K K M M Y Y C C $#%&$# !#%%"(% %)(' !$ %( & nation, 7P sports, 9P world, 8P DAILY Price 2.00 Pages : 12 JAMMU SATURDAY | APRIL 08 2017 | VOL. 32 | NO. 96 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail :
[email protected] | epaper.glimpsesoffuture.com 333&)(*-/$/,%%101.$",* Landslide damages dozen About 2000 voters Three soldiers killed as to decide fate of 19 houses in Sringar, minor injured candidates in BAJ elections !**1 -.() avalanches struck Ladakh About 2000 voters will decide the fate of 19 candidates who are contest- G overnor, CM expresses grief over tragic death of soldiers ing election of J&K High Court Bar Assoociation Jammu. From 19 candi- Lance Naik Bihari Marandi dates only 2 female candidates filed (34) and Sepoy Kuldeep Lakra nomination one Zahida Parveen who (22). All of them hailed from filed nomination for the post of Joint Jharkhand, the official said. Secretary and other is Jasleen Kour The bodies were trapped un- for the post of Cashier. It is worth- der 15 feet of snow. The sol- while to mention here that the tenure diers were deployed at the of Elected Team has been modified hills of Kargil. Fresh ava- from 2 years to one year. JNF lanches today hit army posts in Kaksar belt of Kargil dis- One held with ganja in trict but all affected soldiers were rescued, he said. Samba In Jammu region one per- son was killed and 8 others in- 0!%%$-,.0$. jured, while over 40 struc- !**1 -.() tures including houses and a Police today claimed to have ar- temple were damaged in inci- rested a drug peddler with ganja at dents of floods and high speed .(+!&!.