Andover Singers “Reduce Our Outlay,” What’s Going On I Music Director Town Meeting Petition in Outdoor Concert (from today until next Friday) Conducts Festival Taxpayers Are Told The annual outdoor concert of the Boxford Walter Howe, director of music at Abbot Oratorio society will be given at the Kelsey Tonight Still Not Drawn Up Doll contest at Playstcad. academy, Andover and director of the Highland Nursery Saturday afternoon July Chautauqua choir at Chautauqua institution Secretary of Joint Committee on Public Expenditures 30 at 5 o’clock. Mendelssohn’s oratorio, in western .New York state, conducts the “ Elijah, ” will be sung by the chorus which is first choral festival of the summer season at Unemployed Committee to Meet with Board of Public Demands Reduction in Governmental Expenditures made up of singers from a dozen communi­ LOCAL NEWS NOTES Chautauqua tonight when the Chautauqua Works to Discuss Possible Construetion Jobs—Mean­ at First Open Meeting of Reading Taxpayers ties, assisted by an orchestra. The oratorio choir unites with six regional choruses for the will be dramatized and the chorus will be in occasion. Five hundred mixed voices partici while Emergency Committee Continues Its Task costume. John Maguire and Gerald Todd visited in pate in the program which was pre-arranged “ The customary habit of falling back on Although some portions will be omitted, Salem Saturday. by Albert Stoessel, director of music at the real estate taxpayers cannot longer be all the principa solos and choruses will be I /"V l The petition for the special town meeting Holy N am e H olds Frank Markey of Chestnut street is enjoy­ Chautauqua institution, absent this season suggested at Monday night’snight's mass meeting indulged,” declared Richard D. Grant of rendered. The principal part, that of Elijah, ing his annual vacation. on leave, to include several numbers per V^OtiplC O bserve will be taken by Clifton Horne, bass, of has not yet been put into circulation, since Its Annual Outing Boston recently at the first open meeting of formed by the Worcester Music Festival definite figures on the cost of the various the newly-formed Taxpayers’ association in Groveland. Mrs. Rosabel Scldon, soprano, of Miss Isabel Bod well of Elm street spent organization in the past, also under Mr. Golden Wedding Haverhill, will sing, “ Hear ye, Israel.” Monday at Hampton Beach. construction jobs hnvc not been received. the neighboring town of Reading. Mr. Grant, Stoessel’s direction. The Board of Public Works is planning to The Holy Name society of St. Augustine's who is secretary of the joint special commit­ Other soloists will be: Robert Cargill, Shaw­ Miss Anne Harnedy of Summer street is Assisted by the Chautauqua Symphony parish held its annual outing at Crowley’s sheen; Harvlin Jordan, Groveland, and arrange a definite program of work that tee on public expenditures recently created vacationing at Sebago Lake. orchestra conducted by Georges Barrere, the Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson of 95 Abbot could be done, and Mr. Matthew Burns with gnivr. West Andover, Sunday afternoon and by the General Court, told the new organiza­ Raymond Guppy, Danvers, tenors, who will festival chorus will sing “ Spring” from street celebrated the completion of fifty years the approximately 125 persons who attended take the part of Obadiah; the Widow, Edith Miss Nellie Kyle of Elm street is spending his committee of the unemployed has l»ecn tion that the time was at hand for vigorous Haydn’s “ Seasons” ; Song of the Volga of wedded happiness at their home Wednes­ invited to the meeting at which these matters were afforded a very enjoyable time. action on the part of taxpayers to reduce Whittier, North Andover; Angels, Bernice two weeks at Hampton Beach. Boatman arranged by Mr. Stoessel; Grain­ day afternoon and evening. The happy couple Smith, Haverhill; Edith Clothey, Byficld; will be settled. It is expected that this joint Unfortunately, rain interrupted the pro­ governmental expenditures. “ The only solu­ Miss Agnes Thin of High street spent the ger’s “ Tune from County Derry” and received 150 visitors from 4 to 6 and from gram of baseball, a quoits tournament, and Mary Clcaveland, Danvers; Ruby Clark, meeting will be held soon, possibly tonight. tion,” he said, “ is fo reduce our outlay.” week-end in Bridgton, Maine. ‘Ejqiltate Deo” by the well known Boston 7 to 9. Many floral tributes decorated the The next step will be the drawing up of a rail's which were to be the feature attractions Reading’s association has somewhat the West Boxford and Ella Thayer, Haverhill; composer, Mabel Daniels. home and numerous cards and gifts were of Ihc afternoon. The altar boys and choir King, Albert Rand, Haverhill; Queen, Edith Miss Mary Leary of Washington avenue petition requesting the Board of Selectmen to same aims and methods as the Andover Tax­ Ine following choral societies from nearby presented to the couple by their host of call a special town meeting for the purpose of boys were guests of the Holy Name society payers’ association. In his opening remarks at Lockhead, Andover; Youth, Peggy Wynton, is at Hampton Beach for two weeks. communities take part: Erie (Pa.) choral friends as tokens of the high esteem in which and engaged in a lively baseball game before a Shawsheen. Other solo parts will be sung by appropriating whatever sums of money may the meeting, Chairman Cook declared that Mr. and Mrs. James Watt sailed for Scot­ society, C harles Le Sueur Opera company they were held. be considered necessary for the various jobs. similar contest was launched between the the association is not out to harass any town Esther Hills, Boxford; Mrs. Weston and and the Orpheus Male chorus, directed by Miss Phillips, Danvers; Lillian Brown, Hav­ land on the “ Cameronia ” last week. Mr. Ferguson was born in Nairn, Scot­ This will require one hundred signatures of married men and the single men. At the close board or official nor to attack any of the Charles Le Sueur; the Olean (N. Y.) choral land, July 15, 1858, the son of the late Mr. town voters, and it is probable that the of the game the married men had defeated the town officials. He maintained that the as­ erhill and G. Walter Brown, Georgetown. Miss Mary Barrett of Harding street is society, directed by Mrs. Allen B. William; This is the seventh annual outdoor concert spending two weeks at Hampton Beach. and Mrs. Daniel Ferguson. His father was a selectmen will call the meeting, since such a single men 7-4, probably because their wives sociation did hope, by co-operative methods, the Erie Women’s choral society, directed by jeweler in Inverness, Scotland. Mrs. Fergu­ petition has never been refused before. The served as threatening incentives. to reduce town appropriations 25 per cent. of the society. Many music lovers attend Alice Sloan; the choruses of Frcdonia and every year and those who have not as yet Miss Catherine S. McKinley sailed last son, whose maiden name was Mary A. Selectmen have stated that the names of the The line-up of the single men’s team fol­ He pointed out that the tax rate is 10 per week for Scotland on the “ Cameronia. ” Dunkirk, New York. Groat, was born in Elgin, Scotland, the people who sign the petition are to be pub­ lows |ohn Cussen and Neil Cussen, p.; cent higher than the statewide average and will be well repaid for attending this year. Appearing for the second and last time The concert is held in a beautiful natural Murray Rogers of Summer street is daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David lished in the papers, so that the voters may Joseph l.ynch, c.; Thomas J. Lane, Francis that it is likely that retrenchments can be this summer, the combined choirs of Chau- Groat. Her father was a confectioner and see what their fellow citizens think alniut this kelly, lb.; Frank A. Nelligan, Edward made. amphitheatre, and there is free parking on the spending several weeks in Nova Scotia. tauquu and nearby districts will perform the grounds. linker, also in Inverness. When the couple question. Many of the unemployed felt that Doyle, 2b.; Gerald Winters, Joseph Mc- “Spending Too Much” Mrs. Harry Dennison and daughter Ruth Manzoni Requiem by Verdi at the Chautau­ were children both families moved to Inver­ this was a move against them, but yesterday Cavitt, s.s.; John Nelligan, James Doherty, (iladys MacPherson will be the pianist and qua amphitheatre August 6 with Mr. Howe In his remarks concerning the present Horace Killam, director of music at the visited relatives in Gloucester recently. ness where the two met. On the 20th of July. afternoon Matthew Burns stated that this ,lb.; James O’Donnell, l.f.; Joseph Davis, situation throughout the state Mr. Grant conducting. 1882 they were married by the late Rev. J. f . would not be the case, since many of the William Hurley, c.f.; Louis Dailey, Francis First Church of Christ, Bradford, will con­ Mr. and Mrs. Thaxtcr Eaton of Abbot pointed to definite instances of unwise ex­ duct. street spent the past week touring Maine. Black, D.D., of the Presbyterian church in prominent business men of the town would Sweeney, r.f. penditure of public funds. He spoke in part Inverness. sign it. He added that many property owners Umpires: Elate, James J. Dugan; bases, as follows: Miss Lucy Stewart of Main street spent Dolls in Contest at would sign it, since they would rather have a William A. Doherty. When Mr. Ferguson was but 14 years old “ It is unfortunately true, that the majority the week-end at Ogunquit Beach, Maine. he started learning the jewelry business with higher tax rate and have their tenants able to The line-up of the married men: Henry of those who have the power, through the Methuen Man Hurt pay rent than have a low tax rate with no Page, c.; William Collins, Joseph Hennessey, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Saunders of High Playground Tonight his father. Thirty-five years ago in May, 1897 ballot box, to curb the extravagance that is street are spending a few days in Ealmouth. the couple came to this country and settled rent coming in. p.; Alfred White, John Sweeney, lb.; Ray­ loading upon industry and the home owner in By-Pass Crash Emergency Committee Continues mond Lefebvre, Michael Winters, 2b.; Doll land has been primping up the past in Methuen For a while Mr. Ferguson work an insupportable burden of taxation cannot Miss Annie Jamieson of Washington ed in Boston and later he and his wife moved Wednesday evening the Emergency com­ Edward J. Lefebvre, Michael Hrennan, s.s.; easily be made to realize that by electing avenue is spending a week in New York City. week in preparation for the annual doll con­ mittee held a meeting at the home of Fred­ Hugh Eldred, ,1b.; Michael Lynch, c.f.; Chester Spinney of 557 Prospect street, test to be held this evening at the summer to Cliftondale In 1 ‘>07 they returned to incompetent or wasteful public officials or Methuen and Mr. Ferguson entered the erick II. Jones, and decided to continue its Henry McGlynn, l.f.; Frank S. McDonald Methuen, lay in the wreck of his car on the Miss Edna Elaherty of Enmore street is playground. New dresses have been made, efforts to ameliorate the situation. The com­ demanding costly projects and special legis­ spending a few weeks with relatives in Bos­ employ of the Henry I*. Doc company. In and James I’. Welch, r.f. lation, they are dissipating the very life­ by-pass for half an hour Monday morning including the latest creations and costumes mittee received a good deal of verbal abuse The members of the committee were: John before being discovered by a truck driver ton. from all nations. Crepe paper has been in 1917 he moved to this town and three years blood of the community. later he left the firm of Henry 1*. Doe com- Monday evening at the mass meeting, but it Cussen, chairman; Edward J. Lefebvre, “ Only 16 per cent of the people of Massa­ employed by the Ward Baking company at Allan Polgreen of Washington avenue demand as proud little “ mothers” have been felt that this was not the true sentiment of the Patrick J. Barrett, William A. Doherty, 7 o'clock. It is the belief of the Police depart­ trying out the best way to decorate their l>any and opened his own jewelry store in the chusetts pay taxes on real estate. Yet the spent the week-end at Narragansett Pier, Musgrovc building. great majority of the unemployed. The meet­ James E. Flannery, Joseph A. McCarthy, same 16 per cent are required to pay more ment that while driving along the by-pass at R.I. carriages. ing was called for the purpose of discussing M. A. Ilurke, Frank S. McDonald and John about 6.50 a.m., the Methuen man lost Prizes will lie awarded this evening for the The couple have five children, three daugh­ the possibility of a special town meeting. than 50 per cent of the entire cost of govern­ John Warden of Pasho street spent Thurs­ ters who were with them for the anniversary Sweeney. ment. control of his machine, which left the road winners in the various classifications, but to The committee will continue to function and piled up against a telegraph pole. day at the Harrington hotel, Rye Beach, the manv children who intend to participate, celebration and two sons who were unable to even though a special town meeting is called, “ But we have arrived at a crossroad where N.H. attend. The daughters are: Mrs. Charles the choice is not so much one of finding new The injured driver was rushed in the Ward this is far from being the most important and contributions are still welcome Regis­ Knights of Pythias truck to Andover square, where Patrolman Mr. and Mrs. G. Grenville Benedict of feature of the annual event. Very few will win Wilkinson and Mrs. Anna Gibson of Read­ trations at the office in the Town Hall have sources of tax money as of reducing with a ing and Mrs. Emma Henderson of North firm hand the number of channels into which Frank McBride was on duty. Spinney was Phillips academy are spending the summer prizes, but very many will derive real joy increased to over four hundred, and these then transferred to the fire department abroad. from participating, from dressing up their Easton. The two sons are Daniel Ferguson of will still be taken care of in proportion to Plan A nnual O uting tax money is being poured. We are spending Winnipeg. Canada, an electrical engineer and too much and we haven’t got the money.” ambulance and taken to the office of Dr. dolls, and from decorating their carriages. their needs. Contributions may be sent to J. J. Daly, who treated him for lacerations of Miss Emma Stevens of Summer street has Miss Susan B. Ripley is in charge of this David Ferguson, a civil engineer in the Thaxter Eaton, who is acting as treasurer in Garfield lodge, 172, Knights of Pythias “No Time for Additional Taxes” the nose. Later when he had regained con­ returned after spending a week at Hampton contest, in which children of any age may treasury department. Washington, I). C. the absence of Claude M. Eucss. Walter E. met in Fraternal hall and attended to routine “ How anyone can argue that we need new sciousness, the Methuen man was removed Beach. participate. Prizes will be awarded in the The couple have nine grandchildren. Curtis has also been out of town the past subways, roads, public buildings and the like business last Tuesday night. An inventory of to his home in Dr. Daly’s car. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berry of High street, following classifications: Largest, smallest, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson are members of the week. the financial resources of the lodge showed with the Commonwealth and its various sub­ Officer Carl Stevens investigated the case oldest, best home-made, most beuutifully South Congregational church, and Mr. Fer divisions facing a shortage of 50 million Ballardvale spent Sunday with friends in that all accounts were well taken care of and and found that the accident occurred 2 0 0 Medford. dressed, best pair of twins, most natural or guson is a member of St. Matthew’s lodge, in good shape. Thomas B. Gorrie was elected dollars in the conduct of their normal activi­ feet south of the new filling station on the lifelike, most unusual, best national costume A. F. and A. M. New Jewelry Shop delegate to attend the meeting of the ways ties is a question that, in private business by-pass. The machine was a 1925 Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton and son, and best decorated carriage. Every doll must and means committee of the Andover might force a man to have his head examined. coupe. Spinney told Dr. Daly that he did not Andrew, Jr., visited at Old Orchard Beach have a slip of paper on it giving the class and Mr. Ferguson operates his jewelry store at Opens on Main St. Fraternal building association regarding the (Continued on page 2, column 5) know what had caused the crash. Sunday. the child’s name and address. present at 47 Main street. annual fair to be held October 28-29. Final Miss Agnes Gallagher of North Main street arrangements were decided upon for the Andover added another name to its list of is enjoying a vacation at Camp Mayanuk, local merchants this week when J. Kendell joint outing in conjunction with the Pythian Leominster. Sisters to be held Sunday, August 14, at the Longc opened a jewelry and watch repairing camp of Mrs. John Henderson, Great Pond, John Maguire, John Moriarty, and Thom­ shop at 5 Main street Mr. Longe has been Townsman Organizes Mass Meeting Proves looking for sometime for a suitable location Kingston, N. H. as Low visited at Hampton Beach over the week-end. in which to go into business for himself. He learned his trade under his father, L. N. Miss Betty Bodwell of Elm street spent Longe of Springfield, Vermont, who has been Expect Decrease New Press Service Thursday at the Harrington hotel, Rye Evening of Good Fun a watchmaker for the fwst 50 years. He was in Old Valuations Beach, N. H. also a student at the New England Jewelers’ Weeklies of Massachusetts Joining in New Plan Sug­ Miss Alice Nelligan of the Merrimack Jokes anti Sarcasm Prevalent—Emergency Committee Institute. Mutual Insurance company is enjoying her Mr. lunge's experience includes twelve gested by Townsman—Involves Forming of a Min­ annual vacation. Is Upbraided along with Town Officials—Vote years of work with his father and a position as For the past few weeks the Board of to Petition for Special Town Meeting technical watchmaker for Mr. Stein and the Assessors have been working on the revalua­ iature Associated or United Press Miss Catherine Leary of the Tyer Rubber Nonotuck Jewelry Stores in Holyoke, of tion of the property included in this year’s company office is spending two weeks at which he was . For the past year he assessors’ survey, and the work is near Hampton Beach. “ Constructive suggestions” for the relief hus l»ecn watchmaker for F. Schneider of The Townsman will soon begin to give its of the unemployed, ranging all the way from completion. The Morse and Dickenson Net Fishers Caught readers the latest innovation in weekly news Dorothy L. Stevens of High street has Successful Whist Lawrence. company have about a hundred more cards planting potatoes in mid-summer to abolish 'The Longe Jewelry store is locuted on the paper services, a news exchange with other returned after enjoying a vacation at Granite ing the Taxpayers’ association, were ad to turn in. All these have to be gone over town newspapers. Last week the Townsman Center, Gloucester. Party Last Night second floor of the building at the corner of individually and a valuation given to each in West Andover vanced at the mass meeting held in the 'Town Main and Essex streets. The entrance is at started work on a plan whereby its readers Hall Monday night by a committee of the piece of property involved. could obtain news about how other towns Miss Jennie Barrett of the Tyer Rubber numt>er 5 next to the Cross Coal company’s It is expected that this year will see a company office is enjoying two weeks’ vaca­ unemployed. Those who sj>oke were free were conducting their governmental affairs, The Veterans of Foreign Wars and their with their charges against the emergency office. slight decrease in the valuations of the Four Lawrence men pleaded guilty in and since then several other weeklies in tion a t Hampton Beach. Ladies’ auxiliary were the sponsors of a very M rs. Longe, who is assisting her husband in property which was revalued last year. As Lawrence district court Tuesday morning committee, one man claiming an alliance Massachusetts communities have come in on Miss Charlotte E. Chase of Canterbury successful bakery sale and whist party, held with the lead trust. There were impassioned his new enterprise, is the former Mabel Kean yet no definite figure on just how much this to fishing without a license and to illegal use the plan, so that in effect a miniature As­ street has been enjoying a vacation at Camp in the Musgrove building yesferday after­ of Andover. She is a graduate of Punchard drop will be has been arrived at. The de­ of a dragnet in Jacques’ brook, West Andover speeches, lengthy, dull speeches, and one or sociated Press or United Press is now well on Maqua, Poland, Maine. noon and evening, respectively. Every two good speeches. high school in the class of 1925 and was a crease is due in part to the reduced cost of on Monday night, stating that they had not its way toward actual realization. Through article at the food sale was sold out except graduate nurse at the Lawrence General construction materials. Mr. and Mrs. John Abercrombie and The mass meeting finally decided to peti­ been fishing for sport hut had needed the fish this service the readers of the Townsman one cake, which was raffled off in the evening tion the Board of Selectmen to conduct a hospital At present Mr. and Mrs. Longe are for food. Appearing before Judge Frederic N and the other weeklies will be able to learn family of Riverina road are enjoying a vaca­ at the whist party and was won by Mrs. John living with Mrs. Longe’s j>arents on Bal­ tion at Seabrook Beach, N. H. special town meeting for the purpose of Chandler, the men told of how they had just how bad the unemployment situation is Dowd. appropriating $50,000 for the relief of the lardvale road. caught 260 fish including five bass, two in the other towns, just what is being done to Miss Daisy Stevens has resumed her duties Mrs. Lillian Worcester was the winner of unemployed. The action carries with it a - TWIN CEDAR FARM ►pickerel, and the rest quivies, in order to **We grow everything we sell99 remedy conditions, what the town employee at the Merrimack Mutual office after spend­ an electric clock which was also raffled off, repudiation of the work of the Emergency supply their families with food. wage situation is, what is being done to ing a week at Hampton Beach. . while James Welch received two pounds of committee, which was appointed a month ago New Curate at lower the tax rate, etc. It is the Townsman’s frankfurters as the puncher’s prize. Roadside Market, South Main Street Judge Chandler stated that although he Trask H. Wilkinson, for the past three to find a way out of the present unemploy­ wished to enforce the game laws, he felt that hope that the citizens of Andover will find Fifty-two other awurds were made to the ment difficulty. 'The committee has been rais­ St. Augustine’s Young Roasting Chickens 32c lh. these little timely items of benefit when they years an English instructor at Phillips high scorers at the whist party. The winners Yearling Fowl...... 25c lh. under the circumstances $50 fines suspended academy, will be a member of the department ing money by public subscription and by Large Table Eggs ...... 35c doz. for six months were harsh enough punish­ are forming opinions on the conduct of the were as follows: contributions from the town pay envelopes. Rev. Emmett O. Flynn, O.S.A., for the ment. Deputy Game Warden Peaslee and town government. of English at the Brookline high school next Arthur Smyth, luncheon set; Mrs. David Fruit blossom honey. year. It has been spending about $500 a week on past six months the esteemed curate of St. Deputies I.unwood and Green made the The actual details of the plan have not as Stewart, clock; Mrs. John Duke, Jr., cur­ work for the unemployed at forty cents an Augustine’s church, left Andover Sunday to ALL FRUITS and VEGETABLES IN SEASON arrests after watching the men using the Miner W. Merrick, for the last two years tains; Mrs. Joseph Fallon, dishes; Mrs. James Open mornings, afternoons und evenings. yet been worked out, but in general it will hour and has necessarily had to allot the go to his new post at San Diego, Calif ., where dragnet from 10 o’clock until 2 a.m. a member of the history department at Orel, luncheon set; Daniel Porter, flour; Mrs. T e l e p h o n e A n d o v e r 43-4 R mean that each paj>er in the association will available work to those who needed it most. he will teach in St. Augustine’s school of that send every other paper advance copies of the Phillips academy, hus accepted a similar Margaret Eccles, cracker jar; W. James The wage question and the discrimination city. Fr. Flynn is well fitted for his dtuies as important stories on subjects of common position at the Episcopal academy, Phila­ Stewart, towels; Mrs. John Boyle, pantry set; oucstion were both the subject of heated a faculty member as he formerly tuught at the interest each week, so that the weeklies will delphia for the coming year. Raymond Lefebvre, cake dish; Willard debate during the course of Monday’s meet­ Augustinian academy at Staten Island, N. in the future be able to contain up-to-date Ferris, mixing bowls; Mrs. Frank C. Robert­ ing. Y., and at Cascia Hall, Tulsa, Oklahoma. A. Buel Trowbridge of the academy faculty son, bag; Miss Jessie Kinnear, towels; Mrs. stories of the other towns. In general, the is visiting Germany this summer to attend The meeting was opened by Matthew He was spiritual director of the Holy Name Boston papers do not cover the governmental Duncan Cairnie, pillow slips; Mrs. Charles Burns, who called for the election of a chair­ society here. Fr. Flynn’s departure is greatly conference on religious education in second­ Bowman, towels; Mrs. David Vannett, socks; affairs of towns the size of Andover, and ary schools. He will also attend a conference man. After the meeting had elected Mr. regretted by his host of friends and the best when they do the stories are so brief that they David Burns, 12 loaves of bread; Dorothy Burns, he started by saying that he would of wishes follow him to his new duties. of the International Student Service in Mahoney, fern; Mr Joseph Fallon, dish conduct things according to parliamentary are not of great value. Papers in the cities Czecho-Slovakia. He is succeeded by Rev. Hugh I*. O’Neill, near the towns do write up such matters in towels; Mrs. Mary Wilkinson, Irnth spray law. Then he mentioned that he felt that it O.S.A., who has come here from Bryn Mawr, detail, but they cover only the towns near (Other Local* on page 3) Harold Eastwood, potatoes; Mrs. 1'rank was all wrong to have an employed man act­ Pa., where he served as curate at the church them and are not read in the towns farther Shiebler, order for milk for two weeks; Mrs. ing as police officer at the door when there are of Our Mother of Good Counsel for a number away. 'Phis is a gap which the weeklies can Daniel Gallagher, cookies; Mrs. Malcolm several on the list who are not working. of years. Parishioners of St. Augustine’s will fill. Kinucane, powder; Mrs. Elbe Donovan, Mr. Burns' introductory remarks were remember that u former local pastor, the late The |>apers which have declared their in­ Sport Calendar milk; James Dugan, billfold; Mrs. Arthur brief. He stated that the men whom the Rev. John A. Nugent, O.S.A., also served as tention of joining the association to date are: Gordon, order for wet wash; Mrs. Lillian |>eople hail elected had passed the buck on to pastor in the church of Our Mother of Good offers a the Reading Chronicle, the Lexington Worcester, towels; Mrs. J. J. O’Connor, the emergency committee. The committee, he Counsel l>efore coming to Andover. Townsman, the Wilmington News, the , Tonight towels; Mrs. Nora Laycock, Hour; Mrs. Led- stated, started off to solicit funds and nod Fr. O’Neill hail been a member of the Palmer Journal-Register, the Concord Her­ Town League: liallardvale at .Sherrill well, towels; Mrs. Mary Macklin, towels; made the town employees give up part of teaching faculty of St. Augustine’s college, ald, the Stoneham Independent, the Stone- Playstead. Edward Lefebvre, towels; Hedley Davidson, their pay for charitable purposes, lie called Havana, Cuba, for two years previous to Special Subscription Rate ham Press, and the Winchester Star. Saturday frankfurters; Mrs. Charles Bowman, coffee; the system in the town at present “ organized serving at Bryn Mawr. lie graduated from 6.15 p.m. Postponed came of first half of Ruth Kent, dish; Mrs. Mary Gordon, socks; Villanova college in 1917 ami was ordained Letters have been written to other weeklies, Mrs. William Handy, hot pads; Mrs. Mary to New Subscribers Town League. Ballardvale vb . Sherrill. Play- into the priesthood at Philadelphia in 1920. and answers are expected momentarily. In Snyder, candle sticks; Mrs. Catherine Mc­ general, the towns about the size of Andover stead. In his search for a gavel before the meeting. For a short time Fr. O’Neill remained at are the ones included in the plan. It is Monday Cormack, socks; Mr*. Charles Damon, Mr. Burns bad been able to find only a steel Villanova as a faculty member before his Town League: Sherrill at flood. Playstead. frankfurters; Mrs. Otto Whilcneck, frank­ removal to Cuba. pected from the enthusiasm already aroused furters; Mrs. Daniel C. Porter, socks; Hector (Continued on page 2, column 3) 1 3 Months’ Subscription that before long there will be a 1 0 0 per cent Tuesday Keith, socks; Mrs. Gertrude Stewart, socks; enrollment. Letters, special deliveries, tele t own League: Trojans at Ballardvale. Mrs. George Abbott, flour; Mrs. Irene Cates, grums, and telephone calls have been keeping Industrial l.eague: Greeley at V. F. W. necktie; Josephine Snell, cravat; Mrs. Ira for the regular 12 months charge the Townsman office busy all week as paper Playstead. Carty, cigar lighter; Mrs. Andrew McKee, after pai>er has signified its approval of the Wednesday frankfurters; Alex Blamire, cravat; and Mrs. WHILE THEY LAST plan . . . Industrial League: Townsman at Post Peter Dugan, necktie. Phis is generally considered one of the Office. Playstead. most outstanding steps that has ever been Thursday Take out a subscription before August 1st at the taken in the history of weekly newspapers Marriage Intention The Townsman is glad to present this service Town League: Trojan at Sherrill. Play- Regular 75c FICTION usual yearly rate of $2.00 and The Townsm an to its readers, and hopes that they will find it stead. Church League; Calvary vs. Ballardvale Henry E. Weston, 10! King I’hilip street, interesting. During the past year the Towns Providence, K. I., and Edith Sophia Kcir- will be mailed to you every week until Septem­ man bus advanced considerably in the news M K. at 'Vale. Andover Sportsmen’s Club Sheet Shoot at stead, 52 Morton street. ber, 1933. Anyone giving a new subscription in i«q>er world. Under the former editor, David Brick man, who came here at the beginning of six o’clock at Conkey’s Farm. i z » 49c August will receive the paper lree for the iest o last summer, the paper took on a decidedly Friday Marriage improved appearance, and is now known as Town League: Ballardvale at flood. Play­ August and September. one of the neatest, most dignified looking stead. George F. Noel, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, THE ANDOVER BOOKSTORE papers in the state. The paper had always Church l.eague; Emmanuel vs. Ballardvale to Mary Louise Hcselton, 25 Deaconess road, (Continued on puge 2, column 1) M .E .a t’Val*. Boston, July 16, by Rev. Frederick B. Noss FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1932 PAGE TWO THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN

single workable idea In help out in a genuinely M h s s Meeting Proves “Reduce Our Outlay,” I h e n d o v e r o w n s m a n serious situation. I even hoped that there T A T Evening Of Good Fun would come from the four perpetual and T axpayers Are 'Fold professional politicians who arranged, and The Andover Townsman ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS (Continued from pnge 1) dominated this meeting, something helpful (Continued from pnge 1) clnw hammer, lie brandished this aloft at the hut true to type their piffle leaves the situa­ “ We must begin at the top and go right Ticenty-Five Years Ago This Week tion unchanged. straight down through the counties, dis­ runi.miiKO e v e r y Fr id a y meeting, stnting that this was the symbol of his profession, anil he added that he would "A s the chairman says he has a vast tricts, cities and towns and prune the un­ AT TIIK PRESS BUILDING by the ANDOVER PRESS like to use it on some of “ their heads." With respect for me and I have n very definite lik­ fruitful branches that arc sapping the tree of Guy Bickell and Walter Morrissey are Rev. J. Edgar Park of the West Parish this destructive remark, he asked for con­ ing for him. I wish him success in everything its substance. This is no time for additional spending the week at Old Orchard Beach. church was the preacher at the Free church KI.VIKR J. GROVER, M anaging Editor Sunday. structive plans. he undertakes except his long-continuedinued anil taxes. It is a time to keep our public expendi­ Rev. Markham W. Stackpole has arrived TOWNSMAN Telephone 1324 BOOKSTORE Telephone 1321 PRESS Telepho William A. G. Kidd, who sponsored the utterly fruitless attempts to he elected to tures within the limits of the taxes we are in town to assume his duties as minister of Mrs. James Saunders and two grandchil­ special town meeting last January, was the anything by the citizens of Andover. able to collect Phillips academy. dren, Leonard Saunders and family, Mrs Frequently I have stood upon this floor in “ In time, it is to be hoped, the spread of George Saunders and son George;and Harold tirst to rise, lie asked if any members of the Superintendent C orwin F. Palmer reached Entered at Andover Poatofflat Second Clau Matter Town Meeting and laughed and joked with taxation will be so enlargedred that ‘ we will have Saunders, are camping at Foster’s |x>nd. emergency committee were present, ^ ami Southampton, England on the “ St. Paul” Miss Anna Kuhn arose. He asked Miss Kuhn you, hut' I ~couldn't til laugh very much tonight . . . a tax-conscious public displaying a vital Miss Mary B. Smith sails next Wednesday There are here sincere people without cm interest in what is done with their money. If during the week. July 51, on the S.S. Republic for a month’s Andover will undoubtedly once again if she thought that the committee's work was Robbing Peter to Pay Paul successful, anil she replied that she and the ployment for themselves, or families, and for they could only be made to realize that, even Morrissey. Warden and McCarthy starred visit abroad. She will meet her brother, J. show their good sense and turn down committee felt it was. After Mr. Kidd had six weeks we have been hearing their stories now, when most of them think they are pay­ for the Eagles baseball team when they Duke Smith in Liverpool. The periodic demund for a special any proposed appropriation. ceased his questioning temporarily, another and in a measure helping them. ing nothing, they are giving up, on the aver­ defeated St. Augustine’s of South Lawrence Mrs. Elida Baxter visited at the home of town meeting lias again arisen. It is un­ man arose and asked how a man was to get “ We arc spending S500 weekly given out­ age, two days pay out of every week’s salary last Saturday. herer cousin,cousin, H.H. F.F. Wright,Wright, recently.recently. ThisThis isis thethe fortunate that his should happen, fur A Thankless Task along on SO.4(1 a week when he has to pay right by the comparatively few people who for the maintenance of Federal, State and Albert VV. Lowe is having his house first time that the cousins have met in thirty SO.50 for rent. Another man mentioned that have anything to give. People who have given local activities they would awaken from the painted. May and Moncur are doing the years. even though a special appropriation lethargy that now dulls their sense of respons­ Every public office has its thunkl he was a cripple anti his boy hail only received us surprisingly large individual sums with work. William Clark of J. If. Campion &• Co.’s would probably not be granted, a town only one suggestion, ‘Please don’t mention ibility. ” Henry Pomeroy, son of Chief of Police aspects, and the public welfare workers one day’s work in live weeks. grocery store is spending his vacation at meeting costs something of itself, for my name.’ Is this $500 enough? I don’t think Pomeroy, fell last week and sprained his arm Milton, Vt. He is accompanied by his sister have the most thankless jobs of all. The Mr. Kiilil again arose at this point and printing, legal advertising, checking, and asked why the soldiers were being pauper- so. Our committee doesn’t. We think it while playing at his home. Mrs. William Odlin. Andover Emergency committee has been Shower Given for police. Why do people insist on having a ized. Mr. Burns took it upon himselt should be double. Even trebled, but where is Mr. and Mrs. George Morse and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hinman arrived in special town meeting called when they giving its tim e anil its money to cITeet a instruct Mr. Kidd as to the reasons for this, it to come from. Please tell us and don’t Mrs. Charles Morse have moved from High Reading from Quebec, last Friday, after a know that there is not enough public solution for the unemployment problem, and a little later he explained to George Knipe scold us. We are not brilliant, as my friend Former Teacher street to the block on Essex street. very pleasant trip. They will be at home to sentiment behind the proposed approp­ hut Monday evening the committee was why young men did not receive work if their says, neither are we of the committee weal­ J. P. Wakefield has enlarged the storeroom friends after September 1 at 169 Main street, riation to ensure even a minimum of subjected to verbal attacks entirely un­ fathers' hi were working. ” Having" defended ■ the ‘u“ thy. We have been told by outsiders Andover Miss Mary O’Dowd of Elm street was of his market by adding the little store in this town. worthy of the citizens of Andover. The emergency committee in this, he went on to has handled the situation splendidly, but our tendered a shower recently by Mrs. Kather­ back which was formerly T uttle’s Express Frank M. Smith was a member of the discussion upon it? Why waste the committee feels we are not doing half what members of this board get nothing out of say ine A. McManus at the latter’s home at 296 office. committee in charge of the grand outing of public's money? m it tec who were good and some who were should be done. John T. Clinton, night operator at the the Odd Fellows of the surrounding cities If the people of Andover would take their work except the feeling of pleasure South Union street, Lawrence. Miss O’Dowd no good. /N one of us wanted this job. I begged the recently resigned from her position as school local telephone exchange, has resigned his and towns at Canobie Lake, July 20. into consideration the situation that derived from knowing that they Charges Favoritism chairman of the selectmen not to appoint teacher in the John Dove school. Early in position. Letter carrier Joseph H. Blunt is enjoying exists in other cities and towns through­ helping somebody. They have plunged George M. Squires, who was routed in his August she will become the bride of James Miss Mary F. Mason and Miss Nellie II his vacation. out the state, they would realize that heart and soul into their task, and the race for election to the Board of Public There are here tonight a few genuinely E. Culhane of Chicago. The bride-to-be Farmer are at Digby, Nova Scotia. — George Dick is spending a short time at ours is an enviable position. There is un­ least that those who are helped could do Works in March, asked why there was favor­ interested unemployed, who, I believe rely received many attractive and useful gifts Fred Cheever, of the Tyer Rubber com­ Salisbury Beach. would be to appreciate their work. Some itism if any. Mr. Burns, who had asserted upon us to help them to the best of our ability of linen and silver which she opened l>eneath pany office, is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation Andrew Collins of Valpey’s market, is employment everywhere today, and wi and they—along with the three hundred of those at Monday's meeting com­ that there would be no unfair “ slams” during a shower of petals. A very enjoyable time Clifford Dunnells will spend the remainder enjoying his vacation this week. He is spend­ arc fortunate to have us small a list of registered unemployed who are not here— ing it at Winchendon. unemployed as we have. We are even mended the committee, bill the few who the meeting, asked him to prove it. Edward was had by all present and good luck and of the summer visiting relatives on the Cape O’Hagan supported Mr. Squires, but Thomas ‘believe Ml that our committee are, perhaps, as more fortunate to have that small list occupied the lloor the greater part of the best wishes were profusely offered to Miss Fallon from the gallery said: “ More power qualified as any the talkative quartet here O’Dowd. well taken care of. Despite the impas­ time derived great pleasure out of derid­ to the man who can get six days.” He sug tonight could app iint. I doubt if exploiting Mrs. Stanley Warren of New York visited ing this group of men and women, who the unemployed will advance the office-seek­ Those present were: Mrs. C. VV. Dyer, sioned orations in the Town Hall Mon­ gested an appropriation, saying that young Mrs. George King, Mrs. Joseph Fallon, Mrs. Christian Endeavor at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred C. day, there is no sutTering. no starving in are fulfilling their civic duties in this men should‘ j be given work since they may be ing aspirations of the self-appointed chair­ Church over the week-end. With Mrs. man. He may have more success running as a Martin Callahan, Mrs. Arthur Coleman, Andover. The Board of Public Welfare way. helping their family out Mrs. Patrick Garvey, Mrs. Cornelius O’­ Union Meeting Held Church’s daughter, Mrs. Dennison Smith, t his is not the proper spirit for the Mr. Squires now arose to state that the Socialist, as I believe he just announced. they are spending this week at Cape Cod. and the Emergency committee have seen “ There is only one course for you to take Brien, Mrs. Stephen Gilliard, Mrs. Charles unemployed to take. If they want hell proof could be found in the town books. Hoffman. Mrs. John Bresnahan, Mrs. Mary Rev. and Mrs. C hurch have been visiting to this, and if the voters of Andover do if you do not like our particular board and The Christian Endeavor Union executive their duty, they will leave the problem in why do they fail to appreciate it when When no one ventured to get the books, Golden, Mrs. (ieorge Kenyon, Mrs. John relatives in New York during the past week. Arthur Marion complained of working condi­ that is to ask the Selectmen to discharge us. committee met at the Free church Monday the hands of those who are now handling they receive work? This committee does If this is done I shall thank sincerely the man, Yuhle, Mrs. B. McGrail, Mrs. Frank Walton, tions at the Spring Grove cemetery. Mr. Mrs. William O’Keefe, Mrs. John J. Walsh, evening and voted that hereafter the union it so competently. not have to give up its time. It could Swanton however defended his action by or group who projx and board meeting be held monthly instead throw up the job right now, hut it won’t ‘In conclusion Your chairman, perhaps Mrs. Timothy McAuliffe, Mrs. Peter Quinn, No one will deny that Andover has a stating that the man Marion spoke of was Mrs. Patrick Brady, Mrs. William Hardacre, of bi-monthly. At each session there will be a As long as there is need in Andover, the lying down on the job. The crowd applauded because I am the only male membe jer of th< carefully planned program with prominent fairly large group of unemployed, but at committee here, has propounded certain Mrs. Ellen O’Dowd, Mrs. Katherine A. the same time no one can truthfully say town can count upon these people tc Mr. Swanton for his statement. speakers taking part. Plans were made for the personal questions for me to answer. I will McManus. next meeting which will be in the form of a that there are people starving in An­ help out. They have always been willing Mr. Dwyer, who is well-known to town meeting crowds for his lengthy speeches simply say that I stand here, I believe, secure Alice, Catherine, Marguerite, and Eliza­ week-end party in a New Hampshire camp dover. Everyone is supplied with the to bear complaints and rectify any mis­ good-will of the people of Andover. I beth Barrett, Eunice, Alice and Rita Stack, takes. They have admitted the press to reminded the meeting that they were straying the week after Labor day. A report from the R&m inder necessities of life. Undoubtedly, the un­ a long way from the point. He suggested that feel assured that the time has not come for Gertrude Dyer, Ann and Mary Harnedy, Northiield membership committee, com­ employed would lie able to enjoy m ore their meetings, and any reporter can what was needed was a plan whereby the me to answer any of the questions of the Violet and Emeline King, Sarah Campbell, posed of Frances Hall, Mary Lang, and luxuries if a large appropriation were testify as to the genuineness of their town can use a dollar and still have it. The constantly defeated, and thoroughly dis­ Mary Golden, Catherine Golden, Verona Stanley Swanton, stated that a membership public spirit. They want to help; they general tenor of his remarks was that the credited Mr. Matthew Burns.” Tierney, Mary Walsh, Rebecca and Eleanor drive for the coming year had already been granted, but why rob Peter to pay Paul? Higgins, Mertina Kenyon, Genevieve Quinn, Our most serious problem today is the have been trving to help; and thi­ town should give out gardens to the unem­ Following the conclusion of his address started. ll AVE helped. ployed and then they could plant their pota Mr. O’Connell picked up his hat and left Margaret and Catherine McGrail, Margaret white-collar worker, the man who was O’Keefe, Sarah Hardacre, Mary Gillen, Anna At the meeting Monday evening the fol­ toes and so save the money spent. Mr. Kidd Mr. Burns thereupon made a remark to the lowing were present: Rev. Frederick B. Noss, thrown out of work when his superiors It is tim e for the town to get in hue voiced the objection that it was a little late I effect that it did not seem the courageous Kelleher, Elizabeth and Anna Higgins, B, decided that the ollicc force must he cut of the Emergency committee. Every O’Beirne, Mary O’Dowd and Rita Collins. President Stanley F. Swanton, Irving J to suggest this, and he added that he could thing to do to walk out. Whitcomb, Alex Stewart, Mary Lang, Clif down. Men like this must eat, too, but v oter should go to the town hall if a not get enough from his land to feed a canary Mr. Squires now moved an appropriation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins, Mr. and ford Wadman, Ruth Ward, Eunice Smith, they are unable to do pick and shovel special m eeting is called and vote against of $10,(XX), and Mr. Kidd amended it to Mrs. Thomas Higgins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kirk, Earl Bennett, Mary Sparks, work and they ure unwilling to ask for any proposed appropriation. And every­ Committee Purchases $50,(XX). This motion was passed, and the Thomas Kerins, Mr. and Mrs. James Golden Jessie Dobbie, Roger Whitcomb, Allen relief. The most we can do for them is to one who can afford to donate anything After Mr. Squires had said something else, meeting was adjourned. of Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson Chadwick and Janet Harwell. Joseph Chambers, the man who led the of Medford, Edward McCabe of Leominster, keep their expenses down to a minimum. should do so. I'lns is the only token of Muss Meeting Memos Why raise their taxes so ttiat the unem­ appreciation the committee wants. effusive orations for the state school at town Thomas Kerins, Jr., of Woburn, John Golden A town employee again made a contribu of Woburn, Raymond Kenyon, Joseph Hig­ ployed can work live and a half days a eeting, deplored the fact that the town had Clan to Hold Picnic refused this project. Then he went on to tion to the unemployed Monday evening gins, John Kerins, and Dominick O’Dowd. week? We have a low tax rate now, it is Editorial Cinders plain that the emergency committee had Bill Brown, the town hall janitor, loaned his true, but even those at Monday’s meet­ bought its shovels in New Hampshire and its hammer to Mr. Burns before the meeting. Tomorrow at Lake ing complained of high taxes because of Last week the sign at the underpass rubber boots also out of town. He would vote He probably regretted his generosity the next the tremendous boost in valuations. The on the Heading road was changed so that for an appropriation of $1(X),(X)0, he said morning when he saw the marks on the ghthober Cfjurdjeg He felt that the town needed a new reservoir speaker’s stand. Canobie Lake park will be the scene Satur­ assessors’ survey has done enough to our it now reads; “ Andover—Four Miles,” day of the annual picnic of Clan Johnston and tax bills; let's not make matters worse instead of “ Andover—Two Miles.” VYe and that there were some loose ends of work that could be cleared up. The meeting was presumably supposed to CHRIST CHURCH its Ladies’ auxiliary. There will be an enter by raising the amount of appropriations. hope that this is a fore-runner of more be conducted strictlyctl\ according to parlia taining program, including sports, refresh Mr. Dwyer, forgetting temporarily that he Central Street—Episcopal. Organized 1835 m p a /C f if .' Good work has been done by the corrections in these signs, for motorists had asked the meeting to stick to the point, mentary law. The interesting variations ments, and the usual picnic features, with Emergency committee. They arc con­ are likely to wonder a little about the next gave an address on the assessors’ survey, procedure, however, would lead one to Rev, C. W. Henry, Rector many novel surprises besides. The two ducting their affairs on a systematic efficiency of the State Public Works the connection being that if the town had not believe that this parliamentary law could 8.00, Sunday, Holy Communion. 10.45, Morning organizations will leave Fraternal hall at one basis, unit are looking to the future. administration when they realize that spent this money, it could use it to help the be found only in the book of Matthew. prayer and sermon. o’clock. The tickets were printed by the Andover will not be foolish enough to Heading; according to the sign in Elm unemployed. 7.30a.m., Thursday, Holy Communion. 7.30 p.m. Andover Press a few weeks ago and a great tenr down the structure that they have Square, is nine miles away from Andover Fred Sanborn then stated that the un­ Things aren’t going so good in the boiler choir rehearsal. many have been sold. employed had been sent from the welfare maker’s trade. One gentleman, a boiler The clan committee is composed of chair­ Imilt. Andover has shown before and it while in Heading the directions state maker, announced that he had worked two will show again that it dues not approve that Andover is ten miles away. It also authorities to the Board of Public Works and man Alex Bertram, James Caldwell, George days in three years. Mr. Burns shook his BAPTIST CHURCH Brown, Charles D. Valentine, and George B. of w hat would lie in effect an orgy of then back again. His suggestion was for a seems queer that in Elm Square a sign permanent organization of the unemployed, hand, evidently in sympathy, but from the Essex Street. Organized 1832 Carmichael, while the members of the aux­ FLORIST spending. If a special appropriation were in front of the library reads: “28, Law­ and after he had attempted to explain how a satisfied look on the man’s face, he didn’t iliary committee are Mrs. Alex Bertram, granted, it would probably be spent rence, 4 miles,’* while near the grass need sympathy. Rev. Lorentz I* Hansen, Pastor IPHONES STORE 10 GREENHOUSESII man could save over $99 a year, he made a Mrs. George B. Carmichael, Mrs. Thomas B. I ANDOVER. MASS recklessly as before and when it was all plot across the street another post bears motion to form such an organization. Mr. 10.30, Sunday, Morning worship. The pastor Gorrie, Mrs. Hugh McLay, Mrs. Jean Wood, gone, the unemployed would once more Burns stated that they were here to put One gentleman told the audience quite speaks on “ The Seekers," an answer to economics. Mrs. Alex Meek, and Mrs. David Robb. the direction: “ 28, Lawrence, 7 miles Children's talk, “ Click, click—and then . . . " A he demanding aid. people to work and not to form labor unions, frankly that he was sorry that he had to and he ruled the motion out of order. bore him with statistics, and the meeting service of creative worship. A system in which men receive work The State Department of Public While the question of whether poor-house agreed with him, so much so that Mr. Burns 7.30, Wednesday. Sunset midweek service will lie accord ng to the needs of their families, Works is still holding up on the installa­ economics was in order or not was being had to ask him in no gentle voice to “ Sit held at the home of Harry Dennison, 79 Fine street. a system in which people are giving tion of the traffic lights at South Union thrashed out, Mr. Squires made a motion down. ” These services are proving popular. voluntarily and not being forced to give, and North Main streets. A few weeks “ to petition the taxpayers, the voters and . * GYPSY CREAM » » u system in which future us well as pres­ ago the ollicials at the State House said citizens to call a special town meeting to ap­ The crowd in general was there for a good FREE CHURCH time, and they got it. The speaking was done ent needs ure considered—that is what that work would begin the following propriate no less than $10,(XX) and wipe out Elm Street. Congregational. Organized 1840 A Soothing and Protecting Lotion for the taxpayers’ association.” Mr. Burns by only a few, and this was expected. In two the Emergency committee has built up week, but nothing has been done since instances the crowd proved to be good sports Rev. Alfred C. Church, Pastor When this system is challenged at a stated that he would take this up later And we appropriated the money last Mr. Dwyer arose once again, but he was by applauding two men on the Emergency Sunburn, Ivy Poison, Moth Itch, Heat Kasli ami special town meeting, the voters of M arch I 10.30, Sunday, Morning Worship, sermon, cut short temporarily when Mr. Burns asked committee side. “ Naturalness in Expressing Religion," Mr. Noss other superficial Skin Irritutions. him if he were going to stop talking tonight preaching. Mr. Dwyer reassured him in words, if not in One of the most sensible after-meeting Townsman Organizes actions. Mr.t Swanton was again applauded suggestions was to the effect that more such NORTH PARISH CHURCH 3 9 c bottle Alice Shorten Wins meetings be held, with a charge of twenty New 1’ress Service when he explained the purchases of the North Andover Centre. Unitarian. Organized 1645 emergency committee which Mr. Chambers cents for admission, the proceeds to be used Playground Contest had mentioned before. He stated that the for the unemployed. In this way, those who Rev. S. C. Beane, Minister (Continued from page 1) Andover merchant had received the contract want pleasure can have it and help the un­ 10.30, Sunday, The Rev. A. L. Hill of Wilton, TH E HARTIGAN PHARMACY for the shovels on a high bid, but that he had employed at the same time. used a Rreut deal of so-culled “ tiller," mater Bubbling over with enthusiasm, a noisy N. H.t will preach in exchange with Mr. Beane. On not produced the goods and so Mr. Swanton the last Sunday of July, the Rev. Robert J. Raible, ial which hail no hearing on Andover, hut group of one hundred spectators watched an proved very friendly to the which was used merely to mal e the paper went to New Hampshire at his own expense of Greenfield, Mass., will occupy the pulpit. 10.10 thirty-five youngsters compete for the title and bought the shovels at a low figure. press, and after the meeting he was thanked a.m., an automobile leaves the Andover Bookstore look bin- This practice was discontinued in of “ 19.12 Soap Bubble Champion” in a novel for the free publicity. Incidentally, did we April under the present editor, and the paper Moves Adjournment for the Unitarian church at North Andover. A wel­ PHONE YOUR ORDER TODAY! contest at the Playstead last Friday night. C. Carleton Kimball arose and stated that get the little tale that Mr. Burns asked us to come to all. was accordingly brought down to four pages After seven heats in which the tots blew get? We hope so. Several people expected a drop in circulation, all had aired their views, and then he moved bubbles of various shapes and sizes, Alice adjournment. The crowd had not yet had hut in general all except a few of the readers Shorten, aged 10, was crowned as the best SOUTH CHURCH realized that there was just as much news enough however, and Mr. Burns ruled the Central Street. Congregational. Organized 1711 bubble blower. The Misses Elizabeth Ferry motion out of order. The chairman started W edding NEW ENGLAND COKE matter in the paper as there had been in the and Barbara Lord acted as judges and did Rev. Frederick B. Noss, Minister former eight pages. The Townsman is glad then on his main address of the evening in very well. They found great difficulty in which he made frequent references to a “self- HOLLIS—K NO WLTON More heat in every ton because there is NO WASTE! to announce this new plan and thus make a tracing the origin of many of the bubbles Services at the Free church at 10.30. return for the faith the readers have shown appointed Moses who rose to lead the tax­ Christ church was the scene of a beautifully A Cleaner Better Fuel which persisted in tloating away, some of the payers’ out of the wilderness of excessive impressive wedding last Saturday afternoon in the Townsman in the past. contestants using a brand of soap that floats. WEST CHURCH taxation.” He stated that Mr. O'Connell at four o’clock, when Miss Marjorie Knowl- Congregational. Organized 1826 Mary Moynihan, 9 years old, won second was a personal friend of his for many years, ton, daughter of Mrs. Winfield Bradford Place your order NOW for honors, and was followed by Robert Ross, and went on to condemn the chairman of the Knowlton, 69 Salem street, became the bride Rev. Newman Matthew., Pastor Prizes Awarded (ieorge Bodenrader, Harry Duke, and Emma emergency committee on various points. He of Hilliard Hollis, son of Mrs. John Hudson 10 30, Sunday, Public Worship with sermon by Snyder. made a demand that Andover mills be Hollis, Swampscott. The rector of Christ the Pastor. The Economy Fuel at Whist Party The contest was divided into six heats and reserved for Andover people. Next he sug­ church, Rev. Charles W. Henry, performed a final, all of five seconds each. John Mc­ gested the reservoir job mentioned earlier by the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Garfield UNION CONGREGATIONAL Grath and Herbert Patterson were the Mr. Chambers. Mr Kidd moved an appropri­ Morgan of Lynn. Culla lilies, white gladioli, CHURCH, BALLARDVALE $ I Q . o o The Ways and Means committee of the scorers and James Bissett the referee- ation of $15,(XX), and this was accepted. and cedars formed a beautiful background for Rev. Marion R. Phelps JL

LOCAL NEWS NOTES LOCAL NEWS NOTES LOCAL NEWS NOTES WEST PARISH BALLARDVALE BALLARDVALE ABBOTT VILLAGE Mr and Mrs. Irving (). Piprr of Lowell Mr. and Mrs. C harlen Mullen have been Daniel Hartman spent Sunday at Rye street spent last week-end on the Cape. enjoying a brief vacation at Hampton Warren Lewis has been ill at his home < George Brown is enjoying his annual vaca­ Benjamin Derrick is ill at his home Beach. I.owell road. tion of two weeks. Mi.s Helen Smith of Cuba street is enjoy­ Mr and Mrs. F.rnest I). Walcn of Salem Beach. Marland street. ing two weeks’ vacation with friends in Mrs. Cecelia Derrah is enjoying a vacation street are enjoying a vacation in Gloucester. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin E. Stevens of the Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Kimball and daughter Mrs. Etta Famuahscn has been the recent Karl Moody of Boston spent the week end Beverly. in Canada. Madeline spent Sunday at Rye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hecly of Johnson Hall high school faculty are spending their vaca­ guest of relatives here. at his home on Marland street. Miss Doris Eerrier and Miss Beatrice arc spending the summer in Plainfield, N. J. tion in Kingston. , William Kenny of Sterling street is enjoy­ Charles Young of Central street was Mrs. Mary Thwing of Georgetown spent Mr. and Mrs. William Majerison of Law Henderson are spending a few days at (treat ing a week’s vacation. Air. and Mrs. George W. Ilinman and recent visitor at Nantasket Reach. Sunday with friends here. rence were the recent guests of Mr and Mrs Bond, Kingston, N. H. Mrs Elizabeth C. Goodhue of School Joseph $tott of High street. street is enjoying a vacation in Dublin, N. If. family arc spending the summer at North .Mrs Florence Symonds of Park street is Mrs. John Reilly of High street visited at Miss Isal>elle Murray of Center street is the Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson of Red Bridgton, Maine. visiting in Springfield. Hampton Beach over the week-end. guest of relatives in Stoncham. Mr. and Mrs. Porter of North Andover Spring rrmd spent the week-end at their Me and Mrs. Charles B. Jenkins of Chest­ camp in Kingston, N. H. Dr. and Mrs. Willet Eccles and family of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Dumont of Washing Miss Betty Winters of North Main street were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. nut street are enjoying a vacation at Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brogan entertained James Schofield of Andover street. Beach. the academy faculty are enjoying a vacation ton avenue have moved to Danvers. spent the week-end at Hampton Beach. relatives from Reading on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Bateson of New Jersey is at Casco, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coates and family of enjoying a vacation at the home of her Mr and Mrs. Horace M. Poynter and (ieorge F. Snow of 45 Abbot street is Mrs. Jeremiah J. O’Connor of High street Mrs. S. ( \ Walker of Chester street is the spending a few weeks at Nashua, N. II Melnise Highlands were the guests on Wed grandmother, Mrs. William Clark, of Red family arc spending a vacation at Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Benton and family spent the week-end at Hampton Beach. guest of relatives in Toronto, Canda. Spring road. of Judson roatl are enjoying a vacation in nesday of Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson. N. H. Mrs. George Mannock and her son, George, Miss Ruth Thompson of Gould street is Middlebury, Virginia. Mrs. Ella Russell and family arc spending Mr. and Mrs. Delliert Hannon and daugh Mrs. Catherine S. Tyer of the Caronel Jr., visited at Hampton Beach recently spending a few weeks at Hampton Beach several weeks a t their camp in Maine. Air. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Roth and ter of Woburn were the guests on Wednesday apartments is enjoying a vacation at Pigeon Mrs. Alice Holihan of Morton street is at Mrs. Harold Dowdingof Holyoke, who has Rev. E. R. Barrows was the leader of the of Benjamin Herrick of Marland street. To Go to Reception Cove. family of Taylor Hall, Phillips academy, are her summer residence at North Rye, N. II spending the summer in Hamilton, N. Y. been visiting Miss Helen Lewis, for a week is Epworth League on Sunday evening. now visiting in Methuen. I he Misses Helen, Madeline and Barbara in Boston Thursday Mr. and Mrs. George French arc enjoying Alexander M. Blackburn of the Andover Mrs. Arthur Whitley of Jamaica Plain Smith of Nashua, N. If. have lieen the guests a vacation at Lake, North Bridgton, Archibald Freeman, head of the history Press is spending a brief vacation in Georgia Don’t forget the sale for the Educational of Miss Margaret Cronin of Center street was the guest of relatives here recently. The local Woman's Relief corps has l»een Maine. department at Phillips academy, is spending Mrs. Franklin Belcour of Kim street is Aid Fund of the State Grange. Time, August his summer vacation in Cortland, N. Y. 26; place, Sunny Ridge Farm, Lowell road Mrs. Harry Trow of River street spent Harold Grant, son of Mr, and Mrs. Rankin invited to participate in Woman’s Relief The Misses M ary and Alice Kell of Morton visiting friends in Plymouth for a few weeks Wednesday visiting relatives in Lowell. Grant of Tewksbury street is spending Corps Day which is to he observed Tuesday, street are spending a vacation at Kennebunk Mr. and Mrs. Monte Peck and family of Miss Ida Kennedy is entertaining Miss Miss Esther M. Lewis has returned to her several weeks with relatives in St. John's, July 26th at Department Headquarters. 18 Beach. Phillips academy are at Lake Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Miller of Center N. S. Mora Longa of Merrimack, N. H.f for a few home in Saugus after a visit with her parents, street are spending several weeks in Maine. Boylston street, Boston, from two until four Mrs. Marion Cleveland and family of North Bridgton, Maine for the summer days. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I.ewis, Lowell road I he r. W. club held a meeting on Tuesday o’clock. The various department head­ months. Roy Brown of Tewksbury street is con­ quarter officers will he tendered a reception Abbot street is enjoying a vacation at Har­ Mrs. Mortimer Smith of New York re Miss Mary F. Gould who is spending the evening at the home of Mrs. Louis Kihbee of wich Court. fined to his home with the rheumatic fever. Clark road. Routine business was transacted by the department headquarter aides, which Karl Billhardt, baseball coach and a mem­ cently spent a few days with friends in summer with Mrs. Sarah M. Wagstaff was in affair will sturt at two o’clock p.m. Mr and Mrs. Charles Arnold of Central ber of the faculty at Phillips academy, is Andover. Waltham for a short visit Tuesday and Wed Mrs. Annie Coll>ath a former resident of after which refreshments were served. nesday. this town is now making her home in Malden. street and family are enjoying a vacation in spending the summer at Long Lake Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Holland and Many members of tile Epworth League of Pittsfield, N. H. North Bridgton, Maine. family of Chestnut street spent Sunday at The Future Farmers of America held a Henry Warren of Center street was the the Methodist church will attend the moon­ To Take Part in Rye Beach. Field Day at Essex Aggie on Wednesday. guest on Sunday of relatives in Nashua, N. H light sail to a mystery destination conducted The attendance was good and the meeting by the Epworth League of the Boston Circuit. Swimming Contest Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tyler of Kim street enthusiastic. Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews of Mar Tickets may he obtained from Rev, E. R are spending two weeks at Lake Winnepe- land street are spending two weeks at Green Barrows or John Russefl. Transportation will saukec, N. H. Mrs. Frederick Shiers of North street has Hill, R. I. lie provided from Ballardvale to Rowe's Mary M. Doherty, Marion Fcttes, and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING the sympathy of her friends and neighbors wharf. William H. Jaquith of Salem street has Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thwing of Man Mildred McGlynn. meml>ers of the Boston Classified Advertising Rates —One insertion 50 cents, three insertions $1.00 because of the sudden death of her brother, Chester were the guests of friends here on .Swimming association, have entered the been visiting recently at his summer home at Herbert Rutter, at Yarmouth. An exhibition of the handwork completed Essex county 50-meter championship swim (Above Rates Restrict Copy to 30 Words) Seabrook beach. Sunday. by the children attending the Daily Vacation Legal Advertising —$1.50 an inch (three issues) Citations —$5.00 (three issues) Andover Grange will meet on Tuesday which is to he held at Salem Willows tomor­ Mrs. William Bateson and daughter Mrs. T S DeBIoisand family of Marland Bible school being conducted by the Metho­ row. Miss Doherty and Miss McGlynn are evening at Grange hall. After the business street are spending several weeks at Dov dist church will lie held in the vestry on Iri- Copy m ust be in not later than Wednesday night Dorothy of Bloomfield, N. J. are visiting meeting those present will go to Sunny Ridge also to comj>ete in the 1 0 0 -meter free style friends in town. Point, N. II. day evening. A record attendance has been vent. Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert established this year as on some days there James ( iillespie, Jr., of Kim street is spend Lewis, where a weinie roast and a general Murray Blue of Boston was the guest on were over seventy children attending. LEGAL NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS ing a vacation at Camp Lawrence, Lake good time is planned. Originally a corn roast Sunday of Mr. and Mrs- Oliver Coates of Winnepesaukee. was planned, but Mr. Weatherman decided Center street. (ieorge Bruce, local postmaster has been Garden Club Notes notified to the effect that on July 20 the fee otherwise, so the corn roast will he held at Mr. and Mrs. James Kidd and family of YOUR ANTIQUE CLOCK Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cheever of some future date if the drouth lets up. to he charged for the issue of domestic Members of the Andover Garden club Chestnut street are spending the week in Woburn street are spending several days at money orders will lie increased one cent on all Commonwealth of M assachusetts Can be equipped with an electric move­ Roger H. Lewis of Portland, Maine, and Plum Island. have been invited to visit the house and Skowhegan, Maine. money orders up to and including S20. The gardens of William II. Mayo on Old Moun­ ment at reasonable cost. Telephone Andover three friends who had been touring Maine, rates are: to 82.50, be; 82.51 to S5.00, 8 c; PROBATE COURT 893-J. I imothy J. Madden, driver of C'ombina Joseph Burns of Barre was the guest on tain road, Peterborough, N. H. “ Dunhunt- New Hampshire and eastern Massachusetts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson of 85.01 to 810, 11c; 810.01 to 820, 13c; 820.01 un,” as the estate is known, will be open Essex -, s s . tion 2 of the central fire station, is enjoying stopped in the Parish to visit friends before to 840, 15c; 840.01 to 860, 18c; 860.01 to a two weeks' vacation. Marland street. every Saturday afternoon in July from 3 to To all persons interested in the trusts under starting homeward. They reported signs of 880, 20 c; 880.01 to 8100, 2 2 c. the will of Emily F. Raymond, otherwise T U T O R IN G—Grammar school pupils 5.30, daylight saving time. The house is two tutored during vacation by experienced Miss Helen Saunders of High street has the drouth everywhere, especially noticeable Mrs. Mary Garrity and Miss Mary Breen called Emily F. M. Raymond late of An­ were the recent guests of Mrs. Mary Hag hundred years old and has l>een charmingly teacher. French taught, conversational returned home after spending a week motor­ in that section where the big canning restored. Tea will be served, and the proceeds dover in said County (wife of Samuel tories were situated which will mal e those gerty of Clarke road. Local Dividends Raymond) deccnsed, for the benefit of method. Address “ A” Townsman office. ing through New York state. will be used for the benefit of the Christopher products scarce and high. Another thing Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stark of Center street shop, which supplies work for the physicully Edward G. Raymond and Edith G. The Rev. Fr. Frank Ronan of the Mission noticed was that farmers were harvesting Lemon. Band, Flint, Michigan, is spending a few entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Over $300,000 handicapped. FOR RENT every of fodder whether of first or second Pearson of Wakefield. W h e r e a s , a petition has been presented to days with relatives in town. quality. said Court by John E. Gilcreast of Lexington Mutual savings banks throughout the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Paine and family of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Clemons of Wake­ in the County of Middlesex praying that he, TENEMENT TO LET—Central location; field were the recent guests of Miss Annie state whose dividend periods come in June every modern convenience. Apply to 40 Walnut avenue alive been enjoying a vaca­ and July will release dividends amounting to W arn er or some other suitable person be appointed tion at Kastham on the Cape. Clemons of Marland street. B ros. trustee under the will of said deceased, which Frank Mc Bride , 38 Chestnut street. Swimming Lessons about $20,(KM),(MX), either in money or addi­ BROADWAY1 has been proven in said Court (Exchange Miss Marie Ryan, recent graduate of St. Mrs. Royal Baker of Center street has tional credits in passbooks of depositors, returned to her home after spending several STARTS SUNDAY Trust Company, of Boston, a former trustee, TO LET—A steam-heated furnished room Elizabeth’s hospital, Brighton, visited her Popular at Pomps representing earnings for the half-year ending having resigned.) home on High street this week. days with relatives in Boston. june 30. Dividends of the local mutual sav­ with all conveniences. Apply 55 High ings institution was in excess of $.>(M),(MM)(M). BILLIE DOVE You are hereby cited to appear at a Pro­ St., Andover, Mass. Miss Dorothy Coles of North Main street Pomp’s pond has proved once again to he a Miss Attley Coolidge of Lawrence was the bate Court to be held at Newburyport, in very popular bathing resort and hundreds of week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I he considerable sum ready for distribu­ is vacationing for six weeks at Rochester, tion to the 3,(KM),(MX) depositors in Massachu­ said County of Essex, on the twenty-fifth N. Y. with friends and relatives. children l>enefit by its cool waters every day. Charles Coolidge of River street. day of July A.D. 1932, at ten o’clock in the LOST Under the supervision of John Robertson and setts mutual savings banks represents an COCK OF THE AIR' forenoon, to show cause, if any you have, why An enjoyable week-end was spent at George Forsythe, senior life guards, swim­ The Daily Vacation Bible school members important addition to the available supply will be the guests of the Jersey Ice Cream the same should not be granted. LOST—Watch fob, black silk witli Masonic Hampton Beach by Mrs. Sophie Beaulieu of ming is being taught daily. Forty-four of ready money. This year’s summer payment And said petitioner is ordered to serve this Main street last Saturday and Sunday. children have already registered for the company of Lawrence on Friday. falls at a moment when the greatest need of Kay Francis charm attached; initials E R L; in An­ business is a fluid movement of currency and citation by publishing the same once in each dover Square Thursday evening. I’lease junior life guard tests and twenty-four have Peggy Nicoll of Newport, R. I. is sending in week, for three successive weeks, in the The next baby clinic will be held at the entered the lists for the senior tests. Fifty-six the release of $20,(MM),(MX) at this time cannot return to Townsman office. Andover Guild Tuesday, August 2. All several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andover Townsman a newspaper published children out of the 112 pupils in swimming James Keating of Marland street. fail to be of benefit. ‘STREET of WOMEN” in said Andover, the last publication to be mothers are invited to bring any child under are in an advanced class. Any who desire to It is an interesting fact that not a single one day at least before said Court, and by six years of age. receive instruction in swimming or life-saving Mrs. Leon Knox of Wollaston has been institution among the 194 active mutual sav­ Andover Savings Bank at Pomp’s pond may do so by communicating spending several days at the home of her ings banks in Massachusetts will fail to pay mailing, postpaid, a copy hereof to each John and Margaret Barrett of Burnham father, Thomas Stott of River street. person interested in said trust, seven days at road and John Barrett and John P. S. with the life-guards. its dividends this year. In fact, none of these least before said Court. The following pass book issued by the Doherty of Harding street enjoyed a trip on Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones of Somersworth institutions has omitted payment during the entire present period of depression, a record Witness, H a r r y R. Dow, Esquire, Judge Andover Savings Bank has been lost and ap­ the boat train Sunday. N. II. spent the week-end at the home of Mr. of said Court, this first day of July in the plication has been made for the issuance of Brigham Named and Mrs. James Bonner of High street. said to be unequalled by any other kind of duplicate book. Public notice of such applica­ Mrs. George Kilakey and son of Spring- institution in the state and perhaps in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty- Several local men attended the outing of two. tion is hereby given in accordance with field are visiting with Mrs. Kilakey’s sister, country. Section 40, Chapter 590, of the Acts of 1908. Mrs. Jean Wood on High street. Vice-President the Holy Name society of the St. Augustine’s The only difference present conditions have HORACE H. ATHERTON, J r. church held recently in West Andover. Register Payment has been stopped. Joseph Adams has returned to New York made to savings bank depositors in Massa­ Book No. 32533. City after spending a few days with Mr. and At the quarterly meeting of the Board of Miss Katherine O’Neil of Dorchester was chusetts is a slight reduction in dividend Frederic S. Boutwell , Treasurer Mrs. Frank Welch of Kim street. Directors of the Merrimack, Cambridge and renewing acquaintances in town recently rates as a means of further increasing surplus July 8 , 1932 Lynn Manufacturers & Merchants Mutual Miss O’Neil was a former resident here. accounts. Last year the average rate |>aid by M o r tg a g e e ’s S a le Mrs. Annie Alley of the Andover bookstore Fire Insurance companies, of Andover, held all savings banks in the state was 4.58 per is spending a month with her daughter, on July 18th with President Burton S. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan of River street cent as compiled on December 31. Although By virtue of a power of sale contained in a LEGAL NOTICES Mrs. Harry Clough, Linden, N. J. Flagg presiding, it was voted to effect the entertained as their guests on Sunday Mr. the average has not been compiled for the certain mortgage deed given by Arthur N. following changes in the executive personnel: and Mrs. (ieorge Ryan of Canobie Lake. first half of 1932 it will l>e nearer 4.25 per Miss Florence Thomas of Mendon is Frank L. Brigham, for 19 years General Comeau to George B. Frost, dated November spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cecil Jones of Moody street and cent. At the same time the surplus accounts 28, 1924 and recorded with Essex Registry Commonwealth of M assachusetts Arthur S. White on Washington avenue. Agent, elected vice-president in charge of Mrs. Henry Buckley of Chester street are of the savings banks are increasing, thereby OUTDOOR DANCING TONIGHT of Deeds, North District, book 507, page 267, production; Edward C. Nichols, secretary; spending several weeks at Kingston, N. II strengthening their back log of earnings. for breach of the condition contained in said Frederick J. Daly, formerly of Phillips Herbert II. Veit, general agent, and Charles Officials of the savings hanks report normal mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing PROBATE COURT academy, has been appointed headmaster of II. Cole, assistant general agent. Miss Elizabeth Herring of Marland street operations, with earnings maintained at the AL DWYER’S PROMENADERS the same, the undersigned will sell at public Essex , ss. the Tamalpais school at San Rafael, Calif. who has been visiting relatives at Los level of recent years. Dividends for the re f e a tu r in g auction upon the premises described in said To all persons interested in the trusts under Angeles, Calif., has returned to her home mainder of 1932 are well in sight and in some the will of Samuel Raymond late of An­ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Linehan and daughter here. Bob Hook, tenor mortgage at two o’clock in the afternoon of Eleanor of Bradford spent Sunday with Mr. Camp Mayanuck cases partly earned for the next six months. the ninth day of August, A.D. 1932, all the dover in said County, gentleman de­ The total for the year will be in the vicinity a well merited return engagement ceased, for the benefit of Edward G. Ray­ and Mrs. Fred L. Collins of Summer street. Clyde Mears and family have moved from of $90,(MM),(MM). During three years of slacken­ by popular demand. right, title, interest and estate which by vir­ Begijrins Season the Nason house on Chester street to the tue of the power contained in said mortgage, mond and others. Dr. Carrie P. Bacon of the Musgrove ing business the mutual savings banks of W h e r e a s , a petition has been presented building will spend the month of August at house owned by Patrick Hannon on River Massachusetts have paid out more than Tomorrow Night the undersigned will have the right to sell Camp Mayanuk, located at Leominster street. and convey in and to the premises conveyed to said Court by John E. Gilcreast of Lexing­ Jackson, N. II., at the home of Dr. and Mrs. S3(M),(MM),(MM) in dividends upon deposits in ton in the County of Middlesex praying that C. Norman Bartlett. and operated by the Young Wom­ excess of $2,(MM),(MM),(MM). That means an FRANK GEARY by said mortgage, to wit: en’s Christian Association is open to all girls Alton Wing of Methuen and a former resi­ The land in Andover in the County of he, or some other suitable person be ap­ average of $ 1 0 0 each for every depositor in and His Ambassadors pointed trustee under the will of said de­ Helen Moody, mezzo-contralto, and Ger­ of Andover, Lawrence, Methuen and other dent of Ballardvale has been the guest of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, trude Pearce Paige, pianist, maybe heard Jack Haggerty of Chester street for the past the state. Boston's Leading Society Band ceased, which has been proven in said Court surrounding towns. Camp opened on July The banks not only have paid dividnds on the Northerly side of Salem Street and (Exchange Trust Company, of Boston, a over WEKI Thursday, July 28, and Thurs­ 16th and will close after Labor Day. few days. bounded and described as follows: Beginning day, August 4, at 5 p.m. regularly during the three year period hut Check Dancing former trustee having resigned.) The camp provides an ideal program of Mrs. Samuel Moody and children have have fully maintaineddeposits, which amount at a brass pipe in the northerly line of said You are hereby cited to appear at a Pro­ swimming as its special feature. Swimming Convenient Free Parking Salem Street, just west of a large Elm tree; Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hennessey and returned to their home after spending several to $2,098,799,104.34 as of July 1, 1932. bate Court to be held at Newburyport, in son of Winchester spent Sunday with Mrs. instruction is given daily and there are days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry thence North 42°45' West, sixty-one and 6-10 said County of Essex, on the twenty-fifth day special swimming periods for recreation. (61.6) feet along said street line to land now Hennessey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wells of Maine. of July A.D. 1932, at ten o’clock in the fore­ Dwyer of Summer street. Four Red Cross Life Savers give instruction or once of Mary E. Carter; thence by said and patrol the water front. The lieach is an noon, to show cause, if any you have, why Charles Partridge of River street has been STARTS Carter’s land North 43° 25# East ninety-nine the same should not be granted. Jack and Tom Noyes, sons of Mrs. Blanche excellent one, providing a swimming crib for suffering from injuries received when he and 85-100 (99.85) feet to land of George B. And said petitioner is ordered to serve this Noyes of Main street, left last Friday for beginners and diving for the advanced. caught his arm in an extractor at the laundry SATURDAY Frost; thence South 52‘ 30' East, seventy- citation by publishing the same once in each Camp Lawrence, Lake Winnepesaukee, Other features of the program which also where he is employed. four and 5-10 (74.5) feet; thence South 71° week, for three successive weeks, in the An­ where they will spend six weeks. e under expert direction are hand craft, f f West, eleven and 5-10 (11.5) feet, thence dover Townsman a newspaper published in Alexander MacKenzie, a driver at the first aid, nature, overnight hikes, campfires Mr. and Mrs. George Cheyne of Center one hundred one and 5-10 (101.5) feet by said Andover, the last publication to be one central lire station has returned from a two and boating. Each girl has an opportunity to street have just returned from a motor trip other land of said Carter to the point of day at least before said Court, and by mail­ weeks’ vacation which he enjoyed by touring choose those things in which she is most through New Hampshire and Vermont and beginning. Containing 6584 square feet. ing, postpaid, a copy hereof to each person New York, New Jersey and C anada. interested. Hand craft has been extremely spent some time at Lake Champlain. The premises will be sold subject to a first popular with the campers. Almost every girl interested in said trust, seven days at least Helen Moody, mezzo contralto and Ger­ mortgage to the Andover Savings Bank in before said Court. Harry Payne of Bartlet street, coach of makes something in the Putter Shoppe to the amount of S7000.00 and accrued interest football at Howard University, has been take home with her—birch candle sticks, trude Pearce Paige, pianist, are to give pro­ Witness, H a r r y R. D o w , Esquire, Judge grams over WEE1 Thursday, July 28, and thereon, and to all unpaid taxes, municipal of said Court, this first day of July in the attending the summer football coaching baskets and purses are some of the articles 1 tens and assessments. school at Franklin-Marshall college. made. Thursday, August 4, at five o’clock in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty- evening. hive hundred dollars ($500.00) will be two. District Deputy William A. Harnedy, The camp is ideally located in a pine grove. required to be paid in cash by the purchaser HORACE H. ATHERTON, J r. with his suite of Boston district deputies, The girls sleep in screened-in cabins. Modern The local (). B. A. club, the younger boysof ol the time and place of sale, balance of Register installed the officers of Lawrence Council, plumbing and electric lights add to the the community is a flourishing organization. purchase price to be paid within ten days Knights of Columbus, Monday night. comfort of rustic life. A fine staff of trained Bakery sales have been held and the pro­ thereafter upon delivery of deed. counsellors have been selected. ceeds used to purchase sweaters and hats for ------CO-FEATURE ------George B. Frost County Commissioner Frederick Butler Registrations may be made by addressing WHERE IT'S COOL and COMFY the baseball team. The present motive of the STRANGE-WEIRD- MELODRAMA Mortgagee and Present Holder of said DANA W. CLARK was one of the speakers at the lawn party the Y. W. C. A., 19 Orchard street, Law members is to procure the letters O. B. A. for ..Mortgage. CIVIL and MECHANICAL ENGINEER held by the Haverhill District Republican rence, Mass. “ALMOST club in Haverhill, Thursday of last week. their jerseys. The following officers are in Lawrence & Steinberg, Attys., KngiilMrlug Problem* and Surrey* handled charge: President, Thomas Wrigley; secre­ 825*Bay State Building, eccurutely and promptly MARRIED" NORTH ESSEX DISTRICT Miss Lucille White, who has been ill at tary and treasurer, Jack Haggerty; captain WITH AN ALL STAR CAST Lawrence, Mass. Blackstone recently, was removed to her Births of the baseball team, < ieorge Zink; manager of 60 Maple Ave. Andover, Mas*. home on Washington avenue during the past the baseball team, William Wrigley. T E L E P H O N E 561 M week in the local lire department ambulance. A son, Joseph Wilfred Alfred, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beaudoin, lopping street, on About ninety-eight persons attended the Mary Lang, Virginia Drew, Arthur Payne, July 17. picnic held by the Congregational church ROY A. DANIELS John Ferguson Marjorie Andrews, Alan Chadwick, Ruth A son to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard (Mary Sunday school at Canobie Lake park on POLONIAL THEATRp Covel, Russell Stevens, and John Gallagher Watchmaker and Uarrolli Knitaii at the Shawsheen hospital, Saturday. Promptly at ten o'clock two buses ^ ANDOVER, MASS. Electrical Contractor will go to Northfield as local C. E. delegates on July 17 and five private machines conveyed the Jeweler from August 15 to 22. A daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. children and friends to this popular amuse­ 3 SHOWS DAILY — 2:15. 6:15, 8:15 78 78 Chestnut St. Andover ment park where the day was spent enjoying 47 MAIN ST. ANIIOVEH Miss Katherine Healey of Windsor street, Sterling (Elizabeth Sanderson l'laggj Dow in <;ifl. for All Occasion* Portland, Maine, July 14. the games and sports provided by the com­ Shawsheen, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. mittee in charge and also the amusements TODAY AND TOMORROW July 22-23 Charles Collins of Lawrence, sailed Sunday offered there. An amusing feature was the "ATTORNEY FOIt THE DEFENCE” Edmond Law. 2:45; 6:45; 9:25 A. F. RIVARD on the Adriatic from Boston on a two months' Local Gun Club baseball game l>etween the men and the "CARNIVAL BOAT” - Ginger Roger. 3:56*7:55 50% DISCOUNT tour of the Irish Free State. women attendants. Although the men were "FOOLISH FORTIES” Comedy 2:25; 6:25; 9:05 Optometrist forced to play left handed they put a hard on all BODY repairs during Rev. Charles A. Branton, O.S.A., pastor Victors at Everett MONDAY AND TUESDAY July 25-26 of St Augustine’s church, und Rev. Emmett battle and won by the score of 12 to 11. The cleaning time. Eyes Carefully Tested line up was us follows: Women—Mrs. Wil­ "DARK HORSE” Warren William* 3:50; 6:Z5; 9:15 Prescriptions Filled A. Flynn, O.S.A., attended the installation of "STATE’S ATTORNEY” John Barrymore 2:35; 7:50 Specialists in Oriental Rugs Kt Rev. John B. Peterson, D.D., as bishop of The Andover Sportsmen’* club defeated liam Miller, p.; Ruth Scanned, c\; Mrs. the Everett Gun club, 204 to 199, in a team Foster Matthews, lb.; Miss Muriel Cumins, "81LLY SYMPHONY” Cartoon 2:25:7:40 Repairing, Cleaning, Packing 36 MAIN STREET the diocese o f Manchester, N. H., at Man­ chester last week. invitation skeet shoot at Everett Saturday. 2b.; Mrs. Marion B. Phelps, 3b.; Mrs. and Storing. Pitman with 47 was the high man for the James Morton, s.s.; Mrs. Edward Hall, c.L; WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY July 27-28 Thirty-seven years experience. Midshipman Allan C. Edmunds and his cal team. Norma Matthews, l.f. Men—James Sparks, "STRANGE LOVE OF MOl.LY LOUVAIN” Ann Dvorak 3:36; 0:35; 9:05 DANIEL J. MURPHY brother John of Carmel road, who made a The summary: ; Ralph Greenwood, c.; E. M. Coon, 2b.; "NIGHT WORLD" Mae Clarke 2:35; 7:45 hiking trip to Vermont lust week have re­ Andover—J. Pitman, 47; K. Buchan, 41; 6ev Marion Phelps, 3b.; (ieorge Douty, lb.; "MINNIE THE MOOCHER" Cartoon 2:25; 6:25; 8:55 a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w Norman Drouin, If.; John Roggee, c.L; H. F.OTASH & SONS turned to their home. While in Vermont they H. Manthorne, 38; J. Judson, 38; W. Soutar, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY July 29-30 Mr*. H. F. Ota*h. P r o p . visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs 40. Total, 204 Foster Matthews, s.s. The committee in 8121-822 Bay State Bldg., Lawrence Ellis L. Edmunds of Rochester, and their Everett—Mrs W Pierce, 42; K A. Leeson, charge: Sports James Sparks; transporta­ "SYMPHONY OF SIX MILLION” Ricardo Cortaz 2:25; 6:25; 9:10 8 Lois St., METHUEN Phone 22298 Telephone 21956 cousin, Mrs. John B. Russell of Montpelier 38; A. i.ewis, 44; T. Ford, 43; E. Allen, 31. tion, Jeannie Scanneli; tickets and arrange­ "THE MENACE" H. B. Warner 3:55; 7:55 Total, 199. ments, Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Phelps. 1 rtim a tee F r e e — Given Anywhere Town Counsel of Andover and her family. FRIDAY, JULY *22, 1932 PAGE FOUR THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN LOCAL NEWS NOTES O bituary Industrial League Town League New in the Printing Trade Prof. Allen R. Benner is at Waldoboro, The second week of play in the Industrial The II. P. Hood team knocked the Sherrill The latest addition to the Andover SULLIVAN letgui finds tin v F. W. on top with two club out of first plan in the Town league Press family arrived in Andover Monday Maine. Lawrence Sullivan of Montclair, N. J., son wins, and the Post Office and Townsman tied this week. The race, which last week looked morning via the Stork Route. I t’s a girl, Mrs. Archie N. Frost of Salem street is at of Cornelius Sullivan, formerly of Andover, for second each with one win and one loss. like a walkaway for the Sherrillitcs, sud­ and the happy father and mother are Mr. Kenncbunkport. died last Sunday morning as a result of injuries incurred in an automobile accident he leaders are an experienced team—they denly turned into a dose, hectic struggle and Mrs. Dino Valz of Chestnut street. Mary Comeau of Salem street is at Bath, arc all Veterans. Many of their players were when the Hood nine chalked up two victories Dino has been a salesman with us for about in New Jersey last Saturday night. The police members of the old Andover Royals of 20 while the Sherrill club was being slaughtered seven years, and in that period of time he Maine for the summer. were unable to ascertain the cause of the pears ago, and they arc still playing great by the Trojans. Nor are the Trojans with has been able to find out just what kind of Mrs. Harry Noyes of the Caroncl apart­ mishap. The deceased is survived by several jail. Jimmy Welch, Charlie Bowman, Frank three won and three lost yet out of the run­ cigars and candy we like. Mrs Valz was ments is at Hills Beach, Maine. relatives living in Andover, including two formerly Miss Erma Trentini of Milford, cousins, Miss Katherine Hannon, a Lawrence Petty, Everett Collins, and Ed Lawson, now ning. Sloppy fielding has kept them from Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Connell arc enjoy­ the V. F. W. team, all played with the climbing higher than third place. The Sher­ N. H. Mother and child are both doing school teacher, Lawrence J. Hannon of 6.1 Royals, George Collins of the Townsman rill and B. A. A. boys have seven games left nicely. ing a vacation at West Harwich. High street, two uncles, Joseph and John team and Freddie Keuhner of the Post to play while the Trojans and Hoods have six Mr. and Mrs. William West and family of Sullivan of 9 9 North Main street, also Office were on the same nine. more. The season is scheduled to end about School street are in Pittsfield, Mass. three aunts, Nellie Sullivan of 99 North The J. E. Greeley company team is at August 7. H. P. Hood 10— B. A. A. 8 Main street, Mrs. Julia Dorgan of Weston, present in last place. They are a young team, At the meeting of tin* league committee last With Henry Porter starring with two Mr. and Mrs. John L. Phillips arc spending and Sister Monica who is in a convent in and in another week they should hit their night the protests by Manager Ed Doyle of doubles and a , the II. P. Hood nine the summer at Winnisquam, N. H. Deering, Maine. He is also survived by his proper stride. Just now they are inclined to be two games in which Ballardvale played were defeated the Ballardvale A. A. 10-8 at the Theodore K. Noss of the Phillips academy father and his sister, Grace. a little unsteady in their fielding and have thrown out. Doyle had protested the B. A. A. ’Vale Tuesday night in a six-inning game. faculty is in Chicago for the summer. The body was interred in Montclair. N. J., literally thrown both their games away. The games against the Trojans last Friday and The B. A. A. had one man on base with one Wednesday. Miss Katherine Hannon at­ team has a hunch of heavy hitters, but so far against H. P. Hood Tuesday night. The out when the game was called on account of Guy Forbush of Bartlet Hall is enjoying a tended the funeral services. M EM ORIALS of M ERIT for FIFTY YEARS they have been hitting in hard luck right at reasons for the protests arc shown in the darkness. Al Dimlich with three hits out of vacation at Pleasant Island, Maine. accounts of the two games given below. The * * NAtlafy ou the fielder. three times at bat was the hitting star for the Dr. Claude M. Fuess and family are pllall this purpose Ihrmirth (JUAI.ITY WORKMANSIIII -. A meeting of the league committee was held committee also voted to allow Polgreen and ’Vale team, along with Babe Lynch who mr.nwnr.nMEAGHER nir.mwiM/^L.iMEMORIALS mrnre known»h»" h nil over 1 Now knalund----- un— leading ----, symbols ■ . cit .._ , spending the summer in Dublin, N. H. Golf Tournament endurance and beauty; each and every MEMORIAL !n o ur o*n prodtict. d e.Iftned last Monday night, and another will probably Winters of the Trojans to play with the made two out of two. and manufacturedmiiniifiii'tnri'il hv by mir*«>l ournelveH ven and Hold to you with A C»UARANThr.GUARANTEE IO GIVE. Townsman team in the Industrial league on Barney O’Neil twirled for the Hood men, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoc Dake and family are at Country Club YOU LASTING SATISFACTION. The standing: Wednesday nights, fanning six and walking the same number. enjoying a vacation in Pittsfield, N. H. We requeHt that you call and Inspect our eshlblt of FINISHED MEMORIALS. Team W I. Avc. While the second half of the league season Lawrie was the fielding star. A. Graham Baldwin of Adams Hall is COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG sent on request. Veterans 2 (1 1 .0 0 0 is nearing the halfway mark, the first half The score: In the selected twelve holes tournament at Post Office 1 1 5(H) will not come to an end until Saturday night HOODS enjoying a vacation in Pittsfield, N. H. the Andover Country club last Saturday JOHN MEAGHER & CO., 22 Central St., Peabody, Mass. 500 when the Sherrill club plays Ballardvale in a L. A. Peabody with a 45 won first honors. Townsman 1 1 nb r bh po a e Prof, and Mrs. Charles Forbes are enjoy T e le p h o n e ! PEABODY 565 or 5*8 0 0 0 postponed game. If the Sherrillitcs lose, the( G. T. Brown with a 47 was the runner-up. Greeley 0 2 Gouck, c.f. 4 2 2 0 1 0 ing the summer vacation at Nantucket. will be tied with the Trojans for the first hal Wright, lb. 2 1 0 3 0 0 Six holes were selected from each nine The V. F. W. 15—P. O. 6 championship and a play-off will be neces- H. Porter, 2b. 4 3 3 3 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carlson and family scores: L. A. Peabody, 45-39; G. T. Brown, The Veterans of Foreign Wars went on an Fallon, .lb. 3 2 1 2 0 0 are spending a vacation in Marion, Mass. 47-40; W. Joy, 52-40; S. A. Lindsay, 53-43; outing Tuesday night at the Playstead de­ The standing of the second half including Lindholm, r.f. 4 0 1 0 0 0 W. K. Boynton, 54-44; G. M. North. 52-46; Announcing the opening of feating the Post Office 15-6. In the first inning Thursday’s game Page, l.f. 4 0 1 3 0 0 Miss Mary Gardner of Bartlet street is E. A. Anderson, 60-46; N. K. Wiggins, 54-46; of the outing Fran Daly was bombarded by Team W L Ave. Saalfrank, s.s. 3 0 1 1 1 1 spending the summer at Pine Point, Maine. O. B. Venson, 52-42; C. A. Weaver, 61-47. H. P. Hood 4 1 . 800 In the Governor’s Cup final at the country the heavy artillery of the Vets for five hits Mura, c. 3 0 0 6 3 0 Arthur L. Coleman, James Sparks, and Sherrill 3 1 750 club, Bradford Boynton defeated Richmond and seven runs. Jack Deyermond finished the O’Neil, p. 1 2 0 0 1 1 Joseph A. McCarthy were delegates to the T rojans 3 3 .500 K. Skinner, 8 and / at 36 holes. J. Kendell Longe game in the box for the mailmen, but the meeting of the Essex County Council of the * A. A. 0 5 .0 0 0 V. F. W. group seemed not to care that he Totals 28 10 9 18 7 3 American Legion Sunday at Georgetown. Watchmaker and Jeweler s a policeman’s son and paid little respect Trojanb 16- Sherrill 4 At the recent meeting of the American to him, slamming him for eight runs. The Trojans emerged from a slump Mon­ ab r llh po a e Mr. and Mrs. Chester Johnson of York Legion Essex County council held in Taylor Jimmy Welch besides hitting a triple and day night and fattened their batting averages Bonner, l.f. 2 i 0 1 0 0 street and Mr. and Mrs. Irving O. Piper of Hall, Saugus, last Saturday, Mrs. Harry Fine Swisw and American two singles made several * scintillating * ilia ' stops at considerably by collecting Id hits to beat the O’Donnell, lb. 4 i 0 5 0 0 Lowell street will visit at York Beacn this Gouck and Mrs. Joseph Miller attended as short and ran the bases with the speed of a Sherrill club 16-4 at the Playstead. Joe Davis, Kibbee, c.f. 3 2 1 2 i 0 week-end. delegates. Waldi Repairing 16-year-old. Pepper Martin with two out of Aubrey Polgreen, Gordon Coutts, and Shank Trow, c. 4 1 1 6 0 0 three and Jimmy Dugan with three out of Nclligan piled up nine of the Trojan hits, Dimlich, p., s.s. 3 1 3 i 3 0 five were also big guns for the Vets. The while Pitcher Aldrich kept the eight Sherrill Lawrie, 2b. 3 0 0 2 3 0 Jewelry Repairing winning team’s left fielder was accused of binglcs well scattered. The Trojans lost no Dane, 3b. 3 1 1 0 1 0 Genuine Spring Lamb Legs 25c lb. Juicy Oranges, large size Petty larceny by the letter carriers for three time in beginning their slugfest, amassing Benson, r.f. 2 0 1 0 0 0 Roasting Pork ...... 16c lb...... 2 doz. 69c Prompt Service hit-robbing catches. Charlie Bowman almost twelve runs in the first three innings, while Gibson, r.f. 2 0 0 0 0 0 retired the whole Post Office team single- the Sherrillitcs sent but one man across the Lynch, p., s.s. 2 1 2 1 0 1 Lamb Forequarters ...... 15c lb. Honey Dew Melons ...... 35c handed when his bat slipped from his hands plate. Ken Wallace and Lester Hilton were Sparks, p. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Undercut Pot Roast ...... 27c lb. Sugar...... 10 lb. bag 43c Reasonable Prices and tlew in the direction of the P. O. bench the leading hitsmiths for the losers. Sirloin Roast, boneless . 45c lb. Brookfield Butter .. .2 lb. roll 49c in the third inning. M attie Chetson, pos­ The score Totals 29 8 9 18 8 1 sessed with nearly as much steam as another TROJANS Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 Club Sirloin Steak 49c lb. Monarch Salmon 1 lb. flat can 29c All Work G uaranteed famous Andover Mattie, twirled a good game ab r bh PO a e Hoods 0 0 4 4 0 2—10 Fresh Calves Liver...... 55c lb. Bisqulck ...... pkg. 33c for the Vets. Deyermond, s.s. 3 3 1 1 0 i IL A. A. 0 0 5 0 3 0— 8 Sweet Potatoes ...... 3 lbs. 25c Ammonia, extra strong, qt. bot. We curry u arlerteil line of jewelry, For the Post Office team Leo Driscoll, V Nclligan, 2b. 4 2 2 3 1 0 Two-base hits: Porter, Mura. Three-base Fresh Green Peas...... 2 qts. 29c ...... 2 for 29c Irvine, and Fred Keuhner were the best Coutts, c.f. 4 2 2 3 l 0 hits: Porter. First base on balls: off Lynch 3, silverweur and docks. Burbine, l.f. 4 3 1 4 0 2 O’Neil 6 . Struck out: by Lynch 3, O’Neil 6 . Green Beans...... 2 qts. 15c Mullers Cooked Spaghetti p'Y;he score: J Davis, c. 4 3 3 4 2 0 Passed balls: Mura 2. Umpires: Deyermond, Gravenstein Apples...... 3 lbs. 23c ...... 2 cans 19c V. F. W. Polgreen, lb. 4 1 2 4 0 1 Davis. OPENING SPECIAL ab r h po Winters, r.f. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Welch, s.s. 4 3 3 2 Hurley, r.f. 1 1 1 0 0 0 H. P. Hood 3—T rojans 2 ANDOVER MARKET Community Silver Dugan, 2b. 5 2 3 1 O’Connor, 3b. 4 0 0 2 2 0 Abie Swenson’s four-hit pitching, coupled 4 0 1 10 1 1 0 1 0 1 ELM STREET Tel. 1177 and 1178 Prompt Delivery One Week only—July 22 to Bowman, lb. Aldrich, p. 4 with the errorless play of his H. P. Hood Ripley, 3b. 4 .2 1 0 teammates, proved to be just enough to July 29. Petty, l.f. 5 2 2 3 Totals 35 16 13 21 7 4 defeat the Trojans 3-2 at the Playstead last Chetson, p. 5 2 2 2 SHERRILL night. Fran Sweeney pitched a great game, living, r.f. 3 1 0 0 ab r bh po a W illi every 16 piece client, 6 (V illein too, but the support given him by the Trojans 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 l itEE. W ith every 3-1 piece client, Taylor, c.f. 5 0 Davidson, r.r. 3 was not so brilliant. The Horn! men started Up one flight and nave money Martin, c. 3 3 2 3 Barton, 1 f. 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 Goblets FREE. Gobletn cut to the scoring in the first inning when errors by Test These Foods match pattern of nilver. 3 MAIN STREET Skea, l.f. 3 0 0 1 0 1 Deyermond and Polgreen produced a run: Totals 37 15 16 21 Porter, 2b. 4 0 1 0 1 1 Entrance* next to Crows Coal Co. In the fourth they added two more as the In your KITCHEN and on your BUDGET. Everybody is )ST OFFICE Fcttes, lb. 0 0 0 6 0 2 h po result of a base on balls, a Mura single, and ab r White, lb. 3 0 0 2 0 0 two fielder’s choices. interested in saving, but when you can save on QUALITY 3 0 0 1 0 0 O’Dowd, I f. Cole, c.f. I 0 0 0 The Trojans’ two scores came in the last of FOOD it’s time to become enthusiastic. Try these values. 2 2 0 0 p. 4 1 Murphy, c.f. 2 1 1 2 the fourth when Nelligan walked, took 4 1 1 0 1 Webster, 2b. Asonian, s.s. 3 1 1 1 2 second on Coutts’ single, and reached third on ESTABLISHED 1865 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 IT Nelligan, s.s. Wallace, c. 3 2 5 Burbine’s sacrifice while Coutts went to 4 1 0 5 1 FRESH DRESSED FOWI...... *Sclb. Hurley, c. Bissett, 3b. 3 0 0 0 4 second. Joe Davis then came through with a 4 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Daly, lb. J. Hilton, p. 0 single to score the two runners. SPRING BROILERS...... 80clb. 3 0 0 0 O’Brien, c.f. L. Hilton, p. 4 1 2 0 0 1 Tom Fallon was the only batter to get two BRYANTsSIRAirON f. 1 0 0 0 LEG AND LOIN SPRING LAMB...... 25c lb. hits. 2 1 1 0 Eastwood, r.f. Totals 29 4 8 18 7 9 The score: FORE OF SPRING LAMB...... Lb ll. ommercial chool F. Daly, p., 3b. 3 0 0 2 1 2 3 -l 5 <> 7 C S Innings II. P. HOOD SUGAR CURED SMOKED SHOULDER...... 13c lb. Trojans 5 5 2 0 0 4 x— 16 ab r h po a e BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, SECRETARIAL, Totals 32 6 5 18 Sherrill 0 1 0 0 0 0 3— 4 louck, s.s. 4 i 1 5 4 0 YOUNG PIG PORK LOIN...... 22clb. Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 Two-base hits: J. Davis, Aldrich, Murphy. ACCOUNTING, STENOGRAPHIC, BOOKKEEPING Wright, lb. 3 0 0 9 0 0 Veterans 703050 Sacrifice hit: Nelligan. Stolen bases: Deyer­ 11. Porter, 2b. 3 0 1 2 0 0 AND MECHANICAL ACCOUNTING COURSES Post Office 0 0 0 1 1 2 mond, Coutts, Burbine 2, J. Davis 3, Pol­ Fallon, 3b. 3 () 2 0 2 0 GROCERY SPECIALS Runs batted in: Martin 4, Petty 2, Welch green 2, Hurley, Murphy, L. Hilton. Double INDIVIDUAL ADVANCEMENT Lindholm, l.f. 3 0 () 1 1 0 2, Dugan 2, Chetson. Two base hits:hi l^ast plays: J. Davis to Nelligan to O’Connor to Page, c.f. 3 0 0 2 0 0 OCCIDENT FLOUR, b a g ...... 80c wood, Martin, Deyermond. Three-base hit Polgreen. First base on balls: off J. Hilton 1, Swenson, p. 2 1 1 0 1 0 Welch. Stolen bases: Martin, J. Daly, Deyer L. Hilton 1, Aldrich. Struck out: by J. Hilton CURRAN & JOYCE GINGER ALE, d o zen ...... 75c Mura, c. 3 1 1 1 1 0 mond, Webster. Left on l>ases: P. O 2, L. Hilton 3, Aldrich 3. Umpires: Ronan and O'Neil, r.f. 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOLLAND ROLL BUTTER. 2 lbs...... , ...... 48c 68*Year Beqins Sept. 6 V. F. W. 12. Base on balls: off Daly; off Doherty. Deyermond 5; off Chetson. Struck out: by Saalfrank, r.f. 3 0 1 1 1 0 BLUE RIBBON SALAD DRESSING, q uart...... 25c Chetson 4; by Daly; by Deyermond 3. H it by Trojans Win on Forfeit SWEET MIXED PICKLES, quart ja r ...... 25c Eveninq Session Opens Sept. 1 9 pitcher: by Daly (Welch); by Deyermond Totals 28 3 7 21 HI 0 The Trojan-Ballardvale game at the Play TROJANS (Bowman). Wild pitches: Chetson 2. Passed stead last Friday night culminated in a near WAX PAPER, Spkgs...... 25c COURSES ARRANGED TO MEET INDIVIDUAL balls: Martin, Hurley 2. flits: off Daly 5 in l ab r h po a e riot, when Ballardvale protested a question­ 2 0 0 2 2 1 NEEDS IF ONE WISHES TO SPECIALIZE inning; off Deyermond 11 in 5 innings. Losing Deyermond, s s. able decision at home plate. The game was Nelligan, 2b. 2 1 0 0 2 0 TELEPHONE pitcher, Daly. Umpire: Crowley. Time: lhour forfeited to the Trojans. Going into the last FREE PLACEMENT BUREAU 33 minutes Coutts, c.f. 3 1 1 1 0 1 half of the sixth, the Trojans were behind Burbine, l.f. i 0 0 1 0 0 J. E. GREELEY CO. 1 2 3 4 SEND FOR BULLETIN AND IF POSSIBLE VISIT THE SCHOOL 7-10, but they rallied to put men on first and J. Davis, c. 2 0 1 2 0 0 Townsman 14—Greeley’: second with two out. Gordon Coutts then hit Polgreen, lb. 2 0 0 7 1 1 FREE DELIVERY QUALITY GOODS a Texas leaguer to left which took a mean hop 354- Boylston St., drJdi^hnSL, Boston The Townsman won its first game of the O’Connor, 3b. 3 (1 0 2 1 0 to get away from both the ’Vale shortstop and Winters, r.f. i 0 1 2 0 0 I.O.WHITE, Principal. . .Tel. KENmor. 6 7 8 9 league season Wednesday evening when it left fielder. One run scored easily and the took the Greeley aggregation into camp 14 to Hurley, r.f. 1 0 0 0 0 0 NO CANVASSERS OR SOLICITORS EMPLOYED speedy Shanky Nelligan raced from first to Sweeney, p. 2 0 1 0 2 0 3. The Press team slugged out 18 hits to the home. Toot Bonner made an accurate throw grocerymen’s 5, and this, combined with the to the plate in an attempt to get Nelligan. 13 errors made by the Greeley boys, ac­ Totals 19 2 4 17 8 3 kv FURNITURE a Umpire Jack Cussen called the runner safe Innings 1 2 3 4 6 7 counted for the defeat. Harold Johnson with and Ballardvale raised a loud protest and UPHOLSTERING REPAIRING • REFIN1SHING nine to his credit and a record of Hood 1 f 0 2 1 0 0 — 3 then refused to continue the game, forfeiting Trojans 0 0 0 2 ) 0 0 — 2 PACKING MOVING • STORAGE three hits out of four times at bat was the to the Trojans. individual star of the game. One of his hits Runs batted in: J. Davis 2, Mura, Saal WE M AKE 1932-TH E “ STAY-AT-HOME” SUMMER Another unusual feature of the game was a frank. Sacrifice hits: Burbine, Polgreen, was a double. Collins hit three out of five, one triple play made by the Trojans. Men were For the fortunate few, the house at the beach or the country will be opened of them being a two-bagger. Polgreen smash­ Wright. Stolen liases: Burbine, Gouck, AWNINGS, SHADES, MATTRESSES and SLIP COVERS on second and third when a ’Vale player Wright. Double plays: Saalfrank to Gouck; again—the vacation will be as usual, or travel at reduced rates will be ed out a triple, while Renny, Blackburn, and funned. Joe Davis threw to Nelligan,nligan, Firei Clast W ork on Linoleum and Carpets enjoyed— M. Grover also hit doubles. Winters made Guuck to Wright; Lindholm to Porter. Left who retired the runner there who had taken a on base. 'Trojans 3, Hood 8 . Base on balls ANYTHING IN FURNITURE WORK BUT FOR MANY OF U S- some fine catches in uddition to hitting three big lead off second, and Shanky then plugged out of four. Leo Allicon with two out of four Swenson 5, Sweeney. Struck out: by Sweeney Well, we must admit that prudence, and our pocket books will probably the bull back to the plate to catch the runner 2, by Swenson. Umpires: Mosher, Cussen. ST. dictate was the hitting star for the Greeley nine. trying to score from third. C. S. BUCHAN, 43 A STAY-AT-HOME SUMMER. The box score: Jack Lawrie with four out of four was the One enjoyment we can indulge in, however, and we shall undoubtedly do TOWNSMAN leading hitsmith. ab h po The score: Fire Record it occasionally, and that is to gather the family into the automobile and take 3 3 1 3 2 them out to dine, at places where the rates are attractive, the food delicious, Winters, s.s. BALLARDVALE 0 0 Silent ean, nomicai and the atmosphere homelike. Renny, 31). ab r bh po Friday, July 15—8.30 a.m. Rattlesnake Hill Blackburn, c. 8 1 Bonner, l.f. 1 0 road. Used 1200 feet of 1 1-2 inch hose and May we invite you to come out to Polgreen, 2b. O'Donnell, lb. 0 0 800 feet of one-inch hose. Collins, lb. Kibbee, c.f. 0 I 2.00 p.m. Brush fire on Chickering street The Manning Manse Tea Tavern E. Grover, c.f. Dane, 3b. 0 I 3.20 p.m. Still alarm. Brush fire on River REFRIGERATION M. Grover, I f. Dimlich, s.s. 1 2 road in North Billericu, Mass. Harris, r.f. Benson, r.f. Saturday, July 16—11.50 a.m. Brush fire on It is such a homey place—a real old New England home—has been in the Johnson, p. Lawrie, 2b. Burnham road. Started from the dump. Manning Family over 230 years—and is in a perfect state of preservation. Gibson, c. 3.15 p.m. Grass fire on Hidden road. And the food? Well, they say it’s the best tasting and the best served any­ Totals 39 14 18 21 Lynch, p. 5.30 p.m. Grass fire on Shepley street. GREELEY’S 6.40 p.m. Brush fire on Rocky Hill road where around. __ Sparks— xxx ELECTROLUX I.unch $1.25 to $2.00. Tea 50c to SI.00. Ihnner $1.50 to $2.50. ab h po Fire had been out on July 14. Reservations made by calling Mrs. Morris, telephone Billerica 40-4. Holt, 3b., p. 3 0 4 Totals 27 10 13x17 Sunday, July 17—9.05 p.m. Still for fire in REFRIGERATOR. S|iecial care and attention given for luncheons, bridge, club and com­ Dwyer, 2b. 4 TROJANS automobile belonging to John Driscoll, Allicon, s.s. ub r bh po 36 Summer street. mittee meeting,. EARL G_ MAj^N1NGj P n p r i e t o r /alia, c.f. Deyermond, s.s 4 1 1 4 Tuesday, July 19—8.15 p.m. Brush fire on Hannon, c. 3 1 Nclligan, 2b. 2 ...... land of Al!bert Hardy, River road. Used (North Billerica is 4 miles the Boston side from Lowell) Markey, l.f Coutts, c.f. 4 1 1200 feet of 1 1-2 inch hose. Remained at Higgins, p , 3b 2 Burbine, l.f. 3 0 0 fire until 1 a.m. This modern miracle, Barrett, lb. 0 0 J. Davis, c. 3 2 0 Wednesday, July 20—8.45 a.m. Returned to Kelly, r.f. 0 0 0 0 Po:omeroy, lb. 3 River road to wet down aguin. Pumped Gas Refrigeration ----- Wcstcott, r.f. 0 0 0 0 Winters, r.f. 3 three hours. freezing with a flame, O'Connor, 3b. 2 0 0 2.00 p.m. Grass fire at rear of C. M Totals 29 3 5 21 10 13 Sweeney, p. 2 1 0 Foster’s, 49 Salem street, is simplicity itself. No Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Aldrich- xx 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.15 p.m. Returned to River road. Used machinery, not a mov­ New England COKE Townsman 2 2 0 2 6 1 1—14 1100 feet of 1 1-2 inch hose and 900 feet of Greeley 0 0 0 0 3 0 0- 3 'Totals 27 9 10 18 11 inch hose. ing p art — no friction, Runs batted in by: Polgreen 1, Collins 2, Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thursday, July 21—8.45 a.m. Returned to no wear, no vibration. D & H Cone Cleaned Anthracite Blackburn 2, Kenny I, M. Grover 1, Johnson B. A. A. 0 2 2 2 1 3 x—10 River road. 1, Winters 1, /alia 2. Left on liases Towns­ Trojans 1 2 0 4 0 2 x— 9 12.29 p.m. Box 47, Bartlet street, false man 8 , Greeley 6 . Three-base hit: Polgreen. xxx—Kan for Dune in third, fourth and alarm. MOTORSTOKERS Two base hits Kenny, Blackburn, Collins, sixth. M. Grover, Johnson. Stolen liuscs: Kenny I, xx Butted fur O’Conuur in sixth Police Notea AUTOMATIC COAL BURNING EQUIPMENT Blackburn 4, Collins 1, M. Grover 2, Dwyer x—Two out when game was furfeited in I, Allicon 2, Burrell 1, Struck out: by John­ sixth Following numerous complaints about son 9, Higgins 1, Holt 1. Bases on balls: by Two base hits: Pomeroy, Coutts, Dane 2, boys stealing fruit during the past lew weeks, Fuel Service Guaranteed— Try Us This Season Johnson I, Holt 3. Hit by pitcher: Winters Kibbee. Sacrifice hits: Gibson.iibi Stolen bases the police apprehended four luds between the by Higgins. Pussed Dull Hannon I. Double Bonner, Dimlich, Gibson, Sparks, Deyer­ ages of eight' ;nl andand thirteen thirt years Wednesday Allicou to Dwyer to llunium. Eirst mond, Burbine, J. Davis. Double play: evening as they were leaving the grounds of base on errors: Townsman 6 , Greeley 4. Hits Deyermond to Pomeroy. Triple play: J. Miss Alice Jenkins on School street. 'They oil Higgins 14 in 4 13 innings, oil Holt 4 in Davis to Nclligan to J. Davis. First base on were taken by Acting Sergeant William K B. L. M cDonald Coal Co. 2 2-3 innings 'lime: 1 hour 2U minutes bulls: off Sweeney 4. Struck out: by Lynch 4, Shaw to the police station where they were Umpire: Dugan. Sweeney 5. Umpires: Doherty and Cussen relieved of a peck of apples.