
First need to select the disk for NAS storages For testing I have created few disks with ZFS and UFS file systems.

ZFS volume can use for snapshots, while UFS don’t have snapshot supports.

Before getting into disks configurations need to be know about file systems ZFS is a combined file system and logical volume manager designed by . The features of ZFS include protection against data corruption, support for high storage capacities, efficient data compression, integration of the concepts of file system and volume management, snapshots and copy- on-write clones, continuous integrity checking and automatic repair, RAID-Z and native NFSv4 ACLs.

Limits of ZFS file system Max. file size 16 exbibytes (2^64 bytes) Max. number of files 2^48 Max. filename length 255 bytes Max. volume size 256 zebibytes (2^78 bytes)

Supported operating systems Solaris, OpenSolaris, distributions, OpenIndiana, FreeBSD, Mac OS X Server 10.5, NetBSD, via 3rd party kernel module or ZFS-FUSE

Oracle(Solaris) ZFS Administration Guide

The file system (UFS; also called the Berkeley Fast File System, the BSD Fast File System or FFS) is a file system used by many Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It is a distant descendant of the original filesystem used by Version 7 Unix.

Limits Max. file size 2^73 bytes (8 ZB) Max. filename length 255 bytes Max. volume size 2^73 bytes (8 ZB)

Supported operating systems A/UX, DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, FreeNAS, HP-UX, NetBSD, Linux, OpenBSD, Solaris, SunOS, Tru64 UNIX, UNIX System V, and others

You can read my earlier post for file systems here

Volume permissions

Snapshot and disk replacement option is not available for UFS volume



Failover creation


Adding static route