Film Reviews Jonathan Lighter
Film Reviews Jonathan Lighter Lebanon (2009) he timeless figure of the raw recruit overpowered by the shock of battle first attracted the full gaze of literary attention in Crane’s Red Badge of Courage (1894- T 95). Generations of Americans eventually came to recognize Private Henry Fleming as the key fictional image of a young American soldier: confused, unprepared, and pretty much alone. But despite Crane’s pervasive ironies and his successful refutation of genteel literary treatments of warfare, The Red Badge can nonetheless be read as endorsing battle as a ticket to manhood and self-confidence. Not so the First World War verse of Lieutenant Wilfred Owen. Owen’s antiheroic, almost revolutionary poems introduced an enduring new archetype: the young soldier as a guileless victim, meaninglessly sacrificed to the vanity of civilians and politicians. Written, though not published during the war, Owen’s “Strange Meeting,” “The Parable of the Old Man and the Young,” and “Anthem for Doomed Youth,” especially, exemplify his judgment. Owen, a decorated officer who once described himself as a “pacifist with a very seared conscience,” portrays soldiers as young, helpless, innocent, and ill- starred. On the German side, the same theme pervades novelist Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1928): Lewis Milestone’s film adaptation (1930) is often ranked among the best war movies of all time. Unlike Crane, neither Owen nor Remarque detected in warfare any redeeming value; and by the late twentieth century, general revulsion of the educated against war solicited a wide acceptance of this sympathetic image among Western War, Literature & the Arts: an international journal of the humanities / Volume 32 / 2020 civilians—incomplete and sentimental as it is.
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