THE WOOSTER VOICE You," Says Kitty Zurko, Who Also Positions Are Open for Chair- Mittees

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THE WOOSTER VOICE You, The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1981-1990 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 1-15-1988 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1988-01-15 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1988-01-15" (1988). The Voice: 1981-1990. 170. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1981-1990 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE WOOSTERj, VOICE Published by the Students ofthe College of Wooster Volume CIV Number 14 Great Decisons series in Scheide 7 : By Graham Rayman Lyj ir What do an attorney from Canadian foreign ministry,' will be chev's reforms, a particularly hot Mexico, a Soviet defector, a US lecturing on US Trade and Global topic these days, will be dis- State Department official, and a Markets: Risks and Opportunities. cussed. The speaker, Alexandra trade official from Canada have in Joining Lederman will be Ralph Costa, a former employee of the common? They are all going to Regula, 16th district representa- the Glasnost and Pcrestroika re- be speakers in this year's "Great tive in the US House of Represen- forms have affected the country. Decisions" lecture series, a forum tatives, as commentator. The The Scries, a forum presented for debate is- and discussion on multi-later- al international free in cooperation with both the col- sues of foreign policy here at the trade system has been a fierce in- lege and the Woostcr community, College. tellectual battleground; many eco- is in its eighth year. Though the The lectures, sponsored by nomics and international relations forum has been previously held in the College, The Daily Record, analysts arguing that the system Mateer auditorium, and Lean Lec- the Cleveland Council on World is hurting the US more than help- ture Room as well as in the Affairs and various community or- ing even though the US are its Woostcr high school auditorium, Choral Union conductor Jack Russell guides the group ganizations and businesses, second-large- will st exporter. this year it has been moved to the rehearsal. (Photo by Dalex Walker) center, as always, on United Then on January 28, Gorba-Sovi- ct plush Gault Recital Hall in States foreign policy in different Foreign Ministry and au- Scheide. Choral Union presents program areas around the globe. On Janu- thor of Stepping Down From the ary 21. Lawrence Lederman, the Star, will discuss the realities of of choral masterpieces panist in the department of music. Senior Trade Commissioner in the the Soviet Union today and how The Wooster Choral Union will accompany the Choral Union will present "A Program of Choral . on the Davis Memorial Organ in Masterpieces" en Sunday after- . Clergy Academy of McGaw Chapel. Yarnell graduated Wooster" noon. Jan. 17. at 4:00 in pjn. University McGaw Chapel. This first concert from Wayne State in Religion offers lecture series of the current season by The Detroit in 1971 where she majored By Marie Kilbane Wooster Choral Union will feature in piano. Through graduate work eight works widely regarded as in organ and sacred music at Wit- "Spirituality and Contempo- of living in the contemporary cul- studies department during which tenberg University, she earned her masterpieces of the choral reper- rary Culture" is the theme of the ture. Sister Margaret Harig. direc- time he was twice the Dean of the master's degree in 1978. For the Newman Catholic Com- 1972 and 1974. He toire. Choral works composed by 1988 series of lectures sponsored tor of Academy in three years she was the full-tim- e by the Woostcr Clergy Academy munity on campus and Academy moved to the department of phi- Bach. Handel, Berlioz, Mendels- sohn, Mozart and Brahms "will director 'of music and organist at of Religion. Now in its twenty-secon- d board member says, "Behind the losophy in 1975. He will be giv- Zion Lutheran Church in Wooster. - offer the listener a musical collage year- of existence, the actions of Christians there must ing the closing speech of the ser- Professor music of. enormous variety and musical' Associate of Acadmey annually sponsors be spiritual foundation to help ies on Mar. 1 entitled "Living the John Russell is music director and -- color." according to Musical Di- speakers to address the clergy, solve problems." She believes Beatitudes." the Choral Union. rector and choral conductor John conductor of community, and campus on vari- that the speakers will present a The upcoming program in the Russell received his undergraduate Co-sponso- the-departm- Russell. red A ous themes. by ent rich array of ideas as they come series .features Daniel Berrigan. Con- - training at Oberlin College' poet, and spiritual . The history of The Wooster- of'religious studies, from a mixture of traditions and Jesuit priest, servatory of Music where he ma- well-know- n for his Choral Union spans a period of the Academy consists of a board experiences. director, he is jored in organ playing, studying with- well over 60 years. The choir has of Protestant and Roman Catholic Dr. Richard H. Bell, professor political and social activism with Haskell Thomson, and stud- is always been the foundation of clergy. of philosophy at The College of in the United States. His speech ied choral conducting with Robert is Global Wooster's choral program. Known This year's program is con- Wooster, the Academic Dean for entitled "Spirituality and Fountain. He completed graduate aca- will be speaking at variously as the Wooster Oratorio cerned with the need of the Church this year's series. His area of Conflict." He studies at Boston University and its individual members to demic interest has been the phi- Freedlander Theatre at 1:15 on Society, the Wooster Bach Choir, college-- where he held a fellowship in religion. He was pre- 19. program will be fol- and the Concert Choir, this make God. relevant and important losophy of Jan. The choral conducting. as the Church faces the challenge viously a member of the religious lowed by a reception sponsored community choral organiza- the Newman Club in Freedland- tion was conducted for many years by The Inter-raci- al House be giving by Richard Gore, emeritus profes- er lobby. He will also (Shearer) is holding a pro- College sor of music. the Morris lecture for the in campus on Jan. 18 in Wishart Currently its membership gram celebration of the Hall. Lean Lecture Room at 7:30 comprises more than 120 Wooster life of Martin Luther King p.m. students, faculty and staff as well tonight at 7 p.m. All are The remaining programs will as many persons from Wayne welcome! The celebration take place Jan. 26; Feb. 9. 16, County. Since its earliest begin- will begin with a march 23; and Mar. 1. Registration will nings. The Wooster Choral Union around campus, leaving 12:30-1:1- lec- has the perfor- be from 5 with the been dedicated to from in front of Lowry at 7, tures beginning at 1:15 p.m. AH mance of larger choral works, fre and then a discussion in sessions will be held in Lean Lec- quently with orchestra. Lowry Pit centering on the ture Room with the exceptions of Later this season the Choral Civil Rights Movement, Dr. There is Union and orchestra will perform David Berrigan's speech. fu- for the commu- "A German Requiem." Opus 45, by King's life and what the a registration fee ture holds for Blacks in the nity. College of Wooster students Johannes Brahms on April 17. are admitted free of charge. Pamela Yarnell aff accom United States. J 1988 Page 2: THE WOOSTERj VOICE: .January 15, Troyer Program empasizes care for elderly By Margie Singleton to drive. She said, 'At least little, I mean you're just visiting the College campus. The best way vidual basis. Twice a month, the easier For the 1987-8- 8 school can walk.' That really someone. But when you talk with to do this was to become involved 12 women go to the home on a you still year, the women of Troyer House me stop and think how much them and hear what they have to in a program. Saturday or Sunday afternoon to made have been involved in the "Love we never even think say you realize that they feel they wanted to woik with play bingo or cards. Sometimes we have that is Ageless" program at the Horn They are at the weakest point in their are sing-a-long- s. Before about." Nursing Home in downtown the elderly because of the wisdom there and they need support. They Christmas, they sang carols with Margie Singleton said, lives Woostcr. The program is modeled and knowledge that can be gained need a friend." the residents. "Every time I go to the home, the after an "adopt-a-grandparen- t" pro- from the residents' many years of. old people tell me to enjoy my- This has been an extremely The Sophomore Troyer resident gram carried out in a program experience. students also live life to the fullest rewarding experience for all the " Stacy Kelly said, "Being at the self and to house at the College several years wanted to bring their youthful en- Troyer House women.
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