Euxton Church of England Bank Lane, Wigan Road, Euxton, , , PR7 6JW (01257)263454 Website: e-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mr Nick Ward Friday 16th April 2021 Dear Parents,

What a lovely week back. It makes such a difference having this lovely weather, and there has been many a time this week that I have walked round school to find empty classrooms as the children have been learning outdoors! I really do love that. The children have been fantastic and it really is a pleasure being in school.

Euxton Superstars! Congratulations to our Euxton Superstars this week. We currently have two Superstars per class: Reception: Luca Palmer and Henry Pope Year 1: Bethany Bailey and Neva Callander Year 2: Faith Bibby and Kian Partington Year 3: Jacob Burns and Charlotte Prowse Year 4: Isla Deacon and Joe Ellis Year 5: Kian Barlow and Isabella Morgan-Fahy Year 6: Alfie Bell and Oliver Pilkington Well done to you all!

Silver Awards The following children were presented with a Silver Award in Celebration Worship. Well done Oscar Hodkin, Austin Murray, Ethan King, Florence Booth, Fox White, Henry Pope, Olivia Gannon, Rory McDermott, Toby Hacker, Bobby Lee, Archie Browitt-Finch, Megan Ashcroft, Zea Callander, James Fynney, Lucy Graham, Isabella Jameson, Sophie Lunt, Lucas McGovern, Ethan Mumberson and Jacob Wild.

Reception 2021 We are delighted to once again have 30 children joining us in September. It really is such an exciting time. Thank you to you all for sharing your thoughts about our school with other parents, which results in so many people wanting to become part of our school family.

Y5 Bikeability Our Y5 will be having their Bikeability course on Thursday and Friday. This will take place on the school playground and then progress to local roads. Remember to bring bikes and helmets to school on Thursday morning. These can be left in school overnight on the Thursday to save them coming and going. I am sure they will thoroughly enjoy this experience as well as learning invaluable skills.

Literacy Kicks Sessions Thank you so much to Gareth Walker, Leo’s Dad, who is coming into school for a few weeks to work with our Y5 and Y6 children. He is sharing his experience of being a sports journalist with the children, and his first session this week was thoroughly enjoyed by all and produced some amazing writing. We are looking forward to Session 2 next Monday afternoon!

Reading Please try and read with your child every day. This really does make such a difference and applies to junior age children too. Thank you.

Swimming Well done to our Y4 children who were fantastic at their first swimming session back this week. They adapted to the arrangements really well and their behaviour was excellent. Tarleton have worked really hard on ensuring safety is a priority and the procedures put in place to be covid-secure were fantastic. The children will need their swimming costume, swimming hats and towels each Monday and they can come into school in their sporty clothes on a Monday also.

Guitar Lessons in School If your junior child is interested in learning to play the guitar please have a word with Mrs Hodges or email her at [email protected]. Lessons are weekly on a Tuesday afternoon with Lancashire Music Service and lessons cost £6. We have guitars in school so no need to buy a new instrument.

Chicken Pox Just to let you know to keep an eye out for chicken pox, as one of our children is off school with this at the moment. Thank you.

First Kick Football This popular 12 week club starts on Thursday 29th April at Southlands High School and is open to boys and girls. For more information or to book in please see the poster on the parent noticeboard or contact Lee on 01772 428086/07514 316534.

IMPORTANT - Symptoms, COVID Testing and Possible Isolation Periods Please remember to let me know directly by emailing me on [email protected] if your child develops COVID-19 symptoms over the weekend. Should the outcome of this be a positive result then I may need to get in touch with families requesting their child isolates up to 10 days. Thank you for your support.

And Finally…. Thank you to Thea Kendall from Year 4 for our joke this week: Q. What do birds need when they feel sick? A. Tweetment! Thank you Thea - a great joke! Please remember to send your jokes in to me, I need loads to choose from!

Take care,

Mr Nick Ward, Headteacher

In our Christian family, we all SHINE in the light of Jesus. Wisdom Compassion Humility Friendship Peace Trust Forgiveness Hope