EGTON PARISH COUNCIL Hillcrest, , , YO21 2PU 01947 897430 [email protected]

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 18 April 2016 at Egton School following the Parish Assembly at 6.45pm

Present: Cllr E Sanderson, J Walker, R Everitt, T Boulton, D Barker, C Lewis; County Cllr Helen Swiers; L Fletcher, Clerk, and five members of the public.

1. To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence None.

2. Declarations of interest in respect of any of the agenda items to be discussed None.

3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes were read, agreed a true record and signed, proposed by Cllr J Walker, seconded by Cllr T Boulton.


5. POLICE REPORT 5.1 Report for March, circulated. 5.2 NYP Community Messaging – Roadside scams.

6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - members of the public are invited to address the Council

7. PLANNING 7.1 NYM/2016/0211/OHL Application in respect of rebuilding of overhead line at near to Green End House and Green End Farm, Goathland Grid Reference 482937 503536 – No objections but the Council to query why this line is not going underground. 7.2 Alterations to properties within Conservation Areas, noted.

8. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 8.1 Brown’s Wood Cottages: 8.1.1 Application process, a reply has been received stating that this will be looked into 8.1.2 Further structural and internal problems, reported, reply awaited

Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, Paragraph 10 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972

8.2 Public toilets, lease agreement, a representative from Water to assess the building. 8.3 Planning/highway issues: 8.3.1 High Street, ongoing. 8.3.2 Puddle near Westonby, reply still awaited. 8.3.3 Salt bin/heap, Scally Bank, this will be replenished before next winter. 8.3.4 Fencing at Egton Bridge, ongoing. 8.5 Egton Bridge car park, reply awaited from Arriva, Highways to be contacted re the possibility of using planeings. 8.6 PC Newsletter, this has now been distributed around the parish and there will be an update in the autumn. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Lewis. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 9.1 YLCA – Bulletin on National Developments and Meetings, noted. 9.2 SBC – Consultation, online. 9.3 NYCC – Urban Highway Grass Cutting payments for 2016/17, clarification to be sought by County Cllr Swiers. Due to the significant reduction in funding towards the grass cutting it was suggested that Oliver Foster be asked for a donation towards the cutting of the Manorial Waste land in Egton, proposed by Cllr J Walker, seconded by Cllr R Everitt. 9.4 Highways Dept. Whitby - Mayfield Road/Prospect Hill Junction Improvements, noted, York Potash have contributed towards these improvements. 9.5 Tour de Yorkshire, village improvements ongoing. 9.6 NYCC – Parish Council’s Annual Report from County Councillor Helen Swiers, this gave a comprehensive update on issues and work carried out over the last year. Thanks were expressed to Mrs Swiers. Grant funding has closed for the moment but it is 2 year pilot so should resume in June. 9.7 SBC – Electoral Roll update, noted. 9.8 Police Commissioner Election 1st interim update police and crime, noted. 9.9 The Danby Beacon Trust – Invitation to the lighting of Danby Beacon to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21 April, the Chairman to attend.


11. PUBLICATIONS 11.1 Came and Company “Council Matters”.


13. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING 13.1 Brown’s Wood Cottages: 13.2 Public toilets, lease agreement. 13.3 Planning/highway issues: 13.3.1 High Street 13.3.2 Puddle near Westonby

Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, Paragraph 10 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972

13.3.3 Fencing at Egton Bridge 13.5 Egton Bridge car park



14. FINANCE 14.1 Business Saver Account balance as at 09.03.16 - £4,909.93. 14.2 Community Account balance as at 09.03.16 - £3,008.55. 14.3 Debit - Egton Estate car park rent, £20.00, cheque no 012, proposed by Cllr R Everitt, seconded by Cllr J Walker. 14.4 Debit - Yorkshire Water public toilets water bill for 01.10.15 to 31.03 16, £83.27, cheque no 013, proposed by Cllr R Everitt, seconded by Cllr E Sanderson. 14.5 Debit - Egton School rental, £80.00, cheque no 014 proposed by Cllr T Boulton, seconded by Cllr R Everitt. 14.6 Debit - Wallgate liquid soap, £60.00 (including £10.00 VAT) cheque no 015, proposed by Cllr E Sanderson, seconded by Cllr C Lewis. 14.7 Debit - JJ Harrison Ltd, grass cutting, £1,071.60, cheque no 016, proposed by Cllr D Barker, seconded by Cllr C Lewis. 14.8 SBC - Model Agreement Actual Expenditure, completed and returned. 14.9 Barclays - Changes to Savings Account, noted. 14.10 YLCA - Revised Model Financial Regulations 2016, noted. 14.11 YLCA - PFK Littlejohn LLP - Local Council Audit, to be completed and sent to the internal auditor. 14.12 Valuation Office Agency - Draft Rateable Value (Egton Bridge public toilets), no charge. 14.13 Grass cutting tenders, it was agreed to accept Mr F Scarth’s tender for the verge maintenance, proposed by Cllr J Walker, seconded by Cllr R Everitt, and JJ Harrison Ltd for the village maintenance (this being the only tender submitted).

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00pm. The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 11 May at 6.45pm.

Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, Paragraph 10 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972