Koide Mass Formula for

Carl A. Brannen∗ Liquafaction Corp., Woodinville, WA† (Dated: April 11, 2006) Since 1982 the Koide mass relation has provided an amazingly accurate relation between the masses of the charged . In this note we show how the Koide relation can be expanded to cover the neutrinos, and we use the relation to predict masses.

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In 1982, Yoshio Koide [1, 2], discovered a formula re- sorts of operators, in a manner only slightly different from lating the masses of the charged leptons: that chosen in [4], let us write:

√ √ √ 2   ( me + mµ + mτ ) 3 1 η exp(+iδ) η exp(−iδ) = . (1) Γ(µ, η, δ) = µ η exp(−iδ) 1 η exp(+iδ) , m + m + m 2   e µ τ η exp(+iδ) η exp(−iδ) 1 Written in the above manner, this relation removes one (4) degree of freedom from the three charged masses. where we can assume η to be non negative. Note that In this paper, we will first derive this relation as an eigen- while η and δ are pure numbers, µ scales with the eigen- value equation, then obtain information about the other values. Then the three eigenvalues are given by: degrees of freedom, and finally speculatively apply the Γ(µ, η, δ) |ni = λ |ni, n (5) same techniques to the problem of predicting the neu- = µ(1 + 2η cos(δ + 2nπ/3)) |ni. trino masses. If we suppose that the leptons are composite particles The sum of the eigenvalues are given by the trace of Γ: made up of colorless combinations of colored subparti- λ + λ + λ = 3µ, (6) cles or preons, we expect that the three colors must be 1 2 3 treated equally, and therefore a natural form for a ma- and this allows us to calculate µ from a set of eigenvalues. trix operator that can cross generation boundaries is the The sum of the squares of the eigenvalues are given by circulant: the trace of Γ2:   2 2 2 2 2 ABC λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 3µ (1 + 2η ), (7) Γ(A, B, C) = CAB . (2)   and this gives a formula for η2 in terms of the eigenvalues: BCA 2 2 2 2 λ1 + λ2 + λ3 1 + 2η where A, B and C are complex constants. Other authors 2 = , (8) (λ1 + λ2 + λ3) 3 have explored these sorts of matrices in the context of neutrino masses and mixing angles including [3–5]. Such The value of δ is then easy to calculate from Eq. (5). matrices have eigenvectors of the form: We have restricted Γ to a form where all its eigenvalues are real, but it is still possible that some or all will be  1  negative. For situations where all the eigenvalues are |ni =  e+2inπ/3  , n = 1, 2, 3. (3) non negative, it is natural to suppose that our values are e−2inπ/3 eigenvalues not of the Γ matrix, but instead of Γ2. The masses of the charged leptons are positive, so let This set of eigenvectors are common to more than circu- us compute the square roots of the masses of the charged 2 lant matrices. Other authors finding uses for these sets leptons, and find the values for µ1, η1 and δ1, where the of eigenvectors in the problem of neutrino mixing include subscript will distinguish the parameters for the masses [6–10]. of the charged leptons from that of the neutral leptons. If we require that the eigenvalues be real, we obtain Given the latest PDG[11] data (MeV): that A must be real, and that B and C are complex conjugates. This reduces the 6 real degrees of freedom m1 = me = 0.510998918(44) present in the 3 complex constants A, B and C to just 3 m2 = mµ = 105.6583692(94) (9) real degrees of freedom, the same as the number of eigen- m3 = mτ = 1776.99 + 0.29 − 0.26 values for the operators. In order to parameterize these and ignoring, for the moment, the error bars, and keeping 7 digits of accuracy, we obtain 0.5 µ1 = 17.71608 MeV ∗ 2 Electronic address: [email protected] η1 = 0.5000018 (10) † URL: http://www.brannenworks.com δ1 = 0.2222220

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2 The fact that η1 is very close to 0.5 was noticed in 1982 by depends only on the fact that the operator has the sym- Yoshio Koide[2] at a time when the τ mass had not been metry of a circulant matrix. experimentally measured to anywhere near its present We will use m1, m2 and m3 to designate the masses accuracy. Also see [12]. That δ1 is close to 2/9 went of the neutrinos. The experimental situation with the unnoticed until this author discovered it in 2005.[13] neutrinos is primitive at the moment. The only accurate The present constraints on the electron, muon and tau measurements are from oscillation experiments, and are masses exclude the possibility that δ1 is exactly 2/9, for the absolute values of the differences between squares 2 while on the other hand, η1 = 0.5 fits the data close of neutrino masses. Recent 2σ data from [14] are: to the middle of the error bars. If we interpret Γ as a 2 2 2 −5 2 matrix of coupling constants, η = 1/2 is a probabil- |m2 − m1| = 7.92(1 ± .09) × 10 eV 2 2 −3 2 (15) ity. Thus if the preons are to be spin−1/2 states, the |m3 − m2| = 2.4(1 + 0.21 − 0.26) × 10 eV P = (1 + cos(θ))/2 rule for probabilities implies that the three coupled states are perpendicular, a situation that Up to this time, attempts to apply the unaltered Koide would be more natural for classical waves than quantum mass formula to the neutrinos have failed,[15–17] but states. these attempts have assumed that the square roots of 2 1 By making the assumption that η1 is precisely 0.5, one the neutrino masses must all be positive. Without loss obtains a prediction for the mass of the tau. Since the of generality, we will assume that µ0 and η0 are both best measurements for the electron and muon masses are positive, thus there can be at most one square root mass in atomic mass units, we give the predicted τ mass in that is negative, and it can be only the lowest or central both those units and in MeV: mass. Of these two cases, having the central mass with a m = 1776.968921(158) MeV τ (11) negative square root is incompatible with the oscillation = 1.907654627(46) AMU. 2 data, but we can obtain η0 = 1/2 with masses around: The error bars in the above, and in later calculations in m = 0.0004 eV, this paper, come from assuming that the electron and 1 m = 0.009 eV, (16) muon masses are anywhere inside the error bars given by 2 m = 0.05 eV. Eq. (9). 3 This gives us the opportunity to fine tune our estimate These masses approximately satisfy the squared mass dif- for µ1 and δ1. Since the electron and muon data are the ferences of Eq. (15) as well as the Koide relation as fol- most exact, we assume the Koide relation and compute lows: the tau mass from them. Then we compute µ1 and then δ over the range of electron and muon masses, obtaining: m + m + m 2 1 √ 1 √ 2 √3 = . (17) (− m + m + m )2 3 δ = .22222204715(311) from MeV data 1 2 3 1 (12) = .22222204717(48) from AMU data. The above neutrino masses were chosen to fix the value of η2 = 1/2. As such, the fact that this can be done is If δ were zero, the electron and muon would have equal 0 1 of little interest, at least until absolute measurements of masses, while if δ were π/12, the electron would be mass- 1 the neutrino masses are available. However, given these less. Instead, δ is close to a rational fraction, while the 1 values, we can now compute the µ and δ values for the other terms inside the cosine are rational multiples of 0 0 neutrinos. The results give that, well within experimen- pi. Using the more accurate AMU data, the difference tal error: between δ1 and 2/9 is:

−7 δ0 = δ1 + π/12, 2/9 − δ1 = 1.7505(48) × 10 , (13) 11 (18) µ1/µ0 = 3 . and we can hope that a deeper theory will allow this Recalling the split between the components of the cosine small difference to be computed. This difference could in the charged lepton mass formula, the fact that π/12 be written as is a rational multiple of pi suggests that it should be re- 4π lated to a symmetry of the eigenvectors rather than the 1.75 × 10−7 = α + O(α2) (14) 312 operator. One possible explanation is that in transform- ing from a right handed particle to a left handed particle, for example. the neutrino (or a portion of it) pick up a phase difference Note that δ1 is close to a rational number, while the that is a fraction of pi. As a result the neutrino requires other terms that are added to it inside the cosine of Eq. (5) are rational multiples of pi. This distinction fol- lows our parameterization of the eigenvalues in that the rational fraction part comes from the operator Γ, while 1 This restriction is difficult to understand given several papers the 2nπ/3 term comes from the eigenvectors. Rather that have assumed that the neutrino masses themselves may be than depending on the details of the operator, the 2nπ/3 negative.[18, 19] 3

12 stages to make the transition from left handed back Similarly, the predictions for the differences of the to left handed (with the same phase), while the electron squares of the neutrino masses are: requires only a single stage, and it is natural for the mass hierarchy between the charged and neutral leptons to be 2 2 −5 2 m2 − m1 = 7.930321129(141) × 10 eV a power of 12 − 1 = 11. −24 2 (23) We will therefore assume that the relations given in = .913967200(47) × 10 AMU Eq. (18) are exact, and can then use the measured masses of the electron and muon to write down predictions for the absolute masses of the neutrinos. The parameteriza- m2 − m2 = 2.49223685(44) × 10−3 eV2 tion of the masses of the neutrinos is as follows: 3 2 (24) = 2872.295707(138) × 10−24 AMU2 µ √ m = 1 (1 + 2 cos(δ + π/12 + 2nπ/3)), (19) n 311 1 As with the Koide predictions for the tau mass, these where µ1 and δ1 are from the charged leptons. Substitut- predictions for the squared mass differences are dead in ing in the the measured values for the electron and muon the center of the error bars. We can only hope that the masses, we obtain extremely precise predictions for the future will show our calculations to be as prescient as neutrino masses: Koide’s. m = 0.000383462480(38) eV That the masses of the leptons should have these sorts 1 (20) = 0.4116639106(115) × 10−12 AMU of relationships is particularly mysterious in the context of the standard model.[20] It is hoped that this paper will stimulate thought among theoreticians. Perhaps the m2 = 0.00891348724(79) eV fundamental fermions are bound states of deeper objects. −12 (21) = 9.569022271(246) × 10 AMU The author would like to thank Yoshio Koide and Ale- jandro Rivero for their advice, encouragement and ref- erences, and Mark Mollo (Liquafaction Corporation) for m = 0.0507118044(45) eV 3 (22) financial support. = 54.44136198(131) × 10−12 AMU

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