The College of Communication & Information Sciences
The College of Communication & Information Sciences: A History BmceRoche Dean's Preface wenty-five years ago. the Callege af Cammunicatian & Infarmatian TSciences was created. Almast three years ago., I became its dean, the mast satisfying appaintment af what has now became a rather lang academic career. In receiving this hanar and appartunity, I was keenly aware af the emi nence attained in a relatively shart periad of time by an extraordinary callec tian af peaple-faculty, students, media professianals, chairs and deans, sup part personnel, alumni, and friends. All had combined their energies, pas Dedication sians, skills, devatian, intellects, and pride to. build ane af the finest calleges in the natian. To. me, it was praaf that when the peaple af Alabama devated To. all the students who. have majored ar minared in resaurces to. an abjective, we cauld attain the excellence that inspired aur faunders to. establish the state's first university. the Callege af Cammunicatian & Informatian Sciences and the academic units campasing the Callege. In celebratian af aur 25th anniversary, we have evaluated aur programs, cam pleted a merger with the Schaal af Library and Infarmatian Studies, launched an ambitiaus develapment program, established a Baard af Visitars, inaugu rated a Hall af Fame to. recagnize thaseon whase shaulders we have praject ed aur future, and begun a pracess to. perfect faculty and student gavernance. These initiatives are but ane part af a larger set af accamplishments attained daily by the peaple who. farm aur college. These remarkable individuals have given the University a natianal and internatianal reputatian far leadership in the disciplines af cammunicatian and infarmatian.
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