
23560 Madison Street, Suite 211 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 539-2055 - Fax: (310) 530-3263


1. I,______authorize Dr. ______and any assistant(s) he/she deems necessary to perform Sigmoidoscopy with possible and/or possible removal of , and other ______. 2. I understand this procedure involves the following: Passage of fiber optic instrument through the to allow the physician to visualize the interior of my lower portion of my (colon). 3. RISKS: Possible complications of this procedure include but are not limited to: , tearing or perforation of the bowel wall. These complications, should they occur, may require and/or a transfusion (Estimated 1 per 10,000 procedures). Other risks which can be serious and possibly fatal include: difficulty in breathing, heart attack and stroke. These risks are extremely rare but may occur. 4. I understand that there are no guarantees regarding the results of this procedure. Alternatives are______. 5. ALTERNATIVES: tissue for diagnostic examination can also be obtained by looking into the abdominal cavity with a scope, which is called , by surgery and by radiology by threading a needle through a neck vein. 6. ANESTHESIA: A causing numbness will be injected at the site of the biopsy. Sometimes an intravenous sedative will be given as well. No general anesthesia is needed.

Witness Patient/Responsible Party Date/Time

7. PHYSICIAN DECLARATION: I have explained the contents of this document to the patient and have answered all the patients’ questions. To the best of my knowledge, I feel the patient has been adequately informed and has consented.

Physician’s Signature Date/Time