- . . . ---. -~-- --- . . .. -~-~

r-~~:i~~:i~-r .·._·1:__-t> "THE....O_N_'_T_: TAVERN".... ~I-IS_S_-~- ...-.-_- -,o •.•-_d_11_11_~_0_0_ •)

VOL. vm BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNfA; MARCH 4, .Hl36 No. 10·. - . ======. . . . . Unusual Set .- Will· .Preview Wachob,_ Hancock Dancing, Speech.es Constructed · Score Firsts To ·Be_· Featured Is - "The Tavern" - ' . . · For ''The Tavern'' . . . At.- Pasadena AtJ. c~ C:on~en_tio_n ...... ------_.,. ... ,,. - .· At' __ Ass~-~~tY. _ .. ····----. - :-- .... :------· ·. _Cras.hc~," thun.der, flashes of light- [ A stunt advcrti~ing · tlie _forth- A first place i_n woman's oratory · The annual_ convention of the Junior . ning,_ excitement, and-~· surprise end- j corning Junior College play, "The by Gertrude \Vachob and ·a tie·. "for Colleges of the yalle"y will take place· ing _wiU characterize the forthcoming Tavern," will be presented at a first_ in women's ex temp _by Doris on Saturday, March . 21, at -Visalia · Junior ColTiige play, "The Tavern," studc.nt assembly Friday, March- 6. J_- C., it has been announced. · scheduled for .February 13 and 14. . .All_ of the characters will be pre- Hancock gave the Bakersfield Junior The_ program of the morning will · , - M)ss Ethel Robinson, : director, is I sented in a nove1 \\:ay. Although College debate squad eight points and consist of talks by well known -edu~ very enthusiastic about the set. The they will not be in costuine, their . third place in the first annual Pasa- cators. Lunch will be served at the ,vhole stage . crew has been" working I apparel will · be' representative !denn College o·r;tory and extempor~ Junior College and the afternoon will ,,.-.:... · _ «?n. _it diligently. It-will be something I enough of the character they arc arieous . invitational tournament Sat~ be devoted _to ac.tivities such ·as· danc- ne·\\. and Something_ tricky. · . _ • :1 portray\ng that the audience \Viii •i.Jrday, fog. All of the set and· the furniture 1s get the idea of what it's all · P.rexy Browne reports that.- "A. going to tic ·built· on the stag~. The about. · · - · - - Pasadena Junior . College won the slick . time will· be had by all," so 'c- crew· is -even- making-the. heavy old . -TickcL~ .will go. on sale .the .fok ~l:!r .~!}~ ..!~.'.1-~~-_c_h~n~P}_?E2hi_~ ~i~~--~ .come out and represent Ii. J. C. like . _ English style furniture that will be lowing l\londay. _ J total of ten and onc-hiilf points, close- you really meant it. _ ·-· - -- _-·· . ------· --- - used. ) Ily foilo\,·ed by the University of Red- The price will be fifty cents, which To make the play even .more ef-l M h 20 S t :. . - will take care of the."Iunch at noon. fcctivc, there w'ill be artificial rain, are___ _ e _ - I lands \\ith. lO._ . Other_ schools com, A schoofbus will probably furnish - so th~t t~ose·characfors :w_ho arc sup- ' . . ·for- Semi:..final I peting were Glendale J. c.,. Long tran~portation for aUwho wish to go. - posed to come in_ out of the rain will B:ach J. _C., U. S. C. Frosh, Pasa- For further details watch t_he bul- - actually be all -\~et. dena_ College, Cal Tech, and ·san Ber- letin boards_ and announcements. ·: A heavy beamed ceiling has ·a_Tready With echoes of the. highly- success- nardinp. . · . . · -_ b- ecn- ·c_ons t rue t e d. -_ T-h_ e d ark pane1 e_ d ful _b arn ·.dance .st1 . 11 rmgmg. . m. t h e1r. Gertrude· ,Wachob . and Dons - . Han- . A ·t Sh-·· . - W• · - walls will be built. rignt ·on the st.age. cars (literally) the dance committee cock wer.e the on1y locals !o ~et. mto U O - 0 p. In~ . A ·huge .. ston~ · · - fi_ rep1 .ac_c, .WI"th .a- cram, · of· the .executi,·e . · . - council. · --. · under- - :the - Ithe scoring· ·. .. column.·. . - . Doris · tied . for, . - S f · · p · - · -· · · · · · · 'd - · · · · · - · ' · - · · . · - first place m -women's ex temp with a ety enn' ant , •• : - • ;. - • - • ,. T._ "" · • • - - - - - • kettle and_ fire_ will d_o~mate one s1 c competent · management_ .of Rc>1~!1__ne 1 ~ ·1-- the· set.. -,rcauti!ut ·01ct· canul~stlt!?s Cl h l d t · t d · 1 · · ;'") ,"\ a1.~. u,rs ·pace1 1n:womens --~-----;-,-----_____ ~- ~- - c. -.------. ------on ay,,,.1 arc ,0.- . · · t N. h d . nant has been won-th1s--month·bycth~-- ,. Th h · d · ·11 h . t . . . . - ora ory; · 1c o1 s was secon m -wo- - . · · , _ · . e eavy oor w1 . ave a rea Accord mg to B111 Davis, bus mess , . . auto trades and · aviation shop, Mr. . · . y II will -meet-the_ -Troba?es. befo.re -~he f--c·-, ~ - . ...:, ..._ ...... :==--- •. , --· .. ~ :---1 cordi~g;to, report issuing from_the. --·-- ____ ..,__... - ·. C-0ngress- unc_onslitut1onal,, was up- 20-30 Club at noon Fr_1day. - . · _ ! - . _. . • . . , - -_ i council. - - _ held,by the Le~joyne teain of_James _· _Th_c team .of Wachob~Ch.cnowethj Joseph. Sherer,. Journalist, _author,: The foilowing rules govern .the 1 · s. Byas, John·n.- Jones,: Ch!lrl~s: .W. 1will. represent. U.. _J· _C; agamst _the! ~speran_l1stLglob~-trotter and_ lcc~ur~ ! us-e of the board: - Gilton, and Robert Gree~c, _\~hile.the'_other i;'rosh !~amm. a deba~e.be_forc 1cr has_bcen;obt;~med l? ~ppcar ~t 1:ll . i:Only Junior College· notices · ·negath·e was upheld by DaV}d Gold- a sch~ol aud1e_ncc.at 2. p. m. Fndayl~akcrsfield Junior_ College: assembly: ar~ to. be po.steel. - - ·· · berg- and ·Jesse Jones o( Bakersfi~ld. iri -the aoditonum. _ .• · . - - __ l m_ the near: future, acc~rdmg· to a_n, i _ 2. ~oti~es are not to be written · _Gertrude Wachob. president of the . : ~!odesto Junior College · will sen_d !no_oncement by_ ~he prog~am -~hair- i -on after being posted,<· _ . _ . . _ . . . B: J. c: chapter of Phi Rho Pi, de- its . entire squad against the Rene_-}man .. : . . . . :-- < . . . . ' 1. 3. ·?-,iotices ~re'. not• to be re- •. : ,: . --_: ~---..:..._:.:- _:.tia~e-f:rater__ nityle"da tribute.to ..George ga~L iri_~a-,-Pi.-l}W.~~ _..!2-~~~~e!l!-::.o_~~-1.:.,._ .~1!:.:~~~-v.,H ~r_:~_n_ t ~. lect~~~~ .!'1...?Y.~. ex~p__t..:. h,~~~t:~~-~:r.:__ :.__c:..~-~ ~'.. -Washington, Mrs.-G. A. Handis, -pre- Fnday. Coach Pet~rson expects to, w,th pictures on his exper_iences m I sons. -: - .· - , _ - _ . ._ __ . - sirded 8.!. chairman: - . use _e,cry one of his "debaters;. . Ithe Orient. . - . - - . . . . . - . . - . . . . . : . -· -.. -_~-..---:--"'?'"---.----~--: __ :._:....,;_. -:-·------:---_-·--.--- .. ~,..: __:: ____ -----~..;_. __ .__ :______,.. ___~':: ~---_;.~-..---'------:---:~-- --~-~--~:....__ . _____ . _· ... · · ____ -. ___. ______.·_:·_· _.

- - . -_ - - . ------. ----- .. ·------.------··.,,..------·-·------:::· ___ _,, ___ - . ------~. -- --- . - . --- __ .______.,..._ . . . ~. - : ; . ·~. : ·. ,

..~.: - .

RENEGADE· RIP- RENEGADE RIP T~------d · n. '. ------. Iis true because students abu"se - its - ..- .. R¢n¢ga .¢ •"lp. . cLu B NEWS privileges and convert it into~ p)a~e. __.:...... _P__;re-xy;__P__;.,at-te-,-:r -_--,:·j • · ·: Published by the A~sociated Students of the _Dakersfi~ld Junior Coltege.. !-______...... ,. _____, of riotous pleasure." (Spoken in _Mr, J Dirt ·Column · II SCAN DALETTES . · jll- ti_ve·centa· the copy, 76e per Semester, or free with Assoc1a~d Students Card_: . CHORAL CLUB: llanley's characleri~tic_ style). - . . . . I I have never hated. to see B. J~ c.. Huberta Hamlin. was elected presi- Yitold Adatn; ariot her wild-oater: .. ·' Sp_ring, pu~hin~ ·an ·early leaf o;:er _HE_RE'S TO RmlANCE ( T_hel 3 YEAR !\1,\N'~ CORNER: 'Twas, defeated inore than _Inst Saturday·_ · - dent, Ralph Zeller, _ vice president, the -sea~on_ al -ho~iz~n, has found ~ls Matchmaking Bureau;-phone: a 11_ in- observed by snooking eyes at the last! night at Taft._ ..Wi_lh - the-_ R_eneg.ades M~mber Evelyn· Unruh, secretar>·,trcas~rer, ''.Yes .. I. think it is a great institu-· • an,nu~l. Job of turnmg me_n s I~nc1es quiries. to 582~just a .subhle way I da~ce that Wayne (strong" Ma~) playing sue)) a' great game all the and Virginia Jennings, publicity man- lion because it_ in.sitg_ates socia} ~ons : p_racti~nlly- comp Med by age-d ~vinte__r. of letting B.nt Da~_·is know my P_ honl:j B_ail_ ey -had forgollen to__ -d-- arn . h1s_j' wa}_. th.rough; and _then to -lose in the_ ager, at a mcetjng of the Renegade tact. · Also it affords a little recrea- - In isolated_ corners Tom Robesk~ number). We think Cupid overlooked! so_cks. ------_. : -- last 20 ·seconds ·of play. I can't re- -- Choral Club held Wednesday, Febru- tion for the we~ry mi~ds of the worn . and Marguante· Thornber gaze so:t the IDEAL COUPLE when he failed (,. ·Grass grows ·fro1n.dust, I member when I had such a sinking Jack Smith ...... - ...... :.... ,.-...... :...... : ...... , ...... :...... Editor ary 2G. _- - . out bookworms. of -B. J. C.'' - Mr.· fully _at_ each other, Tom,_ proba Y to pair DURNICE STEWA_RD and · . · ___.,_-- - - · ffceling in my stomach, Dan· O'NeHl .. :...... :: ...... :·.. :...... ,...... ,, ..... Sports Editor The addition of a number of· male Adam adds that he Is an authority . mentioning !hat -~e .was once a foot- JAC{{ SANGUINETT~ai.lse Burnice . Aspiarin note: Bill Holman's sole _...... ------_j~rry Fleming.:.'.···-- ... ···················::· : .... : ·····---·····::, ...... ft.ssistarit. Sp_orts ~di tor I vokes has greatly improved the quaIi- on the subject, having spent half his baUplayer, JUstm case. In the G,r~at needs A\. LITTLE SOCIAL BRING- idea _of heaven is a place where ~·ou . . . . Harold Shafer .... :... ,...... :...... ,...... :...... ;...... Businc_"s Ma ager ty of the group, however, .more men time there. -· Goa ;Br_owne's -pale_ blue· auto Jim IN' UP. · · can eat; sleep and play. poker (he'll We will be given our fi_rst glinipse Naonii .Bain ... .'...... • :.:.: .. :.:.: ..... : :.. :... :.... :.· ..-::: .. :~.~ .. ::.: .. :.: ... '..: ..~.: ..... :-Exchange Editor :ir~ :·af,vays- .,;\:elcon1()~ . Ariyorie~· inter- -· · •· ·-- : - · · · -- · - · · · - · · -· ·· ··" -- · 0 . REPORTERS cst~d pleas~ report to Mr. ciark _and r{c~n~, ';1a:i~/it~1~;; ahryc;r:h:;. . b . -- -. . -- ~:~tty~e .. : .ne, o' -~h~s.e ~~?1u:i:a;\t1~!~;~ !:~~1{1~!y ~~: 1 l ~~~~~~en~ :r:~~- ~- -.-- : .- Tris Arnold, Marietta Ashby, Noami Bain, Dar_rcll . Berrigan,. Monroe come to the class, which meets . on The ~l~r and minor business. was transacted. ·co· N'TEST" : .the gaze of Bernice tewar . - - b- d tc t sb morose - . - tion to aid our de ate group more. more inches of advertising per issue for the Rip .. _ _ _ : - Th~- club laid temporary plans for a -. ··_ __ _-_ - -__ - -_ __ · : Though, we hate· to mention him stage yaga. on , e ., e c.!_ · frost-Mtte.n night when this conver------At the same time, Mr. Brown~ informed me that th_enceforth trip to Sequoia national park. again; Heywood Prexy Patter B~ow:ne because.~ not even one kiss _chan~: sation- took place: . - _- -- -- the Renegade Rip would restrict 1tself,t<_:> four-pag_e, four-column - __ - is getting a good- deal of co_ns.olat,_on lips i~ : the_ whole· play ~that is, Voice from Nowhere: Well, wbata -_ Congratuiations to th~ ne\vlyo~gan- • c,· . editions,,.; . · - . - . . - - . INT. RELATIO~S tst prize: Complete Toilet .Set. from the heart battering he ,1s receiv- mean .rn the orthodox action). waitin' for? _ _ ized Camera Club, and to the Y. W. Shafer followed hfs ms_tructions; I_JQ.llowed rnme. The re- Fred Wong will preside as president ing.from the. hands and eyes of Mary - _ - . __ - -.-_-- -_ -_· . . Dauntless Da,·e 11.: Eleanor to in- c. _A: group for. the_ ;;plendid way in ·-~ult, ~ it came off t~e pre.ss two weeks ago today! was undoubt- and Petd Cassady will serve as secre-. 2nd prize, A Flne Kodo1'. Frances · Ashby and ,Mary Durand?. · 4. Man 1s buried, · vite us to a party at her place.· _ which they are opera_ting. _If only all __ E:"dly the year·~_!1"30St wmg exa~n~le .e. ""'.'lT" ,va.s 1.oadcu. \V1~n ~ DulK 6r aa~erusiug Club for the spring sen;ester as the l _ . sex; has so far fought off every at- - _L1ttle Au~rey had a bah, _brother I anatomv f"xam the f~<:~ll,e;l)\:"·~"~~m~or~n~)~Nllilil!iWiW~~·iW!i~~im-Wl~---~----:- - o~t of .all proportion ~o the hnuts o_f its size. Naturally, mterest- result of the recent election. . . -- - . . teint macie' upon;liisstaunch fi~art I named Oak a: _- One da):- fi_cr iiiu(!td I\Vell, I will if yo;::'' s udy my anat· - --- . . : . i · t · - Behind that hairy chest 1s a told her to go upslMrs and brmg . ___ ~-:...:.....:~-ing-and-important.items_were~cr_oy.j.ed out of t~e_.p~p;r, !~~_!l~-~-:W.on ~wa~sccretary_oLthe_cllib last I _ _ · _.. - ·. · 1 ··:._ usual columns (prexy l'atter excepted) were.u11s~mg. g d- · ~M,1~-~Bb ruc-e -This..:.contest::is.:_Qpen to-J._- I s ring:,. - l · t \ d omy. · · t d t body are heart that runs rc.d blood, girls, so Qaka down. And Litt e , u re~Hleanor ot one of the best.grades! \Vhy, m every_ s u en ' . , Such a condition 15. not only unfair-. . to readers, .b u t" t o a d ver- semester.W • an sue~d t f HOD·Ba'·ersfield H • C St u d en t s on . l y. . ~--_--~::::::_ ~=::=don!t- ive-u hope=-.It rnay:Jie::smalJ; Talighcd::ancl:laughed·cause-~~ -~~ew . E---~--- __. __ th~re.-those_wl}o_refu~-~~pera~------'---· 0 I - . tisers as well. It is unfair· to 1\lr. Shafer, who. must give our: . ong lS ~ g~\ ua: o~t tand- Just write• ·a 5-word {o.r bu.tit fs susc~libie. she coul~n't CARIOC~. - . - m..the exam.:_ ___ · with-theirstud~nt--oftl.~ers.--:-Whc_n·~he · -- -- · · · advertisers a popuiar and readable paper; It is .unfair to" .the) ~i~h schoo da_n tah: c_en ~n Ren:g-ade J less). slogan for_ the _ . , b h. d the portiers we find And did our shell-pink cars tingle · . \ executive council <>htamed perm1ss1on t . · · · · I mg forwar on 1s '.'i ears < • • - ... i ! ·. . . ~e~· __ ; ~n Hanley wor:ian-h'a~cr with delight to hear Beulah _Bell _staie 9. )ioral No_. 2: . Ne\·er b?. drunk and established a buH~tin board inthe . . class in journ~l~sm, ,,·l~ose purpo~e,_. o_ gam , exper~ence m team .. · Cassady, a fr~sh: 'J PADR~ CUT-RATE DRUG I I writing and ed1tmg a newspaper, is thereby warped .mto publ · b' of tne' foo~ · STORE •·' ::;:1~:e :(~/ his o~n. adn;issio_n) emph~tiqi.lly_to. the __ \\'o~ld that Ala__ n eno~_g;. to !all for a ga_g hke that! I_ov;·e~ h_a(lit v.:as naturally flth s___ o __ me. . . .· . . · man, was a a mem er · I · - · I ; . hshmg a shoppmg guide. . . b 11 tenm and has been active in -- · ·· moc k"mg th-e ,,: 0 r·id of -fe· mininity- with Sprague. and Bill Howsman· - were_ the. I agam. restncttons,---namely.· - - - that_ · h1t -.be - use?b . While it swe11s the student body fund, 1t destroys the qua\1ty a . . _ / IMPORTANT an all encompassing sneer. Aha! onl>· RO'.\lEOS she'd ever consent to _ properly.. Late_!_):, as you a'ie pro - - · d bl· dramatics. 1 t · 01 · 7 of the stu ent pu ica 1. 1. • ·. . The Jnternalional Relations ·Club' Read These Rules ------· . go with! FO.R- -J. ·c. AND - \ ably noticed, 1t S been _mo!'e of B There is one sensible, practical solut10n. A five-column \"cd .., d . at . P : ---- · '"mess" than anything_ else. Unless n · -- - • • h fl J ·c • 1,· ti meets every ,y n<::S ay 12•30 • -: Three guesses note: How did -Gerti_e paper.'· B.·J. C. has had 1t m t. e past...... is u1g_eJlQ~1g. . lunch room, . j RULES - 5. turns oust, ·. J--:1 IC H SCHOOL marked improvement in our use of the 1 1 "get the bruiseson her dainty white itan to ! · __ to have it now. Whet~er Mr. Browne is_ big e_nough to see this_, n_ ' rn the facu ty · • · - · · · ·. Write ~our slogan on ·the op:._ I hoard is sho,i:n immediately, we will _.. a~rr1? ·rs,thcre brute the: school? .. Vit~ld '. doiisn't "like.. the hank0 o-h,air j point is another quest um. . . · ·_ . _ .. - _ _ - . _ - · _ • - · i posite side of_ this •entry form a 'fo· l ha ,·e it taken dowri. . - - - -- _· ·. At any rate, l\lr, Browne_ d_iscarded the suggestt~n,_ put fo~-, - - · . and bring_ it. together -with one· · · - __ ·_ _ · - ----·-_- . · · -_ - · overhanging·. Jessie Lee's_ left. ey~l1 . :· School$upplie accom~ 1_4_th_:..a_i_1_d___ F,,__ ..;.s __ ~--~~~-e'."""t_s __ -~-:--} jJ;;1~:;;/~:;ib.e\:~f;~~so;;~~n1/~ - __ _ . · ·. dently Mr. Dro_wne,-wit~ an eye_ t<;>waru- _l_Jalanci~g _the nu~-:- any val':'cdo "the -~tudcnt_ bod:,? _ . -panicd by a separate entry form _ .. . . :/:~·~t ~tat _•h• :•""'"':~?- ~J::~:~t~fJtI~b{,t'.~~ '.,~~t\,______. . managed budget of last semester, )Udg_es the qu~_hty of the Rip . L Gertrude. Wachob, student. b!)dY .. and" an additional empty. :Ilk- . •- H~il~ S~l~sie _has a°ecid~d to hire - - -- - . - - ; I Iifthe-amcilii1t ofadvertising it-contains 'per inch;· _ . secretary:'. ''No; • In th" - _ In short, Mr. Browne, and contr~ry to· your mstruct1ons, tne privilege to the best adv~ntage. I1 None ,y11l be returned. - .. _ - to sit_ on the· edge of the Ethiopian - One_ notices that ~nne Hall ·has! - · - · · · · -- · • :..---" ~--·-·- per]l_;iP.~_LC3:!Latter. anc1.: a. mue more_ with t~e :soud Iprivilege_ o~: having ·a ro?m 1ike. this - 0 t1J;~· decisio~ · o(. the -judg~ ' -:,vinter harve3t of weckling ·rings, - Then,_ ther~ a~e- those eight fellows IL_.:.._,;.____;___;__ __,.;___.;.....;..___;_,-J • W1"n· ·dow·_-S -- fa~s or the mtn_caclE;!S of bemg, ~he st~dent bo~y pres~den~ _of is based on_ the assumption_ that ~he,1 will be final. · · · ·- ·· · · .. - .- in the tryout grqup for-- ev_ery P_l31y, [. ...:.. _ _.:.. __.,.-....;;.:...,.....;...__,..,.--....;..--, -, _ .B. "J. C., not to mention your assumed htle of .editor of_ the Rip. students ·wm cooperate by conducting ·- __ -A Jette~ received by Townsend, _a who insists on__giving "To b_e, .or not; ·Phone 981-\V - _ _ I ...... Arid furthermore, Mr;: Brownl', your threat to ";ilhdraw the ~nanc.ia) sup-: themselves in the right m"anner." . .- -.- :· T_._-h_ _e_.-. P_ ad. r_-_e_·_- ·_o_ r_ U_·g ::_(_.- - . c - sho"rt lime agd . reaa°t.hu~:" "_Dea_r M_r. t-0 be" it} a loud 'voice ·and doleful ~x- ! -- -· 'T-h.. ·e· : R.-_. O__ EM" _E- _R_ s- . I . Th"is'_-_ . ~rt of tlle studeAt fu~d 1.n the event t~e ab~e article ap~red ID Pr.int only 3'· ri .d· Ha· 1 . -man:about-schoo) - - : - . Town.send:· Late.- in 1934 you_ applied pression .. : An~if · tljere are la?1~ I 1 - • • - - I - -- · -- - snbstantiates my accusation of your d1ctatonal methods in suppressmg free ., _ 8!" __ . . ~ ~l', . _ _ __ : , - - · · - · · ·- - 0 ~~- ...,.... . ----~-speech- fu-sfocfe"nf body'public'atioris7=-~----: ----:--:-----_.--··- :---:---::· ·---:--:---- · .!'No.;-; B_ec~use its_ d_elnme~~Laspec~ ~.18th .and Eye~_~- '_ ~hone 1~1 - . - ' . .for a positi_on wftb"our 'pub1icaliqn. If present-Rom~o "'i\ill say ~ood m~ht i ,: 1421 J~?e-~_~&_Rt_:H~fk~~field_ - ·:; Sp~ing ·; .. - · · - _ _ . _- · - . . · . · - - ·_ · - · -- : JACK -SMITH. . : surmount 1t beneficial quahl!es_:- This ...:_:....::,:.::_ you~are.still interested.__c~lL!iJ.,...!11.2' .J!!tlil_.:!! E~f!:~~~~· __?r_~nti~_be_ ~a!l~~:I . ] . . ______· . · office Saturday morning.". It was on his head at tneJoof of the stairs. _ , _ _ -_ __ _ _ -- __ .. , __ . . ~ ,_._ ~ __ . ~. . . . ~ . -- .. -- . .,. ---~-:.~... _---·-.--_-.-_ .-.-- --~----~-:--. -·_;_:-·- ·-_--:-~--.:...._7--;---·__:__~-_...;..---_-·.;....~-·-,~.:-~-----_---. ~ - -~--.~---=-::._~:---:.~:_. -~:-~------·_.::_~:-...____ ...::___, ______·_ .. _:_:· ___ ...... ,___,. . . ·. . . -_ ·_ --- - .. ~ . '.'". . :: :_ .. _~- --r- --:----:----.. _· .... - , --o------~~---~------=----·:··-::~.·~---:·-:-----:'-'~...... :....------:-:- ... _ i ~ .. -. --·. -~: ·_ .. -- .. ; _;...,;...._ -' ..;....:..._ - .. -.;,_:_::....,. ·.... .- . .::.._::__..: . . ,: ... - -- .. Foµr RENEGADE RIP GO TO THE SEMI-FORMAL Ten.nis Aspirants CONFERENCE .B.Hssmen ·op:en '1936 Track _ _ ·Elmer Crbson Wins FRIDAY NIGHT. · Seas~n Against,Cougars _ty1ar.14 Laurels at Fresno · · Vie For Places • . . . ! BAKERSFIELD, C.ALIFORNIA, MARCH 18, 1936 · No.11 · • -i ·: It appears that Elmer Crosor Headed by Ken:Rich and Herman _VOL. vnr Local Cinclermen'J c s . On Par .\\'ith: . Th. . e Sp·o rts·· R,·a· ·1 to· I ..Qf the_··. "Limber.legs," who but a Spm · d t, stars of last yenr_'s high· scho_ol 1\ ny . . quad in Va)lcv.; ·, short time ago was wean·ng the· t cam, and_ Art_ Hahn and Alice· Jone,s; Globe· Trotter" Debaters, Out·· Good Tuniout I . nr DAN. O'NEILT, j "Oli\'e wreath'_' upon the, local cam: veterans· of the '35 Renegades, a squad Semi-Formal At CALENDAR · · S · pu h t d · to · 1 · of· eight.men and nine women .went I 5 -·To· Win Second·. One week fronl Saturcla}' the _lkn- j . porl,s Editor . s, a. s _ cppc . m . a .rcg_·_u ar - Woman's . Club_ Will Lecture ...... egades face Taft in a dnal meet in • . • forest of said trees at,Fresnu-State. Iinfo competition ~o~ the eight places . March 18: Clubs Advisory Board 1 Debate Crown. the_ first meet of tht' season. Also! . With two of our major sports wiped 1· At the indoor western, which was. on the 1936 team. . -Next Saturday meets in _J. C. 16; 7:30 p. m., Sec­ Here Friday for the first time a trophy is to be J ofT the calendar for the fis~al yt'ar, h_eld several weeks ago, little ElincJ; Rich and Spindt will fight it out ond Vice President Mumford will

· · · -~\vai-dcd fo ·tnc team that _\\"ins' the i shulcnls __can nQW gi'!'e _their uhdivided 1 _h':~?.Y..P_ ~o -~he e~xpcdations of his· for 1 arid 2 spots on the team. Hahn preside. . - ...... •...... most dual meets in competitions. As I and studious. ;attention lo, _the, track- I Fresno. Stale coach.- .. by ... placing _holds down .nun1b~r 3 while ·the fourth' In ·defiance .of .spring. fever, .the· ?.larch 20: Student body da~c~; ··Joseph: ~herer,· globe. tr.otter;: ·"·ill · · Out to ,vin · its second team cham- Coalinga and Ree \ m the mat.t;r_ than an ice tru_ck. rn for all the question. of w~o are the the confereni.e. toui:nmerlt lias . riot fl provide tr_ansportati~n: .· \- ·_ ; Dr. T, Z. Koo last year and desired INichols of Redland_s. ---\Me ! .; '~ j ~ have som: one w?o knew Japan· . Last year,_ Bob. ~loon. won , firs.t. "~ ,.u,·seasoil""'goe's':Oii'."'7i7'fiic't~;J~:;~~~ .. \:~~ ~,t ;,\ I·. i,•;Qw; t'd Ibette_r ll:Qlfers!r-'~'i-PJ:JJ!.CJ.!lt y . b.eeti.:set. . . 1 __ .. ta~ce which· are the best in R J. c.[ name a valuable cog ,in the Mar?on Wiley says, "any lime a'flat-footed, _ · - - ;- ·· · · . · · · -· , c· I . b.. -E_· _.__ I _~...,... ~ -g-1,e.- _:;ti. •_.,_"_~1i,_n_g--ef--=- Hs-kckgr.ouno_. l!'fa~- __ · c.a __ J. s ..... m men's__ pxtem_p_ . .. _ ,_.-·-~ _-::• .c:_. __ (-Seve~l-by-law~-iof~the-ConstitJ. . . U · S .. 0-'.~--~---- _and __!i~s~?..1°Y.::. .. m this. to\lm~ment. ·, -.• _ . , .• .. -. - .. : , .. --·------hist-0ry;--iherc-is-Dart:.\-vilez,""440~ ,-machine: Shafer-would ,.nab c my.. vote. !'EE.1!JL~hooting_ team,.~!~_doesn't , __ ....:___ . ager.., ... 1 > ~- _;_ :. -.:. __ .. ,. . Don Deilricli, lwo miler from .)asti He was the steadiest player on thej kn_ow a brassie from _a nine iron, · ·. · .-~tll~e put ~P ·for vote' at tije / E ··t.. . A · . I b.J, 1 The high sclioo1 student body 1s·tol:-:--The-Rambhng:-Renegades-,-w1ll~be-'--,--.-- Recorc:1-crowcl----.~---, -_--- Ad\isory Board Council at thclr . . n hear .Mr. Slierer at two pay assern~·'seeking their second . straigh~ team .· . . . . : .. year, Jerry Fleming, greatly im-jfloor,._and had an unc~nny knack of thmk~, that they can tnm us, _bette_r!· ·· · · er . ss.em y 8 S · ------'--'irroutl1\.y meetingf ,:,liich~will be-~.:. / · , . .- .---- · · · blies Friday nfternoon. · · · championship in· major far ··western · · · proved 880 man- from-the. Driller.~p~rm_g the_ ball as_!t b~umled O~lcomc. • . · · I . ees Taft Game in J, BASEBALL : an oc·casion~I . chirp from an . ira_tc I Afterworking_l\ll week on 8 · new rec . Acco_rclm~ to bus ?ccupants the trip.· · fu. n_cis. ___· . _ . __ · .. _· . '_.•.· _, l_ran.cc-- notice -~s__ soon as possible in! will 6c at Visalia, S_aturday, Mar~h Is_ ~p--s - as possible f1lr the pub- . . Plans for c)ul> assembly o. be ?re-i order__ to eligible for the ten dol· 128. )'.cation flth~~j)~ok. Ger·. . p· EC I ALS ;member l~t- 1_t he> kn_f}~rnthat_ freedom j volving offense and scoring play, the \\~S etceedmgly enJoyable :ind hopes ,?!) . . - .· .. -- . . . . lo! sp~ech was s_liB_ in _c1T1:ct around the! Renegade. cagers. ~i"dn'L even. try to ~~e expres~ed- that_ buses will ~e. pro, . sented to ·the student body Fnday[lar prize.. · Slated for the morning are a num-. he Wa ~s .~Id the staff that S c campu~ .. From my roost on the top of' \\·ork it.against the' Cougars last. Sat- :-_1d_t'?}~r th_e }m1_io_r: ~o!~e_g_e ..£~~f~r- .. 'will"lie·prescnted. for discussion: by t . ·,0 . -: ,. . • ' . ber._of. individual meetings whi thnc ,vi l he a box posted in the rear : ~he. bu1l~mg, where n?·o_ne could. ta~~ urday night. And· ,v'as C~ach Frost cnce to be, held at V1saha_l\Jai:ch 21. · . . ·_ airman, Max Shaffrath. ! · . .· : ~ · · _ dt'al with -e~~ry typ; -~f. e;tra'. of the study ·hall iri' which· th;se pie~ - Bernice:. ynn ·an~ Jack_. Smith willLElec;tnc1ty ular ace ity'. Stud:nts-wtll be 11 • turcs may be, safely depositei:t . Shoes : .. :$ j a pot-sh~t at me, gathered that ~he whoppi mad! :-By.th~ way: thaf'was Club. . ~ &Q. !}_a~e_ball _ I 11' re . n the ·Raconteur and Rene- • · lo t, e d any wn1ch rn V r 'fhe success of this °Campaigq de- . . 4 . - ...... ' 2 85 . . I mem~~r~ thrc~te_n to Jar _anp Ie:,ith_e~. some !=row_d ,,;:akhing Jhe . g_ame . at E . .. s "' k- gade Rip, giving the b~a;d ideas i~; ._. '•" erl'int~'re s: ~VJ"lj; . -~ie~ ;nich pends upon _the' enthusiastic.support ~5.50: Baseball,--Shgos : ... ~3.25 ! any , 11lian that pu_ts grammar schoo}fthat:,· wasn't it? Thanks to Monroe ·----BASEBALL-~-;· ng~ges· pea . . ' . publicity; will h ve ecial mee gs are dra- given it by the studen~ so the · stu~· Sweat Shirts···--···---•~---·.· ._89 i hYioeurogsel}e·phtihces eolnubthmeemb'uellresti~-cbreoarred. "r·athc~aml ayc_allein, I can ne~er think - - Rules. for th~ membership dfive, t Afrangemcnts for Dr._ D, R Stri~k-; madc.s, j~umalism,: _Io sics,, A: M. dent body is asked to load up the' ~_ ~-___:.._':.._ _.: . . u. _ " . ._· -"~ o . 1s ast. nam_e, _a lar~e. )?cal d_ele~ -SEASON 'which·.will begin .on :\londay,·l\tar.ch!faden-for theirannual~onfS. and A. W. S.' : -. · ·. · ··cameras and cooperate ,-i·ith the staff '. _ Colored Sweat ShirJ.!? .... $1.19 I . · . · . · · 1 gallon helped fill the spacious Tart 23; wil) be presented by chairman i :'i!nrch 20, has bee~ niioun • . he l Fol(owi_ng these mee i gs a ·r,eneJal ~o make this campaign a_ r~al ~Ile~ -- ·::::; -75c Baseball Caps ...... AO ! vault_ t_hcrc arc thr~e really promis·j gym._...... ·.. · . . .. . Shoes ...... : ... , ... : .... , ..•.. ~ ... $3.GO : Harold .Mumford, who will also·re-lJunior<; _liege E 1 c icit __ ... · !assemblywillb_eheld.fo discussioi\,_of . ----·-c---- -··:_ ___ _::::-,--- _ · ':'°:>(··· : . \' ~ng. po.lcnlial_.13.. _.rc~:t vaulters. ,_in· J.ohnl Jusl a lit.tic of e,;ei-ything. __ · __ _. ... , · port .on : the. possibilities or a· J. c, I · . . rickfad · emonstrate , mutua 1- problen)S of the junior col. . A recent, investigation of the :zool·- {\ _. . . , :. : · .$w~.;t_t__ $9ck_s, pair ,: ...... ·.35 Regan, Alb~rt ~ev1llc an_d Jim. Mar- . The sport that_ grabs thc..limclight G_1ov~s $2.50 to ., .. ,...... :10-.00,...... ,. ,_ -- - ., .. ·-· • anto,. ·_·There· lS'_Tl_O ·strength . me the' !dx ·months··out cif- the ·year=b:i.seoall . ~--.:,,-·..-·-- -- ;.._ ·-.·· cam. ivaf_.. _a_n·d: joint_ club, pi.cnic., to.:be j-e.1 - ·_. r·f.i: app. _y§_e_d--:jf!_.t_.b_£.~ll_}~:. L_!c.t_':.~.-_ll_~d__ .,a__ 1_so.·!o.~_t~~ "P__rts.entaHo_~ _of :og1:_ ~--91~sc.. lose~-- _man.y · .. te._.res_·._· ·_t._i_n_g ·-1-· .. -_ .. / .·. -~- ,_·. •. c. s~~ks 35~;. 3- for -~-.:.~::-1.00·· . . field later th~s semester... · . . 1t1on ct . ' enstemr. Cha_n1u, l new_ ideas. ~nd opm1on:;, ~1th the dt~ proj_e~s~in~n _n hon--~: /:;_A I shot a~ aH and play i~ put 'out by P-1-:-is upon ·us· again ..• ; • Tne · Coast -- . ~- - Members of the . Advisory Board, Just I ne, a hers. Other. m- cuss1on. open to all. ·.· - . . . . · .- of P 1 ?,\",.~fdv._ •.. · ·: . · · · · · / : M. Bl)SS for a hefty man for shot league begins firing :March 31 while nats $1.00 to-:.' ...... ~---·· 2.50. ·1 Cou'ncil, are Ed Mohr; Marion J~ck-1 tcresti demons t 'ns wiU be am- . Following this ·a skil and a variety Stud " ts•_ are_ carrying on research __ .-\·:_;:_. ~ulting, "lli~h :u~ping"-_Walker is[ th,e M?,jors start April" 13 .. .' .' Too . · sQt:i, Hubert ,Hainl~n,. ~rt·. ~eCew,, p_lificaH of sotin ten ri1illions limes of en.~ert~inm_cnt wiH be !1resented in wide and _var~;'!g fi~lds; ~· B_u~ch .-.· - .Uniform, ~tc. ~- .· ·. ?Y l · ._· ·. : _BAKERSFIELD -_ ,_n .the ~~ld -~'__ hm1st'lf as ~e co1;.s'.st-1bad B, ·J. _C.· doesn't have ~ ball dub._ ' Jean Otto, Ben . Stinson, Elizabeth Ilight. and color effects, and <1t er he \·1sahans. . . ..,, · - . :. 11nd Lackey are expenmenh_ng with ,/ · · :. . en !;oes oH.r 6. feet. -No prom1smg • __ • • • Monro_e Browne (That's the Uy 1 ·otto, Paul Jones, Patricia Wascm,.electrical phenomena. The rest o( the day will be set aside the ~ffect of thyroxin· on the meta- \ • _, H.ARDWARE co~ broad Jumper i~ to_ be h3-i! a_~ the pres-! guy!) could gi..;·e _you ,plenty. of rea­ . _ ·.;. Biil Ni~haus,-Belty O'Brien,·:Jame~~ ,Th~ assembly·\~ill_ be 'held on the1for the ba!_.~~ trnd.oaric~.- -." :--, 1 ·. 'of tadpoles; Rankin an4 Stew- {\.<_,:: c~L ; !.fo~_r s~O\\:s pr~m_1se at the, ~or:is why we don't: ; •• Not· e·nough _E:d. ·: Ro4x _& Ku,fntzel · . _ , Dabn~Y, Ruby .. W~lli~ms, Gertrude! afle!noon o( ~fare~ 30 and may Ee .\ ~/fa~~~-are. going -to~ i_rt _e classif:,,fog spiders of this coni- + - < . ••• •• ·- - ·- '-1 ·, _· _~ . 2015. Chester .. Pho1ie ·231 discus,. and ~avelm,. Ther? arc o~herl credi~· is· being g~\·en Glendon Rogers . ·--:.- ·--- ~ ---:.: ....:...Wac~ol>! _Fr?n,cj_~-~-·~~-~~~ Fr_e~ j-a~_t!~d~ b~- ~~j~o~e=-~~~n~ tM ad· ~s , to lak~ studcnls arid a~I _th? e , n~ty ~hile H.·. Spi~• .Jr:;fsm~ly! : ~ . .' ...... -.--~--- . ...----- ..... -- ~ ·. --,-- . ___ ... --_...__,:.- p~tent1aLpoinL getters_ .m . yanous Ifor. his.sterling .contribution fo .Rene- - ;1s 1J~Eye StL ___ Phone. 98_._ir - . ; Wo~g.. . · _ ,·. m1ss1on cliarge.. · -- ·------·- o:can are asked-to-go.- - -- - ___ ,,__'., _c~~ang-sn~~~- _othe_r ~.rep~1Ie_s1 _e,enls. . . . gade ectivities this year: · • ------~ 1~ ~t-\ ' . - -· . ' ' . \ . y . - - - - . . . ' . ':---....:...------~~ . ---=-- .. --- -·-:;.,..£-! ...... ' _ _.,.._., ··- .. ---- ... ~-- ~:: _, ---.---~~~.,,-·'."'·-._·-~---~---:--:----:'-:----"-~-- --,--=:.-,.-~~--,:--.-:'__:,-:~---~------:---:~~------~-~-----:.:~~------:__.__-~ --~--- ___ _:_:_.:...... ' . . - _.,.. ----~------~-----=------;_-~~-~~·~-~-:-~---.. -.-:~---~~-~~~-_.:_~~~.~~~~~~~-': --~ ..::.---c:~~~-~~'~:.;~_::-~-::-~· ,:,~'-~~,,,-c=-+· ;::::.==~-=::--==--::==:===-=::===~==~.:=-;~:=-.::::;:~-=:~--=====~~=~~'==~==~--==-~~~ =· .... --- l~~~-- . ;-~-.·· __ -.· .,.._ -_ .';: - -~ .. · .. - ' ------· -.. _:·... - -,-~ ..... -:-~-.. -.. --- ·-~-- --~------·· ·... :-· ...... -~ .

.RENE.GADE RIP Three Two . ·Renegad·e Rip. 'avid :.Hanley ebaters· Will . . . SCAN DALETTES . . .jll.__ .Pr~.ex-:...;..y_.;...Pa_tt.....;....;.er...... ;....;.· · ....:....J. l . Published by the Associated. Students of the Bakersfield Junior Colle Five cents the copy, 75c per Semester, or free with Associated Students'. Scofes. Hit / \ ~Defend . Laurels ...... ~ ___ --.:_ tooks like ROBBY-l~id down on theJoniy PARA LIZE the high sch. girlie~ T.here ·is no doubt but that "The I~'-.)-'T-averil;, ·March .27, . 28 Mni~h 27 has been set ns the dat.c "TA VERN" job.. .YEE GODS! Is I with his blatant CHARMS. Hows Tavern" was one of the mo.st out: of the next award n~scmbly, accord- there no DRAI\IA left in ·lhe·world! mitchoo. standing productions ·ever• ·attempted. Member . < '. / .. ' -.. \Fully awnre_.of the fact that they ing to an annoti~ient from the The whole'... thimdering s·HOOTIN' here: Last year and this B. J. C. hl!-ve a widespread rcputatiori to up, · .· executive office. This date will nee- match ,vas a natural-all -"TYPE HEIGHT of FUTIUTY NOTE· triumphed in that respect ~nd • Miss ...... ,' Aecom ariieq · by sou effects i;o hqld, B. J. C.'c stellar debafo squad essitate the postponement of A. M. S. CASTE." Witness:. . Lamont . Frost's attempted NON- E~hel Robinson, director, and all those 0 and A. W •. S. meetings originally Monroe Browne, alias Rfchard Spud CHALANCE, brarndo, an·d M~\~.fpa.rticipating deserve the sincere coin. scheduled for that. time. ' · · · (DIC-TATOR), p)ayed the hick-to\\·~; ABOUT:TOWN air.. phments of the. student body. ~:c: g.~~~l :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::'.:::::::··s;~;t~: ~it; ::!~~~cg t!:tsidc, and or:a:ei( .;;;:i t;;~. }:~t1:i~ ~~::a~ J>::~:~:::::::'~ . Jerry. Fleming .. ,...... ;...... i .... :...... ;...... :.... -... Assistant . Sports Editor rcp.. r.cs.. e.n.tcd··. ~n old... i.nn .t.o·····the · las. t.·1 Pht•.. Rho .Pi tou.· rnam·e· n~. to. be h.e.ld. > , T.his assembly .will . present the tin·badgc, big:shot sheriff without ...... ,~··-.-- .. ., --·--·Harotd·Shafer ...... ------· ---;···------·_ ..· - - Bus· e 11 - · _l~nt_er[l ... Ji.ang1_~g·~~i:9_und,- the J: ·c. al ,u.·S. C.. 1.iarch_-2·7 and 28~ . ----·- grente.st number .of types ofawards t.11·ilching an . eyebroi·; 11axine flits ;Tis rumored that Tonimyc Ch~m- .A non-official ballot taken by the : l.hat. B. J. ·. C. has ··c\-et ·... wi~ncssed. ·co:-.tE~lllTl!ER.. gfani:es liithe-r . and bless' has a-li'le colored· liciy: a ·y,:aitin' Rcricga-de baskctb:illers narne. a lonely . an..-. r Last,. .year .she took.. second in· ference football awards, debating and . Dave Hanley the puffed up WIND- feeling. . ry Coffee a,v~rd. bl~nket . . . -Jack Teagarden. couri~ry tavern one -dark and stormy "o_men s oratory; and this . yea·r she . . forensics awards and .cross c9untry BAG ·in top-notch form as PER US- · Willard Iiirst says, (referring to ' night'. . . . . : . is o'ul to win...... ·letter and metal presentations. UAL; . . )I. F. Ashby) ,"Yo kno)J~lf the Spt>aking ··of valuable men. awards l?A:CtZl:TY. To keep you right, up to the min- The cast . was outstanding. David This tourrianicnt is one of tll.e three The assembly will be held at the Bemice, the WENCIJ, sallies forth time that girl looks ~·. -nmMhing allow inc t/congratulat~ .Max Shaf- .,t' ute on jazz vernacular: · · · k · · Hanley, who portrayed. the. swagger· n'.a3or spea ·-fests. held on the Pacific . · high school auditorium at 10.:45 n. m: as Sally; the milkmaid (rnade who?) th:i.t escaped from th inusiu and frath. Shaffrath has bt>en. named. b;• · l?AX Busking: Improvising. ing, drama-loving vagabond, gave a coast. and is sponsored by ·Phi Rho --'------'-..,.c----'-_.._..c.:.._'--'. --:now' Jack, .are ·you doi~' right by the r.est of the time you c almost ~. r~presentati ve co.mmittec from· .th.e · .' . Name Rands: Famou·s orchcstrlis. · I;>' h . 1\1.r .... a.ck -Teagarden, vocal.isl very- com;ncing _ interpretation. _ For _!• _ ~_or~_'X d_c~t.!_ng fraternity. . . · ---· - -- --·· --·---·· -··· ··-· ·- - .. 9_u_r ,S~IJy_n_s __ad_Ii_se_4.Jri. previf!..u.s_~~: fall for her:: . '.l'hal's ,vnat. he ..thinks.; student,. body·· as · the c.niost-, valuable. - c .. --: -·-- . -,----. ~ T.: - ument? . . .. 13..,, . . . 3 some strange reason, no mention wns .------,---,---,-----'---. student in B. J. C. and consequently . :Mo~~I 13Al\l:Ji • ?,nd trombone player.· '1 made in the Bakersfield Californian will be- the winner of.the annual Pat: .. Coasting: Just playing notes-not of the skillful characterization of ron · Club honor trophy. · Without "socking" it. .· . \ · · · TENNIS · AGE OF INDISCRETION ITEM: · . . . · ··, .Freeman, the big, blustering, ra\v; The. Engineers. casting. RIVETED 'Jeek ,. . ed aramour of. Sa-11-.- .. the- -\----:--·-~ • - • --·-.-· ·-.---- -·-.---·-·!'--.-· _. - . ,; .TltY·· d · , . . , · for a moment.. TRULY, dear, 1t was 1and all oi us.shoula-ha\'e-aif·o:-K:------.~-- pnse of the e•,cnmg: Frederick Wern- d f I · · h G t Wh. . · ; p .· · · .· · · · ·. Y, · · · I S · · I ·T ·· · · · · · · '-11 -~ . . . om sompm spectacu 1ar, YOU - · tfi . · . A if · ·. I · r · 1 · · · · , h ...... en. . o P. ay gorng on t e rea ... ,t .hired .g1r~. wh.o '.vas.. p. layed by B. u.r· I · · '. eve.. ra . .en. ms Rackets .. : - .. colossal and mediocre like old Will um · a 11 . . e.hrn~. • n now . r',l-3 ize tune Friday evening-. mer s s ow steal mg as the slightly \" · · h · y· · 1 H /, · .· · · · · · · • \ t Cl · ·. · O · p l · !· ·· .. · -· --·-·· --co~in-m:umsttc-Jonittm.Crirf~- .::.__. -'.~a.y _. · · ·. ~~-c-~ ca;11p1. as __ a _e~. ~~r- nie~e St:; ~rd,. screallls:an_dall. Leo11- I . . . . ose ut r ~e~ _ ·. . ~hl--.c...:..c....:.:...,..11 ...-lJI' uros· • k.t,-m, -'-'-.·.· _,.· s !. a waysc-1n--c,. ·. . •· ...... ·-. rac ·. ·t· er. ··what · - ·- a· ·· -foo.l··· ·- ·· I was.,-what· ·. an ··-·-·utter · - ·_ ___· · . · a... 1 I -~·- .. ·d...... · ·., ,;ard Columbia, Princeton, N. Y.,- •. , ard-Turo. sk1-not-onl.y-spoke-and-aeted 1 · \ __ $1.89..to..$11,S.> .. - ---·---,· No .SHOOTIN' aloud. ·. · fool was." . The ·:~o~f;;;n~~- ;Iii. defi~itely b~- no eu a goo .. voice tn Dave Cherness ,v.·11· A · h t p · I · ... · ' - _.. ·. . · · · · · ~ • • • • • • • • -" - ·,-·. -- • t ...... • ...... 1 iams, m urs ,· . ennsy vam& the· part ·of W11lum, half-witted h1red·1 ·\· · --· · ,-·-··-~ · --- · . . J · . --- ... I~rarrli 28 at Visalia: I have attended •.•. our fehc1tat1ons to Director were "en.force." . Howa.rd Roland b t .·th. h. . d d.• . · t d' ~admm.{01.1.Rackets · 1 I . 1 Ther~;s m~ny.11 fellow in . Silent Lo..,·e~MADE -·PUBLIC; POST J\IORTE~IS of .the RAMB~ these· ·conferences-. before ;nd have Atv.:.ood and. to. the· costum. ing crew in' from. Berke. ie~· ;(;r ."The Tavern" mant,. u .· Wld . his \k~·, f,h· 1:'ron~cche' II l . . . $1.'15 Up .. who ga . · t .· h. . d . · . . . , ges ures, an a an o . air o, er. is . , . Sprin.g . · · (Authcnlfcity is the' word!) : Ruth LING _RHAPSODYS: Dave D.e)a; nev.er been disappointed, for the·.pro~ · '> e 0.ur memories a \Htc an Bette Davis, received her long due , 100 k d ·t · · · · · '· ' · Who· forgets one important our laugh strings a pull. • . Kauf- . . . · · ' . · · . e~ es, e l • . . -~ ·e·A'. KER.. s· F1 ·EL o' .Scott, may you win your romantic, meter ·and. Jim Stutzman pulled a grams and amusements offered are . . . . ·.. ·. . .. recogmt1on as screen·. actress No. 1 .. 'The rc·maining cast a skil~ullyi · .i ' · . . · thing broad-shouldered, BROAD-CHASING STEAM SHOVEL gag (you know, always of. the. best. Transportntion man . and Hart's · unconventionally G - · · ·• - · . h. · . · · · · dra ...... , . , . . . . corg iryers now pub1 1c1ty c _1ef assisted were. Bob oh burst, ctty l ; HA· - You can't malce a bit. .. bus driver-none other than Ad\·er~ m~de_a PICK-L'P} at tlie Gid's Date1 will not be a ·problem aswe h~ve sev-·. . mat,c technique was most edifying at G. O. P. -... inscription over script O'B · M ·· "!In! v·t Ad· · . . RD_WA.· RE In sboe:r that don;t fit. .•· .... . • . • Two ducats for the "Tavern" . • . , . rren, , axmo . i r, - l . . a~1, - ·. - ' tising Davfs. .And" then, t!ieic's the dance. PERSONALlTY.:..:.an.d plentiful U:ral huscs, ·As t.he expense.:of the. r .. _ . ,u1ter s offices on the Fox-20th C_cn- \ Monroe !3rownc, Frank attron, Reid I: 2015 Chester . Phone 2i3 . Buy Stadium~-:-liffor a ki~g: • Porter Gal~pining. her little- hearl DUCAT~will not go unrewarded. I trip is practically nciigible we should. 0 , Burlesque a la David Hanley. · · · tury lot-"A play ought to be an 1m- Bunting, Max Newby· and Sargent . - . . . . - . - away over DAUNTLESS Dave, the - . . . . . _·__ . . . . . ' .. I expect quite a. ~urn out for the.trip. laking the all-around cast support of age of human nature for the delight E. ) BLUBBERl:'\G BLABDERMOUTIL HERE'S TO nmtANCE:· ·This! . 19r•"~ "Ye II ow J ac k·, " "Th e T avern " and instruction of mankind.'' ....Ace 1 ISS ar. ! ~.._..;;~miiilll!!I STADIUM. ·r--·-~------~!"'.----~---11111'!'..,;_..,. __ . . week _we bring to. ~o_u: sympathet~c . ~parkled n?nc the les~ ~·ith Hanley's of set designers, Jo Mielziner .... 1 ·,-.. ·-- - . _..__,,,._. ! . PINHEAD PINPOINT: ·Mike•Roi.vc attent10n the poss1b1ht1es of a .UN, . · 1~.terp. reta. ~IO. n··.· ..•· _I~c~de·. nta_ll:y. , G.uth- \.11! ary Rodgers (Will) . and William\ D HINK SHOES_ .GA.UC HO · . .ne .. McClmhc, origm~I director <>f Gillette-· (out of retirement) · in · · · · · · · -he '.\(JCRORE a l>oat, but. he's be fON between jess Jones nnd· Dot l a totnl FLOP ·on a .moonlil take in Byers .. Quote. J~ss, "l' i - :, Exclusively aL · DARK, :AW! ANDSOME;.-:ind ain't the pent .up. emotio11s,_or ..YJ;;~~~!'.0· l ... ${ -~5., ._tq $~;~~ . the .Barrets:of ·Wirripole' Stre'et/' ·one . The time- has ·again ·arri~ed when . .··. . .:- . . . . _ ·: . ~ - . . . ~ . . . . ' remembers "Yellow Jack" ' As a the la:-.,..,tt on Californi!i i~ the ·mast IN .lW'l''liL}'.S. that enough for any young lady; so GIST, and INNOCE~T · like. · .. IlY l .Cotd~iroys producer of courage and vision, ·as popular spot. on the campus. . Any · HAR.RY :COFFEE·· step .up .and. s.n· 1.il.e f?r A!an ~prag.ue,1 GAD!· Wl·L.\T .\.. S~I.. AS.. 111}."G · .SITU~ I a .director of in1ilgination, sensitivity, hours one n1ay coin~ across Campbell FRESNO·~ BAKERSFIELD dean.e.s. , ,Can't. you Just imagine. :\lac .\TIO~!. : · . · · . :..._, · · . _ . I Flaizneletts · · taste· and. theatric drive, McClintic and Kratka, newly filled ·with sulph.ur . DID ..YOU KNOW-r-- West, and HIM check to check after\ How· 'm' d1?in', BANG,. GANG:-! .. touched a high there ~hich. he has and molasse~. reverting to grammar his- WHISKERINO ·victories! Peal, twee two, twee twa, twee ·twa- : ..... i THAT COCA_-COLA has the great~st distrlbu~ . . mea grape, Beulah! . . I . . : etc .. . . ·.· · neYer beaten. ; .... The '36 Pzinceton ic'1ool c:i,:orting. · .• . · · · •• · · · • .· .. : tioii. of any product manufactured by one ·.. . · · ... · .. Triangle Club Sho\v,«What A Relief!" . . · · · . · · · · .· · ___ ,..:, ___ company, hUhe:.world? ·, ' · . ·. · . .· .. -. ~:..__.~ ~-: .... _.- --.~---">- -- . ~- II EIWISII OF TH~ -WEEK,, M~n-1 . Meet\'our. Friel) o/o_~- .. h_issongs ... remember 01,0,·e and a doubtful ancestry. Owner ·and· ~·ould·~ .. ·- · Coca~po1a is~ _bte.nci ~f ~1~~~;·11-;~d~:;~.;;;c~i;: .roe Brown.. e. (plc. ase, ~di tor; d. o. n'.t cut. I . at the . . · · ;.- .. . ~me" and ''East. of the Sun". of las.t be ex-owner, Mr. M. T. Browne, \\ill • com bmecl t~. give a flavor· a 11 its own .. It has in requesting . the O tra to play I M ·1 s·. h.·. .. .. season ? now· the ;wo hits are. (words sell. for almost any price or swap for made friends wilh the world~because peo- . 1 ·an. iDICATt~ ~;~:~: l . , _ ·: and musi.c by. Bowman) l, · )r:u-.i• a.nd_.S.\~ri-,,·1c1i. :~ Padre Hotel .Bldg .. _ _ · : - technique for a college composer!.:. . · 151119. th. street· ... . · He has moved Tin Pan Alley· ·right · . , · . . - --. . .. -· ' - 20c.- ..· ·.. · I . ·: ••. ~o.r. 18th and·H.·.s.. ts:, 0,..None.Bettcr-~:Few as.Good. .-.- -_ --·---o~lo the_Princeton campus.,; •. ,---~-·.... E. c. Bumgardner.~--T.I.1. Key. ~"-·:,:.. ·~~,.C=Q.GA::.COL_A~dif LJN_C_C_Q._ ·-··------~---- ...... ------.· - -- ...:..'flCATION Mr. Tanner's_ ~eem~.. ~lt.~ to· ~lilJr:.a_.S_QttU~~, b.e ratehr JN. , ~----·· :....· ~ ,--· ~-----·-- ·-!--·-.---.-.-pone:h 61.o ... ·. . ,·. .-- . . -- . J.C. Beck R H. Hodges . .SAM LYNN. . . '-. _ Johri ilongold, Prop.··· · , · . "When that Jazz b.ancl they begin · · · F .ANTILE m tls potency~he · can 1'------' '-....;...------....c..-! ·, -~~------·---·--~ ------_,__.______...,.___.. ,._--,· ,. J.~::..~:-': ... ·. ·_-.-:· .·. ~- ·.··· '.·· .:-. .·. . . .·· . -___- . . __ ------. .. ~-----·--r.---~-----. •. . . . ~. -. --• .....--· ·-. '.. _ ..__ _ . .- ....

Fou,: . . The Sports ~ialto · Local. Net ·Aces Track Squad.. . . B~aten.ByTaft J.C. Out To Beat' . Ry DAN O'NEILL. Sports Editor. S. B. S. C.: Frosh · Taft's ramonng 1.,;ougars · swamped In the first· .tennis matches· of. the --·-· the local Renegades. in. their annual Thoughts that buzz around a busy- ~eascm, played here last Saturday, the Striving. to avenge a smarting des dual meet, last Saturday afternoon. bodybody's brain this time of year Taft Junior College net squad de- feat at the hands of _the Cougars last Headed by. the versatile one man wha~ ·.\\'.ith · baseball and track mo- feated the Renegades; 12 to 3 .. Th.e Saturday the Red and White freshmen track team, Denning,· Taft ju'st coast- nopolizing. the sports frontier. Taft High School teams won, 14-2: arc pianning l\ comeback and victory · ed. ·t·o "i"ctor·~·.• ., Denn"1n"',... n1ade 20 All Coach Dliss needed at the Taft The locals' three· wins came · when when· they .meet the. Santa Barbara. points himself.· The· Renegades coiild meet last Saturda·y ·\ms one. Elmer Herman Spindt, Jr., defea~d Ett State C:ollege F_ro.sh· _in _a dual ·meet .. only walk , i\\vay with· two first· places. · Croson, . · one· ·J .,ou1s. T nguero,. one· G,er- Evans. 4:6, 6-3, .6-3; · ·Hoskings . heal . Friday, March 20. · . · outfor .!o1frtec_n .. : .· ~a_rgerit E_issJS?.r. jn aid .. ;\fcCall, . a couple. Benton·. boys, !,.1~~cot.~;- an_d flv~n:~ ~r:iu~~~nlolf the · A greatly iniproved and.far stroriger-- · . ·-· .. the mile. and. ·Neville . and . Lowe tied l an · d n· Bog y oung· · th rown· ··m f or ..goo d. womens team· . . do\\ncd Marsha. · 8.·6,. . track team thrm that which oppQsed . 4 for .first in the pole vault: . mcnsurl!. Oh ,vhere, Oh where can 8-10, 6- . . . ·, . . . the Cougars. last week is ·expe.cted to Summaries· . h b E .. t. t.h t b" 1 Other results .were: Mens singles- . • t ev e . . ar1 8 argen , a 1g 1 . · · · represent 'thi.s Jaysec ' against.· .the • Mile· · Sargent B· '.\le Kenzie T· · · f h t t · h b l\leacher (T) defeated Rich; .Glendcn- O coastmen. · Guess .T Time /57 6 ·. · ' ' 1 masds u~rntn ·s ru:t uhre, ·fas Bc~lnl nin.g (T) defeated Halen; Eastman , · · ·. · ma e over m o n pt c er or 1 , · · · · . T Sarge. Eissler, Alex Karle and . 440·· Sauret, . Van Horn , T·• Flem- 1 J.ames , U . c·I . ,. Ab.. asc b a 11 nme.· · Earl.!(T)I defeated Hales; Joe.Lynch. (). George . PouYogianis .in the distance. ing, B. Time, 5~ s. . post~d his tootsies around third base defeated Halverstadt. . events, Shaffrath and Mike Rowe in 100: Gibson and Sauret, T; ~elson, when the season began, but James I In the m~rLS doubl~~l\lea~her- the hurdles and Reagan, LJc·~-!1'~tc~! arid a· ·one··ina·n ·track- team;-·--He ·will-:-":-·,-·- Frosh Friday · f. t. · f t th d b'e Graupma_n scored the B. J .. C. s lone . · type . o sys em ca ure;; e ou 1 - • • · •· . , h cop points .in most of the field event;. . IMl'ORTANT· wmg... · b acK,,. an.d requires. . a b"1g, pl u ng· - tnumph m ,·the : ,rnmen · · . s mated (T)es. This Friday he Renegades ·,.;·il] en- ing fullback. The deception in the In the_ womens singles, lhchar s . gage the Santa Barbara State fresh- Warner attack comes frotii the llalf- defeated Jones; Bachelder (T) _defeat-. H. • ·h. S· h ··1 ·1 .C · men; · Just · finishing a · disastrous spin. 1t is a mighty fine attack if you ed Walcott; LeCost (T) defeated Bell; . I g . C 00 , · · . · . week-end with Tl1,ft, the Renegades ask me,. and moveovcr proves very McFarland (T). defeated Voss. .· Relay: Carnival are out for reveng~ at the·fteshmen's effective as a forward pass combina0 H · M h 28 expense. tion since four of the eligible receivers po·st he'll be in.. condition. In . his ere 3 rC : According to Co.ach ~· M. Bliss, the ..,...the two backs and the two ends- debut two weeks ·ago as an amaleu.r, , Renegades are far l>elow sthedul~ and_ are in : an excellent position to get. Kenny had his _opponent on . dizzy I so far the only men who showed up out into the open. I like the flavor street for t_hree round~, but m the wil_l play host f as potential .point scorers in laterl of the Notre Dame system aiso, and fourlh folded up like a cracked ac- to the finest-array_ of junior college 1 . . meet.:; last_ Saturday are Newby and I J,i:l'M,T,a.\\:; ,w..:.\d '\Yrd~'t" :.t to th~ r cordion an9 lost the decision. You'll lrnckme11 ~vcr to gather on t.~e lo,c_al .·. ·... ~----·--<;;_lerpu in the j_!!y~li!J,_Rowe. ir1,__!_h~~W~rner-style,--but-Rencgade-tcams l)eye'!:,_ge_j;_fl___§.h_Q~~£_~I;..Quis th!t, gtideL:_P._ath .. as Ilakersfiel~!~;1-~-~!~---'-_.-'-' low hurdles, ~egan in pole vault and have had great success with the latter, way,-'.Ken. _ - . _ lege and ~1gh S_chool presen .t e an- .. ·. t - - ,-r--Shafer,.fo-the-cdiscus;...... ()fher men-with 50 it iriay prove a won-der in· 1936. nual Relay Carmyal, Sat~rday, March t more t~aining are Bailei·, · Russell, Ken (Killer) Wheeler, the Jocal J. A ,girl in-the cast has been laughing 28. . - . ., .. . . . Rogi:,s; _Avil~Eisslcr;--shnffrat ! c. contribufi~riTo t. e-ar O .. s u' - s ca '1 Y. or WO wee s;. sii-'ecmlldn' With -all--Of-the~c~nferen:e:_J~r~:.::..:::..:::-. Pouliganis and Flerning... Coach !3liss. ~ry,. s·ays. next; time·. he goes to. the have bee·n re·ad ing thit column. college . tean~ competing, this. ,yin__ be also expects· the freshmen· to score · . . · · · . a preview. of the conference meet 0 more than 100 points against us.· The · · · · · which \'iii! be hefd later in· the ·season. Renegades are Yow .because of lack of . Ch. a.n ces f o. r.. -a. . Ch.amp io n_s. hip. From. early season reports,. the Vi- ,rnaterial so if ·there are any men. of ? . salia · Tar.tars, last year's- conference any. particular ability in ·a particular 8LI SS .. BEL I EVES.· · champions, 1ook to -be th_c.·earty fav_o" · .. event come out as -.we need plenty of . . riles, -_but with the. Renegades; Taft, .•. ·- - m;~·O: Sauret, T; .Gibson, T; Nelson, . His ''36· .Sq.uad. ls. -:Jusf ·. ''."fair"_··- ;:~~~~~· r:tt:; ~:t~j:li;:~:J~ T. Time 22.8. · · · · . · . . · . pen. 2 ·mile: Graham; T; Dietrich, B; "Chances for a C. C. J·.. c. trackj h~nd over his rather thi.n.hair; cleared Coach Percy_ Bliss expects lo·pre- Nelson, T. Tim~ H:27.6. championship this year? .J think they, his throat, and let me m on the low- sent a ·much stronger aggregation· 220 .L.J_I.: Denning, T; Gibson, ·T; · h. · · b . , ·r . ·fi d·\ down «;in some former Renegade stars. than he has ·b.een able to _put ·in com-.·· . . . s ou 11c e exec 11 en., 1 \\ c can in . · · . . · · , .. · · · d · . Shaffrath, B. Time 26.2. ·. · ·. · . 1 - B1 ISS Rates em . . · petition thus far this · season, an .. ---. J avcm 1...... R amagc,- . . T·, .. N C\\·b y B· , -·-·some...... weight .--men___ who ... can-pick · ...... up• .- •.'.B.11 1 \' an_ Osd e.I and _ LouJ e ·Tr.L - .therc----.ts a good .chance .tha+v _t.h('!.. 1\.1. a-.. _·... -·.-,-t Sprague B; distance _142 ft, 1 Y.: in .... · some poin~."-. _ . _ . . - ...·. Igui;~o were 'the bes~ aH-around _track roon men may c.or_ thc!r _own meet. ·. _Pol~ yau_l.t:: ~evil).e and ~we •. B; l .~he .opltmisltc · sp:aker . ,~·as. none j men I. have h. ad .. Bill, you ~. ~member,_ .. B~k.e~sfield ~ntr. •fS.. ·1.n 'the lOO_-yard . J~mes, :?'· : Height 10 . ft: 8__ 1~·: ... , othe~- than. ~· M. ~liss, geniaJ _Rene- l starred. at Fresno St~t~ a~ a .. r90tba~I, ?a:h w1~L -~c ~1ttle_, :Wong, J\lohr, ?20- .· ·.. . Shot:. Van Horn, T; Dennmg, T;; gade track coach. And. he ·should· basketball and track man, ·while Louie yard dash, Little, Reagan,· · AVJl~z;. Gibson· T: Distance 36 ft, 6~ in .... 1know, becau.se i~ the three :!.-~~a.rs. he's\ is at Sa~ta Ba.rbara wher~ ·. he plays 440-yard:- Bailey,· Clerou, Avilez, , . . - . . . I . . . . . , . . . . . ~ ~ . . ... Discus: Gibson, T; Van Horn, T;: been in charge of the -cinder path: football and broad jumps... Bob Young Fleming; .. 880-yard, Poulogianis, Par.~ : · Newby, B.· Distance 1 rn ft. !} in. ·; artists at Bakersfield,. his squads have f and Bill Baldwin, now at U. ·c: L~ A., sons; mile, ':Eis~ler, Karle; 2-mile, ·Broad ju.nip: Dcnnlng, · T; James, 1, won the conference cup twice and; are· potentially the bes! ... Bill Benton, Dietric:h; 120-yard high hurdle~, Rowe, T. Distance 21 !t. 5 in. 1were second the third year. . . I a. lanky· hurdler; might ha'fe been a Shatrrath, Smith; 220-ya-rd low hu·r- ... ; _· High -Jump_: Denning, T;. Walker, '1 A Cal. _Man · · [real star, but for some reason he dies, Shaffrath/Rowe,. Avilez;. broad . B; Regan, B. Height 6 ft, .... "Percy" graduated from the Uni- didn't make the grade.'' jump, Avilez; high jump, Rowe, Rea-_· --- ._.,. - .. - "' ------·-Rciay:". Ta·fc· Bakerstield:-~Final T-vcrsfty-of~Californi:i· 1ii-f93o·and-did ~ 'coac'h --Bliss·~ thinks Ihat.. hi;· tc:i;;' ga;i;-waikcr;pole-vauit;· Reagan;-Ne::-. ·~·~-:--:c- "-. · - · • score, .Taft 10~, ·Bakersfield 3.1. · I~wo years ?f grad a.ate ,~o.rk in phys~ t !his year. will .be stropger than .. ~\·er ville,. Lowe, Vot.h;: sho~ put, Wattron,. - • ~ · ~ · 1cal.educahon ~efore c~mmg to B~k,] 1!- he can only find some good weight Shafer,· Mumfor.d;, discus,· New~y, · · · . Littl~ Rib.bi Stin~on_. wa~ unani- ! ersfieYd. He. wa? on the track squ~d ! me~._ .'fhe sprin~ers ar: iair, ~aulter.s ~haf~r, WaU~on_, Mumfora, Spra~e; . - mou~elecre capt_am of this year's\ four years, rnrming the. hur:dlcs; and] good, and the rmddle distance runners javelm, Newby, Sprague. Renegade hoopme:1 at.· a meeting 9f; pulled an oa~ _iri t~e ~re~hman cre~v: I are .the be~t__ an:d most numerous in the cagers last Fnday~ :_ . . . . ! . After an . mterruphon . by a .. be-1 many years. ·_ The· large SU!)l of. 952 points . was· . -·. A veteran of Ia;t year Rabbi, whose, spectacled freshman; I had lo disturb!'· "Give me a .couple of shot putter~ ;cored-by. the :Renegade cassaba men. : ...... - . real' m_onikei:_~-is. E'en, complet~d hisj the san_dily 'of_ a 1ra.:,ing :class; whurani l'Uiive Y.ou a f('~l)rack tear::- during '.their. current seaso'n of·· 30 'of - :·___ - - ·.--.--:-:-basketball· s1io?ttng ·for the- Glides-at ,wanted . t~ _-know. how ,to- ?raw-some I he ;prom1sed,-"_one that-may: l,cat-'"V1; ~a mes :for'''an. 3\"Cragc of'. 31.?-points:.;..._. ..:..::_::: ·a -; ·. · the helm of his team .. :. . : -I funny thingum-a-bob,.. Bliss ,ran .a:sal1a for _the conference cup." a·game.. - 0

.,; .- • .• .' • ·• • • ~, • ~ • .• ----- ~- "' • r • •• ------~•,,,_-,,,·}-,··.,·<: .··· _-· .·~.- .. - .. ·· .. -.------;· .·._ .:.:.-- .. ~--_- ··~-- ·- .-."_~:·. -;"°,_·, .·· ,-----·_.--.:-·.:... -~.--.-.-,::::