f»f labor ousts Relative* Frantic With lirlef. Are Too Uncertain Courts of arbitration in tireat as were Mr. Carnegie's bene- Expenses particular j the of the Idle in I nlted stales. factions in development While the executions were disputes are adhered to, he pointed «>f in the material and intellectual welfare is that .''hii.euM n.- n a crowd knelt proceeding out. because the principles upon President "It estimated outside the barracks, offered to Justify Reduction. which a would be based is his fellow men. the Vice ire out of work in this >untr\ It roadway decision n his prayers and recited the rosary amidst known in advance and those S^i.B.rKMlMIWfcgl^ continued, greatest achievement^nxordingly of supr< no- nnp-rta* « Hr th»» Aftaeciatert compos- j lies the addition he made to their the sobs of the bereaved relatives} VrPK*. ing the courts can be instruct« d, i K^KttSiiiMii^iiii^ul^^^^^Bi^KtiliiMtMifll in j he working men a*- we;l as to the of the four men and others. Moore's 2S. Reduction of whereas ^j moral force. to restore ur prosp* ni>. * . April in an international court <»f The who mndr thin of the member* of the Loyal IifKlon and (irand of the He- « J, apitaiist with grief, and his! | phntoirmplier picture Army "N'-V'-r was the mod for father, frantic railroad wages would impair the justice the nations now have no guar- who colled on President HordlIntr yeaterdny to nmk hi* aid In hnvtnj; the l*ine«»ln shaft restored, di«l not Welfare as Moral Question. before brother were in the crowd. antee public, so Never 1" for- u .i present that the conditions existing! hcur the mfory the chief executive lollI. but that It w*« n Rood one h evlde n<*ed by the picture. lien, \elson A. "The question of human welfare." Iiroduets great. the relatives of the men of American living and wouldstandardhave will j -s>u< h v aluable nia«-hin. Yesterday j apply in a particular case. Allien h nhoun on the President'* left, und on hla right nre Mm. John A. 1/ojgan, ('apt. Robert Armour aud lien. he added, "is not an economic ques- producing visiter] them found them in good: no in economic < ind fa< nvaiiabb. Never I -1 and justification "ethics, Ciives of Munitions. 1). *. (lordon. tion. It is a moral question. There ility O'Sullivan was greatly con- History v as so much that needed to i>» spirits. or the cold, concrete facts of reason is no difficulty with the present there cern»'d about his mother and said An historical review of the muni-1 in ioi--«.y. former solicitor of the In-, "or the courage, the enterprise, the Mulcahy. unions, who opened the employes' fight of no further advance were marie in j* years old. leaves a father of eighty j partment .State. Charles Cheney and invention. The ma-Mielermination displaved ;?i J-a.v. His elder brother was acquit to retain present wage scales before Hyde, professor of international law BRIGHTER AFTER PARLEY discovery ami Kn^L-.nd. Germany years. SINKING OF SHIPS GUNTOTINGCURB i terial and intellectual forces are suf- f Franco B»-irium. ^ ted of the charge of levying war the Railroad L*abor Board today. in Northwestern University, spoke on >van ahead of ail of them m conditional and ficient. They could be much great- J against the crown forces. Contentions of the railroads that the contrabrand. (Joorge er.must he made much greater, but t producion. Offer Kncourngement. since the Crafton Wilson, professor of Some Progress Made After there, Is it possible that after having Priest* cost of living had declined law in the present deficiency is not Rev. award were met Harvard University,international moral ivon the war. we .»f the allied nation Canon O'Sullivan and the wage of July, 1920, delivered a on of it is the disposition.the wi!i con- with the that award was paper "Continuous Terms, Col. Discussion Men are i >,vith everything in our hands Father O'Brien attended the reply that lorce.that is lacking. th< mo- on 1919. Voyage." SEEN BILL as can with !?»liow Germany to win peace Ivtsed December. SUSPICIOUS their last j the of TOBEPRESSED as well demned men during prices Klihu of Kutz not doing they in the and not on 1920. the Root, president the society, Says. Our civilization hrough tiie efforts of her labor?" ments. Mass was celebrated those of July. peak occupied the chair at the morning what they have. j barracks this morning. Canon of high prices. Mr. Jewel declared that The of a of the unless the great powers it Pay to labor. early meeting. The members of the prospect merger perishes a O'Sullivan addressed words of con- it would require three years for railway has developed are directed by j "Labor, on the whole, can be paid the to w:JI be received by PresidentsocietyUnderwriters to street railways of the District is Senator Shields' Bill Is solation and encouragement to employes, at their present wages, tomorrow afternoon. Investigate greater moral force." j ' »nly what labor, as a whole, earns, and condemned men. saying they were go- . recoup the losses sustained during the [Harding brighter today as a result of the third The declared Mr. j exact more Threatens l.aw. philanthropist, if some sections of labor mg to a city wnicn couia noi o« j war period "by the failure of their International Vessels' Loss Close to Shore meeting yesterday of the conferees to Sale Coolidge. put his trust pot in force, j j han their share of the current burner! clown. The wore to with the increased action tending to the Suppress Designedin reason, and it was this lac- j are prisoners keep pace earningsAny support two but ' of the wor'd. other sections and shot representing the big companies him a vision of produce then taken from their cells cost of living." soviet regime, "whetner for sentiment and the commission. ulty "which gave iroing to suffer. I understand th.it our in and or for a to the utilities and "the power to be- in pairs. i "The railroads rush say. ; trade, is hindrance Near Policies' Col. Charles \V. Kutz. chairman of of Firearms. world peace" 1railroads today pay to labor over sixtv The two priests said all the men 'Give us our pound of flesh!'" Mr. restoration of law and the rule of Expiration. lieve under some form in its ultimate j and j the commission and spokesman for Vice Presi- rents out of every dollar received. died with magnificent bravery Jewell said, even before it can be justice," Klihu Root, headinternationalI't thp Pre*s. Senator Shields of Tennessee will The j Tim La,nr O/wt r\t tr-uL-in!' u t on <,t sltV: Associated the conferees, said that some progress accomplishments." who would the commandant of the firing party whether the cost of livingdeterminedof the American mission to Russia of IAtNDON. -7..Cases of ships ask the Senate committee dent said ther# are those is SO cents out ol' each dollar of said he had never witnessed has declined since the award 1917. last at the April was made in the discussion of terms judiciary Mr. of service today anything actually declared night open- so to discard Carnegie's plan j 1total cost. with the met mi nun «>r wiietuer u mu being lost at spa have become of a possible consolidation. give prompt attention to his they to compare way they uoaru ing session. to mankind and "substitute costs our railroad f After the executions or in the future. The The j or Ave The next conference, to be held bill, which he has "Labor underlie death. the] higher lower" rapid development of interna- during the last four numerous aritigun-totingjust know not what." are «-ause of the bodies a will be an one. lilficulty. They the priests- anointed the and gave insistence of the -railroads upon tionalism is one of the most threaten- j months that the marine insuranep Tuesday, important reintroduced. The bill is designed to Vngue (Experiments. rates. formerly the blessing. reduction, in our has obstacles to Air. If terms are agreed upon as tne excessive railroad We papal wage opinion, ing international law, the sale of a certainty. at a at about $14 The authorities refused to give the been most and unseemly. Root ' agencies here are instituting of those voluntary round-tableresultsuppress pistols and other "They would turn from sold pig iron profit unexpected said, adding: j l the total rates bodies to th** relatives. Instead, they There are no data which can be This is presented by the avowed into the circumstances of discussions an act of Congress will firearms of like form, through the tested by time, approved by experl-, ton. Today freight j investigations vague the involved in making a ton of pig iron were removed to the Cork jail for in- | to this hoard which wouldpresentedpurposes of the third internationale These cover some be necessary to authorize the merger operation of the interstate commerce ence. to some experiment." term en t. the in at these "disasters." point oui iire more than $14 justify board authorizing aiming at the destruction of national of the roads. This legislation, laws. It makes it unlawful for any speaker continued. "They j this time a reduction in the rates of governments and the universal cases in which the full claims have will be without for even Americans i "But the railroads cannot give Mob* Attack Belfast Stares. empire probably passed however.person or corporation to deliver, or imperfections, even at rates, with their pay of railroad employes." of the proletariat; by the fact that the been in other rases they if an is reached. cause to be have not fully realized their ideals, present service. BKfsFAST. April. 28..Spirit and already paid; agreement delivered, to any com- j *existing costs. Railroad costs must brutal and cruel despotism of Lenin j-delay mon « Hut the stores on Newtonards road Compare Other Wage Scales. have resulted in the holding up of carrier, or to place in the mails There are imperfections. < in the inu res s grocery and his associated group has been for our country ?ome down, and it is were attacked last night a mob. Mr. Jewell named wage transmission from one stat^ or ideal is right. What 1 that our by prevailing? able to maintain its ascendency over insurance payments pending Inquiries, the of j to hold national prosperity which carried off portable. rates in similar industries and District Columbia to another needs ' is the moral power everything the vast and of it is declared FLEET RETURNING state or acting through the Hailtoadgovernment. The street which was the scene of the changes in the cost of living: as the territory population while still other cases, to the District of Columbia, to it. and other agency. Russia, calling; itself a dictatorship of an.v or | Labor Board every disorder was the center of the two main considerations which should in insurance circles, likely will end in piBiui omer sucn nrearms. r^x- "There are readjustments to be ac- f our allies <-an find their way out, Br A.wi.refi Pr... These are: , FOR AID AGAINST STRIKE the of enact further legislation ENGLAND REJECTS in "1. and high market. With coming Meantime the first of the blue dealing md triumph in peace as they did LONDON, Aril 2$..In an Economy efficiency. The world trade depression. however, to get ashore after three >^ith the sale of firearmsparticularlyin j]war." transportation act that the jackets address today In the houseimpassionedof com- requires shipping values took a corresponding months in waters were the District of Columbia. Darwin P. Kmgsley. president of ^ mons on the railroads operate with due economy foreign GERMAN PROPOSAL Irish situation. Sir Ha- *nd Ship Companies Protest Unjust slump and the underwriters refused for Old Point Comfort in he chamber, delivered an addr<-«s mar Greenwood, the chief efficiency. We shall show that this1 the ol risks* heading |j for his services to continue Mr. Schwab for secretary has not been done; that because of the assumption launch loads, and the shipsrollickingof the eulogizing Ireland, described the Irish of Buenos Aires Demandsat artificially high valuations. several fleet divisions were preparing U. S. STRIVING FOR AS UNACCEPTABLE luring the war. army as ""murderers." andrepublicanFinancial control and policy of the ALLIES' to Mr. >: "' na.ii resources have It was shortly after the to separate before nightfall to take The* chamber presented deeds were heina perpetrateddeclared been Dock Workers. men stations !< a bronze Tablet, at the top of in or Improperly distributed,dissipated of this policy, insuranceinaugurationsay, up their accustomed along Schwati Ireland which It was difficult for wave losses the coast. The was to FRIENDSHIP, SAYS WOOD from First Fage.) , was inscribed words uttered by British and maintenance deferredimprovementsBUENOS AIRES. April 28.The that the of mysterious Mayflower (Continued j which civilians, the military or police md has began. In many cases the leave late in the afternoon and to [achimo. a character in Shakespeares to believe could be done by human operating greatly advanced, transatlantic "Ccntro do land the President at The quotation I!riespite the increased work and pro- Navagaccion" of the captain of a lostexplanationship Washington preme allied council at L/ondon Sat- jMay. "t'ymbclinc." bands. presented a memorial to the has been, "Sunk striking a mine." morning. tomorrowGeneral Talks to Americans at learned here today. i cads: For !; iuctive efficiency of railway employes, minister by urday, it was than ev« r example, charced Hir Hamar. I,Our conclusion shall of finance hut this explanation now is failing to Winter Fleet Maneuver*. j The determination of the frontier | "Here's a voucher stronger the murder of I'rotestants was In be, therefore. today asking protection Dinner in Yoko- 1aw could make." mat in* noaru cannot entertain a pica satisfy the underwriters, who have Admiral Wilson's armada reached i between Poland and German Silesia progress ag a del'berate plan, and |ror reduction in against the unjust demand of the pier the assurance that very be based reports from there had been "a wages under any cir- wurxrr» union. i nis memorial admiralty's the Virginia capes late yesterday from hama. would upon j horrible case of the , umstances until the add-! few live mines are jeopardising the commission which su- ; desecration of a' Protes'ant inadequacies of r<] the weight of live overseas «team-i (luantanamo bay, Cuba. the plebiscite church." management and the high sea lanes after the sweeping This force went south early In By the Associated Press. pervised the voting: held in Upper J|SUDE'S APPOINTMENT while fifteen protestants had been rosts operating] ship companies operating in Buenos! recommendations from f m 11 r r i o w r. r? e^oontlw ' resulting therefrom have been recently concluded. operations for with the Silesia, and f iiiivui r11 > me or Aires to the demand of the United joint January YOKOHAMA, April 26..The United | eliminated. maneuvers a cruise the council of ambassadors. reason. and under revolting circum- | States that the Argentine government fleet in Panama bay. and PacificStates government is of France will, it STARTS WHEELS TURNING Stances." "i. Tne general policy of the in enforce it« "fiscalizing" decree to South America. Returning, it spent doing Premier Briand , The main items of lustry. several weeks at Guantanamo in what it can to keep alive the everythingspirit is asserted, not undertake the It was not. however, a esse of j operating the port services uncier placingALEXANDRIA FIREMEN QUIT of the Ruhr district of Roman Catholics against Protestants. expenses are. of course, fuel, supplies control, thus protectinggovernment naval officers have described as the of friendliness with the allies, of the ofoccupationthe Commission Can Now |,if all kinds and labor. We shall snow from most successful winter drill in the without approval ] C. Rent he said. There also was a deliberate j. illegal demands and boycottssteamers BECAUSE OF LIMIT which Japan is one, Maj. Gen. Leonard allies. Dispatches are being Germanyex- plan to attack, intimidate and in that the same financial interests of the workers, such as occurred in SPEED history of the Navy. Besides target Wood, who arrived here and Accumu- some the from the chantred between Washington Continue With { cases murder ex-service men. j.which control the railroads also case of the United States practices, there were various other United States this evening on the! and London, and many tne Board steamer anus, several iorms 01 Berlin, Paris j The chief secretary said documents production of fuel, timber,control Martha Shipping inciuaing aay| steimship Wenatchee on his way to thintrs may hfippen before French lated Cases. had been equipment, oil and other Washington.Not Permitted to Travel Over and night spotting, day torpedo the Philippines, told a j captured showing that an ! supplies and The basin of the gathering of forces are ordered into Germany of William F. Curie to offens ve was being opened in Vlster that they have determined upon a memorial long-range battle practice anddefense.several hundred Americans of Tokic in default of German pay- i Appointment to interfere with today was the demand by presentedthe 25 Miles an Hour, Chief and battle torpedo firing. Particular and Yokohama who a proper, t he District rent commission will the coming election^. policy of decreasing railroad expenses workers for port gave dinner in! ments of reparations. I the plans 1 increased wages in was given the destroyer forceattentionhis honor tonight. was with Mr. the commission to at including possible action by reducing wages and at the same with the connection 150 Men Besign. to Sir Auckland Hushes.a proceed enble the discharging of with weeks of tactical maneuvers., "We want our he left . 'against Belfast wj'er supply and time charging unwarranted and of keep up good re- ; for half an hour, and when ull speed in disposing of the a« Other methods of sabotage. coal, resulting In more thancargoes both by day and night, and extended lations with those by whose side we Ortio-iar. an.ha5sf.ilnr was received! i prices for supplies whichunreasonabledoubling the handling cost, One hundred and fifty members of the and Gen. j of ren' eases which hascumulation the railroads must although gun torpedo target practices. The fought." Wood declared. by the Secretary of State. At the con-jc purchase. We shall the fiscalization decree faces the Alexandria Kire Department, headed by Atlantic fleet air force President he visits it was since its of rontend that this board should rate for the work. co-operated Harding, added, would elusion of the expected j r suited resumption not legaltheir chief, will take off the uniform throughout the maneuvers, including do everything possible to establish that Mr. Hugrhcs would have an ac-'t in the opinion of ofti. dais.auhority. SHIPOWNERS AND MARINE Iconsider any complaints relative to Kxactions made for some time past the exercises in and the commercial of j the decisions of m the direction of the workers and go back to private life Saturday at bomb-dropping policy the L'nited curate knowledge of The first step the rates of pay of railway employes by port have been fern-firing. States, including a proper share of the allied governments. There was no! facilitatinpr distribution of until it is satisfied that the railroads the most exaggerated limits, the because the city council the to was WORKERS MARKING TIME 1 memorial beyondmidnight, Tomorrow the fleet will break ranks, ocean-carrying trade and helpful indication, however, whether a reply t relative rent regulationsinformalon »r».not being forced to says, adding that if to let them go to a fire at a j would . when the entrance hall j« purchase their! to speedrefusesthe individual ships scattering to their co-operation with American business- to the German memorandum go! aken today, supplies at exorbitant prices. steps correct the prevailing:efficientexceeding twenty-five miles an hour. home men abroad. x vas of files with a view to conditions are yards for overhauling and forward tonigrht. j cleared i1 "We submit, no. not taken immediate-1 Decision to was made last a and X