INDEX Volume XIV, October 10, 1969—September 25, 1970

Abbreviations: A, Article; ABC, American Baptist Convention; Book reviews are indexed under title and author of book; ACCC, American Council of Christian Churches; ALC, Ameri- reviewer's name appears in parentheses. can Lutheran Church; ARPC, Associate Reformed Presbyterian This volume and all preceding volumes are available on Church; B, Book review; COCU, Consultation on Church Union; microfilm through University Microfilms, Inc., 313 North First CRT, Current Religious Thought; E, Editorial; EK, Eutychus Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. and His Kin; EUB, Evangelical United Brethren; F, Footnotes; The content of CHRISTIANITY TODAY is surveyed and in- ICCC, International Council of Christian Churches; IFCO, Inter- dexed for various interests by the following reference lists: religious Foundation for Community Organization; LCA, Lutheran Church of America; LC-MS, Lutheran Church-Missouri 1. Christian Periodical index, Christian Librarians’ Fellow- Synod; LF, A Layman and His Faith; MW, The Minister’s ship; Workshop; N, News; NAE, National Association of Evangeli- 2. Index to Religious Periodical Literature, American Theo- cals; NBEDC, National Black Economic Development Confer- logical Library Association; ence; NCC, National Council of Churches: NNEA, National 3. International Zeitschriftenschau fiir Bibelwissenschaft und Negro Evangelical Association; OPC, Orthodox Presbyterian Grenzgebiete (international Periodical for Bible Knowledge and Church; P, Poem; PCUS, Presbyterian Church in the United Related Subjects), Tiibingen, Germany; States; Q, Quote; RC, Roman Catholic; RCA, Reformed Church in America; RPCES, Reformed Presbyterian Church, 4. New Testament Absiracts, Theological Faculty of Western Evangelical Synod; SBC, Southern Baptist Convention; SDA, College, Massachusetts; Seventh-day Adventists; SIECUS, Sex Information and Educa- 5. Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature; tion Council of the United States; UPCUSA, United Presby- 6. Religious and Theological Abstracts, Theological Publi- terian Church in the U.S.A.; WCC, World Council of Churches. cations, Myerstown, Pennsylvania.

A Bahai faith in (N), 561 399 Christian literature in (N), 796 1d.: Broadman Bible Commentary, The, Volume >hurch-state relations in S. Africa (N). 960 1: Genesis and Exodus, and Volume 8: Mat- Aageson, Elizabeth Congolese superchurch formed (N), 925 thew and Mark (Clark Pinnock) (B), 225 celebrates 100th birihday (N), 332 killer virus discovered in Nigeria (N). 603 Allen, Jimmy R Abbott, J. B. Africa Evangelical Literature Office new position (N), 156 at Wesleyan conference on evangelism (N), 413 formed (N), 796 Allen, Paul C. Abernathy, Ralph David Africa Literature Center (N), 796 new position (N), 100 at Methodist conference (N), 748 é African Church of Christ on Earth Allen, Thomas B. at NCC board meeting (N), 965 admitted to WCC (N), 40 running for office (N), 756 reelected (N), 1106 African Methodist Episcopal Church Alsup, Sharon at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N). 38 housing project (N), 155 at rock festival (N), 282 ABM system, What If... (EK), 784 Agency for Christian Cooperative Ministry (N), 410 Altar calls, survey on (N), 372 Abortion Ages, Arnold Altizer, Thomas J. J. anti-abortion group (N), 959 on Middie East coverage (N), 797 at Lonergan conference (N), 702 and Christian options (A), 766 Ahlem, Lloyd C. Alves, Rubem in Hawaii (N), 700 new position (N), 963 new position (N), 1145 ‘iberalized laws (N), 203, 604, 751, 919; (E) 824 A! Aqsa Mosque (N), 101 Amateur Radio Service (N), 1106 N.Y. laws (N), 700 Albania Ambiguity (EK), 228 ruling on D.C. law (N), 251 Communist program against religious beliefs America United Methodists on (N), 791 (N), 508 celebrates 194th birthday (N), 1003 Abraham Alcohol Christianity in early colonies (N), 152 and his faith (A), 256 tack of concern about Consumption (E), 135 > ind danger of violent minority (LF), 308 Abraham's Faith and Ours Today, by H.K. Stot- new theory on danger of (N), 502 as ‘God’s country’ (CRT), 416 hard (A), 256 Alcoholism (MW), 957 Graham, Billy, on honoring (A), 988 Academic freedom (E), 908 Division of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (N), mood in (A), 26 Accountability, demise of (A), 622; (E) 637 1052 need of repentance in (E), 860 A.D. 1970 Alessandrini, Federico observations of J. Edgar Hoover (A), 251 publication suspended (N), 1052 new position (N), 1052 spirit of (A), 670 replaces Ave Maria (N), 505 Atexander, John W.: Why Am | at This School? American Association of Evangelical Students Adams, James (A), 1068 holds Evangelical! Student Congress (N), 794 American Baptists: A Conservative Mood (N), Alexander, Kelly American Association of Theological Schoo!s 836 denounces grants (N), 15 and D. Min. degree (N), 1106 Holiness in Cincinnati (N), 413 Alexei, patriarch of Moscow enrollment of member seminaries (N), 366 Lumps for COCU (N), 96 death of (N), 756 American Association of University Professors Adams, Theodore F. and Orthodox merger (N) and academic freedom (E). 908 at Baptist World Alliance congress (N), 1042 Alfrink, Bernard Jan American Association of Women Ministers (N), Admiration (E), 399 _ at Synod of Bishops (N) 196 838 Admonition (E), 235 Alinsky, Saul American Baptist Pe Fellowship (N). 836 Adolfs, Robert organizes protesters (N), 792 2ociet

on Catholicism (Q), 163 All Things Made New, by Lewis a De Aesthetics Earle Ellis) (B), 1093 é sting to Red (N), 158 the arts in the seventies (E), 317 Allegro, John and NYC distribution (N), 1144 4rama and the Christian (A), 893 and Sacred Mushroom and the Cross he \merica of Missions to the Jews Fellowship of Christians in the Arts, Media, (N), 960 c ervance in L.A. (N), 959 and Entertainment (CRT), 53; (N) 286 Allen, A. A. American C h Union French cinema (CRT), 967 death of (N), 966 quarterly rnai (N), 927 Atrica (see also names of countries) Allen, Clifton J. American Civil Liberties Union Alt Africa Conference of Churches (N), 650 and Broadman Bible Commentary (A), 669; on n praver in N.J. public schools (N)

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 American Council of Christian Churches Assani, Benedict Baptist General Conference on abortion laws (N), 654 on Congolese superchurch (N), 926 meets in San Diego (N), 1049 and Moratorium Day (N), 142 Assassin of God, The, by F. Eugene Warren Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, on separation from non-evangelicals (E), 31 (P), 263 church taxation (N), 363 twenty-eighth annual convention (N), 201 Assemblies of God a, Student Union, at Fort Lauderdale (N), American Council on Alcohol Problems (N), 502 leave Biafra (N), 652 7 American Ethical Union summer missions for students (N), 564 black churchmen plan congress (N), 1099 Office for Social Concern (E), 636 Associated Church Press Conservative Baptists American Friends Service Committee and Christian communications (N), 652 annual meeting (N), 962 in Nigeria (N), 564 presents awards (N), 699 Czech newspaper (N), 799 American Humanist Association Association for Christian Schools evangelistic campaigns in Asia (N), 1006 Office for Social Concern (E), 636 and integration (N), 600 Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association American Scientific Affiliation (N), 1143 Association for Voluntary Sterilization (N), 100 annual convention (N), 1049 Americans United for Separation of Church and Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Mada- General Association of Regular Baptist Churches State (N), 99 gascar annual conference (N), 999 on church taxation (N), 363 forms literature arm (N), 796 National Association of Free Will Baptists new president (N), 156 Association of Unity Churches (N), 1049 annual convention (N), 1048 sues Internal Revenue Service (N), 1144 Astrology (N), 202 Southern Baptist Convention Amish Astronauts. See Space exploration Bible Way correspondence school in Zambia arrested for traffic violations (N), 372 Atheism (N), 847 and United Steelworkers Union (N), 1144 ‘American Atheists’ Manifesto’ adopted (N), 1043 Broadman Bible Commentary recalled (N), Anderson, Carl M. Athenagoras of Constantinople, Archbishop 872, 922 reelected (N), 962 prayer for (N), 710 Broadman Press (E), 909 Anderson, French visits Church of Scotland General Assembly Christian Life Commission seminar (N), 647 and genetic engineering (N), 650 (N), 874 collapsible baptistry at Togo mission (N), 847 Anderson, Gerald H. Athyal, Saphir Philip film commemorates 125th anniversary of (N), new position (N), 463 at Philippine Congress on Evangelism (N), 877 156 Anderson, John B. Audet, Jean-Paul Home Board creates loan fund for ethnic on Christian faith in politics (N), 46 receives award (N), 710 groups (N), 654 honorary degree (N), 847 Augenstein, Leroy: Come, Let Us Play God integrated fellowship of pastors (N), 331 and mail from evangelicals (N), 44 (Ralph L. Lynn) (B), 86 issue of biblical authority (A), 667 new position (N), 563 Augsburger, David (N), 1097 Laos new mission field (N), 799 Anderson, Paul on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 Mission Board designates new fields (N), 1006 and Evangelical Free Church finances (N), 1048 Augsburger, Myron (N), 1096 Mission 70 (N), 411 Andrus, Robert G. Augustus to Constantine, by Robert M. Grant 1969 membership (N), 331 heads Clergymen and Laymen for Justice, Or- (Frederick Norwood) (B), 992 poll on college students (N), 707 der, and Peace (N), 652 Australia RC priest leads revival series (N), 651 Angell, Charles Christian Endeavour Convention (N), 502 seminary enroliment (N), 367 issues joint editorial (N), 500 evangelism in (CRT), 566 state conventions (N), 280 Ang!ican Church of South Africa theological history of (A), 898 Barabbas (A), 620 publishes Christians’ protest statement (N), 960 Australian Presbyterian Church Barclay, William Anglicans. See Church of England mission board (N), 252 alive and well in Scotland (N), 247 Ann Landers: Substitute Pastor, interview with Authority on translations (Q), 297 Ann Landers (A), 526 apostolic (A), 116 Barendrecht, C. W. Another Look at the American Dream, by Robert J. in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 new position (N), 372 Lamont (A), 670 Autonomy Barker, Frank Antique Drum, An: The World as Image, by of man (B), 349; (E) 359 at Presbyterian rally (N), 329 Thomas Howard (Joan K. Ostling) (B), 485 Ave Maria magazine, replaced (N), 505 Barkman, Paul F., Edward R. Dayton, and Ed- Apartheid (N), 364 Axen, Richard ward L. Gruman: Christian Collegians and in Rhodesia (N), 844 on faculty role in American colleges (A), 614 Foreign Missions (Donald Tinder) (B), 630 in South Africa (N), 605 Aylward, Gladys Barner, Charles W. Apocalyptic Vision in Paradise Lost, The, by death of (N), 414 new position (N), 1095 Leland Ryken (Virginia R. Mollenkott) (B), 732 Barnette, Henlee Apologetics (A), 934, 981 at morality seminar (N), 647 Apostolic Authority, by H. K. Stothard (A), 116 Barnhart, William R. Appel, André Love Power (A), 1123 and Lutheran World Federation (N), 1044 Value Imperative, The (A), 973 Appelquist, A. Ray Barnhouse, Donald Grey: Words Fitly Spoken on military academies’ chapel attendance (N), (Paul S. Rees) (B), 21 1045 Barrett, David B. Arberry, A. J., ed.: Religion in the Middle East, on growth of Christianity (N), 278 Volume 1: Judaism and Christianity, and Babbage, Stuart Barton Barrett, Roger K.: Motives for Witnessing—Good Volume II: Islam (Francis R. Steele) (B), 126 on marriage (Q), 342 or Evil? (A), 940 Archaeologist Looks at the Gospels, An, by Vacuum of Unbelief, The (Edward E. Ericson, Barrett, William James L. Kelso (Fred L. Fisher) B), 87 Jr.) (B), 130 on contemporary art (Q), 894 Archaeology Bach, Marcus Barrows, Cliff Athenian portico unearthed (N), 1002 contacts mother through medium (N), 205 and His Land (N), 750 biblical (B), 319 ‘Back to the Bible Broadcast’ Barth, Karl pictorial guide to (B), 696 10,000th program (N), 505 and faith (A), 299 Mt. Ararat wood (N), 798, 1002 Baden, Michael theology of (A), 214 New Testament (B), 831, 865 on heroin deaths (E), 542 Bartlett, Gene E. and Noah’s ark (N), 455, 1104 Bahai, in Africa (N), 561 resignation (N), 505 reconstruction of Dan (N), 757 Bailey, J. Martin Bassett, William Archaeo'ogy and the Gospels (B), 87 issues joint editorial (N), 500 on Vatican document (N), 704 Archaeology of the New Testament, The, by Ed- Bailey, Wayne Bastien, Brian ward M. Blaiklock (Merrill C. Tenney) (B), 865 preaches to Indians on Alcatraz (N), 329 Hollywood Boulevard: One Way (N), 328 Archeology of the New Testament, The: The Baker, Dwight Priests’ Counter-Synod (N), 146 Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Biblical Scholarship: ‘30 Years Closer to Jesus’ Roman Synod: Speaking with Candor to the Church, by Jack Finegan (Edwin M. Yamauchi) (N), 248 Pope (N), 196 (B), 831 Christian Kibbutz: Blossoming Like a Rose? (N), Bates, Carl E. Architecture 701 and Broadman Bible Commentary (N), 922 historic landmarks designated (N), 875 Swiss Miss (N), 560 new SBC president (N), 872 Argentina Baker, James C. Bates, Harvey, M. couples married in park (N), 757 death of (N), 100, 203 running for office (N), 793 Armed Forces Ballard, Jerry Batson, E. Beatrice: John Bunyan and _ the Army and Navy withdraw from meet (E), 828 new position (N), 1006 Contemporary Student (A), 1067 AWOL servicemen (N), 50 Balthrop, Kenneth Battles, Robert W. chapel attendance at academies (N), 654, 1045 at Blessitt’s Washington demonstration (N), 1046 new position (N), 846 Eutychus IV on (EK), 72 Bamberger, Bernard J. Bauman, Edward Armendariz, Ruben new position (N), 1006 debates Madalyn Murray O’Hair (N), 552 and Mexican-American schism (N), 755 Bankhead, Annie Mae Bayly, Joe Armenian Church receives awards (N), 252 and school integration (N), 600 seminary planned (N), 847 Baptist Crusade of the Americas (N), 847 Bayne, Stephen F., Jr. Vasken | meets with Pope Paul VI (N), 847 Baptist Federation of new position (N), 332 Armerding, Carl Edwin: Fruitful Year in the Old triennial assembly (N), 1048 Beach, W. R. Testament Field, A (A), 419 Baptist Foundation of America, Inc. at Seventh-day Adventist conference (N), 923 Armerding, Hudson T. under investigation (N), 1047 Beacon Bible Commentary, Volume I: Genesis new NAE president (N), 754 Baptist Hospital Association (N), 847 through Deuteronomy, by G. H. Livingston et and Wheaton revival (N), 557 Baptist Standard al. (R. K. Harrison) (B), 85 Arms, David circulation statistics (N), 927 Beattie, William and Episcopal grant (N), 370 Baptist Union of South Africa wins election (N), 752 Armstrong, Herbert W. withdraws from South African Council of Beazley, George G., Jr. and the Church of God (N), 155 Churches (N), 252 heads COCU (N), 645 Armstrong, Kenneth Baptist World Alliance and NCC nominating committee (N), 327 censured by Nazarenes (N), 199 and Crusade of the Americas (N), 143 on NCC pledge (N), 40 Arndt, Elmer J. F. twelfth world congress (N), 1042 Beck, Henry death of (N), 414 Baptists on celibacy (N), 247 Arrowsmith, Herbert American Baptist Association Beck, O. G. and distribution of New Testament inside China holds convention (N), 1000 donation to Texas Lutheran College (N), 330 (N), 371 American Baptist Convention Beeman, Josiah, V. Asia News Report annual meeting (N), 836 new appointment (N), 798 on religion in Russia and China (N), 371 and computers in the church (N), 197 Beeson, Trevor Asimov, Issac merger planned by lowa and Minnesota new position (N), 598 on atomic power (Q), 1034 churches (N), 155 Believers’ Church Conference Askari, Hassan mission budget (N), 562 second triennial meeting (N), 1004 at Beirut dialogue (N), 707 and Progressive National Baptist Convention Bell, James Askew, Thomas A.: Heritage of Plymouth, The (N), 562 on relief food distribution in Nigeria (N), 1050 (A), 175 American Baptist News Service (N), 652 Bell, L. Nelson

36 [1148] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Another Gospel! (LF), 493 at Evangelical Covenant Church of America Boyd, Robert T.: Tel/s, Tombs and Treasure ‘As for You’ (LF), 906 meeting (N), 963 (Marvin R. Wilson) (B), 696 Believe and Appropriate! (LF), 787 Bjornstad, James: Twentieth Century Prophecy Boyd, William: Applications That Hit the Mark Beware! (LF), 76 (John E. Dahlin) (B), 485 (MW), 78 Changeless (LF), 354 Black Christian Nationalist Movement Boyle, Eugene Church and Poverty, The (LF), 595 first convention (N), 756 removed from position (N), 409 Counterfeit Religion, A (LF), 995 Black, Donald Bozell, L. Brent Dead or Alive (LF), 955 new position (N), 710 on abortion (N), 919 Eternal Yes, The (LF), 438 Black Economic Development Conference Braaten, Carl Face the Alternative (LF), 1127 contributions to (N), 797 and apologetics (Q), 935 For Sinners Only (LF), 137 denounced (N), 42 Brademas, James God’s Grace |s Amazing (LF), 822 Episcopal contributions to (N), 150, 331, 369, at Methodist Conference (N), 748 It Can Happen Here (LF), 308 8 47 Braecklein, Ingo Missing—One Knife (LF), 1038 and NCC (E), 234; (N) 40; (E) 234 new position (N), 51 More About Relevance (LF), 545 request for grant refused (N), 205 Brainerd, David Palliative or Curative? (LF), 693 to sell Alabama farm (N), 654 on sorrow (Q), 108 Poison in the Cup (LF), 1090 shunned by churches (N), 241 Brandon, Walter E. Pollution (LF), 403 and United Presbyterian controversy (N), 602 arrested (N), 332 Pride (LF), 640 Black Panthers Braun, Herbert Realities (LF), 236 and the clergy (N), 364 and demythologization (A), 848 Salvation’s Alternative (LF), 272 and Methodists in Kansas City, Mo. (N), 605, 705 and justification by faith (A), 300 That Priceless Hour (LF), 743 Black Self-Determination, by Arthur M. Brazier Brazier, Arthur M.: Black Self-Determination (W That Searching Look (LF), 180 (William Henry Anderson, Jr.) (B), 730 liam Henry Anderson, Jr.) (B), 730 Time for Action! (LF), 858 Black Star Press Brazil Wave of Disaster, The (LF), 33 to open in Detroit (N), 331 growth of Protestant churches (N). 370 While Men Slept (C. Darby Fulton) (B), 944 Black United Front loses site of Lutheran assembly (N), 924 Belz, Joel —- Conference of Catholic Bishops (N), student survey (N), 158 on Presbyterian merger plan (N), 1050 48 Brazil for Christ Church Benfield, William A., Jr. turned away from bishops’ meeting (N), 246 admitted to WCC (N), 40 and COCU plan of union (N), 462, 550, 598 Blackmun, Harry A. Brennan, William J new position (N), 923, 964 denominational affiliation (N), 798 on church property suits (N), 452 Bennett, Gordon C. and William D. Thompson: Blackstone Rangers and church tax exemption (E), 827 Dialogue Preaching (H. C. Brown, Jr.) (B), arrested in Chicago (N), 707 Brickner, Balfour 88 Biaiklock, Edward M. at peace march (N), 243 Bennett, John C. Archaeology of the New Testament, The (Mer- Bridston, Keith to retire (N), 704 rill C. Tenney) (B), 865 announces candidacy (N), 710 Bennett, Mrs. John C. ed.: Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas, The (Wil- Briggeman, Jane arrested (N), 654 bur M. Smith) (B), 391 chosen ‘Miss Congeniality’ by Miss America Bentley, William Blake, Eugene Carson contestants (N), 48 new position (N), 701 absent from COCU meeting (N), 551 Bright, William Berentschot, John M. at peace service (N), 242 completes Revolution Now (N), 156 new position (N), 1052 petitioned by Russian Christians (N), 43 Brininger, H. Leroy Berkhof, Hendrikus: Wel//-Founded Hope (Ralph Blake, Howard C. on large corporations (E), 862 Earle) (B), 226 new position (N), 798 Brink, William P. Berkouwer, G. C. Blanchard, John F., Jr. new position (N), 963 Conserve and Progress (CRT), 509 on school integration (N), 600 British Evangelical Council (N), 283 Silent Centennial (CRT), 1107 Blaney, Neil Broadcasting Understanding Scripture (CRT), 800 arrested (N), 926 cigarette commercials banned (N), 707 What Difference Does Faith Make? (CRT), 254 Blessitt, Arthur O. fair employment in industries (N), 602 Bernardin, Joseph L. arrives in Washington (N), 1046 and ‘fairness doctrine’ (N), 920, 1002; (E ) 985 at National Conference of Catholic Bishops coast-to-coast hike (N), 374, 959 Int'l Christian Broadcasters meet (N), 795 meeting (N), 246 at rock festival (N), 282 McLuhan on Christianity (N), 450 Berrigan, Daniel Blevins, James radio evading prison term (N), 798 advising weekly column (N), 505 broadcast to Red China (N), 158 Berrigan, Philip R. Blocher, Jacques Easter sunrise service (N), 707 arrested (N), 798 on All Africa Conference of Churches (N), 650 Md. church sponsors footbal! qames (N), 100 Bertolette, William F. Bloesch, Donald G. new Latin American program (N), 508 blasphemy charge dropped (N), 100 Reform of the Church, The (John H. Gerstner) ‘Night Call’ goes off the air (N), 155 Besret, Dom Bernard (B), 865 Polish broadcast (N). 332 dismissed as abby head (N), 205 True and False Ecumenism (A), 931 ‘Presbyterian Hour’ (N), 840 Bethany Fellowship (N), 1137 Bloom, Yehuda Red Lion, Pa., station (N), 920 Beusse, Robert B. and Jewish identity problem (N), 498 Seventh-day Adventists in Philippines (N), 205 new position (N), 508 Blue laws (E), 358 station KAYE loses license (N), 1144 Beyerhaus, Peter in Louisville (N), 286 station KRKD sold (N), 654 and Frankfurt Declaration (A), 843 Boe, Roger stations lose licenses (E), 985; (N) 1002 Biafra Viet Nam patrol (N), 158 Trans World Radio, honored on anniversary aftermath of war (N), 840 Boice, James M. (N), 658 missionaries in (N), 559, 652 United Presbyterians: Dropping the Traditional television surrender (N). 408 (N), 871 ‘A Matter of Faith’ to be produced (N), 372 Biafra-Nigeria conflict (E), 398 Bokeleale, Jean church programming proposed (A), 339; (E Bible and Congolese superchurch (N)., 926 356 and apostolic authority (A), 116 Bollback, Harry new programs (E), 82 Arabic trans!ation (N), 456 new position (N), 156 Oral Roberts special (N). 368 authorship, What If... (EK), 444 Bolton, Bennet religious programming (N), 924 balancing paradoxes in (B), 867 new position (N), 508 ‘Tell It Like It Is’ (N), 414 commentary (B), 1092 Bondarenko, Joseph Broadman Bible Commentary, The Gutenberg, copy to be sold (N), 707 Soviet minister (N), 706 and biblical infallibility (A), 669 history of (B), 190 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Volume !: Genesis and Exodus and Volume 8: ‘humanness' of (B), 729 anniversary of death (E), 638 Matthew and Mark, ed. by Clifton J. Allen inspiration of (A), 806 biography of (B), 24 (Clark Pinnock) (B), 225 inspiration and authority of (B), 729 and ecumenism (A), 933 Volume 9: Luke-John, by Malcolm O. Tolbert and interpretation of (B), 1028 Bonpane, Blase William E. Hull, ed. by Clifton J. Allen (Boyd Jerusalem, Old Testament translation of (B), 350 conducts mass (N), 407 Hunt) (B), 1030 new version (N), 155 Books (see also Feb. 13 and Sept. 11 issues) Broger, John C. and partisan views (N), 499 fall forecast (A), 1074 on youth communications (N), 286 protects trooper (N), 158 religious publishers in the seventies (E), 440 Bromiley, Geoffrey W.: Wide Choice in Church His- sale of (E), 186 Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, The, What If tory and Theology, A (A), 422 as source of knowledge (E), 639 .. . (EK), 1081 Brooks, Otis translation (A), 900 spring forecast (A), 429 priest speaks at church (N), 651 ae translations Boone, Pat Brooks-Randolph, Angie New English Bible (N), 197, 655, 878 in Cross and the Switchblade, The (N). 48, 874 at Baptist World Alliance congress (N), 1043 Old Testament (A), 384, 574; (B) 581 participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1003 Brouwer, Arie R. Welsh (N), 799 at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 39 and future of NCC (N), 965 understanding of (CRT), 800 Bordelon, Monsignor Marvin heads NCC task force (N), 460 and verbal inerrancy (B), 729 heads U.S. disarmament delegation (N), 95 Brow, Robert RE ES ED Bible study, overruled in La Canada, Calif. (N), Boredom (EK), 625 Cake, The (A), 1020 453 Borman, Frank Religion as an Elective (N), 1051 Biblical Theology in Crisis, by Brevard S. Childs participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1003 Brown, Arnold (Robert G. Rayburn) (B), 992 Bornkamm, Heinrich: Luther and the Old Testa- new position (N), 156 Biking (E), 950 ment (Carl S. Meyer) (B), 533 Brown, Bill Bilheimer, Robert S. Bosanquet, Mary: Life and Death of Dietrich Bon- at Graham’s New York City crusade (N), 959 heads U.S. disarmament delegation (N), 95 hoeffer (J. Murray Marshall) (B), 24 Brown, Colin: Philosophy and the Christian Faith Billings, Daniel Bosc, Jean (David H. Freeman) (B), 866 at peace march (N), 243 death of (N), 203 Brown, Dillard H., Jr. Binder, Frederick Moore Boulogne, Charles Damien killed in Liberia (N}, 287 new position (N), 563 death of (N), 156 killer testifies to shooting (N), 56 Bird, Lewis Penhall, and Christopher T. Reilly: on Radio Luxembourg program (N), 51 Brown, Harold O. J. Sex Education and the Church (A), 810 Bouton, Jim on ecumenism (A), 931 Birth control new book (E), 911 Evolution, Revolution, or Victory (A), 612 by level of intelligence (N), 877 Bowman, David J. on Lutheran World Federation (N), 1044 U.S. Senate hearings (N), 463 assigned to NCC general secretary (N), 41 Oberammergau: Is It Anti-Semitic? (A), 864 voluntary sterilization (N), 203 on church councils (N), 409 Post- and Pre-Christianity (A), 1115 and Washinaton Archdiocese (N), 704 Boyd, Maicolm Rome and Reformation Today (A), 59 Birth of Christ, The, trans. by M. Whitcomb Hess arrested (N), 966 Brown, Hugh B. (P), 220 and exorcism service (N), 364 excluded from Mormon counselors (N), 451 Bishop, James H. at Pentagon peace protest (N), 242 Brown, Raymond E. fiaht against property transfer (N), 286 Boyd, Myron F. on Catholic ecumenism (A), 931 Bjorklund, Clifford W. new NAE position (N), 754 new position (N), 878

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 Brown, Robert McAfee in Haiti (N), 878 tion, by David L. McKenna (A), 1013 Moratorium Day statement (N), 142 at peace demonstrations (N), 243 Chao, Calvin Browne, Chery! Adrienne publishes books (N), 156 speaks at Berkeley rally (N), 752 named Miss lowa (N), 1006 training for students and staff (N), 1106 Chappell, Ray Bruce, F. F. Campus Minister, The: Rebel or Reconciler?, by on Baptist Foundation of America, Inc. (N), 1047 G. C. D. Howley, and H. L. Ellison, eds.: New C. Stephen Evans (A), 715 Charismatic movement Testament Commentary, A _ (Everett F. Can Churches Break the Prime-Time Barrier?, by Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Int'l. Harrison) (B), 912 Ronn Spargur (A), 339 (N), 329 New English Bible, The (A), 384 Canada Chartier Myron R.: Christian Sensitivity (A), 897 Brunini, Joseph Anglican, Presbyterian, and United churches Chavez, Cesar on integration and private schools (N), 414 erect building in Toronto (N), 158 and Catholic bishops (N), 749 Brunner, Emil church membership statistics (N), 283 seeks church support (N), 920 on marriage (Q), 341, 343 Congress on Evangelism (N), 149, 249, 648, 1139 and union contract (N), 707 Bryant, Anita evangelicais in (N), 1136 Check, John Dae at Graham’s New York City crusade (N), 958 Ford crusade in London, Ontario (N), 158 ineligible for Congress (N), 707 on TV special (N), 368 Gideons make presentation (N), 332 Chesterion, G. K. Bryant, David: Sowing the Wind (A), 813 Institute for Christian Studies (N), 285 on human and animal behavior (Q), 294 Buchanan, Alan Ontario tells anecdote (EK), 902 new position (N), 332 religion in public schools (N), 847, 1051 Chicester-Ciark, James Buchanan, Colin People’s Church in Toronto (N), 847 resignation requested (N), 752 and merger: pian for English churches (N), 1005 Regent College formed (N), 797 Child Evangelism Fellowship Buchanan, John H. unions and religious freedom (N), 155 to begin television ministry (N), 654 seeking reelection (N), 649 Canadian Council of Churches Children, training of (A), 258 Buck, Carlton C.: Ministering to Alcoholics (MW), triennial conference (N), 329 Children’s New Testament, The, by Gleason H. 957 Canham, Erwin D. Ledyard (Donald W. Burdick) (B), 694 Buddhists denies candidacy (N), 156 Childs, Brevard S.: Biblical Theology in Crisis hoid dialogue with Muslims, Hindus, and Capita! punishment C (Robert G. Rayburn) (B), 992 Christians (N), 706 abolished in Great Britain (N), 369 hina Budinger, Vicki app, A! broadcasts to Red China (N), 158 mariies Tiny Tim (N), 331 ‘Li'l Abner’ criticized (N), 148 Christianity in (A), 467 Bultmann, Rudolf Captive to the Word, by A. Skevington Wood Communists release Bishop Walsh (N), 1000 and demythologization (A), 847 (William Childs Robinson) (B), 276 mosque in Peking still open (N), 252 and faith, iustification by (A), 299 Carberry, John Cardinal official magazine condemns religion (N), 371 theology of (A), 216 and St. Louis Review (N), 204 Choice Evangelical Books (A), 437 Bunce, Charles Carmichael, Hugh C Christ and Cosmopolis, by C. George Fry (A), 803 Churchmen Debate Farewell to Arms (N), 95 running for office (N), 793 Christ: Revolutionary or Rebel?, by Barry M. Bundling (E), 32 Carmichael, Ralph Kelley (A), 774 Bunyan, John and new church music (N), 604 Christian Aid Mission, formed (N), 1144 and contemporary student (A), 1067 Carnegie, Mrs. Dale Christian and Missionary Alliance theology of (B), 1093 on overeating (Q), 169 abandons seminary pian (N), 876 Burch, Dean Caron, Leslie missions in Cambodia (N), 838 new position (N), 920 views His Land (N), 751 and Peruvian earthquake (N), 1001 Burger, Warren E Carpenter, James Christian Approach to Literature, A, by Leland on church tax exemptions (N), 792; (E) 827 baptized in prison (N), 284 Ryken (A), 218 on pornography and preventive legislation (E), Carroll, Lewis Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania 826 and Alice in Wonderland (E), 1130 formation of (N), 313, 409 Burke, Carl F Carswell, G. Harrold Christian Camping International Convention (N), prayers by (E), 825 nomination rejected (E), 691 244 Burke, Daniel Carter, Bishop Alexander Christian Century, The death of (N), 505 makes recommendation (N), 98 absorbs the New Christian (N), 598 Burkholder, J. Lawrence Cartoons, religious (N), 199 Christian Challenge new position (N), 878 Cash, Johnny growing circulation (N), 150 Burns, John A at Graham crusade (N), 873 Christian Choices in a Liberal Abortion Climate, and Hawaii's abortion laws (N), 604 Caspary, Sister Anita by R. F. R Gardner (A), 766 Burril!, Gerald F on secularization of order (N), 503 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and COCU plan of union (N), 645 Casse!s, Louis and COCU plan of union (N), 646 to retire (N), 654 receives award (N), 756 drop in membership (N), 372 Business on sexual permissiveness (N), 921 housing project (N), 155 and the Church (E), 862 Castro, Eduardo mission board (N), 847 Bustanoby, Andre: Testing for Maturity (MW), 182 honored (N), 924 new symbol (N), 797 Butcher, Herbert M Castro, Emilio seminary statistics (N), 367 on communication (Q), 382 arrested (N), 1145 United Missionary Society Butt, Howard E., Jr Castro, Fidel and 1973 Key Bridge evangelism emphasis opposes federal grants to Baptist schools (N), failure of (E), 1034 (N), 707 280 Caitell, Everett L.: Grim Alternatives in Christian Buttrick, George A Christian Churches’ Educational Association of Higher Education (A), 891 East Africa (N), 410 on human and animal behavior (Q), 294 Census, for 1970 (E), 591 Christian Collegians and Foreign Missions, by retires (N), 414 Center for Ecumenical Action in the Netherlands Paul F. Barkman, Edward R. Dayton, and Ed- Buzzard, Lynn R.: On Getting What One Deserves and Synod of Bishops (N), 197 ward L. Gruman (Donald Tinder) (B), 630 (A), 469 Central American Mission Christian Communications Council holds rally (N), 52 formed (N), 652 Centre de Publications Evangelique, formed (N), Christian doctrine, history of (N), 205 7° Christian education. See Education, Christian Cc Chafin, Kenneth Christian Endeavor, world convention (N), 1095 new position (N), 332 Christian faith, and evo!ution (B), 392 Cake, The, by Robert Brow (A), 1020 Challenge, The, by Billy Graham (Stephen F. Christian Labor Association Calderone, Mary S Olford) (B), 393 fights closed shop (N), 155 defends SIECUS (N), 42 Chamberlain, Lewis: Martin Luther (P), 668 Christian life response to Sex, SIECUS, and the Schools Chambers, Curtis A Barnhouse, Donald Grey, on (B), 21 (EK), 529 new position (N), 204 conservatives and progressives (CRT), 509 Caldwell, Taylor: Great Lion of God (Paul L. Chancellor, John in Contemporary society (B), 865 Maier) (B), 913 at Mission 70 (N), 411 controlling the tongue (E), 544 California, abortion laws (N), 604 Chandler, Russell conversion (A), 65 California Council of Churches Migrant Ministry Adventist Urgency: Race and Missions (N), 923 daily devotions (LF), 743 (N), 920 Anaheim Crusade: At Home with the Angels giving (E), 1131 Callahan, Robert (N), 92 God's revelation to man (LF), 787 and free speech case (N), 250 Bishops Move (Slowly) Toward Collaboration importance of visitation (E), 591 Calvin Graduate Studies Association formed (N), (N), 246 and love (CRT), 288; (A) 1063 963 Churches and Stock: Organizing Proxy Power Mackay, John A., recalls experiences (A), 291 Calvin, John (N), 792 maintaining children’s faith (A), 1124 on Abraham (Q), 257 COCU Plan of Union: ‘Ils This the House | Can positive aspects of (LF), 438 on the worship of God and human behavior Live In?’ (N), 550 responsibility to fellow men (A), 379 (Q), 295 Crucial Issues in the Mideast (A), 478 sorrow and joy (A), 107 Calvinist Contact Days of Dissent (N), 842 spiritual maturity (MW), 182 creates new department (N), 372 Evangelical Tides Rising: Good News for Meth- stewardship (A), 675 Camara, Dom Helder odists (N), 1135 un‘on with Christ (B), 1093 and persecution in Brazil (N), 924 Identity Problems Plague Israel (N), 498 and witnessing (E), 863 supported by Lutheran resolution (N), 1045 Inauguration Ceremonies: Dividends for Dollars Christian Manifesto, Ernest T. Campbell Cambodia (N), 200 (Cary N. Weisiger II!) (B). 944 Christianity in (N), 799 Loca! Church Councils: Under Metamorphosis Christian-Marxist dialogue (CRT), 1007 demonstration against U.S. involvement in (N), (N), 409 Christian News 842 Lutheran Sex Code: Covenant Above Contract repudiated by LC-MS (N), 155 missionaries in (N), 838 (N), 1000 Christian News from Israel (N), 799 Cambridge History of the Bible, The, Volume II: Lutherans in America: Drawing Together or Christian Peace Conference (CRT), 1007 The West from the Fathers to the Reformation, Pulling Apart? (N), 961 Hromadka resigns (N), 283 ed. by G. W. H. Lampe (John Gerstner) (B), Mennonites, The: Pioneer Nonconformists (N), Christian Reality and Appearance, by John A, 190 1096 Mackay (Stuart Barton Babbage) (B), 553 Cameron, Hector Open Letter to Linda Kasabian, An (A), 1073 Christian Record, new weekly (N), 99 on moral welfare report (N), 875 Plan of Union: The Nose on COCU’s Face (N), Christian Reformed Church Cameron, Lord 598 finances (N), 658 commission chairman (N), 42 Selling COCU to 24 Million (N), 645 1970 synod (N), 962 Campaign Against Pollution Under the Ecumenical Umbrella (N), 327 Christian Research Institute and Commonwealth Edison in Chicago (N), 792 Chang, Lit-sen: Zen-Existentialism (Walter R. college and seminary program (N), 561 Campbell, Ernest T.: Christian Manifesto (Cary Martin) (B), 225 on use of computers in churches (N), 197 N. Weisiger II!) (B), 944 Change and Decay: Roman Style, by David F. ma _ of Science, by Joseph L. Spradley Camps, Christian (N), 244 Wells (A), 1118 , 51 Campus Crusade for Christ, International Change, and the Church (E), 588 Christian Science Monitor, editor-in-chief (N), 156 at Daytona Beach (N), 704 Changing Partnerships in Christian Higher Educa- Christian Sensitivity, by Myron R. Chartier (A), 897

38 [1150] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Christian Stewardship Council and Methodist merger plan (N), 51, 200 named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges and federal tax law (N), 704 new merger plan (N), 1005 (N), 412 Christian Theory of Knowledge, A, by Cornelius New Zealand Anglicans may remarry (N), 878 Bob Jones University Van Til (Ronald H. Nash) (B), 349 plan to make a ‘private’ denomination (N), 1052 named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges Christian Times, expanded (N), 98 and RC churches of Scotland (N), 415 (N), 412 Christian Use of the Printed Page, The, by Frank and RC uniiy predicted (N), 564 Brigham Young University E. Gaebelein (A), 381 seminaries cut (N), 564 alleged racism (N), 286 Christian World Liberation Front Church of God (Anderson, Ind.) California Baptist College California rallies (N), 243, 752 holds convention (N), 1005 receives gift (N), 505 Christianity (B), 126 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Calvary Temple balancing paradoxes in (B), 867 (Mormons) revival (N), 840 in China (A), 467 alleged racism (N), 286 and the campus minister (A), 715 and contemporary culture (B), 130 and blacks (E), 398; (N) 450 Carson-Newman College contemporary status of (B), 944 district established in Japan (N), 658 new privileges (N), 878 counterfeit (E), 692 holds semi-annual conference (N), 756 Catholic University in early America (N), 152 Japan Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of and ‘due process’ (N), 409 growth of (N), 278 Latter-day Saints (N), 47 inauguration cost (N), 200 and Islam (A), 113 membership figures from 1960s (N), 415 loosens Vatican ties (N), 505 and nationalism (CRT), 1054 Reorgenized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Christian (A), 672, 974 and philosophy (B), 866 day Saints (N), 451 changing partnerships (A), 1013 ‘post-’ and ‘pre-’ (A), 115 Church ot North India, merger plans (N), 287 financial crisis of (E), 863; (A) 891 as true humanism (A), 849 Church of Pakistan, formed (N), 799 church-related (CRT), 879 in urban areas (A), 803 Church of Scotland College of Emporia Christianity—-Fact or Fiction?, new film (N), 156 General Assembly (N), 874 financial management (N), 412 Christianity Lives On in China, by Paan Ming-To merger rejected (N), 564 Columbia College (A), 467 and Westminster Confession of Faith (N). 840 financial problems (N), 412 Christianity: The True Humanism, by W. Stanford Church of the Brethren Concordia Senior College Reid (A), 849 supports non-vio'ent draft-resisters (N). 1000 and Moratorium Day (N), 142 Christianity Today Church of the Nazarene Eariham College receives merit award (N), 699 severs ties with NCC (N), 562 named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges Christianity's Greatest Challenge, by C. George Fry Church Pensions Conference (N), 412 (A), 11S growth in income (N), 331 Eastern Mennonite College Christians Church, The, by Hans Kiing (James Leo Gariet fund-raising drive (N), 328 in Brazil (N), 370 (B), 128 Emmanuel College hold dialogue with Hindus, Muslims, and Churches of Christ revival (N), 840 Buddhists (N), 706 Abilene Christian College Lectures (N), 599 Fisk University and kibbutz in Israel (N), 701 intra-church unity discussions (N), 148 student RaKGONC ES (N), dy lack of vitality (E), 442 Churches of God Fort Wayne Bibie Colleg in Latin America (A), 15 distinctive denominations of (N), 154 revival (N), 558 in Lebanon (E), 186; (N) 203 Churches of God, Md. and Va. Eldership Gordon College s ‘liars’ (E), 911 property suit (N), 452 named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges and mass media (A), 763 Civil disobedience (E), 826 (N). 412 in Russia (N), 43, 706 Clark, Howard H. Grand Canyon College and sensitivity (A), 897 resignation (N), 563 to receive financial support (N), 280 and the worid (A), 612 Clark, J. Philip Greenville College Christ-Janer, Ariand F. reelected ACCC president (N), 201 revival (N), 558 resignation (N), 505 Clark, M. Edward Haverford College Christmas (A), 211; (E) 233, 270 at peace march (N), 243 conducts congressional seminars (N), 842 Chrysostomas, Bishop Clay, Cassius Houghton Coilege attacks Greek church leaders (N), 370 clemency recommended for (N), 43 and Morat orium Day (N), 142 Chukovsky, Korney I. Cleage, Albert B., Jr. named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges fortune of (E), 186 defeated in NCC election (N), 280 (N), 412 Church (see also Education, Christian; Cleath, Robert L. revival (N), 557 denominations) Christian Teachers: Making Crucial Contributions inauguration costs (N), 200 and Ann Landers, What If.. . (EK), 902 (N), 1102 International Bible College (N) 06 attendance (N), 414 Homosexual Church, The (N), 1100 John Brown University and black revolution (A), 618 Hope in the Midst of Horror (A), 571 and social change (N), 203 buildings designated National Historic Penetrating the Media Through Christian Art John Westley College Landmarks (N), 875 (N), 286 founder censured (N), 199 in changing neiahborhoods (B), 631 Plotters in the Pews (N), 960 Judson College in the city (B), 731 Rendering Unto Cesar (N), 920 new pres dent ts 100 colleges and consumer revolt (N), 412 Clement, Frank Goad Kent State Uni versi construction in 1969 (N), 605 death of (N), 251 special re spor : tae (A), crisis of (A), 1060 Clergy Lees Junior College Criticism of (CRT), 288 and chain-letter racket (E), 1086 racial problems (N), 286 doctrine (B), 128 discounts for (E), 359 London (England) Bible College facilities (A), 475 income of (E), 234 opens branch in India (N), 605 in this generation (A), 1120 leaving pastorate (E), 638 Loyola University growth (B), 831 running for political office (N), 649, 793 inauguration (N), 200 history, books on (A), 422 and school deseareagation (N), 601 Luther Colleae history of early (B), 992 shortage of (E), 32 new look (N), 413 and humanism (E), 636 and socia! security (N), 602 Malcolm X Liberation University income (N), 96 study of (N), 372 receives grants (N), 151 internships for seminarians (MW), 789 What If... (EK), 592 Malone Coilege irrelevancy of (LF), 995 women (N), 838 response to Asbury revival (N), 558 local councils (N), 409 Clergymen and Laymen for Justice, Order, and Mercer University loss of principles (E), 691 Peace, organized (N), 652 applies for federal grants (N), 280 membership and revenue losses (N), 504 Clouse, Bonnidell: Psychosocial Origins of Sta- Miami Bible College and ministry to alcoholics (MW), 957 bility in the Christian Faith (A), 1124 new FM station (N), 562 need of ihe Bible in (LF), 1038 Clowney, Edmund P.: Lord of the Manger, The Moody Bible Institute ordination of women (N), 1051 (A), 211 charged with racism (N), 501 in Poland (N), 410 Coates, Fietcher Mount Olivet Nazarene College and postage increases (N), 1138 on Tempo circulation increase (N), 414 fears loss of support (N), 199 property disputes (E), 442; (N) 452 Coburn, John B. Northwestern College reforms in (B), 865 and Episcopal grant (N), 46 purchases property (N), 1144 renewal (MW), 405 Coe, Albert Buckner Olivet Nazarene role of (A). 971 death of (N), 605 named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges in Russia (N), 706 Coffee Information Service, on coffeehouses (N), (N), 412 sanctuary to AWOL servicemen (N), 50 155 Oral Roberts University and sex education (A), 806 Coffin, William Sloane new facility (N), 1144 in the sixties (E), 269 charges dropped (N), 798 revival (N), 558 and stock (N), 792 co-sponsors peace rally (N), 243 Regent College, formed (N), 797 subversion in (E), 984 Coggan, Donald Richmond College survey of the unchurched (N), 459 to speak at Canadian Congress on Evangelism graduates first class (N), 966 taxation (N), 205, 363; (E) 827 (N), 149 Roberts Wesleyan College of Arizona parsonages and rectories (N), 562 Cohen, Albert G., revival (N), 840 Methodist church ends ‘free ride’ (N), 453 protests Tournament of Roses Parade (N), 410 St. Paul Bible College and urbanization (A), 803 Coleman, Mrs. Johnnie acquires new campus (N), 93 use of facilities (MW), 1040 at Unity International Convention (N), 1049 Seattle Pacific College and women (N), 837 Collections, and giving in the future (E), 441 inauguration cost (N), 201 and youth ministry (E), 911 College Singers, The named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges Church and Society, replaces Social Progress on tour from West Africa (N), 287 (N), 412 (N), 98 Colleges and universities revival “N). 840 Church and state Abilene Christian College Lectures (N), 599 Shelton College Massachusetis ruling (N), 878 Asbury College academic dean suspended (N), 798 Rhode Island ruling (N), 927 revival (E), 491; (N) 500, 556, 654 Spring Arbor College in the schools (N), 558 Azusa Pacific College revival (N), 557 separaiion of, in Ontario (N), 1051 revival (N), 558 Tarkio College Church in a Marxist Society: A Czechoslovak View, Baker University financial management (N), 412 by Jan Milic Lochman (Blahoslav Hruby) (B), financial management (N), 412 Taylor University 1028 Baylor University named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges Church of Christ in the Congo professor retires (N), 101 (N), 412 formed (N), 878, 926 ‘best’ Christian schools (E), 591 revival (N), 557 Church of England Bethe! College Texas Lutheran Coilege Canterbury Convocation’s fall meeting i"). 200 and Moratorium Day (N), 142 receives donation (N), 330 church for Diocese of the Arctic (N), 10 named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges ‘top ten’ Christian liberal-arts colleges (N), 412 clergymen on Methodist merger (N), 370. (N), 412 readers’ response to (EK), 531 ‘irrelevance’ of (N), 966 Biola College Toronto’s Institute for Christian Studies (N), 285

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 fi151] 39 Trevecca Nazarene College Cosmades, Thomas Understanding Scripture, by G. C. Berkouwer revival (N), 557 Greek Orthodoxy: The Junta Defied (N), 370 (CRT), 800 Trinity University Liondos interview (N), 839 What Difference Does Faith Make?, by G. C. financal management (N), 412 Cothen, Grady C. Berkouwer (CRT), 254 University of California at SBC meeting (N), 872 White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant, by Addison H. at Berkeley Couglan, Maura Leitch (CRT), 334 Christians hold rally (N), 752 marriage of (N), 374 Curry, L. K. $10 million donation (N), 756 Coulter, Richard E. at National Baptist Convention meeting (N), 42 at Los Angeles suspended (N), 798 Curtis, Bishop Ivol Ira confict over academic freedom (E), 81 Council of American Baptist Professional Leaders squeiches ‘collecton-plate rebellion’ (N), 46 at Santa Barbara (N), 836 Cushing, Richard Cardinal rioting (N), 960 Council on Economic Priorities and Mass. abortion laws (N), 700 University of Illinois, in Urbana and social responsibility of corporations (N), 793 resignation (N), 1145 and Moratorium Day (N), 142 Counseling sale of RC high school (N), 204 University of Redlands case studies (CRT), 606 Czechoslovakia named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges pastoral (B), 536 ond Sentetian Peace Conference (N), 283; (EK) (N), 412 Court University of Richmond Ten Commandments in (N), 562 church in (B), 1028 receives donation (N), 330 Cox, Harvey Virginia Union University chapel burns (N), 966 addresses ABC convention (N), 837 Nashington Bible College and exorcism service (N), 364 acquires new campus (N), 93 at peace march (N), 243 Nestmont College Crawford, Don D fire damages administration building (N), 654 new position (N), 99 inauguration costs (N), 200 Crawford, Harry named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges and Mt. Ararat expedition (N), 455 (N), 412 ‘Crazies’ militant youth group Daane, James: Christian Reformed: A Classis in Wheaton College at N.Y. protest (N), 198 Contempt? (N), 962 Bible major offered (N), 654 Creamer, Robert Dahlberg, Edwin H. named to list of ‘top ten’ Christian colleges and Campaign Against Pollution (N), 792 at ABC convention (N), 836 (N), 412 Credit unions (N), 50 Daily, John rev val (N), 557 Crime on missions in Nigeria (N), 559 ROTC at (N). 50 Black Panthers and the police (E), 357 Daiminger, Frank, Jr. Collier, James F executions in the U.S. (N), 369 and witchcraft (N), 202 and His Land (N) 750 juvenile delinquency prevention (N), 1052 Danforth, John C. Colloquy Latin American terrorists (E), 1130 running for office (N), 793 secular quality of (E), 691 and the Mafia (E), 357 Danhof, Ralph Southern Presbyterian debate on (N), 923 study recommended (N), 757 completes term of office (N), 963 Colwell, Max in U.S. (E), 1085 Daniel, Jack on Tournament of Roses protest (N), 410 Crisis of Identity tor Some Missionary Societies, and Skinner crusade (N), 842 Come, Let Us Play God, by Leroy Augenstein by Donald McGavran (A), 722 Darling, Harold W.: Man in Triumph (Vernon C. (Raiph L. Lynn) (B), 86 Crisis of the Church, The, by Harold Lindsell (A), Grounds) (B), 696 Committee for Justice and Liberty 1060 Davidheiser, Bolton: Evolution and Christian Faith fights closed shop (N), 155 Criswell, W. Amos, (R. L. Mixter) (B), 392 Committee of Concerned Ministers for Evangelism and biblical infallibility (A), 669 Davis, Angela at White House (N), 648 calls for conference on prophecy (N), 966 and academic freedom (E), 959 Commonwealth Edison compietes term (N), 872 Davis, Charles activists at stockholders’ meeting (N), 792 and federal aid to Baptist schools (N), 280 on Lonergan, Bernard J. F. (N), 702 Communications reaction to broader NCC structure (N), 328 Davis, Henry Glenn bishops attend workshop (N), 409 Cross and the Switchblade, The death of (N), 156 Christians and changing attitudes (N), 652 motion picture version of (N), 48 Davis, James Christians and mass media (A), 763 Cross, necessity of (E), 540 and Lenten-Passover fast (N), 552 and Church reform (E), 80 Crow, Paul A., Jr., Davis, Norman R. and Graham Euro 70 crusade (N), 750 and COCU plan of union (N), 646 wins suit (N), 878 mass media in the seventies (E), 318 Crucial Issue in Biblical Translation, The, by Davis, Raymond J. potential of, for churchmen (B), 632 Burton L. Goddard (A), 900 honored by Rep. of Niger (N), 97 religious (E), 737; (N) 753 Crucial Issues in the Mideast, by E. Russell Day, Peter Relig:ous Communications Congress (N), 652 Chandler (A), 478 and COCU plan of union (N), 646 telephone counseling centers (N), 287 Cruickshank, William and NCC nominating committee (N), 327 through the printed page (A), 381 lobbies against expansion of war (N), 842 Dayton, Edward R., Paul F. Barkman, and Edward unde;ground high-school paper (N), 100 Crumley, Francis V. L. Gruman: Christian Collegians and Foreign Communism and rescue-mission movement (N), 457 Missions (Donald Tinder) (B), 630 and incompatibility with religion (N), 371 Crusade of the Americas (N), 143 Dean, Eugene A. and youth in the Church (LF), 33 Cuba new position (N), 655 Competence, lack of (F), 310 economic situation of (E), 1034 Dean, Lillian Harris Complex, The, by Pollyanna Sedziol (P), 118 Culbreth, R. B. Arab Common Bible, An (N), 456 Computers organizes ministers’ trip (N), 601 Beirut Conference: Zionist Racism? (N), 846 for theo'ogical purposes (N), 197 Culkin, John .. SwJ., Peter A. H. Meggs, and Delegates of Four Faiths Hold Beirut Dialogue Cone, James H. Everett C. Parker: Television-Radio-Film for (N), 706 and black theology (N), 602 Churchmen (Gwyn Walters) (B), 632 Lebanon's Shattered Peace (N), 500 Conference for Christian Writers (N), 562 Cullmann, Oscar Dearden, John Cardinal Conference on Biblical Prophecy on Hegelian dialectic (Q), 1011 and ‘due process’ (N), 408 to be held (N), 966 Cully, Kendig Brubaker, and F. Nile Harper, eds.: and National Council of Catholic Bishops (N), Confersnce on Faith and History Will the Church Lose the City? (Richard K. 246, 795 sponsors meeting (N), 151 Morton) (B), 731 at Synod of Bishops (N), 196 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Cunliffe, Peter Death (B), 22; (E) 783 new game (N), 798 Brazil Church Surges Ahead (N), 370 Christian view of (A), 571 Congo Protestant Council (N), 925 Current Religious Thought human experience of (A), 166 Congregational Union of Scotland And That's the Way It Is, by Addison H. Leitch Decision union with Church of Scotland rejected (N), 564 (CRT), 1172 circulation (N), 966 Congregationalists, and Presbyterians in England Are We Too Tolerant?, by Leon Morris (CRT), Degnan, James P.: Nonsense of Liberal Catholics, (N), 101 848 The, (A), 163 Conn, James Art Is Long, by Addison H. Leitch (CRT), 53 Deism, in early America (CRT), 416 at Methodist conference (N), 411 Britain and Race Relations, by J. D. Douglas Deitenbeck, Paul Conservatives (CRT), 509 (CRT), 928 on Graham Euro 70 crusade (N), 750 Constantine, and early Church (B), 992 Case Studies, by Addison H. Leitch (CRT), 606 Delitsch, Franz Constantine, by Ramsey MacMullen (Frederick Christianity and Nationalism, by Leon Morris and Hebrew translation of New Testament (N), Norwood) (B), 992 (CRT), 1054 249 Consu.tat.on on Church Union Conserve and Progress, by G. C. Berkouwer Delusion and Reality, by Calvin D. Linton (A), 4 ‘Church of Christ Uniting’ (N), 462, 646 (CRT), 509 DeMara, Ferdinand Waldo minority groups in (N), 505 Conversations with Marxists, by Harold B. Kuhn new position (N), 414 National Conference on Program (N), 96 (CRT), 1007 Demas, Simos plan of union (E), 541, 948; (N) 550, 645 Environmental Stewardship, by Harold B. Kuhn on Greek Orthodoxy (N), 999 Proposed consecration service (N), 646 (CRT), 758 Demise of Accountability, The, by John W. Dykstra racism and theology (E), 590 Getting a Fresh Start, by Addison H. Leitch (A), 622 St. Louis Meeting and plan of union (N), 598 (CRT), 879 DeMots, Henry and Southern Presbyterians (N), 923 God’s Country?, by John Warwick Montgomery new position (N), 963 and United Methodists (N), 791 (CRT), 416 Denney, James UPCUSA report on (N), 871 Historical Rootlessness and Alienation, by on reconciliation (Q), 719 Context, twice-monthly newsletter (N), 99 Harold B. Kuhn (CRT), 464 Denny, Robert S. Conversion, historical study of (B), 191 Marcuse, by John Warwick Montgomery (CRT), at Baptist World Alliance congress (N), 1043 Conzelmann, Hans: Outline of Theology of the 711 Depestre, Marco New Testament, An (Clark H. Pinnock) (B), 125 Missouri Turns a Corner, by John Warwick receives award (N), 1006 Cooke, Bernard J. Montgomery (CRT), 160 Desegregation resignation (N), 332 Not Defending the Indefensible, by J. D. speeding up (E), 187 Cooke, Terence Cardinal (CRT), 103 de Tocqueville, Alexis at Synod of Bishops (N), 196 Objections to Evangelism, by Leon Morris on democracy and America's greatness (Q), 253 in Viet Nam (N), 287 (CRT), 566 Deviin, Bernadette (CRT), 103 Cooper, Owen On Being the People of God, by Leon Morris appeals sentence (N), 415 at morality seminar (N), 647 (CRT), 288 reelected (N), 963 Cooper, Ted Paris Theater: The Cinema, by John Warwick on riots (N). 205 on consumer revolt in church colleges (N), 412 Montgomery (CRT), 967 de Vries, Abraham: Ignorant Preachers (A), 296 Copenhaver, Charles L. Quaker Movement West, The, by Harold B. Kuhn Dewart, Leslie guest speaker (N), 878 (CRT), 206 «vestigation of (N), 287 Corcoran, Howard F. Recalling 1969, by J. D. Douglas (CRT), 376 De Witt, Robert L. ruling on chapel attendance (N), 1045 Religion in the Doldrums, by J. D. Douglas and Episcopal finances (N), 150 Corlett, Walter (CRT), 659 Dialogue Preaching, by William D. Thompson and death of (N), 251 Silent Centennial (CRT), 1107 Gordon C. Bennett (H. C. Brown, Jr.) (B), 88 40 [1152 CHRISTIANITY TODAY Dianetics (A), 110 (A), 622 England. See Great Britain Dickinson, Leon A., Jr. Dykstra, Tom English. Sandy on chaplains’ responsibilities (N), 414 drafted by Baitimore Bullets (N), 710 Presidential aspirations (N), 563 DiGangi, Mariano Engwa!!l, Robert and Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 648 on relief work in Peru (N), 1050 new position (N), 605 E Episcopal Peace Fellowship Dimensions in Courage attempts masses at Pentagon (N), 966 — Southern Baptist anniversary (N), Episcopalians 1 Earthly Jerusalem, The, by Norman Kotker (J. Alliance of Concerned Episcopalians, formed Diori Hamani, honors missionary (N), 97 Julius Scott) (B), 630 (N), 372 Disarmament Easter baptism by immersion (N), 799 Russian and U.S. churchmen discuss (N), 95 and understanding of history (A), 576 and Black Economic Development Conference Disciples of Christ. See Christian Church Easter Light on History, by W. Stanford Reid (A), (N), 150, 331 Dissent, intolerence of (E), 828 576 and COCU plan of union (N), 646 Divorce Ebeiing, Gerhard and computers in the church (N), 197 biblical view of (A), 341 and apologetics (Q), 935 Diocese of Pennsylvania, 1970 budget (N), 331 New York's rate increases (N), 414 on justification by faith (A), 302 Episcopalians and Others for Responsible Social Dixon, Jeane: Jeane Dixon, My Life and Prophe- Luther: An Introduction to His Thought (Carl S. Action (N), 241 cies, told to Rene Noorbergen (John E. Meyer) (B), 945 Executive Council gives controversial grant Dahlin) (B), 485 Ecology (E), 488 (N), 331 Doan, Herbert ecoiogism as new religion (E), 637 General Convention repercussions (N), 369 on Dow napalm contract (N), 284 environmental stewardship (CRT), 758 and ‘givers’ revolt’ (N), 46 Docherty, George M. in the sixties and seventies (N), 326 launches drive for black organizations (N), 241 at peace march (N), 243 and theology (E), 737 1970 budget (N), 562 Dole, Kenneth, retires (N), 374 Economy St. Phillips’ Church (N), 1045 Dominguez, Arsenio inflation (E), 133, 441, 986 Special General Convention (N), 150 on Filipino Church (Q), 1055 stockholders and churches (N), 792 Washington Cathedral, Christmas broadcast (N) Donham, Carey Ecumenism (see also Consultation on Church 286 West Point conscientious objector (N), 1106 Union) Epistles of Peter and Jude, The, by J. N. D Donnelly, Joseph F. Canadian churches erect building (N), 158 Kelly (Ralph Earie) (B), 833 and Calif. grape boycott (N), 749 criticism of (B), 190 Epp, Theodore Don’t Sleep Through the Revolution, by Paul S. disenchantment with (A), 931 releases 10,000th broadcast (N), 505 Rees (Don W. Hillis) (B), 275 Ecumenical Pentecost Meeting, to be held (N), Erickson, Millard J.: Potential of Apologetics, The Dopfner, Julius Cardinal 374 (A), 934, 981 at Synod of Bishops (N), 196 English Presbyterians and Congregationalists Erskine, David Doraisawmy, Solomon (N), 101 disavows historical reality of Scripture (N), 562 at Australian CE convention (N), 503 Lutheran and non-Lutheran denominations (N), Escobar, Samuel Dostoevsky, Fedor 368 at Latin American Congress on Evangelism (N), on human and animal behavior, in The Brothers and the Mormons (N), 451 281 Karamazov (Q), 295 new periodical under ecumenical sponsorship Espie, Paul Chauncey Douglas, H. O. (N), 205 at Lutheran World Federation meeting (N), 1045 new Church of Scotland moderator (N), 874 in New Zealand (N), 158 Espy, R. H. Edwin Douglas, Hugh Pope Paul VI and Vasken | meet (N). 847 militant blacks on (N), 242 and Calif. grape boycott (N), 749 proposals for united church in England (N), 1005 on NCC finances (N), 41 Douglas , J. D. Protestants and Roman Catholics NCC restructure pian (N), 460 Agnostic Meets Missionary (N), 1141 possibility of RC membership in NCC (N), 41 position threatened (N), 241 Britain and Race Relations (CRT), 928 united to build Christian Pavilion at Expo '70 proposes unity plan (N), 278 Chaos at the Kirk: Pills, but No Miracles? (N), 47 priest assigned as deputy to (N), 41 (N), 874 in the sixties and seventies (N), 324 reelected (N), 280 Concession of the Confession? (N), 840 Edd!eman, H. Leo retains NCC position (N), 327 Cult Wins Round One (N), 283 new position (N), 463, 1145 Esty, Fred Russell Essay in Fantasy, An (N), 960 Eden. Garden of, What If . . . (EK), 480 at Graham's New York City crusade (N), 959 Joining a Higher League (N), 99 Education Eternity Lamenting the Tie That Binds (N), 966 commencement speakers (A), 726 taking Watchman-Examiner subscribers (N), 707 Latin, Litter, Limitations (N), 200 N.Y. aid to private and parochial schools Ethics Looking Romewards (N), 370 challenged (N), 1052 current trends in (F), 547 New English Merger Plan (N), 1005 prep-school ministry (A), 473 Eutychus IV on the ‘irreligiously good’ (EK), 818 Not Defending the Indefensible (CRT), 103 in the seventies (A), 614, 677 and ‘minimal state’ (B), 224 Paisley Does it Again (N), 963 Education, Christian (MW), 78 social, in the seventies (E), 316 Paisley’s Progress (N), 752 in Africa (N), 410 survey of contemporary (B), 916 Pregnancies by Permission (N), 877 for children (E), 911 Ethiopian Orthodox (Coptic) Church (N), 650 Recalling 1969 (CRT), 376 concepts in (B), 1029 Europe, impressions of (F), 996 Religion in the Doldrums (CRT), 659 enrollment statistics (N), 1142 Eutychus IV Ulster Under the Microscope (N), 42 evaluation of (MW), 182 All the Best from Hugh (EK), 264 Who Is Dividing British Evangelicals? (N), 283 financial crisis in (A), 891 Andy Hardy and the Divine Percentage (EK), 444 Douglas, Mike idea of Christian college (A), 974 Anything But a Bore (EK), 625 at bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 in Norway (N), 52 But Answer Came There None (EK), 220 Douglas, Paul: Poverty: The Psychological Effects in the nursery (MW), 267 But Not Religious-Good (EK), 818 (A), 173 in the seventies (E), 316 Cheers for Charles and Chatterley (EK), 120 Dow Chemical Company Sunday-schoo! attendance (N), 100 Driving Out the Fundamentals (EK), 176 nine convicted for destroying property of (N), Sunday-school year changes (N), 1004 Hooray for Lost Causes! (EK), 1022 562 Edwards, Norman Humanism’s Bad for Brides (EK), 480 protests against (N), 284 on Seattle Pacific inauguration (N), 201 Insisting on the Grievance (EK), 17 Draewell, David J. Eggebroten, Anne ls the Press Then Perditionable? (EK), 528 new position (N), 966 Americanizing Greek Orthodoxy (N), 998 Life with the Spider and the Specious (EK), Drag, John J.: What Kind of Church Do We Want? Lutheran Youth: Caring in the Wilderness (N), Look Who’s Cheering for Mao! (EK), 72 (MW), 405 1102 Making Religion Rollicking (EK), 400 Drake, Donald K. Rally Round the Cross (N), 1046 1969 and Welcome to It (EK) 304 new position (N), 1106 Revival at the Racetrack (N), 1102 Old Time Religion and One Other (EK), 360 Drama Scripture in Public Schools (N), 960 Prague Peacemakers Fight Back (EK), 1081 Hair (A), 895 Eisendrath, Maurice N. Putting It Over the Young (EK), 740 Drinan, Robert F. on Al Capp’s comic strip (N), 148 Reassessing Reticence (EK), 1132 running for office (N), 505, 649 Moratorium Day statement (N), 142 Sniffing, Stirring, Filling, Fanning (EK), 592 Driver, Sir Godfrey Eisenhower, Mrs. Dwight D. Though | Have All Faiths .. . (EK), 784 and the New English Bible Old Testament (A), honorary chairman (N), 921 Truth and Consequences (EK), 855 574 Elbin, Paul E. What Makes You Say That? (EK), 902 Drug Users, The, by A. E. Wilder Smith (Ivan J. on new church music (N), 603 Where Have All the Artists Gone? (EK), 990 Fahs) (B), 320 Elbrecht, Paul G. Vhere Have Ail the Pirates Gone? (EK), 952 Drugs (E), 688 new position (N), 563 Evangel, definition of (A), 515 interfaith action against (N), 707 Eliot, John Evangelical Alliance, British marijuana in contemporary society (B), 993 biography of (B), 85 new document (N), 1141 in New Jersey (N), 50 Elizabeth Il, Queen Evangelical Alliance Mission, The (TEAM) younger generation and usage of (B), 320; visits Canadian Arctic (N), 1005 The Evangelical Alliance Mission (E) 542 Ellington, Duke Evangelical Church of North America Drummond, Joseph at National Presbyterian Church and Center absorbs Holiness Methodist Church (N), 197 obtains funds for Canadian blacks (N), 329 (N), 650 growth of (N), 1051 Dubi, Leonard receives degree (N), 878 Evangelical Churches of West Africa and Campaign Against Pollution (N), 792 Elliot, Elisabeth: We Were Hoping (A), 12 in Biafra (N), 842 Duffey, Joseph Elis, Albert Evangelical Covenant Church of America running for office (N), 649, 1106 and SIECUS (A), 387 annual meeting (N), 963 Dumbfounding, The, by F. Eugene Warren (P), 71 Ellis, E. Earle and Max Wilcox, eds.: Neotesta- Evangelical Episcopal Church in Israel Duncan, James O. mentica et Semitica (Robert H. Gundry) (B), recognized (N), 799 on Northern Ireland crisis (E), 1035 350 Evangetical Fellowship of the Northwest Territories Dunn, James Ellison, H. L. sponsors missionary conference (N), 756 at morality seminar (N), 647 G. C. D. Howley, and F. F. Bruce, eds.: New Evangelical Foundation Dupin, Clyde Testament Commentary, A (Everett F. Harrison) new publications (N), 1005 at Wesleyan conference on evangelism (N), 413 (B), 912 Evangelical Free Church of America Durgin, Don Prophets of Israel, The (J. Barton Payne) (B), holds conference (N), 1048 at bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 276 Evangelical Friends Alliance Durham, John I. Ellul, Jacques proposed merger (N), 1049 and Broadman Bible Commentary (N), 922 on the Church (Q), 1116, 1117 Evangelical Literature Overseas Durham, Ronald Elson, Edward L. R. survey on Christian Literature for Africa (N), 796 Houston’s MAYO ‘Clinic’: Complicated Chemistry and reparations request (N), 96 Evangelical Press Association (N), 754 and return to theistic principles (N), 960 annual conventon (N), 843 Rainbow over Abilene (N), 599 Emery, O. Dale Evangelical Responsibility in a Secularized Dutch-German Reformed Church new position (N), 414 World, by Klaas Runia (A), 851 on racially mixed marriage (N), 205 Emmerson, Kenneth H. Evangel! | Dykstra, John W.: Demise of Accountability, The returned to office (N), 924

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1153] 41 in Britain (N), 283 complaints against obscenity (N), 1106 Christianity’s Greatest Challenge (A), 113 ‘conservative’ (E), 1035 and ‘fairness doctrine’ (N), 920, 1002; (E) 985 Fry, John R. discontent with (F), 829 Federation of Evangelical Churches in East cleared of charges (N), 51 and evangelism in the seventies (F), 643 Germany Frye, Roland hippies (F), 746 cancels visit to WCC (N), 374 on state of the church (Q), 772 in mainline denominations (N), 1135 formation (N), 101 Frykenberg, Robert E. NAE holds annual convention (N), 754 Feedback from God, by William J. Samarin (A), 10 on the Christian and politics (N), 151 responsibility of (A), 851 Feild, Ralph Fuchs, Ernst types of (E), 31 organizes ministers’ trip (N), 601 on faith (Q), 302 Evangelicals and the Black Revolution, by Tom Feinberg, Charlies Lee: Prophecy of Ezekiel, The Fuerbringer, Alfred O. Skinner (A), 618 (Samue! J. Schultz) (B), 320 and liberal LC-MS Lutherans (N), 328 Evangelism Fellowship of Christians in the Arts, Media, and Fuller, Howard All India Congress on (N), 454 Entertainment (N), 286 and Malcolm X Liberation University (N), 151 in Anaheim, Calif. (N), 92 Baltimore meeting (CRT), 53 Fuller, W. Harold In Asia (N), 1006 New York meeting (N), 875 Civil War Aftermath: ‘Return to Life’ (N), 840 among Calif. hippies (N), 876 Fernandez, Richard R. Nigerian Relief Continues (N), 1050 Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 249, 648, heads Lenten-Passover fast (N), 552 Tracking Down a Killer (N), 603 1139 Fiddes, Victor: Night Questions, The (A), 971 Fulton, C. Darby Committee of Concerned Ministers for (N), Fifield, Harry A. at Presbyterian rally (N), 329 648 defeated (N), 923 Fundamentalism (EK), 176 congress in Yugoslavia (F), 35 Fillmore, Charlies and Myrtle through costumed drama (N), 1136 and Assoc. of Unity Churches (N), 1049 in D.C. area (N), 1102 Finegan, Jack: Archeology of the New Testa- G by Ethiopian students (N), 332 ment, The: The Life of Jesus and the Begin- Evangelistic Association of New England meets ning of the Early Church (Edwin M. Yamauchi) Gaebelein, Frank E. (N), 414 (B), 831 Christian Use of the Printed Page, The (A), 381 Ford crusade in London, Ontario (N), 158 Firm Foundation, editorial (N), 148 Reflections in Retrospect (A), 977 Ford, Leighton, on (A), 62 Fiske, Edward B. reminiscences of (A), 977 by Graham, Billy. See Graham, Billy receives award (N), 927 on truth (Q), 69 among immigrants (MW), 1168 Fitch, Williarn Gantry, Elmer among the Jews (E), 543 and oe Congress on Evangelism (N), 250, unsuccessful play (N), 599 Key Bridge Consultation (N), 326 Garabaya, Santiago Key '73 (N), 874; (E) 1033 Fleming, Arthur S. at —_ American Congress on Evangelism (N), Latin American Congress on (E), 270; (N) 281 at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized mass, Tom Skinner on (E), 312 Religion’ (N), 143 Gardner, R. F. R. methods of (A), 1018 at NCC General Board meeting (N), 40 Christian Choices in a Liberal Abortion Climate in Mexico City (N), 757 steps down as NCC president (N), 242 (A), 766 motives for witnessing (A), 940 Fletcher, Joseph Garman, F. Eugene 1973 Key Bridge emphasis at Baptist conference (E), 738 expelled from church (N), 563 and Disciples of Christ (N), 707 and genetic engineering (N), 650 Garrett, Francis L. objections to (CRT), 566 at morality seminar (N), 647 new position (N), 878, 1006 in the Philippines (N), 877 Flew, Anthony Garrett, James Leo in Portugal (N), 599 quotes Wisdom’s parable (Q), 983 on history of Christian doctrine (N), 205 possibility of nationwide breakthrough (F), 643; Flores, Patrick Garrett, W. Barry (E) 1129 new position (N), 846 on church taxation (N), 363 in Sierra Leone (N), 564 Fiower, J. Roswell Gartenhaus, Jacob: Jewish Conception of the in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 death of (N), 1052 Messiah, The (A), 520 Skinner crusade (N), 842 Flusser, David Gates, Walter special emphasis in 1973 (E), 490 Jesus (Dwight Baker) (B), 483 and Episcopal grant (N), 370 as social therapy (E), 1032 on theory of Mark's primacy (N), 248 Gendusa, Tony theo'ogy of (A), 717 Fogleman, William J. receives plane (N), 374 U.S. Congress on (E), 28; (N) 38, 39; (A) 852 and Mexican-American social programs (N), 755 General Motors world, success of Church in (B), 275 Fonda, Jane corporate policy attacked (N), 793 and youth, What If . . . (EK), 1132 in church service (N), 921 and response to public interest (E), 862 Evangelism in a Day of Revolution, by Leighton Footnotes. See Henry, Carl F. H. Genetic eng’neering Ford (A), 62 Force, and the Christian (E), 396 forum on (N), 650 Evans, C. Stephen: Campus Minister, The: Rebel Ford, Arthur gene synthesization (E), 910 or Reconciler? (A), 715 activity as medium (N), 205 Genetics Evans, Dillwyn T. Ford, Leighton and population control (B), 86 new position (N), 927 crusade in London, Ontario (N), 158 in the seventies (N), 326 Evans, Harry L. crusade in Tampa, Fla. (N), 459 Genius of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The, by on Trinity College and Divinity School finances Evangelism in a Day of Revolution (A), 62 John Pitts (A), 470 (N), 1048 to speak at Canadian Congress on Evangelism Geography Evenson, John (N), 149 biblical atlas (B), 993 Austerity at New York: Degree Dropping (N), at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 and biblical events (B), 391 652 Forman, James German Evangelical Church, split (N), 101 ‘Cross and Switchblade’ Suffers Schizophrenia and Black Manifesto (N), 241 Germany (N), 874 and Black Manifesto anniversary (N), 797 Euro 70 crusade (E), 736; (N) 750 Natura! Step A, (N), 147 receives alternate award (N), 198 Gerstacker, Carl Everett, Glenn D. supported by Young Lords (N), 407 on Dow napalm contract (N), 284 Alcoholism: A New Theory Distilled (N), 502 Form-critical method of biblical research (B), 84 Gideons, of Canada, make presentation (N), 332 Churches Face Postage Increases (N), 1138 Forrest, A. C. Giganta, Louis R. Fairness Doctrine: A Stricter Proposal (N), 920 accused of anti-Semitism (N), 797 running for office (N), 756 New Religious Landmarks (N), 875 Forsyth, P. T. Gilbert, Richard Stamp of Approval (N), 1045 on reconciliation (Q), 719 on religious TV programs (N), 924 Evolution Fosdick, Harry Emerson Gilbert, Wilhelm and Christian faith (B), 392 death of (E), 83; (N) 100 on Graham Euro 70 crusade (N), 750 Evolution and Christian Faith, by Bolton David- and fundamentalism (EK), 176 Gilchrist, Ramsey heiser (R. L. Mixter) (B), 392 on suffering (Q), 223 joins Blessitt’s march (N), 1047 Evolution, Revolution, or Victory, by Harold O. J. Foster, Dave Gill, Donald Brown (A), 612 Euro 70 Crusade: ‘Never . . . So Many’ (N), 750 at New England evangelistic meeting (N), 414 Existentialism (A), 7 Graham Dortmund Crusade: A Continent Re- Gill, Theodore Extremism (EK), 592 sponds; Some Resist (N), 698 edits MSS (N), 505 Ezekiel on Graham's postponed Prague visit (EK), 18 Githenji, Samuel prophecy of (B), 320 Fowler, Andrew J. death of (N), 456 and D.C. ‘character-building’ program (N), 960 Glass, Bill Frank, Eugene M. at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 F on Black Panthers (N), 705 Glass, Jack Frankfurt Declaration, The (A), 843 leads protest (N), 874 Face to Face significance of (E), 861 Glasser, Arthur F. receives award (N), 699 Franz, Clyde O. new position (N), 757 Failure, Eutychus IV on (EK), 1132 new position (N), 924 Gleanings from the Scriptures, by Arthur Pink Fairfax, Jean Fraser, Thomas A. (M. Eugene Osterhaven) (B), 912 and fair employment in broadcasting indus- announces Episcopal grants (N), 151 Glick, Larry tries (N), 602 Fredrikson, Roger L. and Blessitt’s ministry (N), 1047 Faith (CRT), 254; (E) 986 new ABC president (N), 837 Glueck, Nelson and Abraham (A), 256 Free Evangelical Theological Academy and female rabbinical students (N), 838 discovery of (B), 125 founded (N), 1006 Gluttony (A), 169 fundamentals of (A), 60 Free Kirk Assembly (N), 875 Glynn, Lady Susan justification by (A), 298 Freedman, David Noel, and Jonas C. Greenfield, on contemporary religious movement (Q), 973 Faith at Work, new joint publication (N), 98 eds.: New Directions in Biblical Archaeology Gnanakan, Ken R.: India: The Way to Life (N), 454 Fakkema, Mark (Elmer B. Smick) (B), 319 God death of (N), 1052 Freedom (E), 441 concept of (E), 443 Fall and Then .. ., by Ellen Strickland (P), 1017 of speech (E), 950 Eutychus IV on name of (EK), 120 Families (E), 986 Freeland, Gordon patience and judgment of (LF), 236 in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 new position (N), 205 reasons for existence of (A), 7 Farber, Maurice L. Freeman, James D. on the school campus (N), 250 on suicide (A), 347 Assoc. of Unity Churches (N), 1049 silence of (E), 268 Farians, Elizabeth Friedman, Clarence W. steadfastness of (LF), 354 on women’s rights (N), 837 on federal support for church schools (N), 412 as theological problem (F), 448 Farmer, Herbert H. Friedrich, Robert E., Jr. word of (E), 492 on Christ’s method of teaching (Q), 1017 Evangelical Free Church: Smiles in Green Lake God (The Poet), by Henry Hutto (P), 60 Farrell, Frank E. (N), 1048 Goddard, Burton L.: Crucial Issue in Bible Trans- new position (N), 100 Mission 70: Change Now (N), 411 lation, The (A), 900 Fashions and truth (E), 739 Fruittul Year in the Old Testament Field, A, by Goddard, H. G. Fatherhood (E), 825 Carl Edwin Armerding (A), 419 purchases Primitive Methodist Chapel (N), 252 February (E), 491 Fry, C. George God’ ees Law, by Kurt Hennig (John C. Howell) Federal Communications Commission Christ and Cosmopolis (A), 803 , 585

42 [1154] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Goodwin, Nigel (B), 1092 Heck, Glenn at arts conference (N), 286 Guzman, Pablo (Yoruba) and Seminar '70 (N), 701 Gordon, Cyrus H.: New English Bible Old Tesia- and Young Lords (N), 407 Hedonism, and the Christmas spirit (EK), 264 ment, The (A), 574 Gwinn, William Heenan, John Cardinal Gospel at Christian Camping International Convention and Anglican-Methodist merger (N), 370 Curative nature of (LF), 693 (N), 244 on Synod of Bishops (N), 197 departure from (LF), 493 Heer, Friedrich: Holy Roman Empire, The (Robert individual and social elements (B), 944 G. Clouse) (B), 22 Gospel Light Publications, new division (N), 1106 Hegelian Dialectic in Theology, The, by John N. Gowon, Yakubu H Jonsson (A), 1011, 1070 assails relief agencies (N), 408 Hegelianism on post-war Nigeria (N), 1050 Moitmann on (B), 274 Grace (LF), 822 Haas, Harold H.: Pastoral Counseling with People in theology (A), 1011, 1070 Grace, William R. in Distress (Leslie R. Beach) (B), 536 Heider, Johannes leads protest (N), 792 Hadden, Jeffrey K. on Graham Euro 70 crusade (N), 750 Graduation (E), 782 at Religious Communication Congress (N), 753 Heiges, Donald R. Graham, Billy Hagen, Odd resignation of (N), 605 Anaheim crusade (N), 92 death of (N), 505 Helon, Charles on Apollo 13 (N), 749 Haggai, John and World Conference of Christians for Palesting at Baptist World Alliance congress (N), 1042 campaign in Indonesia (N), 200 (N), 846 Challenge, The (Stephen F. Olford) (B), 393 crusade in Portugal (N), 599 Help for a Hu Euro 70 crusade (N), 698, 750; (E) 736 Korean speaking tour (N), 959 joining Intern< in Gallup poll (E), 399 Haise, Fred W., Jr. Henderson, lar and ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 921, 1003 and safe return of Apolio 13 (N), 749 on ecurm honorary chairman of U.S. Congress’ on Haiti, evangelistic efforts (N), 878 Evangelism (N), 38 Hale, Joe Knoxville crusade (N), 873 and Key '73 (N), 874 at National Press Club (N), 243 Hall, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene New York City crusade (N), 505, 958 visas granted (N), 833 political accusations against (E), 949 Hall, Myrtle ality Gap Shootout (N), 647 receives B'nai B'rith Award (N), 287 at Graham's New York City crusade (N), 958 new posi C on (N), 1145 at rock musc festival (N), 368 Halverson, Richard C.: Sa/esman Wanted (A), 108 Pastoral! Pilgrimage (N), 601 Three American I/lusions (A), 260 Hamilton, Kenneth Hennig, Kurt: God’s (John C. Howe 20th anniversary of first crusade (A), 136 to speak at Canadian Congress on Evangelism (B), 585 Unfinished Dream, The (A), 988 (N), 149 Henry, Carl F. H Graham, Ned Hammond, A. L. addresses ABC convention (N), 837 at Anaheim crusade (N), 92 mission work in Cambodia (N), 838 Ailing World of Work, The (F), 310 Graham, Ruth Hammond, Pete Charting a Course (F). 996 at Anaheim luncheon (N), 93 and Fort Lauderdale beach ministry (N), 704 ind Conference on Biblical Phophecy (N), 9 oo at Minneapolis luncheon (N), 39 Hampton, Fred yn the Church and society (E), 860 Grant, Robert M.: Augustus to Constantine memorial services for (N), 364 on evangelical Christianity and youth (Q), 853 (Frederick Norwood) (B), 992 Hamstra, Agnes Evangelical Pathbreaking (F), 746 Grant, W. Wayne: Rich Churches and Poor loses job (N), 414 Evangelical Underground, The (F), 643 People (A), 475 Hancock, Henry Nicholas God as a Problem (F), 448 Graves, Ned R., retires (N), 374 death of (N), 710 Gospel in East Europe, The (F), 35 Gray, Richard W. Hannan, Philip M. Justification by Ignorance: A Neo-Protest new position (N), 1050 on celibacy (N), 247 Motit? (A), 298 Great Britain Hanson, Mark new position (N), 605 election results (N), 963 at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized Roman Legions, The (F), 917 evangelicals in (N), 283 Religion’ (N), 143 at Seminar '70 (N), 701 Holy Trinity Church of Hildersham (N), 847 ‘Hardhattism’ (E), 949 Theology of Zigzags, The (F), 1 old churches restored (N), 52 Hardin, Paul, Jr. Theology on the Rebound (F and race relations (CRT), 928 future position (N), 792 to speak at Canadian Congress on Evangelism Great Lion of God, by Taylor Caldwell (Paul L. Harding, Vincent (N), 149 : Maier) (B), 913 on black theology (N), 602 Too Old to March? {F) Greaves, Richard L.: John Bunyan (Fred H. Hardy, Thomas Which Way Is Right? { Klooster) (B), 1093 ‘God’s Funeral’ (EK), 952 Winds of Promise (F), Greece Hargroves, V. Carney Henry, Paul B. church leaders attacked (N), 370 new position (N), 1042 at ABC meeting (N). 83 Protestant elder arrested (N), 205 Haring, Bernard receives doctorate (N), 878 Greek Orthodox Youth in America (N), 999 on human conscience vs. pope’s infallibility (N), Hensley, Kirby J. Greeley, Andrew M. 704 files libel suit (N), 331 and the occult (N), 202 Harkins, George F. Hensley, Wayne: Suggestion 1s Sermon Strategy Green, Joseph F., and Wayne E. Ward, eds.: /s on a united Lutheran Church (N), 49 (MW), 595 the Bible a Human Book? (Jerry Perrill) (B), Harlan, John M. Herbison, Margaret 729 and church tax exemption (E), 827 new position (N), 875 Greenfield, Jonas C., and David Noel Freedman, Harmati, Bela Heritage of Plymouth, The, by Thomas A Askew eds.: New Directions in Biblical Archaeology attends ordination (N), 152 (A), 174 (Elmer B. Smick) (B), 319 Harper, F. Nile, and Kendig Brubaker Cully, eds.: Hermeneutics (CRT), 800 Will the Church Lose the City? (Richard K. Green-Wilkinson, Francis Oliver Herron, Orley R., Jr. on apartheid in Rhodesia (N), 844 Morton) (B), 731 new position (N), 847, 966 Harriman, Averell, honored (N), 198 death of (N), 1144 Hertzog, Albert Greisch, Janet Rohler Harrington, Donald S. and South African politics (N), 364 Blessitt is the Cross-Bearer (N), 959 running for office (N), 793 Hesburgh, Theodore Churches Step Up Aid to Peru (N), 1001 withdraws candidacy (N), 846 Moratorium Day statement (N), 142 College Consumers: Rocking the Boat (N), 412 Harris, Frederick Brown Hess, M. Whitcomb, trans.: Birth of Christ, The Defending the Unborn (N), 919 death of (N), 1106 (P), 220 Harrison, E. L. Genetic Engineering (N), 650 Heyns, Roger Lifting the Veil on Mixed Matches (N), 793 participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1003 on Berkeley violence (N), 752 M-Day (N), 142 Harrison, Everett F.: A Short Life of Christ Hicks, Lee Mormons Stand Pat (N), 450 (Richard N. Longenecker) (B), 21 heads new group (N), 331 Harrison, R. K.: Introduction to the Old Testa- Mother Church’s Daughters: Distaff Dissent (N), Hicks, Tommy J. 837 ment (R. Laird Harris) (B), 694 and prison baptism (N), 284 and Nelson, John: Asbury Revival Blazes Cross- Harrowing of Heaven, The, by Clark H. Pinnock Hicks, W. Lee Country Trail (N), 556 (A), 847 on new church agency (N), 410 Peace Protest: Carrying the Coffins (N), 242 Hart, Hendrik Hieronymus, Frank L and Toronto’s Institute for Christian Studies (N), Southern Baptist Tunes: The Fall Conventions resignation (N), 878 (N), 280 2 8 Higginbotham, Frank What’s the Mutter with Astrology? (N), 202 Hartmire, Wayne C. death of (N), 1106 Where Have All the Missionaries Gone? (N), 559 and grape boycott (N), 920 High, Dallas M., ed.: New Essays on Religious Grey, Herbert Haskin, Dorothy C. Language (Alvin Plantinga) (B), 352 new position (N), 205 to retire (N), 710 Hill, David Grievances (EK), 17 Hatch, Robert W. and Asbury revival (N), 501 daughter in Oh! Calcutta! (N), 873 Grim Alternatives in Christian Higher Education, Hill, Edward V. Hatfield, Mark and ghetto work (N). 1098 The, by Everett L. Cattell (A), 891 on Christian faith in politics (N), 44 Grimley, Christopher Philip meets with Nixon (N), 648 at John Brown University (N), 203 participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N) new position (N), 505 and mail from evangelicals (N), 44 Gronowicz, Antoni: Poland's Protestants (N), 410 at youth march (N), 328 on Oral Roberts program (N), 368 Hill, W. Merle Groppi, James E. at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 arrested (N), 100 and Columbia College income (N). 412 Haughey, Charles receives alternate award (N), 198 Hilliard, David arrested (N), 926 at Black Panther rally (N), 364 Gross, Reuben Haughton, Jerry W.: Incarnational Evangelism (A), on Rohan, Michael, and Al Aksa Mosque (N), at NCBC session (N), 241 1018 Hillis, Dick: To Save a Seminarian (MW), 789 499 Hawaii Group for Advancement of Psychiatry Hindus abolition of abortion laws (N), 604 hold dialogue with Muslims, Buddhists, and report on abortion (N), 205 Hale Aloha Congregational Church (N), 927 Growth of the Biblical Tradition, The: The Christians (N), 706 Hayakawa, S. I., honored (N), 198 and Muslims (N), 99 Form-Critical Method, by Kiaus Koch (Meredith Hayden, Roger G. Kline) (B), 84 at Baptist Worid Alliance congress (N), 1042 Jerome new position (N), Gruman, Edward L., Paul F. Barkman, and Ed- Haynsworth, Clement F. ward R. Dayton: Christian Collegians and and nomination to Supreme Court (N), 156 on teaching of athe Foreign Missions (Donald Tinder) (B), 630 Head, Richard Hines, John E Guess, Roy on electromagnetic forces and astrology and Episc on liberals in LC-MS (N), 601 (N), 202 and federal grand Hingson Robert A. Guilderson, Richard Heath, Alonzo M., contribu at bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 on rescue missions (N), 457 on from Pope Paul VI Guthrie, D., and J. A. Motyer, eds.: New Bible Heath, Edward Hiroshin Commentary, The: Revised (Clark H. Pinnock) wins election (N), 963 anniversary of bombing (E), 1034; (N) 1043

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 History new position (N), 963 Harrison (R. Laird Harris) (B), 694 of biblical events (B), 391 Human Experience of Death, The, by Thomas treland rejection of (CRT), 464 Howard (A), 166 church leaders on violence (N), 926 and religion in America (CRT), 416 Humanism (EK), 480 civil-rights movement (N), 655 secular philosophies of (B), 189 and Christianity (A), 849 police reorganization report (N), 197 value of (A), 174 and the Church (E), 636 Protestant-RC tensions (N), 52; (EK) 74; (CRT) Hmm!, new magazine (N), 331 Humble, William J. 103; (E) 1035 Ho Chi Minh and Abilene Christian College (N), 599 report on violence in (N), 42 memorial service for (E), 29 Hume, Jack Ireney, Metropolitan, patriarch of Moscow Hoard, Walter B. death of (N), 251 and Orthodox merger (N), 501 new position (N), 372 Humor, in religion (EK), 400 Irwin, John N., Il Hoatson, Grant Humphrey, Leo new position (N), 1145 and revival at Fort Wayne Bible College (N), 558 and Blessitt's Washington outreach (N), 1046 Is the Bible a Human Book?, ed. by Wayne eé. Hobbs, Herschel H. Hungch’'i (Red Flag), condemns religion (N), 371 = and Joseph F. Green (Jerry Perrill) (B), loses BWA election (N), 1043 Hunger (E), 358 and social-service agency (N), 410 and overpopulation (N), 330 Islam (see also Muslims) Hoffman, Oswald C. J. Hunt, Canon Leslie challenge to Christianity (A), 113 at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 and Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 648 in Middle East (B), 126 new position (N), 505 Hunter, Clarence Israel in Viet Nam (N), 287 and Asbury revival (N), 500 Christian kibbutz (N), 701 Hogan, Joseph L. Hunter, David condemned by Palestinians (N), 846 new position (N), 156 compiles NCC report (N), 965 current Conditions in (A), 478 Hogren, Vincent C. at peace march (N), 243 depicted in His Land (N), 750 death of (N), 1052 Hustad, Donald Dutch report on State of (N), 560 Hoitenga, Dewey on new church music (N), 603 Jewish identity question (N), 498 reappointed (N), 96 Hutto, Henry: God (The Poet) (P), 60 Knesset defines the Jew (N), 599 Hoke, Donald E. Hyatt, Gerhardt W. Ministry of Religious Affairs on Al Aqsa Mosque new position (N), 878 new position (N), 374 (N), 101 Hold, D. D Hyde, Thomas reforestation project (N), 508 retires (N), 648 at Methodist conference (N), 411 relation to early Church (B), 832 at White House service (N), 648 Hygiene and common Communion cups (N), 100 Israel in the Apostolic Church, by Peter Richard- Holiness Methodist Church Hymn to God on My Way to Him, by Mark Noll son (E. E. Ellis) (B), 832 absorbed by the Evangelical Church of North (P), 894 Italy America (N), 197 court decision on marital infidelity (N), 332 Holmes, Arthur F.: Idea of a Christian College, Itliong, Larry The (A), 974 and grape boycott (N), 920 Holt, John, on purpose (Q), 397 Ives, Robert Holtzmann, H. J and Gordon-Conwell’s Philadelphia Urban Cen- and theory of Mark's primacy (N), 248 ter (N), 796 Holy Roman Empire (B), 22 Ivy, Andrew C. Holy Roman Empire, The, by Friedrich Heer and dangers of alcohol (N), 502 (Robert G. Clouse) (B), 22 Holy Spirit UPCUSA report on (N), 871 Home and family in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 Homiletics dialogue preaching (B), 88 importance of sermons (E), 312 sermon strategy (MW), 596 Homosexuality (E), 541 laws against (E), 134 lakovos, Archbishop Los Angeles Church (N), 1099 at Greek Orthodox congress (N), 998 Honesty (E), 951 receives award (N), 710, 844 Honett, Steve Ibiam, Francis and Evangelical Student Congress (N), 794 and Biafra-Nigeria conflict (N), 652 Honey, T. E. Floyd post-war activities (N), 1050 Jackson, B. F., Jr., ed.: Television-Radio-Film and Canadian Council of Churches (N), 329 Ichthus, new French periodical (N), 331 for Churchmen, by Peter A. H. Meggs, Everett Hoover, J. Edgar: Interval Between, The (A), 251 Idea of a Christian College, The, by Arthur F. C. Parker, and John M. Culkin, S.J. (Gwyn Hoover, Theressa Holmes (A), 974 Walters) (B), 632 new position in NCC (N), 327 If Dropouts Turn On, by Lon Woodrum (A), 70 Jackson, Joseph H. on women in the church (N), 838 Ignorant Preachers, by Abraham de Vries (A), 296 reelection (N), 42 Hope, Bob li, Kiyoshi Jackson, T. Sherron and ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 921 and Expo '70 (N), 47 indicted (N), 1047 proclaims week of national unity (N), 242 Illusions, prevalent in America (A), 260 Jacobson, Frank Hope in the Midst of Horror, by Robert L. Cleath In His Sameness of Grace Our Church, Burning, and His Land (N), 751 (A), 571 by Nancy G. Westerfield (P), 728 Jacobson, S. T. Hope, Norman V. In Search of Balance, by Virginia Mollenkott new position (N), 966 How Jesus Taught (A), 1016 (Millard J. Erickson) (B), 867 Jakobovits, Immanuel Paul’s Thorn and Ours (A), 222 Incarnational Evangelism, by Jerry W. Haughton on ‘test-tube babies’ (N), 658 Hope of Glory, The, by Marcus Loane (Harold (A), 1018 James, Allix B. Fife) (B), 321 Inch, Morris A.: Psychology in the Psalms: A new position (N), 966 Hopkins, Joseph Martin: Scientology: Religion or Portrait of Man in God’s World (Charles Lee Japan Racket? (A), 110, 170 Feinberg) (B), 734 Baptists meet in Tokyo (N), 1042 Hopkins, Raymond Income tax (E), 690 Christians in (N), 878 and Unitarian Universalist finances (N), 287 India, Congress on Evangelism (N), 454 Expo 70 (N), 752 Hordern, William Indian Task Force Christian Pavilion (N), 47, 560 on apologetics (Q), 934 joins IFCO (N), 50 Jeane Dixon, My Life and Prophecies, told to Horkin, Leo Indians Rene Noorbergen (John E. Dahlin) (B), 485 on missions in Nigeria (N), 559 and services at Alcatraz (N), 329 Jeeves, Malcomb A.: Scientific Enterprise and ‘Hour of Decision’ Indonesia Christian Faith, The (Howard A. Redmond) 1,000th broadcast (N), 286 evangelistic crusades (N), 200 (B), 534 How Jesus Taught, by Norman V. Hope (A), 1016 Ingram, T. Robert Jehovah's Witnesses Howard, J. Gordon on school integration (N), 600 gain English soccer players (N), 99 addresses Methodist conference (N), 748 Innes, John Zambia baptism (N), 878 Howard, Thomas at New York City crusade (N), 958 Jenkins, David Antique Drum, An: The World as Image (Joan Insidious, the Siow Line Slithers, by Frank Maguire at Beirut dialogue (N), 707 K. Ostling) (B), 485 (P), 1062 Jenkins, Leona Human Experience of Death, The (A), 166 Inspiration and Authority of Scripture, The, by charges racism at Moody (N), 501 What About Unwed Mothers? (A), 523 René Pache (Robert Strong) (B), 729 Jennings, Raymond Howe, John W., Jr.: Prep-School Ministry, The (A) Inspiration of Scripture, The, by James L. Kelso on local church councils (N), 409 473 (A), 806 Jeremias, Joachim: Jerusalem in the Time of Howley, G.C.D., F.F. Bruce, and H. L. Ellison, Institute for Christian Studies (Toronto) (N), 285 Jesus (Bruce M. Metzger) (B), 535 eds.: New Testament Commentary, A (Everett Insurance Jerusalem F. Harrison) (B), 912 Eutychus IV on (EK), 952 during New Testament period (B), 535 Hromadka, Josef Luk! International Christian Broadcasters history of (B), 630 death of (N), 367; (E) 397 third congress (N), 795 Jerusalem Bible, Old Testament translation (B), NCC tribute to (N), 460 International Council of Christian Churches and 350 resignation from Christian Peace Conference ACCC (N), 201 Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, by Joachim (N), 283 International Students Jeremias (Bruce M. Metzger) (B), 535 Hruby, Blahoslav absorbing Help for a Hungry World (N), 504 Jesus, by David Flusser (Dwight Baker) (B), 483 edits newsletter (N), 706 International Union of Gospel Missions (N), 457 Jesus Christ supports Nixon (N), 842 Interpreting God’s Word Today, ed. by Simon cup of suffering and death (A), 937 Hubbard, David Allan Kistemaker (Norman Shepherd) (B), 1028 knowledge of (E), 639 new speaker (N), 101 Interreligious Foundation for Community Organiza- Jewish view of (B), 483 Hubbard, L. Ron tion life of (B), 21 founder of Scientology (A), 110, 171 and NCBC (N), 241 method of teaching (A), 1016 Huddleston, Trevor new members (N), 50 as revolutionary (A), 774 on ‘irrelevance’ of Church of England (N), 966 receives United Methodist grant (N), 605 victory in (A), 612 Huffman, James recipient of NCC funds (N), 40 wilderness temptation of, What If . . . (EK), 17 Christian Broadcasters Tune Toward Future (N), and United Presbyterian controversy (N), 602 Jesus Rediscovered, by Malcolm Muggeridge (J 795 Interval Between, The, by J. Edgar Hoover (A), D. Douglas) (B), 125 Expo 70: Few Mindful of ‘What Is Man?’ (N), 251 Jewish Conception of the Messiah, The, by Jacob 752 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Gartenhaus (A), 520 God on Capitol Hill (N), 44 Fort Lauderdale beach ministry (N), 704 Jewish Mystique, The, by Ernest van den Haag Trouble with the Fair .. . (N), 560 Introduction to the New Testament, by Willi Marx- (Ludwig R. Dewitz) (B), 945 World Baptists: Touring Tokyo (N), 1042 sen (John H. Skilton) (B), 23 ews Hugen, Melvin Introduction to the Old Testament, by R. K. anti-Semitism (N), 372

44 [1156] CHRISTIANITY TODAY United Church Observer accused of (N), 797 on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 Kraeling, Emil G.: Prophets, The (Ronald Young- evangelism among (E), 543 Kelley, Barry M.: Christ: Revolutionary or Rebel? blood) (B), 584 history of, in His Land (N), 750 (A), 774 Kraemer, Elmer identity question (N), 498 Kelley, Dean new position (N), 1106 legislate identity (N), 599 on church taxation (N), 364 Krentzman, Benjamin and Moslems, What If .. . (EK), 818 Kelley, James W. and busing in Florida (E), 737 mystique of (B), 945 on antiwar moratoriums (N), 414 Krol, John Cardinal and relations with Christians (N), 332 supports day of prayer (N), 198 speaks at White House service (N), 71 ruling on nationality and religion of (N), 452 at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth: On Death and Dying (Gar John Bunyan, by Richard L. Greaves (Fred H. Kelly. J. N. D.: Episties of Peter and of Jude, The R. Collins) (B), 22 Klooster) (B), 1093 (Ralph Earle) (B), 833 Kucharsky, David E John Bunyan and the Contemporary Student, by Kelly, Walt Attraction of Adventism, The (N), 411 E. Beatrice Batson (A), 1067 ciergy in comic strip (N), 199 Christian Communications (N), 652 John Eliot: ‘Apostie to the Indians,’ by Ola Eliza- Kelso, James L. Christian Endeavor: Comback Trail? (N), beth Winsiow (D. Bruce Lockerbie) (B), 85 Archaeologist Looks at the Gospels, An (Fred Churches Await Impact of Tax Reform (b \ 1) John, Gollapaili L. Fisher) (8), 87 Coming Soon: An Ecumenica! rhaul on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 Inspiration of Scripture, The (A), 806 Conciliar Rescue Operation, John the Baptist as Witness and Martyr, by Mar- Kennedy, Dan Do Blacks Draw Blanks? (N), cus L. Loane (Leslie Hunt) (B), 127 on police brutality (N), $60 Ethel Waters: Study in Johns, John Edwin Kennedy, D. James Evangelism in Cana new position (N), 798 keynote speaker at Presbyterian rally (N), 329 (N), 1139 Johnson, Ben C Kennedy, John F. Graham in Gothan on laity (Q), 692 on revolution (Q), 63 Key ’73: New R Johnson, Dennis Edward: Word and the Videotape, Kentucky Methodism r Siege (N), 74 The (A), 1120 Sunday-closing law (N), 50 Methodists Vow New Priorities (N) Johnson, James L. Kenya NCC Chief Proposes ‘G neral new position (N), 652 clergymen attacked (N), 158 ci!’ (N), 278 Johnson, L. Ted forced oaths (N), 456 VCC Crisis: Ect Sa aie snism at a Crossroads (N), at Christian Camping International Convention World Alliance of Reformed Churches (N), 1142 New Church | , The (N), 603 (N), 244 Kenyatta, Muhammad New Statistic firm Downturn (N), 504 Johnson, Lyndon B. interrupts service (N), 407 Prototype of Heaven, A? (N) 3 honorary chairman (N), 921 occupies ecumenical center (N), 370 Rainbow for Religion, A? (N), 752 at prayer service (N), 205 Keon, Charles Rescue Missions Broader Ministries Johnson, Sherry and racial tensions in Cairo, Ill. (N), 94 Russian Revolution Yields Bitter Fru (N), at ABC convention (N), 836 Kershner, Howard E. Six Days in September (N), 38 Johnson, Torrey leaves post (N), 847 Super Salute to God and Country (N), 1003 at Christian Camping International Convention Ketcherside, Carl W. Kuehn, Barbara: Joiting Commonwealih Edison (N), 244 at Abilene lectures (N), 599 (N), 792 Joint Church Aid Key Bridge. See Evangelism Kuhn, Harold B. and aid to Biafra (N), 408 Keyes, Kenneth Conversations with Marxists (CRT), 1007 Jonathan, Archbishop, patriarch of Moscow at joint meeting of UPCUSA and PCUS (N), 462 Environmental Stewardship (CRT), 758 and Orthodox merger (N), 501 Khang, Mrs. Nauyen Thi Examin Black Theology (N), 602 Jonathan, Leabua on U.S. tour (N), 846 Historical Rootlessness and Alienation and church-state relations in S. Africa (N), 960 Khorana, Har Gobind 464 Jones, Alexander, ed.: O/d Testament of the Jeru- synthesizes gene (E), 910 Quaker Movement West, The (CRT), 206 salem Bible, The (Ludwig R. M. Dewitz) (B), Kilby Clyde S., ed.: Mind Awake, A: An Anthology Kuling, Samuel 350 of C. S. Lewis (Glenn E. Sadler) (B), 866 and founding of Free Evangelical Theo! Jones, Bob, Jr. Kilgore, Thomas Academy (N), 1006 charges against Free Will Baptists (N), 1048 and ABC meeting (N), 836 Kiing, Hans on Kent State students (N), 878 Kim, Helen Church, The (James Leo Garrett) (B), 128 at Paisiey’s new church (N), 101 death of (N), 505; (E) 544 and evangelical ecumenism (A), 933 Jones, Clarence King, Charles E. Kuroyedov, Viadimir A. on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 and Unity International Convention (N), and religion in Soviet Union (N), 706 Jones, E. Ray King, Lonnie Kuyper, Lester at NACC meeting (N), 999 running for office (N), 605 new position (N), 923 Jones, E. Stanley King, Martin Luther, Jr. Kvalbein, Asbjorn: Norway’s State Church: Nar- on early Church (Q), 854 movie based on (N), 251 cotic, or Springboard? (N), 284 Jones, Paul W. King, Martin Luther, Sr. and Black Panthers (N), 705 at ABC convention (N), 836 Jonsson, John N.: Hegelian Dialectic in Theology, King, Mrs. Martin Luther The (A), 1011, 1070 refuses NCC nomination (N), 242 Jordan, Clarence L. Kingsley, Lee death of (N), 203 new position (N), 245 Jordan, Colin Kinlaw, Dennis loses election (N), 963 on Asbury revival (N), 556 Journal of Christian Camping Kinsolving, C. J., Ill begins publication (N), 245 and controversial grant (N), 331 Journalism Kirk, Claude, Jr. in Africa (N), 796 and school integration (E), 737 and the Christian (A), 763 Kirkendoll, C. A. Eutychus IV on (EK), 528 elected bishop (N), 878 Joy, Donald M.: Building Children’s Belief (MW), Kistemaker, Simon, ed.: Interpreting God's Word Labor 869 Today (Norman Shepherd) (B), 1028 closed shop in Canada (N), 155 ‘Joyful Sound, The’ (N), 101 Kitagawa, Daisuke Laird, Melvin Judaism (B), 126 death of (N), 710 at UPCUSA General Assembly (N), messianic hopes (A), 519 Klauser, Alfred Laity Passover observance (N), 959 and Christian communications (N), 652 European Consultation of (N), 284 Rabbinical Council of America, on drug abuse Klein, Rita Lakey, Othal H. (N), 707 New Strides in the Ghetto (N), 1098 and COCU pian of union (N), 645 Zionist concept opposed (N), 846 West Coast Youth: Spiritual Revolution (N), 876 Lamont, Donald R. Judgment Kleinheksel, John: Peaceable Kingdom, The (A), on Rhodesian constitution (N), 844 of God (LF), 272, 1127 294 Lamont, Robert J.: Another Look at the American of man (E), 187 Klotz, Edwin Dream (A), 670 Jungkuniz, Richard J. and California morality code (N), 413 Lampe, G. W. H.: Cambridge History of the Bible, appointment biocked (N), 605 Knight, Walker L.: Struggle for Integrity (E. The, Volume Il: The West from the Fathers dismissed (N), 198 ford Howell) (B), 631 to the Reformation (John Gerstner) (B), 190 new position (N), 927 Knighton, David R.: Student’s Open Letter to Lampe, M. Willard Justice A (A), 816 death of (N), 100 and the ‘Chicago Eight’ (E), 186 Knisely, Melvin H. Lancaster, John William and impartiality (E), 81 and danaers of alcohol (N), 502 church picketed by MAYO (N), 754 Justification (A), 298 Knowles, Peter Landers, Ann: Ann Landers: Substitute Pastor (A) Justification by Ignorance: A Neo-Protestant quits soccer to join Jehovah’s Witnesses (N), 99 526 Motif? by Carl F. H. Henry (A), 298 Knutson, Kent S. Lang. Marcus Juva, Mikko Elinar at Lutheran Worid Federation meeting (N), 1045 committee chairman (N), 42 new position (N), 1045 Koch, Kiaus: Growth of the Biblica/ Tradition, The: Lange, Ernst Juvenaly, Bishop The Form-Critical Method (Meredith G. Kline) resignation (N), 757 leads group of Russian churchmen (N), 95 (B), 84 Language Koenig, Richard E. religious, essays on (B), 552 sends letter to Missouri Synod Lutherans (N), study of, in seminaries (A), 296 328 use of (EK), 784 Kol, Moshe Language and Concepts in Christian Education, on Jewish state (Q), 479 William Bedford Williamson (Deane Kollek, Teddy Kemper) (B), 1029 views His Land (N), 751 Laos Konig, Franziskus Evangelical Church opens school (N), 158 at Synod of Bishops (N), 196 Lapp, Paul W Koosman, Jerry death of (N), 878 receives Good News jor Modern Man (N), 205 Larson, Mel Korea reelected editor of Evangelical Beacon (N), 1048 Haggai conducts evangelistic tour (N), 959 Larson, Stephen and U.S. troops (N), 1142 gives up draft card (N), 505 Kabeya, Noah Koth, Lois, Miss lowa (N), 48 Larson, William at Congo Protestant Council (N), 926 Kotker, Norman: Earthly Jerusalem, The (J. Julius new position (N), 287 Karl Barth, 1886-1966: His Piace in History, by Scott) (B), 630 LaSor, William Sanford: Law and Order (A), 389 Klaas Runia (A), 214 Kotsonis, leronimos Lastra, Carlos Katehis, Marietta archbishop supports Greek Junta (N), 371 at Latin American Congress on Evangelism (N), on Greek Orthodoxy (N), 999 Kovak, John 281 Kayea, Edwin and intra-Lutheran merger (N), 147 Late Liz, The, to be released (N), 48

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1157] 45 Latin America Lippmann, Walter statement on sex, marriage, and family (E), Christians in (A), 15 on humanism (Q), 636 $85; (N) 1000 conditions in (E), 234 Literature Lutheran Council in the U.S.A., area councils evangelism conierences planned (N), 374 black-owned publishing company (N), 1144 formed (N), 505 revo:utions in (A), 15 Christian approach to (A), 218 membership statistics (N), 372, 1052, 1104 social development in (A), 15 Christian, In Africa (N), 796 Missouri Synod Latin American Congress of Evangelicals (CELA church publications (LF), 1090 and ALC (N), 42 Hl) (A), 14 on racial situation (A), 254 balance of liberals and conservatives (N), 328 Latin American Congress on Evangelism (CLADE) Literature Clearing House church severs ties (N), 50 (A), 14; (N) 281 African work (N), 796 Commission on Theology and Church Rela- Latin American Protestants: Which Way Will They Lituray 7 dismisses executive secretary (N), Go? by W. Dayton Roberts (A), 14 of RC and Anglican churches of Scotland (N), 415 Laubach, Frank C in the sixties and seventies (N), 326 integration of schools (N), 600 death of (E), 910 Livingston, G. H.: Beacon Bible Commentary, Vol- liberal group admonished (N), 601 Lavi, Dahlia ume !: Genesis through Deuteronomy (R. K. merger with Synod of Evangelical Lutheran views His Land (N), 750 Harrison) (B), 85 Churches (N), 147 Law Lloyd-Jones, Martyn probe of liberal professors (N), 1044 blasphemy, in Md. (N), 756 and British evangelicals (N), 283 reaction to fellowship with ALC (N), 372 courtroom conduct (E), 691 Loane, Marcus L. repudiates Christian News (N), 155 federal construction grants challenged (N), 654 Hope of Gicry, The (Harold Fife) (B), 321 North Elbian Church, to be formed in West and justice (A), 389 John the Baptist as Witness and Martyr (Leslie Germany (N), 374 po ble violation (N), 372 Hunt) (B), 127 in Norway (N), 284 u closing (N), 50 at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 seminarians form American Union of Lutheran T: x Reform Act of 1969 (N), 704 Lochman, Jan Milic: Church in a Marxist Society: Seminaries (N), 331 Law and Order, by William Sanford LaSor (A) 389 e Czechosiovak View (Blahoslav Hruby) (B), Slovak (N), 147 pd Janice 1028 Sola Scriptura, released (N), 1052 wins award (N), 605 Lockerbie, D. Bruce in Soviet Union (N), 152 9 Lawing, John V., Jr.: Religious Cartoons: Needling Theater of Deceit, The (A), 893 Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches Inconsistencies (N), 199 ‘We Use Great Pliainness of Speech’ (A), 68 merger with Missouri Synod (N), 147, 798 Lawrence, Carl Lodge, Henry Cabot Lutherans Alert-National on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 appointed to Vatican (E), 910; (N) 926 proposes conservative federation (N), 1052 Loneliness (B), 944 Lyimo, Apaisaria Lonergan, Bernard J. F. and Lutheran Worid Federation (N), 1044 conference on philosophy of (N), 702 Lynch, Jack UPC USA moderator (N), 872 Lonning, Per and Irish controversy (N), 926 awson, James M on church and state in Norway (N), 284 Lynn, R. Matthew — to Vanderbilt University Divinity School Lopes, Rubens retires (N), 964 (N), 5 and Crusade of the Americas (N), 143 Lyons, Daniel J. and black Methodist demands (N), 791 on evangelistic effort (N), 1043 on priests seeking political office (N), 649 at United Methodist conference (N), 748 Lord, John Weslev and Twin Circle (N), 1099 Lawson, Phillip new position (N), 792 subpoenaed by House Committee on Internal Lord of the Manger, The, by Edmund P. Clowney Security (N), 705 (A), 211 testifies to House Committee (N), 605 Lord’s Day Alliance (N), 1144 Layman and His Faith, A. See Bell, L. Nelson Lorentzen, Melvin Laymen, What If... (EK), 682 on Christian philosophy of art (N), 286 Lebanon Lores, Ruben Arab-Israeli buffer (N), 203 at Latin American Congress on Evangelism blasts directed at Jews (N), 500 (N), 281 Christians in (E), 186 new position (N), 1145 LeBar, Mary: Seedtime in the Church: The Nur- Lost causes (EK), 1022 sery (MW), 267 Louria, Donald H. Mace, David Ledyard, Gleason H.: Children’s New Testament, on heroin in high schools (E), 542 at morality seminar (N), 647 The (Donald W. Burdick) (B), 694 Louttit, Henry 1. Mackay, John A Lee, Harold B. marriage of (N), 1006 Christian Reality and Appearance (Stuart Barton chosen as Viormon counselor (N), 451 Love (E), 271, 828 Babbage) (B), 533 Lee, Mark W. Love, Richard L. on ecumenism (Q), 932 new position (N), 878 Billy Graham in ‘Big Orange Country’ (N), 873 Life’s Chief Discoveries (A), 291 Leger, Paul-Emile Cardinal Christian Camps: Unique Opportunity (N), 244 on Marxism and Christianity (Q), 720 honorary degree (N), 101 ‘Co-belligerent’ Reconciliation (N), 198 reminiscences of (A), 291 Leggett, Marshal! Evangelical Students: Alive and Well (N), 794 MacKaye, William R. new position (N), 1052 PCUS Rally: Determination Without Compromise at bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 Leipzig Disputation (A), 59 N), 328 MacKenzie, F. Scott Leitch, Addison H Seminar ’70 (N), 700 death of (N), 798 And That's the Way It Is (CRT) , 1172 Southern Baptist Recall: Broadman Too Broad MackKorell, Mary Bowers Art Is Long (CRT), 53 (N), 872 on dieting (Q), 169 Case Studies (CRT), 606 Which Way Presbyterians? (N), 462 Maclaren, Alexander Getting a Fresh Start (CRT), 879 Lovejoy, Amanda on Spurgeon, — (Q), 471 White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant (CRT), 334 controversial position (N), 961 MacMillan, Hugh A Lemmons, Reuel Lovelace, Austin death of (N), 798. at Abilene lectures (N), 599 on new church music (N), 604 MacMullen, Ramsey: Constantine (Frederick Nor- and Churches of Christ unity discussions (N), Lovell, James wood) (B), 992 148 and safe return of Apollo 13 (N), 749 Macquarrie, John Lenin, Viadimir Lowell, C. Stanley on reconciliation (Q), 719 honored by U.N. (E), 738 on teachng of atheism (N), 875 Three Issues in Ethics (Harold B. Kuhn) (B), Lent (E), 442 and Vatican wealth (N), 1047 916 Lenton, Ralph A. Lucas, Joseph R. Maddox, Lester and Mt. _—’ expedition (N), 455 running for office (N), 649 at pro-war demonstration (N), 699 Leonard, G. Lundquist, Carl threatens newspapers (N), 878 and Bee plan for English ene (N), 1005 at Baptist General Conference meeting (N), Maguire, Francis Letterman, new magazine (N), 1049 Insidious, the Slow Line Slithers (P), 1062 Le Vander, Harold Luther: An Introduction to His Thought, by Gerhard Once on a Black Morning (P), 814 on LCA _ code (N), 1000 Ebeling (Carl S. Meyer) (B), 945 Sunwards (P), 521 Lewis, C. Luther and the Old Testament, by Heinrich Born- Malik, Charles H. ccaieoae of writings (B), 866 kamm (Carl S. Meyer) (B), 533 at White House service (N), 100 on human and animal behavior (Q), 294 Luther, Martin Maloney, Martin J. on literature (Q), 219 and the Old Testament (B), 533 on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 Lewis, Wendi: On the Solid Rock (N), 329 and the Reformation (A), 59 Malzone, George Lewis, Wyndham, on Self (Q), 6 and so/a scriptura (B), 276 on Coumierwed” (N), 197 Libby, W. F. and Spurgeon, Charles (A), 471 Man and carbon-14 dating (N), 1002 thought of (B), 945 behavior of (A), 294 Lite and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The, by Lutheran Forum human depravity of (B), 912 Mary Bosanquet (J. Murray Marshall) (B), 24 on Forman’s reparation demands (N), 414 inhumanity of (E), 132 Life and death, spiritual (LF), 955 Lutheran Quarterly, new editor (N), 654 rebellion of (A), 4 Life of Service, The, by Elton Trueblood (A), 379 Lutheran World Federation self-centeredness of (A), 4 Lite’s Chief Discoveries, by John A. Mackay (A), approves overseas projects (N), 508 Man in Triumph, by Harold W. Darling (Vernon 291 barred from Russia (N), 152 C. Grounds) (B), 696 Lilje, Hans fifth assembly (E), 1033; (N) 1044 Mandel, Marvin to retire (N), 252 site of assembly changed (N), 924 and Md. —- law (N), 700 Lilligard, Lawrence, denounces talks between U.S.- on union with non-Lutheran denominations (N), Manherz, C. Edga Soviet churchmen (N), 95 368 on Calif. grape conmens (N), 920 Lindsay, Robert L. Lutherans Manning, Timothy J. Synoptic Gospels hypothesis (N), 248 ALC and LCA mission boards (N), 847 granting nuns dispensations (N), 503 Lindsel!, Harold American Lutheran Church new Archbishop of Los Angeles (N), 462 Crisis of the Church, The (A), 1060 membership decline (N), 878 Manogarom, Victor receives award (N), 846 nude couple receives communion (N), 927 at All India Congress on Evangelism (N), 455 Sex, SIECUS, and the Schools (A), 386 youth convention (N), 1102 Mansdoerfer, William at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 Confessional Lutheran Church of Finland and Project America (N), 505 Whither Southern Baptists? (A), 667 breaks fellowship ties with LC-MS (N), 1052 Mao, Tse-tung Link-Care Foundation evangelical (N), 1135, 1136 portrait in Vatican (N), 374 new program (N), 798 Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship approves Marble Collegiate Church Linkletter, Art new communion text (N), 654 telephone counseling service (N), 450 proclaims week of national unity (N), 242 Lutheran Church in America March, Elaine Linton, Calvin biennial convention (N), 961, 1000 clerical duties (N), 838 addresses EPA ae (N), 843 Commission on Evangelism (N), 205 Marcus, Melvin G. Delusion and Reality (A), study on membership decline (N), 654 and Mt. Ararat expedition (N), 654 Liondos, Archpresbyter Stas and computers in the church (N), 197 Marcuse, Herbert interview with (N), 839 and intra-church cooperation (N), 49 philosophy of (CRT), 711

46 [1158] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Mark of the Christian, The, by Francis A. Schaeffer and Moratorium Day (N), 142 Mexico (A), 1063 plans second pro-war rally (E), 1131 Mexico City crusade (N), 757 Marlow, Dwane Shannon protests peace demonstrations (N), 242 Meynell, Hugo conversion after heart transplant (N), 204 and pro-war demonstration (E), 689; (N) 699 on Lonergan, Bernard J. F. (N), 702 Marriage (E), 825 McIntyre, James Francis Cardinal Michaels, George M. between Catholics and non-Catholics (N), 793 retires (N), 462 and abortion bill (N), 752 biblical view of (A), 341 and social action (N), 407 Middle East court decision in Italy (N), 332 McKay, Arthur R. analysis of current tensions (A), 478 LCA statement on (E), 985; (N) 1000 at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized and the Church (N), 499 Marriott, J. Willard Religion’ (N), 143 Jews threatened in Lebanon (N), 500 and ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1004 new position (N), 1006 peace plan (E), 1034, 1130 Marshall, Calvin B. McKay, David O. and the Soviets (E), 781 and Black Manifesto anniversary (N), 797 and Mormon policy on priests (N), 450 tension in (E), 358, 542, 797, 827 and NCC (N), 241 McKay, Orville Mighty | Am religious cult (N), 84 and — Presbyterian-BEDC controversy (N), resignation (N), 505 Military life, in the seventies (£), 317 602 McKenna, David Loren Miller, Arthur Marshall, F. Dickson Changing Partnerships in Christian Higner Edu- on school integration (N), 600 on rescue missions (N), 457 cation (A), 1013 Miller, Donald G.: Toward a Theology of Evangel- Marshall, Robert J. ed.: Urban Crisis, The (Donald H. DeYoung) (B), ism (A), 717, 769 on NCC task force (N), 460 192 Miller, George M. reelected (N), 962 inauguration of (N), 201 new position in COCU (N), 645 Martensen, Daniel F. speaks to evangelical students (N), 794 Miller, Harry W., honored (N), 924 new position (N), 654 McLain, Denny Miller, Keith Martin Luther, by Lewis Chamberlain (P), 668 suspension of (E), 544 guest speaker (N), 878 Martin, Ralph P.: Some New Directions in New McLaughlin, John J. at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 Testament Study (A), 426 running for office (N), 793 Millheim, John E. Martin, Walter R. wins nomination (N), 966 Moratorium Day statement (N), 142 and computer programs (N), 197, 561 McLaughlin, Leo Mills, Chesta Arthur, Jr. Marty, Martin E. new position (N), 878 arrested (N), 156 on apologetics (Q), 934 McLellan, Dan Mills, Verent J. edits Context (N), 99 marriage of (N), 374 new position (N), 463 Marudas, Peter McLuhan, Marshall Milton, John at Greek Orthodox congress (N), 999 speaks to National Religious Broadcasters (N), and Paradise Lost (B), 732 Marx, Werner G.: Neighbors Who Moved In, The 45 Mind Awake, A: An Anthology of C. S. Lewis, ed. (MW), 1168 McMurria, Sterling M. by Clyde S. Kilby (Glenn E. Sadler) (B), 866 Marxism and Christianity (CRT), 1007; (B) 1028 and Mormon policy on priests (N}. 450 Minear, Paul Marxsen, Willi: Introduction to the New Testa- McPheeters, James and human nature (Q), 770 ment (John H. Skilton) (B), 23 with Blessitt’s ministry (N), 1047 Ming-To, Paan: Christianity Lives On in China Maryland McSorley, Harry (A), 467 abortion laws (N), 604 on Lutheran-Catholic intercommunion (N), 962 Minister’s Workshop, The blasphemy law repealed (N), 756 Meadows, Clyde W. Applications That Hit the Mark, by William Boyd a to non-public schools rejected (N), new position (N), 51 (MW), 78 Meaning of Loneliness, The, by Richard Wolff Better Use of Church Buildings, by Phil Nettle- Mascall, E. L. (J. Murray Marshall) (B), 944 ton (MW), 1040 and merger plan for English churches (N), 1005 Media, mass Building Children’s Belief, by Donald M. Joy Mask, Corbett Christian use of (E), 80; (A) 381, 763 (MW), 869 at ABA convention (N), 1000 Medicine Minister and the Marketing Orientation, The, Massamba, Jean in the sixties and seventies (E), 315, 326 by Kay Posey (MW), 495 at Congo Protestant Council meeting (N), 925 Lassa fever (N), 603 Ministering to Alcoholics, by Carlton C. Buck Masterson, Robert Medsger, Betty (MW), 957 new position (N), 463 new position (N), 374 Neighbors Who Moved In, The, by Werner Materialism (EK), 682 Meggs, Peter A. H., Everett C. Parker, and John G. Marx (MW), 1168 Mathews, James K. M. Culkin, S. J.: Television-Radio-Film for Seedtime in the Church: The Nursery, by Mary and COCU plan of union (N), 598 Churchmen (Gwyn Walters) (B), 632 LeBar (MW), 267 defends UCC grant (N), 602 Meir, Golda Suggestion as Sermon Strategy (MW), 596 Matsumoto, Takuo views His Land (N), 751 Testing for Maturity, by Andre Bustanoby (MW), and Hiroshima bombing (N), 1043 Mellis, Charles J. 182 Matthews, Arthur H. new position (N), 655 To Save a Seminarian, by Dick Hillis (MW), 789 NCC — Half Million While Budget Shrinks Memo to Commencement Speakers, by Jack San- What Kind of Church Do We Want? (MW), 405 (N), 40 ford (A), 726 Ministry Reformed Church in America: Weighing a Wedge Menger, Matt J. on the college campus (A), 715 (N), 922 on U.S. invo!vement in Southeast Asia (N), 642 marketing orientation in (MW), 495 Matulis, Jan Mennonite Church (N), 1096 Minyen, Steve new archbishop of Letland (N), 152 Central Committee and Canadian wheat (N), wins free speech case (N), 250 Mau, Carl 453 Mirchuial, H. attends ordination (N), 152 Consultation on Evangelism (N), 1098 at All India Congress on Evangelism (N), 455 Mavis, W. Curry: Personal Renewal Through Merrifield, Donald P. Mission, new journal (N), 599 Christian Conversion (James Edward Doty) inauguration of (N), 200 Missionaries (B), 191 Messiaen, Olivier in Biafra (N), 559, 652 Maxwell, Arthur S., honored (N), 924 and new church music (N), 604 in Cambodia (N), 838 Mayfield Robert G. Methodios, Archbishop Davis, Raymond J., honored (N), 97 new position (N), 204 visits Church of Scotland general assembly denied visas (N), 51 Mbiti, John (N), 874 Missionary Aviation Fellowship on Christian education in Africa (N), 410 Methodist Church in Malaysia and Singapore building hovercraft (N), 1052 Mboya, Tom prospective WCC member (N), 710 Missions assassination of (N), 456 Methodist Church in Southern Asia Africa (N), 97 McCarthy, Colman merger plans (N), 287 ystics investigate (N), 114 wins award (N), 655 Methodists i t (N), 198 McCartney, Paul and Anglican merger plan (N), 51, 200 Auca Indians suffering from polio (N), 205 ‘death’ of (E), 185 ¢ black denominations and COCU plan of union foreign (E), 313; (N) 1102 McClain, George D. (N), 646 Frankfurt Declaration (A), 843 running for office (N), 793 Black Methodists for Church Renewal (N), 791 identity crisis (A), 722 McConkey, Betty and financial demands at General Conference opportunities in Congo (N), 878 Quilty of fraud (N), 710 (N), 748 Park Street Church marks anniversary (N), 205 McCormack, Billy and black youth task force (N). 411 recruiting professionals (N), 504 on temperance movement (N), 502 churches formed in Bolivia and Uruguay (N), rescue (N), 457 McCormack, John 374 students and (B), 630 meets Bishop Walsh (N), 1000 Glide Memorial Methodist Church (N), 921 in Viet Nam (E), 910 McCormick, Richard A., honored (N), 287 United Methodist Church West Indies Mission, emphasis in Haiti (N), 658 McCullum, Hugh Board of Christian Social Concerns Mitchell, tan and pro-Arab controversy (N), 797 on Haynsworth nomination (N), 156 at Pentagon peace protest (N), 242 McDaniel, Lindy on population control (N), 203 Mitchell, Timothy P. monthly paper (E), 911 Board of Missions at National Baptist Convention meeting (N), 42 McDermott, Patrick allocates grant to IFCO (N), 605 Mizell, Wilmer on RC conscientious objectors (N), 205 refuses request for grant (N), 205 on Christian faith in politics (N), 44 McDonnell, Kilian, on Holy Spirit (N), 1138 and COCU plan of union (N), 646 Mock, Jerrie McDormand, Thomas B. committee on computers (N), 197 delivers plane (N), 374 new position (N), 1048 Congress on Evangelism, to be held (N), 1135 Moffett, Howard F. McGannon, Donald contributions to WCC (N), 658 receives award (N), 710 at bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 drop in membership (N), 372 Moffett, Howard M. McGavran, Donald ecumenical encyclopedia (N), 878 on society and the Church (E), 314 Crisis of Identity for Some Missionary Societies expenditures to black community (N), 654 Moffett, Samuel! (A), 722 Generali Conference (N), 748, 791 at Seminar '70 (N), 700 Frankturt Declaration, introduction to (A), 843 Good News Convocation of United Methodists What Is the Evangel? (A), 515 Understanding Church Growth (John T. Sea- for Evangelical Christianity (N), 204, 1135 Moilenkoit, Virginia mands) (B), 831 hymnal for Spanish-speaking members (N), In Search of Balance (Millard J. Erickson) (B), McGovern, George 9 ae 867 on Christian faith in politics (N), 44 Inner City Parish, Kansas City, Mo. (N), 705 Teachers, Students, and Selfishness in the and mail from evangelicals (N), 44 missionaries expelled from Algeria (N), 415 Seventies (A), 614, 677 at Methodist conference (N), 748 ‘Night Call’ goes off the air (N), 155 Moltmann, Jiirgen: Religion, Revolution and the McGucken, Joseph T. and racial equality (E), 782 Future (David P. Scaer) (B), 274 and ‘due process’ (N), 409 Southern Asia Central Conference (N), 1106 Monsma, Peter H.: Reason and God (A), 7 Together gets new editor (N), 204 Montaron, George McIntire, Carl organizes World Conference of Christians for and ACCC convention (N), 201 two Negro conferences to merge (N), 562 Palestine (N), 846 collection of biographical materials (N), 1106 Mexican-American Youth Organization debates Madalyn Murray O’Hair (N), 552 seek little-used church buildings (N), 754 Montgomery, Gary and Asbury revival (N), 501 denounces COCU (N), 598 Mexican-Americans and FCC ‘fairness doctrine’ (E), 985; (N) 1002 community programs (N), 754 Montgomery, John Warwick

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1159] 47 on abortion (Q), 825 Centurymen participate in ‘Honor America Day’ Blazes Cross-Country Trail (N), 556 and Christian Research Institute (N), 561 (N), 1003 Revival at Asbury (N), 500 on Christianity in America (N), 152 Criticism of the Wesleys and 18th century English Southern Presbyterians: Clashing in Memphis completes film lecture (N), 156 church music (B), 25 (N), 923 God’s Country? (CRT), 416 Exkursions at Fort Lauderdale (N), 704 Nelson, Toby: Altar the Call? (N), 372 Marcuse (CRT), 711 new church (N), 603 Neotestamentica et Semitica, ed. by E. Earle Ellis Paris Theater: The Cinema (CRT), 967 new Presbyterian hymnal (E), 491 and Max Wilcox (Robert H. Gundry) (B), 350 Where Is History Going? (H. Crosby Englizian) popular (E), 29 Netherlands Reformed Church (B), 189 religious folk music telecast (N), 414 report on State of Israel (N), 560 Moody, Jess sacred, What If .. . (EK), 625 Neto, Fr. Antonio Henrique Pereira on rock festival (N), 282 West Palm Beach Rock Festival (N), 282 murdered in Brazil (N), 924 Moomaw, Donn Musical Wes/eys; The, by Erik Routley (Paul K. Nettleton, Phil: Better Use of Church Buildings and California morality code (N), 413 Jewett) (B), 25 (MW), 1040 Mooneyham, Stanley Muslims (see also Islam) Neuhaus, Richard J. defended against attacks of liberalism (N), 1048 converted in Indonesia (N), 200 loses pre-primary contest (N), 710 Moore, Douglas hold dialogue with Hindus, Buddhists, and running for office (N), 505, 649 at National Conference of Catholic Bishops (N), Christians (N), 706 Neumann, Paul 248 and Hindus (N), 99 preparing for mission field (N), 332 Moore, Paul, Jr. in Lebanon (N), 203 Nevins, Albert J. at December moratorium (N), 368 new position (N), 205 and Lenten-Passover fast (N), 552 new, merges with Wor/d Outlook (N), 605 new position (N), 332 New Atlas of the Bible, by Jan H. Negenman Moore, Richard (Carl E. DeVries) (B), 993 ruling on free speech (N), 251 New Bible Commentary, The: Revised, ed. by D. Moore, Robert Guthrie and J. A. Motyer (Clark H. Pinnock) on Chavez, Cesar (N), 920 (B), 1092 Moorehead, Fenton New ata absorbed by Christian Century (N), at rock festival (N), 282 598 Morality Nabahe, Kenneth New Directions in Biblical Archaeology, ed. by and abortions (N), 203 ordained (N), 798 David Noel Freedman and Jonas C. Greenfield guidelines in California schools (N), 413 Nadar, Claude (Elmer B. Smick) (B), 319 new (E), 443 killed in Liberia (N), 287 New English Bible Old Testament, The, by Cyrus and ‘test-tube babies’ (N), 658 Nagy, Barnabas H. Gordon (A), 574 Moravian Church, Eastern West Indies Province death of (N), 156 New English Bible, The, by F. F. Bruce (A), 384 prospective WCC member (N), 710 Nannes, Caspar New English Bible, The: The Old Testament Moravian Church in America history of National Presbyterian Church and (Charles F. Pfeiffer) (B), 581 new journal (N), 927 Center (N), 650 New Essays on Religious Language, ed. by Dallas Morgan, Jaymes P., Jr., National Association for the Advancement of M. High (Alvin Plantinga) (B), 352 death of (N), 756 Colored People New Jersey Mormons. See Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- on Nixon adminstration (N), 1002 public-school prayers in (N), 49 day Saints recipient of Episcopal funds (N), 241 New Man for Our Time, by Elton Trueblood Morning Prayers, by Eugene H. Peterson (P), 1116 and UCC grant (N), 602 (Samuel J. Mikolaski) (B), 865 Morris, Frank Paul National Association of Christian Schools New Shape of Pastoral Theology, The, ed. by window dedicated to (N), 650 and integration (N), 600 William B. Oglesby, Jr. (Willard S. Harley) Morris, Leon National Association of Congregational Christian (B), 777 Are We Too Tolerant? (CRT), 848 Churches, honors Pilgrims (N), 1002 New Social Drug, The, ed. by David E. Smith Christianity and Nationalism (CRT), 1054 National Association of Evangelicals (A. E. Wiider Smith) (B), 993 Objections to Evangelism (CRT), 566 annual convention (N), 754 New Testament On Being the People of God (CRT), 288 and ‘Christian Declaration’ (N), 152 archaeology of (B), 865 at Philippine Congress on Evangelism (N), 877 and Christian unity (E), 738 books on (A), 426 Studies in the Fourth Gospel (Robert Mounce) National Catholic Register, new owner (N), 1099 children’s translation (B), 694 (B), 630 National Catholic Reporter, editorial (Q), 164 commentary (B), 912 Two Hundred Years of Australia (A), 898 National Committee of Black Churchmen early Christians in Acts (A), 64 Morrison, William A. ee by Episcopal Executive Council (N), Gospel of John (B), 630 resigns (N), 1006 Gospels, The (B), 483 Morsell, John and ‘black empowerment’ (E), 234 interpretation (B), 350 on UCC grant (N), 602 contributions to (N), 756 interpretation and critcism (B), 350 Moslems and Jews, What If... (EK), 818 and NCC (N), 241 introduction to (B), 23 Mosley, J. Brooke proposes NCC candidates (N), 280 James and worldliness (E), 739 new position (N), 652, 704 recipient of NCC funds (N), 40 James 1:27 (E), 591 Moss, Marquita runs ad (N), 1002 John, commentary on (B), 1030 Churches of Christ: Orchestrating Unity (N), 148 National Council of Churches John the Baptist (B), 127 Madalyn’s Manifesto (N), 1043 and black relations (E), 234 1 John (E), 911 MciIntire-O’Hair Debate: Bruised But Unbowed Church World Service Jude (B), 833 (N), 552 aid to Peru (N), 926 Luke, commentary on (B), 1030 Moss, Robert V. and Biafran food flights (N), 332 Matthew and Mark (B), 225 installation (N), 508 co-sponsors U.S.-Soviet disarmament discus- Paul on NCC task force (N), 460 sions (N), 95 authority of (A), 117 on Nixon and Southeast Asia policy (N), 842 Detroit General Assembly (N), 327 and evangelism (A), 1018 Motherhood (E), 737 Division of Christian Unity dissolved (N), 966 influence on Spurgeon (A), 471 Motion pictures eighth triennial assembly (N), 242 novel about life of (B), 913 Acts previewed (N), 753 evangelical reaction to broadening of structure ° and Reformation Man’ (A), advertising for ‘X’ rated films (N), 505 (N), 327 Christianity—Fact or Fiction? (N), 156 future of (E), 270 ‘thorn’ (A), 222 Cross and the Switchblade, The (N), 48, 874 General Assembly meets (N), 278 on unregenerate man (LF), 906 Dimensions in Courage, to be premiered (N), 156 General Board meeting (N), 965, 966 What If... (EK), 228, 264 Easy Rider (A), 895 — Board pledges $500,000 to blacks (N), Peter, epistles of (B), 833 His Land (N), 750 Romans 1 (A) 893 Romeo and Juliet (A), 678 and NAE (E), 738 Synoptic Gospels hypothesis (N), 248 Z receives award (N), 654 and National Council of Black Churchmen (N), theology of (B), 125 Motives for Witnessing—Good or Evil? by Roger 241 urbanization of Church (A), 804 K. Barrett (A), 940 1970 Yearbook of American Churches (N), 504 New Testament Commentary , A, ed. by G. C. D. Motyer, J. A., and D. Guthrie, eds.: New Bible nominating committee’s slate challenged (N), Howley, F. F. Bruce, and H. L. Ellison (Ever- Commentary, The: Revised (Clark H. Pinnock) 280 ett F. Harrison) (B), 912 (B), 1092 poll (E), 31 new/World Outlook, formed (N), 605 Mount, Anson — in Communist Dominated Areas (N), New Year, Eutychus IV on (EK), 304 defends Playboy (N), 647 706 New York Mouw, Richard J.: Bunny and the Madonna, The restructure of (N), 460; (E) 949 abortion laws (N), 604, 919, 966 (A), 580 Tempo magazine boosts circulation (N), 414 aid to private and parochial schools challenged Moyer, John National Educators Fellowship (N), 1102 (N), 1052 new position (N), 505 National Fellowship for Philippine Evangelism (N), New York Bible Society Moving Upon the Mass Media, by Sherwood E. 877 producing new version (N), 155 Wirt (A), 763 National Institute of Mental Health New York Council of Churches Moynihan, Anna May — of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (N), Family of Man awards dinner (N), 198 receives award (N), 844 105 New Zealand MSS, new magazine (N), 505 National Labor Relations Board plans for a united church (N), 158 Muggeridge, Malco!m reverses policy (N), 966 Newbigin, Lesslie as Christian journalist (A), 763 National Liberation Front at COCU meeting (N), 551 on the crucifixion (Q), 382 at N.Y. protest (N), 198 and COCU plan of union (N), 598 Jesus Rediscovered (J. D. Douglas) (B), 125 National Liturgical Conference Nicalo, Nancy Muhammad. See Islam 1970 Liturgical Week canceled (N), 505 on relief for Biafra (N), 408 Mullan, Frank National Negro Evangelical Association Nichols, James Hastings on Biafran relief (N), 559 annual meeting (N), 701; (EK) 857 new position (N), 927 Murphy, Roland E. National Religious Broadcasters Nicoll, William Robertson nomination withdrawn (N), 463 annual convention (N), 450 on Spurgeon, Charles (Q), 471 Murray-Beasley, George National School on Alcohol and Narcotics Niebuhr, Reinhold on Christian unity (N), 1043 Studies, first meeting (N), 502 and Hebraic nature of Christianity (Q), 936 Murray, Don National Student Leadership Seminar (N), 198 Niedwick, Eleanor directing Cross and the Switchblade, The (N), National Union of Christian Schools nun and police officer (N), 655 48 and integration (N), 600 Nigeria Murray, Keith Negenman, Jan H.: New Atlas of the Bible (Carl and Biafra surrender (N), 408 on ecology and culture (Q), 637 E. DeVries) (B), 993 relief food distributon (N), 1050 Murray, Murdo Neigh, Kenneth G. Nigeria Christian Council and Free Kirk Assembly (N), 875 and COCU (N), 97 relief programs (N), 658 Murray, S. W. Neiman, David Nigerian Baptist Convention Belfast Imbroglio (N), 197 new position (N), 654 prospective WCC member (N), 710 Believers’ Protest (N), 562 Nelson, John F. ‘Night Call,’ goes off the air (N), 155 Music and Greisch, Janet Rohler: Asbury Revival Night Questions, The, by Victor Fiddes (A), 971

48 [1160] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Niklaus, Robert new church chartered (N), 505 Ostling, Joan K. on Congolese superchurch (N), 926 and suit against NASA (N), 287 Bernard J .F. Lonergan: A Name to Remember Nikolaos VI Ohio State Council of Churches (N), 702 visits Church of Scotland general assembly (N), receives RC church (N), 847 Ostling, Richard N. 874 Ojukwu, C. Odumegwu at ABC meeting (N), 837 Nile, Fred J.: Drumbeat Down Under, The (N), 502 flees Biafra (N), 408 Ottaway. Lois M.: Read, Baby, Read: A First Step Niles, Daniel T. Okite, Odhiambo W. to Action (A), 254 death of (N), 1052 Altrican Chalienge: Christian Literature (N), 796 Outland, Edward on meaningful life (Q), 518 Bahai in Black Africa: A Force to Contend With and Christian Camping International (N), 245 1969, recollections of (CRT), 376 (N), 561 Our Sunday Visitor Nixon, Richard M. — Church: Obstacle to Progress (N), merger difficulties (N), 50 Churchman of the Year (N), 844 65) new editor (N), 205 and crises in Middle East and Southeast Asia Evangelism in Africa: Not in a Vacuum (N), 410 Our Winter Is a Foggy Drive, by Arthur O. (E), 781 Fighting Behind Che (N), 650 Roberts (P), 261 at Graham crusade (N), 873 lan Smith’s Rhodesia: Only the Churches Stand Oursier, Will honored (N), 198 in the Way (N), 844 on Presbyterians’ proposed sex code (E), 826 and Manson trial (E), 1085 New Congo Superchurch, The (N), 925 Outler, Albert C. on McKay, David O. (N), 451 New Reformed Covenant (N), 1142 on clergymen running for political office (N), 650 open letter to (E), 30 Oppression in Southern Africa (N), 960 and COCU plan of union (N), 598 at prayer breakfast (N), 503 South African Christians: Apartheid and Elec- Outline of the Theology of the New Testament, proclaims _ of prayer and thanksgiving for tions (N), 364 An, by Hans Conzelmann (Clark H. Pinnock) Apollo 13 (E), 739; (N) 749 ‘Old Fashioned Revival Hour,’ gets new name (B), 125 and school desegregation (E), 690 (N), 101 Overseas Crusades, rally (N), 52 and Vatican appointment (E), 910; (N) 926 Old Testament Owen, Stanley Viet Nam policy (E), 185 books on (A), 419 on birth control (N), 877 Noll, Mark: Hymn to God on My Way to Him (P), ‘cup’ symbol in (A), 937 894 David (LF), 180 Nonsense of Liberal Catholics, The, by James P. Genesis 1:28 (E), 488 Degnan (A), 163 Genesis and Exodus (B), 225 Noonan, Joe introduction to (B), 694 religious cartoons (N), 200 Isaiah Nordenhaug, Josef thesis on authorship (N), 710 death of (N), 50 Isaiah 55:11 (MW), 78 Norell, Kathleen Isaiah 66:3, 4 (A), 4 at ABC meeting (N), 837 Lamentations 1:10 (A), 478 Norman, Larry manna in the wilderness, What If . . . (EK), 176 at arts conference (N), 286 Nebuchadnezzar (A), 295; (E) 359 North American Christian Convention New English translation (A), 384, 574; (B) 581 St. Louis meeting (N), 999 prophecy of Micaiah (E), 1036 Northfelt, Merlyn W. prophetic literature (B), 584 Pablo, Hermano new position (N), 1106 Psaims, psychology in (B), 734 leads evangelistic meetings (N). 51 Norton, Bob Psaim 8 (A), 519 Pache, René: Inspiration and Authority of Scrip- organizes Christian march in Hollywood (N), 328 Psalm 150:3-6 (N), 603 ture, The (Robert Strong) (B), 729 Norton, H. Wilbert Samson, What If . . . (EK), 360 Packer, Boyd at Christian Camping International Convention Song of Solomon 5:15 (N), 203 and Mormon doctrine (N), 756 (N), 244 Ten Commandments (B), 585 Packer, J. I. Norton, John Old Testament and Theology, The, by G. Ernest on faith (Q), 256 on Luther College (N), 413 Wright (Gleason L. Archer) (B), 776 and merger plan for English churches (N), 1005 Norway Old Testament of the Jerusalem Bible, The, ed Paisley, lan (CRT), 103 relationship of church and state (N), 284 by Alexander Jones (Ludwig R. M. Dewitz) church collections for 1969 (N), 654 Norwood, Frederick A.: Strangers and Exiles: A (B), 350 elected to Ulster parliament (N), 752 History of Religious Refugees, Volumes | and Oldham, Doug elected to Westminster pariiament (N), 963 Il (C. George Fry) (B), 695 and Asbury revival (N), 556 new church opens (N), 101 Noth, Gottfried Olson, Arnold T. Palau, Luis denied visa (N), 374 new position (N), 287 Mexico City crusade (N), 757, 847 Novak, Michael reelected (N), 1048 Palestine on American values (N), 143 on WCC and Israel (N), 499 UN aid to refugees (N), 374 Nugent, John Peer Olson, David, Today editor (N), 98 Palestine Liberation Organization to produce TV documentary (N), 372 Olson, Lee and Zionism (N), 846 Nugent, Randolph on new church music (N), 604 Palmer, Bernard new position (N), 654 Olsson, Karl A. receives award (N), 798 Nyberg, Paul D. resignation (N), 963 Palmer, Edwin H. new position (N), 98 O'Malley, Patrick J. on abortion (Q), 824 addresses bishops (N), 246 Pankhurst, Emmaline on celibacy (N), 503 and woman's rights (N), 837 - of National Pastoral Council (N), Pannell, William E. at NACC meeting (N), 999 On Death.and Dying, by Elisabeth Kibler-Ross new position (N), 1052 (Gary R. Collins) (B), 22 Pannenberg, Wolfhart “> a Black Morning, by Francis Maguire (P), theology of (F), 1088 Pan-Orthodox Conference Ondra, Jaroslav N. to be held in two years (N), 1052 ousted from Christian Peace Conference (N) 283 Panosian, Edward O'Neal, Pete on Christian principles of early colonists (N), 152 and Kansas City Methodists (N), 705 Paradise Lost, ‘apocalyptic vision’ in (B), 732 Ontko, Milan A. Paregien, Stanley: ‘Tis the Season to Be Glutton- new position (N), 147 ous (A), 169 Opperman, Kenn Parent Teachers, by Charles N. Pickell (A), 258 Obedience oo Congress on Evangelism (N), 250, Parents to God and worldly rulers (A), 389 obedience to (E), 399 Oberammergau: It It Anti-Semitic?, by Harold O. Optimism (E), 949 responsibilities of (A), 258 J. Brown (A), 864 Organ transp!ants Parker, Clara E. Oberammergau Passion Play (E), 862 Boulogne, Damien, on broadcast (N), 51 on clergywomen (N), 838 Obi, Justin heart Parker, Everett C. confesses killing of bishop (N), 564 Marlow, Dwane Shannon, transplant and con- and fair employment in broadcasting industries Obitts, Stanley R.: Plight of the Christian Liberal- version (N), 204 (N), 602 Arts College, The (A), 672 in the sixties and seventies (N), 326 Peter A. H. Meggs. and John M. Culkin, S.J.: O’Boyle, Patrick Cardinal Orlov. Ilia Television-Radio-Film for Churchmen (Gwyn and birth control (N), 704 at Presidential Prayer Breakfast (N), 503 Walters) (B), 632 and Md. abortion law (N), 700 Orme, Alan Dan: Negro Evangelical Association receives broadcasting award (N), 205 O’Brien, John A. Moves Toward Activism (N), 701 Parker, Joseph receives award (N), 844 Orr, J. Edwin on Spurgeon, Charles (Q), 472 Observations on Abidjan—1969, by Jacques Blo- receives degree (N), 654 Parker, Monroe cher (N), 650 Orso, Paul M. new position (N), 100 Ockenga, Harold J. Parlin, Charles C. calls for conference on prophecy (N), 966 on LCA sex code (N), 1001 Orthodox Church of America new position (N), 1106 inauguration of (N), 201 Parrish, Marian: Converting Tent-Trailers Into and Philadelphia Urban Center (N), 796 formation of (E), 490; (N) 501 Orthodoxy Missionaries (N), 1137 Odell, Donn C. Parrott, Grady and integration of school (N), 601 in Bulgaria (N), 658 Greek retires (N), 655 O'Donnell, Edward J. Parrott, Leslie on Black Panthers (N), 364 churchmen visit Church of Scotland general assembly (N), 874 receives award (N), 927 O'Donoghue, Joseph Pascal, Blaise at bishops’ meeting (N), 246 — oldest priest (N), 839 Twentieth Biennial Congress (N), 998 on human and animal behavior (Q), 295 Office of Worldwide Evangelism-in-depth Passport to Life City: A Modern Pilgrim’s Progress, publishing paper (N), 658 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America by Sherwood Eliot Wirt (Calvin D. Linton) (B), Oaden, Schubert M. 84 and demythologization (A), 847 ordination of laymen (N), 505 and NCC (N), 501 Pastoral Counseling with People in Distress, by Ogilvie, John Harold H. Hass (Lestie R. Beach) (B), 536 becomes saint (N), 658 Russian to administer sacraments to Roman Catholics Patrinacos, Nicon Ogilvie, Richard B. on Greek Orthodox liturgy (N), 998 and racial tensions in Cairo, Ill. (N), 94 (N), 564 Oglesby, William B., Jr., ed.: New Shape of Pas- branches to unite (N), 501 Patriotism toral Theology, The (Willard S. Harley) (B), Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 921, 1003 becomes independent national church (N), 757 Patterns of Reformation, by Gordon Rupp (Geof- Tay frey Bromiley) (B), 274 O’Hair, Madalyn Murray Ortland, Raymond at Wheaton College (N), 557 Patterson, Marney and Apollo flights (N), 100 and Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 149, at atheists’ convention (N), 1043 Orvick, George M. debates McIntire and Bauman (N), 552 new position (N), 1052 648

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1161] 53 XUM Paul, Jonn at morality seminar (N), 647 RPCES and OPC merger plans (N), 1050 at India Congress on Evangelism (N), 454 Pitts, John: Genius of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Paul IV, pope The (A), 470 and the Black Economic Development Con- on Bishop Walsh's release (N), 1000 Pittsburgh Council of Churches, replaced (N), 331 ference (N), 602 and celibacy issue (N), 503 Plight of the Christian Liberal-Arts College, The, Board of Christian Education slashes budget oe to ‘Operation Brother’s Brother’ (N) by Stanley R. Obitts (A), 672 (N), 286 1 Plowman, Edward E. and computers in the church (N), 197 meets with Vasken I (N), 847 Battle for Berkeley (N), 752 contributions to WCC (N), 658 on mixed marriages (N), 793 Bishops’ Agenda: Human Problems (N), 749 general assembly (N), 871 on papal supremacy and infallibility (N), 332 Black Churchmen Pian NCC Takeover (N), 241 merger negotiations (N), 93 and Synod of Bishops (N), 196 California's Fourth ‘R’: Board of Education Flap new moderator (N), 872 travel plans (N), 710, 927, 1052 (N), 413 new sex code (E), 826 Paul’s Thorn and Ours, by Norman V. Hope (A), Conservative (Progressive) Baptists (N), 962 and PCUS (N), 49 222 Open Issues, Closed Doors (N), 794 Sane with stockholders (N), Paulson, George Westmont: Burning Heroism (N), 654 and folk litany in Greek Orthodoxy (N), 999 Plymouth Brethren report on ‘Sexuality and the Human Com- Peace hold World Missions Congress (N), 414 munity’ (E), 861; (N) 871 demonstration in Washington, D.C. (N), 842 Plymouth settlement, legacy of (A), 175 San Francisco Presbytery and creation lack of (E), 270 Pocket Testament League amendment (N), 413 March Against Death (N), 242 at Expo 70 (N), 605 World Arts Foundation launches Eisenhower Moratorium Day (E), 133; (N) 142 Poland, churches in (N), 410 4 Memorial Arts Fund (N), 650 November moratorium (E), 233 Policemen, need of Christian (E), 590 United Presbyterian Synod of New Jersey on protests against Viet Nam war (N), 242 Politicization, of scholarship and the Church (E), public-school prayer program (N), 205 in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 398 Presidential Prayer Breakfast (N), 503 —- Kingdom, The, by John Kleinheksel (A), Politics (E), 1086 Pressley, William L. and the Christian (N), 151 on school integration (N), 601 Peale, Norman Vincent clergy running for office (N), 649 Preus, Jacob A. O. presents award (N), 101 individualistc trend (E), 185 on ordination of women (N), 961 retires as RCA pres. (N), 923 ‘off-year’ elections (E), 82 probe of liberal professors (N), 1044 and telephone counseling service (N), 450 -with-prayer program (N), 101 reaction to broader NCC structure (N), 327 Peat, John Pollard, C. William repudiates Christian News (N), 155 and moral welfare report (N), 874 on Tax Reform Act of 1969 (N), 704 warns of liberal group (N), 601 Pebbles, by D. R. Unruh (P), 771 Pollution (LF), 403; (E) 488 Pride (LF), 640 Pedagogy, in the seventies (A), 614, 677 What If... (EK), 480 Priesand, Sally Pederson, Duane Population rabbincal studies (N), 563, 838 edits evangelistic paper (N), 876 control (B), 86 Priestley, David Penney, James Cash rise in (N), 330 on Protestants and the Hitler regime (N), 152 receives Commemorative N.T. (N), 798 Pornography (E), 780, 826, 1087; (N) 1106 Primitive Methodist Chapel, purchased by H. Pennsyivania Porter, Sue Ellen G. Goddard (N), 252 state aid to non-public schools (N), 704 on women's position in society (N), 838 Profundity (EK), 444 Pennybacker, Albert M. Portugal Progressives (CRT), 509 and evangelism (E), 490 evangelistc crusade (N), 599 , , Project America (N), 505 on Key Bridge evangelism emphasis (N), 707 Posey, Kay: Minister and the Marketing Orienta- Prophecy Pentateuch, commentary on (B), 85 tion, The (MW), 495 in the twentieth century (B), 485 Pentecost, J. Dwight: Your Adversary the Devil Post- and Pre-Christianity, by Harold O. J. Brown Prophecy of Ezekiel, The, by Charles Lee Fein- (Wick Broomall!) (B), 632 (A), 1115 berg (Samuel J. Schultz) (B), 320 Pentecostals Postcards (E), 1130 Prophets of Israel, The, by H. L. Ellison (J. at CELA III (A), 15 Potential of Apologetics, The, by Millard J. Barton Payne) (B), 276 growth of, among Catholics (N), 329 Erickson (A), 934, 981 Prophets, survey of (B), 276 Perkins, David Potter, Dan Prophets, The, by Emi! G. Kraeling (Ronald on liberal Catholics (Q), 164 office ‘liberated’ (N), 198 Youngblood) (B), 584 Perkins, John Potts, A. E. Protest Mentality, The, by D. Elton Trueblood NNEA resolution supports (N), 701 and humanism (Q), 636 A), 942 Permanent Secretariat of Christians for Palestine Potts, Larry Protestants formed (N), 846 and racial tensions in Cairo, Ill. (N), 94 Polish churches declare fellowship (N), 757 Perret, Edmond Poulard, Grady theologians attend RC conference (N), 702 new position (N), 798 new position (N), 846 white, Anglo-Saxon (CRT), 334 Perry, George Poverty Psychology at NNEA meeting (N), 701 and the Church (LF), 595 in the Psalms (B), 734 Perry, Troy Poverty: The Psychological Effects, by Paul theology and post-Freudian (B), 696 and homosexual church (N), 1100 Douglas (A), 173 Psychology in the Psalms: A Portrait of Man in Personal Renewal Through Christian Conversion, Powell, Adam Clayton God’s World, by Morris A. Inch (Charles Lee by W. Curry Mavis (James Edward Doty) (B), seeking reelection (N), 649 Feinberg) (B), 734 191 Power Without Glory, by lan Henderson (J. D. Psychosocial Origins of Stability in the Christlan Peru Douglas) (B), 190 Faith, by Bonnidell Clouse (A), 1124 aid to earthquake victims (N), 926, 1001, 1050; Prabhakar, B. A. Publications (E) 1036 and All India Congress on Evangelism (N), 454 joint adult Bible-study curriculum (N), 707 Peters, John L. Pravda Puder, Glenn D. receives award (N), 101 criticizes Church (N), 710 on grape boycott (N), 921 Peterson, Daniel (O. J.) Prayer Purple-Violet-Squish, by David Wilkerson (Jack with Blessitt’s ministry (N), 1047 for Apollo 13 (E), 739; (N) 749 A. Chisolm) (B), 778 Peterson, Eugene H.: Morning Prayers (P), 1116 breakfast Pa National Governor's Conference Purpose, necessity of (E), 397 Peterson, Frank L. (N), N 4 Purukan, Paul: Indonesian Phenomenon (N), 200 death of (N), 203 day of (E), 133; (N) 198 Peterson, John W. of Hornet chaplain Piirtot (EK), 19 premiere of new cantata (N), 39 necessity of (E), 232 Philip, James need for day of (E), 1087 on moral welfare report (N), 875 in N.J. public schools (N), 49, 654 Philippines process of (A), 10 Christianity in (CRT), 1054 in public schoo!s (N), 156 Congress on Evangelism (N), 877 Preciphs, John evangelistic program taunched (N), 877 and Black Panthers (N), 705 ‘politics-with-prayer’ (N), 101 Prep-Schoo! Ministry, The, by John W. Howe, Jr. Philosophy (A), 473 books on (A), 424 Presbyterian Churchmen United (N), 93 concept of world as image (B), 485 ‘Presbyterian Hour’ begins broadcast (N), 840 and historic Christian faith (B), 866 Presbyterian Lay Committee (N), 840 Quakers in the seventies (E), 315 Presbyterians reparations to BEDC (N), 756 Philosophy and the Christian Faith, by Colin and COCU plan of union (N), 647 western movement of (CRT), 206 Brown (David H. Freeman) (B), 866 Congress on Evangelism, to be held (N), 1135 Quanbeck, Warren A. Picirilli, Robert Cumberland Presbyterian General Assembly and Lutheran-RC intercommunion (N), 962 new position (N), 1049 (N), 1000 Quie, Albert H. Pickell, Charles N.: Parent Teachers (A), 258 English and Congregationalists (N), 101 at Presidential Prayer Breakfast (N), 503 Pickell, Frank Harvest Fund (N), 605 Quinn, Donald and Skinner crusade (N), 843 Irish chaplain disavows_ scriptural historicity resignation of (N), 204 Pierard, Richard V.: Historians Debate God-and- (N), 562 Country Theme (N), 151 Joint Committee of Twenty-four meet (N), 462 Pierson, Phillip M. Market Place Ministries closed in Va. (N), 966 new position (N), 1049 merger talks (N), 756 Pierson, Robert H. minister killed in Kenya (N), 158 at Seventh-day Adventist conference (N), 923 National Presbyterian Church and Center Pike, James A. Ellington, Duke, at fund-raisng concert (N), forest in memory of (N) 508 650 Pike, Kenneth receives pledge (N), 505 addresses EPA convention (N), 843 new hymnal (E), 491 Pilgrims Presbyterian Church in the United States anniversary of arrival in America (E), 1035 Board of Christian Education (N), 562, 797 Pilgrim’s Progress, parallel novel (B), 84 ‘Declaration of Commitment’ (N), 93 Pilon, Yohan general assembly (N), 923, 964 Rabbani, Mary and kibbutz (N), 701 membership loss (N), 756 on Africa-wide tour (N), 561 Pink, Arthur: Gleanings from the Scriptures (M. merger negotiations (N), 93 Race relations Eugene Osterhaven) (B), 2 opinion poll (N), 1104 Anglo-Saxons (CRT), 334 Pinneo, Lily property suit (E), 442; (N) 452 Black Manifesto recovers from Lassa fever (N), 603 and United Presbyterians (N), 49 first anniversary (N), 797 Pinnock, Clark Presbyterian Church of Black Panthers (E), 357 on Broadman Bible Commentary (Q), 669 withdraws from WCC (N), 1052 black power (B), 730 Harrowing of Heaven, The (A), 847 Presbyterians Churchmen United hold rally (N), Black United Front requests reparations (N), 96 Pinson, William 328 blacks in Christian colleges (E), 1086

54 [1162] CHRISTIANITY TODAY in Britain (CRT), 928 ‘in the doldrums’ (CRT), 659 What If... (EK), 528 and the Christian Reformed Church (N), 962 at Expo 70 (N), 752 and charismatic movement (N), 329 in Christian Reformed school (N), 331 in public schools (N), 960 in Chile, liquidating assets (N), 415 the Church and the black revolution (A), 618 and tolerance (CRT), 848 and church reform (A), 59 within COCU (N), 645 Religion in the Middle East, Volume I: Judaism ‘Counter-Synod’ (N), 196 Conference on the Black Religious Experience and Christianity and Volume II: Islam, ed. discrimination against (N), 372 and Theological Education (N), 602 by A. J. Arberry (Francis R. Steele) (B), 126 document proposes church code (N), 704 and evangelical publications (N), 843 Religion, Revolution and the Future, by Jurgen ‘due process’ (N), 408 and evangelical students (N), 794 Moltmann (David P. Scaer) (B), 274 East German churches (N), 154 Ford, Leighton, on (A), 63 Religious Action Task Force European Assembly of Priests (N), 146 influence of black churchmen (N), 1002 Participates in hunger conference (N), 330 evangelical responsibility to (E), 638 literature on (A), 254; (EK) 361 Religious Communication Congress (E), 737; (N) Franciscan Sisters of Wheaton, IIl., organize in Los Angeles (N), 1098 753 ladies auxiliary (N), 372 in mass evangelism (N), 842 Religious discrimination, against Jews and Catho- and Immaculate Heart of Mary sisters (N), 50 mixed marriages in South Africa (N), 205 lics (N), 372 integration in parochial schools (N), 601 and the Mormon church (E), 398; (N), 450 Religious Publishers Group (E), 909; (N) 922 and the Jews (E), 543 and National Conference of Catholic Bishops Reston, James last missionaries leave Biafra (N), 652 (N), 246 on television coverage (Q), 339 in Latin America (E), 234 and NCC (N), 280 Resurrection liberals (A), 163 NNEA meets (N), 701 reality of (A), 571 liturgy changes (N), 248, 562 Nixon and school desegregation (E), 690 and restoration of hope (A), 12 membership statistics (N), 372, 877 reparations requested at National Presbyterian and understanding of history (A), 576 missions in Cambodia (N), 838 Church (N), 96 victory in (A), 613 mixed marriages (N), 793 in Rhodesia (N), 700 Reuman, John National Assembly of Women Religious, formed school integration (E), 589; (N) 600 on Lutheran-RC intercommunion (N), 962 (N), 798 in Florida (E), 737 Reuther, Rosemary Naiional Association of Laymen (N), 795, 1005 segregation of cemeteries overruled (N), 374 and exorcism service (N), 364 National Central Office for Black Catholics, in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 Revolution (A), 62 created (N), 248 in South Africa (N), 364 Reynolds, Custer National Conference of Catholic Bishops (N), in Southern Baptist Convention (N), 331, 412 and Asbury revival (N), 500, 556 246, 749, 794 in southern churches (E), 492 Rhea, Rosemary Fillmore National Council of Catholic Men and United Methodists (N), 748, 791 and Assoc. of Unity Churches (N), 1049 and fund-raising for parochial schools (N), Radio Prayer League rhetoric (A), 68 of station KJNP receives permit (N), 927 Rhoades, William H. National Federation of Laymen (N), 795 Radway, Wilson O. death of (N), 710 National Federation of Priests Councils on Peruvian earthquake (N), 926 Rhode Island president addresses bishops (N), 246 Raedeke, Theodore A. parochial school ruling (N), 927 suggests formation of National Pastoral and Key '73 (N), 874 Rhodesia Council (N), 702 Rafferty, Max apartheid and the church (N), 844, 1106 National Office for Black Catholics (N), 1002 and morality in California schools (N), 413 secular versus biblical law (E), &26 National Pastoral Council (N), 795 Rahner, Kari segregation and the Catholic church (N), 700 feasibility study authorized (N), 564 ed., with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth: Rich Churches and Poor People, by W. Wayne Netherlands Church and celibacy (N), 408 Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of The- Grant (A), 475 New American Bible (N), 1106 ology, Volumes I-lll (Leslie R. Keylock) (B), Richard, Cliff ‘new Catholicism’ (B), 484; (A) 1118 484 in His Land (N), 750 nuns leave order (N), 503 Theological Investigations, Volume VI (Don- Richard, John E. and Orthodox agreement on Holy Communion ald G. Bloesch) (B), 914 new position (N), 463 (N), 372 Raimondi, Luigi Richards, H.M.S. Padres, and Spanish-speaking Catholics (N), at bishops’ meeting (N), 749 honored (N), 924 795 Rainbow Coalition (N), 407 and ‘Voice of Prophecy’ (N), 411 papal authority (E), 83; (F) 917 Raines, Robert Richardson, A. Harper papal supremacy and infallibility (N), 332; (E) on BEDC (N), 370 on church taxation (N), 453 951; (CRT) 1107 Ramientos, Nene: Manila Crusade: Bold New Richardson, Glenn A. parishioners in Argentina protest (N), 710 Program (N), 877 leaving position (N), 847 priesthood Ramsey, Michael Richardson, Peter: Israel in the Apostolic Church French seminary candidates (N), 287 and martyrs (N), 415 (E. E. Ellis) (B), 832 in India (N), 287 on Methodist merger (N), 200 Ristine, Thomas L. proposed Canonization of English martyrs (N) Ranaghan, Kevin new position (N), 563 415 on charismatic movement among Catholics (N), Ritchie, Charles publications (N), 1099 329 on Northern treland conflict (E), 1036 and segregaion, in Rhodesia (N), 700 Rarick, John R. Riverside Church seminaries, enrollment statistics (N), 367 at pro-war demonstration (N), 699 assets (N), 331 and social reform in Brazil (N), 415 Raspberry, William sets up fund for disadvantaged (N), 654 Synod of Bishops (N), 98, 196; (E) 134 on school integration (Q), 589 Robbins E. Claiborne theologicans at Lonergan conference (N), 702 Rawlings, Elden: Bogota: Latin Liaison (N), 281 donation to U. of Richmond (N), 330 U.5. Catholic Conference Raya, Joseph Robbins, John on church taxation (N), 364 on Mideast crisis (Q), 479 first Canadian Ambassador to Vatican (N), 148 on conscientious objectors (N), 205 Read, Baby, Read: A First Step to Action, by Roberts, Arthur O.: Our Winter Is a Foggy Drive Vatican Council II (B), 914 Lois M. Ottaway (A), 254 (P), 261 wealth of (N), 1047 Reality, Christian (B), 533 Roberts, J. W. women recognized (N), 564 Reason and God, by Peter H. Monsma (A), 7 and Churches of Christ unity discussions (N), Romans, eighth chapter of (B), 321 Reed, Ernest S. 148 Rome and Reformation Today, by Harold death of (N), 605 Roberts, Oral Brown (A), 59 Reed, Victor produces TV special (N), 368 Romney, George and social agency (N), 410 Roberts, Richard at UPCUSA General Assembly (N), 871 Reed, Watford on TV special (N), 368 Root, Robert W. Getting Friends Together (N), 1049 Roberts, W. Dayton death of (N), 966 ‘Trying to Look Responsible’ (N), 453 honorary degree (N), 847 Rose, Joe Emerson 25 Years Later: ‘No More Hiroshimas!’ (N), 1043 Latin American Protestants: Which Way Will death of (N), 100 Rees, Paul S. They Go? (A), 14 Rose, Stephen Don't Sleep Through the Revolution (Don W. Robertson, Gregory at COCU meeting (N), 598 Hillis) (B), 275 marries former nun (N), 374 and NCC assembly (N), 242 reaction to broader NCC structure (N), 328 Robinson, Che Ross, Dick at Wesleyan conference on evangelism (N), 413 memorial tribute to (N), 797 producing Cross and the Switchblade, The (N), Rees, Tom Robinson, Pearl Lunt: S/aves in Egypt (P), 854 48 death of (N), 756 Robison, Joseph B. ROTC, at Wheaton College (N), 50 Reese, Thomas on church-state separation (N), 558 Roudebush, Richard L. spokesman for radical priests (N), 246 Rockefeller, Nelson A. and prayer (N), 156 Reflections in Retrospect, by Frank E. Gaebelein Latin America report (E), 234 Rousseau, Richard W. , 977 Roddy, Clarence S. added to NCC executive staff (N), 41 Reform of the Church, The, by Donald G. Bloesch death of (N), 878 Routley, Erik: Musical Wesleys, The (Paul K. (John H. Gerstner) (B), 865 Rogers, William P. Jewett) (B), 25 Reformation (A), 59 accepts award for Nixon (N), 198 Rowe, H. Edward and cartoons (N), 199 Rohan, Denis Michael new position (N), 847 figures in (B), 274 and the Church of God (N), 154 Rowley, Haroid Henry What If .. . (EK), 72 Gross, Reuben, on (N), 499 death of (N), 156 Reformed Church in America trial of (N), 205 Rozsievac general synod (N), 922 Rohler, Janet. See Greisch, Janet Rohler resumes publication (N), 799 Reformed Churches in the Netherlands Rohlfs, Allan Rubin, |lsadore applying for membership in WCC (N), 252, 710 and Campaign Against Pollution (N), 792 and SIECUS (A), 387 Refugees, history of religious (B), 695 Rohrer, Norman B.: Zoning Law Seen Banning Rubins, James D. Reid, W. Stanford Bible Classes (N), 453 and NCC draft resolution (N), 280 Christianity: The True Humanism (A), 849 Rollins, J. Metz, Jr. Rudin, Jacob P. on contemporary world and life view (Q), 853. and National Committee of Black Churchmen at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized Easter Light on History (A), 576 (N), 241 Religion’ (N), 143 Reidhead, Paris Roman Catholics (see also Vatican, Paul VI, Ruhigita, Jean to — Development Assistance Services (N), pope) on Congolese superchurch (N), 926 and abortion laws (N), 751 Ruiz, Alejandro and Houghton revival (N), 557 and Anglican churches of Scotland (N), 415 reelected (N), 1145 nm, Christopher T., and Lewis Penhall Bird: and Anglican —s predicted (N), 564 Runia, Klaas ex Educaton and the Church (A), 810 and apartheid in Rhodesia (N), 844 Evangelical Responsibility in a Secularized Relevance, of the Church (LF), 545 bishops and Calif. grape growers (N), 707 World (A), 851 Religion bishops’ weekly papers (N), 331 = Barth, 1886-1968: His Place in History (A), in America (CRT), 416 Burns and Oates publishing house closing 14 Brazilian students on (N), 158 down (N), 564 Rupp, Dave in the city (B), 731 Calif. church raided (N), 286 promotes rock festival (N), 282 dialogue between Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, cartoonists’ target (N), 200 Rupp, Gordon: Patterns of Reformation (Geoffrey and Muslims (EK), 360; (N), 706 celibacy (N), 247, 503, 554; (E) 135, 490 Bromiley) (B), 274

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1163] 55 Rupprecht, Arthur Scientific Enterprise and Christian Faith, The by Western Conservative Baptist Seminary on discovery of Athenian portico (N), 1002 Maicomb A. Jeeves (Howard A. Redmond) enroliment figures (N), S66 Russell, Bertrand (B), 534 Westminster Theo:ogical Seminary death of (E), 491 Scientific Exploration and Archaeological Research enroliment figures (N), 366 on Hegel (Q), 711 Foundation (SEARCH) Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary incident from autobiography (EK), 818 and Mt. Ararat expedition (N), 455 enrollment figures (N), 366 on man’s purposelessness (Q), 5 Scientology (A), 110, 170 Senghor, Leopold obituary (EK), 682 in Britain (N), 283 and Congoiese superchurch (N), 926 philosophy of (E), 185 Scientology: Religion or Racket?, by Joseph Mar- Sermons Russell, Henry Edward tin Hopkins (A), 110, 170 from Graham's N.Y. crusade (B), 393 preaches at White House service (N), 505 Scripture, Dulcie, Miss Illinois (N), 48 Seventh-day Adventists Russia Scriptures Unlimited, formed (N), 374 aid to Peru (N), 1001 capitalism in (E), 186 Seamonds, David attraction of (N), 411 Christians in (N), 43, 706 and Asbury revival (N), 501, 556 in Cambodia (N), 838 Lutheran World Federation refused visiting Seaton, Craig E general conference (N), 923 privileges (N), 152 surveys Christian colleges (N), 412 . radio station in the Philippines (N), 205 Russia Institute of Munich (N), 152 Secular Search for a New Christ, The, by Gustave ex Russkaja Mys!/ H. Todrank (Warren C. Young) (B), 393 and church publications (EK), 858 Paris weekly for Russian immigrants (N), 43 Secularism, and evangelicals (A), 851 education (A), 386 Rustin, Bayard, honored (N), 198 Sedzio!, Pollyanna: Complex, The (P), 118 controversy (E), 30 Ryken, Leland Seeger, Pete — at Southern Baptist seminar (N), Apocalyptic Vision in Paradise Lost, The at peace service (N), 242 (Virginia R. Mollenkott) (B), 732 receives alternate award (N), 198 Eutychus IV on (EK), 592 Christian Approach to Literature, A (A), 218 Seely, Arthur readers’ response to (EK), 72, 121, 179, 480 at evangelical broadcasters’ congress (N), 795 role of church (A), 810 Seg'egation in schools (A), 386 of Tabernacle Baptist Academy (N), 1052 and state legislatures (N), 286 Selassie, Haile What If .. . (EK), 120 and Ethiopian Orthodox Church (N), 650 LCA statement (N), 962, 1000 Selective service permissiveness of churches (N), 921 and Church of the Brethren (N), 1000 UPCUSA report (N), 871 conscientious objection (N), 919; (E) 949 Sex Education and the Church, by Lewis Penhall draft evaders in Canada (N), 372 Bird and Christopher T. Reilly (A), 810 and NCC resolution (N), 280 Sex Information and Education Council of the Lloyd new director (N), 654 United States ape boycott (N), 920 ruling on draft resisters (N), 372 and sex education controversy (A), 386 ntum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theol- Seminaries Sex, SIECUS, and the Schools, by Harold Lindsell Volumes !-Ill, ed. by Karl Rahner, with American Union of Lutheran Seminaries formed (A), 386 liu nst and Kevin Smyth (Leslie R. (N), 331 Sexology, and SIECUS (A), 388 Shackford, John W. Asbury Theological Seminary new dearee (N), 1106 death of (N), 203 Ashland Theological Seminary Shafer, Raymond P. signs new law (N), 704 rnand sponsors Believers’ Church Conference (N), at Canadian Congress on Evangelism 1004 Shakespeare, William, and astrology (N), 202 Shakespeare, Frank Baptist, in Sweden (N), 101 Bob Jones Graduate School of Religion at bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 Shalit, Benny and Anne enroliment figures (N), 366 and Jewish identity question (N), 498 Boston Theological Institute Shaner, Robert enrollment figures (N), 367 Central Baptist Seminary and protest against Commonwealth Edison (N), t NNEA meeting (N), 701 enrollment figures (N), 366 792 by D. R. Unruh (P), 474 Chicago Theological Seminary Shannon, Ann ation Army and Campaign Against Pollution (N), 793 marriage of (N), 1052 aid to Peru (N), 926, 1001 Christian (Disciples) and St. Maur’s (RC) semin- Shannon, James P. cartoonists’ target (N), 200 aries develop common campus (N), 1005 resigns post (N), 655 controversy over Hair (N), 799 Cincinnati Bible Seminary Sharfman, So!omon J. Samarin, William J.: Feedback from God (A), 10 enroliment figures (N), 366 on Palestinian conference (N), 846 Samartha. S. J., Concordia Seminary Shaw, H. B. on WCC-sponsored dia!ogue (N), 706 probe of liberal professors (N), 1044 endorses Black Manifesto (N), 241 tification (CRT), 288 Covenant Theological Seminary Shear, Leslie istrom, Donald J enrollment figures (N), 366 discovers Athenian portico (N), 1002 on Peruvian earthquake (N), 1001 Crozer Theological Seminary Sheen, Fulton J. Jack: Memo to Commencement Speakers merger (N), 796, 847 addresses bishops (N), 246 (A), 726 Dallas Theological Seminary participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1003 Sartre, Jean-Paul enrollment figures (N), 366 resigns (N), 156 on existentialism (A), 7 Eastern Baptist Seminary Shehan, Lawrence Cardinal on humanism (Q), 849 and Moratorium Day (N), 142 and Md. abortion law (N), 700 Emmanuel School of Religion Sheil, Bernard J. dialogue (A), 70 enrollment figures (N), 366 death of (N), 50 survey of information on (B), 632 Faith Theological Seminary Shevill, lan Satterwhite, John enrollment figures (N), 366 new position (N), 1145 on racism in COCU (E), 590 radio stations lose licenses (E), 985; (N) 1002 Shipp, J. Wesley Savage, Gordon Fuller Theological Seminary fired for ‘racial views’ (N), 374 res'gns Chaplaincy (N), 961 doctrine of (A), 667 Shiumba, Pierre Scandinavian Church Council, anticipated (N), 101 Garrett Theological Seminary on Congolese superchurch (N), 925 Schaeffer, Francis A. and Campaign Against Po'lution (N), 793 Shoemaker, Kenneth on international student revolt (N), 198 concern for blacks (N), 1005 new position (N), 1145 Mark of the Christian. The (A), 1063 study of clergy (N), 372 Short Life of Christ, A, by Everett F. Harrison at Seminar '70 (N), 700 Gordon-Conwe!l Theological Seminary (Richard W. Longenecker) (B), 21 Schedeberg, Henry C acquires new Campus (N), 93 Shumaker, C. Richard seeking reelection (N), 649 inauguration activities (N), 201 and Christian literature for Africa (N), 796 Schiess, Betty new Philadelphia institute (N), 1099 Sibthorpe, Elsie and ordination of women {N), 838 Philadelphia Urban Center (N), 796 on the Christian and abortion (Q), 768 Schiotz, Frederik A Grace Theological Seminary Siciliano, Richard at Lutheran World Federation meeting (N). 1044 enroliment figures (N), 366 on ecumenical coalitions (N), 410 Schlieper, Ernesto Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary Siler, Joseph V. death of (N), 251 enrol!ment figures (N), 366 overrules Bible study (N), 453 Schoenherr, Albrecht Harding Graduate School! of Religion Sills, Donald new position (N), 101 enrollment figures (N), 366 Bible study overruled (N), 453 Schools language study (A), 296 Sincox, Carroll parochia!, closing of (N), 99 Lincoin Christian Seminary at Religious Communication Congress (E), 737 privaie enrollment figures (N), 366 Simmons, Alfred integration of (N), 600 Lutheran School of Theology and Anglican-Methodist merger (N), 370 Roman Catholic and Campaign Against Pollution (N), 793 Simmons, Loyed R. potential college students (N), 707 Lutheran Seminary of Philadelphia resignation of (N), 252 state aid to, in Penna. (N), 704 to relocate (N), 847 Simmons, Nat Wheaton Christian High school, severs ties New York Theological Seminary and Unity International convention (N), 1049 with Wheaton College (N), 654 curriculum changes (N), 652 Simon, Paul public Northern Baptist Seminary at Religious Communication Congress (N), 753 integration of (E), 589 revival (N), 558 Simonsson, Bengt ‘mortality guidelines’ in California (N), 413 Reformed Theological Seminary and African literature (N), 796 prayer in (N), 205 enroliment figures (N), 366 Sin (LF), 137, 236 separation of church and state (N), 558 moves toward accreditation (N), 966 Sinclair, W. Y. sex education in (A), 386 San Francisco Conservative Baptist Theological on the Christian and abortion (Q), 768 Schroeder, Victor H. Seminary, enrollment figures (N), 366 Siri, Joseph Cardinal, conservative leader (N), 98 outstanding chaplain (N), 204 Southwestern Baptist Seminary Sittler, Joseph Schultz, Richard J. construction delayed (N), 654 on the Church (Q), 972 new position (N), 462 summer internships (MW), 789 Skelton, Red Schulz, Charles Temple Baptist Theological Seminary participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1004 and ‘Peanuts’ strip (N), 199 enrollment figures (N), 366 Skinner, Tom Schwartz, Glenn Theological Education Assoc. of Mid-America Chicago crusade (N), 842 at rock festival (N), 282 formed (N), 562 at EPA convention (N), 843 Schwed, Warren W. Union Theological Seminary Evangelicals and the Black Revolution (A), 618 resignation (N), 508 aid to Black Panthers rejected (N), 654 at Plymouth Brethren gathering (N), 414 Science new president (N), 704 at Seminar '76 (N), 700 and the Christian faith (A), 519; (B) 534 students engineer protest (N), 198 at United Methodist convocation (N), 1135 and ‘missing day’ (E), 1085 Wartburg Theological Seminary at U.S. Congress on Evangelism (N), 38 physical, in the seventies (E), 314 new president (N), 101 Slaves in Egypt, by Pearl Lunt Robinson (P), 854 56 [1164] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Smalley, William F. at morality seminar (N), 647 Talbott, Lyle E to retire (N), 846 Stair, Mrs. Ralph marriage of (N), 1052 Smedes, Lewis B.: A/i Things Made New (E. Earle new position in COCU (N), 645 Talcott, Burt Ellis) (B), 1093 Stalsett. Gunnar at Presidential Prayer Breakfast (N), 503 Smith, A. E. Wilder: Drug Users, The (Ivan J. at Lutheran World Federation meetina (N), 1045 Tambling, Bobby Fahs) (B), 320 Stanger, Frank quits soccer to join Jehovah's Witnesses (N), 99 Smith, Bruce L.: Ti// Death Us Do Part? (A), 341 and Asbury revival (N), 501 Tamplin, Bob Smith, Chuck Staples, James R. at arts conference (N), 286 on Christian communes (N), 876 new position (N), 1006 Tanenbaum, Marc Smith, David E., ed.: New Social Drug, The (A. Stassen, Harold at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized E. Wilder Smith) (B), 993 at Baptist World Alliance congress (N) 1043 Religion’ (N), 143 Smith, George Albert, Mormon leader (N), 451 Stenzel, Duane participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1003 Smith, lan preaches at Baptist revival meetings (N), 651 Tarr, Curtis W. attacked by Catholics (N), 700 Stephanou, Eusebius new Selective Service director (N), 654 racial segregation and the church (N), 844 and Greek Orthodox ecumenicity (N), 999 Tarr, Lesile K. Smith, John Coventry Stephen, Leslie Canadian Church Council: Willi Activism Pay? to retire (N), 710 on authority (Q), 116 (N), 329 Smith, Joseph Fielding Stephens, W. Richard Evangelical Consolidation in Canadian De- and Mormon policy on priests (N), 450 on Christianity in early America (N), 152 nominations (N), 1136 Smith, Kate Sterling, Chandler W. 1984: The Empty Pew? (N), 283 2490 participates in ‘Honor America Day’ (N), 1003 new novel (N), 374 Ottawa Congress Hits Squall (N) <4 Smith, Paul B. Stevens, John C. Ottawa Oscillations (N), 648 and Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 249, and Abilene lectures (N), 599 Regulating Compassion (N), 453 648 Stevenson, Roland C. Surprise Post (N), 14 Smith, Phil and Arab common Bible (N). 456 Unexpected Kudos (N), 97 on ministry to hippies (N), 876 Stewardship, of environment (CRT), 758 United Church Observer: No Trees Smith, T. C. Stewart, James (N), 797 on biblical authority and canon (A), 669 on the Bible as communication (Q), 382 Tarver, Jerry L. Smith, Tedd Stiles, B. J. leaves Southern Baptist Convention (N), 710 on new church music (N), 604 new position (N), 1052 Tax reform (E), 185 Smith, William C. Stokes, Louis effect on religious groups (N), 363 leaves Southern Baptist Convention (N), 710 on Black Panthers (N), 364 Taxation, of church-owned property (N), 286 Snyder, John William Stone, W. Clement Taylor, Clyde W on Christian education (N), 1102 pledge for National Presbyterian Church and and ‘Christian Declaration’ (N), 152 inauguration of (N), 200 Center (N), 505 honored (N), 101 Snyder, Melvin Storer, J. W. at Latin American Congress on Evangelism (N) at Wesleyan conference (N), 413 death of (N), 756 281 Social action Stothard, H. K. reaction to broader NCC structure (N), 328 Bell, L. Nelson, on (LF), 76 Abraham's Faith and Ours Today (A), 256 on relief for Biafra (N), 408 and evangelicals (A), 851 Apostolic Authority (A). 116 at Wesleyan conference on evangelism (N), 413 housing project in Southern states (N), 155 Stott. John R. W.: When Should a Christian Weep? Taylor, G. Aiken : and protest demonstrations (A), 942 (A), 107 new NAE position (N), 754 urban crisis (B), 192 Stowe, David M. Taylor, Hycel B Socialism new position (N), 757 new position (N), 1005 and East German youth (N), 154 Stowell, Joseph M. Taylor, Richard: God Goes to High Schoo/ (N), 250 Society, and the Church (E), 314 at GARBC conference (N), 999 Taylor, Robert T Sockman, Ralph W. Strangers and Exiles: A History of Religious Refu- retires (N), 414 death of (N), 1144 gees, Volumes | and I/I, by Frederick A. Nor- Teachers, Students, and Selfishness in the Seven- Sokolovski, Pavel wood (C. George Fry) (B), 695 ties, by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott (A}, 614, at Lutheran World Federation (N), 1044 Stransky, Thomas F. 677 Some New Directions in New Testament Study, by chosen president of Paulist Fathers (N), 372 Television-Radio-Film for C hurchmen, by Peter Ralph P. Martin (A), 426 Strickland, Ellen: Fa/il and Then... (P), 1017 A. H. Meggs, Everett C. Parker, and John M Sonderegger, Helen Stricklin, Gil A. Culkin, S.J edited by B. F. Jackson, Jr barred from Israel (N), 560 new position (N), 463 (Gwyn Walters) (B), 632 South Africa Strong, Robert Tells, Tombs and Treasure, by Robert T. Boyd apartheid in (N), 605 addresses Presbyterian rally (N), 328 (Marvin R. Wilson) (B), 696 political parties (N), 364 on COCU and Southern Presbyterians (N), 923 Temple, William racially mixed marriages (N), 205 on PCUS meetina (N), 964 on evangelism (CRT), 567 South Carolina Strowe, W. McFerrin Tempo, increases circulation (N), 414 stamp commemorates Charleston's founding (N), on Black Panthers (N), 705 Tennessee Board of Equalization 1045 Struggle for Integrity, by Walker L. Knight (E. ruling on church-owned property (N), 286 Southeast Asia Milford Howell) (B), 631 Terry, Bill evangelical students on (N), 794 Students for a Democratic Society buried in all-white cemetery (N), 374 military operations in Cambodia (E), 781 Weathermen at N.Y. protest (N), 198 Terry, John Southern Christian Leadership Conference Student’s Open Letter to God, A, by David R. on social change at John Brown U. (N), 203 and NCBC (N), 241 Knighton (A), 816 Terry, Roy M Poor People’s Campaign planned (N), 1106 Studies in the Fourth Gospel, by Leon Morris new position (N), 1106 Soviet Union. See Russia (Robert Mounce) (B), 630 Thanksgiving (E), 184 Sowing the Wind, by David Bryant (A), 813 Sudan Interior Mission The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) Space exploration Ethiopian evangelistic effort (N), 332 in France (N), 287 Apoilo 12 loses plane (N), 1144 Theater of Deceit, The, by D. Bruce Lockerbie astronauts’ religion and Christian banner (N), missionary honored (N), 97 (A), 893 250 Suenens, Leo Joseph Cardinal Theological Ethics, Volume II: Politics, by Hel- Apollo 13 (E), 739; (N) 749 on democracy in the RC church (N), 98 mut Thielicke (Ellis Hollon) (B), 224 and religious broadcasts (N), 100 at Synod of Bishops (N), 196 Theological Investigations, Volume VI, by Karl in the sixties and seventies (N), 326 Suicide Rahner (Donald G. Bloesch) (B), 914 Spain Christian view of (A), 346 Theoloay registration of Protestant churches (N), 158 Suicide and How to Prevent It, by Merville O of Barth, Karl (A), 214 Spargur, Ronn: Can Churches Break the Prime- Vincent (A), 346 ‘Biblical Theology Movement’ (B), 992 Time Barrier? (A), 339 Sullivan, Charles of blacks (N), 602 Sparks, Jack crashes bishops’ meeting (N), 246 books on (A), 422 and Christian World Liberation Front (N), 752 Sullivan, James critique of (B) Spector, Allen B. and Broadman Bible Commentary (N), 922 of ‘market e ee and Maryland abortion bill (N), 604 Summerall, Henry, Jr.: What Was the Cup That and ‘new Cz € , 484 Spellman, Francis Cardinal Jesus Had to Drink? (A), 937 and the Old Testament (B), 776 proceeds from coin collection go to deprived Sunday observance (E), 358 pastoral (B), 777 youth (N), 155 Sunwards, by Francis Maguire (P), 521 secular, systematic approach to (B), 39 Spencer, Ivan Q. Surber, Charles in the sixties and seventies (E), 313; (N) death of (N), 1144 performs prison baptism (N), 284 themes related to Vatican Council Ii (B), 91 Spencer, William Sutcliffe, Richard T. Theosophical Society, in Toronto (N), 1106 and Gordon-Conwel!l’s Philadelpha Urban Cen- new position (N), 51 Thielicke, Helmut ter (N), 796 Sutherland, H. Wilbur on Spurgeon, Charles, (Q), 470 Spiritual awakening, indications of (E), 1129 and Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 149 Theological Ethics, Volume II: Politics (Ellis Spitz, C. Thomas. Jr. Sutherland, Samuel H. Hollon) (B), 224 and Lutheran Councils (N), 505 to retire (N), 654 Thiessen, Abe Spivey, Charles Sutherland, Wilbur on evangelical broadcasting (N), 795 new position in COCU (N), 645 and Canadian Congress on Evangelism (N), 648 Thirmumalai, K. Spock, Benjamin Swigert, John L., Jr. at All India Congress on Evangelism (N), 455 co-sponsors peace rally (N), 243 on prayer for Apoilo 13 (N), 798 Thirst, of man (E), 1036 not permitted to speak (N), 156 and safe return of Apollo 13 (N), 749 Thomas, Carl on pornography (Q), 780 Synagogue Council of America at Lutheran World Federation meeting (N), 1045 Sports on church taxation (N), 364 Thomas, D. Reginald ivy Leaguers’ meet (E), 828 Szczepkowski, Joseph new radio ministry (N), 840 1969 World Series (E), 134 retires (N), 156 Thomas, George B. soccer players join Jehovah’s Witnesses (N), 99 at COCU meeting (N), 598 theology of games (E), 985 Thompson, Claude Spottswood, Stephen G. at United Methodist convocation (N), 1135 on Nixon administration (N), 1002 Thompson, Mrs. Donald N. and UCC grant (N), 602 and ABC women (N), 836 Spradiey, Joseph L.: Christian Roots of Science T Thompson, Frank (A), 519 and Greenville revival (N), 558 Springer, Curtis Thompson, William D., and Gordon C. Bennett: pleads guilty to charges (N), 205 Dialogue Preaching (H. C. Brown, Jr.) (B), 88 Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Taft, Adon Thompson, William P. and Calvinism (EK), 741 Florida Easter Week: Student ‘Exkursions’ (N), and COCU plan of union (N), 646 life of (A), 470 704 and NCC reappraisal committee (N), 460 sermons republished (E), 29 Preacher In the Mud: Rapping for Christ (N), on Nixon and Southeast Asia policy (N), 842 Stagg, Frank 282 Thrapp, Dan

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1165] 37 wins award (N), 655 Uncut Stone, by F. Eugene Warren (P), 476 wealth of (N), 1047 Three American Iilusions, by Billy Graham (A), 260 Understanding Church Growth, by Donald Mc- women employees (N), 655 Three Issues in Ethics, by John Macquarrie Gavran (John T. Seamands) (B), 831 Veninga, Frank (Harold B. Kuhn) (B), 916 Unfinished Dream, The, by Billy Graham (A), 988 new position (N), 710, 966 Thunberg, Lars Union of American Baptist Clergy (N), 836 Via, Bernard, Jr.: Two Christmases (P), 253 and church council (N), 101 Unitarian Universalist Association Viet Nam Tibbets, Paul W., Jr. All Souls Church (N), 551 alleged massacre (E), 271 and Hiroshima bombing (E), 1034 and Black Unitarian Universalist Caucus (N), Christian workers in (E), 910 Tietjen, John H. 1002 Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Viet Nam, on Concordia probe (N), 1044 cuts support to Black Affairs Council (N), 1002 hold service (N), 242 new position (N), 252 Office for Social Concern (E), 636 and court ruling on draft resisters (N), 372 Tiffany, Ken votes for budget cut (N), 286 fast to protest war (N), 553 and Association of Unity Churches (N), 1049 United Church Observer Moratorium Day demonstrations (E), 133; (N) 142 Till Death Us Do Part?, by Bruce L. Smith (A), 341 coverage of Middle East developments (N), 797 and NCC (N), 280 Tiller, Carl W. United Church of Canada Nixon's policy (E), 185 new position (N), 287 finances (N), 605 peace protests (E), 233; (N) 242 Tillich, Paul! membership statistics (N), 283 women (N), 415 and justification by faith (A), 300 Middle East coverage (N), 797 Villainc, Fausto philosophy of (Q), 214 produces film (N), 562 new position (N), 1052 Tillman, Ruth United Church of Christ Vilot, Jean Cardinal on Canadian Council of Churches (N), 329 and COCU plan of union (N), 646 and celibacy issue (N), 503 Timme, Hans Commission for Racial Justice joins IFCO (N), Vincent, Merville O.: Suicide and How to Prevent on Graham Euro 70 crusade (N), 750 50 It (A), 346 Tinder, Donald and computers in the Church (N), 197 Virginia ACCC: No Longer Doing Its Founder's Will (N) Council for Christian Social Action accepts abortion laws (N), 604 201 draft card (N), 505 ‘Voice of Prophecy,’ fortieth anniversary (N), 411 Evangelical! Initiative: Fingertip Facts (N), 561 creates ecology office (N), 505 Von Geusau, Leo Alting NAE: Bringing Evangelicals Together (N), 754 grant to black churchmen (N), 602 on Catholicism (Q), 163 Russian Orthodox Union (N), 501 mission board (N), 847 Vorster, John Tinney, James S survey on ministers leaving pastorate (E), 639 and South African politics (N), 364 Kansas City Methodists: Horse of a Different United Church of Christ of Japan Color (N), 705 and Expo '70 controversy (N), 47 Unity International: United They Stand (N), 1049 United Church of Papua, New Guinea, and the Tiny Tim Solomon Islands marriage of (N), 331 prospective WCC member (N), 710 on his success (N), 287 United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (N), Tippit, Sam 920 ind Blessitt’s Washington outreach (N), 1046 Catholic background of (N), 1052 'Tis the Season to Be Gluttonous, by Stanley Pare- United Front of Cairo, Ill. (N), 94 gien (A), 169 United Nations (E), 689 Tobin, Richard L.: Who Needs History? (A), 174 aid to Patestine refugees (N), 374 Today, editor (N), 98 honors Lenin (E), 738 Today's Life and the Bible United States Catholic Conference new in -nch periodical (N), 205 co-sponsors U.S.-Soviet disarmament discussions Todrank, Gustave H.: Secu/ar Search for a New N), 95 Christ, The (Warren C. Young) (B), 393 United States Congress Together, new editor (N), 204 food-stamp program (N), 100 Tolbert, William R., Jr. reforms in (E), 985 Waddle, L. C. at Baptist World Alliance Congress (N), 1042 United States Supreme Court new position (N), 1000 To:erance (CRT), 848 church property disputes (E), 442; (N) 452 Wahrhaftig, Zerah Toms, Paul E. and church taxation (N), 363, 792 and Al Aqsa Mosque (N), 101 founder of first Hawaiian Mission Church (N), Walz case (E), 827 Wales 205 and conscientious oblectors (E), 949 gets new Bible translation (N), 799 Toolen, Thomas J. and federal construction grants (N), 996 Walker, LuVerne C. resignation (N), 156 Unity International Convention—70 (N), 1049 and D.C. ‘character-building’ program (N), 960 Toronto School of Theology, formed (N), 252 Universities. See Colleges and universities Wall, Donald Torrance, Thomas F University Christian Movement, demise of (N), 242 on Protestants and the Hitler regime (N), 152 theology of (F), 239 Unruh, D Wall, Ed Tors, Ivan Pebbles (P), 771 on bishops’ communications workshop (N), 409 on bestiality of man (Q), 294 Salt (P), 474 Walsh, James E. Tournament of Roses Parade Unwed mothers, Christian response to (A), 523 released from Chinese prison (N), 1000 clerics protest (N), 410 Urban Crisis, The, ed. by David McKenna (Don- Walton, Clarence C. Toward a Theology of Evangelism, by Donald G. ald H. DeYoung) (B), 192 inauguration of (N), 201 Miller (A), 717, 769 Urban League Walvoord, Christian H, Towns, Elmer recipient of Episcopal funds (N), 241 new position (N), 923 on altar calls (N), 372 Urban Ministries Walz, Frederick ~~ Crawford Howell publishing company formed (N), 1052 challenges churches’ tax exemption (N), 363 nd biblical vote pry Hy ), 668 Urban ministry (B), 731 and Supreme Court ruling (N), 792 Tra acts, background of (A), 383 Urbani, Giovanni Cardinal on religious freedom in Poiand (N), 411 Tracy, Phil death of (N), 50 Wantula, Andrzej advocates legalization of marijuana (N), 563 Urbanization on relig.ous freedom in Poland (N), 411 Traffic lights (E), 986 and Christianity (A), 803 War, in the sixties and seventies (N), 325 Trans World Radio in the seventies (E), 317 Ward, Hiley H. Polish broadcast (N), 332 Ursprung, Anne John Wesley College: Disengaging the Naza- Troup, Jeanette M and Scientology (A) 110, 170 renes (N), 199 death of (N), 603 on NCC election (N), 242 Trudeau, Pierre Elliot new position (N), 605 appoints ambassador to the Vatican (N), 148 Ward, Roy Bowen True and False Ecumenism, by Donald G. Bloesch edits new journal (N), 599 (A), 931 Ward, Wayne E. and Joseph F. Green, eds.; /s the rueblood, Elton Bible a Human Book? (Jerry Perrill) (B), 729 Life of Service, The (A), 379 Wardell, Leon F. New Man tor Our Time, The (Samuel J on UPCUSA and COCU (N), 871 Mikolaski) (B), 865 Warren, F. Eugene Protest Mentality, The (A), 942 Assassin of God, The (P), 263 Truman, Harry Dumbfounding, The (P), 71 honorary chairman (N), 921 Uncut Stone (P), 476 Truth (E), 443 Warren, Melvin Eutychus IV on (EK), 855 charges racism at Moody (N), 501 Tsakonas, Demetrius Varren, Rita at Greek Or thodox congress (N), 999 arrested (N), 508 Tucker, Theodore Washburn, Paul on growth of Christianity in Africa (N), 278 Vacuum of Unbelief, The, by Stuart Barton Babb- and COCU plan of union (N), 598 Tumin, Melvin age (Edward E. Ericson, Jr.) (B), 130 Washington, abortion laws (N), 604 on accountability (Q), 624 Van Capelleveen, Jan J Watchman-Examiner, ceases publication (E), 5 Turkey Are Red Rites Wrong? (N), 154 Waters, Ethel Chris tians in (N), 966 Dutch Back Israe/ (N), 560 at Graham’s New York City crusade (N), 958 Tur nbull, Bob, marriage of (N), 1145 Hromadka Exit (N), 283 returns to stage (N), 554 Twentieth Century Prophecy, by James Bjornstad Laity Abroad (N), 284 Wati, Ben (John E. Dahlin) (B), 485 Moscow ‘No-No’ (N), 152 and All India Congress on Evangelism (N), 454 Twin Circle, merger difficulties (N), 50 Russian Letter to Gene (N), 43 honorary degree (N), 847 Two Christmases, by Bernard Via, Jr. (P), 253 Van on Haag, Ernest: Jewish Mystique, The (Lud- Watson, Allan R. Two Hundred Years of Australia, by Leon Morris vig R. Dewitz) (B), 945 at White House service (N), 100 A), 898 Van t !, Cornelius: Christian Theory of Knowledge, Watson, James D. Typography, origins of (A), 381 A (Ronald H. Nash) (B), 349 and humanism (Q), 636 Vander Ark, John A new position (N), 414 on school integration (N), 600 Watson, Marvin Vandezande, Gerald at Graham's New York City crusade (N), 959 and Christian Labor Association (N), 155 predicts Anglican and Catholic unity (N), 564 Vatican Watts, J. Walsh ‘Chair of Peter’ (N), 286 on Broadman Bible Commentary (A), 669 commemorative stamps to be eed 3"). 332 Watts, Leon on Jewish-Christian relations (N), defeated in NCC election (N), 280 labor strike (N), 655 Way, Peggy Lodge appointed to (E). 910; (N) 926 and women in the church (N), 838 and Mao Tse-tung portrait (N), 374 ‘We Use Great Plainness of Speech,’ by D. Bruce Udall, Morris press accreditation (N), 287 Lockerbie (A), 68 at Presidential Prayer Breakfast (N), 503 resumes relations with Yugoslavia (N), 1106 We Were Hoping, by Elisabeth Elliot (A), 12

58 [1166] CHRISTIANITY TODAY Weaver, Arthur at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized 602 receives award (N), 1006 Religion’ (N), 143 Wright, G. Ernest: Old Testament and Theology, Webb, Robert W. Williams, Daniel Day The (Gleason L. Archer) (B), 776 new position (N), 505 and apologetics (Q), 934 Wright, John Cardinal Webber, George Williams, Don and celibacy vows (N), 554 and N.Y. Theological Seminary (N), 652 on spiritual revoiution among youth (N), 876 and ‘Counter-Synod’ (N), 196 supports office takeover (N), 198 Williams, Haziah on world government and universal church (N), Weber, Harm A. at NCBC convocation (N), 242 147 new position (N), 100, 252 Williams, Hosea Wycliffe Bible Translators Wedel, Cynthia arrested (N), 51 in Bolivia and Panama (N), 564 candidate for NCC president (N), 242 Williams, J. Floyd purchasing land (N), 756 elected NCC president (N), 280 new position (N), 51 report on Auca Indians (N), 205 and NCC nominating committee (N), 327 Williamson, Thomas Wynn, John C. on Nixon and Southeast Asia policy (N), 842 money stolen from Bible (N), 251 on Presbyterians’ proposed sex code (E), 827 on prayers for peace (N), 368 Williamson, William Bedford: Language and Con- Wyrtzen, Jack and women in the church (N), 837 cepis in Christian Education (Deane A. Kem- names new co-director (N), 156 Wedel, Theodore O. per) (B), 1029 death of (N), 1052 E Willoughby, William and ‘dogma of individual rights’ (Q), 379 Cairo: ‘Love It or Leave It’ (N), 94 Weese, W., Canadian Baptists: A Confident Assem- Carl Mclintire’s Victory: ‘In This Sign Conquer’ bly (N), 1048 (N), 699 Weisiger, Cary N. Willowdale United Church and COCU plan of union (N), 646 murai touched up (N), 372 Weiss, Daniel Wilmore, Gayraud S. on Ockenga inauguration (N), 201 endorses Black Manifesto (N), 241 Weitzenfeld, Richard Wilson, Harold and school integration in Florida (E), 737 loses election (N), 963 Well-Founded Hope, by Hendrikus Berkhof (Ralph Wilson, Manny Lee Earle) (B), 226 on NCC pledge (N), 40 Yablonski, Jock Wells, David F.: Change and Decay: Roman Style preaches at White House service (N), 505 ceath of (E), 398 (A), 1118 Wilson, Neal C. Yafe, Moshe Welsh, Elliott A., III returned to office (N), 924 and Jewish identity problem (N), 498 and Selective Service case (N), 919 Wineke, William R. Yates, Kyle and Supreme Court decision (E), 949 ordained (N), 563 retires (N), 101 Wendt, William Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: John Eliot: ‘Apostle to Yeaworth, Irvin, Jr. at requiem mass (N), 364 the Indians’ (D. Bruce Lockerbie) (B), 85 at arts conference (N), 286 Werblowsky, I. J. Winter, David K. Yeomans, Robert on WCC and Mideast tensions (N), 499 new position (N), 1006 choir rehearsal mishap (N), 1052 Werning, Waldo J.: What Moves Men as Stewards? Winther, J. M. T. York, Diek (A), 675 death of (N), 710 protests NCC Viet Nam policy (N), 280 Wesley, John Wirt, Sherwood E. Young, Andrew J. proposed edition of works (N), 756 Moving Upon the Mass Media (A), 763 at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized on use of tracts (Q), 383 Passport to Life City: A Modern Pilgrim’s Prog- Religion’ (N), 143 Wesleyan Church ress (Calvin D. Linton) (B), 84 to run for Congress (N), 605, 649 first national! conference (N), 413 to speak at writers’ conference (N), 562 Young, Douglas Wessler, Martin F. Wise, Jesse on Middle East coverage (N), 797 on school integration (N), 600 with Blessitt’s march (N), 1046 Young Lords Westerfield, Nancy G., In His Sameness Of Grace, Witchcraft (N), 202 assaults on churches (N), 407 Our Church, Burning (P), 728 Witnessing (E), 489 charges dropped (N), 562 Wexler, Jacqueline Grennan Wolff, Richard: Meaning of Loneliness, The (J. Your Adversary the Devil, by J. Dwight Pentecost new position (N), 374 Murray Marshall) (B), 944 (Wick Broomall) (B), 632 What About Unwed Mothers?, by Thomas Howard Women Youth (A), 523 in the church (N), 837 at Anaheim crusade (N), 92 What If .. ., fifth anniversary of (N), 199 commemorate winning of suffrage (N), 1104 campus unrest (E), 783 What Is the Evangel?, by Samuel H. Moffett (A), and equality with man (E), 1033 Canadian Baptists, outreach of (N), 1048 515 ordination of (N), 961. 1051 Children’s spiritual growth (MW), 869 What Moves Men as Stewards?, by Waldo J. Wood, A. Skevington: Captive to the Word (William and Christianity (F), 139 Werning (A), 675 5 liam Childs Robinson) (B), 276 and commencement speakers (A), 726 What Was the Cup That Jesus Had to Drink?, by Wood, Barry and the drug probiem (E), 542 Henry Summerall, Jr. (A), 937 ministry to hippies (N), 876 in East Germany (N), 154 Whelan, Joseph Wood, Kenneth H. Eutychus IV on (EK), 740 detained in Biafra (N), 559 on Seventh-day Adventists (N), 923 evangelical (N), 794 When Should a Christian Weep?, by John R. W. Wood, Virgil ‘evangelical hippies’ (F), 746 Stott (A), 107 at NCBC session (N), 241 in Florida for Easter week (N), 704 Where Is History Going?, by John W. Montgomery Woodgates, George Fort Worth Baptists parade (N), 1005 (H. Crosby Englizian) (8), 189 and grape workers (N), 921 hippies, rise of (E), 269 While Men Slept, by L. Nelson Bell (C. Darby Woodrum, Lon and lack of absolutes (A), 813 Fulton) (B), 944 Convert, The (A), 817 and non-commercial coffeehouses (N), 155 Whipple, Grant Dark Counsel at Easter (A), 578 and older generation (E), 862 at Christian Camping International Convention Hereafter (A), 262 Portland coffeehouse closed (N), 654 (N), 244 If Dropouts Turn On (A), 70 prep-school ministry (A), 473 White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Woodson, Leslie H. and problems of American society (N), 198 Health (N), 330 new position (N), 846 revival at Asbury College (N), 500 White House worship services (N), 100 at United Methodist convocation (N), 1135 Seminar '70 (N), 700; (F) 829 White, John Wesley: Hypothetical Battle, The (A), Word and the Videotape, The, by Dennis Edward Southern Baptists meet (N), 411 815 Johnson (A), 1120 ‘spiritual revolution’ in Calif. (N), 876 White, Lynn, Jr. Word of Life students and foreign missions (B), 630 on Christianity and ecology (E), 637; (CRT) 758 new co-director named (N), 156 students go to Israel (N), 415 White, Ronald purchases property in Kenya (N), 1144 student’s letter to God (A), 816 and three-story mural (N), 372 : Words Fitly Spoken, by Donald Grey Barnhouse teen-agers (B), 778 Whither Southern Baptists?, by Harold Lindsell (Paul S. Rees) (B), 21 West Paim Beach Rock Festival (N), 282 (A), 667 Work World of Life (N), 156 Whitman, Lauris B. lack of competence in (F), 310 Youth Against War and Facism edits NCC’s church yearbook (N), 504 What If .. . (EK), 740 at N.Y. protest (N), 198 Who Needs History? by Richard L. Tobin (A), 174 Work, Martin H. Yugoslavia Why Am | at This School?, by John W. Alexander new position (N), 1106 congress on evangelism (F), 35 (A), 1068 World Alliance of Reformed Churches resumes relations with the Vatican (N), 1106 Wicke, Lloyd C. new organization (N), 962, 1095, 1142 Yzermans, Vincent A., offices occupied (N), 407 World Christian Anti-Communist Assoc., formed at conference on ‘The Relevancy of Organized Wickedness (E), 1036 (N), 332 Religion’ (N), 143 Wide Choice in Church History and Theology, A, World Conference of Christians for Palestine (N), by Geoffrey W. Bromiley (A), 422 84 6 Wiebenga, William M. World Council of Churches new position (N), 655 admits two new denominations (N), 40 Wilcox, Bob on Biafran food flights (N), 332 wins excellence award (N), 605 and black Pentecosta!s (N), 658 Wilcox, Max, and E. Earle Ellis, eds.: Neotesta- to consult with Jewish leaders (N), 564 mentica et Semitica (Robert H. Gundry) (B), contributors to 1969 budget (N), 658 350 East Asian Christian Conference (N), 415 Wilder Smith, A. E.: Drug Users, The (Ivan J. and Israel (N), 499 Fahs) (B), 320 new churches recommended for membership Wilkerson, Dave (N), 710 report on Vietnamese women (N), 415 Zebell, Kenneth R. and Cross and the Switchblade, The (N), 48, on WCC and Middle East (N), 499 874 sponsors ‘Dialogue Between Men of Living Faith’ Purple-Violet-Squish (Jack A. Chisolm) (B), 778 (EK), 360; (N) 706 Zen-Existentialism, by Lit-sen Chang (Walter R. Martin) (B), 225 Wilkins, Roy World Development Fund, set up (N), 504 shuns reparation demands (N), 155 World Encounter Zimmer, Norma Will the Church Lose the City?, ed. by Kendig receives award (N), 699 at Graham’s New York City crusade (N), 958 Brubaker Cully and F. Nile Harper (Richard K. World Fellowship of Buddhists Zimmerman, Thomas F. Morton) (B), 731 anniversary meeting planned (N), 927 on Biafran mission work (N), 652 reaction to broader NCC structure (N), 328 Willebrands, Jan Cardinal 7 World Outlook, merges with new (N) 605 at Lutheran World Federation meeting (N), 1045 World Vision International reelected (N), 252 predicts Anglican and Catholic unity (N), 564 refugee program (N) 564 Zondervan, B. D., Jr. Willems, Nolan Worldliness (E), 739 death of (N), 414 murdered in Philippines (N), 961 Woyke, Frank H. Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas, The, ed. by E. Williams, A. Cecil son arrested (N), 155 M. Blaiklock (Wilbur M. Smith) (B), 391 and Glide Methodist Church (N), 921 Wright, Elliott Zwingli, Ulrich Williams, Colin W. on United Presbyterian-BEDC controversy (N), as ‘Renaissance and Reformation Man’ (A), 764

SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 [1167] 59 XUM