Andover Singers “Reduce Our Outlay,” What’s Going On I Music Director Town Meeting Petition in Outdoor Concert (from today until next Friday) Conducts Festival Taxpayers Are Told The annual outdoor concert of the Boxford Walter Howe, director of music at Abbot Oratorio society will be given at the Kelsey Tonight Still Not Drawn Up Doll contest at Playstcad. academy, Andover and director of the Highland Nursery Saturday afternoon July Chautauqua choir at Chautauqua institution Secretary of Joint Committee on Public Expenditures 30 at 5 o’clock. Mendelssohn’s oratorio, in western .New York state, conducts the “ Elijah, ” will be sung by the chorus which is first choral festival of the summer season at Unemployed Committee to Meet with Board of Public Demands Reduction in Governmental Expenditures made up of singers from a dozen communi­ LOCAL NEWS NOTES Chautauqua tonight when the Chautauqua Works to Discuss Possible Construetion Jobs—Mean­ at First Open Meeting of Reading Taxpayers ties, assisted by an orchestra. The oratorio choir unites with six regional choruses for the will be dramatized and the chorus will be in occasion. Five hundred mixed voices partici while Emergency Committee Continues Its Task costume. John Maguire and Gerald Todd visited in pate in the program which was pre-arranged “ The customary habit of falling back on Although some portions will be omitted, Salem Saturday. by Albert Stoessel, director of music at the real estate taxpayers cannot longer be all the principa solos and choruses will be I /"V l The petition for the special town meeting Holy N am e H olds Frank Markey of Chestnut street is enjoy­ Chautauqua institution, absent this season suggested at Monday night’snight's mass meeting indulged,” declared Richard D. Grant of rendered. The principal part, that of Elijah, ing his annual vacation. on leave, to include several numbers per V^OtiplC O bserve will be taken by Clifton Horne, bass, of has not yet been put into circulation, since Its Annual Outing Boston recently at the first open meeting of formed by the Worcester Music Festival definite figures on the cost of the various the newly-formed Taxpayers’ association in Groveland. Mrs. Rosabel Scldon, soprano, of Miss Isabel Bod well of Elm street spent organization in the past, also under Mr. Golden Wedding Haverhill, will sing, “ Hear ye, Israel.” Monday at Hampton Beach. construction jobs hnvc not been received. the neighboring town of Reading. Mr. Grant, Stoessel’s direction. The Board of Public Works is planning to The Holy Name society of St. Augustine's who is secretary of the joint special commit­ Other soloists will be: Robert Cargill, Shaw­ Miss Anne Harnedy of Summer street is Assisted by the Chautauqua Symphony parish held its annual outing at Crowley’s sheen; Harvlin Jordan, Groveland, and arrange a definite program of work that tee on public expenditures recently created vacationing at Sebago Lake. orchestra conducted by Georges Barrere, the Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson of 95 Abbot could be done, and Mr. Matthew Burns with gnivr. West Andover, Sunday afternoon and by the General Court, told the new organiza­ Raymond Guppy, Danvers, tenors, who will festival chorus will sing “ Spring” from street celebrated the completion of fifty years the approximately 125 persons who attended take the part of Obadiah; the Widow, Edith Miss Nellie Kyle of Elm street is spending his committee of the unemployed has l»ecn tion that the time was at hand for vigorous Haydn’s “ Seasons” ; Song of the Volga of wedded happiness at their home Wednes­ invited to the meeting at which these matters were afforded a very enjoyable time. action on the part of taxpayers to reduce Whittier, North Andover; Angels, Bernice two weeks at Hampton Beach. Boatman arranged by Mr. Stoessel; Grain­ day afternoon and evening. The happy couple Smith, Haverhill; Edith Clothey, Byficld; will be settled. It is expected that this joint Unfortunately, rain interrupted the pro­ governmental expenditures. “ The only solu­ Miss Agnes Thin of High street spent the ger’s “ Tune from County Derry” and received 150 visitors from 4 to 6 and from gram of baseball, a quoits tournament, and Mary Clcaveland, Danvers; Ruby Clark, meeting will be held soon, possibly tonight. tion,” he said, “ is fo reduce our outlay.” week-end in Bridgton, Maine. ‘Ejqiltate Deo” by the well known Boston 7 to 9. Many floral tributes decorated the The next step will be the drawing up of a rail's which were to be the feature attractions Reading’s association has somewhat the West Boxford and Ella Thayer, Haverhill; composer, Mabel Daniels. home and numerous cards and gifts were of Ihc afternoon. The altar boys and choir King, Albert Rand, Haverhill; Queen, Edith Miss Mary Leary of Washington avenue petition requesting the Board of Selectmen to same aims and methods as the Andover Tax­ Ine following choral societies from nearby presented to the couple by their host of call a special town meeting for the purpose of boys were guests of the Holy Name society payers’ association. In his opening remarks at Lockhead, Andover; Youth, Peggy Wynton, is at Hampton Beach for two weeks. communities take part: Erie (Pa.) choral friends as tokens of the high esteem in which and engaged in a lively baseball game before a Shawsheen. Other solo parts will be sung by appropriating whatever sums of money may the meeting, Chairman Cook declared that Mr. and Mrs. James Watt sailed for Scot­ society, C harles Le Sueur Opera company they were held. be considered necessary for the various jobs. similar contest was launched between the the association is not out to harass any town Esther Hills, Boxford; Mrs. Weston and and the Orpheus Male chorus, directed by Miss Phillips, Danvers; Lillian Brown, Hav­ land on the “ Cameronia ” last week. Mr. Ferguson was born in Nairn, Scot­ This will require one hundred signatures of married men and the single men. At the close board or official nor to attack any of the Charles Le Sueur; the Olean (N. Y.) choral land, July 15, 1858, the son of the late Mr. town voters, and it is probable that the of the game the married men had defeated the town officials. He maintained that the as­ erhill and G. Walter Brown, Georgetown. Miss Mary Barrett of Harding street is society, directed by Mrs. Allen B. William; This is the seventh annual outdoor concert spending two weeks at Hampton Beach. and Mrs. Daniel Ferguson. His father was a selectmen will call the meeting, since such a single men 7-4, probably because their wives sociation did hope, by co-operative methods, the Erie Women’s choral society, directed by jeweler in Inverness, Scotland. Mrs. Fergu­ petition has never been refused before. The served as threatening incentives. to reduce town appropriations 25 per cent. of the society. Many music lovers attend Alice Sloan; the choruses of Frcdonia and every year and those who have not as yet Miss Catherine S. McKinley sailed last son, whose maiden name was Mary A. Selectmen have stated that the names of the The line-up of the single men’s team fol­ He pointed out that the tax rate is 10 per week for Scotland on the “ Cameronia. ” Dunkirk, New York. Groat, was born in Elgin, Scotland, the people who sign the petition are to be pub­ lows |ohn Cussen and Neil Cussen, p.; cent higher than the statewide average and will be well repaid for attending this year. Appearing for the second and last time The concert is held in a beautiful natural Murray Rogers of Summer street is daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David lished in the papers, so that the voters may Joseph l.ynch, c.; Thomas J. Lane, Francis that it is likely that retrenchments can be this summer, the combined choirs of Chau- Groat. Her father was a confectioner and see what their fellow citizens think alniut this kelly, lb.; Frank A. Nelligan, Edward made. amphitheatre, and there is free parking on the spending several weeks in Nova Scotia. tauquu and nearby districts will perform the grounds. linker, also in Inverness. When the couple question. Many of the unemployed felt that Doyle, 2b.; Gerald Winters, Joseph Mc- “Spending Too Much” Mrs. Harry Dennison and daughter Ruth Manzoni Requiem by Verdi at the Chautau­ were children both families moved to Inver­ this was a move against them, but yesterday Cavitt, s.s.; John Nelligan, James Doherty, (iladys MacPherson will be the pianist and qua amphitheatre August 6 with Mr. Howe In his remarks concerning the present Horace Killam, director of music at the visited relatives in Gloucester recently. ness where the two met. On the 20th of July. afternoon Matthew Burns stated that this ,lb.; James O’Donnell, l.f.; Joseph Davis, situation throughout the state Mr. Grant conducting. 1882 they were married by the late Rev. J. f . would not be the case, since many of the William Hurley, c.f.; Louis Dailey, Francis First Church of Christ, Bradford, will con­ Mr. and Mrs. Thaxtcr Eaton of Abbot pointed to definite instances of unwise ex­ duct. street spent the past week touring Maine. Black, D.D., of the Presbyterian church in prominent business men of the town would Sweeney, r.f. penditure of public funds. He spoke in part Inverness. sign it. He added that many property owners Umpires: Elate, James J. Dugan; bases, as follows: Miss Lucy Stewart of Main street spent Dolls in Contest at would sign it, since they would rather have a William A. Doherty. When Mr. Ferguson was but 14 years old “ It is unfortunately true, that the majority the week-end at Ogunquit Beach, Maine.
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