Catalog Number:ATAD00086 Lumiliximab ( 鲁昔单抗 )


货号(Catalog No.) ATAD00086

通用名INN Lumiliximab

纯度(Purity) >95%

浓度( Concentration) 1mg/ml

Formulation PBS buffer PH7.5

Source CHO cells

内毒素(Endotoxin level) Please contact with the lab for this information.


产品描述(Description) Lumiliximab is a chimeric monoclonal which is used as an

.It is a primatized anti-CD23 macaque/human chimeric

antibody that inhibits the production of the IgE antibody,for the potential treatment

of allergic conditions.Lumiliximab was developed by IDEC Pharmaceuticals,which

was acquired by .Clinical trials for CLL were terminated in 2010, and for

allergic in 2007. Results published from the CLL clinical trial failed to meet

primary endpoints.Lumiliximab is a chimeric macaque-human

to CD23,a protein expressed on virtually all chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

cells.CD23, also known as Fc epsilon RII,or FcεRII,is the "low affinity" receptor for

IgE, an antibody isotype involved in allergy and resistance to parasites and is

important in regulation of IgE levels. Unlike many of the antibody receptors, CD23

is a C-type lectin. It is found on mature B cells,activated macrophages,

eosinophils, follicular dendritic cells and platelets.

别名(Alternative names) IDEC-152,P5E8

靶点;物种(Specificity target name;species) FCER2[Homo sapiens]

种类(Species) Humanized

受体鉴定(Receptor identification) IgG1-kappa


分子量(MV) 47750.00 Da

CAS 357613-86-6 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 027-87433958 ATAGENIX LABORATORIES

Catalog Number:ATAD00086 Lumiliximab ( 鲁昔单抗 )

存储条件(Storage) Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks).

Store at -20 °C 12 months.

Store at -80°C long term.

Note For research use only . E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 027-87433958