County Council: Four stars out of four January 2006 (*Audit Commission 2005) Providing • schools • highways • trading standards • social services

p3 Top stars HAPPY AT HOME join county After 40 years in her family home, Annie is staying put parade p4/5 Lancashire County Council wishes all residents a prosperous and successful New Year Council YOUR KIDS passes English ... UP ‘tougher maths ... UP ’ science ... SAME test LANCASHIRE County Coun- cil has achieved the top four ARE THE stars rating from the Audit Commission. This time the council, which previously gained the coveted ‘Excellent’ status, faced a new Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) known as ‘the Harder Test’ – a tougher set of tests to see how well local authorities are performing. The CPA measures how well local coun- cils are delivering and improving services TOPS to local people and communities. STAR pupils in Lancashire have widened a gap between themselves and pupils elsewhere in the fundamental skills of English, maths and sci- ence. This year’s national “league table” figures show that pupils in the county’s schools beat national averages in all three subjects – and did so by a widening margin year on year. The Key Stage 2 figures for the final primary school year show 81 per cent of children passing in English, 77.49 per cent in maths and 87 per cent in science. Statistics for the nation as a whole are respec- tively 79, 75 and 86. County Councillor Alan Whittaker, Cabinet member for Schools, said: “Children in the final AMBITION: Hazel Harding primary year are at an absolutely vital stage in their education. County Councillor Hazel Harding, the “They will soon be starting high leader of Lancashire County Council, school which is the gateway to suc- said: “This is brilliant news for the cess academically and in careers. 1.3million people who receive our servic- We read too often of pupils who fail es. to make the transition from pri- “Our hard working and committed staff mary to . In have helped us gain this rating. Without Lancashire, however, we can take their tireless efforts we would not be able pride that we are preparing chil- to give our residents the high quality dren as well as is possible. WIDENING gap: Alan Whittaker. services they have come to expect. “These are great results and the level of ability shown by pupils “The Audit Commission also rated us as maintain the momentum we have when they first start at the school. ‘improving well’. This means that as well been building now for a number of It recognises that different social as achieving the top star rating we are years. They are a credit to staff as circumstances can produce differing also seen as ambitious and capable of well as pupils.” academic results. even more.” This year’s figures in Lancashire Councillor Whittaker added: “We HAPPY children are successful chil- when it comes to “adding value” – a measure of This test also looks at a council’s poten- are an advance on last year, as well have always had good results in dren at one of Lancashire’s top pri- how much children improve over the years and tial to continue improving – known as as being ahead of schools in other Lancashire and this reflects many a more accurate reflection of what a school actu- their ‘direction of travel’. Lancashire Local Education Authorities. years of heavy investment by this mary schools. ally does. County Council has been rated as The county’s schools did well in authority in schools. Julie Heath, headteacher at Pool House ‘improving well’ – an important achieve- Julie, pictured above with pupils, said: “It’s overall pass rates and also featured “I am particularly pleased at our Community Primary School, says the secret of ment as the authority has prided itself on in lists that focus on improvement performance in the value-added pupil success is sheer hard work and pure very hard to stop children here smiling as we continual development and setting high- and on value-added measures. tables as they give a truer reflection enjoyment. ensure they enjoy their work. That and much er standards. The value-added concept com- of achievement than simple raw Her Preston school features in Whitehall’s hard work on literacy and numeracy is preparing pares final achievement levels to data.” Key Stage 2 tables as one of Lancashire’s best children well for their move to high school.” The presence of promotional leaflets delivered inside Vision does not imply Lancashire County Council endorsement. READERS’ LETTERS 4 WIN A HAMPER 4 BEAT THE CASH BLUES 7 2 January 2006 Providing • nurseries • pedestrian crossings Confident Carole’s lesson in life Drivers pass 50,000

changed for the better after signing venues are used across the county milestone with care up to learning at a Skelmersdale so everyone can get along. You too can school – she is a mum of three boys A leaflet at her sons’ school ROAD safety is to pass another milestone in and her course was in Parenting started Carole thinking about get on in life Pleasures. returning to the classroom for the Lancashire with the number of drivers The Lancashire Adult Learning Lancashire College course. CAROLE’S course was one of attending the county’s speed awareness coursework included guidance on She said: “The tutors gave great more than 6,000 run each year course nearing 50,000. behaviour. It worked a treat on her advice and tips and helped me by Lancashire Adult Learning. The sessions are offered to certain drivers who have boys – and on other adults too! produce a plan to try out at home. There’s bound to be one suited marginally broken the speed limit as an alternative to She said: “I didn’t know what to “It worked with dramatic results to you. penalty points on their licence. expect. I thought the tutors would – not only on the children, but on It’s simple to check … However the course, which is run by highly qualified Lancaster, Fylde, Wyre tell me what to do and I’d decided the other adult in the family! driving instructors, is not an easy option. not to go back if I didn’t like it. “I’d tried everything with my 01524 60141 Motorists are taught to be more aware of the dangers “But it was really informal and boys and nothing worked as well as Preston, South Ribble, , caused by excessive speed and the consequences of everyone was chatting about their this. West Lancashire breaking limits. Neil Cunliffe, Lancashire County Council Road Safety practical experience. I’d “They are better behaved and 01257 276719 recommend adult education to have more responsibility around Group manager, said: “Driving too fast was the main anyone.” the home. Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle, cause of 1,200 deaths and more than 20,000 serious Courses exist across Lancashire, “I now have so much more Ribble Valley, Rossendale injuries in the UK last year. ADULT studies really worked ranging from basic literacy and confidence. I can’t believe what a 01772 799120 “The fact that 50,000 people have been on the speed for busy mum Carole Hart. numeracy to skills for life and even difference a simple course can awareness course since 2001 means that more people Carole (32) found her life mobile phone use. More than 700 make.” have become safer drivers.”

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Goodbye and Protecting thankyou! children from Sadly, this will be my last message as Chairman of the Lancashire Children’s Fund. But there have been wonderful moments of pure joy – when children have I shall be moving away from Lancashire and alcohol allowed me to share their happiness; and when I although I am very much looking forward to the have seen families come through adversity to The young person’s Alcohol Project is funded by excitement and challenge of fresh pastures, I shall become much closer and stronger. Lancashire Children’s Fund and Lancashire County go with some regrets at leaving a place and Council’s Crime & Disorder budget. The aim is to provide people I have come to know and love. I send my very best wishes to the Lancashire a county-wide approach to tackling alcohol related issues • Lancashire Youth Offending Team Children’s Fund and the agencies, organisations in local communities. • Lancashire Children’s Fund My association with the Lancashire Children’s and partners who work alongside them. Long • LCC Policy Unit Fund has been a most rewarding experience. The project involves all the key agencies within may your valuable work continue. • Lancashire Drug Action Team There have been times when the stories of the Lancashire and is managed by a steering group with hardships faced by children and parents have And I wish the children and families representatives from: The project aims are: • Social Services been difficult to comprehend. of Lancashire a very Happy New Year! • To raise awareness of alcohol issues • Trading Standards • To develop best practice to tackle local issues • Youth & Community Service • To improve cross-agency co-ordination • Schools’ Advisory Service • Voluntary Sector All of these are geared towards promoting the • Lancashire Constabulary development of services for young people and the local Getting to GRIP • Primary Care Trusts communities of Lancashire. with crime GRIP is a short-term intervention programme for Children are referred to GRIP by professionals or children and young people on the threshold of becoming parents through a widely available referral form which Age Check is an interactive CD Rom produced in involved in crime or anti social behaviour, and aims to identifies recognised risk factors that may increase the partnership by the Alcohol Project, Trading Standards, divert them from developing patterns of persistent or chances of a child, or young person becoming an Lancashire Constabulary and the Lancashire Drug Action more serious offending. offender. These risks may include living in a deprived Team. It is a guide to retailers involved in the sale of GRIP is a crime reduction initiative for children and neighbourhood, poor attendance or achievement at products such as alcohol, tobacco, solvents and fireworks. young people. There are six panels throughout school, associating with offenders, non-constructive Funded through the Home Office Blueprint Initiative’s Lancashire comprised of representatives from the use of time. Health Policy Component, it aims to reduce sales of age- Police, PCTs, Social Services and Education, joined by Its success is best summed up in the extracts from restricted products to minors and is unique in that it as an example of good practice and is being promoted members of Connexions, Youth & Community Service two letters received by GRIP – one from a child who incorporates a language choice facility including: English, throughout the country. and sports development organisations. received help and support – the other from the child’s Urdu, Punjabi, Gujarati and Hindi. Anyone interested in Age Check can contact the family. Earlier in the year, the Age Check CD ROM was Alcohol Project Officer, Catherine Westwell by email distributed free of charge to retailers in Lancashire. It has [email protected], or on 01772 A mum’s story since been recognised by the Trading Standards Institute 532228. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect – would they think I was better child. As a family unit this has brought us much an unfit mother or that ours was a dysfunctional family? closer and improved our understanding of one another. I needn’t have worried. Jackie who was assigned to I am very grateful to Jackie and the GRIP team and I help us was great. She worked with the whole family. know I can ring if she gets into any trouble (which is She spoke to our daughter on a one-to-one level and unlikely) and someone from the team will talk to me. inspired her to behave better, listen more, and think It was a good experience and one that will stay with us before doing something naughty. Now I have my sweet for a long time. little girl back. So from me and the whole family, a huge thank you for I won’t pretend she is always an angel, but she is a making our family happy again.

A child’s story Lancashire Children's Fund is administered by NCH - The Children's Charity (registered charity number 1097940). If you are considering seeking funds from LCF please note that all Children's Fund monies are now allocated But Jackie helped me to prove I can be good and not be Dear Grip Team until March 2008. Any future announcements will be posted on our website. It made me think about what I did in the past. I feel that if naughty. I carried on I will be in very big trouble and then I would Thank you Jackie and the GRIP team for helping me and have been took away from my mum and dad. my family. x Lancashire Children’s Fund helps Lancashire’s families to make a positive contribution The Lancashire Children's Fund is a partnership of statutory, voluntary and community sector agencies that is responsible for the strategic direction of the Children's Fund programme in the county council area. Providing • information centres • hotlines January 2006 3

NEWS IN BBRRIIEEFF Home is where the Kids get their say LANCASHIRE’S Youth Council urged young peo- ple in Preston to enter the political world by having their say in issues that affect them. heart is for Annie The county council’s Youth and Community Service allowed the city’s year 10 and 11 pupils to discuss issues such as education, health, leisure Care offers fuller life and the environment with the Youth Council. WITH stunning views over the heat them up in the microwave. I used to County Councillor Clive Lune Valley, it’s not hard to see use meals on wheels but I prefer to cook. Grunshaw, Cabinet mem- why 88-year-old Annie “A physiotherapist is coming to visit me ber for Children and soon to look at installing a pulley system so Young People, said: “This Shuttleworth doesn't want to that I can get my exercise.” was a great opportunity for move from her Warton home. Years ago, Annie's frailties would have young people to discuss Annie has lived here for over 40 years meant that she would have been likely to important issues, highlight and thanks to the help of Lancashire have been placed in a residential care home, problems and work togeth- County Council’s social services, she can but the county council wants to promote er to develop solutions. lead a relatively independent life. independence and help people live at home The former cook suffers from arthritis whenever appropriate. and has undergone two knee replacement She said: “I never wanted to go into a care Grab prizes operations, but she is eager to stay in her home. I hear they’re nice but it’s not for me HOUSEHOLDERS are house and enlists the help of domiciliary - I prefer living at home. reminded that they still carers. “I’m happy that the service is allowing me have three months to She said: “It’s better to stay in your home. to stay here and long may it continue.” win a safari break, a I’m really settled but I do need some help But the county council does not just offer Center Parcs holiday or throughout the day as I cannot stay stood domiciliary and residential care. one of 450,000 other up for long periods. Intermediate care is prizes. “I’ve lived in this available to help Only Lancashire area for a long time older people get back householders who recy- and I like being here. on their feet following cle will be given scratch- The house has served illness or a spell in cards with their returned me well.” hospital. bins. Each card may be Carers pop round to A range of day care a winner. visit Annie twice a day options are also avail- ANNIE Shuttleworth, 88, lives a full and independent life at her home thanks to domiciliary care. Prizes are expected to - once in the morning able and sheltered add up to almost £1.5m and once at night - housing accommoda- but the scheme will end seven days a week to tion is there for peo- in March. Get recycling help her get up, wash ple who cannot live at now to be in with a her, do the washing up home yet do not need Help is always there chance! and other domestic 24-hour care. tasks. County Councillor FAMILY members or friends who Community Services, said: “There are Sound work “I don’t know what Chris Cheetham, over 124,000 people in Lancashire who I would do without Cabinet member for need help to look after older or provide a caring role for relatives or SINGING children have them. It’s a very good Adult and disabled people can get support friends who are frail, disabled or ill. had their work recorded on service. All the girls Community Services, from Lancashire County “Many people don’t view themselves as a nursery rhyme CD by a are really friendly, we said: “We are deliver- Council’s social services. a carer and may not necessarily know Sure Start team in have some good chats ing what the majority Once a person has fulfilled the carers’ what benefits they are entitled to and Preston. and some of them live of service users want. ASSISTANCE is there for any circumstances. criteria, they will be eligible for further what support is available. Singing with children is nearby,” she said. We have had a refigu- support in accessing training and infor- “We have a long-standing commitment a well- recognised way of “They stay for an hour each time they ration of support to allow people to continue mation. to working with carers. It is important to helping language develop- visit but they stay longer on two days to do living at home or receive more intensive These services are free to carers as ensure that carers, young and old, have ment - so teachers my shopping.” help if needed.” their care is recognised formally and access to essential information.” secured help from a musi- Even though she receives this help, Annie For further information on services for allows them to have a short break or help For more information contact your local cian to record the chil- tries to do as much as she can herself with- older people, please visit in receiving financial support. social services office or go online at dren's work. out doing too much. County Councillor Chris Cheetham, Parents have now been “I get my meals prepared for me and I can services/adults/older-people Cabinet member for Adult and services/carers given a copy of the CD. Making a song and dance Hooray Sissay CELEBRITY poet Lemn Sissay has worked with 17 young people in care across the county to produce an anthology of their poetry work entitled “A Sense of Place: The past does not equal the future”. Lemn was brought up in care and, following months of hard work with him, the young people have pro- duced a book and audio CD of cutting-edge poetry based on their experiences of living in care. Jean Wolstenholme, from the county council’s Library and Information Service, said: “The young people have worked hard PUPILS from St Augustine’s RC High School in Billington wow the crowds with their performance entitled “All Around the World”. supporting each other and deserve recognition for YOUNG dancers from schools tured children and young adults from consultant for PE and sport, said: their talent and creativity.” across the county showed their 19 schools and colleges. “This year’s event was fantastic and The project is part of the Pupils and staff devised their own everybody worked hard behind the “NE1 4 Reading” scheme fine footwork at the performances and this year’s inspira- scenes to make it a roaring success. which aims to encourage Lancashire Schools Dance tion was One World – with young peo- “A lot of effort went into producing reading among young peo- Festival 2005. ple interpreting cohesion and under- an entertaining yet fascinating show ple in residential care and The annual event was hosted at standing through dance. and it was well received by the audi- give them access to good Preston’s Charter Theatre and fea- Susan Cooke, the county council’s ence.” quality literature. 4 January 2006 Providing • bridge maintenance • paths Providing • adult education • libraries January 2006 5 WIN a tasty hamper of Lancashire goodies County’s crown for unsung IN the last edition of Vision Foods, to butchers and top restau- we reported on how local rants. farming is being marketed We have one hamper that will be WATCHDOGS at Cou- through the Made in filled with tasty cuts worth £100 – a nty Hall are friends of Lancashire initiative. very tasty way to start the New Year. heroes the public in ensuring Now Vision readers can win a fan- All you have to do to stand a chance that money is wisely tastic prize from one of the companies of winning is answer the following: spent and that services who are keeping the county’s tradition- What are the types of meat that are Lifesavers, teachers, and stars of sport are tailored to public al farming industry alive. sold through Bowland Forest Foods? need. The farmers, who have joined Send your entries to: Bowland and music join with Lancashire County The “overview and together under the Bowland Forest Forest Foods competition, Vision, scrutiny” investiga- Foods banner, strive to produce their Corporate Communications COMMUNITY TEAM: Council to celebrate the Red Rose spirit tions into public serv- meat in environmentally friendly Group, County Hall, Preston, PR1 ices can be requested ways in a part of the county which is 8XJ. Brunshaw Action by YOUR county coun- Deadline for entries is 23 January. recognised as an area of outstanding ANCASHIRE Day was tremendous courage by pulling his mother cillor. natural beauty. If you do not win you can always Group seek out some of the company’s food at celebrated in style at from a crashed car while on the motorway They have provided a hamper of The Brunshaw Action Group was set up in 2000 with no thought for his own safety. A clearly premium quality, Lancashire-reared, local butchers or restaurants. A full list the second annual Red Health is available at the Bowland Forest to try to cut the amount of juvenile nuisance and emotional Paul said: “I am extremely proud beef, lamb and pork. The meat comes crime in the Burnley area. L Rose Awards ceremony. to receive this award.” from farms around the county and Foods website at: www.bowlandfor- Hosted by Lancashire comedian Ted or by calling 01524 793558. The group regularly organises mini-breaks, Those who attended the event all agreed worries finds its way, through Bowland Forest puts on shows and young people’s talent con- Robbins, the awards celebrated all that is that it was fantastic night made all the tests for up to 6,000 people every year. great about Lancashire and its residents. more special by scintillating performances WARD closures BBC presenter Peter Holland, centre, is pic- World-renowned cricketer Andrew from pop sensations Lemar and Darren being carried out by tured presenting members with their award. Flintoff was a hugely popular winner taking Hayes, formerly of Savage Garden. Pickwick night launch for adult centre home two awards - the Sports Person of the Hundreds of nominations were received , Fylde Year and Lancastrian of the Year, the latter for the awards, held at Park Hall, Chorley, and Wyre NHS A NEW adult learn- being presented by Sir Tom Finney. that were backed jointly by Lancashire Hospitals Trust will ing centre has been Flintoff was unable to accept his awards County Council, the Lancashire Evening have a serious launched with an in person as he was on tour with the Post, Rock FM, Magic 999 and BBC Radio England Squad in Pakistan. In his place Lancashire. impact on the coun- open evening to let were his parents to accept his awards. His County Councillor Hazel Harding, ty’s services for staff meet the public. father, Colin, said: “Andrew is extremely Lancashire County Council leader, said: older people, accord- Whalley now boasts the HEALTH WORKER: proud to be a Lancastrian and to receive “The Red Rose Awards are all about reward- ing to a report to county’s newest Adult this award.” ing those who really represent Lancashire Centre and it opened by Steve Mannion COMMUNITY But it was not only celebrities who at its best. the Health taking part in the village’s received awards. The real stars of the night “We had hundreds of nominations - and Equalities Overview Pickwick Night celebra- Steve Mannion, pictured here with his children and CHAMPION: were those Lancastrians who would nor- each represented something very special. LANCASTRIAN OF THE YEAR: Andrew Flintoff and Scrutiny tions. comedian , is an orthopaedic surgeon at mally receive little recognition or public Each one of those people is an asset to their Committee. The former Whalley Colin Makinson Blackpool Victoria Hospital. Earlier this year he flew acclaim. Their work and achievements were community and to the county as a whole. Managers report that Grammar School building Professional Sports Person of the Year (by public On his return to Lancashire he was made a out to Sri Lanka to work alongside local medics on Colin (pictured centre with two Preston North firmly put in the spotlight. “They made me proud to be a the decision to temporari- was founded in 1549 and is vote) Freeman of his hometown, Preston. the most severely injured patients following the End players), a community warden on Preston’s Just one example from the array of Lancastrian. These people represent the ly close wards providing now run in partnership Represented here by his parents Colin, right, and Colin and Susan are pictured here at the awards tsunami tragedy. Callon estate, has spent the last four years heroes and heroines who make Lancashire strength of character that really sets us day care for older people, between Lancashire Adult Susan, left, Andrew “Freddie” Flintoff cemented his ceremony with former Preston North End and He also joined a team which spent two weeks in building a fantastic community spirit among great was Paul Woodhouse who received the apart. Every society ultimately rests on the post-operative care and Learning and Accrington place as one of the world’s great cricketers in 2005 England footballer Sir Tom Finney and County Malawi training clinicians to treat children with cere- people young and old with a series of projects Young Person of the Year award. desire to work together and help others - rehabilitation facilities and Rossendale College. by playing a pivotal role in England’s victory in the Councillor Hazel Harding, Lancashire County bral palsy. and clubs. Crime has since fallen by 50 per cent. Paul received his award for showing those qualities are alive and well.” will put extra pressure The centre offers courses Ashes test. Council leader. on the council’s services in subjects such as lan- which support older peo- guages crafts, general ple in their homes. studies and holistic thera- The closures are being pies. Tel 0845 0561886 for Brave teen Karate girl’s WHALLEY launch: from left, helpers Bob Tidman, Karen Swainston-Thomas, Janet Scott and put in place at Lytham more details. Tracy Driscoll. Hospital, Fleetwood Hospital, Rossall Day saves mum in world rating Hospital and Rossall Hospital Rehabilitation Unit to reduce the Trust’s financial overspend. M6 crash County Councillor Tim Ormrod, committee chairman, said: “We have made representations to TEACHER OF THE the Trust in the light of concerns and asked them YEAR: Julie Morrow to reconsider the propos- which any Christian can hold. Many letters have been received on al to close the wards.” Love thy The religions do not and can not this subject for the second month run- Julie, pictured here with television’s Dave share the same God. Christianity ning. This correspondence is now Guest, is headteacher at Stoneygate Nursery neighbour holds the deity and atoning death of closed - Editor School, Preston. Check I AM heartened to note that Jesus - Islam denies this. Christianity Her drive and determination has turned this reveals a Trinitarian God with God as Bus-t up former state-run, under-used nursery school the two letters Vision pub- Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is into a first-class establishment. on drugs lished from Muslims (You’re also denied by Islam. WE are all committed to A £1m redevelopment has turned the school Telling Us, December) were Islam teaches that God is far improving transport - but are into an all-round children’s centre, which also SERVICES for conciliatory and expressed tol- removed from humanity. Christianity we pursuing the right course of offers services helping unemployed parents to reveals that God is love and that we find work. young people who erance and understanding of can have a personal relationship with action? misuse drugs and other faiths. Him. I remember the big debate in the Rossendale, has built the alcohol will soon be mid-1990s when many people claimed BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT AWARD: Ted Robbins We must avoid the dogmatic and Neither Christians nor Muslims can Hurstwood Group into one under the spotlight fundamentalist attitudes we see in accept that we worship the same God. we should favour public transport at PERSON OF of the North West’s leading Presenter of Radio Ted is an adopted society. What happened to the Angel’s Christians can live side by side with the expense of private transport. property firms. at a meeting of the There were political claims, of course, PAUL Woodhouse from Lancaster saved his Lancashire’s morning Lancastrian, originally message of “Peace on Earth and good- those of other cultures and faiths. THE YEAR: It now has a nationwide HAILING from Penwortham, 17–year-old External Overview However, as a Christian we seek to but the main claim was environmental mum’s life as a lorry smashed into their car show, Rossendale-based being from Liverpool, and will to all men”? Or Christ’s injunction construction arm and an Ted has become a public Beverley Sturzaker became Amateur and Scrutiny to “Love thy neighbour as thyself”? share the good news that Jesus is - that buses created less pollution following a pile-up on the M6. Stephen is a keen amateur rugby than cars. expanding motor dealer- favourite for his screen Sportsperson Red Rose Award winner for Committee. If, as Muslims, Christians and Jews Lord, Saviour and God. He can never The 15-year-old, who won Lancashire’s Red Rose player in the Rossendale I have just been stuck behind three Ashworth ship interest. roles in TV hit shows her success in karate. Councillors are con- purport to believe, we are all children be just a prophet or a good man. Young Person of the Year Award, was dragging his area. buses which, between them, had gen- injured mum Carol out of the window of their wrecked He has raised over “Calendar Girls”, “The Beverley has been representing Great Britain on the cerned that complicated of the Almighty God is it not about D WOODWARD Ted also presents the central government erated their own traffic jam of about 10 Rover after the first accident on the motorway when the In the last 10 years £50,000 for charity in his League of Gentlemen”, world stage since she was 11. time that we started to act like broth- Coppull programme “Boot Sale bureaucracy, uncertain cars. When they reached a bus stop we wagon hit. Stephen Ashworth, from spare time. “Little Britain” and In that time she’s won four world championships, ers, and not like Cain and Abel? Challenge”. funding and a lack of all had to stop. Even when they start- The impact shunted the car down the carriageway “”. four world cup titles and is a five times World Karate THERE is only one creator joint working between These three religions are based on ed again I never got beyond trundling and crushed the side where his mum had been sitting – Association (WKA) Great Britain title winner. creationism and monotheism. God (You’re Telling Us, but Paul did not let go. When she is not competing Beverley dedicates large local agencies could be along in second gear. None of the buses hampering efforts to Therefore they cannot say, “My God is December). He is known as had more than a handful of people on If it had not been for his bravery in clinging onto his Win gifts from Darren and Lemar parts of her spare time to training beginners. not your God”, because that negates mum the consequences could have been much worse. She said: “I’m very happy to have won a Red Rose tackle drug and alcohol Yahweh to the Jews, Jehovah board. problems in the county. the concept of monotheism. to the Christians and Allah to It may be wise in a social sense but Speaking to Vision after receiving his award from Award although I don’t know who nominated me – JR BURDIN R’n’B star Lemar, Paul said: “My mum only told me I WIN a copy of chart top- To be in with a chance, answer they’re not allowed to tell you that. A task group set up in the Muslims. can we still say it is environmentally our simple question: 2003 came up with a Longton sensible? had been nominated a couple of weeks before and I was per Lemar’s fantastic new “I train every day and when I’m not training I’m help- Judaism, Christianity and Islam very happy to be invited to the awards night. On which television talent ing beginners. I’ve been instructing since I got my black series of recommenda- are known as monotheistic faiths P DOUGLAS CD, courtesy of Vision and show did Lemar spring to tions for the many coun- VISION’S artcile about Rossendale “But I had no idea I was going to win. I was shocked our friends at Rock FM. belt when I was 11 years old. because they acknowledge one God. and had butterflies in my stomach when my name was fame? “I like seeing what I’m giving to other people by being cil functions which pro- Ramadan and claimed similar- Lemar also found time to sign Every culture is different. If there is announced. a) Fame Academy b) Pop Idol their instructor - you can see the satisfaction they get vide services. LANCASHIRE HERO: posters for our lucky winners ities between Christianity and ever to be harmony among the faiths, Letters containing a “My sister was also in the crash and came along to c) The X Factor from improving their technique. It’s also good to see Now councillors on the when he dropped into the Red Islam (November) has certain- a more tolerant approach will be need- name and address will the awards. She’s a big fan of Lemar so I think she was younger children getting involved in something they External O&S committee Ishaq Ahmed Rose Awards. Send your answers to: Vision ed from fundamentalists. even more excited than I was.” enjoy.” are to quiz their col- ly caused surprise. Its conclu- be given priority. We’ve also got two CDs from Music Competition, Corporate D BALSHAW Paul’s mum Carol added: “I’m very proud of Paul and Ishaq confronted a masked raider after hearing screams Beverley’s success has seen her compete all over the leagues in the council’s sions, however, are not those Letters may be edited. Aussie singer Darren Hayes, for- Communications Group, County Leyland grateful to him for saving my life. from the chemist next door to his business in Preston. world from the US and Canada to Austria and Ireland. Cabinet on what progress merly with Savage Garden. Hall, Preston, PR1 8XJ. We can not provide “He’s my hero. If it wasn’t for what he did that night Despite attempts to stab him, Ishaq tackled the man, pin- She is currently studying at Preston College and is has been made to Two lucky winners win a copy Competition closing date is 23 individual replies. I’m sure I wouldn’t be here today.” ning him to the floor until police arrived. Ishaq is pictured hoping to become a full-time fitness instructor. improve the situation. Let off steam - tell Vision what you think here with boxer Michael Jennings. of each CD and a signed poster. January. 6 January 2006 Providing • food safety • air quality

SCIENCE boffins at Lancashire eral manager, said: “In a nutshell, County Council have devised a new we have a way of using smaller road surface that produces less road aggregate within a thinner surface Quieter noise and is faster to lay – causing to create a smoother surface and less congestion while roads are less noise. “It also means resurfacing can be being improved. done faster, which means less dis- driving Experts say the public will love the ruption and congestion. thinner-than-usual surfaces as “The new process is suitable for smaller aggregate within the tar- resurfacing where the underlying LCDL on the macadam mean less vibration and road is structurally sound.” that means less noise. Inadequate road “foundations” will The county council’s development continue to be replaced as normal county’s programme involved laboratory but many will now include the new experts and Lancashire County surfacing. update Engineering Services (LCES) in Dave added: “It’s highly beneficial months of testing ways of improv- for the public – especially in urban roads ing existing materials. areas where people are sensitive to Dave Beaton, LCES highways gen- sound and vibration.” Brief Encounter Anniversary At Young people building a Carnforth future in construction Special screenings to mark the 60th anniver- sary of the filming of Brief Encounter in 1945 brought back one of the cast members to Learning the value Carnforth in November. Brief Encounter was filmed in 1945 and actress of Woodland Margaret Barton who played the character of Beryl Walters returned to the town in 2005 for Management the occasion. Young people in Burnley have been down to The special screenings of the film, held at the the woods – but not for a picnic. The Furness & Midland Hall at Carnforth Station Visitor Centre also included a chance They were taking part in a special Woodland to see the classic 1936 documentary Night Training Day organised by the Lancashire Mail, featuring the Royal Mail overnight steam Woodlands Project, the Forest of Burnley and train from London to Scotland via the West Offshoots Permaculture Project and supported Coast line. by Lancashire County Developments Ltd. LCDL joined forces with North West Vision (the Their day at Towneley Hall in Burnley started with Regional film and TV commission), Carnforth learning about the importance of basic woodland Station Trust and Mitchell’s Hotels of Lancaster management techniques including thinning and to stage the special event which was well pruning and how these skills can be used to pro- attended by local people and visitors. duce good quality timbers free from knots. Later they went on to work with an experienced mobile sawmill operator, converting round logs into useful timber and finding out how to stack the timber so that it air drys. Towneley Hall and its surrounding park play an important role in the exciting five year Forest of Burnley scheme being carried out by Burnley LEARNING the tricks of the trade: County Councillor Sean Serridge, Jamie-Lee Kirwan and Jay Pearce (students at Building Futures) and Colette Taylor, LCDL project officer. Borough Council and are also receiving support from the Heritage Lottery for restoration works.The conservation and creation of wood- A NEW scheme in successful model run by Central LCDL sees Building Futures as a land areas is vital to the sustainability of Skelmersdale is helping Schools Training in Liverpool and complementary service to its own Lancashire and this £3.2 million scheme is a young people get the skills has been developed by Westgate - Apprentice Scheme. they need to enter the con- Interactive as a social enterprise. Councillor Sean Serridge, a mem- Buddys – major commitment by the Borough to enhanc- Time-served tradesmen deliver ber of the LCDL board, said: “I am ing the work of the County Council in other struction trade. training in bricklaying, plastering, delighted to be able to represent Building Futures, Construction areas of Lancashire. The scheme looks set to stone-masonry, block paving, join- both LCDL and Lancashire County Bouncing with Skills Vocational Training ery, wall tiling, roof maintenance, Council at this celebration of bring Burnley to the forefront of Woodland Programme, based at Westgate - plumbing, basic electrics and gen- Building Futures. Rosebud Management and will be a great benefit for Interactive in West Gillibrands, eral DIY as taster courses. “The project is aimed at helping everyone in Burnley. Skelmersdale has 10,000 sq ft of The Skelmersdale programme, young people who are not high dedicated workshop space and has which is supported by Lancashire achievers in an academic sense, Lancashire County Developments Ltds Local member of the Lancashire County been designed to cater for the County Developments Ltd (LCDL), but have skills and talents that are Rosebud scheme has helped mums and dads needs of young people. helps young people get to grips invaluable to the local community. Developments Ltd board joined the young peo- The workshops were officially in the Leyland area solve the problem of keep- with the tools of their trade and “I see this project as a pilot that ple to find out more. County Councillor Terry opened recently by Una Utley, the hopefully find long-term careers. could be spread across other areas ing youngsters entertained ! Burns who is also Vice Chair of the County Chairman of West Lancashire Students attend from half-day of the county and as a major boost Council said: District Council and County sessions up to a full week with for Skelmersdale. The Buddys Play and Party Centre on King Street Councillor Sean Serridge. many finding a natural aptitude “I am sure the scheme will be a offers a superb children’s play area with four “What a thrill to be able to see first hand how Building Futures is based on a for a particular trade. great success.” themed party rooms. Opened this year by Clare the Lancashire Woodlands Project is working Gore creating 15 local jobs, the centre is attracting with the Borough Council to help these young youngsters from the Leyland area and gives people gain skills that could help them into mums and dads somewhere to meet as well. employment Audit survey praises the Rosebud, offered by Lancashire County “We have a rich woodland heritage in Developments Ltd, allows new and existing Lancashire and by working in partnership on companies in Lancashire access to loan and schemes like this we can make sure that it is equity funding at competitive rates and is not only maintained, but that we leave a richer council for school support designed to encourage new business set up heritage for the future.” and expansion in the county. HEADTEACHERS in Lancas- rated so highly. Staff are already look- ratings were ahead of most neighbour- The young people taking part all received a cer- hire say the support offered to ing for improvements. ing authorities. Chair of LCDL, County Councillor Niki Penney, tificate of achievement and were encouraged to children, young people and Sue Mulvany, Lancashire County Eighty questions about services for called in to see for herself this Rosebud invest- Council executive director of children’s children and young people were asked. consider future employment in the forestry, schools is getting better, ment and meet Buddy the baby dragon and according to a new survey. services, said: “The survey reflects Where comparable with the same arboriculture and conservation sector through very well on the support we give to questions last year, almost nine out of tried out the facilities!. The Audit Commission quizzed Modern Apprenticeship schemes run by children. 10 service areas showed an improved schools nationwide about the support “Most measurements are better, espe- performance. For more information on Business Finance Myerscough and Newton Rigg Colleges. offered by their local authorities – and cially the support for good behaviour – All services for children and young through Rosebud contact us on 01772 538989 Lancashire schools said nine out of 10 a vital concern for many people. people within Lancashire County service areas had improved in the last “We now know that schools are work- Council were brought together to form 12 months. ing together well and that support for one directorate earlier this year – they Action to tackle bullying was rated children with special educational were previously spread across several Lancashire County particularly highly in the county, as needs is rated more highly. departments. was effectiveness in getting schools to “Stopping bullying behaviour was Already there are signs that the cre- Developments Ltd. work together and partnership work- thought to be particularly good.” ation of the new directorate is leading ing between different departments The survey was also conducted in to improved services for all children and other agencies. other local authorities beyond and young people, especially the most A minority of service areas were not Lancashire’s borders – Lancashire’s vulnerable. Providing • information centres • hotlines January 2006 7 A full job description of all vacancies is available on our website Cash in and beat your New Year blues NEWS IN BBRRIIEEFF

THE turkey has been eaten and the tinsel taken down for another year. But the financial Get on headache from Christmas can still be causing pain months down the line if you’ve got little the hotel cash to spare. Knowing who to turn to when you’re struggling to pay skill trail the bills is often difficult and getting lost in the benefits maze can be quite distressing. STAFF at a Ribble Valley However Lancashire County Council’s Welfare Rights hotel have been study- staff are here to help you find your way again with free ing hard to gain a qualifi- and confidential help on claiming any benefits you may be cation in Basic Food entitled to. Hygiene. Last year alone the service gained extra benefits worth County Councillor £24m for Lancashire customers and has won several Niki Penney, chairman of awards including three consecutive Charter Marks for Lancashire County excellent customer service. Developments Ltd You can either get advice over the telephone, arrange an (LCDL), called in at the appointment to see an advisor or visit a drop-in advice ses- Clarion Hotel and sion. It’s that easy. Staff can also visit you at home if you Foxfields Restaurant to are elderly, sick or disabled, or care for children or a per- present the five mem- son with disabilities. bers of staff with their If the festive season has left you with little to celebrate certificates. you can get details of your local welfare rights advice team LCDL has been work- by writing to: Lancashire Welfare Rights Service, ing with Connexions to Freepost, Preston PR1 8BR, or at their website www.lanc- allow staff from tourism or by phoning (01772) 533504. and leisure businesses the opportunity to raise their skills. The Basic Help us Food Hygiene Certificate KNOW your rights: advisors is essential for all staff Pam Johnson, left, and working in a food orien- to list-en Joanne Barker. tated environment. Sponsorship from LCDL and support and DO you know of an mentoring from organisation or Connexions has allowed group that helps or the staff to study for the qualification. supports people Staff gaining the cer- aged 16 or over in Libraries now open tificates were: Aimee the community? Lee Clarkson, Gerrard Lancashire County Morino Olive, Philip Council is setting up a Smith, Michael Gumm, comprehensive list of Matthew Yates. services that help adults and older people with BOOKS, newspapers, family practical tasks, daily liv- trees and business news are Child’s play ing skills, access to learn- now easily available without ALL hours ing or by providing emo- A NEW play centre is tional support. leaving your armchair, thanks keeping youngsters in These are things like to Lancashire’s Library and Leyland entertained befriending schemes, sup- Information Service. thanks to the council’s port groups, faith groups, A world of learning has always been Online info is just a click away economic development gardening services and available at the county’s reference libraries. agency. information services. That will remain the case – but some serv- Lancashire County Dev- But we need your help ices are now also available online as well. elopments Ltd’s Rosebud in compiling the list that They include dictionaries, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Lancashire Lantern – more than 200,000 scheme offers companies will be used to ensure newspapers, business information, local and fam- The dictionary section even has a crossword records, including local societies and indexes to competitive loan and equi- there are minimal gaps in ily history – as well links to debates on social and anagram solver. newspapers, censuses, obituaries and parish reg- ty funding to encourage service provision. issues such as animal rights, drugs, crime and The Oxford Dictionary of National isters. businesses. If you know of a group terrorism. Biography – illustrated collection of more than Web Sites Gateway – a searchable database The Buddy’s Play and or organisation that pro- David Lightfoot, county library manager, said: 50,000 biographies. providing access to over 500 websites checked Party Centre on King vides this type of help, “We are always looking for ways to make our Issues Online – contemporary social issues, and recommended by professional librarians. Street has created 15 new ask them to contact the services more accessible. This new development including hot topics such as crime and terrorism. Simply click the link at: jobs and offers a superb county council on 01772 should be a real help to the people of Lancashire.” Ideal for homework projects. children’s play area with 530822. The Online Reference Library is free, although four themed party rooms. It does not matter if you may need to be a library member to reach What do you think of our online library homework? We want to know. Write to: you think we already some areas. Joining a library is free. Let us know of them as we need service? Did it, for example, help you The Editor, Vision, Corporate Commun- Services now online include: trace your family tree? Do you use it for ications, County Hall, Preston PR1 8XJ. Honesty to make sure. Xrefer – access to 100 encyclopedias, atlases know check

Woodlands in PUPILS in Burnley Work on waste passed a tough travel test with flying colours safe hands after a sweep was car- ried out to catch fraudu- happy with the centres. lent travellers. LANCASHIRE’S woodlands are HOUSEHOLDERS in Lancashire Lancashire County are now recycling more than a Separate bins for different kinds of waste being promoted as a place to be are now supplied to nine in 10 Lancashire Council’s Safer Travel enjoyed by all by the Lancashire third of their waste, Whitehall homes. Unit teamed up with Woodlands Project (LWP). assessors have been told. The judges also heard that the county local police and trans- The county is home to many woods and The assessors were visiting Lancashire to council, in partnership with district coun- port inspectors to forests which provide excellent opportuni- clear trees to help wildlife at the Anderton see the recycling initiatives that have led to cils, aims to see 56 per cent of all waste respond to worries from ties to get out and about and learn about the Centre near Chorley. Lancashire County Council being one of the being recycled by 2015. the bus operator, who local environment. Paul Bullimore, the Woodlands Project best in the nation when it comes to recy- County Councillor Hazel Harding, had reported instances And groups of deaf and visually impaired Officer, said: “These events have been a cling. Lancashire County Council leader, said: of disruption and non- people have been working together with great success. The people involved have By March it will be known if the authori- “Lancashire has been at the forefront of payment of fares. LWP to learn the skills necessary to help shown immense interest and enthusiasm ty has been awarded Beacon Council status waste management for almost a decade and A “gateway check” the woods grow properly and become and have been able to make a really positive for recycling. Latest figures show that 35 we recognise the benefits that can be gained was staged to check havens for wildlife. contribution to looking after our valuable per cent of waste is recycled – up from 11.7 through this. that pupils were paying The county council’s countryside and woodlands. per cent five years ago. “We are all aware of the challenges ahead the correct fares. woodlands officers have teamed up with “It’s great to get people out and about and The assessment panel heard that 23 of us: we must drive our recycling rates and Around 180 pupils’ United Utilities and Galloway’s Society for show them how to manage natural household waste recycling centres across reduce the amount of rubbish produced and passes and tickets were the Blind to use local wood to build bird resources and improve conditions for ani- Lancashire receive three million visitors per make sure that every household in checked and all were boxes at Beacon Fell Country Park and to mal and plant life.” year – and that 99 per cent of people are Lancashire works with us.” found to be valid.