United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Alaska Peninsula/BecharofNWR P.O. Box277 King Salmon. AK 99613 (907) 246-3339 (voice) (907) 246-6696 (fax) December 13, 2010 Distribution List Dear Reader: During the summer of2010 the Alaska Peninsula/BecharofNational Wildlife Refuge supported a field project at Puale Bay on the Gulf of Alaska. The primary purpose Of the camp was to continue long-term monitoring of the seabird colony there. The camp was staffed by one technician and three interns. Each intern also lead another project and this resulted in the monitoring of the beach for dead animals, conducting a pilot study of the rocky intertidal, and monitoring plants for phenology. Enclosed are the reports and/or recommendations from this work. If you have questions or comments about the reports or projt;cts, please contact me at (907) 246- 1205 or susan
[email protected]. ' Sincerely, / L~ /~., .. ___,,_}""-- susan Savage Wildlife Biologist Distribution List: Lem Butler* Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, King Salmon Meghan Riley* Alaska Dept. ofFish & Game, King Salmon Vernon Byrd* Alaska Maritime NWR Donald Dragoo* Alaska Maritime NWR Nora Rojek* Alaska Maritime NWR Molly Chythlook Bristol Bay Native Association John Martin* Division of Natural Resources, USFWS, Region 7 Christine Peterson* IzembekNWR Troy Hamon* Katmai National Park Rocky & Phil Shoemak~r Kejulik River Residents Robin Corcoran* ! KodiakNWR Dave Irons* Migratory Bird Management, USFWS, Anchorage Robb Kaler* Migratory Bird Management, USFWS, Anchorage Scott Hatch* Pacific Seabird Monitoring Database, USGS, Alaska Science Center Heather Coletti* Southwest Alaska Network, NPS Mike Swaim* TogiakNWR 2010 Interns (3 copies)*~ King Salmon Visitor Center AK Resource Library & Information Service (1 copy+ PDF)* 7 ~v~' <-~ 1t.) 1.3 Alaska Peninsula Pei'111allent Staff (route 1 copy) .