Dawpool C.E. Aided Primary School Home Learning Planner

Year Group: 6 Date: Wednesday 10th June - Week 9- Home Learning

Daily message from your teacher

Hello Troops – it is all

about deserts and jungles today!

When I was in school, I

saw Dylan and he was chatting to me about so I bought the next film for us to watch

during lock down. We all thought it was hilarious!

Cap Tim of course

wanted to be, Dr , because he has no weaknesses and is really strong.

We thought Cap Tim should be and you can see why His weakness is cake! Very appropriate for Captain Tim!

Our timetable today is:

• Maths – continuing our new topic on “Statistics” • Break – Chill out! • Literacy – revisiting the Active and Passive • Lunch – Fall out • Science /Geography – World Biomes

Activity/Task Time to complete Remember to work at a sensible pace, a guide is down the side of the page and in the order that suits you.

Email any queries: [email protected]


Task 1:

Follow the attached Third Space Statistics PowerPoint: Statistics lesson 1 30 minutes + Top tips: • Follow each slide carefully – reading the instructions and completing the task. • Move on to the answer and study the explanation. • You may need to do some slides twice for mastery learning. I have attached a Statistics Revision Booklet with answers which has helpful facts to assist you. (Some of you may wish to complete the answers)

Maths recap this week (You have all week to do it)

• Changing Fractions to % (see attached PDF with answers) • % of Amounts (see attached PDF with answers)

Have a Break

At ease troops – Time for some R and R (rest & relaxation)

Spellings for this week 10 From the attached list – Prefix: Trans- minutes daily

Trans - is a prefix meaning “across”, “through” or “changed”


Captain Tim can transform into Batman


We are going to re-visit the Active and Passive this morning.

Top Tips:

Subject = Does the action on the Verb Object = receives the action

E.g. Dylan watched Jumanji. (subject verb object)

SVO is the order for an active sentence.

In a passive sentence the subject is not doing the action Jumanji was watched by Dylan. (Notice the use of the helper verb “were” and the use of “by“.

Task 1 – Active and Passive

• Recap over the attached PowerPoint explaining Active & Passive If you need to. Or

• You could follow the BBC Lesson from the 22nd of April https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbngrj6

There are some great activities and clips to help you.


The deadly chocolate cake from Jumanji !

Eat it and explode!

Geography Science: World Biomes

Useful Resources

You can also follow this link to BBC Bitesize


This link has two clips and an activity for you to do.

Activities for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon: You have two afternoons so take your time

Task 1

There are 6 main climate zones each with its own typical climate which affects vegetation, wildlife, landscape and impacts on humans.

While you look at the photographs on the attached PowerPoint: World Climate Zones think what it might be link in terms of temperature and rainfall.

Task 2

PDF: World Climate Zones -Card Sort Activity

Open the attached PDF and match the photo of each climate zone with the correct description and climate graph

Use the resource map: World Climate zones to help you. (There are no graphs for mountains because they vary so much).

Check the answers when you have completed it.

Task 3

Complete the attached: World Climate Zones shading activity

Shade the climate zones and fill in a brief description using the information you found on the card sort.

Task 4

Complete the attached PDF: Which climate zone? activity sheet. Locate different areas and locate which climate zone they are in. You may need at atlas or google search.

Task 5 The last slide also has an activity which is like a check up task!

See you tomorrow troops, for the next level of Jungle and Desert exploration!