Exploration of the Western Country Mr. Gould's Report
(No. 4.) 18 6 0. TASMAN I A. EXPLORATION OF THE WESTERN COUNTRY. MR. GOULD'S RE PORT. Laid upon the Table by Mr. Attorney-General, and ordered by the House to be printed, 25 July, 1860. Geological Survey Of!ic,e, 26tli June, 1860. Sm, I HAVE the honor to forward you an account of the exploration of the Western Country, conducted recently by myself according to your instructions; and to assist you in compre hending the physical structure and nature of the country explored, as well as the various routes pursued by the Expedition, I have prepared the accompanying Map, which embraces the whole of the country visited, and upon which, in addition to the topographical information a_cquired, I have expressed the geologi9al structure by the assistance of distinguishing colours. I have found it convenient to distribute the information obtained under several headings. In the first section of the Report, which is in the form of a brief narrative, I have confined myself to a g·eneral description of the progress of the Expedition, of the country visited, and of the steps taken for the purpose of testing its reput_ed richness in auriferous deposits. The second is devoted to a sketch of the geological structure of the district, and to the con sideration of its mineral capabilities; while, in the last, I have appended a few general remarks upon those portions which are available for settlement, together with meteorological tables which may be of interest as furnishing some information as to the nature of its clim'ate. I have the honor to remain, Sir, Your v~ry obedient Servant, CHARLES GOULD.
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