March - April 2019 Adar I - Adar II - Nisan 5779
March - April 2019 Adar I - Adar II - Nisan 5779 YEP Update Celebrate Engage Study and In Memory of Calendar Page 6 Shabbat Pages 10-11 Learn Lois Silberman Pages 26-27 Page 9 Pages 12-13 Page 18 CBIBulletin Congregation Beth Israel West Hartford, Connecticut Sunday, March 17th at 10:30am more on page 11 Congregation Beth Israel’s Bulletin is published six times per year at Congregation Beth Israel, 701 Farmington Ave., West Hartford, CT 06119. Subscription is $36 per year; free to members of Congregation Beth Israel. The material in this Bulletin may not be reproduced without permission. On occasion, dates, times, and details of services and events published in this Bulletin may change. Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter, Chai Lights, for the latest information by visiting or emailing To view the Bulletin in full color, visit On Sunday, January 27th, YEP 7th graders visited the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York as part of their Holocaust studies class with Scott Myers. Leadership Board of Trustees Clergy Gary Jacobson, President Michael Pincus, Senior Rabbi Jeffrey Smith, First Vice President Andi Fliegel, Rabbi Paula Schenck, Vice President Ruth Van Winkle, Vice President Staff Robert Berman, Treasurer Karen Beyard, Learning Center Director Jennifer Mailly, Secretary Cheryl Goldberg, Administrative Coordinator Trustees: Sandra Berinstein, Alex Dobrynin, Aaron Frank, Sunny Kagan, Membership Coordinator Jonathan Gelber, Melissa Geller, Sheri Ginden, Michelle Meyer, Operations Coordinator Michael Honor, Amy Klein, Judy Levy, Ken Merkatz, Tracy Mozingo, Executive Director Jeff Singer, Mark Steier, Jerry Tarre, Melissa Teitler, Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum, Director of Lifelong Learning Lorrie Wexler, Chet Zaslow Max Schwimmer, Communications Coordinator Natasha Ulyanovsky, Music Director Auxiliary: Seth Kaufman (Young Families), Mari Maidman (Sisterhood ), Eric Schneider (Brotherhood), Bob Wolf (SAGE) Upcoming Board of Trustees Meetings Tuesdays at 7:00pm in Feldman Hall All members are welcome.
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