Page 6 RIVERS BANNER Friday, June 6, 2008 are welcomed by Rivers Banner but all letters must be signed and may be edited for length and/or good taste. Submission does not guarantee publication; letters will be printed as space allows. SUBMIT LETTERS TO:
[email protected]; Box 70, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204-328-5212 (fax) or deliver to 529 Second Avenue. So successful second sale planned Outsiders have no legs Saturday’s yard sale and barbecue were overwhelming, with the amount of This letter is in response to the editorial written by Marlene McCook which ap- support Rivers Elementary Play Structure (REPS) committee received. The day peared in the May 30 edition of Rivers Banner. consisted of a 7 a.m. set-up for the sale to start at 9 a.m. We had a constant fl ow of I disagree with her comment, “They’ll (seniors) never use it (a new recreation customers until after 3 p.m. facility) and probably not even their grandchildren.” This sentence fl ies in the face The barbecue lunch from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. was extremely successful, raising of the intent of the new facility; a magnet to keep young families in the area and a $737.75. The raffl e table was a hit; winners were Terry Gill, Brett Gillis, Stella multi-use venue for all residents of Rivers, year-round. If a new arena is built, their Mitchell, Joni Pepper and Pat Hillier. The swing-a-thon went well with a total of grandchildren WILL be using it.