Moritz Marbach
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Moritz Marbach Texas A&M University E-Mail: [email protected] 4220 TAMU Web: College Station, TX 77843-4220 United States Academic Employment Assistant Professor, Bush School of Government & Public Service, Texas A&M University, 01/2021- Postdoctoral researcher Immigration Policy Lab, Department of Humanities, Social & Political Sciences, ETH Zurich, 08/2017-12/2020 Immigration Policy Lab, Department of Political Science, University of Zurich, 08/2016 - 07/2017. Education Ph.D., Political Science (summa cum laude) University of Mannheim, 07/2016 Dissertation Title: Hidden Votes and the Analysis of Decision Records Committee: Thomas K¨onig,Jeff Gill, Daniel Stegmueller M.A., Political Science with distinction, University of Mannheim, 05/2012 Visiting Graduate Student, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Political Science, 09/2010 - 08/2011 B.A., Political Science with distinction, University of Mannheim, 05/2010 Research Affiliations Postdoctoral Fellow, Immigration Policy Lab, Stanford University, 08/2016 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich, 08/2017 - Research Associate, Collaborative Research Center SFB 884 \Political Economy of Reforms", University of Mannheim, 08/2016 - Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar, Immigration Policy Lab, Stanford University, 11/2016 - 05/2017 Visiting Student Researcher, The Europe Center, Stanford University, 04/2015 - 09/2015 Moritz Marbach 2 Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. C. Horz and M. Marbach. Economic Interdependence, Emigration and Exit Prisoners. British Journal of Political Science. (forthcoming), 2020. 2. M. Marbach and D. Hangartner. Profiling Compliers and Non-Compliers for Instrumental Variable Analysis. Political Analysis, (28)3: 435{444, 2020. 3. D. Hangartner, E. Dinas, M. Marbach, K. Matakos, and D. Xefteris. Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile? American Political Science Review, 113(2):442{455, 2019. 2020 Michael Wallerstein Best Article Award, APSA Political Economy Section 4. M. Marbach, J. Hainmueller, and D. Hangartner. The Long-term Impact of Employment Bans on the Economic Integration of Refugees. Science Advances, 4:eaap9519, 2018. 5. M. Marbach. On Imputing UNHCR Data. Research and Politics, 2018. 6. M. Marbach. Analyzing Decision Records from Committees. Political Science Research and Methods. (accepted), 2018. 7. T. K¨onig,M. Marbach, and M. Osnabr¨ugge. Left/Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe. The Journal of Politics, 79(3):1101{1105, 2017. 8. J.-E. Flentje, T. K¨onig,and M. Marbach. Assessing the Validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores. Electoral Studies, 47:25{35, 2017. 9. T. K¨onig,M. Marbach, and M. Osnabr¨ugge. Estimating Party Positions across Countries and Time. A Dynamic Latent Variable Model for Manifesto Data. Political Analysis, 21(4):468{491, 2013. Working Papers 1. M. Marbach. The Electoral Repercussions of Labor-Market Access for Immigrants: Evidence from Germany. 2. J. Ferwerda, M. Marbach, and D. Hangartner. Local Welfare Benefits and Immigrant Settlement: Evidence from Switzerland. 3. M. Marbach and G. Ropers. Not in my Backyard: Do Increases in Immigration Cause Political Violence? 4. M. Marbach, E. Vallizadeh, N. Harder, J. Hainmueller, and D. Hangartner. Does Language Training Improve the Economic Integration of Refugees? Evidence from Germany's Response to the Refugee Crisis. 5. M. Marbach, J. Hainmueller, and D. Hangartner. Do Dual Citizenship Laws Increase Naturalization Rates? Mixed Evidence from the United States and Switzerland. 6. D. Hangartner, M. Marbach, L. Henckel, M. Maathuis, and L. Keele. Profiling Compliers in Instru- mental Variables Designs. 7. M. Marbach. Choosing Imputation Models. Moritz Marbach 3 Software ivdesc, Profiling Compliers and Non-Compliers for Instrumental Variable Analysis in R and STATA. wiesbaden, R Client to Access the Data From the Federal Statistical Office, Germany. GGally, Extension to ggplot2 in R. (contributor) consilium, Estimating Multivariate Probit Models with Partial Observability in R. Conference Presentations (selected) American Political Science Association Meeting: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015. European Political Science Association Meeting: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014. Midwest Political Science Association Meeting: 2017, 2015. Summer Meeting of the Society for Political Methodology: 2019, 2015 (poster). Invited Presentations (selected) International Methods Colloquium,, Dec 6, 2019. Department of Political Economy, King's College London, Nov 15, 2019 Department of International Affairs, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, Nov 2, 2019. School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow, Oct 1, 2019. Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, University of Essex, Aug 14, 2019. Research Workshop on Current Issues in Asylum and Migration University of Bamberg, Jun 4-5, 2019. Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bocconi University, Feb 4, 2019. Colloquium on Labour Market & Occupational Research, IAB Germany, April 12, 2018. Center for Data and Methods Colloquium, University of Konstanz, Jul 6, 2017. NCCR Workshop and Lecture on Economics and Migration, University of Basel, June 6, 2017. Social Science Data Lab Series, University of Mannheim, July 13, 2016. Teaching ETH Zurich Statistical Learning. Graduate tutorial. Spring 2018, 2019. Summer Schools and Workshops Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis. Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, University of Essex. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 (two weeks). Moritz Marbach 4 Using Regression, Weighting and Matching. European University Institute 2017, University of Munich 2020, (one day). University of Mannheim Applied Linear Regression Analysis. Undergraduate tutorial. Spring semester 2014, 2015 & 2016. Mathematics Refresher. Graduate seminar. Fall semester 2013 (with Tilko Swalve) & 2014 (with Anna-Sophie Kurella). International Institutions and Cooperation. Undergraduate seminar. Fall semester 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015. Prizes PostDoc Award 2018, Diligentia Stiftung Germany (shared with Robin Markwica). Young Scholar Award 2014, Graduate School of Economic & Social Sciences, University of Mannheim (shared with Tilko Swalve). Funding and Scholarships Project Funding (PI): 2019, Swiss National Science Foundation SPARK Grant (CHF 100,000) 2019, ETH Zurich Career Seed Grant (CHF 30,000) Scholarships: 2015, School of Social Science, University of Mannheim. (EUR 5,579) 2015, Graduate School of Economic & Social Sciences, University of Mannheim. (EUR 2,528) 2008-2012, Foundation of German Business, SDW. (EUR 23,990) Conference travel grants: 2017, Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, SAGW. (CHF 1,000) 2016, American Political Science Association. (USD 250) 2014, School of Social Science, University of Mannheim. (EUR 680) 2014, Rationale Altruisten Mannheim e.V. (EUR 500) 2012, Graduate School of Economic & Social Sciences, University of Mannheim (EUR 500) Summer school participation grants: 2013, School of Social Science, University of Mannheim (EUR 2,631) 2009, German Academic Exchange Program, Fachkursstipendium DAAD (EUR 1,015) Additional Training Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM), University of Mannheim 2012, 2013 & 2014. Essex/Nuffield CESS Experimental Summer School, University of Oxford, 2013. Hochschuldidaktikzentrums Baden-W¨urttemberg, Fit for Teaching I+II, University of Heidelberg, 2012. ECPR Summer School in Methods & Techniques, Game Theory, University of Ljubljana, 2009. Moritz Marbach 5 Related Work Research associate: Chair of Political Science II (Prof. Thomas K¨onig),University of Mannheim, 06/2012 - 07/2016 Research assistant: Prof. Thomas K¨onig,University of Mannheim, 10/2011-05/2012 Prof. Jeff Gill, Washington University in St. Louis, 06/2011-07/2011 Prof. Itai Sened, Washington University in St. Louis, 06/2011-07/2011 Prof. Thomas K¨onig,University of Mannheim, 02/2009-04/2010 Dr. Lars M¨ader,Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, 02/2008-01/2009 Service Referee: Science Advances, American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Political Behavior, Political Science Research and Methods, Research & Politics, International Migration Review, International Organization, International Interactions, International Studies Quarterly, World Politics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, European Sociological Review, Italian Political Science Review, Swiss Political Science Review, Population Research and Policy Review, Social Forces, K¨olnerZeitschrift f¨urSoziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Founder and Convener: Zurich Political Economy Seminar Series. Professional Memberships American Political Science Association Organized Section for Comparative Politics Organized Section for Migration and Citizenship Organized Section for Political Economy Organized Section for Political Methodology Midwest Political Science Association European Political Science Association German Political Science Association Swiss Political Science Association American Economic Association Languages Human: German (native), English (fluent/C2), French (elementary/A1) Computer: R, STATA,LATEX, SQL, Python, C++.