- . ---. -~-- --- . .. -~-~ r-~~:i~~:i~-r .·._·1:__-t> "THE....O_N_'_T_: TAVERN".... ~I-IS_S_-~- ...-.-_- -,o •.•-_d_11_11_~_0_0_ •) VOL. vm BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNfA; MARCH 4, .Hl36 No. 10·. - . ============================================. Unusual Set .- Will· .Preview Wachob,_ Hancock Dancing, Speech.es Constructed · Score Firsts To ·Be_· Featured Is - "The Tavern" - ' . · For ''The Tavern'' . At.- Pasadena AtJ. c~ C:on~en_tio_n ....... .. - -- --- - _.,. ... ,,. - .· At' __ Ass~-~~tY. _ .. ····----. - :-- .... :--------· ·. _Cras.hc~," thun.der, flashes of light- [ A stunt advcrti~ing · tlie _forth- A first place i_n woman's oratory · The annual_ convention of the Junior . ning,_ excitement, and-~· surprise end- j corning Junior College play, "The by Gertrude \Vachob and ·a tie·. "for Colleges of the yalle"y will take place· ing _wiU characterize the forthcoming Tavern," will be presented at a first_ in women's ex temp _by Doris on Saturday, March . 21, at -Visalia · Junior ColTiige play, "The Tavern," studc.nt assembly Friday, March- 6. J_- C., it has been announced. · scheduled for .February 13 and 14. .All_ of the characters will be pre- Hancock gave the Bakersfield Junior The_ program of the morning will · , - M)ss Ethel Robinson, : director, is I sented in a nove1 \\:ay. Although College debate squad eight points and consist of talks by well known -edu~ very enthusiastic about the set. The they will not be in costuine, their . third place in the first annual Pasa- cators. Lunch will be served at the ,vhole stage . crew has been" working I apparel will · be' representative !denn College o·r;tory and extempor~ Junior College and the afternoon will ,,.-.:... · _ «?n. _it diligently. It-will be something I enough of the character they arc arieous . invitational tournament Sat~ be devoted _to ac.tivities such ·as· danc- ne·\\. and Something_ tricky. · . _ • :1 portray\ng that the audience \Viii •i.Jrday, fog. All of the set and· the furniture 1s get the idea of what it's all · P.rexy Browne reports that.- "A. going to tic ·built· on the stag~. The about. · · - · - - Pasadena Junior . College won the slick . time will· be had by all," so 'c- crew· is -even- making-the. heavy old . -TickcL~ .will go. on sale .the .fok ~l:!r .~!}~ ..!~.'.1-~~-_c_h~n~P}_?E2hi_~ ~i~~--~ .come out and represent Ii. J. C. like . _ English style furniture that will be lowing l\londay. _ J total of ten and onc-hiilf points, close- you really meant it. _ ·-· - -- _-·· . ------· --- - used. ) Ily foilo\,·ed by the University of Red- The price will be fifty cents, which To make the play even .more ef-l M h 20 S t :. - will take care of the."Iunch at noon. fcctivc, there w'ill be artificial rain, are___ _ e _ - I lands \\ith. lO._ . Other_ schools com, A schoofbus will probably furnish - so th~t t~ose·characfors :w_ho arc sup- ' . ·for- Semi:..final I peting were Glendale J. c.,. Long tran~portation for aUwho wish to go. - posed to come in_ out of the rain will B:ach J. _C., U. S. C. Frosh, Pasa- For further details watch t_he bul- - actually be all -\~et. dena_ College, Cal Tech, and ·san Ber- letin boards_ and announcements. ·: A heavy beamed ceiling has ·a_Tready With echoes of the. highly- success- nardinp. · . · -_ b- ecn- ·c_ons t rue t e d. -_ T-h_ e d ark pane1 e_ d ful _b arn ·.dance .st1. 11 rmgmg. m. t h e1r. Gertrude· ,Wachob. and Dons- . Han-. A ·t Sh-·· . - W• · - walls will be built. rignt ·on the st.age. cars (literally) the dance committee cock wer.e the on1y locals !o ~et. mto U O - 0 p. In~ . A ·huge .. ston~ · · - fi_ rep1 .ac_c, .WI"th .a- cram, · of· the .executi,·e . · . - council. · --. · under- - :the - Ithe scoring· ·. .. column.·. - . Doris · tied . for, . - S f · · p · - · -· · · · · · · 'd - · · · · · - · ' · - · · . · - first place m -women's ex temp with a ety enn' ant , •• : - • ;. - • - • ,. T._ "" · • • - - - - - • kettle and_ fire_ will d_o~mate one s1 c competent · management_ .of Rc>1~!1__ne 1 ~ ·1-- the· set.. -,rcauti!ut ·01ct· canul~stlt!?s Cl h l d t · t d · 1 · · ;'") ,"\ a1.~. u<im~e,._rv1 .,J;,tr!C:-Rai::ri J._ \.,, --- • . : __ _ _ _o • - . erou as· a rea Y s. ar e. P_ .an~mg) and Brenda ·Bakelor of Redlands · · ----'----·---will add a note. of_beau_ty ..i<Llb~ .!'1-1!!!: foLthe_next dance3.h1_c'1.2~1Jl be g~.!!!! ·h·I· :G rt ,: t . , ' The month1y "Safety First" pen- - tl · · · Frid -. h,, · 1 w I e e won·>,rs ·pace1 1n:womens --~-----;-,-----_____ ~- ~- - c. -.------. - ----- - on ay,,,.1 arc ,0.- . · · t N. h d . nant has been won-th1s--month·bycth~-- ,. Th h · d · ·11 h . t . - ora ory; · 1c o1 s was secon m -wo- - . · · , _ · . e eavy oor w1 . ave a rea Accord mg to B111 Davis, bus mess , . auto trades and · aviation shop, Mr. · . <l op latch nnd the leaded glass win- •t ··11 b h Id t th W men s oratory up to the champ1onsh1p R C . t •- . -_ r . manager, 1 w I e e ~ e o- d . ,ay_ ross, ms ruc..,r. _ ·- dows also will . e re~ · _ man's lub an<l w11T be semM'l)rnmt. rour~ ·. .------- __ _: __.____ his-pennant-is----a---monthly-award---~--- ·. · ... Since the walls, -doors, etc.,_ arc _to At least Mr. Davis says that he thinksi ~an~ Go~dterg :~1 Je:s J:ie;· -~h~ given to the shop which has th.e least - be. built right on the stage, the stair- it will be semi-formal. If it. isn't,/ on YI ot erTha crs ~ en ran·' ai_cd idan·ger hazards during the month. A. way, from which many of the screams he graciously consents to tak~ all the i to P ace. e ~qua was accompante 'I secret committee of students and in- anl .shrieks of the play issue is a1so blame for the mistake. ~.\nyhow, Vi-1 by Coach Wylie Peterson. , structors visits each of the seventeen· . genuine. -· · · . ._ Itold Adam's orchestra . will _play, i · - shop departments and notes hazards 1 I ._:'lfiss Robins_on believes that the set]which should be fnccntive enough tol R · -t - s· . - ·1such as slippery spots 'on the_ floor; --· ----- ·- -· - .for·"The Tav.ern" will _be ~ne-of-_the bring_ everyone out: --- · · · - _ -!, anCOn eUr_ .3 1..eS:.. ·_ . runco\·ercd pits, unprotected props, et_c. most attractive_-and mlricate _sets Beginning .Now: There arc- nine _hundred ·students ever built here. .· Debaters To Face . -. -_. Ienrolled i~ the high school and-junior -- C 11f d- · f -J C · college shop departments, and the . · d M t U •S - ._ .-, .J, O es () • • "Buy your Raconteur now," says: shops p.rizc. the '.'Safety First" pen-_ Reneg~ eS ee ! . _ ! Har~ld ?hafer, business manager fori nant very. highly. - L_ e Moyne Debaters' Fresh from two'v1ctones at J?asa-/ ~ubl1cati~ns .. ~h~fcr announced· th~ti - . ,lcn_a l~st: s~~r_day, cc~~ch _f~tcr~?n\ ,~ar book ~ale:, ~\OU Id :tar_~ on March' Rules I ... d . -·-. -- ---··· ...-. ···-----. --- - -- . "Rariibhng Renegades will swmg 111to11 at the figure of·$L2v; \\Ith-student; . ssue An. interested audience. h~ard ·_ the action this· wecltenil, meet Ing-teams; body Cl:lrds.. _ : - · . · 1 c·o n,c.e_: r_-n_i_n g-B_ - oa_ rd__ -- non-decision debate bel\•;een the Bak- frorii. the u nF,eriity· of Southern: Cal-! _This price is good only during- the~ : ersfield. Junior Coll~ge· spe.akers. and! fornia -~nd · Modeito. Junior. College.! montl"! _of; Marci!,__ }[1.Apri! th_~ p_ric_~ i ,_the Lc~loyne Co liege Negro'. debate! . u. ~,-. C: \\•ill send. two fres~mcn j will be. ~l.50 and iri May $1.75. ~Vith. ·: ~- -R~ce;t. misuse"" "of. the biilletin team in - the Junior Collegg_-J_ecture teams against - Bakersfield · Friday.; out a sl;u_dcnt body card the_ pnre of; . board in the main hali of the Jun- . hall Saturday ·evening, February 22. One team will meet. either the Gold-I the Rac?'!lcur: is s2.90. ! ior College building has resulted in . 'The· affirmative of the topic, "Re- berg-Jones combination or the Hari-. - ' an ~ltimate dei:ision of the Execu~. solved that ~ongress should ha\·e the, cock-Nichols ~cam. These ~wo ex-I • • .b / ti~·e Council to dis.continue fbe use - : . power by l\vo-t~irds m_ajority vote, to: change ~vo~ds Monday cvenin~ p~forei speaker ,v zll Descrz. e_ : of the board unless the p~sted ~les : . : . O\·erride decisions of·· the Su.ircme I the l\fasornc Lodge, and the wmncrr . Travels-In Or tent, "and regulations are adhered· io; ac- -:-~·'.--:: ·--:- · Co~rt._-_d_eclarini( lcgis!ati_on.. passed· J>y II will -meet-the_ -Troba?es. befo.re -~he f--c·-, ~ - . ...:, ..._ ..... ....:==--- •. , --· .. ~ :---1 cordi~g;to, report issuing from_the. --·-- ____ ..,__... - ·. C-0ngress- unc_onslitut1onal,, was up- 20-30 Club at noon Fr_1day. - . · _ ! - . _. • . , - -_ i council. - - _ held,by the Le~joyne teain of_James _· _Th_c team .of Wachob~Ch.cnowethj Joseph. Sherer,. Journalist, _author,: The foilowing rules govern .the 1 · s. Byas, John·n.- Jones,: Ch!lrl~s: .W. 1will. represent. U.. _J· _C; agamst _the! ~speran_l1stLglob~-trotter and_ lcc~ur~ ! us-e of the board: - Gilton, and Robert Gree~c, _\~hile.the'_other i;'rosh !~amm. a deba~e.be_forc 1cr has_bcen;obt;~med l? ~ppcar ~t 1:ll . i:Only Junior College· notices · ·negath·e was upheld by DaV}d Gold- a sch~ol aud1e_ncc.at 2. p. m. Fndayl~akcrsfield Junior_ College: assembly: ar~ to. be po.steel. - - ·· · berg- and ·Jesse Jones o( Bakersfi~ld. iri -the aoditonum.
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