Hearing Unit Cover and Text
Committee Meeting of ASSEMBLY SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE “The Committee will hear testimony from invited guests on the economic development opportunities presented by blockchain technology innovation in New Jersey” The following bills will be considered: A-1346, A-3613, A-3767, A-3768 LOCATION: Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs DATE: April 26, 2018 303 College Road East, Suite A 12:00 p.m. Princeton, New Jersey MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE PRESENT: Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker, Chair Assemblyman James J. Kennedy, Vice-Chair Assemblyman Roy Freiman Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce Assemblyman Christopher P. DePhillips ALSO PRESENT: Tara M. Howley Andrew J. Ward Bianca Jerez Derek DeLuca Office of Legislative Services Assembly Majority Assembly Republican Committee Aides Committee Aide Committee Aide Meeting Recorded and Transcribed by The Office of Legislative Services, Public Information Office, Hearing Unit, State House Annex, PO 068, Trenton, New Jersey TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Kurt Watkins, Esq. General Counsel, and Head of Partnerships Vetted 3 Carlos Iván Merino Managing Director C9 Concepts, LLC 6 Paloma Camacho Intern C9 Concepts, LLC 8 Qiang Tang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Ying Wu College of Computing New Jersey Institute of Technology 9 Vincent A. Smeraglia, Esq. Executive Director Strategic Alliances Translational Sciences Office of Research Commercialization Office of Research and Economic Development Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 16 John Wise Founder and Chief Executive Officer Loci, Incorporated, and Co-Founder Digital Asset Trade Association 16 Richard Brownstein Co-Founder, and Chief Executive Officer AuraBlocks 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Kiran Murty Co-Founder, and Chief Technical Officer AuraBlocks 30 Barbara DeMarco Vice President Porzio Governmental Affairs, LLC 42 Alan Dickman Blockchain Solution Architect IBM 42 Lilya Tessler, Esq.
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