Extensions of Remarks E595 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E595 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS April 1, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E595 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE HAMP TERMINATION ACT OF the foreclosure crisis. Instead, we should With this statement as a benchmark, I am 2011 focus our efforts on ways to make HAMP a proud to congratulate the members of the useful, wide-reaching program with meaningful 2010–2011 Congressional Youth Advisory SPEECH OF goals, such as pushing lenders and loan Council for showing themselves to be out- HON. ANDRE´ CARSON servicers to reduce the principal on under- standing young citizens of this nation. It is my OF INDIANA water loans and giving struggling homeowners privilege to submit summaries of their work to real relief. the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD to be preserved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The latest foreclosure rates in the 7th con- for posterity and antiquity. To these young Tuesday, March 29, 2011 gressional district of Indiana are higher than public servants, thank you, and keep up the The House in Committee of the Whole the national average. Terminating HAMP and great work! I salute you! House on the State of the Union had under denying critical assistance to struggling Ameri- A copy of each submitted student summary consideration the bill (H.R. 839) to amend the cans is not the answer. HAMP has allowed follows: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of thousands of Hoosiers to survive unemploy- I have had a unique opportunity over the 2008 to terminate the authority of the Sec- ment. The program has lowered monthly mort- course of this past year to serve at the DFW retary of the Treasury to provide new assist- gage payments, and given families the breath- USO each Wednesday morning. This agency ance under the Home Affordable Modifica- ing room they needed to keep their home. prides itself on serving, assisting, and pro- tion Program, while preserving assistance to viding morale for military personnel both homeowners who were already extended an There is no easy way to repair the deep dam- past and present. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed offer to participate in the Program, either on age caused by the housing crisis. It will take this service site helping soldiers navigate a trial or permanent basis: time and a sustained, comprehensive effort. I through the airport to their respective gates, Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Chair, in the will continue to fight on behalf of Hoosiers to packaging and sending boxes of magazines last few years, the United States has faced a keep them in their homes. for troops overseas, and working in the USO Club. The USO has been a great service site devastating economic crisis. As a result of the f for me because of my love and respect for the economic downturn, many homeowners have RECOGNIZING THE 2010–2011 CON- United States military. The work I do is lost their homes or are at imminent risk of GRESSIONAL YOUTH ADVISORY very rewarding. Nothing tops the oppor- foreclosure. The Obama Administration COUNCIL FOR 500 HOURS OF OUT- tunity to interact with the people who keep launched the federal Home Affordable Modi- STANDING SERVICE TO THE this nation safe each and every day. Listen- ing to the stories of the soldiers has made fication Program (‘‘HAMP’’) to stem the esca- COMMUNITY—BLAKE BALDA lating tide of home foreclosures with its ruin- me appreciate their sacrifice more than ever ous effects on families and their communities. before. I look forward to continuing my work HAMP’s purpose is to provide eligible home- HON. SAM JOHNSON with the USO as well as embarking on a new OF TEXAS undertaking with the Dallas Honor Flight, owners with permanent loan modifications on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an organization that raises money to send terms they can afford in order to avoid fore- World War II veterans to their memorial in closure of their homes. Friday, April 1, 2011 Washington, D.C. CYAC in the Community Although this program is far from perfect, it Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, has allowed me to realize my calling to serve has helped more than 600,000 families lower it is my pleasure and privilege to inform the those in the US. Armed Forces. their mortgage payments and stay in their Members of the United States House of Rep- —Blake Balda homes. H.R. 839, the HAMP Termination Act resentatives that the students of the 2010– f of 2011, will end this program. I have yet to 2011 Congressional Youth Advisory Council RECOGNITION OF VINCENNES see any Republican alternative to our housing (CYAC) from the third district of Texas have RIVET HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BAS- crisis! There are 3 million foreclosures fore- completed a total of 500 community service KETBALL TEAM casted this year nationwide and a housing hours, fulfilling and far-surpassing the require- turnaround is not expected for at least three ments of their assigned CYAC in the Commu- years. nity service project. HON. LARRY BUCSHON Missing in the Republicans limited discus- This year 46 students from public, private, OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion on housing is the impact of the housing and home schools in grades 10 through 12 crisis on communities of color in the United made their voices heard by joining CYAC. As Friday, April 1, 2011 States. An estimated 17 percent of Latino fam- the third district’s young ambassadors to Con- Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ilies and 11 percent of African American fami- gress, these bright high school students met recognize the Vincennes Rivet High School lies have lost their homes or are at an immi- with me on a quarterly basis to discuss current Girls’ Basketball Team from Vincennes, Indi- nent risk of losing their homes. Meanwhile, events and public policy. These impressive ana. On March 5, 2011, the Lady Patriots won Republicans continue to eliminate all govern- young people recognize an important truth: the the Indiana High School Athletic Association’s ment involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddie heart of public service is found when giving Class 1A State Championship for the first time Mac. While these institutions need to be re- back to the community. CYAC students volun- in school history. Today, I would like to con- formed, they do serve important functions teered their time and talents with over 30 or- gratulate Coach Tim Young and the young la- such as making the 30-year, fixed-rate mort- ganizations including Adopt-A-Highway, Habi- dies for their success. gage available to the general public and pro- tat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Teen Capping off a regular season with a perfect viding mortgage credit and affordable rental Court, and the USO, to name a few. As one record of 21 wins and 0 losses, Coach Young housing for communities of color. If we do not student shared, ‘‘CYAC in the Community has led his #1 ranked team to the school’s third focus seriously on our minority communities, allowed me to realize my calling to serve straight appearance in the state finals where which are disproportionately affected by the those in the U.S. Armed Forces.’’ I am beyond they achieved a 49 to 40 victory against #2 economic crisis, the home buying environment thrilled that CYAC has helped students un- ranked Turkey Run to bring home their first for these communities will worsen as the leash their full potential and chase their championship. I would also like to commend economy recovers. The American dream will dreams. Coach Jeff Thompson and his team for their cease to exist for many. Fewer mortgages President George H.W. Bush once said, ‘‘A exceptional season. would be available to working-class families in volunteer is a person who can see what oth- Coach Young constantly promoted team- the long run without some government- ers cannot see; who can feel what most do work and sportsmanship and was named the backed financing. not feel. Often, such gifted persons do not Evansville Courier & Press Southwestern Indi- Eliminating support to distressed home- think of themselves as volunteers, but as citi- ana Coach of the Year. His daughter, senior owners at this point in time would be disas- zens—citizens in the fullest sense: partners in point guard Sarah Young, was named the all- trous for neighborhoods trying to recover from civilization.’’ Southwestern Indiana Player of the Year. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Apr 02, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AP8.001 E01APPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS E596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 1, 2011 Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate the handcrafted in the fabled oak barrels of Mar- which is widely known as the ‘‘Mule Capital’’ Lady Patriots of Vincennes Rivet High School ion County and has shared it with the world. of the world. for their hard work and dedication that cul- I wish to congratulate Mr. Samuels upon his Mule Day was first celebrated in 1840, as a minated with their first ever Indiana High retirement for his decades of dedication as a single day livestock show. Since then, it has School Athletic Association’s Girls Basketball global ambassador of our state and to wish evolved into a week-long festival that attracts Title. him the best in whatever endeavors his future over 200,000 attendees, making it one of the RIVET LADY PATRIOTS may hold.
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