ANNUAL REPORT 2010 / 2011 eThekwini Municipality Contact Details P.O. Box 1014 Email:
[email protected] Durban Website: 4000 CONTENTS Page No. Volume One Preface 3 Acronyms 4 Chapter One Mayor's Foreword 8 Municipal Manager's Overview 10 Chapter Two Governance 12 2.1 Introduction to governance 12 2.2 Political governance 12 2.3 Administrative governance 16 2.4 International and Intergovernmental relations 17 Chapter Three Service Delivery Performance 19 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Water Provision 20 3.3 Waste Water (Sanitation) Provision 23 3.4 Electricity Provision 27 3.5 Waste Management 30 3.6 Housing 32 3.7 Roads 33 3.8 Transport 35 3.9 Stormwater Drainage 37 3.10 Local Economic Development ( including Tourism and Markets) 39 3.11 Security and Safety 43 3.12 Disaster Management 44 3.13 Fire and Emergency Services 45 3.14 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 47 Chapter Four Organisational Development Performance 106 4.1 Introduction 106 4.2 Employees 106 4.3 Managing the Municipal Workforce 109 4.4 Capacitating the Municipal Workforce 111 4.5 Managing the Workforce Expenditure 111 Chapter Five Financial Performance 113 5.1 Introduction 113 5.2 Statements of Financial Performance 113 5.3 Grants 117 5.4 Asset Management 120 5.5 Performance Indicators and benchmarks 122 5.6 Financial Ratios 125 5.7 Spending against Capital Budget 131 5.8 Sources of Finance 132 5.9 Capital Expenditure of five largest projects 133 5.10 Cash Flow Management and Investments 135 1 5. 11 Borrowings and Investments 137 5.